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13 Web Pages

When we dub a program a GNU package, we list its GNU home page, named package in ‘’, on and To avoid broken links, the webmasters create a temporary home page as follows:

This temporary home page ought to be replaced with the real one as soon as possible.

Some GNU packages have just simple web pages, but the more information you provide, the better. So please write as much as you usefully can, and put all of it on However, pages that access databases (including mail archives and bug tracking) are an exception; set them up on whatever site is convenient for you, and make the pages on link to that site.

Your web pages should follow our usual standards (see The overall goals are to support a wide variety of browsers, to focus on information rather than visual adornments, and to keep consistent on certain important points.

We encourage you to use the standard template as the basis for your pages: This template changes slightly from time to time for various reasons. If a change affects existing web pages, the webmasters will inform you; then you can make the change or they can.

Please follow the best practices of accessibility in your web pages (see

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