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education.zh-cn.po 1513
education.zh-cn.po Mismatched links: 1. Mismatched ids: 0. # text 17 In this six-minutes video Richard Stallman explains briefly and to the point the principles of Free Software and how they connect to education. 在这段6分钟的视频中 <a href=" ">理 ... - [detail] - [similar]
misinterpreting-copyright.zh-cn.po 1513
misinterpreting-copyright.zh-cn.po Mismatched links: 8. Mismatched ids: 0. # text 3 by <a href=" ">Richard Stallman</a> <a href=" ">理查德·斯托曼</a> 著 89 If you would like to help, I recommend the Web sites <a href=" https://www.defective ... - [detail] - [similar]
freedom-or-power.zh-tw.po 1503
freedom-or-power.zh-tw.po Mismatched links: 4. Mismatched ids: 1. # text 15 | We believe you should decide what to do with the software you use; | however, that is not what today's law says. Current copyright law places | us in the position of power over users of our code, whether we lik ... - [detail] - [similar]
right-to-read.zh-tw.po 1503
right-to-read.zh-tw.po Mismatched links: 20. Mismatched ids: 0. # text 3 | by <a href="http{+s+}://">Richard Stallman</a> by <a href=" ">Richard Stallman</a> 作者為 <a href=" ">Richard Stallman</a> 20 | <a [-href="http:/ ... - [detail] - [similar]
gnu-history.zh-tw.po 1503
gnu-history.zh-tw.po Mismatched links: 14. Mismatched ids: 0. # text 4 | The GNU operating system is a complete free software system, | upward-compatible with Unix. GNU stands for &ldquo;GNU's Not | [-Unix&rdquo;.-] {+Unix.&rdquo;+} It is pronounced as <a | href="/gnu/pronunciation.html" ... - [detail] - [similar]
GNU 通用公眾授權條款 v3.0 - GNU 專案 - 自由軟體基金會 1503
GNU 通用公眾授權條款 GPLv3 快速指南 為什麼要升級到 GPLv3 GNU 授權條款常見問題 如何在你的軟體中使用 GNU 授權條款 GPL 的翻譯版本 其他格式的 GPL: 純文字 、 Texinfo 、 LaTeX 、 獨立的 HTML 、 ODF 、Docbook v4 或 v5 、 reStructuredText 、 Markdown 與 RTF 。 可與您專案一同使用的 GPLv3 標誌 舊版 ... - [detail] - [similar]
GNU 自由文件授權條款 v1.3 - GNU 專案 - 自由軟體基金會 1503
GNU 自由文件授權條款 FDL 1.3 常見問題 FDL 1.2 與 1.3 間變動的標記 (PostScript) 使用 FDL 的訣竅 如何使用 GFDL 的可選特性 GFDL 的翻譯版本 其他格式的 GNU LGPL: 純文字 、 Texinfo 、 獨立的 HTML 、DocBook/XML v4 或 v5 、 LaTeX 、 Markdown 、 ODF 、 RTF 為什麼出版商應當使用 GNU 自由文件授權條款 ... - [detail] - [similar]
about-gnu.zh-tw.po 1503
about-gnu.zh-tw.po Mismatched links: 9. Mismatched ids: 0. # text 3 | [-GNU-]{+GNU&#8239;<a href="#f1">[1]</a>+} was launched by Richard | Stallman (rms) in 1983, as an operating system which would be put together | by people working together for the freedom of all software users to | co ... - [detail] - [similar]
copyleft.zh-tw.po 1503
copyleft.zh-tw.po Mismatched links: 4. Mismatched ids: 0. # text 8 | Copyleft also helps programmers who want to contribute <a | [-href="/prep/tasks.html">improvements</a>-] | {+href="/help/help.html">improvements</a>+} to <a | href="/philosophy/free-sw.html">free software</a> get permis ... - [detail] - [similar]
government-free-software.zh-tw.po 1503
government-free-software.zh-tw.po Mismatched links: 6. Mismatched ids: 0. # text 4 | by <a href="http{+s+}://">Richard Stallman</a> by <a href=" ">Richard Stallman</a> 作者為 <a href=" ">Richard Stallman</a> 17 | Laws an ... - [detail] - [similar]
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