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gnu-history.zh-tw.po 1825
gnu-history.zh-tw.po Mismatched links: 14. Mismatched ids: 0. # text 4 | The GNU operating system is a complete free software system, | upward-compatible with Unix. GNU stands for &ldquo;GNU's Not | [-Unix&rdquo;.-] {+Unix.&rdquo;+} It is pronounced as <a | href="/gnu/pronunciation.html" ... - [detail] - [similar]
自由或權力? - GNU 專案 - 自由軟體基金會 1817
自由或權力? 作者為 Bradley M. Kuhn 與 Richard M. Stallman 對自由的愛就是對他人的愛;對權力的愛就是對自己的愛。 -- William Hazlitt 在自由軟體運動中,我們支持軟體使用者的自由。我們探尋何種自由才是生活的良好態度,藉此來形塑我們的觀點,並讓有用的程式培養一個和善、合作且有良好協作的社群。 我們的自 ... - [detail] - [similar]
imperfection-isnt-oppression.zh-tw.po 1741
imperfection-isnt-oppression.zh-tw.po Mismatched links: 2. Mismatched ids: 0. # text 14 | Please see the <a | href="/server/standards/README.translations.html">Translations | README</a> for information on coordinating and [-submitting-] | {+contributing+} translations of this article. Pl ... - [detail] - [similar] 1644 Mismatched links: 13. Mismatched ids: 0. # text 10 | One case where using a different license can be justified is when you make | major changes to a work under a non-copyleft license. If the version | you've created is considerably more useful than the origi ... - [detail] - [similar] 1627 Mismatched links: 10. Mismatched ids: 0. # text 10 One case where using a different license can be justified is when you make major changes to a work under a non-copyleft license. If the version you've created is considerably more useful than the original ... - [detail] - [similar]
free-software-song.zh-cn.po 1592
free-software-song.zh-cn.po Mismatched links: 8. Mismatched ids: 0. # text 39 In 2012, the band Sebkha-Chott released a <em>matricide</em> of the Free Software Song to celebrate the death of <a href="">ACTA</a>. It's available in <a href=" https://ia80 ... - [detail] - [similar]
individual-projects.zh-cn.po 1592
individual-projects.zh-cn.po Mismatched links: 2. Mismatched ids: 0. # text 21 Please send general FSF &amp; GNU inquiries to <a href="">&lt;;</a>. There are also <a href="/contact/">other ways to contact</a> the FSF. Broken links and other corrections or ... - [detail] - [similar]
audio-video-docs.zh-cn.po 1592
audio-video-docs.zh-cn.po Mismatched links: 2. Mismatched ids: 0. # text 48 Please send general FSF &amp; GNU inquiries to <a href="">&lt;;</a>. There are also <a href="/contact/">other ways to contact</a> the FSF. Broken links and other corrections or sug ... - [detail] - [similar]
fdl-1.3-faq.zh-cn.po 1592
fdl-1.3-faq.zh-cn.po Mismatched links: 4. Mismatched ids: 0. # text 5 Late last year, the Wikimedia Foundation, which oversees the <a href=" ">Wikipedia</a> project, passed a resolution asking us to update the FDL so as to allow Wikipedia and similar Wikis using ... - [detail] - [similar]
為什麼要稱為 GNU/Linux? - GNU 專案 - 自由軟體基金會 1580
名稱的重要性 作者為 Richard Stallman 名稱傳達了意義;我們對名稱的選擇決定了我們說出來的話的含義。不恰當的名字會傳達給人們錯誤的想法。有著其他名字的玫瑰聞起來依然甜美,但如果你把它叫作筆,那麼人們想要用它來寫字時就會很失望。而如果你把筆稱作「玫瑰」,人們可能沒辦法理解它們有什麼用。如果你把我們 ... - [detail] - [similar]
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