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#keywords: 騙</ (30995), 體</ (24371), 欺騙 (24234), 壞</ (23246), 意軟 (20803), 的惡 (18278), 惡意 (18102), deception (14881), 車內 (14010), 破壞 (12450), proprietary (11405), tethers (9755), 內的 (8427), tocpatrons (6648), addictions (6305), tyrants (6009), obsolescence (5913), edtech (5682), sabotage (5644), malware (5617), conferencing (5510), coverups (4881), 哪些 (4787), href (4072), coercion (3852), mobiles (3635), jails (3415), patrons (3304), insurance (3303), 系統 (3298), 的系 (3139), 翻譯 (2955)
proprietary.zh-tw.po Mismatched links: 47. Mismatched ids: 1. # text 4 | [-Table-]{+<a href="#TOC">Table+} of [-Contents-] {+contents</a>+} <a href=" #TOC ">Table of contents</a> 目錄 5 | <a [-href="#patrons" id="TOCpatrons">Patrons</a>-] | {+href="#latest">Latest additions</a>+} <a href=" #latest ">Latest additions</a> <a href=" #patrons " id=" TOCpatrons ">大力資助者</a> 13 When talking about mobile phones, we do list <a href=" /proprietary/malware-mobiles.html#phone-communications ">one other malicious characteristic, location tracking</a> which is caused by the underlying radio system rather than by the specific software in them. 16 If you want to be notified when we add new items or make other changes, subscribe to the <a href=" ">mailing list &lt;;</a>. 19 | <a [-href="/proprietary/proprietary-deception.html">Deception</a>-] | {+href="/proprietary/proprietary-addictions.html">Addictions</a>+} <a href=" /proprietary/proprietary-addictions.html ">Addictions</a> <a href=" /proprietary/proprietary-deception.html ">欺騙</a> 20 | <a href="/proprietary/proprietary-back-doors.html">Back [-doors</a>-] | {+doors</a>&nbsp;(<a href="#f1">1</a>)+} <a href="/proprietary/proprietary-back-doors.html">Back doors</a>&nbsp;(<a href=" #f1 ">1</a>) <a href="/proprietary/proprietary-back-doors.html">後門</a> 22 | <a [-href="/proprietary/proprietary-deception.html">Deception</a>-] | {+href="/proprietary/proprietary-coercion.html">Coercion</a>+} <a href=" /proprietary/proprietary-coercion.html ">Coercion</a> <a href=" /proprietary/proprietary-deception.html ">欺騙</a> 25 | <a [-href="/proprietary/proprietary-sabotage.html">Sabotage</a>-] | {+href="/proprietary/proprietary-drm.html">DRM</a>&nbsp;(<a | href="#f2">2</a>)+} <a href=" /proprietary/proprietary-drm.html ">DRM</a>&nbsp;(<a href=" #f2 ">2</a>) <a href=" /proprietary/proprietary-sabotage.html ">破壞</a> 26 | <a [-href="/proprietary/proprietary-coverups.html">Coverups</a>-] | {+href="/proprietary/proprietary-fraud.html">Fraud</a>+} <a href=" /proprietary/proprietary-fraud.html ">Fraud</a> <a href=" /proprietary/proprietary-coverups.html ">屏蔽</a> 30 | <a [-href="/proprietary/proprietary-sabotage.html">Sabotage</a>-] | {+href="/proprietary/proprietary-jails.html">Jails</a>&nbsp;(<a | href="#f3">3</a>)+} <a href=" /proprietary/proprietary-jails.html ">Jails</a>&nbsp;(<a href=" #f3 ">3</a>) <a href=" /proprietary/proprietary-sabotage.html ">破壞</a> 31 | <a [-href="/proprietary/proprietary-deception.html">Deception</a>-] | {+href="/proprietary/proprietary-manipulation.html">Manipulation</a>+} <a href=" /proprietary/proprietary-manipulation.html ">Manipulation</a> <a href=" /proprietary/proprietary-deception.html ">欺騙</a> 32 | <a [-href="/proprietary/proprietary-deception.html">Deception</a>-] | {+href="/proprietary/proprietary-obsolescence.html">Obsolescence</a>+} <a href=" /proprietary/proprietary-obsolescence.html ">Obsolescence</a> <a href=" /proprietary/proprietary-deception.html ">欺騙</a> 36 | <a [-href="/proprietary/proprietary-tethers.html">Tethers</a> to | servers-] | {+href="/proprietary/proprietary-tethers.html">Tethers</a>&nbsp;(<a | href="#f4">4</a>)+} <a href="/proprietary/proprietary-tethers.html">Tethers</a>&nbsp;(<a href=" #f4 ">4</a>) <a href="/proprietary/proprietary-tethers.html">綁死</a>在伺服器 37 | <a [-href="/proprietary/proprietary-sabotage.html">Sabotage</a>-] | {+href="/proprietary/proprietary-tyrants.html">Tyrants</a>&nbsp;(<a | href="#f5">5</a>)+} <a href=" /proprietary/proprietary-tyrants.html ">Tyrants</a>&nbsp;(<a href=" #f5 ">5</a>) <a href=" /proprietary/proprietary-sabotage.html ">破壞</a> 40 | <a [-href="/proprietary/malware-cars.html">Malware in cars</a>-] | {+href="/proprietary/malware-cars.html">Cars</a>+} <a href=" /proprietary/malware-cars.html ">Cars</a> <a href=" /proprietary/malware-games.html ">車內的惡意軟體</a> 41 | <a [-href="/proprietary/malware-cars.html">Malware in cars</a>-] | {+href="/proprietary/malware-in-online-conferencing.html">Conferencing</a | >+} <a href=" /proprietary/malware-in-online-conferencing.html ">Conferencing</a> <a href=" /proprietary/malware-games.html ">車內的惡意軟體</a> 42 | <a [-href="/proprietary/malware-amazon.html">Amazon Malware</a>-] | {+href="/proprietary/malware-edtech.html">EdTech</a>+} <a href=" /proprietary/malware-edtech.html ">EdTech</a> <a href=" /proprietary/malware-amazon.html ">Amazon 惡意軟體</a> 52 | [-<a href="/proprietary/proprietary-drm.html">Digital-]{+<em>Digital+} | restrictions [-management</a>-] {+management,+} or [-&ldquo;DRM&rdquo; | means-] {+&ldquo;DRM&rdquo;:</em>&nbsp;+} functionalities designed to | restrict what users can do with the data in their computers. <em>Digital restrictions management, or &ldquo;DRM&rdquo;:</em>&nbsp; functionalities designed to restrict what users can do with the data in their computers. <a href=" /proprietary/proprietary-drm.html ">數位限制管理</a>或稱「DRM」,代表用來限制哪些使用者可以對自身電腦資料能做哪些事情的功能。 53 | [-<a | href="/proprietary/proprietary-jails.html">Jails</a>&mdash;systems-]{+<em>Jail:</em>&nbsp; | system+} that impose{+s+} censorship on application programs. <em>Jail:</em>&nbsp; system that imposes censorship on application programs. <a href=" /proprietary/proprietary-jails.html ">監牢 (Jail)</a>&mdash;強制審查應用程式的系統。 55 | [-<a | href="/proprietary/proprietary-tyrants.html">Tyrants</a>&mdash;systems-]{+<em>Tyrant:</em>&nbsp; | system+} that reject{+s+} any operating system not | &ldquo;authorized&rdquo; by the manufacturer. <em>Tyrant:</em>&nbsp; system that rejects any operating system not &ldquo;authorized&rdquo; by the manufacturer. <a href=" /proprietary/proprietary-tyrants.html ">暴君 (Tyrant)</a>&mdash;拒絕任何廠商未授權作業系統的系統。 58 <strong><a href=" /proprietary/articles/uhd-bluray-denies-your-freedom.html "> UHD Blu-ray denies your freedom</a> &mdash; The anatomy of an Authoritarian Subjugation System</strong> 59 <strong><a href=" /proprietary/proprietary-insecurity.html#uefi-rootkit "> UEFI makes computers vulnerable to advanced persistent threats that are almost impossible to detect once installed...</a></strong> 60 <a href=" "> GM is spying on drivers</a> who own or rent their cars, and give away detailed driving data to insurance companies through data brokers. These companies then analyze the data, and hike up insurance prices if they think the data denotes &ldquo;risky driving.&rdquo; For the car to make this data available to anyone but the owner or renter of the car should be a crime. If the car is owned by a rental company, that company should not have access to it either. 61 Surveillance cameras put in by government A to surveil for it may be surveilling for government B as well. That's because A put in a product <a href=" "> made by B with nonfree software</a>. 62 <small>(Please note that this article misuses the word &ldquo;<a href=" /philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Hacker ">hack</a>&rdquo; to mean &ldquo;break security.&rdquo;)</small> 63 Microsoft has been annoying people who wanted to close the proprietary program OneDrive on their computers, <a href=" "> forcing them to give the reason why they were closing it</a>. This prompt was removed after public pressure. 65 <a href=" ">Newag, a Polish railway manufacturer, puts DRM inside trains to prevent third-party repairs</a>. 69 <a href=" ">x86 and ARM based computers shipped with UEFI are potentially vulnerable to a design omission called LogoFAIL</a>. A cracker can replace the BIOS logo with a fake one that contains malicious code. Users can't fix this omission because it is in the nonfree UEFI firmware that users can't replace. 70 | <a [-href="/proprietary/malware-mobiles.html">Malware in mobile | devices</a>-] {+href="/proprietary/all.html">More items&hellip;</a>+} <a href=" /proprietary/all.html ">More items&hellip;</a> <a href=" /proprietary/malware-mobiles.html ">行動裝置的惡意軟體</a> 73 | Please see the <a | href="/server/standards/README.translations.html">Translations | README</a> for information on coordinating and [-submitting-] | {+contributing+} translations of this article. Please see the <a href="/server/standards/README.translations.html">Translations README</a> for information on coordinating and contributing translations of this article. 我們努力盡所能提供貼切、品質良善的翻譯。然而,我們無法十全十美,還請將你的意見評述與一般建議寄給 <a href=" ">&lt;;</a></p><p>請參照 <a href="/server/standards/README.translations.html">翻譯讀我 README</a> 來瞭解協調和提交我們的網頁翻譯相關事宜。 75 || No change detected. The change might only be in amounts of spaces. This page is licensed under a <a rel="license" href=" ">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a>. 本頁面採用<a rel="license" href=" ">創用 CC 姓名標示 4.0 國際</a>條款給予授權。 ... - [detail] - [similar]
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