3DLDF User and Reference Manual

Short Contents

Table of Contents

Node: Top, Next: , Previous: (dir), Up: (dir)
This is the 3DLDF User and Reference Manual, edition for 3DLDF This manual was last updated on 18 July 2007. 3DLDF is a GNU package for three-dimensional drawing with MetaPost output. The author is Laurence D. Finston.

Copyright © 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 The Free Software Foundation

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".

Please note that the figures cannot be shown in the Info output format.

Node: Introduction, Next: , Previous: Top, Up: Top


3DLDF is a free software package for three-dimensional drawing written by Laurence D. Finston, who is also the author of this manual. It is written in C++ using CWEB and it outputs MetaPost code.

3DLDF is a GNU package. It is part of the GNU Project of the Free Software Foundation and is published under the GNU General Public License. See the website http://www.gnu.org for more information. 3DLDF is available for downloading from http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/3dldf. The official 3DLDF website is http://www.gnu.org/software/3dldf. More information about 3DLDF can be found at the author's website: http://wwwuser.gwdg.de/~lfinsto1.

Please send bug reports to:

     bug-3DLDF@gnu.org and

Two other mailing lists may be of interest to users of 3DLDF: help-3DLDF@gnu.org is for people to ask other users for help and info-3DLDF@gnu.org is for sending announcements to users. To subscribe, send an email to the appropriate mailing list or lists with the word "subscribe" as the subject. The author's website is http://wwwuser.gwdg.de/~lfinsto1.

My primary purpose in writing 3DLDF was to make it possible to use MetaPost for three-dimensional drawing. I've always enjoyed using MetaPost, and thought it was a shame that I could only use it for making two-dimensional drawings. 3DLDF is a front-end that operates on three-dimensional data, performs the necessary calculations for the projection onto two dimensions, and writes its output in the form of MetaPost code.

While 3DLDF's data types and operations are modelled on those of Metafont and MetaPost, and while the only form of output 3DLDF currently produces is MetaPost code, it is nonetheless not in principle tied to MetaPost. It could be modified to produce PostScript code directly, or output in other formats. It would also be possible to modify 3DLDF so that it could be used for creating graphics interactively on a terminal, by means of an appropriate interface to the computer's graphics hardware.

The name "3DLDF" ("3D" plus the author's initials) was chosen because, while not pretty, it's unlikely to conflict with any of the other programs called "3D"-something.

Node: Sources of Information, Next: , Previous: Introduction, Up: Introduction

Sources of Information

This handbook, and the use of 3DLDF itself, presuppose at least some familiarity on the part of the reader with Metafont, MetaPost, CWEB, and C++ . If you are not familiar with any or all of them, I recommend the following sources of information:

Knuth, Donald Ervin. The METAFONTbook. Computers and Typesetting; C. Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. Reading, Massachusetts 1986.

Hobby, John D. A User's Manual for MetaPost. AT & T Bell Laboratories. Murray Hill, NJ. No date.

Knuth, Donald E. and Silvio Levy. The CWEB System of Structured Documentation. Version 3.64--February 2002.

Stroustrup, Bjarne. The C++ Programming Language. Special Edition. Reading, Massachusetts 2000. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-70073-5.

The manuals for MetaPost and CWEB are available from the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN). See one of the following web sites for more information:

http://dante.ctan.org, http://ftp.dante.de
United Kingdom

Node: About This Manual, Next: , Previous: Sources of Information, Up: Introduction

About This Manual

This manual has been created using Texinfo, a documentation system which is part of the GNU Project, whose main sponsor is the Free Software Foundation. Texinfo can be used to generate online and printed documentation from the same input files.

For more information about Texinfo, see:

Stallmann, Richard M. and Robert J. Chassell. Texinfo. The GNU Documentation Format. The Free Software Foundation. Boston 1999.

For more information about the GNU Project and the Free Software Foundation, see the following web site: http://www.gnu.org.

The edition of this manual is and it documents version of 3DLDF. The edition number of the manual and the version number of the program are the same (as of 18 July 2007), but may diverge at a later date.

Note that "I", "me", etc., in this manual refers to Laurence D. Finston, so far the sole author of both 3DLDF and this manual. "Currently" and similar formulations refer to version of 3DLDF as of 18 July 2007.

This manual is intended for both beginning and advanced users of 3DLDF. So, if there's something you don't understand, it's probably best to skip it and come back to it later. Some of the more difficult points, or ones that presuppose familiarity with features not yet described, are in the footnotes.

I firmly believe that an adequate program with good documentation is more useful than a great program with poor or no documentation. The ideal case, of course, is a great program with great documentation. I'm sorry to say, that this manual is not yet as good as I'd like it to be. I apologize for the number of typos and other errors. I hope they don't detract too much from its usefulness. I would have liked to have proofread and corrected it again before publication, but for reasons external to 3DLDF, it is necessary for me to publish now. I plan to set up an errata list on the official 3DLDF website, and/or my own website.

Unless I've left anything out by mistake, this manual documents all of the data types, constants and variables, namespaces, and functions defined in 3DLDF. However, some of the descriptions are terser than I would like, and I'd like to have more examples and illustrations. There is also more to be said on a number of topics touched on in this manual, and some topics I haven't touched on at all. In general, while I've tried to give complete information on the "what and how", the "why and wherefore" has sometimes gotten short shrift. I hope to correct these defects in future editions.

Node: Manual Conventions, Next: , Previous: About This Manual, Up: About This Manual


Data types are formatted like this: int, Point, Path. Plurals are formatted in the same way: ints, Points, Paths. It is poor typographical practice to typeset a single word using more than one font, e.g., ints, Points, Paths. This applies to data types whose plurals do not end in "s" as well, e.g., the plural of the C++ class Polyhedron is Polyhedra.

When C++ functions are discussed in this manual, I always include a pair of parentheses to make it clear that the item in question is a function and not a variable, but I generally do not include the arguments. For example, if I mention the function foo(), this doesn't imply that foo() takes no arguments. If it were appropriate, I would include the argument type:


or the argument type and a placeholder name:

     foo(int arg)

or I would write


to indicate that foo() takes no arguments. Also, I generally don't indicate the return type, unless it is relevant. If it is a member function of a class, I may indicate this, e.g.,, bar_class::foo(), or not, depending on whether this information is relevant. This convention differs from that used in the Function Index, which is generated automatically by Texinfo. There, only the name of the function appears, without parentheses, parameters, or return values. The class type of member functions may appear in the Function Index, (e.g., bar_class::foo), but only in index entries that have been entered explicitly by the author; such entries are not generated by Texinfo automatically.

Examples are formatted as follows:

     Point p0(1, 2, 3);
     Point p1(5, 6, 7.9);
     Path pa(p0, p1);
     -| p0: (1, 2, 3)

The beautiful mathematical typesetting produced by TeX unfortunately does not appear in the Info and HTML versions of this manual. In these, the following symbols are used to replace the proper mathematical symbols.

Precedes a superscript. For example, read a^2 as "a squared".
Precedes a subscript. For example, read x_1 as "x sub one".
Multiplication. For example, read x * y as "x times y".
The square root function. For example, read sqrt(x) as "the square root of x".

In addition, examples can contain the following symbols:

Indicates output to the terminal when 3DLDF is run.
Indicates a result of some sort. It may precede a illustration generated by the code in the example.
Indicates that the following text is an error message.

This manual does not use all of the symbols provided by Texinfo. If you find a symbol you don't understand in this manual (which shouldn't happen), see page 103 of the Texinfo manual.


The set of the natural numbers {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...}
The set of the integers {..., -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...}
The set of the real numbers.

Node: Illustrations, Previous: Manual Conventions, Up: About This Manual


The illustrations in this manual have been created using 3DLDF. The code that generates them is in the Texinfo files themselves, that contain the text of the manual. Texinfo is based on TeX, so it's possible to make use of the latter's facility for writing ASCII text to files using TeX's \write command.

The file 3DLDF- contains the C++ code, and the file 3DLDF- contains the MetaPost code for generating the illustrations. 3DLDF was built using GCC 2.95 when the illustrations were generated. For some reason, GCC 3.3 has difficulty with them. It works to generate them in batches of about 50 with GCC 3.3.

MetaPost outputs Encapsulated PostScript files. These can be included in TeX files, as explained below. However, in order to display the illustrations in the HTML version of this manual, I had to convert them to PNG ("Portable Network Graphics") format. See Converting EPS Files, for instructions on how to do this.

Please note that the illustrations cannot be shown in the Info output format!

If you have problems including the illustrations in the printed version, for example, if your installation doesn't have dvips, look for the following lines in 3DLDF.texi:

     \doepsftrue    %% One of these two lines should be commented-out.

Now, remove the % from in front of \doepsffalse and put one in front of \doepsftrue. This will prevent the illustrations from being included. This should only be done as a last resort, however, because it will make it difficult if not impossible to understand this manual.

The C++ code in an example is not always the complete code used to create the illustration that follows it, since the latter may be cluttered with commands that would detract from the clarity of the example. The actual code used always follows the example in the Texinfo source file, so the latter may be referred to, if the reader wishes to see exactly what code was used to generate the illustration.

You may want to skip the following paragraphs in this section, if you're reading this manual for the first time. Don't worry if you don't understand it, it's meaning should become clear after reading the manual and some experience with using 3DLDF.

The file 3DLDF.texi in the directory 3DLDF-, the driver file for this manual, contains the following TeX code:

     \makeexamplestrue     %% One of these two lines should be commented-out.

When texi2dvi is run on 3DLDF.texi, \makeexamplestrue is not commented-out, and \makeexamplesfalse is, the C++ code for the illustrations is written to the file examples.web. If the EPS files don't already exist (in the directory 3DLDF-, the TeX macro \PEX, which includes them in the Texinfo files, will signal an error each time it can't find one. Just type s at the command line to tell TeX to keep going. If you want to be sure that these are indeed the only errors, you can type <RETURN> after each one instead.

texi2dvi 3DLDF.texi also generates the file extext.tex, which contains TeX code for including the illustrations by themselves.

examples.web must now be moved to 3DLDF- and ctangled, examples.c must compiled, and 3DLDF must be relinked. ctangle examples also generates the header file example.h, which is included in main.web. Therefore, if the contents of examples.h have changed since the last time main.web was ctangled, main.web will have to be ctangled, and main.c recompiled, before 3dldf is relinked.1

Running 3dldf and MetaPost now generates the EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) files 3DLDFmp.1 through (currently) 3DLDFmp.199 for the illustrations. They must be moved to 3DLDF- Now, when texi2dvi 3DLDF.texi is run again, the dvips command \epsffile includes the EPS files for the illustrations in the manual. 3DLDF.texi includes the line \input epsf, so that \epsffile works. Of course, dvips (or some other program that does the job) must be used to convert 3DLDF.dvi to a PostScript file. To see exactly how this is done, take a look at the .texi source files of this manual.2

In the 3DLDF.texi belonging to the 3DLDF distribution, \makeexamplestrue will be commented-out, and makeexamplesfalse won't be, because the EPS files for the illustrations are included in the distribution.

The version of examples.web in 3DLDF- merely includes the files subex1.web and subex2.web. If you rename 3DLDF- to examples.web, you can generate the illustrations.

Node: CWEB Documentation, Next: , Previous: About This Manual, Up: Introduction

CWEB Documentation

As mentioned above, 3DLDF has been programmed using CWEB, which is a "literate programming" tool developed by Donald E. Knuth and Silvio Levy. See Sources of Information, for a reference to the CWEB manual. Knuth's TeX--The Program and Metafont--The Program both include a section "How to read a WEB" (pp. x-xv, in both volumes).

CWEB files combine source code and documentation. Running ctangle on a CWEB file, for example, main.web, produces the file main.c containing C or C++ code. Running cweave main.web creates a TeX file with pretty-printed source code and nicely formatted documentation. I find that using CWEB makes it more natural to document my code as I write it, and makes the source files easier to read when editing them. It does have certain consequences with regard to compilation, but these are taken care of by make. See Adding a File, and Changes, for more information.

The CWEB files in the directory 3DLDF- contain the source code for 3DLDF. The file 3DLDFprg.web in this directory is only ever used for cweaving; it is never ctangled and contains no C++ code for compilation. It does, however, include all of the other CWEB files, so that cweave 3DLDFprg.web generates the TeX file containing the complete documentation of the source code of 3DLDF.

The files 3DLDF-, 3DLDF-, and 3DLDF- are included in the distribution of 3DLDF as a convenience. However, users may generate them themselves, should there be some reason for doing so, by entering make ps from the command line of a shell from the working directory 3DLDF- or 3DLDF- Alternatively, the user may generate them by hand from the working directory 3DLDF- in the following way:

  1. cweave 3DLDFprg.web generates 3DLDFprg.tex.
  2. tex 3DLDFprg or tex 3DLDFprg.tex generates 3DLDFprg.dvi.
  3. dvips -o 3DLDFprg.ps 3DLDFprg (possibly with additional options) generates 3DLDFprg.ps.
  4. lpr -P<print queue> 3DLDFprg.ps sends 3DLDFprg.ps to a printer, on a UNIX or UNIX-like system.

The individual commands may differ, depending on the system you're using.

Node: Metafont and MetaPost, Next: , Previous: CWEB Documentation, Up: Introduction

Metafont and MetaPost

Metafont is a system created by Donald E. Knuth for generating fonts, in particular for use with TeX, his well-known typsetting system.3 Expressed in a somewhat simplified way, Metafont is a system for programming curves, which are then digitized and output in the form of run-time encoded bitmaps. (See Knuth's The Metafontbook for more information).

John D. Hobby modified Metafont's source code to create MetaPost, which functions in much the same way, but outputs encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files instead of bitmaps. MetaPost is very useful for creating graphics and is a convenient interface to PostScript. It is also easy both to imbed TeX code in MetaPost programs, for instance, for typesetting labels, and to include MetaPost graphics in ordinary TeX files, e.g., by using dvips.4 Apart from simply printing the PostScript file output by dvips, there are many programs that can process ordinary or encapsulated PostScript files and convert them to other formats. Just two of the many possibilities are ImageMagick and GIMP, both of which can be used to create animations from MetaPost graphics.

However, MetaPost inherited a significant limitation from Metafont: it's not possible to use it for making three-dimensional graphics, except in a very limited way. One insuperable problem is the severe limitation on the magnitude of user-defined numerical variables in Metafont and MetaPost.5 This made sense for Metafont's and MetaPost's original purposes, but they make it impossible to perform the calculations needed for 3D graphics.

Another problem is the data types defined in Metafont: Points are represented as pairs of real values and affine transformations as sets of 6 real values. This corresponds to the representation of points and affine transformations in the plane as a two-element vector on the one hand and a six element matrix on the other. While it is possible to work around the limitation imposed by having points be represented by only two values, it is impracticable in the case of the transformations.

For these reasons, I decided to write a program that would behave more or less like Metafont, but with suitable extensions, and the ability to handle three dimensional data; namely 3DLDF. It stores the data and performs the transformations and other necessary calculations and is not subject to the limitations of MetaPost and its data types. Upon output, it performs a perspective transformation, converting the 3D image into a 2D one. The latter can now be expressed as an ordinary MetaPost program, so 3DLDF writes its output as MetaPost code to a file.

In the following, it may be a little unclear why I sometimes refer to Metafont and sometimes to MetaPost. The reason is that Metafont inherited much of its functionality from Metafont. Certain operations in Metafont have no meaning in MetaPost and so have been removed, while MetaPost's function of interfacing with PostScript has caused other operations to be added. For example, in MetaPost, color is a data type, but not in Metafont. Unless otherwise stated, when I refer to Metafont, it can be assumed that what I say applies to MetaPost as well. However, when I refer to MetaPost, it will generally be in connection with features specific to MetaPost.

Node: Caveats, Next: , Previous: Metafont and MetaPost, Up: Introduction


Node: Accuracy, Next: , Previous: Caveats, Up: Caveats


When 3DLDF is run, it uses the three-dimensional data contained in the user code to create a two-dimensional projection. Currently, this can be a perspective projection, or a parallel projection onto one of the major planes. MetaPost code representing this projection is then written to the output file. 3DLDF does no scan conversion,6 so all of the curves in the projection are generated by means of the algorithms MetaPost inherited from Metafont. These algorithms, however, are designed to find the "most pleasing curve"7 given one or more two-dimensional points and connectors; they do not account for the the fact that the two-dimensional points are projections of three-dimensional ones. This can lead to unsatisfactory results, especially where extreme foreshortening occurs. In particular, curl, dir, tension, and control points should be used cautiously, or avoided altogether, when specifying connectors.

3DLDF operates on the assumption that, given an adequate number of points, MetaPost will produce an adequate approximation to the desired curve in perspective, since the greater the number of points given for a curve, the less "choice" MetaPost has for the path through them. My experience with 3DLDF bears this out. Generally, the curves look quite good. Where problems arise, it usually helps to increase the number of points in a curve.

A more serious problem is the imprecision resulting from the operation of rotation. Rotations use the trigonometric functions, which return approximate values. This has the result that points that should have identical coordinate values, sometimes do not. This has consequences for the functions that compare points. The more rotations are applied to points, the greater the divergence between their actual coordinate values, and the values they should have. So far, I haven't found a solution for this problem. On the other hand, it hasn't yet affected the usability of 3DLDF.

Node: No Input Routine, Previous: Accuracy, Up: Caveats

No Input Routine

3DLDF does not yet include a routine for reading input files. This means that user code must be written in C++ , compiled, and linked with the rest of the program. I admit, this is not ideal, and writing an input routine for user code is one of the next things I plan to add to 3DLDF.

I plan to use Flex and Bison to write the input routine.8 The syntax of the input code should be as close as possible to that of MetaPost, while taking account of the differences between MetaPost and 3DLDF.

For the present, however, the use of 3DLDF is limited to those who feel comfortable using C++ and compiling and relinking programs. Please don't be put off by this! It's not so difficult, and make does most of the work of recompiling and running 3DLDF. See Installing and Running 3DLDF, for more information.

Node: Ports, Previous: Caveats, Up: Introduction


I originally developed 3DLDF on a DECalpha Personal Workstation with two processors running under the operating system Tru64 Unix 5.1, using the DEC C++ compiler. I then ported it to a PC Pentium 4 running under Linux 2.4, using the GNU C++ compiler GCC 2.95.3, and a PC Pentium II XEON under Linux 2.4, using GCC 3.3. I am currently only maintaining the last version. I do not believe that it's worthwhile to maintain a version for GCC 2.95. While I would like 3DLDF to run on as many platforms as possible, I would rather spend my time developing it than porting it. This is something where I would be grateful for help from other programmers.

Although I am no longer supporting ports to other systems, I have left some conditionally compiled code for managing platform dependencies in the CWEB sources of 3DLDF. This may make it easier for other people who want to port 3DLDF to other platforms.

Currently, the files io.web, loader.web, main.web, points.web, and pspglb.web contain conditionally compiled code, depending on which compiler, or in the case of GCC, which version of the compiler, is used. The DEC C++ compiler defines the preprocessor macro __DECCXX and GCC defines __GNUC__. In order to distinguish between GCC 2.95.3 and GCC 3.3, I've added the macros LDF_GCC_2_95 and LDF_GCC_3_3 in loader.web, which should be defined or undefined, depending on which compiler you're using. In the distribution, LDF_GCC_3_3 is defined and LDF_GCC_2_95 is undefined, so if you want to try using GCC 2.95, you'll have to change this (it's not guaranteed to work).

3DLDF now uses Autoconf and Automake, and the configure script generates a config.h file, which is now included in loader.web. Some of the preprocessor macros defined in config.h are used to conditionally include library header files, but so far, there is no error handling code for the case that a file can't be included. I hope to improve the way 3DLDF works together with Autoconf and Automake in the near future.

3DLDF 1.1.5 is the first release that contains template functions. Template instantiation differs from compiler to compiler, so using template functions will tend to make 3DLDF less portable. See Template Functions, for more information. I am no longer able to build 3DLDF on the DECalpha Personal Workstation. I'm fairly sure that it would be possible to port it, but I don't plan to do this, since Tru64 Unix 5.1 and the DEC C++

compiler are non-free software.

Node: Contributing to 3DLDF, Next: , Previous: Introduction, Up: Top

Contributing to 3DLDF

So far, I've been the sole author and user of 3DLDF. I would be very interested in having other programmers contribute to it. I would be particularly interested in help in making 3DLDF conform as closely as possible to the GNU Coding Standards. I would be grateful if someone would write proper Automake and Autoconf files, since I haven't yet learned how to do so (I'm working on it).

See Introduction, for information on how to contact the author.

Node: Using 3DLDF, Next: , Previous: Contributing to 3DLDF, Up: Top

Using 3DLDF

Since 3DLDF does not yet have an input routine, user code must be written in C++ (in main.web, or some other file) and compiled. Then, 3DLDF must be relinked, together with the new file of object code resulting from the compilation. For now, the important point is that the text of the examples in this manual represent C++ code. See Installing and Running 3DLDF, for more information.

Node: Points, Next: , Previous: Using 3DLDF, Up: Top


Node: Declaring and Initializing Points, Next: , Previous: Points, Up: Points

Declaring and Initializing Points

The most basic drawable object in 3DLDF is class Point. It is analogous to pair in Metafont. For example, in Metafont one can define a pair using the "z" syntax as follows:

     z0 = (1cm, 1cm);

There are other ways of defining pairs in Metafont (and MetaPost), but this is the usual way.

In 3DLDF, a Point is declared and initialized as follows:

     Point pt0(1, 2, 3);

This simple example demonstrates several differences between Metafont and 3DLDF. First of all, there is no analog in 3DLDF to Metafont's "z" syntax. If I want to have Points called "pt0", "pt1", "pt2", etc., then I must declare each of them to be a Point:

     Point pt0(10, 15, 2);
     Point pt1(13, 41, 5.5);
     Point pt2(62.9, 7.02, 8);

Alternatively, I could declare an array of Points:

     Point pt[3];

Now I can refer to pt[0], pt[1], and pt[2].

In the Metafont example, the x and y-coordinates of the pair z0 are specified using the unit of measurement, in this case, centimeters. This is currently not possible in 3DLDF. The current unit of measurement is stored in the static variable Point::measurement_units, which is a string. Its default value is "cm" for "centimeters". At present, it is best to stick with one unit of measurement for a drawing. After I've defined an input routine, 3DLDF should handle units of measurement in the same way that Metafont does.

Another difference is that the Points pt0, pt1, and pt2 have three coordinates, x, y, and z, whereas z0 has only two, x and y. Actually, the difference goes deeper than this. In Metafont, a pair has two parts, xpart and ypart, which can be examined by the user. In 3DLDF, a Point contains the following sets of coordinates:


These are sets of 3-dimensional homogeneous coordinates, which means that they contain four coordinates: x, y, z, and w. Homogeneous coordinates are used in the affine and perspective transformations (see Transforms).

Currently, only world_coordinates and projective_coordinates are used in 3DLDF. The world_coordinates refer to the position of a Point in 3DLDF's basic, unchanging coordinate system. The projective_coordinates are the coordinates of the two-dimensional projection of the Point onto a plane. This projection is what is ultimately printed out or displayed on the computer screen. Please note, that when the coordinates of a Point are referred to in this manual, the world_coordinates are meant, unless otherwise stated.

Points can be declared and their values can be set in different ways.

     Point pt0;
     Point pt1(1);
     Point pt2(2.3, 52);
     Point pt3(4.5, 7, 13.205);

pt0 is declared without any arguments, i.e., using the default constructor, so the values of its x, y, and z-coordinates are all 0.

pt1 is declared and initialized with one argument for the x-coordinate, so its y and z-coordinates are initialized with the values of CURR_Y and CURR_Z respectively. The latter are static constant data members of class Point, whose values are 0 by default. They can be reset by the user, who should make sure that they have sensible values.

pt2 is declared and initialized with two arguments for its x and y-coordinates, so its z-coordinate is initialized to the value of CURR_Z. Finally, pt3 has an argument for each of its coordinates.

Please note that pt0 is constructed using a the default constructor, whereas the other Points are constructed using a constructor with one required argument (for the x-coordinate), and two optional arguments (for the y and z-coordinates). The default constructor always sets all the coordinates to 0, irrespective of the values of CURR_Y and CURR_Z.

Node: Setting and Assigning to Points, Previous: Declaring and Initializing Points, Up: Points

Setting and Assigning to Points

It is possible to change the value of the coordinates of Points by using the assignment operator = (Point::operator=()) or the function Point::set() (with appropriate arguments):

     Point pt0(2, 3.3, 7);
     Point pt1;
     pt1 = pt0;
     pt0.set(34, 99, 107.5);
     -| pt0: (34, 99, 107.5)
     -| pt1: (2, 3.3, 7)

In this example, pt0 is initialized with the coordinates (2, 3.3, 7), and pt1 with the coordinates (0, 0, 0). pt1 = pt0 causes pt1 to have the same coordinates as pt0, then the coordinates of pt0 are changed to (34, 99, 107.5). This doesn't affect pt1, whose coordinates remain (2, 3.3, 7).

Another way of declaring and initializing Points is by using the copy constructor:

     Point pt0(1, 3.5, 19);
     Point pt1(pt0);
     Point pt2 = pt0;
     Point pt3;
     pt3 = pt0;

In this example, pt1 and pt2 are both declared and initialized using the copy constructor; Point pt2 = pt0 does not invoke the assignment operator. pt3, on the other hand, is declared using the default constructor, and not initialized. In the following line, pt3 = pt0 does invoke the assignment operator, thus resetting the coordinate values of pt3 to those of pt0.

Node: Transforming Points, Next: , Previous: Points, Up: Top

Transforming Points

Points don't always have to remain in the same place. There are various ways of moving or transforming them:

class Point has several member functions for applying these affine transformations9 to a Point. Most of the arguments to these functions are of type real. As you may know, there is no such data type in C++ . I have defined real using typedef to be either float or double, depending on the value of a preprocessor switch for conditional compilation.10 3DLDF uses many real values and I wanted to be able to change the precision used by making one change (in the file pspglb.web) rather than having to examine all the places in the program where float or double are used. Unfortunately, setting real to double currently doesn't work.

Node: Shifting Points, Next: , Previous: Transforming Points, Up: Transforming Points


The function shift() adds its arguments to the corresponding world_coordinates of a Point. In the following example, the function show() is used to print the world_coordinates of p0 to standard output.

     Point p0(0, 0, 0);
     p0.shift(1, 2, 3);
     -| p0: (1, 2, 3)
     -| p0: (11, 2, 3)
     p0.shift(0, 20);
     -| p0: (11, 22, 3)
     p0.shift(0, 0, 30);
     -| p0: (11, 22, 33)

shift takes three real arguments, whereby the second and third are optional. To shift a Point in the direction of the positive or negative y-axis, and/or the positive or negative z-axis only, then a 0 argument for the x direction, and possibly one for the y direction must be used as placeholders, as in the example above.

shift() can be invoked with a Point argument instead of real arguments. In this case, the x, y, and z-coordinates of the argument are used for shifting the Point:

     Point a(10, 10, 10);
     Point b(1, 2, 3);
     -| a: (11, 12, 13)

Another way of shifting Points is to use the binary += operator (Point::operator+=()) with a Point argument.

     Point a0(1, 1, 1);
     Point a1(2, 2, 2);
     a0 += a1;
     -| a0: (3, 3, 3)

Node: Scaling Points, Next: , Previous: Shifting Points, Up: Transforming Points


The function scale() takes three real arguments. The x, y, and z-coordinates of the Point are multiplied by the first, second, and third arguments respectively. Only the first argument is required; the default for the others is 1.

If one wants to perform scaling in either the y-dimension only, or the y and z-dimensions only, a dummy argument of 1 must be passed for scaling in the x-dimension. Similarly, if one wants to perform scaling in the z-dimension only, dummy arguments of 1 must be passed for scaling in the x and y-dimensions.

     Point p0(1, 2, 3);
     p0.scale(2, 3, 4);
     -| p0: (2, 6, 12)
     -| p0: (4, 6, 12)
     p0.scale(1, 3);
     -| p0: (4, 18, 12)
     p0.scale(1, 1, 3);
     -| p0: (4, 18, 36)

Node: Shearing Points, Next: , Previous: Scaling Points, Up: Transforming Points


Shearing is more complicated than shifting or scaling. The function shear() takes six real arguments. If p is a Point, then p.shear(a, b, c, d, e, f) sets x_p to x_p + ay_p + bz_p, y_p to y_p + cx_p + dz_p, and z_p to z_p + ex_p + fy_p. In this way, each coordinate of a Point is modified based on the values of the other two coordinates, whereby the influence of the other coordinates on the new value is weighted according to the arguments.

     Point p(1, 1, 1);
     -| p: (2, 1, 1)
     p.set(1, 1, 1);
     p.shear(1, 1);
     -| p: (3, 1, 1)
     p.set(1, 1, 1);
     p.shear(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3);
     -| p: (3, 5, 7)

[next figure] demonstrates the effect of shearing the points of a rectangle in the x-y plane.

     Point P0;
     Point P1(3);
     Point P2(3, 3);
     Point P3(0, 3);
     Rectangle r(p0, p1, p2, p3);
     Rectangle q(r);
     q.draw(black, "evenly");

[Figure 1. Not displayed.]

Fig. 1.

Node: Rotating Points, Previous: Shearing Points, Up: Transforming Points


The function rotate() rotates a Point about one or more of the main axes. It takes three real arguments, specifying the angles of rotation in degrees about the x, y, and z-axes respectively. Only the first argument is required, the other two are 0 by default. If rotation about the y-axis, or the y and z-axes only are required, then 0 must be used as a placeholder for the first and possibly the second argument.

     Point p(0, 1);
     -| p: (0, 0, -1)
     p.rotate(0, 90);
     -| p: (1, 0, 0)
     p.rotate(0, 0, 90);
     -| p: (0, 1, 0)

The rotations are performed successively about the x, y, and z-axes. However, rotation is not a commutative operation, so if rotation about the main axes in a different order is required, then rotate() must be invoked more than once:

     Point A(2, 3, 4);
     Point B(A);
     A.rotate(30, 60, 90);
     -| A: (-4.59808, -0.700962, 2.7141)
     B.rotate(0, 0, 90);
     B.rotate(0, 60);
     -| B: (-4.9641, 1.43301, -1.51795)

Rotation need not be about the main axes; it can also be performed about a line defined by two Points. The function rotate() with two Point arguments and a real argument for the angle of rotation (in degrees) about the axis. The real argument is optional, with 180 degrees

as the default.

     Point p0 (-1.06066, 0, 1.06066);
     Point p1 (1.06066, 0, -1.06066);
     p1 *= p0.rotate(0, 30, 30);
     -| p0: (-1.25477, -0.724444, 0.388228)
     -| p1: (1.25477, 0.724444, -0.388228)
     Point p2(1.06066, 0, 1.06066);
     -| p2: (1.06066, 0, 1.06066)
     Point p3(p2);
     p3.rotate(p1, p0, 45);
     -| p3 (1.09721, 1.15036, 1.17879)
     Point p4(p2);
     p4.rotate(p1, p0, 90);
     -| p4: (0.882625, 2.05122, 0.485242)
     Point p5(p2);
     p5.rotate(p1, p0, 135);
     -| p5: (0.542606, 2.17488, -0.613716)
     Point p6(p2);
     p6.rotate(p1, p0);
     -| p6: (0.276332, 1.44889, -1.47433)

[Figure 2. Not displayed.]

Fig. 2.

I have sometimes gotten erroneous results using rotate() for rotation about two Points. It's usually worked to reverse the order of the Point arguments, or to change sign of the angle argument. I think I've fixed the problem, though.

Node: Transforms, Next: , Previous: Transforming Points, Up: Top


When Points are transformed using shift(), shear(), or one of the other transformation functions, the world_coordinates are not modified directly. Instead, another data member of class Point is used to store the information about the transformation, namely transform of type class Transform. A Transform object has a single data element of type Matrix and a number of member functions. A Matrix is simply a 4 X 4 array11 of reals defined using typedef real Matrix[4][4]. Such a matrix suffices for performing all of the transformations (affine and perspective) possible in three-dimensional space.12 Any combination of transformations can be represented by a single transformation matrix. This means that consecutive transformations of a Point can be "saved up" and applied to its coordinates all at once when needed, rather than updating them for each transformation.

Transforms work by performing matrix multiplication of Matrix with the homogeneous world_coordinates of Points. If a set of homogeneous coordinates \alpha = (x, y, z, w) and

     Matrix M =
     a e i m
     b f j n
     c g k o
     d h l p
then the set of homogeneous coordinates \beta resulting from multiplying \alpha and M is calculated as follows:
     \beta = \alpha\times M = ((xa + yb + zc + wd),  (xe + yf + zg + wh),
     (xi + yj + zk + wl), (xm + yn + zo + wp))
Please note that each coordinate of \beta can be influenced by all of the coordinates of \alpha.

Operations on matrices are very important in computer graphics applications and are described in many books about computer graphics and geometry. For 3DLDF, I've mostly used Huw Jones' Computer Graphics through Key Mathematics and David Salomon's Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling.

It is often useful to declare and use Transform objects in 3DLDF, just as it is for transforms in Metafont. Transformations can be stored in Transforms and then be used to transform Points by means of Point::operator*=(const Transform&).

     1. Transform t;
     2. t.shift(0, 1);
     3. Point p(1, 0, 0);
     4. p *= t;
     5. p.show("p:");
     -| p: (1, 1, 0)

When a Transform is declared (line 1), it is initialized to an identity matrix. All identity matrices are square, all of the elements of the main diagonal (upper left to lower right) are 1, and all of the other elements are 0. So a 4 X 4 identity matrix, as used in 3DLDF, looks like this:

     1 0 0 0
     0 1 0 0
     0 0 1 0
     0 0 0 1
If a matrix A is multiplied with an identity matrix I, the result is identical to A, i.e., A * I = A. This is the salient property of an identity matrix.

The same affine transformations are applied in the same way to Transforms as they are to Points, i.e., the functions scale(), shift(), shear(), and rotate() correspond to the Point versions of these functions, and they take the same arguments:

     Point p;
     Transform t;
     p.shift(3, 4, 5);
     t.shift(3, 4, 5);
     => p.transform == t
     -| p:
              0   0.707   0.707       0
         -0.866   0.354  -0.354       0
           -0.5  -0.612   0.612       0
              0       0       0       1
     -| t:
              0   0.707   0.707       0
         -0.866   0.354  -0.354       0
           -0.5  -0.612   0.612       0
              0       0       0       1

Node: Applying Transforms to Points Intro, Next: , Previous: Transforms, Up: Transforms

Applying Transforms to Points

A Transform t is applied to a Point P using the binary *= operation (Point::operator*=(const Transform&)) which performs matrix multiplication of P.transform by t. See Point Reference; Operators.

     Point P(0, 1);
     Transform t;
     -| t:
        1       0       0       0
        0       0      -1       0
        0       1       0       0
        0       0       0       1
     P *= t;
     -| P:
        1       0       0       0
        0       0      -1       0
        0       1       0       0
        0       0       0       1
     -| P: (0, 0, -1)

In the example above, there is no real need to use a Transform, since P.rotate(90) could have been called directly. As constructions become more complex, the power of Transforms becomes clear:

     1. Point p0(0, 0, 0);
     2. Point p1(10, 5, 10);
     3. Point p2(16, 14, 32);
     4. Point p3(25, 50, 99);
     5. Point p4(12, 6, 88);
     6. Transform a;
     7. a.shift(2, 3, 4);
     8. a.scale(1, 3, 1);
     9. p2 *= p3 *= a;
     10. a.rotate(p0, p1, 75);
     11. p4 *= a;
     12. p2.show("p2:");
        -| p2: (18, 51, 36)
     13. p3.show("p3:");
        -| p3: (27, 159, 103)
     14. p4.show("p4:");
        -| p4: (24.4647, -46.2869, 81.5353)

In this example, a is shifted and scaled, and a is applied to both in line 9. This works, because the binary operation operator*=(const Transform& t) returns t, making it possible to chain invocations of *=. Following this, a is rotated 75 degrees

about the line through p_0 and p_1. Finally, all three transformations, which are stored in a, are applied to p_4.

Node: Inverting Transforms, Previous: Applying Transforms to Points Intro, Up: Transforms

Inverting Transforms

Inversion is another operation that can be performed on Transforms. This makes it possible to reverse the effect of a Transform, which may represent multiple transformations.

     Point p;
     Transform t;
     t.shift(1, 2, 3);
     t.scale(2, 3, 4);
     t.rotate(45, 45, 30);
     -| t:
        1.22   0.707    1.41       0
       0.238    2.59    -1.5       0
       -3.15    1.45       2       0
       -7.74    10.2    4.41       1
     p *= t;
     -| p: (-7.74, 10.2, 4.41)
     Transform u;
     u = t.inverse();
     -| u:
       0.306  0.0265  -0.197 2.85e-09
       0.177   0.287  0.0906 -1.12e-09
       0.354  -0.167   0.125       0
          -1      -2      -3       1
     p *= u;
     -| p: (0, 0, 0)
     u *= t;
     -| u:
           1       0       0       0
           0       1       0       0
           0       0       1       0
           0       0       0       1

If inverse() is called with no argument, or with the argument false, it returns a Transform representing its inverse, and remains unchanged. If it is called with the argument true, it is set to its inverse.

Complete reversal of the transformations applied to a Point, as in the previous example, probably won't make much sense. However, partial reversal is a valuable technique. For example, it is used in rotate() for rotation about a line defined by two Points. The following example merely demonstrates the basic principle; an example that does something useful would be too complicated.

     Transform t;
     t.shift(3, 4, 5);
     t.scale(2, 2, 2);
     Point p;
     p *= t;
     -| p: (6, 12.7279, 1.41421)
     p.rotate(90, 90);
     p *= t;
     -| p: (3.36396, -5.62132, -2.37868)

Node: Drawing and Labeling Points, Next: , Previous: Transforms, Up: Top

Drawing and Labeling Points

Node: Drawing Points Intro, Next: , Previous: Drawing and Labeling Points, Up: Drawing and Labeling Points

Drawing Points

It's all very well to declare Points, place them at particular locations, print their locations to standard output, and transform them, but none of these operations produce any MetaPost output. In order to do this, the first step is to use drawing and filling commands. The drawing and filling commands in 3DLDF are modelled on those in Metafont.

The following example demonstrates how to draw a dot specifying a Color (see Color Reference) and a pen13.

     Point P(0, 1);
     P.drawdot(Colors::black, "pencircle scaled 3mm");

[Figure 3. Not displayed.]

Fig. 3.

In drawdot(), a Color argument precedes the string argument for the pen, so "Colors::black" must be specified as a placeholder in the call to drawdot().14

The following example "undraws" a dot at the same location using a smaller pen. undraw() does not take a Color argument.

     p.undrawdot("pencircle scaled 2mm");

[Figure 4. Not displayed.]

Fig. 4.

For complete descriptions of drawdot() and undrawdot(), see Point Reference; Drawing.

Drawing and undrawing dots is not very exciting. In order to make a proper drawing it is necessary to connect the Points. The most basic way of doing this is to use the Point member function draw() with a Point argument:

     Point p0;
     Point p1(2, 2);

[Figure 5. Not displayed.]

Fig. 5.

p0.draw(p1) is equivalent in its effect to p1.draw(p0).

The function Point::draw() takes a required Point& argument (a reference15 to a Point) an optional Color argument, and optional string arguments for the dash pattern and the pen. The string arguments, if present, are passed unchanged to the output file. The empty string following the argument p1 is a placeholder for the dash pattern argument, which isn't used here.

     p0.draw(p1, Colors::gray, "", "pensquare scaled .5cm rotated 45");

[Figure 6. Not displayed.]

Fig. 6.

The function Point::undraw() takes a required Point& argument and optional string arguments for the dash pattern and the pen. Unlike Point::draw(), a Color argument would have no meaning for Point::undraw(). The string arguments are passed unchanged to the output file.

undraw() can be used to "hollow out" the region drawn in [the previous figure] . Since a dash pattern is used, portions of the middle of the region are not undrawn.

     p0.undraw(p1, "evenly scaled 6", "pencircle scaled .2cm");

[Figure 7. Not displayed.]

Fig. 7.

For complete descriptions of draw() and undraw(), see Point Reference; Drawing.

Node: Labeling Points Intro, Previous: Drawing Points Intro, Up: Drawing and Labeling Points

Labeling Points

The labels in the previous examples were made by using the functions Point::label() and Point::dotlabel(), which make it possible to include TeX text in a drawing.

label() and dotlabel() take string arguments for the text of the label and the position of the label with respect to the Point. The label text is formatted using TeX, so it can contain math mode material between dollar signs. Please note that double backslashes must be used, where a single backslash would suffice in a file of MetaPost code, for example, for TeX control sequences. Alternatively, a short argument can be used for the label.

The position argument is optional, with "top" as the default. If the empty string "" is used, the label will centered about the Point itself. This will usually only make sense for label(), because it would otherwise interfere with the dot. Valid arguments for the position are the same as in MetaPost: "top", "bot" (bottom), "lft" (left), "rt" (right), "ulft" (upper left), "urt" (upper right), "llft" (lower left), and "lrt" (lower right).

     Point p0;
     Point p1(1);
     Point p2(2);
     Point p3(p0);
     Point p4(p1);
     Point p5(p2);
     p3 *= p4 *= p5.shift(0, 1);
     p0.label($p_0$, "");
     p2.dotlabel("p2", "bot");
     p3.dotlabel("This is $p_3$", "lft");
     p5.label("$\\leftarrow p_5$", "rt");

[Figure 8. Not displayed.]

Fig. 8.

For complete descriptions of Point::label() and Point::dotlabel(), see Points; Labelling.

Node: Paths, Next: , Previous: Drawing and Labeling Points, Up: Top


Points alone are not enough for making useful drawings. The next step is to combine them into Paths, which are similar to Metafont's paths, except that they are three-dimensional. A Path consists of a number of Points and strings representing the connectors. The latter are not processed by 3DLDF, but are passed unchanged to the output file. They must be valid connectors for MetaPost, e.g.:

     {dir 60}..
     {z1 - z2}..
     .. tension 1 and 1.5..
     ..controls z1 and z2..

Usually, it will only make sense to use .. or -, and not ..., --, tension, curl, controls, or any of the other possibilities, in Paths, unless you are sure that they will only be viewed with no foreshortening due to the perspective projection. This can be the case, when a Path lies in a plane parallel to one of the major planes, and is projected using parallel projection onto that plane. Otherwise, the result of using these connectors is likely to be unsatisfactory, because MetaPost performs its calculations based purely on the two-dimensional values of the points in the perspective projection. While the Points on the Path will be projected correctly, the course of the Path between these Points is likely to differ, depending on the values of the Focus used (see Focuses), so that different views of the same Path may well be mutually inconsistent. This problem doesn't arise with "-", since the perspective projection does not "unstraighten" straight lines, but it does with "..", even without tension, curl, or controls. The solution is to use enough Points, since a greater number of Points on a Path tends to reduce the number of possible courses through the Points.16

Node: Declaring and Initializing Paths, Next: , Previous: Paths, Up: Paths

Declaring and Initializing Paths

There are various ways of declaring and initializing Paths. The simplest is to use the constructor taking two Point arguments:

     Point A;
     Point B(2, 2);
     Path p(A, B);

[Figure 9. Not displayed.]

Fig. 9.

Paths created in this way are important, because they are guaranteed to be linear, as long as no operations are performed on them that cause them to become non-linear. Linear Paths can be used to find intersections. See Path Intersections.

Paths can be declared and initialized using a single connector and an arbitrary number of Points. The first argument is a string specifying the connector. It is followed by a bool, indicating whether the Path is cyclical or not. Then, an arbitrary number of pointers to Point follow. The last argument must be 0.17

     Point p[3];
     p[1].set(1, 2, 2);
     p[2].set(1, 0, 2);
     Path pa("--", true, &p[0], &p[1], &p[2], 0);

[Figure 10. Not displayed.]

Fig. 10.

Another constructor must be used for Paths with more than one connector and an arbitrary number of Points. The argument list starts with a pointer to Point, followed by string for the first connector. Then, pointer to Point arguments alternate with string arguments for the connectors. Again, the list of arguments ends in 0. There is no need for a bool to indicate whether the Path is cyclical or not; if it is, the last non-zero argument will be a connector, otherwise, it will be a pointer to Point.

     Point p[8];
     p[2].set(0, 0, -2);
     p[3].set(0, 0, 2);
     p[4] = p[0].mediate(p[2]);
     p[5] = p[2].mediate(p[1]);
     p[6] = p[1].mediate(p[3]);
     p[7] = p[3].mediate(p[0]);
     p[4] *= p[5] *= p[6] *= p[7].shift(0, 1);
     Path pa(&p[0], "..", &p[4], "...", &p[2],
             "..", &p[5], "...", &p[1], "..", &p[6],
             "...", &p[3], "..", &p[7], "...", 0);

[Figure 11. Not displayed.]

Fig. 11.

As mentioned above (see Accuracy), specifying connectors is problematic for three-dimensional Paths, because MetaPost ultimately calculates the "most pleasing curve" based on the two-dimensional points in the MetaPost code written by 3DLDF.18 For this reason, it's advisable to avoid specifying curl, dir, tension or control points in connectors. The more Points a (3DLDF) Path or other object contains, the less freedom MetaPost has to determine the (MetaPost) path through them. So a three-dimensional Path or other object in 3DLDF should have enough Points to ensure satisfactory results. The Path in [the previous figure] does not really have enough Points. It may require some trial and error to determine what a sufficient number of Points is in a given case.

Paths are very flexible, but not always convenient. 3DLDF provides a number of classes representing common geometric Shapes, which will be described in subsequent sections, and I intend to add more in the course of time.

Node: Drawing and Filling Paths Intro, Previous: Declaring and Initializing Paths, Up: Paths

Drawing and Filling Paths

The easiest way to draw a Path is with no arguments.

     Point pt[5];
     pt[0].set(-1, -2);
     pt[1].set(0, -3);
     pt[2].set(1, 0);
     pt[3].set(2, 1);
     pt[4].set(-1, 2);
     Path pa("..", true, &pt[0], &pt[1], &pt[2], &pt[3], &pt[4], 0);

[Figure 12. Not displayed.]

Fig. 12.

Since pa is closed, it can be filled as well as drawn. The following example uses fill() with a Color argument, in order to avoid having a large splotch of black on the page. Common Colors are declared in the namespace Colors. See Color Reference.


[Figure 13. Not displayed.]

Fig. 13.

Closed Paths can be filled and drawn, using the function filldraw(). This function draws the Path using the pen specified, or MetaPost's currentpen by default. A Color for drawing the Path can also be specified, otherwise, the default color (currently Colors::black) is used. In addition, the Path is filled using a second Color, which can be specified, or the background_color (Colors::background_color), by default. Filling a Path using the background color causes it to hide objects that lie behind it. See Surface Hiding, for a description of the surface hiding algorithm, and examples. Currently, this algorithm is quite primitive and only works for simple cases.

     Point p0(-3, 0, 1);
     Point p1(3, 1, 1);

[Figure 14. Not displayed.]

Fig. 14.

The following example uses arguments for the Colors used for drawing and filling, and the pen. The empty string argument before the pen argument is a placeholder for the dash pattern argument.

     pa.filldraw(black, gray, "",
        "pensquare xscaled 3mm yscaled 1mm rotated 60");

[Figure 15. Not displayed.]

Fig. 15.

Paths can also be "undrawn", "unfilled", and "unfilldrawn", using the corresponding functions:

     p0.undraw(p1, "", "pencircle scaled 3mm");

[Figure 16. Not displayed.]

Fig. 16.

     Path q;
     q = pa;
     q.scale(.5, .5);

[Figure 17. Not displayed.]

Fig. 17.

The function unfilldraw() takes a Color argument for drawing the Path, which is *Colors::background_color by default. This makes it possible to unfill the Path while drawing the outline with a visible Color. On the other hand, it also makes it necessary to specify *Colors::background_color or Colors::white, if the user wants to use the dash pattern and/or pen arguments, without drawing the Path.

     q.unfilldraw(white, "", "pensquare xscaled 3mm yscaled 1mm");

[Figure 18. Not displayed.]

Fig. 18.

The following example demonstrates the use of unfilldraw() with black as its Color argument. Unfortunately, it also demonstrates one of the limitations of the surface hiding algorith: The line from p0 to p1 is hidden by the filled Path pa. Since the portion of pa covered by Path q has been unfilled, the line from p_0 to p_1 should be visible as it passes through q. However, from the point of view of 3DLDF, there is no relationship between pa and q; nor does it "know" whether a Path has been filled or unfilled. If it's on a Picture, it will hide objects lying behind it, unless the surface hiding algorithm fails for another reason. See Surface Hiding, for more information.

     q.unfilldraw(black, "", "pensquare xscaled 3mm yscaled 1mm");

[Figure 19. Not displayed.]

Fig. 19.

See Paths; Drawing and Filling, for more information, and complete descriptions of the functions.

Node: Plane Figures, Next: , Previous: Paths, Up: Top

Plane Figures

3DLDF currently includes the following classes representing plane geometric figures: Polygon, Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve ("Regular Closed Plane Curve"), Reg_Polygon ("Regular Polygon"), Rectangle, Ellipse and Circle. Polygon and Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve are derived from Path, Reg_Polygon and Rectangle are derived from Polygon, and Ellipse and Circle are derived from Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve. Polygon and Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve are meant to be used as base classes only, so objects of these types should normally never be declared.

Since Reg_Polygon, Rectangle, Ellipse, and Circle all ultimately derive from Path, they are really just special kinds of Path. In particular, they inherit their drawing and filling functions from Path, and their transformation functions take the same arguments as the Path versions. They also have constructors and setting functions that work in a similar way, with a few minor differences, to account for their different natures. See Polygon Reference, Rectangle Reference, Ellipse Reference, and Circle Reference, for complete information on these classes.

Node: Regular Polygons Getstart, Next: , Previous: Plane Figures, Up: Plane Figures

Regular Polygons

The following example creates a pentagon in the x-z plane, centered about the origin, whose enclosing circle has a radius equal to 3cm.

     default_focus.set(2, 3, -10, 2, 3, 10, 10);
     Reg_Polygon p(origin, 5, 3);

[Figure 20. Not displayed.]

Fig. 20.

Three additional arguments cause the pentagon to be rotated about the x, y, and z axes by the amount indicated. In this example, it's rotated 90 degrees

about the x-axis, so that it comes to lie in the x-y plane:

     Reg_Polygon p(origin, 5, 3, 90);

[Figure 21. Not displayed.]

Fig. 21.

In this example, it's rotated 36 degrees

about the y-axis, so that it appears to point in the opposite direction from the first example:

     Reg_Polygon p(origin, 5, 3, 0, 36);

[Figure 22. Not displayed.]

Fig. 22.

In this example, it's rotated 90 degrees

about the z-axis, so that it lies in the z-y plane:

     Reg_Polygon p(origin, 5, 3, 0, 0, 90);

[Figure 23. Not displayed.]

Fig. 23.

In this example, it's rotated 45 degrees

about the x, y, and z-axes in that order:

     Reg_Polygon p(origin, 5, 3, 45, 45, 45);

[Figure 24. Not displayed.]

Fig. 24.

Reg_Polygons need not be centered about the origin. If another Point pt is used as the first argument, the Reg_Polygon is first created with its center at the origin, then the specified rotations, if any, are performed. Finally, the Reg_Polygon is shifted such that its center comes to lie on pt:

     Point P(-2, 1, 1);
     Reg_Polygon hex(P, 6, 4, 60, 30, 30);

[Figure 25. Not displayed.]

Fig. 25.

In the following example, the Reg_Polygon polygon is first declared using the default constructor, which creates an empty Reg_Polygon. Then, the polygon is repeatedly changed using the setting function corresponding to the constructor used in the previous examples. [next figure] demonstrates that a given Reg_Polygon need not always have the same number of sides.

     Point p(0, -3);
     Reg_Polygon polygon;
     for (int i = 3; i < 9; ++i)
         polygon.set(p, i, 3);
         p.shift(0, 1);

[Figure 26. Not displayed.]

Fig. 26.

Node: Rectangles Getstart, Next: , Previous: Regular Polygons Getstart, Up: Plane Figures


A Rectangle can be constructed in the x-z plane by specifying a center Point, the width, and the height:

     Rectangle r(origin, 2, 3);

[Figure 27. Not displayed.]

Fig. 27.

Three additional arguments can be used to specify rotation about the x, y, and z-axes respectively:

     Rectangle r(origin, 2, 3, 30, 45, 15);

[Figure 28. Not displayed.]

Fig. 28.

If a Point p other than the origin is specified as the center of the Rectangle, the latter is first created in the x-z plane, centered about the origin, as above. Then, any rotations specified are performed. Finally, the Rectangle is shifted such that its center comes to lie at p:

     Point p0(.5, 1, 3);
     Rectangle r(p0, 4, 2, 30, 30, 30);

[Figure 29. Not displayed.]

Fig. 29.

This constructor has a corresponding setting function:

     Rectangle r;
     for (int i = 0; i < 180; i += 30)
         r.set(origin, 4, 2, i);

[Figure 30. Not displayed.]

Fig. 30.

Rectangles can also be specified using four Points as arguments, whereby they must be ordered so that they are contiguous in the resulting Rectangle:

     Point pt[4];
     pt[0].shift(-1, -2);
     pt[2] = pt[1] = pt[0];
     pt[3] = pt[1];
     pt[2] *= pt[3].rotate(0, 180);
     Rectangle r(pt[0], pt[2], pt[3], pt[1]);

[Figure 31. Not displayed.]

Fig. 31.

This constructor checks whether the Point arguments are coplanar, however, it does not check whether they are really the corners of a valid rectangle; the user, or the code that calls this function, must ensure that they are. In the following example, r, although not rectangular, is a Rectangle, as far as 3DLDF is concerned:

     pt[0].shift(0, -1);
     pt[3].shift(0, 1);
     Rectangle q(pt[0], pt[2], pt[3], pt[1]);

[Figure 32. Not displayed.]

Fig. 32.

This constructor is not really intended to be used directly, but should mostly be called from within other functions, that should ensure that the arguments produce a rectangular Rectangle. There is also no guarantee that transformations or other functions called on Rectangle, Circle, or other classes representing geometric figures won't cause them to become non-rectangular, non-circular, or otherwise irregular. Sometimes, this might even be desirable. I plan to add the function Rectangle::is_rectangular() soon, so that users can test Rectangles for rectangularity.

Node: Ellipses Getstart, Next: , Previous: Rectangles Getstart, Up: Plane Figures


Ellipse has a constructor similar to those for Reg_Polygon and Rectangle. The first argument is the center of the Ellipse, and the following two specify the lengths of the horizontal and vertical axes respectively. The Ellipse is first created in the x-z plane, centered about the origin. The horizontal axis lies along the x-axis and the vertical axis lies along the z-axis. The three subsequent arguments specify the amounts of rotation about the x, y, and z-axes respectively and default to 0. Finally, Ellipse is shifted such that its center comes to lie at the Point specified in the first argument.

     Point pt(-1, 1, 1);
     Ellipse e(pt, 3, 6, 90);

[Figure 33. Not displayed.]

Fig. 33.

As you may expect, this constructor has a corresponding setting function:

     Ellipse e;
     real h_save = 1.5;
     real v_save = 2;
     real h = h_save;
     real v = v_save;
     Point p(-1);
     for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
           e.set(p, h, v, 90);
           h_save += .25;
           v_save += .25;
           h *= sqrt(h_save);
           v *= sqrt(v_save);
           p.shift(0, 0, 2);

[Figure 34. Not displayed.]

Fig. 34.

Node: Circles Getstart, Previous: Ellipses Getstart, Up: Plane Figures


Circles are constructed just like Ellipses, except that the vertical and horizontal axes are per definition the same, so there's only one argument for the diameter, instead of two for the horizontal and vertical axes:

     Point P(0, 2, 1);
     Circle c(P, 3.5, 90, 90);

[Figure 35. Not displayed.]

Fig. 35.

This constructor, too, has a corresponding setting function:

     Circle c;
     Point p(-1, 0, 5);
     for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
           c.set(p, 5, i * 22.5, 0, 0, 64);

[Figure 36. Not displayed.]

Fig. 36.

In the preceding example, the last argument to set(), namely "64", is for the number of Points used for constructing the perimeter of the Circle. The default value is 16, however, if it is used, foreshortening distorts the most nearly horizontal Circle. Increasing the number of points used improves its appearance. However, there may be a limit to how much improvement is possible. See Accuracy.

Node: Solid Figures, Next: , Previous: Plane Figures, Up: Top

Solid Figures

Node: Cuboid Getstart, Next: , Previous: Solid Figures, Up: Solid Figures


A cuboid is a solid figure consisting of six rectangular faces that meet at right angles. A cube is a special form of cuboid, whose faces are all squares. The constructor for the class Cuboid follows the pattern familiar from the constructors for the plane figures: The first argument is the center of the Cuboid, followed by three real arguments for the height, width, and depth, and then three more real arguments for the angles of rotation about the x, y, and z-axes. The Cuboid is first constructed with its center at the origin. Its width, height, and depth are measured along the x, y, and z-axes respectively. If rotations are specified, it is rotated about the x, y, z-axes in that order. Finally, it is shifted such that its center comes to lie on its Point argument, if the latter is not the origin.

If the width, height, and depth arguments are equal, the Cuboid is a cube:

     Cuboid c0(origin, 3, 3, 3, 0, 30);

[Figure 37. Not displayed.]

Fig. 37.

In the following example, the Cuboid is "filldrawn", so that the lines dilineating the hidden surfaces of the Cuboid are covered.

     Cuboid c1(origin, 3, 4, 5, 0, 30);

[Figure 38. Not displayed.]

Fig. 38.

Node: Polyhedron Getstart, Previous: Cuboid Getstart, Up: Solid Figures


The class Polyhedron is meant for use only as a base class; no objects of type Polyhedron should be declared. Instead, there is a class for each of the different drawable polyhedra. Currently, 3DLDF defines only three: Tetrahedron, Dodecahedron, and Icosahedron. There's no need for a Cube class, because cubes can be drawn using Cuboid (see Cuboid Getstart).

Polyhedra have a high priority in my plans for 3DLDF. I intend to add Octahedron soon, which will complete the set of regular Platonic polyhedra. Then I will begin adding the semi-regular Archimedean polyhedra, and their duals.

The constructors for the classes derived from Polyhedron follow the pattern familiar from the classes already described. The constructors for the classes described below have identical arguments: First, a Point specifying the center, then a real for the diameter of the surrounding circle (Umkreis, in German) of one of its polygonal faces, followed by three real arguments for the angles of rotation about the main axes.

Node: Tetrahedron Getstart, Next: , Previous: Polyhedron Getstart, Up: Polyhedron Getstart


The center of a tetrahedron is the intersection of the lines from a vertex to the center of the opposite side. At least, in 3DLDF, this is the center of a Tetrahedron. I'm not 100 degrees certain that this is mathematically correct.

     Tetrahedron t(origin, 4);

[Figure 39. Not displayed.]

Fig. 39.

Node: Dodecahedron Getstart, Next: , Previous: Tetrahedron Getstart, Up: Polyhedron Getstart


A dodecahedron has 12 similar regular pentagonal faces. The following examples show the same Dodecahedron using different projections:

     default_focus.set(2, 5, -10, 2, 5, 10, 10);
     Dodecahedron d(origin, 3);

[Figure 40. Not displayed.]

Fig. 40.

[Figure 41. Not displayed.]

Fig. 41.

Please note that the Dodecahedron in [next figure] is drawn, and not filldrawn!

[Figure 42. Not displayed.]

Fig. 42.

[Figure 43. Not displayed.]

Fig. 43.

In [next figure] , d is filldrawn. In this case, the surface hiding algorithm has worked properly. See Surface Hiding.

[Figure 44. Not displayed.]

Fig. 44.

Node: Icosahedron Getstart, Previous: Dodecahedron Getstart, Up: Polyhedron Getstart


An icosahedron has 20 similar regular triangular faces. The following examples show the same Icosahedron using different projections:

     default_focus.set(3, 0, -10, 2, 0, 10, 10);
     Icosahedron i(origin, 3);

[Figure 45. Not displayed.]

Fig. 45.

[Figure 46. Not displayed.]

Fig. 46.

[Figure 47. Not displayed.]

Fig. 47.

[Figure 48. Not displayed.]

Fig. 48.

In [next figure] , i is filldrawn. In this case, the surface hiding algorithm has worked properly. See Surface Hiding.

[Figure 49. Not displayed.]

Fig. 49.

Node: Pictures, Next: , Previous: Solid Figures, Up: Top


Applying drawing and filling operations to the drawable objects described in the previous chapters isn't enough to produce output. These operations merely modify the Picture object that was passed to them as an argument (current_picture, by default).

Pictures in 3DLDF are quite different from pictures in MetaPost. When a drawing or filling operation is applied to an object O, a copy of O, C, is allocated on the free store, a pointer to Shape S is pointed at C, and S is pushed onto the vector<Shape*> shapes on the Picture P, which was passed as an argument to the drawing or filling command. The arguments for the pen, dash pattern, Color, and any others, are used to set the corresponding data members of C (not O).

In order to actually cause MetaPost code to be written to the output file, it is necessary to invoke P.output(). Now, the appropriate version of output() is applied to each of the objects pointed to by a pointer on P.shapes. output() is a pure virtual function in Shape, so all classes derived from Shape must have an output() function. So, if shapes[0] points to a Path, Path::output() is called, if shapes[1] points to a Point, Point::output() is called, and if shapes[2] points to an object of a type derived from Solid, Solid::output() is called. Point, Path, and Solid are namely the only classes derived from Shape for which a version of output() is defined. All other Shapes are derived from one of these classes. These output() functions then write the MetaPost code to the output file through the output file stream out_stream.

     default_focus.set(0, 0, -10, 0, 0, 10, 10);
     Circle c(origin, 3, 90);

[Figure 50. Not displayed.]

Fig. 50.

The C++ code for [the previous figure] starts with the command beginfig(1) and ends with the command endfig(1). They simply write "beginfig(<arg> )" and "endfig()" to out_stream, The optional unsigned int argument to endfig() is not written to out_stream, it's merely "syntactic sugar" for the user.

In MetaPost, the endfig command causes output and then clears currentpicture. This is not the case in 3DLDF, where Picture::output() and Picture::clear() must be invoked explicitly:

     Point p0;
     Point p1(1, 2, 3);
     Circle C(origin, 3);

In [next figure] , two Pictures are used within a single figure.

     Picture my_picture;
     default_focus.set(0, 0, -10, 0, 0, 10, 10);
     Circle c(origin, 3, 90);

[Figure 51. Not displayed.]

Fig. 51.

Multiple objects, or complex objects made up of sub-objects, can be stored in a Picture, so that operations can be applied to them as a group:

     default_focus.set(7, 5, -10, 7, 5, 10, 10);
     Cuboid c0(origin, 5, 5, 5);
     c0.shift(0, 0, 3);
     Circle z0(c0.get_rectangle_center(0), 2.5, 90, 0, 0, 64);
     Circle z1(z0);
     z1.shift(0, 0, -1);
     int i;
     int j = z0.get_size();
     for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
         z0.get_point(i * j/8).draw(z1.get_point(i * j/8));
     Cuboid c1(c0.get_rectangle_center(4), 5, 3, 3);
     c1.shift(0, 2.5);
     Rectangle r0 = *c1.get_rectangle_ptr(3);
     Point p[10];
     for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
       p[i] = r0.get_point(i);
     p[4] = r0.get_mid_point(0);
     p[5] = r0.get_mid_point(2);
     p[6] = p[4].mediate(p[5], 2/3.0);
     Circle z2(p[6], 2, 90, 90, 0, 16);
     Circle z3 = z2;
     j = z2.get_size();
     for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
         z2.get_point(i * j/8).draw(z3.get_point(i * j/8));
     p[7] = c0.get_rectangle_center(2);
     p[8] = c0.get_rectangle_center(3);
     current_picture.rotate(45, 45);
     current_picture.shift(10, 0, 3);

[Figure 52. Not displayed.]

Fig. 52.

Let's say the complex object in [the previous figure] represents a furnace. From the point of view of 3DLDF, however, it's not an object at all, and the drawing consists of a collection of unrelated Cuboids, Circles, Rectangles, and Paths. If we hadn't put it into a Picture, we could still have rotated and shifted it, but only by applying the operations to each of the sub-objects individually.

One consequence of the way Pictures are output in 3DLDF is, that the following code will not work:

     Point p(1, 2);
     Point q(1, 3);
     out_stream << "pickup pencircle scaled .5mm;" << endl;
     out_stream << "pickup pensquare xscaled .3mm rotated 30;" << endl;

This is the MetaPost code that results:

     pickup pencircle scaled .5mm;
     pickup pensquare xscaled .3mm rotated 30;
     draw (0.000000cm, -3.000000cm) -- (1.000000cm, -1.000000cm);
     draw (0.000000cm, -3.000000cm) -- (1.000000cm, 0.000000cm);

It's perfectly legitimate to write raw MetaPost code to out_stream, as in lines 4 and 6 of this example. However, the draw() commands do not cause any output to out_stream. The MetaPost drawing commands are written to out_stream when current_picture.output() is called. Therefore, the pickup commands are "bunched up" before the drawing commands. In this example, setting currentpen to pencircle scaled .5mm has no effect, because it is immediately reset to pensquare xscaled .3mm rotated 30 in the MetaPost code, before the draw commands. It is not possible to change currentpen in this way within a Picture. Since the draw() commands in the 3DLDF code didn't specify a pen argument, currentpen with its final value is used for both of the MetaPost draw commands. For any given invocation of Picture::output(), there can only be one value of currentpen. All other pens must be passed as arguments to the drawing commands.

Node: Projections, Next: , Previous: Pictures, Up: Pictures


In order for a 3D graphic program to be useful, it must be able to make two-dimensional projections of its three-dimensional constructions so that they can be displayed on computer screens and printed out. These are some of the possible projections:

• Parallel projection onto one of the major planes
These projections are trivial, and can be performed by 3DLDF. They are discussed in the following section.
• Parallel projection onto another plane
I haven't programmed these projections yet, but they might be useful, so I probably will, when I get around to it.
• The perspective projection
This is the projection most people think of, when they think of 3D-graphics. It is discussed in detail in The Perspective Projection.
• The isometric and axonometric projections
These projections are important for engineering and drafting. I have not yet implemented them in 3DLDF, but they are on my list of "Things To Do".

The function Picture::output() takes a const unsigned short argument specifying the projection to be used. The user should probably avoid using explicit unsigned shorts, but should use the constants defined for this purpose in the namespace Projections.19 The constants are PERSP, PARALLEL_X_Y, PARALLEL_X_Z, PARALLEL_Z_Y, AXON, and ISO. The latter two should not be used, because the axonometric and isometric projections have not yet been implemented.

Node: Parallel Projections, Next: , Previous: Projections, Up: Projections

Parallel Projections

When a Picture is projected onto the x-y plane, the x and y-values from the world_coordinates of the Points belonging to the objects on the Picture are copied to their projective_coordinates, which are used in the MetaPost code written to out_stream. If a Picture p contains an object in the x-y plane, or in a plane parallel to the x-y plane, then the result of p.output(Projections::PARALLEL_X_Y) is more-or-less equivalent to just using MetaPost without 3DLDF.

     Rectangle r(origin, 3, 3, 90);
     Circle c(origin, 3, 90);
     c *= r.shift(0, 0, 5);

[Figure 53. Not displayed.]

Fig. 53.

If the objects do not lie in the x-y plane, or a plane parallel to the x-y plane, then the projection will be distorted:


[Figure 54. Not displayed.]

Fig. 54.

Picture::output() can be called with an additional real argument factor for magnifying or shrinking the Picture.

     Rectangle r(origin, 4, 4, 90, 60);
     Circle c(origin, 4, 90, 60);
     c *= r.shift(0, 0, 5);
     r.filldraw(black, gray);
     current_picture.output(Projections::PARALLEL_X_Y, .5);
     current_picture.output(Projections::PARALLEL_X_Y, 2);

[Figure 55. Not displayed.]

Fig. 55.

Parallel projection onto the x-z and z-y planes are completely analogous to parallel projection onto the x-y plane.

Node: The Perspective Projection, Previous: Parallel Projections, Up: Projections

The Perspective Projection

The perspective projection obeys the laws of linear perspective. In 3DLDF, it is performed by means of a transformation, whose effect is, to the best of my knowledge, exactly equivalent to the result of a perspective projection done by hand using vanishing points and rulers.

It is very helpful to the artist to understand the laws of linear perspective, and to know how to make a perspective drawing by hand.20 However, it is a very tedious and error-prone procedure (I know, I've done it). One of my main motivations for writing 3DLDF was so I wouldn't have to do it anymore.

[next figure] shows a perspective construction, the way it could be done by hand. The point of view, or focus is located 6cm from the picture plane, and 4cm above the ground (or x-z) plane at the point (0, 4, -6). The rectangle R lies in the ground plane, with the point r_0 at (2, 0, 1.5). The right side of R, with length = 2cm lies at an angle of 40 to the ground line, which corresponds to the intersection line of the ground plane with the picture plane, and the left side, with length = 5cm, at an angle of 90 degrees - 40 degrees = 50 degrees to the ground line.

[Figure 56. Not displayed.]

Fig. 56.

While it's possible to use 3DLDF to make a perspective construction in the traditional way, as [the previous figure] shows, the code for [next figure]

achieves the same result more efficiently:

     default_focus.set(0, 4, -6, 0, 4, 6, 6);
     Rectangle r(origin, 2, 5, 0, 40);
     Point p(2, 0, 1.5);
     r.shift(p - r.get_point(0));

[Figure 57. Not displayed.]

Fig. 57.

In [the second-to-last figure] , it was convenient to start with the corner point r_0; if we needed the center of R, it would have to be found from the corner points. However, in 3DLDF, Rectangles are most often constructed about the center. Therefore, in [next figure] , R is first constructed about the origin, with the rotation about the y-axis passed as an argument to the constructor. It is then shifted such that *(R.points[0]), the first (or zeroth, if you will) Point on R comes to lie at (2, 0, 1.5).

Unlike the other transformations currently used in 3DLDF, the perspective transformation is non-affine. Affine transformations maintain parallelity of lines, while the rules of perspective state that parallel lines, with one exception, appear to recede toward a vanishing point.21

In [the second-to-last figure] , the lines from r_0 to r_1 and from r_3 to r_2 appear to vanish toward the right-hand 40 degrees vanishing point, while the lines from r_0 to r_3 and from r_1 to r_2 appear to vanish toward the left-hand 50 degrees vanishing point. The lower the angle of a vanishing point, the further away it is from the center of vision, as [next figure] shows:

[Figure 58. Not displayed.]

Fig. 58.

In [the previous figure] , the 0.5 degrees vanishing point is nearly 5 and 3/4 meters away from the CV, and a line receding to it will be very nearly horizontal. However, the distance from the focus to the CV is only 5cm. As this distance increases, the distance from the CV to a given vanishing point increases proportionately. If the distance is 30cm, a more reasonable value for a drawing, then the x-coordinate of VP 10 degrees is 170.138cm, that of VP 5 degrees is 342.902cm, and that of VP 0.5 degrees is 3437.66cm! This is the reason why perspective drawings done by hand rarely contain lines receding to the horizon at low angles.

This problem doesn't arise when the perspective transformation is used. In this case, any angle can be calculated as easily as any other:

     default_focus.set(0, 4, -6, 0, 4, 6, 6);
     Rectangle r;
     Point center(0, 2);
     r.set(center, 2, 5, 0, 0, 0.5);
     r.set(center, 2, 5, 0, 0, 2.5);
     r.set(center, 2, 5, 0, 0, 5);

[Figure 59. Not displayed.]

Fig. 59.

Node: Focuses Getstart, Next: , Previous: Projections, Up: Pictures


The perspective transformation requires a focus; as a consequence, outputting a Picture requires an object of class Focus. Picture::output() takes an optional pointer-to-Focus argument, which is 0 by default. If the default is used, (or 0 is passed explicitly), the global variable default_focus is used. See Focus Reference; Global Variables.

A Focus can be thought of as the observer of a scene, or a camera. It contains a Point position for its location with respect to 3DLDF's coordinate system, and a Point direction, specifying the direction where the observer is looking, or where the camera is pointed. The Focus can be rotated freely about the line PD, where P stands for position and D for direction, so a Focus contains a third Point up, to indicate which direction will be "up" on the projection, when a Picture is projected.

The projection plane q will always be perpendicular to the line PD, or to put it another way, the line PD, is normal to q.

Unlike the traditional perspective construction, where the distance from the focus to the center of vision fixes both the location of the focus in space, and its distance to the picture plane,22 these two parameters can be set independently when the perspective transformation is used. The distance from a Focus to the picture plane is stored in the data member distance, of type real.

A Focus can be declared using two Point arguments for position and direction, and a real argument for distance, in that order.

     Point pos(0, 5, -10);
     Point dir(0, 5, 10);
     Focus f(pos, dir, 10);
     Point center(2, 0, 3);
     Rectangle r(center, 3, 3);

[Figure 60. Not displayed.]

Fig. 60.

The "up" direction is calculated by the Focus constructor automatically. An optional argument can be used to specify the angle by which to rotate the Focus about the line PD.

     Point pos(0, 5, -10);
     Point dir(0, 5, 10);
     Focus f(pos, dir, 10, 30);
     Point center(2, 0, 3);
     Rectangle r(center, 3, 3);

[Figure 61. Not displayed.]

Fig. 61.

Alternatively, a Focus can be declared using three real arguments each for the x, y, and z-coordinates of position and direction, respectively, followed by the real arguments for distance and the angle of rotation:

     Focus f(3, 5, -5, 0, 3, 0, 10, 10);
     Point center(2, 0, 3);
     Rectangle r(center, 3, 3);

[Figure 62. Not displayed.]

Fig. 62.

Focuses contain two Transforms, transform and persp. A Focus can be located anywhere in 3DLDF's coordinate system. However, performing the perspective projection is more convenient, if position and direction both lie on one of the major axes, and the plane of projection corresponds to one of the major planes. transform is the transformation which would have this affect on the Focus, and is calculated by the Focus constructor. When a Picture is output using that Focus, transform is applied to all of the Shapes on the Picture, maintaining the relationship between the Focus and the Shapes, while making it easier to calculate the projection. The Focus need never be transformed by transform. The actual perspective transformation is stored in persp.

Focuses can be moved by using one of the setting functions, which take the same arguments as the constructors. Currently, there are no affine transformation functions for moving Focuses, but I plan to add them soon. If 3DLDF is used for making animation, resetting the Focus can be used to simulate camera movements:

     Point pos(2, 10, 3);
     Point dir(2, -10, 3);
     Focus f;
     Point center(2, 0, 3);
     for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
         f.set(pos, dir, 10, (15 * i));
         Rectangle r(center, 3, 3);
         pos.shift(1, 1, 0);
         dir.rotate(0, 0, 10);

[Figure 63. Not displayed.]

Fig. 63.

In [the previous figure] , current_picture is output 5 times within a single MetaPost figure. Since the file passed to MetaPost is called persp.mp, the file of Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) code containing [the previous figure] is called persp.1. To use this technique for making an animation, it's necessary to output the Picture into multiple MetaPost figures.

     Point pos(2, 10, 3);
     Point dir(2, -10, 3);
     Focus f;
     Point center(2, 0, 3);
     for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
         f.set(pos, dir, 10, (15 * i));
         Rectangle r(center, 3, 3);
         pos.shift(1, 1, 0);
         dir.rotate(0, 0, 10);

Now, running MetaPost on persp.mp generates the EPS files persp.1, persp.2, persp.3, persp.4, and persp.5, containing the five separate drawings of r.

Node: Surface Hiding, Previous: Focuses Getstart, Up: Pictures

Surface Hiding

In [next figure] , Circle c lies in front of Rectangle r. Since c is drawn and not filled, r is visible behind c.

     default_focus.set(1, 3, -5, 0, 3, 5, 10);
     Point p(0, -2, 5);
     Rectangle r(p, 3, 4, 90);
     Point q(2, -2, 3);
     Circle c(q, 3, 90);

[Figure 64. Not displayed.]

Fig. 64.

If instead, c is filled or filldrawn, only the parts of r that are not covered by c should be visible:


[Figure 65. Not displayed.]

Fig. 65.

What parts of r are covered depend on the point of view, i.e., the position and direction of the Focus used for outputting the Picture:

     default_focus.set(8, 0, -5, 5, 3, 5, 10);

[Figure 66. Not displayed.]

Fig. 66.

Determining what objects cover other objects in a program for 3D graphics is called surface hiding, and is performed by a hidden surface algorithm. 3DLDF currently has a very primitive hidden surface algorithm that only works for the most simple cases.

The hidden surface algorithm used in 3DLDF is a painter's algorithm, which means that the objects that are furthest away from the Focus are drawn first, followed by the objects that are closer, which may thereby cover them. In order to make this possible, the Shapes on a Picture must be sorted before they are output. They are sorted according to the z-values in the projective_coordinates of the Points belonging to the Shape. This may seem strange, since the projection is two-dimensional and only the x and y-values from projective_coordinates are written to out_stream. However, the perspective transformation also produces a z-coordinate, which indicates the distance of the Points from the Focus in the z-dimension.

The problem is, that all Shapes, except Points themselves, consist of multiple Points, that may have different z-coordinates. 3DLDF currently does not yet have a satisfactory way of dealing with this situtation. In order to try to cope with it, the user can specify four different ways of sorting the Shapes: They can be sorted according to the maximum z-coordinate, the minimum z-coordinate, the mean of the maximum and minimum z-coordinate (max + min) / 2, and not sorted. In the last case, the Shapes are output in the order of the drawing and filling commands in the user code. The z-coordinates referred to are those in projective_coordinates, and will have been calculated for a particular Focus.

The function Picture::output() takes a const unsigned short sort_value argument that specifies which style of sorting should be used. The namespace Sorting contains the following constants which should be used for sort_value: MAX_Z, MIN_Z, MEAN_Z, and NO_SORT. The default is MAX_Z.

3DLDF's primitive hidden surface algorithm cannot work for objects that intersect. The following examples demonstrate why not:

     using namespace Sorting;
     using namespace Colors;
     using namespace Projections;
     default_focus.set(5, 3, -10, 3, 1, 1, 10, 180);
     Rectangle r0(origin, 3, 4, 45);
     Rectangle r1(origin, 2, 6, -45);
     current_picture.output(default_focus, PERSP, 1, MAX_Z);
     -| r0:
     fill_draw_value == 0
     (-1.5, -1.41421, -1.41421) -- (1.5, -1.41421, -1.41421) --
     (1.5, 1.41421, 1.41421) -- (-1.5, 1.41421, 1.41421)
     -- cycle;
     r0.show("r0:", 'p');
     -| r0:
     fill_draw_value == 0
     Perspective coordinates.
     (-5.05646, -4.59333, -0.040577) -- (-2.10249, -4.86501, -0.102123) --
     (-1.18226, -1.33752, 0.156559) -- (-3.51276, -1.2796, 0.193084)
     -- cycle;
     -| r1:
     fill_draw_value == 0
     (-1, 2.12132, -2.12132) -- (1, 2.12132, -2.12132) --
     (1, -2.12132, 2.12132) -- (-1, -2.12132, 2.12132)
     -- cycle;
     r1.show("r1:", 'p');
     -| r1:
     fill_draw_value == 0
     Perspective coordinates.
     (-5.09222, -0.995681, -0.133156) -- (-2.98342, -1.03775, -0.181037) --
     (-1.39791, -4.05125, 0.208945) -- (-2.87319, -3.93975, 0.230717)
     -- cycle;

[Figure 67. Not displayed.]

Fig. 67.

In [the previous figure] , the Rectangles r_0 and r_1 intersect along the x-axis. The z-values of the world_coordinates of r_0 are -1.41421 and 1.41421 (two Points each), while those of r_1 are 2.12132 and -2.12132. So r_1 has two Points with z-coordinates greater than the z-coordinate of any Point on r_0, and two Points with z-coordinates less than the z-coordinate of any Point on r_0. The Points on r_0 and r_1 all have different z-values in their projective_coordinates, but r_1 still has a Point with a z-coordinate greater than that of any of the Points on r_0, and one with a z-coordinate less than that of any of the Points on r_0.

In [next figure] , the Shapes on current_picture are sorted according to the maximum z-values of the projective_coordinates of the Points belonging to the Shapes. r_1 is filled and drawn first, because it has the Point with the positive z-coordinate of greatest magnitude. When subsequently r_0 is drawn, it covers part of the top of r_1, which lies in front of r_0, and should be visible:

     current_picture.output(default_focus, PERSP, 1, MAX_Z);

[Figure 68. Not displayed.]

Fig. 68.

In [next figure] , the Shapes on current_picture are sorted according to the minimum z-values of the projective_coordinates of the Points belonging to the Shapes. r1 is drawn and filled last, because it has the Point with the negative z-coordinate of greatest magnitude. It thereby covers the bottom part of r0, which lies in front of r1, and should be visible.

     current_picture.output(default_focus, PERSP, 1, MIN_Z);

[Figure 69. Not displayed.]

Fig. 69.

Neither sorting by the mean z-value in the projective_coordinates, nor suppressing sorting does any good. In each case, one Rectangle is always drawn and filled last, covering parts of the other that lie in front of the first.

3DLDF's hidden surface algorithm will fail wherever objects intersect, not just where one extends past the other in both the positive and negative z-directions.

     Rectangle r(origin, 3, 4, 45);
     Circle c(origin, 2, -45);
     c.filldraw(black, gray);
     current_picture.output(default_focus, PERSP, 1, NO_SORT);

[Figure 70. Not displayed.]

Fig. 70.

Even where objects don't intersect, their projections may. In order to handle these cases properly, it is necessary to break up the Shapes on a Picture into smaller Shapes, until there are none that intersect or whose projections intersect. Then, any of the three methods of sorting described above can be used to sort the Shapes, and they can be output.

Before this can be done, 3DLDF must be able to find the intersections of all of the different kinds of Shapes. If 3DLDF converted solids to polyhedra and curves to sequences of line segments, this would reduce to the problem of finding the intersections of lines and planes, however it does not yet do this.

Even if it did, a fully functional hidden surface algorithm must compare each Shape on a Picture with every other Shape. Therefore, for n Shapes, there will be n! / ((n - r)! r!) (possibly time-consuming) comparisons.

[Figure 71. Not displayed.]

Fig. 71.

Clearly, such a hidden surface algorithm would considerably increase run-time.

Currently, all of the Shapes on a Picture are output, as long as they lie completely within the boundaries passed as arguments to Picture::output(). See Pictures; Outputting. It would be more efficient to suppress output for them, if they are completely covered by other objects. This also requires comparisions, and could be implemented together with a fully-functional hidden surface algorithm.

Shadows, reflections, highlights and shading are all effects requiring comparing each Shape with every other Shape, and could greatly increase run-time.

Node: Intersections, Next: , Previous: Pictures, Up: Top


There are no functions for finding the intersection points of two (or more) arbitrary Paths. This is impossible, so long as 3DLDF outputs MetaPost code. 3DLDF only "knows" about the Points on a Path; it doesn't actually generate the curve or other figure that passes through the Points, and consequently doesn't "know" how it does this.

In addition, an arbitrary Path can contain connectors. In 3DLDF, the connectors are merely strings and are written verbatim to the output file, however, in MetaPost they influence the form of a Path.

3DLDF can, however, find the intersection points of some non-arbitrary Paths. So far, it can find the intersection point of the following combinations of Paths:

  1. Two linear Paths, i.e., Paths for which Path::is_linear() returns true (see Path Reference; Querying). In addition, the static Point member function Point::intersection_points() can be called with four Point arguments. The first and second arguments are treated as the end points of one line, and the third and fourth arguments as the end points of the other.
  2. A line and a Polygon. Currently, Reg_Polygon and Rectangle are the only classes derived from Polygon.
  3. Two Polygons.
  4. A line and a Regular Closed Plane Curve (Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve, see Regular Closed Plane Curve Reference; Intersections). Currently, Ellipse and Circle are the only classes derived from Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve.
  5. Two Ellipses. Since a Circle is also an Ellipse, one or both of the Ellipses may be a Circle. See Ellipse Reference; Intersections.

Adding more functions for finding the intersections of various geometric figures is one of my main priorities with respect to extending 3DLDF.

There are currently no special functions for finding the intersection points of a line and a Circle or two Circles. Since the class Circle is derived from class Ellipse, Circle::intersection_points() resolves to Ellipse::intersection_points(), which, in turn, calls Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve::intersection_points(). This does the trick, but it's much easier to find the intersections for Circles that it is for Ellipses. In particular, the intersections of two coplanar Circles can be found algebraically, whereas I've had to implement a numerical solution for the case of two coplanar Ellipses with different centers and/or axis orientation. It may also be worthwhile to write a specialization for finding the intersection points of a Circle and an Ellipse.

The theory of intersections is a fascinating and non-trivial branch of mathematics.23 As I learn more about it, I plan to define more classes to represent various curves (two-dimensional ones to start with) and functions for finding their intersection points.

Node: Installing and Running 3DLDF, Next: , Previous: Intersections, Up: Top

Installing and Running 3DLDF

Node: Installing 3DLDF, Next: , Previous: Installing and Running 3DLDF, Up: Installing and Running 3DLDF

Installing 3DLDF

3DLDF is available for downloading from http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/3dldf. The official 3DLDF website is http://www.gnu.org/software/3dldf. The "tarball", i.e., the compressed archive file 3DLDF- unpacks into a directory called /3DLDF-

On a typical Unix-like system, entering the following commands at the command line in a shell will unpack the 3DLDF distribution. Please note that the form of the commands may differ on your system.

     gunzip 3DLDF-
     tar xpvf 3DLDF-

The p option to tar ensures that the files will have the same permissions as when they were packed.

The directory 3DLDF- contains a configure script, which should be called from the command line in the shell, using the absolute path of 3DLDF- as the prefix argument. For example, if the path is /usr/local/mydir/3DLDF-, configure should be invoked as follows:

     cd 3DLDF-
     configure --prefix=/usr/local/mydir/3DLDF-

configure generates a Makefile from the Makefile.in in 3DLDF-, and in each of the subdirectories 3DLDF-, 3DLDF-, and 3DLDF- Now, make install causes the 3DLDF to be built. The executable is called 3dldf.

See the files README and INSTALL in the 3DLDF distribution for more information.

Node: Template Functions, Previous: Installing 3DLDF, Up: Installing 3DLDF

Template Functions

3DLDF 1.1.5 is the first release that contains template functions, namely template <class C> C* create_new(), which is defined in creatnew.web, and template <class Real> Real get_second_largest(), which is defined in gsltmplt.web. See Dynamic Allocation of Shapes, and Get Second Largest Real.

In order for template functions to be instantiated correctly, their definitions must be available in each compilation unit where specializations are declared or used. For non-template functions, it suffices for their declarations to be available, and their definitions are found at link-time. For this reason, the definitions of create_new() and get_second_largest() are in their own CWEB files, and are written to their own header files. The latter are included in the other CWEB files that need them.

In addition, AM_CXXFLAGS = -frepo has been added to the file Makefile.am in 3DLDF-1.1.5/CWEB/, so that the C++

compiler is called using the -frepo option. The manual Using and Porting the GNU Compiler Collection explains this as follows:

"Compile your template-using code with -frepo. The compiler will generate files with the extension .rpo listing all of the template instantiations used in the corresponding object files which could be instantiated there; the link wrapper, collect2, will then update the .rpo files to tell the compiler where to place those instantiations and rebuild any affected object files. The link-time overhead is negligible after the first pass, as the compiler will continue to place the instantiations in the same files."24

The first time the executable 3dldf is built, the files that use the template functions are recompiled one or more times, and the linker is also called several times. This doesn't happen anymore, once the .rpo files exist.

Template instantiation differs from compiler to compiler, so using template functions will tend to make 3DLDF less portable. I am no longer able to compile it on the DECalpha Personal Workstation I had been using with the DEC C++ compiler. See Ports, for more information.

Node: Running 3DLDF, Previous: Installing 3DLDF, Up: Installing and Running 3DLDF

Running 3DLDF

To use 3DLDF, call make run from the command line in the shell. The working directory should be 3DLDF- or 3DLDF- Either will work, but the latter may be more convenient, because this is the location of the CWEB, TeX and MetaPost files that you'll be editing. Alternatively, call ldfr, which is merely a shell script that calls make run. This takes care of running 3dldf, MetaPost, TeX, and dvips, producing a PostScript file containing your drawings. You can display the latter on your terminal using Ghostview or some other PostScript viewer, print it out, and whatever else you like to do with PostScript files.

However, you can also perform the actions performed by make run by hand, by writing your own shell scripts, by defining Emacs-Lisp commands, or in other ways. Even if you choose to use make run, it's important to understand what it does. The following explains how to do this by hand.

The CWEB source files for 3DLDF are in the subdirectory 3DLDF- They must be ctangled, and the resulting C++ files must be compiled and linked, in order to create the executable file 3dldf. The C++ files and header files generated by ctangle, the object files generated by the compiler, and the executable 3dldf all reside in 3DLDF- Therefore, the latter must be your working directory.

Since 3DLDF has no input routine as yet, as explained in No Input Routine, it is necessary to add C++ code to the function main() in main.web, and/or in a separate function in another file. In the latter case, the function containing the user code must be invoked in main(). Look for the line "Your code here!" in main.web.

This is an example of what you could write in main(). Feel free to make it more complicated, if you wish.

     default_focus.set(2, 3, -10, 2, 3, 10, 20);
     Rectangle R(origin, 5, 3);
     Circle C(origin, 3, 90);
     C.half(180).filldraw(black, light_gray);
     C.half().filldraw(black, light_gray);
     Point p = C.get_point(4);
     p.shift(0, -.5 * p.get_y());
     p.label("$C$", "");
     Point q = R.get_mid_point(0);
     q.shift(0, 0, -.5 * q.get_z());
     q.label("$R$", "");
     current_picture.output(default_focus, PERSP, 1, NO_SORT);

[Figure 72. Not displayed.]

Fig. 72.

  1. Save main.web, and any other CWEB files you've changed. Since these files have changed, they must be ctangled, and the resulting C++ files must be recompiled. If you've changed any files other than main.web, ctangle will also generate a header file for each of these files. If a header file differs from the version that existed before ctangle was run, all of the C++ files that depend on it must be recompiled. Then 3dldf must be relinked. To do this, call make 3dldf from the command line.

    If you've made any errors in typing your code, the compiler should have issued error messages, so go back into the appropriate CWEB file and correct your errors. Then call make 3dldf again.

  2. Call CWEB/3dldf at the command line. It writes a file of MetaPost code called 3DLDFput.mp.
  3. Run MetaPost on the file 3DLDFmp.mp, which inputs 3DLDFput.mp.
              mpost 3DLDFput

    The result is an Encapsulated PostScript file 3DLDFput.<integer> for each figure in your drawing.

  4. The file 3DLDFtex.tex should contain code for including the 3DLDFput.<integer> files. This is an example taken from the 3DLDFtex.tex included in the distribution. You may change it to suit your purposes.
              \vbox to \vsize{\vskip 2cm
              \line{\hskip 2cm Figure 1.\hss}%
              \line{\hskip 2cm\epsffile{3DLDFmp.1}\hss}%
  5. Run TeX on 3DLDFtex.tex to produce the DVI file, 3DLDFtex.dvi.
              tex 3DLDFtex
  6. Run dvips on the DVI file to produce the PostScript file, 3DLDFtex.ps.
              dvips -o 3DLDFtex.ps 3DLDFtex
  7. 3DLDFtex.ps can be viewed using Ghostview, it can be printed using lpr (on a Unix-like system), you can convert it to PDF with ps2pdf, or to some other format using the appropriate program.

I sincerely hope that it worked. If it didn't, ask your local computer wizard for help.

On the computer I'm using, I found that special arguments for setting landscape and papersize in TeX files for DIN A3 landscape didn't work. Ghostview cut off the right sides of the drawings. Nor did it work to call dvips -t landscape -t a3. This caused an error message which said that landscape would be ignored. When I called dvips with the -t landscape option alone, it worked, and Ghostview showed the entire drawing.

Another problem was Adobe Acrobat. It would display the entire DIN A3 page, but not always in landscape format. I was unable to find a way of rotating the pages in Acrobat. I finally found out, that if I included even a single letter of text in a label, Acrobat would display the document correctly.

Node: Converting EPS Files, Next: , Previous: Running 3DLDF, Up: Running 3DLDF

Converting EPS Files

ImageMagick is a "collection of tools and libraries" for image manipulation. It provides a `convert' utility which can convert images from one format to another. It can convert structured PostScript (PS) to to Portable Network Graphics (PNG), but not EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) to PNG. Nor can it convert EPS to structured PostScript.

It is possible to have MetaPost generate structured PostScript directly by including the command prologues:=1; at the beginning of the MetaPost input. However, this "generally doesn't work when you use TeX fonts."25 This is a significant problem if your labels contain math mode material, and you haven't already taken steps to ensure that appropriate fonts will be used in the PS output.

In the following, I describe the only way I've found to convert an EPS image to PNG format while still using TeX fonts. There may be other and better ways of doing this, but I haven't found them.

  1. Assume the EPS image is in the file 3DLDFmp.1 Include the EPS image in a TeX file which looks like this:
              \advance\voffset by -1in
              \advance\hoffset by -1in
              \input epsf

    Do not name this file 3DLDFmp.1.tex! While this worked fine for me on a DECalpha Personal Workstation running under Tru64 Unix 5.1, with TeX, Version 3.1415 (C version 6.1), and dvipsk 5.58f, it failed on a PC Pentium II XEON under Linux 2.4, with TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.4.5), and dvips(k) 5.92b, kpathsea version 3.4.5, with the following error message:

              ``No BoundingBox comment found in file examples.1; using defaults''

    The resulting PS image had the wrong size and the the graphic was positioned improperly.

    Apparently, it confuses the EPSF macros when the name of an included image is the same as \jobname. So, for this example, let's call it 3DLDFmp.1_.tex.

    You don't really need to call the macro \epsfverbosetrue. If you do, it will print the measurements of the bounding box and other information to standard output.26

  2. Run tex 3DLDFmp.1_.tex.
  3. Run dvips -o 3DLDF.1.ps 3DLDFmp.1_.dvi.
  4. Run convert 3DLDF.1.ps 3DLDFmp.1.png.
ImageMagick supplies a `display' utility, which can be used to display the PNG image:
     display 3DLDFmp.1.png

It can be included in an HTML document as follows:

     <img src="3DLDFmp.1.png"
              alt="[Fig. 1]."

Please note! The PNG files for this manual are now called filename 3DLDF1.png, 3DLDF2.png, ..., 3DLDF199.png, because I wasn't able to write files with names like 3DLDFmp.<number>.png to a CD-R (Compact Disk, Recordable), when `number' had more than one digit.

Node: Converting EPS Files ELISP, Previous: Converting EPS Files, Up: Converting EPS Files

Emacs-Lisp Functions

The file 3DLDF- contains definitions of two Emacs-Lisp functions that can be used to convert Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files to structured PostScript (PS) and Portable Network Graphics (PNG) files.

convert-eps filename do-not-delete-files Emacs-Lisp function
Converts an EPS image file to the PS and PNG formats.

If called interactively, convert-eps prompts for the filename, including the extension, of an EPS image file. It follows the procedure described above in Converting EPS Files, to create filename.ps and filename.png.

If do-not-delete-files is nil, the .tex, .dvi, and .log files will be deleted. This is the case when convert-eps is called interactively with no prefix argument. If convert-eps is called interactively with a prefix argument, or non-interactively with a non-nil do-not-delete-files argument, these files will not be deleted.

convert-eps-loop arg start end Emacs-Lisp function
Converts a set of EPS image files to the PS and PNG formats. The files must all have the same filename, and the extensions must form a range of positive integers. For example, convert-eps-loop can be used to convert the files 3DLDFmp.1, 3DLDFmp.2, and 3DLDFmp.3 to 3DLDFmp.1.ps, 3DLDFmp.2.ps, and 3DLDFmp.3.ps on the one hand, and 3DLDFmp.1.png, 3DLDFmp.2.png, 3DLDFmp.3.png on the other.

If convert-eps-loop is called interactively, it prompts for filename with no extension and the starting and ending numbers of the range.

For all i \in \INT and start \le i \le end, convert-eps-loop checks whether a file named filename.i exists. If it does, it calls convert-eps, passing filename.i as the latter's filename argument.

do-not-delete-files is also passed to convert-eps. If it's nil, the .tex, .dvi, and .log files will be deleted. This is the case when convert-eps-loop is called interactively with no prefix argument. If convert-eps-loop is called interactively with a prefix argument, or non-interactively with a non-nil do-not-delete-files argument, these files will not be deleted.

Node: Command Line Arguments, Previous: Converting EPS Files, Up: Running 3DLDF

Command Line Arguments

3dldf can be called with the following command line arguments.

Prints information about the valid command line options to standard output and exits with return value 0.
Suppresses some output to standard output and standard error when 3dldf is run
Causes status information to be printed to standard output when 3dldf is run.
Prints the version number of 3DLDF to standard output and exits with return value 0.

Currently, 3dldf can only handle long options. - cannot be substituted for --. However, the names of the options themselves can be abbreviated, as long as the abbreviation is unambigous. For example, 3dldf --h and 3dldf --verb are valid, but 3dldf --ver is not.

Node: Typedefs and Utility Structures, Next: , Previous: Installing and Running 3DLDF, Up: Top

Typedefs and Utility Structures

3DLDF defines a number of data types for various reasons, e.g., for the sake of convenience, for use in conditional compilation, or as return values of functions. Some of these data types can be defined using typedef, while others are defined as structs.

The typedefs and utility structures described in this chapter are found in pspglb.web. Others, that contain objects of types defined in 3DLDF, are described in subsequent chapters.

real typedef
Synonymous either with float or double, depending on the values of the preprocessor variables LDF_REAL_FLOAT and LDF_REAL_DOUBLE. The meaning of real is determined by means of conditional compilation. If real is float, 3DLDF will require less memory than if real is double, but its calculations will be less precise. real is "typedeffed" to float by default.

real_pair first second typedef
Synonymous with pair<real, real>.

real_triple first second third struct
All three data elements of real_triple are reals. It also has two constructors, described below. There are no other member functions.

void real_triple (void) Constructor
void real_triple (real a, real b, real c) Constructor
The constructor taking no arguments sets first, second, and third to 0. The constructor taking three real arguments sets first to a, second to b, and third to c.

Matrix typedef
A Matrix is a 4 X 4 array of real, e.g., Matrix M; == real M[4][4]. It is used in class Transform for storing transformation matrices. See Transforms, and See Transform Reference, for more information.

real_short first second typedef
Synonymous with pair<real, signed short>. It is the return type of Plane::get_distance().

bool_pair first second typedef
Synonymous with pair<bool, bool>.

bool_real first second typedef
Synonymous with pair<bool, real>.

Node: Global Constants and Variables, Next: , Previous: Typedefs and Utility Structures, Up: Top

Global Constants and Variables

The global constants and variables described in this chapter are found in pspglb.web. Others, of types defined in 3DLDF, are described in subsequent chapters.

bool ldf_real_float Constants
bool ldf_real_double
Set to 0 or 1 to match the values of the preprocessor macros LDF_REAL_FLOAT and LDF_REAL_DOUBLE. The latter are used for conditional compilation and determine whether real is "typedeffed" to float or double, i.e., whether real is made to be a synonym of float or double using typedef.

ldf_real_float and ldf_real_double can be used to control conditional expressions in non-conditionally compiled code.

real PI Constant
The value of PI is calculated as 4.0 * arctan(1.0). I believe that a preprocessor macro "PI" was available when I compiled 3DLDF using the DEC C++ compiler, and that it wasn't, when I used GNU CC under Linux, but I'm no longer sure.

valarray <real> null_coordinates Variable
Contains four elements, all 0. Used for resetting the sets of coordinates belonging to Points, but only when the DEC C++

compiler is used. This doesn't work when GCC is used.

real INVALID_REAL Constant
Actually, INVALID_REAL is the largest possible real value (i.e., float or double) on a given machine. So, from the point of view of the compiler, it's not invalid at all. However, 3DLDF uses it to indicate failure of some kind. For example, the return value of a function returning real can be compared with INVALID_REAL to check whether the function succeeded or failed.

An alternative approach would be to use the exception handling facilities of C++ . I do use these, but only in a couple of places, so far.

real_pair INVALID_REAL_PAIR Constant
first and second are both INVALID_REAL.

first is INVALID_REAL and second is 0.

real MAX_REAL Variable
The largest real value permitted in the the elements of Transforms and the coordinates of Points. It is the second largest real value (i.e., float or double) on a given machine (INVALID_REAL is the largest).

MAX_REAL is a variable, but it should be used like a constant. In other words, users should never reset its value. It can't be declared const because its value must be calculated using function calls, which can't be done before the entry point of the program, i.e., main(). Therefore, the value of MAX_REAL is calculated at the beginning of main().

real MAX_REAL_SQRT Variable
The square root of MAX_REAL.

MAX_REAL_SQRT is a variable, but it should be used like a constant. In other words, users should never reset its value. It can't be declared const because its value is calculated using the sqrt() function, which can't be done before the entry point of the program, i.e., main(). Therefore, the value of MAX_REAL_SQRT is set after MAX_REAL is calculated, at the beginning of main().

MAX_REAL_SQRT is used in Point::magnitude() (see Vector Operations). The magnitude of a Point is found by using the formula \sqrtx^2 + y^2 + z^2. x, y, and z are all tested against MAX_REAL_SQRT to ensure that x^2, y^2, and z^2 will all be less than or equal to MAX_REAL before trying to calculate them.

Metafont implements an operation called Pythagorean addition, notated as "++"which can be used to calculate distances without first squaring and then taking square roots:27 a++b == \sqrt(a^2 + b^2) and a++b++c == \sqrt(a^2 + b^2 + c^2). This makes it possible to calculate distances for greater values of a, b, and c, that would otherwise cause floating point errors. Metafont also implements the inverse operation Pythagorean subtraction, notated as "+-+": a+-+b == \sqrt(a^2 - b^2). Unfortunately, 3DLDF implements neither Pythagorean addition nor subtraction as yet, but it's on my list of "things to do".

Node: Dynamic Allocation of Shapes, Next: , Previous: Global Constants and Variables, Up: Top

Dynamic Allocation of Shapes

template <class C> C* create_new (const C* arg) Template function
template <class C> C* create_new (const C& arg) Template function
These functions dynamically allocate an object derived from Shape on the free store, returning a pointer to the type of the Shape and setting on_free_store to true.

If a non-zero pointer or a reference is passed to create_new(), the new object will be a copy of arg.

It is not possible to instantiate more than one specialization of create_new() that takes no argument, because calls to these functions would be ambiguous. If the new object is not meant to be a copy of an existing one, 0 must be passed to create_new() as its argument.

create_new is called like this:

          Point* p = create_new<Point>(0);
          -| *p: (0, 0, 0)
          Color c(.3, .5, .25);
          Color* d = create_new<Color>(c);
          name ==
          use_name == 0
          red_part == 0.3
          green_part == 0.5
          blue_part == 0.25
          Point a0(3, 2.5, 6);
          Point a1(10, 11, 14);
          Path q(a0, a1);
          Path* r = create_new<Path>(&q);
          points.size() == 2
          connectors.size() == 1
          (3, 2.5, 6) -- (10, 11, 14);

Specializations of this template function are currently declared for Color, Point, Path, Reg_Polygon, Rectangle, Ellipse, Circle, Solid, and Cuboid.

Node: System Information, Next: , Previous: Dynamic Allocation of Shapes, Up: Top

System Information

The functions described in this chapter are all declared in the namespace System. They are for finding out information about the system on which 3DLDF is being run. They are declared and defined in pspglb.web, except for the template function get_second_largest(), which is declared and defined in gsltmplt.web.

There are two reasons for this. The first is that template definitions must be available in the compilation units where specializations are instantiated. I therefore write the template definition of get_second_largest() to gsltmplt.h, so it can be included by the CWEB files that need it, currently main.web only. If I wrote it to pspglb.h, it would be included by all of the CWEB files except for loader.web, causing unnecessarily bloated object code.

The other reason is because of the way way 3DLDF is built using Automake and make. I originally tried to define get_second_largest() in pspglb.web and wrote the definition to gsltmplt.cc, which is no problem with CWEB. However, I was unable to express the dependencies among the CWEB, C++ , and object files in such a way that 3DLDF was built properly.

Therefore all template functions will be put into files either by themselves, or in small groups.

Node: Endianness, Next: , Previous: System Information, Up: System Information


signed short get_endianness ([const bool verbose = false]) Function
Returns the following values:

if the processor is little-endian.
if the processor is big-endian.
if the endianness cannot be determined.

It is called by is_little_endian() and is_big_endian().

If verbose is true, messages are printed to standard output.

This function has been adapted from Harbison, Samuel P., and Guy L. Steele Jr. C, A Reference Manual, pp. 163-164. This book has the clearest explanation of endianness that I've found so far.

This is the C++ code:

          signed short
          System::get_endianness(const bool verbose)
            union {
              long Long;
              char Char[sizeof(long)];
            } u;
            u.Long = 1;
            if (u.Char[0] == 1)
                if (verbose)
                  cout << "Processor is little-endian."
                       << endl << endl << flush;
                return 0;
            else if (u.Char[sizeof(long) - 1] == 1)
                if (verbose)
                  cout << "Processor is big-endian."
                       << endl << endl << flush;
                return 1;
                cerr << "ERROR! In System::get_endianness():\n"
                     << "Can't determine endianness. Returning -1"
                     << endl << endl << flush;
                return -1;

bool is_big_endian ([const bool verbose = false]) Function
Returns true if the processor is big-endian, otherwise false. If verbose is true, messages are printed to standard output.

bool is_little_endian ([const bool verbose = false]) Function
Returns true if the processor is little-endian, otherwise false. If verbose is true, messages are printed to standard output.

Node: Register Width, Next: , Previous: Endianness, Up: System Information

Register Width

unsigned short get_register_width (void) Function
Returns the register width of the CPU of the system on which 3DLDF is being run. This will normally be either 32 or 64 bits.

This is the C++ code:

          return (sizeof(void*) * CHAR_BIT);

This assumes that an address will be the same size as the processor's registers, and that CHAR_BIT will be the number of bits in a byte. These are reasonable assumptions that apply to all architectures I know about.

This function is called by is_32_bit() and is_64_bit().

bool is_32_bit (void) Function
Returns true if the CPU of the system on which 3DLDF is being run has a register width of 32 bits, otherwise false.

bool is_64_bit (void) Function
Returns true if the CPU of the system on which 3DLDF is being run has a register width of 64 bits, otherwise false.

Node: Get Second Largest Real, Previous: Register Width, Up: System Information

Get Second Largest Real

template <class Real> Real get_second_largest (Real MAX_VAL, [bool verbose = false]) Template function
float get_second_largest (float, bool) Template specialization
double get_second_largest (double, bool) Template specialization
get_second_largest returns the second largest floating point number of the type specified the template paramater Real. If verbose is true, messages are printed to standard output.

This function is used for setting the value of MAX_REAL. See Global Constants and Variables.

get_second_largest depends on there being an unsigned integer type with the same length as Real. This should always be the case for float and double, but may not be long double.

MAX_VAL should be the largest number of type Real on a given architecture. The GNU C++ compiler GCC 3.3 does not currently supply the numeric_limits template, so it is necessary to pass one of the macros FLT_MAX or DBL_MAX explicitly, depending on which specialization you use28. When and if GCC supplies the numeric_limits template, I will eliminate the MAX_REAL argument.

Node: Color Reference, Next: , Previous: System Information, Up: Top

Color Reference

Class Color is defined in colors.web.

Node: Color Data Members, Next: , Previous: Color Reference, Up: Color Reference

Data Members

string name Variable
The name of the Color.

bool use_name Variable
If true, name is written to out_stream when the Color is used for drawing or filling. Otherwise, the RGB (red-green-blue) values are written to out_stream.

bool on_free_store Variable
true, if the Color has been created by create_new<Color>(), which allocates memory for the Color on the free store. Otherwise false. Colors should only ever be dynamically allocated by using create_new<Color>(). See Color Reference;;Constructors and Setting Functions.

real red_part Variable
real green_part Variable
real blue_part Variable
The RGB (red-green-blue) values of the Color. A real value r is valid for these variables if and only if 0 <= r <= 1.

Node: Color Constructors and Setting Functions, Next: , Previous: Color Data Members, Up: Color Reference

Constructors and Setting Functions

void Color (void) Default constructor
Creates a Color and initializes its red_part, green_part, and blue_part to 0. use_name and on_free_store are set to false.

void Color (const Color& c, [const string n = "", [const bool u = true]]) Copy constructor
Creates a Color and makes it a copy of c. If n is not the empty string and u is true, use_name is set to true. Otherwise, its set to false.

void Color (const string n, const unsigned short r, const unsigned short g, const unsigned short b, [const bool u = true]) Constructor
Creates a Color with name n. Its red_part, green_part, and blue_part are set to r/255.0, g/255.0, and b/255.0, respectively. use_name is set to u.

void set (const string n, const unsigned short r, const unsigned short g, const unsigned short b, [const bool u = false]) Setting function
Corresponds to the constructor above, except that u is false by default.

void Color (const real r, const real g, const real b) Constructor
Creates an unnamed Color using the real values r, g, and b for its red_part, green_part, and blue_part, respectively.

void set (const real r, const real g, const real b) Setting function
Corresponds to the constructor above.

Color* create_new<Color> (const Color* c) Template specializations
Color* create_new<Color> (const Color& c)
Pseudo-constructors for dynamic allocation of Colors. They create a Color on the free store and allocate memory for it using new(Color). They return a pointer to the new Color.

If c is a non-zero pointer or a reference, the new Color will be a copy of c. If the new object is not meant to be a copy of an existing one, 0 must be passed to create_new<Color>() as its argument. See Dynamic Allocation of Shapes, for more information.

This function is used in the drawing and filling functions for Path and Solid. Point::drawdot() should be changed to use it too, but I haven't gotten around to doing this yet.

Node: Color Operators, Next: , Previous: Color Constructors and Setting Functions, Up: Color Reference


void operator= (const Color& c) Assignment operator
Sets name to the empty string, use_name to false, and red_part, green_part, and blue_part to c.red_part, c.green_part, and c.blue_part, respectively.

bool operator== (const Color& c) const operator
Equality operator. Returns true, if the red_parts, green_parts, and blue_parts of *this and c are equal, otherwise false. The names and use_names are not compared.

bool operator!= (const Color& c) const operator
Inequality operator. Returns false, if the red_parts, green_parts, and blue_parts of *this and c are equal, otherwise true. The names and use_names are not compared.

ostream& operator<< (ostream& o, const Color& c) Non-member function
Output operator. Writes the MetaPost code for the Color to out_stream when a Picture is output. This occurs when the Color has been used as an argument to drawing or filling functions.

If use_name is true, name is written to out_stream. Otherwise, "(red_part, green_part, blue_part)" is written to out_stream.

Node: Modifying Colors, Next: , Previous: Color Operators, Up: Color Reference


void set_name (const string s) Function
Sets name to s. use_name is not reset.

void set_use_name (const bool b) Function
Sets use_name to b.

void modify (const real r, [const real g = 0, [const real b = 0]]) Function
Adds r, g, and b to red_part, green_part, and blue_part, respectively. Following the addition, if red_part, green_part, and/or blue_part is greater than 1, it is reduced to 1. If it is less than 0, it is increased to 0.

void set_red_part (const real q) Function
void set_green_part (const real q) Function
void set_blue_part (const real q) Function
Let p stand for red_part, green_part, or blue_part, depending upon which function is used. If 0 <= q <= 1, p is set to q. If q < 0, p is set to 0. If q > 1, p is set to 1.

Node: Showing Colors, Next: , Previous: Modifying Colors, Up: Color Reference


void show ([string text = ""]) const function
Prints information about the Color to standard output. If text is not the empty string, prints text on a line of its own. Otherwise, it prints "Color:". Then it prints name, use_name, red_part, green_part, and blue_part.

Node: Querying Colors, Next: , Previous: Showing Colors, Up: Color Reference


bool is_on_free_store (void) const function
Returns on_free_store. This will only be true, if the Color was created by create_new<Color>(). See Color Reference; Constructors and Setting Functions.

real get_red_part ([bool decimal = false]) Inline const function
real get_green_part ([bool decimal = false]) Inline const function
real get_blue_part ([bool decimal = false]) Inline const function
These functions return the red_part, green_part, or blue_part of the Color, respectively. If decimal is false (the default), the actual real value of the "part" is returned. Otherwise, the corresponding whole number n such that 0 <= n <= 255 is returned.

bool get_use_name (void) const function
Returns use_name.

string get_name (void) Inline const function
Returns name.

Node: Defining and Initializing Colors, Next: , Previous: Querying Colors, Up: Color Reference

Defining and Initializing Colors

void define_color_mp () const function
Writes MetaPost code to out_stream, in order to define objects of type color within MetaPost, and set their redparts, greenparts, and blueparts.

void initialize_colors (void) Static function
Calls define_color_mp() (described above) for the Colors that are defined in namespace Colors (see Namespace Colors).

Node: Namespace Colors, Previous: Defining and Initializing Colors, Up: Color Reference

Namespace Colors.

const Color red Constant
const Color green Constant
const Color blue Constant
const Color cyan Constant
const Color yellow Constant
const Color magenta Constant
const Color orange_red Constant
const Color violet_red Constant
const Color pink Constant
const Color green_yellow Constant
const Color orange Constant
const Color violet Constant
const Color purple Constant
const Color blue_violet Constant
const Color yellow_green Constant
const Color black Constant
const Color white Constant
const Color gray Constant
const Color light_gray Constant
These constant Colors can be used in drawing and filling commands.

const Color default_background Constant
The default background color. Equal to white per default.

const Color* background_color Pointer
Points to default_background by default.

const Color* default_color Pointer
Points to black by default.

const Color* help_color Pointer
Points to green by default.

The following vectors of pointers to Color can be used in the drawing and filling functions for Solid (see Solid Reference; Drawing and Filling).

const vector <const Color*> default_color_vector Vector
Contains one pointer, namely default_color.

const vector <const Color*> help_color_vector Vector
Contains one pointer, namely help_color.

const vector <const Color*> background_color_vector Vector
Contains one pointer, namely background_color.

Node: Input and Output, Next: , Previous: Color Reference, Up: Top

Input and Output

Node: I/O Global Variables, Next: , Previous: Input and Output, Up: Input and Output

Global Variables

ifstream in_stream Variable
Intended for inputting files of input code. However, 3DLDF does not currently have a routine for reading input code. in_stream is currently attached to the file ldfinput.ldf by initialize_io() (see I/O Functions). in_stream is read in character-by-character in main(), however this serves no useful purpose as yet.

ofstream out_stream Variable
Used for writing the file of MetaPost code, which is 3DLDF's output. Currently attached to the file subpersp.mp by initialize_io() (see I/O Functions).

ofstream tex_stream Variable
TeX code can be written to a file through tex_stream, if desired. 3DLDF makes no use of it itself. Currently attached to subpersp.tex by initialize_io() (see I/O Functions).

Node: I/O Functions, Previous: I/O Global Variables, Up: Input and Output

I/O Functions

void initialize_io (string in_stream_name, string out_stream_name, string tex_stream_name, char* program_name) Function
Opens files with names specified by the first three arguments, and attaches them to the file streams in_stream, out_stream, and tex_stream, respectively. Comments are written at the beginning of the files, containing their names, a datestamp, and the name of the program used to generate them.

void write_footers (void) Function
Writes code at the end of the files attached to in_stream, out_stream, and tex_stream, before the streams are closed. Currently, they write comments containing local variable lists for use in Emacs.

void beginfig (unsigned short i) Inline function
Writes "beginfig(i)" to out_stream.

void endfig ([unsigned short i = 0]) Inline function
Writes "endfig()" to out_stream. The argument i is "syntactic sugar"; it's ignored by endfig(), but may help the user keep track of what figure is being ended.

Node: Shape Reference, Next: , Previous: Input and Output, Up: Top

Shape Reference

Class Shape is defined in shapes.web.

Shape is an abstract class, which means that all of its member functions are pure virtual functions, and that it's only used as a base class, i.e., no objects of type Shape may be declared.

All of the "drawable" types in 3DLDF, Point, Path, Ellipse, etc., are derived from Shape.

Deriving all of the drawable types from Shape makes it possible to handle objects of different types in the same way. This is especially important in the Picture functions, where objects of various types (but all derived from Shape) are accessed through pointers to Shape. See Picture Reference.

Node: Shape Data Members, Next: , Previous: Shape Reference, Up: Shape Reference

Data Members

signed short DRAWDOT Protected static constants
signed short DRAW
signed short FILL
signed short FILLDRAW
signed short UNDRAWDOT
signed short UNDRAW
signed short UNFILL
signed short UNFILLDRAW
Values used in the output() functions of the classes derived from Shape. For example, in Path, if the data member fill_draw_value = DRAW, then the MetaPost command draw is written to out_stream when that Path is output.

Node: Shape Operators, Next: , Previous: Shape Data Members, Up: Shape Reference


Transform operator*= (const Transform& t) Pure virtual function

Node: Copying Shapes, Next: , Previous: Shape Operators, Up: Shape Reference


Shape* get_copy (void) const pure virtual function
Copies an object, allocating memory on the free store for the copy, and returns a pointer to Shape for accessing the copy.

Used in the drawing and filling functions for copying the Shape, and putting a pointer to the copy onto the vector<Shape*> shapes of the Picture.

Node: Modifying Shapes, Next: , Previous: Copying Shapes, Up: Shape Reference


bool set_on_free_store (bool b = true) Pure virtual function
Sets the data member on_free_store to b. All classes derived from Shape must therefore also have a data member on_free_store.

This function is used in the template function create_new<type>. See Dynamic Allocation of Shapes, for more information.

Node: Affine Transformations for Shapes, Next: , Previous: Modifying Shapes, Up: Shape Reference

Affine Transformations

Transform rotate (const real x, const real y, const real z) Pure virtual functions
Transform scale (real x, real y, real z)
Transform shear (real xy, real xz, real yx, real yz, real zx, real zy)
Transform shift (real x, real y, real z)
Transform rotate (const Point& p0, const Point& p1, const real r)
See Point Reference; Affine Transformations.

Node: Applying Transformations to Shapes, Next: , Previous: Affine Transformations for Shapes, Up: Shape Reference

Applying Transformations

void apply_transform (void) Pure virtual function
Applies the Transform stored in the transform data member of the Points belonging to the Shape to their world_coordinates. The transforms are subsequently reset to the identity Transform.

Node: Clearing Shapes, Next: , Previous: Applying Transformations to Shapes, Up: Shape Reference


void clear (void) Pure virtual function
The precise definition of this function will depend on the nature of the derived class. In general, it will call the destructor on dynamically allocated objects belonging to the Shape, and deallocate the memory they occupied.

Node: Querying Shapes, Next: , Previous: Clearing Shapes, Up: Shape Reference


bool is_on_free_store (void) const pure virtual function
Returns true if the object was allocated on the free store, otherwise false.

Node: Showing Shapes, Next: , Previous: Querying Shapes, Up: Shape Reference


void show ([string text = "", [char coords = 'w', [const bool do_persp = true, [const bool do_apply = true, [Focus* f = 0, [const unsigned short proj = 0, [const real factor = 1]]]]]]]) const pure virtual function
Prints information about an object to standard output. See the descriptions of show() for the classes derived from Shape for more information.

Node: Outputting Shapes, Previous: Showing Shapes, Up: Shape Reference


void output (void) Pure virtual function
Called by Picture::output() for writing MetaPost code to out_stream for a Shape pointed to by a pointer on the vector<Shape*> shapes belonging to the Picture. Such a Shape will have been created by a drawing or filling function.

vector<Shape*> extract (const Focus& f, const unsigned short proj, real factor) Pure virtual function
Called in Picture::output(). It determines whether a Shape can be output. If it can, and an output() function for the type of the Shape exists, a vector<Shape*> containing a pointer to the Shape is returned.

On the other hand, it is possible to define a type derived from Shape, without an output() function of its own, and not derived from a type that has one. It may then consist of one or more objects of types that do have output() functions. In this case, the vector<Shape*> returned by extract() will contain pointers to all of these subsidiary Shapes, and Picture::output() will treat them as independent objects. In particular, if any one of them cannot be projected using the arguments passed to Picture::output(), this will have no effect on whether the others are outputted or not.

Currently, there are no Shapes without an output() function, either belonging to the class, or inherited. However, it's useful to be able to define Shapes in this way, so that they can be tested without having to define an output() function first.

bool set_extremes (void) Pure virtual function
Sets the values of projective_extremes for the Shape. This is needed in Picture::output() for determining the order in which objects are output.

real get_minimum_z (void) const pure virtual functions
real get_maximum_z (void)
real get_mean_z (void)
These functions return the minimum, maximum, and mean z-value respectively of the projected Points belonging to the Shape, i.e., from projective_extremes. The values for the Shapes on the Picture are used for determining the order in which they are output

const valarray<real> get_extremes (void) const pure virtual function
Returns projective_extremes.

void suppress_output (void) Pure virtual function
Sets do_output to false. This function is called in Picture::output(), if a Shape on a Picture cannot be output using the arguments passed to Picture::output().

void unsuppress_output (void) Pure virtual function
Sets do_output to true. Called in Picture::output() after output() is called on the Shapes. This way, output of Shapes that couldn't be output when Picture::output() was called with a particular set of arguments won't necessarily be suppressed when Picture::output() is called again with different arguments.


Node: Transform Reference, Next: , Previous: Shape Reference, Up: Top

Transform Reference

Class Transform is defined in transfor.web. Point is a friend of Transform.

Node: Transform Data Members, Next: , Previous: Transform Reference, Up: Transform Reference

Data Members

Matrix matrix Private variable
A 4 X 4

matrix of real representing the actual transformation matrix.

Node: Transform Global Variables and Constants, Next: , Previous: Transform Data Members, Up: Transform Reference

Global Variables and Constants

Transform user_transform Variable
Currently has no function. It is intended to be used for transforming the coordinates of Points between the world coordinate system (WCS) and a user coordinate system (UCS), when routines for managing user coordinate systems are implemented.

const Transform INVALID_TRANSFORM Constant
Every member of matrix in INVALID_TRANSFORM is equal to INVALID_REAL.

const Transform IDENTITY_TRANSFORM Constant
Homogeneous coordinates and Transforms are unchanged by multiplication with IDENTITY_TRANSFORM. matrix is an identity matrix:
          1 0 0 0
          0 1 0 0
          0 0 1 0
          0 0 0 1
See Transforms.

Node: Transform Constructors, Next: , Previous: Transform Global Variables and Constants, Up: Transform Reference


void Transform (void) Default constructor
Creates a Transform containing the identity matrix.

void Transform (real r) Constructor
Creates a Transform and sets all of the elements of matrix to r. Currently, this constructor is never used, but who knows? Maybe someday it will be useful for something.

void Transform (real r0_0, real r0_1, real r2, real r0_2, real r0_3, real r1_0, real r1_1, real r1_2, real r1_3, real r2_0, real r2_1, real r2_2, real r2_3, real r3_0, real r3_1, real r3_2, real r3_3) Constructor
Each of the sixteen real arguments is assigned to the corresponding element of matrix: matrix[0][0] = r0_0, matrix[0][1] = r0_1, etc. Useful for specifying a transformation matrix completely.

Node: Transform Operators, Next: , Previous: Transform Constructors, Up: Transform Reference


Transform operator= (const Transform& t) Assignment operator
Sets *this to t and returns t. Returning *this would, of course, have exactly the same effect.

real operator*= (real r) Operator
Multiplication with assignment by a scalar. This operator multiplies each element E of matrix by the scalar r. The return value is r. This makes it possible to chain invocations of this function: For a_x, b_x, c_x, ..., p_x in R , x in N
          Transform T0(a_0, b_0, c_0, d_0,
                       e_0, f_0, g_0, h_0,
                       i_0, j_0, k_0 l_0,
                       m_0, n_0, o_0, p_0);
          Transform T1(a_1, b_1, c_1, d_1,
                       e_1, f_1, g_1, h_1,
                       i_1, j_1, k_1 l_1,
                       m_1, n_1, o_1, p_1);
          Transform T2(a_2, b_2, c_2, d_2,
                       e_2, f_2, g_2, h_2,
                       i_2, j_2, k_2 l_2,
                       m_2, n_2, o_2, p_2);
          real r = 5;

Let M_0, M_1, and M_2 stand for T0.matrix, T1.matrix, and T2.matrix respectively:

          M_0 =
          a_0 b_0 c_0 d_0
          e_0 f_0 g_0 h_0
          i_0 j_0 k_0 l_0
          m_0 m_0 o_0 p_0
          M_1 =
          a_1 b_1 c_1 d_1
          e_1 f_1 g_1 h_1
          i_1 j_1 k_1 l_1
          m_1 m_1 o_1 p_1
          M_2 =
          a_2 b_2 c_2 d_2
          e_2 f_2 g_2 h_2
          i_2 j_2 k_2 l_2
          m_2 m_2 o_2 p_2
          T0 *= T1 *= T2 *= r;


          M_0 =
          5a_0 5b_0 5c_0 5d_0
          5e_0 5f_0 5g_0 5h_0
          5i_0 5j_0 5k_0 5l_0
          5m_0 5m_0 5o_0 5p_0
          M_1 =
          5a_1 5b_1 5c_1 5d_1
          5e_1 5f_1 5g_1 5h_1
          5i_1 5j_1 5k_1 5l_1
          5m_1 5m_1 5o_1 5p_1
          M_2 =
          5a_2 5b_2 5c_2 5d_2
          5e_2 5f_2 5g_2 5h_2
          5i_2 5j_2 5k_2 5l_2
          5m_2 5m_2 5o_2 5p_2

This function is not currently used anywhere, but it may turn out to be useful for something.

Transform operator* (const real r) const operator
Multiplication of a Transform by a scalar without assignment. The return value is a Transform A. If this.matrix has elements E_T, then A.matrix has elements E_A such that E_A = r * E_T

for all E.

Transform operator*= (const Transform& t) Operator
Performs matrix multiplication on matrix and t.matrix. The result is assigned to matrix. t is returned, not *this! This makes it possible to chain invocations of this function:
          Transform a;
          a.shift(1, 1, 1);
          Transform b;
          b.rotate(0, 90);
          Transform c;
          c.shear(5, 4);
          Transform d;
          d.scale(3, 4, 5);

Let a_m, b_m, and c_m stand for a.matrix, b.matrix, c.matrix, and d.matrix respectively:

          a_m =
          1        0        0        0
          0        1        0        0
          0        0        1        0
          1        1        1        1
          b_m =
           0.5      0.5        0.707      0
           0.146    0.854     -0.5        0
          -0.854    0.146      0.5        0
           0        0          0          1
          c_m =
           1       12       14        0
          10        1       15        0
          11       13        1        0
           0        0        0        1
          d_m =
          3        0        0        0
          0        4        0        0
          0        0        5        0
          0        0        0        1
a *= b *= c *= d;
a, b, and c are transformed by d, which remains unchanged.


          a_m =
          3        0        0        0
          0        4        0        0
          0        0        5        0
          3        4        5        1
          b_m =
           1.5     2       3.54  0
          -0.439   3.41   -2.5   0
          -2.56    0.586   2.5   0
           0       0       0     1
          c_m =
           3       48       70        0
          30        4       75        0
          33       52        5        0
           0        0        0        1
d_m is unchanged.

Transform operator* (const Transform t) const operator
Multiplication of a Transform by another Transform without assignment. The return value is a Transform whose matrix contains values that are the result of the matrix multiplication of matrix and t.matrix.

Node: Matrix Inversion, Next: , Previous: Transform Operators, Up: Transform Reference

Matrix Inversion

Transform inverse (void) const function
Transform inverse ([bool assign = false]) Function
Returns a Transform T with a T.matrix that is the inverse of matrix. If assign==true, then matrix is set to its inverse.

In the const version, matrix remains unchanged. The second should only ever be called with true as its assign argument. If you're tempted call inverse(false), you might as well just leave out the argument, which issues a warning message, and calls the const version.

Node: Setting Values Transforms, Next: , Previous: Matrix Inversion, Up: Transform Reference

Setting Values

void set_element (const unsigned short row, const unsigned short col, real r) Function
Sets the element of matrix indicated by the arguments to r.
          Transform t;
          t.set_element(0, 2, -3.45569);
          -| t:
                1       0   -3.46       0
                0       1       0       0
                0       0       1       0
                0       0       0       1

Node: Querying Transforms, Next: , Previous: Setting Values Transforms, Up: Transform Reference


bool is_identity (void) Function
Returns true if *this is the identity Transform, otherwise false. This function has both a const and a non-const version. In the non-const version, clean() is called on *this before comparing the elements of matrix with 1 (for the main diagonal) and 0 (for the other elements). In the const version, *this is copied, clean() is called on the copy, and the elements of the copy's matrix are compared with 0 and 1.

real get_element (const unsigned short row, const unsigned short col) const function
Returns the value stored in the element of matrix indicated by the arguments.
          Transform t;
          t.shift(1, 2, 3);
          t.scale(2.5, -1.2, 4);
          t.rotate(30, 15, 60);
          -| t:
              1.21    2.09   0.647       0
             0.822  -0.654    0.58       0
             -2.18   0.224    3.35       0
             -3.69    1.45    11.8       1
          cout << t.get_element(2, 1);
          -| 0.224

Node: Returning Information for Transforms, Next: , Previous: Querying Transforms, Up: Transform Reference

Returning Information

real epsilon (void) Static function
Returns the positive real value of smallest magnitude \epsilon which an element of a Transform should contain. An element of a Transform may also contain -\epsilon.

The value \epsilon is used for in the function clean() (see Transform Reference; Cleaning). It will also be used for comparing Transforms, when I've added the equality operator Transform::operator==().

epsilon() returns different values, depending on whether real is float or double: If real is float (the default), epsilon() returns 0.00001. If real is double, it returns 0.000000001.

Please note: I haven't tested whether 0.000000001 is a good value yet, so users should be aware of this if they set real to double!29 The way to test this is to transform two different Transforms t_1 and t_2 using different rotations in such a way that the end result should be the same for both Transforms. Let \epsilon stand for the value returned by epsilon(). If for all sets of corresponding elements E_1 and E_2 of t_1 and t_2, ||E_1| - |E_2|| \le \epsilon, then \epsilon is a good value. It will be easier to test this when I've added Transform::operator==().

Rotation causes a significant loss of precision to due to the use of the sin() and cos() functions. Therefore, neither Transform::epsilon() nor Point::epsilon() (see Point Reference; Returning Information) can be as small as I'd like them to be. If they are two small, operations that test for equality of Transforms and Points will return false for objects that should be equal.

Node: Showing Transforms, Next: , Previous: Returning Information for Transforms, Up: Transform Reference


void show ([string text = ""]) const function
If the optional argument text is used, and is not the empty string (""), text is printed on a line of its own to the standard output first. Otherwise, "Transform:" is printed on a line of its own to the standard output. Then, the elements of matrix are printed to standard output.
          Transform t;
          -| t:
                1       0       0       0
                0       1       0       0
                0       0       1       0
                0       0       0       1
          t.scale(1, 2, 3);
          t.shift(1, 1, 1);
          t.rotate(90, 90, 90);
          -| t:
                0       0       1       0
                0       2       0       0
               -3       0       0       0
               -1       1       1       1

Node: Affine Transformations for Transforms, Next: , Previous: Showing Transforms, Up: Transform Reference

Affine Transformations

The affine transformation functions use their arguments to create a new Transform t (local to the function) representing the appropriate transformation. Then, *this is multiplied by t and t is returned. Returning t instead of *this makes it possible to put the affine transformation function at the end of a chain of invocations of Transform::operator*=():

     Transform t0, t1, t2, t3;
     t0 *= t1 *= t2 *= t3.scale(2, 3.5, 9);

t0, t1, and t2 are all multiplied by the Transform with

     matrix =
     2   0    0  0
     0   3.5  0  0
     0   0    9  0
     0   0    0  1
representing the scaling operation, not t3, which may represent a combination of transformations.

Transform scale (real x, [real y = 1, [real z = 1]]) Function
Creates a Transform t representing the scaling operation locally, multiplies *this by t, and returns t. A Transform representing scaling only, when applied to a Point p, will cause its x-coordinate to be multiplied by x, its y-coordinate to be multiplied by y, and its z-coordinate to be multiplied by z.
          Transform t;
          t.scale(x, y, z);
          => t.matrix =
          x 0 0 0
          0 y 0 0
          0 0 z 0
          0 0 0 1
          Transform t;
          t.scale(12.5, 20, 1.3);
          -| t:
             12.5       0       0       0
                0      20       0       0
                0       0     1.3       0
                0       0       0       1

Transform shear (real xy, [real xz = 0, [real yx = 0, [real yz = 0, [real zx = 0, [real zy = 0]]]]]) Function
Creates a Transform t representing the shearing operation locally, multiplies *this by t, and returns t.

When applied to a Point, shearing causes each coordinate to be modified according to the values of the other coordinates and the arguments to shear:

          Point p(x,y,z);
          Transform t;
          t.shear(a, b, c, d, e, f);
          p *= t;
          => p = ((x + ay + bz), (y + cx + dz), (z + ex + fy))
          Transform t;
          t.shear(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
          -| t:
                1       4       6       0
                2       1       7       0
                3       5       1       0
                0       0       0       1

Transform shift (real x, [real y = 0, [real z = 0]]) Function
Transform shift (const Point& p) Function

These functions create a Transform t representing the shifting operation locally, multiplies *this by t, and returns t.

The version with the argument const Point& p passes the updated x, y, and z-coordinates of p (from world_coordinates) to the version with three real arguments.

When a Transform representing a single shifting operation only is applied to a Point, the x, y, and z arguments are added to the corresponding coordinates of the Point:

          Point p(x,y,z);
          Transform t;
          t.shift(a, b, c);
          p *= t;
          => p = (x + a, y + b, z + c)

Transform shift_times (real x, [real y = 1, [real z = 1]]) Function
Multiplies the corresponding elements of matrix by the real arguments, i.e., matrix[3][0] is multiplied by x, matrix[3][1] is multiplied by y, and matrix[3][2] is multiplied by z. Returns *this.

Ordinary shifting is additive, so a special function is needed to multiply the elements of matrix responsible for shifting. The effect of shift_times() is to modify a Transform representing a shifting operation such that the direction of the shift is maintained, while changing the distance.

If the Transform represents other operations in addition to shifting, e.g., scaling and/or shearing, the effect of shift_times() may be unpredictable.30

          Transform t;
          t.shift(1, 2, 3);
          => t.matrix =
          1 0 0 0
          0 1 0 0
          0 0 1 0
          1 2 3 1
          t.shift_times(2, 2, 2);
          => t.matrix =
          1 0 0 0
          0 1 0 0
          0 0 1 0
          2 4 6 1
          Rectangle r[4];
          r[0].set(origin, 1, 1, 90);
          r[3] = r[2] = r[1] = r[0];
          Transform t;
          t.shift(1.5, 1.5);
          r[0] *= t;
          t.shift_times(1.5, 1.5);
          r[1] *= t;
          t.shift_times(1.5, 1.5);
          r[2] *= t;
          t.shift_times(1.5, 1.5);
          r[3] *= t;

[Figure 73. Not displayed.]

Fig. 73.

          Cuboid c(origin, 1, 1, 1);
          Transform t;
          t.rotate(30, 30, 30);
          t.shift(1, 0, 1);
          c *= t;
          t.shift_times(1.5, 0, 1.5);
          c *= t;
          t.shift_times(1.5, 0, 1.5);
          c *= t;
          t.shift_times(1.5, 0, 1.5);
          c *= t;
          t.shift_times(1.5, 0, 1.5);
          c *= t;

[Figure 74. Not displayed.]

Fig. 74.

Transform rotate (real x, [real y = 0, [real z = 0]]) Function
Rotation around the main axes. Creates a Transform t representing the rotation, multiplies *this by t, and returns t.

Transform rotate (Point p0, Point p1, [const real angle = 180]) Function
Rotation around an arbitrary axis. The Point arguments represent the end points of the axis, and angle is the angle of rotation. Since 180 degrees rotation is needed so often, 180 is the default for angle.

Transform rotate (const Path& p, [const real angle = 180]) Function
Rotation around an arbitrary axis. Path argument. The Path p must be linear, i.e., p.is_linear() must return true. See Path Reference; Querying.

Node: Alignment with an Axis for Transforms, Next: , Previous: Affine Transformations for Transforms, Up: Transform Reference

Alignment with an Axis

Transform align_with_axis (Point p0, Point p1, [char axis = 'z']) Function
Returns the Transform that would align the line through p0 and p1 with the major axis denoted by the axis argument. The default is the z-axis. This function is used in the functions that find intersections.
          Point P0(1, 1, 1);
          Point P1(2, 3, 4);
          Transform t;
          t.align_with_axis(P0, P1, 'z');
          P0 *= P1 *= t;
          -| t:
               0.949  -0.169   0.267       0
                   0   0.845   0.535       0
              -0.316  -0.507   0.802       0
              -0.632  -0.169    -1.6       1
          -| P0: (0, 0, 0)
          -| P1: (0, 0, 3.74)

The following example shows how align_with_axis() can be used for putting plane figures into a major plane.

          default_focus.set(2, 3, -10, 2, 3, 10, 10);
          Circle c(origin, 3, 75, 25, 6);
          c.shift(2, 3);
          Point n = c.get_normal();
          Transform t;
          t.align_with_axis(c.get_center(), n, 'y');
          -| t:
            0.686   0.379  -0.621       0
            0.543     0.3   0.784       0
            0.483  -0.875       0       0
               -3   -1.66   -1.11       1
          n *= c *= t;
          -| c:
          fill_draw_value == 0
          (1.31, 0, -0.728) .. (1.49, 0, -0.171) ..
          (1.44, 0, 0.413) .. (1.17, 0, 0.933) ..
          (0.728, 0, 1.31) .. (0.171, 0, 1.49) ..
          (-0.413, 0, 1.44) .. (-0.933, 0, 1.17) ..
          (-1.31, 0, 0.728) .. (-1.49, 0, 0.171) ..
          (-1.44, 0, -0.413) .. (-1.17, 0, -0.933) ..
          (-0.728, 0, -1.31) .. (-0.171, 0, -1.49) ..
          (0.413, 0, -1.44) .. (0.933, 0, -1.17) .. cycle;
          -| n: (0, 1, 0)

[Figure 75. Not displayed.]

Fig. 75.

Node: Resetting Transforms, Next: , Previous: Alignment with an Axis for Transforms, Up: Transform Reference


void reset (void) Function
Resets matrix to the identity matrix.

Node: Cleaning Transforms, Previous: Resetting Transforms, Up: Transform Reference


void clean (void) Function
Sets elements in matrix whose absolute values are < epsilon() to 0.

Node: Label Reference, Next: , Previous: Transform Reference, Up: Top

Label Reference

Class Label is defined in pictures.web. Point and Picture are friends of Label.

Labels can be included in drawings by using the label() and dotlabel() functions, which are currently defined for the classes Point and Path, and the classes derived from them. See Point Reference; Labelling, and See Path Reference; Labelling. They are currently not defined for Solid, and its derived classes. I plan to add them for Solid soon.

Users will normally never need to declare objects of type Label, access its data members or call its member functions directly.

When label() or dotlabel() is invoked, one or more Labels is allocated dynamically and pointers to the new Labels are placed onto the vector<Label*> labels of a Picture: current_picture, by default. There are no explicitly defined constructors for Label, nor is it intended that Labels ever be created in any way other than through label() or dotlabel(). When a Picture is copied, the Labels are copied, too, and when a Picture is cleared (using Picture::clear()) or destroyed, the Labels are deallocated and destroyed.

Node: Label Data Members, Next: , Previous: Label Reference, Up: Label Reference

Data Members

Point* pt Private variable
A pointer to the Point representing the location of the Label.

bool dot Private variable
true if the label should be dotted, otherwise false.

dot will be false, if the label was generated by a call to label() with the "dot" argument false (the default), true, if the label was generated by a call to dotlabel(), or to label() with the "dot" argument true.

string text Private variable
The text of the label. text is always put between "btex" and "etex" in the MetaPost code, so that TeX will be used to format the labels. In particular, this means that TeX's math mode can be used. However, double backslashes must be used instead of single backslashes, in order that single backslashes be written to out_stream.
          Point P(1, 1, 2);

[Figure 76. Not displayed.]

Fig. 76.

string position Private variable
The position of the text with respect to *pt. Valid values are as in MetaPost: "top", "bot" (bottom), "lft" (left), "rt" (right), "ulft" (upper left), "llft" (lower left), "urt" (upper right), "lrt" (lower right).

bool DO_LABELS Public static variable
Enables or disables creation of Labels. If true, label and dotlabel() cause Labels to be created and put onto a Picture. If false, they are not. Note that it is also possible to suppress output of existing Labels when outputting a Picture.

Node: Copying Labels, Next: , Previous: Label Data Members, Up: Label Reference


Label* get_copy (void) const Function
Creates a copy of the Label and returns a pointer to the copy. Called in Picture::operator=() and Picture::operator+=() where Pictures are copied. Users should never need to call this function directly. See Picture Reference; Operators.

This function dynamically allocates a new Label and a new Point within the Label, and copies the strings from *this to the new Label. The standard library functions for strings take care of the allocation for the string members of Label.

Node: Outputting Labels, Previous: Copying Labels, Up: Label Reference


void output (const Focus& f, const unsigned short proj, real factor, const Transform& t) Function
Writes MetaPost code for the labels to out_stream. It is called in Picture::output() (see Picture Reference; Outputting). Users should never need to call this function directly.

When Picture::output() is invoked, the MetaPost code for Labels is written to out_stream after the code for the drawing and filling commands. This prevents the Labels from being covered up. However, they can still be covered by other Labels, or by Shapes or Labels from subsequent invocations of Picture::output() within the same figure (see I/O Functions, for descriptions of beginfig() and endfig()).

Node: Picture Reference, Next: , Previous: Label Reference, Up: Top

Picture Reference

Class Picture is defined in pictures.web.

Node: Picture Data Members, Next: , Previous: Picture Reference, Up: Picture Reference

Data Members

Transform transform Private variable
Applied to the Shapes on the Picture when the latter is output. It is initialized as the identity Transform, and can be modified by the transformation functions, by Picture::operator*=(const Transform&) (see Picture Reference; Operators), and by Picture::set_transform() (see Picture Reference; Modifying).

vector<Shape*> shapes Private variable
Contains pointers to the Shapes on the Picture. When a drawing or filling function is invoked for a Shape, a copy is dynamically allocated and a pointer to the copy is placed onto shapes.

vector<Label*> labels Private variable
Contains pointers to the Labels on the Picture. When a Point is labelled, either directly or through a call to label() or dotlabel() for another type of Shape31, a Label is dynamically allocated, the Point is copied to *Label::pt, and a pointer to the Label is placed onto labels.

bool do_labels Private variable
Used for enabling or disabling output of Labels when outputting a Picture. The default value is true. It is set to false by using suppress_labels() and can be reset to true by using unsuppress_labels(). See Picture Reference; Output Functions.

Often, when a Picture is copied, transformed, and output again in a single figure, it's undesirable to have the Labels output again in their new positions. To avoid this, use suppress_labels() after outputting the Picture the first time.

Node: Picture Global Variables, Next: , Previous: Picture Data Members, Up: Picture Reference

Global Variables

Variable Picture current_picture Variable
The Picture used as the default by the drawing and filling functions.

Node: Picture Constructors, Next: , Previous: Picture Global Variables, Up: Picture Reference


void Picture (void) Default constructor
Creates an empty Picture.

void Picture (const Picture& p) Copy constructor
Creates a copy of Picture p.
          Circle c(origin, 3);
          Picture new_picture(current_picture);

[Figure 77. Not displayed.]

Fig. 77.

Node: Picture Operators, Next: , Previous: Picture Constructors, Up: Picture Reference


void operator= (const Picture& p) Assignment operator
Makes *this a copy of p, destroying the old contents of *this.

void operator+= (const Picture& p) Operator
Adds the contents of p to *this. p remains unchanged.

void operator+= (Shape* s) Operator
Puts s onto shapes. Note that the pointer s itself is put onto shapes, so any allocation and copying must be performed first. This is a low-level function that users normally won't need to use directly.

void operator+= (Label* label) Operator
Puts label onto labels. Note that the pointer label itself is put onto labels, so any allocation and copying must be performed first. This is a low-level function that users normally won't need to invoke directly.

Transform operator*= (const Transform& t) Operator
Multiplies transform by t. This has the effect of transforming all of the Shapes on shapes and all of the Points of the Labels on labels by t upon output.
          Transform t;
          t.rotate(0, 0, 180);
          Reg_Polygon pl(origin, 5, 3, 90);
          current_picture *= t;

[Figure 78. Not displayed.]

Fig. 78.

Node: Affine Transformations for Pictures, Next: , Previous: Picture Operators, Up: Picture Reference

Affine Transformations

The functions in this section all operate on the transform data member of the Picture and return a Transform representing the transformation--not transform.

Transform scale (real x, [real y = 1, [real z = 1]]) Function
Performs transform.scale(x, y, z) and returns the result. This has the effect of scaling all of the elements of shapes and labels.

Transform shift (real x, [real y = 0, [real z = 0]]) Function
Performs transform.shift(x, y, z) and returns the result. This has the effect of shifting all of the Shapes and Labels on the Picture.

Transform shift (const Point& p) Function
Performs transform.shift(p) and returns the result. This has the effect of shifting all of the Shapes and Labels on the Picture by the x, y, and z-coordinates of p.

Transform rotate (const real x, [const real y = 0, [const real z = 0]]) Function
Performs transform.rotate(x, y, z) and returns the result. This has the effect of rotating all of the elements of shapes and labels.

Transform rotate (const Point& p0, const Point& p1, [const real angle = 180]); Function
Performs transform.rotate(p0, p1, angle) and returns the result. This has the effect of rotating all of the elements of shapes and labels about the line from p_0 to p_1.

Node: Modifying Pictures, Next: , Previous: Affine Transformations for Pictures, Up: Picture Reference


void clear (void) Function
Destroys the Shapes and Labels on the Picture and removes all the Shape pointers from shapes and the Label pointers from labels. All dynamically allocated objects are deallocated, namely the Shapes, the Labels, and the Points belonging to the Labels. transform is reset to the identity Transform.

void reset_transform (void) Function
Resets transform to the identity Transform.

Transform set_transform (const Transform& t) Function
Sets transform to t and returns t.

void kill_labels (void) Function
Removes the Labels from the Picture.

Node: Showing Pictures, Next: , Previous: Modifying Pictures, Up: Picture Reference


void show ([string text = "", [bool stop = false]]) Function
Prints information about the Picture to standard output.

show() first prints the string "Showing Picture:" to standard output, followed by text, if the latter is not the empty string ("")32. Then it calls transform.show(), prints the size of shapes and labels, and the value of do_labels. Then it calls show() on each of the Shapes on shapes. Since show() is a virtual function in class Shape, the appropriate show() is called for each Shape, i.e., Point::show() for a Point, Path::show() for a Path, etc. If stop is true, execution stops and the user is requested to type <RETURN> to continue. Finally, the string "Done showing picture." is printed to standard output.

void show_transform ([string text = "Transform from Picture:"]) Function
Calls transform.show(), passing text as the argument to the latter function.

Node: Outputting Pictures, Previous: Showing Pictures, Up: Picture Reference


Node: Picture Output Namespaces, Next: , Previous: Outputting Pictures, Up: Outputting Pictures


Node: Namespace Projections, Next: , Previous: Picture Output Namespaces, Up: Picture Output Namespaces

Namespace Projections

The namespace Projections is defined in pictures.web.

const unsigned short PERSP Constant
const unsigned short PARALLEL_X_Y Constant
const unsigned short PARALLEL_X_Z Constant
const unsigned short PARALLEL_Z_Y Constant
const unsigned short AXON Constant
const unsigned short ISO Constant
These constants can be used for the projection argument in Picture::output(), described in Picture Reference; Outputting; Functions, below.

Node: Namespace Sorting, Previous: Namespace Projections, Up: Picture Output Namespaces

Namespace Sorting

The namespace Sorting is defined in pictures.web.

const unsigned short NO_SORT Constant
const unsigned short MAX_Z Constant
const unsigned short MIN_Z Constant
const unsigned short MEAN_Z Constant
These constants can be used for the sort_value argument in Picture::output(), described in Picture Reference; Outputting; Functions, below.

Node: Picture Output Functions, Previous: Picture Output Namespaces, Up: Outputting Pictures

Output Functions

void output (const Focus& f, [const unsigned short projection = Projections::PERSP, [real factor = 1, [const unsigned short sort_value = Sorting::MAX_Z, [const bool do_warnings = true, [const real min_x_proj = -40, [const real max_x_proj = 40, [const real min_y_proj = -40, [const real max_y_proj = 40, [const real min_z_proj = -40, [const real max_z_proj = 40]]]]]]]]]]) Function
void output ([const unsigned short projection = Projections::PERSP, [real factor = 1, [const unsigned short sort_value = Sorting::MAX_Z, [const bool do_warnings = true, [const real min_x_proj = -40, [const real max_x_proj = 40, [const real min_y_proj = -40, [const real max_y_proj = 40, [const real min_z_proj = -40, [const real max_z_proj = 40]]]]]]]]]]) Function
These functions create a two-dimensional projection of the objects on the Picture and write MetaPost code to out_stream for drawing it.

The arguments:

const Focus& f
The Focus used for projection, also known as the center of projection, or the camera. This argument is used in the first version only. The second version, without a const Focus& f argument, merely calls the first version and passes it the global variable default_focus as its first argument, so default_focus is effectively the default for f. Defining two versions in this way makes it possible to call output() with projection as its first (and possibly only) argument. If instead, f were an optional argument with default_focus as its default, this wouldn't have been possible. It also wouldn't be possible to have f have a default in the first version, and to retain the second version, because the compiler wouldn't be able to resolve a call to output() with no arguments.
const unsigned short projection
Default: Projections::PERSP. The type of projection. Valid values are const unsigned shorts defined in namespace Projections (see Namespace Projections):
PERSP for the perspective projection,
PARALLEL_X_Y for parallel projection onto the x-y plane,
PARALLEL_X_Z for parallel projection onto the x-z plane, and
PARALLEL_Z_Y for parallel projection onto the z-y plane. %% !! TO DO: I plan to add isometric and axionometric projections soon.
real factor
Default: 1. Passed from output() to extract() and from there to project(). The world_coordinates of the Points that are projected are multiplied by factor, which enlarges or shrinks the projected image without altering the Picture itself. factor is probably most useful for parallel projections, where the Focus f isn't used; with a perspective projection, the parameters of the Focus can be used to influence the size of the projected image.
const unsigned short sort_value
Default: Sorting::MAX_Z. The value used should be one of the constants defined in namespace Sorting, See Namespace Sorting, above. If MAX_Z (the default) is used, the Shapes on the Picture are sorted according to the maximum z-value of the projective_extremes of the Points belonging to the Shape. If MIN_Z is used, they are sorted according to the minimum z-value, and if MEAN_Z is used, they are sorted according to the mean of the maximum and minimum z-values. If NO_SORT is used, the Shapes are output in the order in which they were put onto the Picture.

The surface hiding algorithm implemented in 3DLDF is quite primitive, and doesn't always work right. For Shapes that intersect, it can't work right. I plan to work on improving the surface hiding algorithm soon. This is not a trivial problem. To solve it properly, each Shape on a Picture must be tested for intersection with every other Shape on the Picture. If two or more Shapes intersect, they must be broken up into smaller objects until there are no more intersections. I don't expect to have a proper solution soon, but I expect that I will be able to make some improvements. See Surface Hiding.

const bool do_warnings
Default: true. If true, output() issues warnings to stderr (standard error output) if a Shape cannot be output because it lies outside the limits set by the following arguments. Sometimes, a user may only want to project a portion of a Picture, in which case such warnings would not be helpful. In this case, do_warnings should be false.
const real min_x_proj
Default: -40. The minimum x-coordinate of the projection of a Shape such that the Shape can be output. If projective_coordinates[0] of any Point on a Shape is less than min_x_proj, the Shape will not be projected at all.
const real max_x_proj
Default: 40. The maximum x-coordinate of the projection of a Shape such that the Shape can be output. If projective_coordinates[0] of any Point on a Shape is greater than max_x_proj, the Shape will not be projected at all.
const real min_y_proj
Default: -40. The minimum y-coordinate of the projection of a Shape such that the Shape can be output. If projective_coordinates[1] of any Point on a Shape is less than min_y_proj, the Shape will not be projected at all.
const real max_y_proj
Default: 40. The maximum y-coordinate of the projection of a Shape such that the Shape can be output. If projective_coordinates[1] of any Point on a Shape is greater than max_y_proj, the Shape will not be projected at all.
const real min_z_proj
Default: -40. The minimum z-coordinate of the projection of a Shape such that the Shape can be output. If projective_coordinates[2] of any Point on a Shape is less than min_z_proj, the Shape will not be projected at all.
const real max_z_proj
Default: 40. The maximum z-coordinate of the projection of a Shape such that the Shape can be output. If projective_coordinates[2] of any Point on a Shape is greater than max_z_proj, the Shape will not be projected at all.

void suppress_labels (void) Function
Suppresses output of the Labels on a Picture when output() is called. This can be useful when a Picture is output, transformed, and output again, one or more times, in a single figure. Usually, it will not be desirable to have the Labels output more than once.

In [next figure] , current_picture is output three times, but the Labels on it are only output once.

          Ellipse e(origin, 3, 5);
          Point pt0(-3);
          Point pt1(3);
          Point pt2(0, 0, -4);
          Point pt3(0, 0, 4);
          pt0.dotlabel("0", "lft");
          pt1.dotlabel("1", "rt");
          pt2.dotlabel("2", "bot");
          current_picture.rotate(0, 60);
          current_picture.rotate(0, 60);

[Figure 79. Not displayed.]

Fig. 79.

void unsuppress_labels (void) Inline function
Sets do_labels to true. If a Picture contains Labels, unsuppress_labels() ensures that they will be output, when Picture::output() is called, so long as there is no intervening call to suppress_labels() or kill_labels().

Node: Point Reference, Next: , Previous: Picture Reference, Up: Top

Point Reference

Class Point is defined in points.web. It is derived from Shape using protected derivation. The function Transform Transform::align_with_axis(Point, Point, char) is a friend of Point.

Node: Point Data Members, Next: , Previous: Point Reference, Up: Point Reference

Data Members

valarray<real> world_coordinates Private variable
The set of four homogeneous coordinates x, y, z, and w that represent the position of the Point within 3DLDF's global coordinate system.

valarray<real> projective_coordinates Private variable
The set of four homogeneous coordinates x, y, z, and w that represent the position of the projection of the Point onto a two-dimensional plane for output. The x and y values are used in the MetaPost code written to out_stream. The z value is used in the hidden surface algorithm (which is currently rather primitive and doesn't work very well. see Surface Hiding). The w value can be != 1 , depending on the projection used; the perspective projection is non-affine, so w can take on other values.

valarray<real> user_coordinates Private variable
A set of four homogeneous coordinates x, y, z, and w.

user_coordinates currently has no function. It is intended for use in user-defined coordinate systems. For example, a coordinate system could be defined with respect to a plane surface that isn't parallel to one of the major planes. Such a coordinate system would be convenient for drawing on the plane. A Transform would make it possible to convert between user_coordinates and world_coordinates.

valarray<real> view_coordinates Private variable
A set of four homogeneous coordinates x, y, z, and w.

view_coordinates currently has no function. It may be useful for displaying multiple views in an interactive graphical user interface, or for some other purpose.

Transform transform Private variable
Contains the product of the transformations applied to the Point. When apply_transform() is called for the Point, directly or indirectly, the world_coordinates are updated and transform is reset to the identity Transform. See Point Reference; Applying Transformations.

bool on_free_store Private variable
Returns on_free_store. This should only be true if the Point was dynamically allocated on the free store. Points should only ever be dynamically allocated by create_new<Point>(), which uses set_on_free_store() to set on_free_store to true. See Point Reference; Constructors and Setting Functions, and Point Reference; Modifying.

signed short drawdot_value Private variable
Used to tell Point::output() what MetaPost drawing command (drawdot() or undrawdot()) to write to out_stream when outputting a Point.

When drawdot() or undrawdot() is called on a Point, the Point is copied and put onto the Picture, which was passed to drawdot() or undrawdot() as an argument (current_picture by default). drawdot_value is either set to Shape::DRAWDOT or Shape::UNDRAWDOT on the copy; this->drawdot is not set.

const Color* drawdot_color Private variable
Used to tell Point::output() what string to write to out_stream for the color when outputting a Point.

string pen Private variable
Used to tell Point::output() what string to write to out_stream for the pen when outputting a Point.

valarray<real> projective_extremes Protected variable
A set of 6 real values indicating the maximum and minumum x, y, and z-coordinates of the Point. Used for determining whether a Point is projectable with the parameters of a particular invocation of Picture::output(). See Picture Reference; Outputting.

Obviously, the maxima and minima will always be the same for a Point, namely the x, y, and z-coordinates. However, set_extremes() and get_extremes(), the functions that access projective_extremes, are pure virtual functions in class Shape, so the Point versions must be consistent with the versions for other types derived from Shape.

bool do_output Protected variable
true by default. Set to false by suppress_output(), which is called on a Shape by Picture::output(), if the Shape is not projectable. See Picture Reference; Outputting.

string measurement_units Public static variable
The unit of measurement for all distances within a Picture, "cm" (for centimeters) by default. The x and y-coordinates of the projected Points are always followed by measurement_units when they're written to out_stream. Unlike Metafont, units of measurement cannot be indicated for individual coordinates. Nor can measurement_unit be changed within a Picture.

When I write an input routine, I plan to make it behave the way Metafont does, however, 3DLDF will probably also convert all of the input values to a standard unit, as Metafont does.

real CURR_Y Public static variable
real CURR_Z Public static variable
Default values for the y and z-coordinate of Points, when the x-coordinate, or the x and y-coordinates only are specified. Both are 0 by default.

These values only used in the constructor and setting function taking one required real value (for the x-coordinate), and two optional real values (for the y and z-coordinates). They are not used when a Point is declared using the default constructor with no arguments. In this case, the x, y, and z-coordinates will all be 0. See Point Reference; Constructors and Setting Functions.

          Point A(1);
          -| A: (1, 0, 0);
          CURR_Y = 5;
          -| A: (2, 5, 0);
          CURR_Z = 12;
          Point B(3);
          -| B: (3, 5, 12);
          Point C;
          -| C: (0, 0, 0);

Node: Point Typedefs and Utility Structures, Next: , Previous: Point Data Members, Up: Point Reference

Typedefs and Utility Structures

point_pair first second typedef
Synonymous with pair<Point, Point>.

bool_point b pt struct
b is a bool and pt is a Point. bool_point also contains two constructors and an assignment operator, described below.

void bool_point (void) Default constructor
Creates a bool_point and sets b to false and pt to INVALID_POINT.

void bool_point (bool bb, const Point& ppt) Default constructor
Creates a bool_point and sets b to bb and pt to ppt.

void bool_point::operator= (const bool_point& bp) Assignment operator
Sets b to bp.b and pt to bp.pt.

bool_point_pair first second typedef
Synonymous with pair <bool_point, bool_point>.

bool_point_quadruple first second third fourth struct
This structure contains four bool_points. It also has two constructors and an assignment operator, described below.

void bool_point_quadruple (void) Default constructor
Creates a bool_point_quadruple, and sets first, second, third, and fourth all to INVALID_BOOL_POINT.

void bool_point_quadruple (bool_point a, bool_point b, bool_point c, bool_point d) Constructor
Creates a bool_point_quadruple and sets first to a, second to b, third to c, and fourth to d.

void bool_point_quadruple::operator= (const bool_point_quadruple& arg) Assignment operator
Makes *this a copy of arg.

bool_real_point b r pt struct
b is a bool, r is a real, and pt is a Point. bool_real_point also contains three constructors and an assignment operator, described below.

void bool_real_point (void) Default constructor
Creates a bool_real_point and sets b to false, r to INVALID_REAL and pt to INVALID_POINT.

void bool_real_point (const bool_real_point& brp) Copy constructor
Creates a bool_real_point and sets b to brp.b, r to brp.r, and pt to brp.pt.

void bool_real_point (const bool& bb, const real& rr, const Point& ppt) Constructor
Creates a bool_real_point and sets b to bb, r to rr, and pt to ppt.

void bool_real_point::operator= (const bool_real_point& brp) Assignment operator
Makes *this a copy of brp.

Node: Point Global Constants and Variables, Next: , Previous: Point Typedefs and Utility Structures, Up: Point Reference

Global Constants and Variables

Point INVALID_POINT Constant
The x, y, and z-values in world_coordinates are all INVALID_REAL.

Point origin Constant
The x, y, and z-values in world_coordinates are all 0.

bool_point INVALID_BOOL_POINT Constant
b is false and pt is INVALID_POINT.

bool_point_pair INVALID_BOOL_POINT_PAIR Constant
first and second are both INVALID_BOOL_POINT.

bool_real_point INVALID_BOOL_REAL_POINT Constant
b is false, r is INVALID_REAL, and pt is INVALID_POINT.

bool_point_quadruple INVALID_BOOL_POINT_QUADRUPLE Constant
first, second, third, and fourth are all INVALID_BOOL_POINT.

Node: Point Constructors and Setting Functions, Next: , Previous: Point Global Constants and Variables, Up: Point Reference

Constructors and Setting Functions

void Point (void) Default constructor
Creates a Point and initializes its x, y, and z-coordinates to 0.

void Point (const real x, [const real y = CURR_Y, [const real z = CURR_Z]]) Constructor
Creates a Point and initializes its x, y, and z-coordinates to the values of the arguments x, y, and z. The arguments y and z are optional. If they are not specified, the values of CURR_Y and CURR_Z are used. They are 0 by default, but can be changed by the user. This can be convenient, if all of the Points being drawn in a particular section of a program have the same z or y and z values.

void set (const real x, [const real y = CURR_Y, [const real z = CURR_Z]]) Setting function
Corresponds to the constructor above, but is used for resetting the coordinates of an existing Point.

void Point (const Point& p) Copy constructor
Creates a Point and copies the values for its x, y, and z-coordinates from p.

void set (const Point& p) Setting function
Corresponds to the copy constructor above, but is used for resetting the coordinates of an existing Point. This function exists purely as a convenience; the operator operator=() (see Point Reference; Operators) performs exactly the same function.

Point* create_new<Point> (const Point* p) Template specializations
Point* create_new<Point> (const Point& p)
Pseudo-constructors for dynamic allocation of Points. They create a Point on the free store and allocate memory for it using new(Point). They return a pointer to the new Point.

If p is a non-zero pointer or a reference, the new Point will be a copy of p. If the new object is not meant to be a copy of an existing one, 0 must be passed to create_new<Point>() as its argument. See Dynamic Allocation of Shapes, for more information.

One use for create_new<Point> is in the constructors for classes of objects that can contain a variable number of Points, such as Path and Polygon. Another use is in the drawing and filling functions, where objects are copied and the copies put onto a Picture.

Programmers who dynamically allocate Points must ensure that they are deallocated properly using delete!

Node: Point Destructor, Next: , Previous: Point Constructors and Setting Functions, Up: Point Reference


void ~Point (void) virtual Destructor
This function currently has an empty definition, but its existence prevents GCC 3.3 from issuing the following warning: "`class Point' has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor".

Node: Point Operators, Next: , Previous: Point Destructor, Up: Point Reference


void operator= (const Point& p) Assignment operator
Makes *this a copy of p.

Transform operator*= (const Transform& t) Operator
Multiplies transform by t. By multiplying a Point successively by one or more Transforms, the effect of the transformations is "saved up" in transform. Only when an operation that needs updated values for the world_coordinates is called on a Point, or the Point is passed as an argument to such an operation, is the transformation stored in transform applied to world_coordinates by apply_transform(), which subsequently, resets transform to the identity Transform. See Point Reference; Applying Transformations.

Point operator+ (Point p) const operator
Returns a Point with world_coordinates that are the sums of the corresponding world_coordinates of *this and p, after they've been updated. *this remains unchanged; as in many other functions with Point arguments, p is passed by value, because apply_transform() must be called on it, in order to update its world_coordinates. If p were a const Point&, it would have to copied within the function anyway, because apply_transform() is a non-const operation.
          Point p0(-2, -6, -28);
          Point p1(3, 14, 92);
          Point p2(p0 + p1);
          -| p2: (1, 8, 64)

void operator+= (Point p) Operator
Adds the updated world_coordinates of p to those of *this. Equivalent in effect to shift(p) In fact, this function merely calls p.apply_transform() and Point::shift(real, real, real) with p's x, y, and z coordinates (from world_coordinates) as its arguments. See Point Reference; Affine Transformations.

Point operator- (Point p) const operator
Returns a Point with world_coordinates representing the difference between the updated values of this->world_coordinates and p.world_coordinates.

void operator-= (Point p) Operator
Subtracts the updated values of p.world_coordinates from those of this->world_coordinates.

real operator*= (const real r) Operator
Multiplies the updated x, y, and z coordinates (world_coordinates) of the Point by r and returns r. This makes it possible to chain invocations of this function.

If P is a Point then P *= r is equivalent in its effect to P.scale(r, r, r), except that P.world_coordinates is modified directly and immediately, without changing P.transform. This is possible, because this function calls apply_transform() to update the world_coordinates before multiplying them r, so transform is the identity Transform.

          Point P(1, 2, 3);
          P *= 7;
          -| P: (7, 14, 21);
          Point Q(1.5, 2.7, 13.82);
          Q *= P *= -1.28;
          -| P: (-8.96, -17.92, -26.88)
          -| Q: (-1.92, -3.456, -17.6896)

Point operator* (const real r) const operator
Returns a Point with x, y, and z coordinates (world_coordinates) equal to the updated x, y, and z coordinates of *this multiplied by r.

Point operator* (const real r, const Point& p) Non-member operator
Equivalent to Point::operator*(const real r) (see above), but with r placed first.
          Point p0(10, 11, 12);
          real r = 2.5;
          Point p1 = r * p0;
          -|(25, 27.5, 30)

Point operator- (void) const operator
Unary minus (prefix). Returns a Point with x, y, and z coordinates (world_coordinates) equal to the the x, y, and z-coordinates (world_coordinates) of *this multiplied by -1.

void operator/= (const real r) Operator
Divides the updated x, y, and z coordinates (world_coordinates) of the Point by r.

Point operator/ (const real r) const operator
Returns a Point with x, y, and z coordinates (world_coordinates) equal to the updated x, y, and z coordinates of *this divided by r.

bool operator== (Point p) Operator
bool operator== (const Point& p) const operator
Equality comparison for Points. These functions return true if the updated values of the world_coordinates of the two Points differ by less than the value returned by Point::epsilon(), otherwise false. See Point Reference; Returning Information.

bool operator!= (const Point& p) const operator
Inequality comparison for Points. Returns false if *this == p, otherwise true.

Node: Copying Points, Next: , Previous: Point Operators, Up: Point Reference


Shape* get_copy (void) const function
Creates a copy of the Point, and allocates memory for it on the free store using create_new<Point>(). It returns a pointer to Shape that points to the new Point. This function is used in the drawing commands for putting Points onto Pictures. See Point Reference; Drawing.

Node: Querying Points, Next: , Previous: Copying Points, Up: Point Reference


bool is_identity (void) inline function
Returns true if transform is the identity Transform.

Transform get_transform (void) const inline function
Returns transform.

bool is_on_free_store (void) const function
Returns true if memory for the Point has been dynamically allocated on the free store, i.e., if the Point has been created using create_new<Point>(). See Point Reference; Constructors and Setting Functions.

bool is_on_plane (const Plane& p) const function
Returns true, if the Point lies on the Plane p, otherwise false.

Planes are conceived of as having infinite extension, so while the Point C in [next figure] does not lie within the Rectangle r, it does lie on q, so C.is_on_plane(q) returns true.33

          Point P(1, 1, 1);
          Rectangle r(P, 4, 4, 20, 45, 35);
          Plane q = r.get_plane();
          Point A(2, 0, 2);
          Point B(2, 1.64143, 2);
          Point C(0.355028, 2.2185, 6.48628);
          cout << A.is_on_plane(q);
          -| 0
          cout << B.is_on_plane(q);
          -| 1
          cout << "C.is_on_plane(q)";
          -| 1

[Figure 80. Not displayed.]

Fig. 80.

bool is_in_triangle (const Point& p0, const Point& p1, const Point& p2, [bool verbose = false, [bool test_points = true]]) const function
Returns true, if *this lies within the triangle determined by the three Point arguments, otherwise false.

If the code calling is_in_triangle() has ensured that p_0, p_1, and p_2 determine a plane, i.e., that they are not colinear, and that *this lies in that plane, then false can be passed to is_in_triangle() as its test_points argument.

If the verbose argument is true, information resulting from the execution of the function are printed to standard output or standard error.

This function is needed for determining whether a line intersects with a polygon.

Node: Returning Coordinates, Next: , Previous: Querying Points, Up: Point Reference

Returning Coordinates

The functions in this section return either a single coordinate or a set of coordinates. Each has a const and a non-const version.

The arguments are the same, with one exception:

char c
Only in get_coord(). Indicates which coordinate should be returned. Valid values are 'x', 'X', 'y', 'Y', 'z', 'Z', 'w', and 'W'.
char coords
Indicates the set of coordinates which should be returned or from which the coordinate to be returned should be chosen from. Valid values are 'w' for world_coordinates (the default), 'p' for projective_coordinates, 'u' for user_coordinates, and 'v' for view_coordinates.
const bool do_persp
Only relevant if projective_coordinates, or one of its elements is to be returned. If true, the default, then project() is called, thereby generating values for projective_coordinates. If do_persp is false, then projective_coordinates, or one of its elements, is returned unchanged, which may sometimes be useful.
const bool do_apply
If true (the default), apply_transform() is called, thereby updating the world_coordinates. Otherwise, it's not, so that the values stored in world_coordinates remain unchanged. Note that if coords is 'p' and do_persp is true, apply_transform() will be called in project() whether do_apply is true or false. If for some reason, one wanted get projective_coordinates, or one of its values, based on the projection of world_coordinates without first updating them, one would have to call reset_transform() before calling one of these functions. It would probably be a good idea to save transform before doing so.
Focus* f
Indicates what Focus is to be used for projection. Only relevant if coords is 'p', i.e., projective_coordinates, or one of its elements, is to be returned. The default is 0, in which case f points to the global variable default_focus.
const unsigned short proj
Indicates what form of projection is to be used. Only relevant if coords is 'p', i.e., projective_coordinates, or one of its elements, is to be returned. The default is Projections::PERSP, which causes the perspective projection to be applied.
real factor
Passed to project(). The values of the x and y coordinates in projective_coordinates are multiplied by factor. Only relevant if coords is 'p', i.e., projective_coordinates, or one of its elements, is to be returned. The default is 1.

valarray <real> get_all_coords ([char coords = 'w', [const bool do_persp = true, [const bool do_apply = true, [Focus* f = 0, [const unsigned short proj = Projections::PERSP, [real factor = 1]]]]]]) Function
Returns one of the sets of coordinates; world_coordinates by default. Returns a complete set of coordinates: 'w' for world_coordinates, 'p' for projective_coordinates, 'u' for user_coordinates, or'v' for view_coordinates.

real get_coord (char c, [char coords = 'w', [const bool do_persp = true, [const bool do_apply = true, [Focus* f = 0, [const unsigned short proj = Projections::PERSP, [real factor = 1]]]]]]) Function
Returns one coordinate, x, y, z, or w, from the set of coordinates indicated (or world_coordinates, by default).

real get_x ([char coords = 'w', [const bool do_persp = true, [const bool do_apply = true, [Focus* f = 0, [const unsigned short proj = Projections::PERSP, [real factor = 1]]]]]]) Function
Returns the x-coordinate from the set of coordinates indicated (or world_coordinates, by default).

real get_y ([char coords = 'w', [const bool do_persp = true, [const bool do_apply = true, [Focus* f = 0, [const unsigned short proj = Projections::PERSP, [real factor = 1]]]]]]) Function
Returns the y-coordinate from the set of coordinates indicated (or world_coordinates, by default).

real get_z ([char coords = 'w', [const bool do_persp = true, [const bool do_apply = true, [Focus* f = 0, [const unsigned short proj = Projections::PERSP, [real factor = 1]]]]]]) Function
Returns the z-coordinate from the set of coordinates indicated (or world_coordinates, by default).

real get_w ([char coords = 'w', [const bool do_persp = true, [const bool do_apply = true, [Focus* f = 0, [const unsigned short proj = Projections::PERSP, [real factor = 1]]]]]]) Function
Returns the w-coordinate from the set of coordinates indicated (or world_coordinates, by default).

Node: Returning Information for Points, Next: , Previous: Returning Coordinates, Up: Point Reference

Returning Information

real epsilon (void) Static function
Returns the positive real value of smallest magnitude \epsilon that should be used as a coordinate value in a Point. A coordinate of a Point may also contain -\epsilon.

The value \epsilon is used for testing the equality of Points in Point::operator==() (see Point Reference; Operators):

Let \epsilon be the value returned by epsilon(), P and Q be Points, and P_x, Q_x, P_y, Q_y, P_z, and Q_z the updated x, y, and z-coordinates of P and Q, respectively. If and only if ||P_x| - |Q_x|| < \epsilon, ||P_y| - |Q_y|| < \epsilon, and ||P_z| - |Q_z|| < \epsilon, then P = Q.

epsilon() returns different values, depending on whether real is float or double: If real is float (the default), epsilon() returns 0.00001. If real is double, it returns 0.000000001.

Please note: I haven't tested whether 0.000000001 is a good value yet, so users should be aware of this if they set real to double!34 The way to test this is to start with two Points P and Q at different locations. Then they should be transformed using different rotations in such a way that they should end up at the same location. Let \epsilon stand for the value returned by epsilon(), and let x, y, and y stand for the world_coordinates of the Points after apply_transform() has been called on them. If x_P = x_Q, y_P = y_Q, and z_P = z_Q, \epsilon is a good value.

Rotation causes a significant loss of precision to due to the use of the sin() and cos() functions. Therefore, neither Point::epsilon() nor Transform::epsilon() (see Tranform Reference; Returning Information) can be as small as I'd like them to be. If they are two small, operations that test for equality of Transforms and Points will return false for objects that should be equal.

Node: Modifying Points, Next: , Previous: Returning Information for Points, Up: Point Reference


bool set_on_free_store ([bool b = true]) Virtual function
This function is used in the template function create_new(). It sets on_free_store to true. See Point Reference; Data Members, and Point Reference; Constructors and Setting Functions.

void clear (void) Function
Sets all of the coordinates in all of the sets of coordinates (i.e., world_coordinates, user_coordinates, view_coordinates, and projective_coordinates) to 0 and resets transform

void clean ([int factor = 1]) Function
Calls apply_transform() and sets the values of world_coordinates to 0, whose absolute values are less than epsilon() * factor .

void reset_transform (void) Function
Sets Transform to the identity Transform. Performed in apply_transform(), after the latter updates world_coordinates. Point Reference; Applying Transformations.

Node: Affine Transformations for Points, Next: , Previous: Modifying Points, Up: Point Reference

Affine Transformations

Transform rotate (const real x, [const real y = 0, [const real z = 0]]) Function
Transform rotate (const Point& p0, const Point& p1, [const real angle = 180]) Function
Transform rotate (const Path& p, [const real angle = 180]) Function
Each of these functions calls the corresponding version of Transform::rotate(), and returns its return value, namely, a Transform representing the rotation only.

In the first version, taking three real arguments, the Point is rotated x degrees around the x-axis, y degrees around the y-axis, and z degrees around the z-axis in that order.

          Point p0(1, 0, 2);
          -| p0: (1, 2, 0)
          Point p1(-1, 1, 1);
          p1.rotate(-90, 90, 90);
          -| p1: (1, -1, -1)

[Figure 81. Not displayed.]

Fig. 81.

Please note that rotations are not commutative operations. Nor are they commutative with other transformations. So, if you want to rotate a Point about the x, y and z-axes in that order, you can do so with a single invocation of rotate(), as in the previous example. However, if you want to rotate a Point first about the y-axis and then about the x-axis, you must invoke rotate() twice.

          Point pt0(1, 1, 1);
          pt0.rotate(0, 45);
          -| pt0: (0, 1.70711, 0.292893)

In the version taking two Point arguments p0 and p1, and a real argument angle, the Point is rotated angle degrees around the axis determined by p0 and p1, 180 degrees by default.

          Point P(2, 0, 0);
          Point A;
          Point B(2, 2, 2);
          P.rotate(A, B, 180);

[Figure 82. Not displayed.]

Fig. 82.

Transform scale (real x, [real y = 1, [real z = 1]]) Function
Calls transform.scale(x, y, z) and returns its return value, namely, a Transform representing the scaling operation only.

Scaling causes the x-coordinate of the Point to be multiplied by x, the y-coordinate of the Point to be multiplied by y, and the z-coordinate of the Point to be multiplied by z.

          Point p0(1, 0, 3);
          -| p0: (4, 0, 3)
          Point p1(-2, -1, -2);
          p1.scale(-2, -3, -4);
          -| p1: (4, 3, 8)

[Figure 83. Not displayed.]

Fig. 83.

Transform shear (real xy, [real xz = 0, [real yx = 0, [real yz = 0, [real zx = 0, [real zy = 0]]]]]) Function
Calls transform.shear() with the same arguments and returns its return value, namely, a Transform representing the shearing operation only.

Shearing modifies each coordinate of a Point proportionately to the values of the other two coordinates. Let x_0, y_0, and z_0 stand for the coordinates of a Point P before P.shear(\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \delta, \epsilon, \zeta ), and x_1, y_1, and z_1 for its coordinates afterwards.

          x_1 == x_0 + \alpha y + \beta z
          y_1 == y_0 + \gamma x + \delta z
          z_1 == z_0 + \epsilon x + \zeta y

[next figure] demonstrates the effect of shearing the four Points of a 3 * 3

Rectangle (i.e., a square) r in the x-y plane using only an xy argument, making it non-rectangular.

          Point P0;
          Point P1(3);
          Point P2(3, 3);
          Point P3(0, 3);
          Rectangle r(p0, p1, p2, p3);
          r.draw(black, "evenly");

[Figure 84. Not displayed.]

Fig. 84.

Transform shift (real x, [real y = 0, [real z = 0]]) Function
Transform shift (const Point& p) Function
Each of these functions calls the corresponding version of Transform::shift() on transform, and returns its return value, namely, a Transform representing the shifting operation only.

The Point is shifted x units in the direction of the positive x-axis, y units in the direction of the positive y-axis, and z units in the direction of the positive z-axis.

          p0(1, 2, 3);
          p0.shift(2, 3, 5);
          -| p0: (3, 5, 8)

Transform shift_times (real x, [real y = 1, [real z = 1]]) Function
Transform shift_times (const Point& p) Function
Each of these functions calls the corresponding version of Transform::shift_times() on transform and returns its return value, namely the new value of transform.

shift_times() makes it possible to increase the magnitude of a shift applied to a Point, while maintaining its direction. Please note that shift_times() will only have an effect if it's called after a call to shift() and before transform is reset. This is performed by reset_transform(), which is called in apply_transform(), and can also be called directly. See Transform Reference; Resetting, and Point Reference; Applying Transformations.

          Point P;
          P.shift(1, 1, 1);
          P.shift_times(2, 2, 2);
          P.shift_times(2, 2, 2);
          P.shift_times(2, 2, 2);

[Figure 85. Not displayed.]

Fig. 85.

Node: Applying Transformations to Points, Next: , Previous: Affine Transformations for Points, Up: Point Reference

Applying Transformations

void apply_transform (void) Function
Updates world_coordinates by multiplying it by transform, which is subsequently reset to the identity Transform.

Node: Projecting Points, Next: , Previous: Applying Transformations to Points, Up: Point Reference


bool project (const Focus& f, [const unsigned short proj = Projections::PERSP, [real factor = 1]]) Function
bool project ([const unsigned short& proj = Projections::PERSP, [real factor = 1]]) Function
These functions calculate projective_coordinates. proj indicates which projection is to be performed. If it is Projections::PERSP, then f indicates which Focus is to be used (in the first version), or the global variable default_focus is used (in the second). If Projections::PARALLEL_X_Y, Projections::PARALLEL_X_Z, or Projections::PARALLEL_Z_Y is used, f is ignored, since these projections don't use a Focus. Currently, no other projections are defined. The x and y coordinates in projective_coordinates are multiplied by factor with the default being 1.

Node: Vector Operations, Next: , Previous: Projecting Points, Up: Point Reference

Vector Operations

Mathematically speaking, vectors and points are not the same. However, they can both be represented as triples of real numbers (in a three-dimensional Cartesian space). It is sometimes convenient to treat points as though they were vectors, and vice versa. In particular, it is convenient to use the same data type, namely class Point, to represent both points and vectors in 3DLDF.

real dot_product (Point p) const function
Returns the dot or scalar product of *this and p.

If P and Q are Points,

          P \dot Q = x_P * x_Q + y_P * y_Q + z_P * z_Q = |P||Q| * cos(\theta)
where |P| and |Q| are the magnitudes of P and Q, respectively, and \theta is the angle between P and Q.


          \theta = arccos(P \dot Q / |P||Q|),
the dot product can be used for finding the angle between two vectors.
          Point P(1, -1, -1);
          Point Q(3, 2, 5);
          cout << P.angle(Q);
          -| 112.002
          cout << P.dot_product(Q);
          -| -4
          real P_Q_angle = (180.0 / PI)
                           * acos(P.dot_product(Q)
                           / (P.magnitude() * Q.magnitude()));
          cout << P_Q_angle;
          -| 112.002

[Figure 86. Not displayed.]

Fig. 86.

If the angle \theta between two vectors P and Q is 90 degrees , then \cos(\theta) is 0, so P \dot Q will also be 0. Therefore, dot_product() can be used as a test for the orthogonality of vectors.

          Point P(2);
          Point Q(P);
          Point Q0(P0);
          Q0 *= Q.rotate(0, 0, 90);
          P *= Q.rotate(0, 45, 45);
          P *= Q.rotate(45);
          cout << P.angle(Q);
          -| 90
          cout << P.dot_product(Q);
          -| 0

[Figure 87. Not displayed.]

Fig. 87.

Point cross_product (Point p) const function
Returns the cross or vector product of *this and p.

If P and Q are Points,

          P * Q = ((y_P * z_Q - z_P * y_Q), (z_P * x_Q - x_P * z_Q),
          (x_P * y_Q - y_P * x_Q)) = |P||Q| * sin(\theta) * n,

where |P| and |Q| are the magnitudes of P and Q, respectively, \theta is the angle between P and Q, and n is a unit vector perpendicular to both P and Q in the direction of a right-hand screw from P towards Q. Therefore, cross_product() can be used to find the normals to planes.

          Point P(2, 2, 2);
          Point Q(-2, 2, 2);
          Point n = P.cross_product(Q);
          -| n: (0, -8, 8)
          real theta = (PI / 180.0) * P.angle(Q);
          cout << theta;
          -| 1.23096
          real n_mag = P.magnitude() * Q.magnitude() * sin(theta);
          cout << n_mag;
          -| 11.3137
          n /= n_mag;
          cout << n.magnitude();
          -| 1

[Figure 88. Not displayed.]

Fig. 88.

If \theta = 0 degrees or 180 degrees, \sin(\theta) will be 0, and P * Q will be (0, 0, 0). The cross product thus provides a test for parallel vectors.

          Point P(1, 2, 1);
          Point Q(P);
          Point R;
          R *= Q.shift(-3, -1, 1);
          Point s(Q - R);
          Point n = P.cross_product(s);
          -| n: (0, 0, 0)

[Figure 89. Not displayed.]

Fig. 89.

real magnitude (void) const function
Returns the magnitude of the Point. This is its distance from origin and is equal to sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^2).
          Point P(13, 15.7, 22);
          cout << P.magnitude();
          -| 29.9915

real angle (Point p) const function
Returns the angle in degrees between two Points.
          Point P(3.75, -1.25, 6.25);
          Point Q(-5, 2.5, 6.25);
          real angle = P.angle(Q);
          cout << angle;
          -| 73.9084
          Point n = origin.get_normal(P, Q);
          -| n: (0.393377, 0.91788, -0.0524503)

[Figure 90. Not displayed.]

Fig. 90.

Point unit_vector (const bool assign, [const bool silent = false]) Function
Point unit_vector (void) const function
These functions return a Point with the x, y, and z-coordinates of world_coordinates divided by the magnitude of the Point. The magnitude of the resulting Point is thus 1. The first version assigns the result to *this and should only ever be called with assign = true. Calling it with the argument false is equivalent to calling the const version, with no assignment. If unit_vector() is called with assign and silent both false, it issues a warning message is issued and the const version is called. If silent is true, the message is suppressed.
          Point P(21, 45.677, 91);
          Point Q = P.unit_vector();
          -| Q: (0.201994, 0.439357, 0.875308)
          P.rotate(30, 25, 10);
          P: (-19.3213, 82.9627, 59.6009)
          cout << P.magnitude();
          -| 103.963
          -| P: (-0.185847, 0.797999, 0.573287)
          cout << P.magnitude();
          -| 1

Node: Points and Lines, Next: , Previous: Vector Operations, Up: Point Reference

Points and Lines

Line get_line (const Point& p) const function
Returns the Line l corresponding to the line from *this to p. l.position will be *this, and l.direction will be p - *this. See Line Reference.

real slope (Point p, [char m = 'x', [char n = 'y']]) const function
Returns a real number representing the slope of the trace of the line defined by *this and p on the plane indicated by the arguments m and n.
          Point p0(3, 4, 5);
          Point p1(2, 7, 12);
          real r = p0.slope(p1, 'x', 'y');
          => r == -3
          r = p0.slope(p1, 'x', 'z');
          => r == -7
          r = p0.slope(p1, 'z', 'y');
          => r == 0.428571

bool_real is_on_segment (Point p0, Point p1) Function
bool_real is_on_segment (const Point& p0, const Point& p1) const function
These functions return a bool_real, where the bool part is true, if the Point lies on the line segment between p0 and p1, otherwise false. If the Point lies on the line segment, the real part is a value r such that 0 <= r <= 1 indicating how far the Point is along the way from p0 to p1. For example, if the Point is half of the way from p0 to p1, r will be .5. If the Point does not lie on the line segment, but on the line passing through p0 and p1, r will be <0 or >1.

If the Point doesn't lie on the line passing through p0 and p1, r will be INVALID_REAL.

          Point p0(-1, -2, 1);
          Point p1(3, 2, 5);
          Point p2(p0.mediate(p1, .75));
          Point p3(p0.mediate(p1, 1.5));
          Point p4(p2);
          p4.shift(-2, 1, -1);
          bool_real br = p2.is_on_segment(p0, p1);
          cout << br.first;
          -| 1
          cout << br.second;
          -| 0.75
          bool_real br = p3.is_on_segment(p0, p1);
          cout << br.first;
          -| 0
          cout << br.second;
          -| 1.5
          bool_real br = p4.is_on_segment(p0, p1);
          cout << br.first;
          -| 0
          cout << br.second;
          -| 3.40282e+38
          cout << (br.second == INVALID_REAL)
          -| 1

[Figure 91. Not displayed.]

Fig. 91.

bool_real is_on_line (const Point& p0, const Point& p1) const function
Returns a bool_real where the bool part is true, if the Point lies on the line passing through p0 and p1, otherwise false. If the Point lies on the line, the real part is a value r indicating how how far the Point is along the way from p0 to p1, otherwise INVALID_REAL. The following values of r are possible for a call to P.is_on_line(A, B), where the Point P lies on the line AB:
          P == A ---> r== 0.
          P == B ---> r== 1.
          P lies on the opposite side of A from B ---> r < 0.
          P lies between A and B ---> 0 <  r < 1.
          P lies on the opposite side of A from B ---> r > 1
          Point A(-1, -2);
          Point B(2, 3);
          Point C(B.mediate(A, 1.25));
          bool_real br = C.is_on_line(A, B);
          Point D(A.mediate(B));
          br = D.is_on_line(A, B);
          Point E(A.mediate(B, 1.25));
          br = E.is_on_line(A, B);
          Point F(D);
          F.shift(-1, 1);
          br = F.is_on_line(A, B);

[Figure 92. Not displayed.]

Fig. 92.

Point mediate (Point p, [const real r = .5]) const function
Returns a Point r of the way from *this to p.
          Point p0(-1, 0, -1);
          Point p1(10, 0, 10);
          Point p2(5, 5, 5);
          Point p3 = p0.mediate(p1, 1.5);
          -| p3: (15.5, 0, 15.5)
          Point p4 = p0.mediate(p2, 1/3.0);
          -| p4: (1, 1.66667, 1)

[Figure 93. Not displayed.]

Fig. 93.

Node: Point Intersections, Next: , Previous: Points and Lines, Up: Point Reference


bool_point intersection_point (Point p0, Point p1, Point q0, Point q1) Static function
bool_point intersection_point (Point p0, Point p1, Point q0, Point q1, const bool trace) Static function
These functions find the intersection point, if any, of the lines determined by p0 and p1 on the one hand, and q0 and q1 on the other.

Let bp be the bool_point returned by intersection_point(). If an intersection point is found, the corresponding Point will be stored in bp.pt, otherwise, bp.pt will be set to INVALID_POINT. If the intersection point lies on both of the line segments, bp.b will be true, otherwise, false.

The two versions use different methods of finding the intersection point. The first uses a vector calculation, the second looks for the intersections of the traces of the lines on the major planes. If the trace argument is used, the second version will be called, whether trace is true or false. Ordinarily, there should be no need to use the trace version.

          Point A(-1, -1);
          Point B(1, 1);
          Point C(-1, 1);
          Point D(1, -1);
          bool_point bp = Point::intersection_point(A, B, C, D);
          cout << "bp.b == " << bp.b << endl << flush;
          -| bp.b == 1

[Figure 94. Not displayed.]

Fig. 94.

          Point A(.5, .5);
          Point B(1.5, 1.5);
          Point C(-1, 1);
          Point D(1, -1);
          bool_point bp = Point::intersection_point(A, B, C, D, true);
          cout << "bp.b == " << bp.b << endl << flush;
          -| bp.b == 0

[Figure 95. Not displayed.]

Fig. 95.

Node: Point Drawing Functions, Next: , Previous: Point Intersections, Up: Point Reference


There are two versions for each of the drawing functions. The second one has the Picture argument picture at the beginning of the argument list, rather than at the end. This is convenient when passing a picture argument. Where picture is optional, the default is always current_picture.

void drawdot ([const Color& ddrawdot_color = *Colors::default_color, [const string ppen = "", [Picture& picture = current_picture]]]) const function
void drawdot ([Picture& picture = current_picture, [const Color& ddrawdot_color = *Colors::default_color, [const string ppen = "", ]]]) const function
Draws a dot on picture. If ppen is specified, a "pen expression" is included in the drawdot command written to out_stream. Otherwise, MetaPost's currentpen is used. If ddrawdot_color is specified, the dot will be drawn using that Color. Otherwise, the Color currently pointed to by the pointer Colors::default_color will be used. This will normally be Colors::black. See Color Reference, for more information about Colors and the namespace Colors.

Please note that the "dot" will always be parallel to the plane of projection. Even where it appears to be a surface, as in [next figure] , it is never put into perspective, but will always have the same size and shape.

          Point P(1, 1);
          P.drawdot(gray, "pensquare scaled 1cm");

[Figure 96. Not displayed.]

Fig. 96.

void undrawdot ([string pen = "", [Picture& picture = current_picture]]) Function
void undrawdot ([Picture& picture = current_picture, [string pen = ""]]) Function
Undraws a dot on picture. If ppen is specified, a "pen expression" is included in the undrawdot command written to out_stream. Otherwise, MetaPost's currentpen is used.
          Point P(1, 1);
          P.drawdot(gray, "pensquare scaled 1cm");
          P.undrawdot("pencircle scaled .5cm");

[Figure 97. Not displayed.]

Fig. 97.

void draw (const Point& p, [const Color& ddraw_color = *Colors::default_color, [string ddashed = "", [string ppen = "", [Picture& picture = current_picture, [bool aarrow = false]]]]]) Function
void draw (Picture& picture = current_picture, const Point& p, [const Color& ddraw_color = *Colors::default_color, [string ddashed = "", [string ppen = "", [bool aarrow = false]]]]) Function
Draws a line from *this to p. Returns the Path *this -- p1. See Path Reference; Drawing and Filling, for more information.
          Point P(-1, -1, -1);
          Point Q(2, 3, 5);
          P.draw(Q, Colors::gray, "", "pensquare scaled .5cm");

[Figure 98. Not displayed.]

Fig. 98.

void undraw (const Point& p, [string ddashed = "", [string ppen = "", [Picture& picture = current_picture]]]) Function
void undraw (Picture& picture, const Point& p, [string ddashed = "", [string ppen = ""]]) Function
Undraws a line from *this to p. Returns the Path *this -- p1. See Path Reference; Drawing and Filling, for more information.
          Point P(-1, -1, -1);
          Point Q(2, 3, 5);
          P.draw(Q, Colors::gray, "", "pensquare scaled .5cm");
          P.undraw(Q, "evenly scaled 6", "pencircle scaled .3cm");

[Figure 99. Not displayed.]

Fig. 99.

Path draw_help (const Point& p, [const Color& ddraw_color = *Colors::help_color, [string ddashed = "", [string ppen = "", [Picture& picture = current_picture]]]]) Function
Path draw_help (Picture& picture, const Point& p, [const Color& ddraw_color = *Colors::help_color, [string ddashed = "", [string ppen = ""]]]) Function
Draws a "help line" from *this to p, but only if the static Path data member do_help_lines is true. See Path Reference; Data Members.

"Help lines" are lines that are used when constructing a drawing, but that should not be printed in the final version.

Path drawarrow (const Point& p, [const Color& ddraw_color = *Colors::default_color, [string ddashed = "", [string ppen = "", [Picture& picture = current_picture]]]]) Function
Path drawarrow (Picture& picture, const Point& p, [const Color& ddraw_color = *Colors::default_color, [string ddashed = "", [string ppen = ""]]]) Function
Draws an arrow from *this to p and returns the Path *this -- p. The second version is convenient for passing a Picture argument without having to specify all of the other arguments.
          Point P(-3, -2, 1);
          Point Q(3, 3, 5);

[Figure 100. Not displayed.]

Fig. 100.

Node: Labelling Points, Next: , Previous: Point Drawing Functions, Up: Point Reference


Labels make it possible to include TeX text within a drawing. Labels are implemented by means of class Label. The functions label() and dotlabel(), described in this section, create objects of type Label, and add them to the Picture, which was passed to them as an argument (current_picture, by default). See Label Reference, for more information.

void label (const string text_str, [const string position_str = "top", [const bool dot = false, [Picture& picture = current_picture]]]) const function
void label (const short text_short, [const string position_str = "top", [const bool dot = false, [Picture& picture = current_picture]]]) const function
These functions cause a Point to be labelled in the drawing. The first argument is the text of the label. It can either be a string, in the first version, or a short, in the second. It will often be the name of the Point in the C++ code, for example, "p0". It is not possible to automate this kind of labelling, because it is not possible to access the names of variables through the variables themselves in C++ .

text_str is always placed between "btex'' and "etex" in the MetaPost label command written to out_stream. This makes it possible to include math mode material in the text of labels, as in the following example.

          Point p0(2, 3);

[Figure 101. Not displayed.]

Fig. 101.

If backslashes are needed in the text of the label, then text_str must contain double backslashes, so that single backslashes will be written to out_stream.

          Point P;
          Point Q(2, 2);
          Point R(P.mediate(Q));
          R.label("$\\overrightarrow{PQ}$", "ulft");

[Figure 102. Not displayed.]

Fig. 102.

The position argument indicates where the text of the label should be located relative to the Point. The valid values are the strings used in MetaPost for this purpose, i.e., top, bot, lft, rt, llft (lower left), lrt (lower right), ulft (upper left), and urt (upper right). The default is top. 3DLDF does not catch the error if an invalid position argument is used; the string is written to the output file and an error will occur when MetaPost is run.

The dot argument is used to determine whether the label should be dotted or not. The default is false. The function dotlabel() calls label(), passing true as the latter's dot argument.

void dotlabel ([const string text_str, [const string position_str = "top", [Picture& picture = current_picture]]]) const function
void dotlabel (const short text_short, [const string position_str = "top", [Picture& picture = current_picture]]) const function
These functions are like label() except that they always produces a dot.
          Point p0(2, 3);

[Figure 103. Not displayed.]

Fig. 103.

Node: Showing Points, Next: , Previous: Labelling Points, Up: Point Reference


void show ([string text = "", [char coords = 'w', [const bool do_persp = true, [const bool do_apply = true, [Focus* f = 0, [const unsigned short proj = Projections::persp, [const real factor = 1]]]]]]]) const function
Prints text followed by the values of a set of coordinates to standard output (stdout). The other arguments are similar to those used in the functions described in Returning Coordinates.
          Point P(1, 3, 5);
          P.rotate(15, 67, 98);
          -| P: (-3.68621, -3.89112, 2.50421)

void show_transform ([string text = ""]) Function
Prints text to standard output (stdout), or "transform:", if text is the empty string (the default), and then calls transform.show().
          Point A(-1, 1, 1);
          Point B(13, 12, 6);
          Point Q(31, 17.31, 6);
          Q.rotate(A, B, 32);
          -| Q.transform:
               0.935   0.212  -0.284       0
             -0.0749   0.902   0.426       0
               0.346  -0.377   0.859       0
              -0.336   0.687  -0.569       1

Node: Outputting Points, Previous: Showing Points, Up: Point Reference


ostream& operator<< (ostream& o, Point& p) Non-member function
Used in Path::output() for writing the x and y values of the projective_coordinates of Points to out_stream. See Path Reference; Outputting. This is a low-level function that ordinary users should never have to invoke directly.

void output (void) Function
Writes the MetaPost code for drawing or undrawing a Point to out_stream. Called by Picture::output(), when a Shape on the Picture is a Point. See Picture Reference; Outputting.

void suppress_output (void) Virtual function
Sets do_output to false, which causes a Point not to be output. This function is called in Picture::output(), when a Point cannot be projected. See Picture Reference; Outputting.

virtual void unsuppress_output (void) Virtual function
Resets do_output to true, so that a Point can potentially be output, if Picture::output() is called again for the Picture the Point is on. This function is called in Picture::output(). See Picture Reference; Outputting.

vector<shape*> extract (const Focus& f, const unsigned short proj, real factor) Function
Attempts to project the Point using the arguments passed to Picture::output(), which calls this function. If extract() succeeds, it returns a vector<shape*> containing only the Point. Otherwise, it returns an empty vector<shape*>.

bool set_extremes (void) Virtual function
Sets "extreme" values for x, y, and z in projective_coordinates. This is, of course, trivial for Points, because they only have one x, y and z-coordinate. So the maxima and minima for each coordinate are always the same.

valarray <real> get_extremes (void) Virtual inline const function
Returns projective_extremes.

real get_minimum_z (void) Virtual const function
real get_maximum_z (void) Virtual const function
real get_mean_z (void) Virtual const function
These functions return the minimum, maximum, and mean z-value of the Point. get_minimum_z() returns projective_extremes[4], get_maximum_z() returns projective_extremes[5], and get_mean_z() returns (projective_extremes[4] + projective_extremes[5]) / 2. However, since a Point has only one z-coordinate (from world_coordinates), these values will all be the same.

These functions are pure virtual functions in Shape, and are called on Points through pointers to Shape. Therefore, they must be consistent with the versions for other types derived from Shape. See Shape Reference; Outputting.

Node: Focus Reference, Next: , Previous: Point Reference, Up: Top

Focus Reference

Class Focus is defined in points.web. Focuses are used when creating a perspective projection. They represent the center of projection and can be thought of like a camera viewing the scene.

Node: Focus Data Members, Next: , Previous: Focus Reference, Up: Focus Reference

Data Members

Point position Private variable
The location of the Focus in the world coordinate system.

Point direction Private variable
The direction of view from position into the scene.

Point up Private variable
The direction that will be at the top of the projected drawing.

real distance Private variable
The distance of the Focus from the plane of projection.

real angle Private variable
Used for determining the up direction.

char axis Private variable
The main axis onto which the Focus is transformed in order to perform the perspective projection, z by default.

It will normally not matter which axis is used, but it might be advantageous to use a particular axis in some special situations.

Transform transform Private variable
The Transform, which will be applied to the Shapes on the Picture, when the latter is output. The effect of this is equivalent to transforming the Focus, so that it lies on a major axis.
          Focus f(5, 5, -10, 2, 4, 10, 10, 180);
          f.transform ==
           0.989  -0.00733  -0.148  0
           0       0.999    -0.0494 0
           0.148   0.0488    0.988  0
          -3.4    -4.47      0.865  1

Transform persp Private variable
The Transform representing the perspective transformation for a particular Focus. Let d stand for distance, then
          persp ==
          1 0 0  0
          0 1 0  0
          0 0 0 1/d
          0 0 0  1

Node: Focus Global Variables, Next: , Previous: Focus Data Members, Up: Focus Reference

Global Variables

Focus default_focus Variable
Effectively, the default Focus in Picture::output(). See Picture Reference; Outputting; Functions. It's not really the default, but the version of output() that doesn't take a Focus argument calls another version that does take one, passing default_focus to the latter as its Focus argument.

It's necessary to do this in such a roundabout way, because Picture::output() must be declared before class Focus is completely defined and default_focus is declared.

The declaration Focus& f = default_focus; makes f a reference to default_focus, i.e., it makes f another name for default_focus. This may be convenient, if you don't feel like typing default_focus.

Node: Focus Constructors and Setting Functions, Next: , Previous: Focus Global Variables, Up: Focus Reference

Constructors and Setting Functions

void Focus (void) Default constructor
Creates an empty Focus

void Focus (const real pos_x, const real pos_y, const real pos_z, const real dir_x, const real dir_y, const real dir_z, const real dist, [const real ang = 0, [char ax = 'z']]) Constructor
Constructs a Focus using the first three real arguments as the x, y, and z-coordinates of position, and the fourth through the sixth argument as the x, y, and z-coordinates of direction. dist specifies the distance of the Focus from the plane of projection, ang the angle of rotation, which affects which direction is considered to be "up", and ax the major axis to which the Focus is aligned.

void set (const real pos_x, const real pos_y, const real pos_z, const real dir_x, const real dir_y, const real dir_z, const real dist, [const real ang = 0, [char ax = 'z']]) Setting function
Resets an existing Focus. Corresponds to the constructor above.

void Focus (const Point& pos, const Point& dir, const real dist, [const real ang = 0, [char ax = 'z']]) Constructor
Constructs a Focus using Point arguments for position and direction. Otherwise, the arguments of this constructor correspond to those of the one above.

void set (const Point& pos, const Point& dir, const real dist, [const real ang = 0, [char ax = 'z']]) Setting function
Resets an existing Focus. Corresponds to the constructor above.

Node: Focus Operators, Next: , Previous: Focus Constructors and Setting Functions, Up: Focus Reference


const Focus& operator= (const Focus& f) Assignment operator
Sets the Focus to f.

Node: Modifying Focuses, Next: , Previous: Focus Operators, Up: Focus Reference


void reset_angle (const real ang) Function
Resets the value of angle and recalculates the Transforms transform and persp.

Node: Querying Focuses, Next: , Previous: Modifying Focuses, Up: Focus Reference


const Point& get_position (void) Inline const function
Returns position.

const Point& get_direction (void) Inline const function
Returns direction.

const real& get_distance (void) Inline const function
Returns distance.

const Point& get_up (void) Inline const function
Returns up.

const Transform& get_transform (void) Inline const function
Returns transform.

const real& get_transform_element (const unsigned int row, const unsigned int column) Inline const function
Returns an element of transform, given two unsigned ints for the row and the column.

const Transform& get_persp (void) Inline const function
Returns persp.

const real& get_persp_element (const unsigned int row, const unsigned int column) Inline const function
Returns an element of persp, given two unsigned ints for the row and the column.

Node: Showing Focuses, Previous: Querying Focuses, Up: Focus Reference


void show ([const string text_str = "Focus:", [const bool show_transforms = false]]) const function
Prints text_str to standard output (stdout), then calls Point::show() on position, direction, and up. Then the values of distance, axis, and angle are printed to stdout. If show_transforms is true, transform and persp are shown as well.

Node: Line Reference, Next: , Previous: Focus Reference, Up: Top

Line Reference

The struct Line is defined in lines.web. Lines are not Shapes. They are used for performing vector operations. A Line is defined by a Point representing a position vector and a Point representing a direction vector.

See also the descriptions of Point::get_line() in Points and Lines, and Path::get_line() in Path Reference; Querying.

Node: Line Data Members, Next: , Previous: Line Reference, Up: Line Reference

Data Members

Point position Public variable
Represents the position vector of the Line.

Point direction Public variable
Represents the direction vector of the Line.

Node: Line Global Constants, Next: , Previous: Line Data Members, Up: Line Reference

Global Constants

const Line INVALID_LINE Constant
position and direction are both INVALID_POINT.

Node: Line Constructors, Next: , Previous: Line Global Constants, Up: Line Reference


void Line (const Point& pos = origin, const Point& dir = origin) Default constructor
Creates a Line, setting position to pos, and direction to dir. If this function is called with no arguments, it creates a Line at the origin with no direction.
          Point p(2, 1, 2);
          Point d(-3, 3, 3.5);
          Line L0(p, d);
          Line L1 = p.get_line(d);

[Figure 104. Not displayed.]

Fig. 104.

void Line (const Line& l) Copy constructor
Creates a Line, making it a copy of l.

Node: Line Operators, Next: , Previous: Line Constructors, Up: Line Reference


void operator= (const Line& l) Assignment operator
Sets *this to l.

Node: Get Path, Next: , Previous: Line Operators, Up: Line Reference

Get Path

Path get_path (void) const function
Returns a linear Path with two Points on the Line. The first Point will be position, and the second will be position + direction.

Node: Showing, Previous: Get Path, Up: Line Reference


void show ([string text = ""]) Function
If text is not the empty string (the default), it is printed on a line of its own to standard output. Otherwise, Line: is printed. Following this, Point::show() is called on position and direction.
          Point p(1, -2, 3);
          Point d(-12.3, 21, 36.002);
          Line L0(p, d);
          -| L0:
             position: (1, -2, 3)
             direction: (-12.3, 21, 36.002)
          Line L1 = p.get_line(d);
          -| L1:
             position: (1, -2, 3)
             direction: (-13.3, 23, 33.002)
          Path q = L1.get_path();
          -| q:
             fill_draw_value == 0
             (1, -2, 3) -- (-12.3, 21, 36.002);

Node: Plane Reference, Next: , Previous: Line Reference, Up: Top

Plane Reference

The struct Plane is defined in planes.web. Planes are not Shapes. They are used for performing vector operations. A Plane is defined by a Point representing a point on the plane, a Point representing the normal to the plane, and the distance of the plane from the origin.

The most common use of Planes is to represent the plane in which an existing plane figure lies. Therefore, they most likely to be created by using Path::get_plane(). See Path Reference; Querying. However, class Plane does have constructors for creating Planes directly, if desired. See Planes Reference; Constructors.

Node: Planes Data Members, Next: , Previous: Plane Reference, Up: Plane Reference

Data Members

Because the main purpose of Plane is to provide information about Shapes, its data members are all public.

Point point Public variable
Represents a point on the plane.

Point normal Public variable
Represents the normal to the plane.

real distance Public variable
The distance of the plane from the origin.

Node: Planes Global Constants, Next: , Previous: Planes Data Members, Up: Plane Reference

Global Constants

const Plane INVALID_PLANE Constant
A Plane with point == normal, and distance == INVALID_REAL.

INVALID_PLANE is returned from Path::get_plane(), if the Path is not planar. See Path Reference; Querying.

Node: Planes Constructors, Next: , Previous: Planes Global Constants, Up: Plane Reference


void Plane (void) Default constructor
Creates a degenerate Plane with point == normal == origin, and distance == 0.

Planes constructed using this constructor will probably be set using the assignment operator or Path::get_plane() immediately, or very soon after being declared. See Planes Reference; Operators, and Paths Reference; Querying.

void Plane (const Plane& p) Copy constructor
Creates a new Plane, making it a copy of p.

void Plane (const Point& p, const Point& n) Constructor
If p is not equal to n, this constructor creates a Plane and sets point to p. normal is set to n, and made a unit vector. distance is calculated according to the following formula: Let n stand for normal, p for point, and d for distance: d = -p \dot n. If d = 0, origin lies in the Plane. If d > 0, origin lies on the side of the Plane that normal points to, considered to be "outside". If d<0, origin lies on the side of the Plane that normal does not point to, considered to be "inside".

However, if p == n, point and normal are both set to INVALID_POINT, and distance is set to INVALID_REAL, i.e., *this will be equal to INVALID_PLANE (see Planes Reference; Global Constants).

          Point P(1, 1, 1);
          Point N(0, 1);
          N.rotate(-35, 30, 20);
          -| N: (-0.549659, 0.671664, 0.496732)
          Plane q(P, N);
          cout << q.distance;
          -| -0.618736

[Figure 105. Not displayed.]

Fig. 105.

Node: Planes Operators, Next: , Previous: Planes Constructors, Up: Plane Reference


const Plane& operator= (const Plane& p) Assignment operator
Sets point to p.point, normal to p.normal, and distance to p.distance. The return value is p, so that invocations of this function can be chained.
          Point pt(2, 2.3, 6);
          Point norm(-1, 12, -36);
          Plane A(pt, norm);
          Plane B;
          Plane C;
          B = C = A;
          -| A:
             normal: (-0.0263432, 0.316118, -0.948354)
             point: (2, 2.3, 6)
             distance == 5.01574
          cout << (A == B && A == C && B == C);
          -| 1

bool operator== (const Plane& p) const operator
Equality operator. Compares *this and p, and returns true, if point == p.point, normal == p.normal, and distance == p.distance, otherwise false.

bool operator!= (const Plane& p) const operator
Inequality operator. Compares *this and p and returns true, if point != p.point, or normal != p.normal, or distance != p.distance. Otherwise, it returns false.

Node: Planes Returning Information, Next: , Previous: Planes Operators, Up: Plane Reference

Returning Information

real_short get_distance (const Point& p) const function
real_short get_distance (void) const function
The version of this function taking a Point argument returns a real_short r, whose real part (r.first) represents the distance of p from the Plane. This value is always positive. r.second can take on three values:
If the Point lies in the Plane.
If it lies on the side of the Plane pointed at by the normal to the Plane, considered to be the "outside".
If it lies on the side of the Plane not pointed at by the normal to the Plane, considered to be the "inside".

The version taking no argument returns the absolute of the data member distance and its sign, i.e., the distance of origin to the Plane, and which side of the Plane it lies on.

It would have been possible to use origin as the default for an optional Point argument, but I've chosen to overload this function, because of problems that may arise, when I implement user_coordinates and view_coordinates (see Point Reference; Data Members).

          Point N(0, 1);
          N.rotate(-10, 20, 20);
          Point P(1, 1, 1);
          Plane q(P, N);
          Point A(4, -2, 4);
          Point B(-1, 3, 2);
          Point C = q.intersection_point(A, B).pt;
          real_short bp;
          bp = q.get_distance();
          cout << bp.first;
          -| 0.675646
          cout << bp.second
          -| -1
          bp = q.get_distance(A)
          cout << bp.first;
          -| 3.40368
          cout << bp.second;
          -|  -1
          bp = q.get_distance(B)
          cout << bp.first;
          -| 2.75865
          cout << bp.second;
          -| 1
          bp = q.get_distance(C)
          cout << bp.first;
          -| 0
          cout << bp.second;
          -| 0

[Figure 106. Not displayed.]

Fig. 106.

Node: Plane Intersections, Next: , Previous: Planes Returning Information, Up: Plane Reference


bool_point intersection_point (const Point& p0, const Point& p1) const function
bool_point intersection_point (const Path& p) const function
These functions find the intersection point of the Plane and a line. In the first version, the line is defined by the two Point arguments. In the second version, the Path p must be linear, i.e., p.is_linear() must be true.

Both versions of intersection_point() return a bool_point bp, where bp.pt is the intersection point, or INVALID_POINT, if there is none. If an intersection point is found, bp.b will be true, otherwise false. Returning a bool_point makes it possible to test for success without comparing the Point returned against INVALID_POINT.

          Point center(2, 2, 3.5);
          Reg_Polygon h(center, 6, 4, 80, 30, 10);
          Plane q = h.get_plane();
          Point P0 = center.mediate(h.get_point(2));
          P0.shift(5 * (N - center));
          Point P1(P0);
          P1.rotate(h.get_point(1), h.get_point(4));
          P1 = 3 * (P1 - P0);
          P1.shift(3, -.5, -2);
          bool_point bp = q.intersection_point(P0, P1);
          Point i_P = bp.pt;
          Point P4 = h.get_point(3).mediate(h.get_point(0), .75);
          P4.shift(N - center);
          Point P5(P4);
          P5.rotate(h.get_point(3), h.get_point(0));
          P4.shift(-1, 2);
          Path theta(P4, P5);
          bp = q.intersection_point(theta);
          Point i_theta = bp.pt;

[Figure 107. Not displayed.]

Fig. 107.

Line intersection_line (const Plane& p) const function
Returns a Line l. representing the line of intersection of two Planes. See Line Reference.

In [next figure] , intersection_line() is used to find the line of intersection of the Planes derived from the Rectangles r_0 and r_1 using get_plane() (see Paths Reference; Querying). Please note that there is no guarantee that l.position will be in a convenient place for your drawing. A bit of fiddling was needed to find the Points P_2 and P_3. I plan to add functions for finding the intersection lines of plane figures, but haven't done so yet.

          Rectangle r0(origin, 5, 5, 10, 15, 6);
          Rectangle r1(origin, 5, 5, 90, 50, 10);
          r1 *= r0.rotate(30, 30, 30);
          r1 *= r0.shift(1, -1, 3);
          Plane q0 = r0.get_plane();
          Plane q1 = r1.get_plane();
          Line l = q0.intersection_line(q1);
          -| l:
             position: (0, 11.2193, 20.0759)
             direction: (0.0466595, -0.570146, -0.796753)
          Point P0(l.direction);
          -| P0: (0.0466595, 10.6491, 19.2791)
          Point P1(-l.direction);
          Point P2(P0 - P1);
          P2 *= 12.5;
          cout << P2.is_on_plane(q0);
          -| 1
          cout << P2.is_on_plane(q1);
          -| 1
          Point P3(P0 - P1);
          P3 *= 7;
          cout << P3.is_on_plane(q0);
          -| 1
          cout << P3.is_on_plane(q1);
          -| 1

[Figure 108. Not displayed.]

Fig. 108.

Node: Planes Showing, Previous: Plane Intersections, Up: Plane Reference


void show ([string text = ""]) const function
Prints information about the Plane to standard output. If text is not the empty string, it is printed to the standard output. Otherwise, Plane: is printed. Following this, if the Plane is equal to INVALID_PLANE (see Planes Reference; Global Constants), a message to this effect is printed to standard output. Otherwise, normal and point are shown using Point::show() (see Point Reference; Showing). Finally, distance is printed.
          Point A(1, 3, 2.5);
          Rectangle r0(A, 5, 5, 10, 15, 6);
          Plane p = r0.get_plane();
          -| p:
             normal: (-0.0582432, 0.984111, -0.167731)
             point: (-0.722481, 2.38245, -0.525176)
             distance == -2.47476

Node: Path Reference, Next: , Previous: Plane Reference, Up: Top

Path Reference

Class Path is defined in paths.web. It is derived from Shape using protected derivation.

Node: Path Data Members, Next: , Previous: Path Reference, Up: Path Reference

Data Members

bool line_switch Protected variable
true if the Path was created using the constructor Path(const Point& p0, const Point& p1), directly or indirectly. See Path Reference; Constructors and Setting Functions.
          Point p0;
          Point p1(1, 1);
          Point p2(2, 3);
          Path q0(p0, p1);
          cout << q0.get_line_switch();
          -| 1
          Path q1;
          q1 = q0;
          cout << q1.get_line_switch();
          -| 1
          Path q2 = p0.draw(p1);
          cout << q2.get_line_switch();
          -| 1
          Path q3("..", false, &p1, &p2, &p0, 0);
          cout << q3.get_line_switch();
          -| 0

[Figure 109. Not displayed.]

Fig. 109.

Some Path functions only work on linear Paths, so it's necessary to be able to distinguish them from non-linear ones. The function is_linear() should be enough to ensure that all of these functions work, so I plan to make line_switch obsolete soon. However, at the moment, it's still needed. See Path Reference; Querying.

bool cycle_switch Protected variable
true if the Path is cyclical, otherwise false.

bool on_free_store Protected variable
true if the Path was dynamically allocated on the free store. Otherwise false. Set to true only in create_new<Path>(), which should be the only way Paths are ever dynamically allocated. See Path Reference; Constructors and Setting Functions.

bool do_output Protected variable
Used in Picture::output(). Set to false if the Path isn't projectable using the arguments passed to Picture::output(). See Picture Reference; Outputting.

signed short fill_draw_value Protected variable
Set in the drawing and filling functions, and used in Path::output(), to determine what MetaPost code to write to out_stream. See Path Reference; Drawing and Filling, and Path Reference; Outputting.

const Color* draw_color Protected variable
Pointer to the Color used if the Path is drawn.

const Color* fill_color Protected variable
Pointer to the Color used if the Path is filled.

string dashed Protected variable
String written to out_stream for the "dash pattern" in a MetaPost draw or undraw command. If and only if dashed is not the empty string, "dashed <dash pattern>" is written to out_stream.

Dash patterns have no meaning inside 3DLDF; dashed, if non-empty, is written unchanged to out_stream. I may change this in the future.

string pen Protected variable
String written to out_stream for the pen to be used in a MetaPost draw, undraw, filldraw, or unfilldraw command. If and only if pen is not the empty string, "withpen <...>" is written to out_stream.

Pens have no meaning inside 3DLDF; pen, if non-empty, is written unchanged to out_stream. I may change this in the future.

bool arrow Protected variable
Indicates whether an arrow should be drawn when outputting a Path. Set to true on a Path created on the free store and put onto a Picture by drawarrow().

valarray<real> projective_extremes Protected variable
Contains the maxima and minima of the x, y, and z-coordinates of the projections of Points on a Path using a particular Focus. Set in set_extremes() and used in Picture::output() for surface hiding.

vector<Point*> points Protected variable
Pointers to the Points on the Path.

vector<string> connectors Protected variable
The connectors between the Points on the Path. Connectors are simply strings in 3DLDF, they are written unchanged to out_stream.

const Color* help_color Public static variable
Pointer to a const Color, which becomes the default for draw_help(). See Path Reference; Drawing and Filling.

Please note that help_color is a pointer to a const Color, not a const pointer to a Color or a const pointer to a const Color! It's easy to get confused by the syntax for these types of pointers.35

string help_dash_pattern Public static variable
The default dash pattern for draw_help().

bool do_help_lines Public static variable
true if help lines should be output, otherwise false. If false, a call to draw_help() does not cause a copy of the Path to be created and put onto a Picture. See Path Reference; Drawing and Filling.

Node: Path Constructors and Setting Functions, Next: , Previous: Path Data Members, Up: Path Reference

Constructors and Setting Functions

void Path (void) Default constructor
Creates an empty Path with no Points and no connectors.

void Path (const Point& p0, const Point& p1) Constructor
Creates a line (more precisely, a line segment) between p0 and p1. The single connector between the two Points is set to "--" and the data member line_switch (of type bool) is set to true. There are certain operations on Paths that are only applicable to lines, so it's necessary to store the information that a Path is a line.36
          Point A(-2, -2.5, -1);
          Point B(3, 2, 2.5)
          Path p(A, B);
          -| p:
             (-2, -2.5, -1) -- (3, 2, 2.5);

[Figure 110. Not displayed.]

Fig. 110.

void set (const Point& p0, const Point& p1) Setting function
Corresponds to the constructor above.
          Point P0(1, 2, 3);
          Point P1(3.5, -12, 75);
          Path q;
          q.set(P0, P1);
          -| q:
             (1, 2, 3) -- (3.5, -12, 75);

void Path (string connector, bool cycle, Point* p, [...], 0) Constructor
For Paths with an arbitrary number of Points and one type of connector.

connector is passed unchanged to out_file, so it must be a valid connector in MetaPost.

cycle indicates whether the Path is a cycle or not. cycle_switch is set to cycle. See Path Reference; Data Members. The filling and unfilling functions only work for Paths that are cycles. See Path Reference; Drawing and Filling. If a Path is a cycle, it is up to the user to make sure that it has sensible Point and connector values; 3DLDF doesn't check them. If they are not sensible, for instance, if the Path crosses itself, and you try to fill it, this will cause an error in MetaPost. It is possible that a Path will be "sensible" in some projections and not in others, although I have not tested this.

p is a pointer to the first Point that should go onto the Path. The ellipsis points (...) represent an arbitrary number of pointers to Points that should go onto the Path. The final argument must be 0, which is interpreted by the C++ compiler as the null pointer.37

It is admittedly a bit awkward to have to type "&p0" rather than "p0", and I have frequently forgotten to do it, which causes a compiler error, but all of the arguments must be pointers in order to be able to use 0 to indicate the end of the argument list. Convenience in typing function calls is not a high priority in 3DLDF, because once I've written an input routine, these function calls should be generated automatically. It will be more important to define a convenient syntax for the input routine.

          Point P0;
          Point P1(2);
          Point P2(2,2);
          Point P3(0,2);
          Path p("..", true, &P0, &P1, &P2, &P3, 0);

[Figure 111. Not displayed.]

Fig. 111.

void set (string connector, bool cycle, Point* p, [...], 0) Setting function
Corresponds to the constructor above.
          Point P[4];
          P[0].set(2, 1, 3);
          P[3] = P[2] =  P[1] = P[0];
          P[3] *= P[2] *=  P[1].rotate(3, 12, 18);
          P[3] *= P[2].shift(-2, -1, 3);
          P[3].shear(1.5, .5, 3.5);
          Path q("...", false, &P[0], &P[1], &P[2], &P[3], 0);
          -| q:
             (2, 1, 3) ... (0.92139, 1.51449, 3.29505) ...
             (-1.07861, 0.514487, 6.29505) ... (2.84065, -3.26065, 6.29505);

[Figure 112. Not displayed.]

Fig. 112.

void Path (Point* first_point_ptr, char* s, Point* p, [...], 0) Constructor
Constructor for Paths with an arbitrary number of Points and connectors. The first, required, argument is a pointer to a Point, followed by pointers to char alternating with pointers to Points.38 The last argument must be 0, i.e., the null pointer.

There is no need to indicate by means of an argument whether the Path is a cycle or not: If it is, the last argument before the 0 will be a char* (pointer to char), if not, it will be a Point*. The data member cycle_switch (of type bool) will be set to true or false accordingly.

          Point A;
          Point B(2, 0);
          Point C(3, 2);
          Point D(1, 3);
          Path p(&A, "..", &B, "..", &C, "--", &D, "...", 0);

[Figure 113. Not displayed.]

Fig. 113.

void set (Point *first_point_ptr, string s, Point *p, [...], 0) Setting function
Corresponds to the constructor above.

void Path (const Path& p) Copy constructor
Creates a new Path, making it a copy of p.

Path* create_new<Path> (const Path* p) Template specializations
Path* create_new<Path> (const Path& p)
Pseudo-constructors for dynamic allocation of Paths. They create a Path on the free store and allocate memory for it using new(Path). They return a pointer to the new Path.

If p is a non-zero pointer or a reference, the new Path will be a copy of p. If the new object is not meant to be a copy of an existing one, 0 must be passed to create_new<Path>() as its argument. See Dynamic Allocation of Shapes, for more information.

create_new<Path>() is used in the drawing and filling functions for copying a Path and putting the copy onto a Picture. See Path Reference; Drawing and Filling.

Node: Path Destructor, Next: , Previous: Path Constructors and Setting Functions, Up: Path Reference


void ~Path (void) virtual Destructor
All of the Points on a Path are created by create_new<Point>(), which allocates them dynamically on the free store. Therefore, the destructor calls delete() on all of the pointers on points. Following this, it calls points.clear() and connectors.clear(). draw_color and fill_color may or may not have been allocated on the free store, so ~Path() checks this first, and deletes them, if they were. Then, it sets them to 0.

Node: Path Operators, Next: , Previous: Path Destructor, Up: Path Reference


Transform operator*= (const Transform& t) Virtual function
Calls Point::operator*=(t) on each of the Points on the Path. See Point Reference; Operators. This has the effect of transforming the entire Path by t. Please note that Path does not have a transform data member of its own.

void operator+= (const Point& pt) Function
Copies pt and pushes a pointer to the copy onto points. The last connector in the Path will be used to connect the new Point and the previous one.
          Point A(1, 2, 3);
          Point B(3, 4, 5);
          Path q;
          q += A;
          q += B;
          -| q:
             (1, 2, 3) -- (3, 4, 5);

Path operator+ (const Point& pt) const function
Copies the Path and pt, and pushes a pointer to the copy of pt onto points in the new Path. The last connector in the new Path will be used to connect the new Point and the previous one. The Path remains unchanged.

void operator&= (const Path& pa) Function
Concatenates two Paths. The result is assigned to *this. Neither *this nor pa may be cyclical, i.e., cycle_switch must be false for both Paths.

Path operator& (const Path& pa) const function
Returns a Path representing the concatenation of *this and pa. *this remains unchanged. Neither *this nor pa may be cyclical, i.e., cycle_switch must be false for both Paths.

void operator+= (const string s) Function
Pushes s onto connectors.

Node: Appending to Paths, Next: , Previous: Path Operators, Up: Path Reference


Path append (const Path& pa, [string connector = "--", [bool assign = true]]) Function
Appends pa to *this using connector to join them and returns the resulting Path. If assign == true, then the return value is assigned to *this, otherwise, *this remains unchanged.

If necessary, a const version could be added, for const Paths.

          Point A(-2, 2);
          Point B(-2, -2);
          Point C(2, -2);
          Point D(2, 2);
          Path q("--", false, &A, &B, &C, &D, 0);
          Point E(1, 2);
          Point F(0, 4);
          Point G(-.5, 3);
          Path r("..", false, &E, &F, &G, 0);
          q.append(r, "..", true);
          q += "..";
          q += "--";
          -| q:
             (-2, 2, 0) -- (-2, -2, 0) --
             (2, -2, 0) -- (2, 2, 0) ..
             (1, 2, 0) .. (0, 4, 0) ..
             (-0.5, 3, 0) -- cycle;

[Figure 114. Not displayed.]

Fig. 114.

Node: Copying Paths, Next: , Previous: Appending to Paths, Up: Path Reference


Shape* get_copy (void) const virtual function
Creates a copy of the Path using create_new<Path>(), which returns a pointer to Path. get_copy() then casts this pointer to a pointer to Shape and returns it.

This function is used when copying Pictures and in Solid::output(), where objects of types derived from Shape must be handled in the same way, without their actual types being known.

Node: Clearing Paths, Next: , Previous: Copying Paths, Up: Path Reference


void clear (void) Virtual function
Does the same thing the destructor ~Path() does: Calls delete() on the pointers to Points on points, clears points and connectors, deletes draw_color and fill_color, if they point to Colors that were allocated on the free store, and sets them to 0.

clear() is a pure virtual function in class Shape, so Path must be have a clear() function. It is needed, because it is sometimes called through a pointer to Shape, so that ~Path() cannot be accessed. At least, so far I haven't found a way to call a destructor through the virtual function facility.

Node: Modifying Paths, Next: , Previous: Clearing Paths, Up: Path Reference


bool set_on_free_store ([bool b = true]) Virtual function
Sets on_free_store to b. This is used in the template function create_new(). See Path Reference; Constructors and Setting Functions.

void set_fill_draw_value (const signed short s) Virtual function
Sets fill_draw_value to s, which should be one of Shape::DRAW, Shape::FILL, Shape::FILLDRAW, Shape::UNDRAW, Shape::UNFILL, or Shape::UNFILLDRAW.

void set_draw_color (const Color& c) Virtual function
void set_draw_color (const Color * c) Virtual function
Sets draw_color (a pointer to a const Color) to &c or c, depending on whether the version with a reference argument or the version with a pointer argument is used.

set_draw_color() is used in the Solid drawing and filling functions, because Path::draw_color is protected, and the Solid cannot access it directly. See Solid Reference; Drawing and Filling.

void set_fill_color (const Color& c) Virtual function
void set_fill_color (const Color* c) Virtual function
Sets fill_color (a pointer to a const Color) to &c or c, depending on whether the version with a reference argument or the version with a pointer argument is used.

set_fill_color() is used in the Solid drawing and filling functions, because Path::fill_color is protected, and the Solid cannot access it directly. See Solid Reference; Drawing and Filling.

void set_dash_pattern ([const string s = ""]) Virtual function
Sets dashed to s.

void set_pen ([const string s = ""]) Virtual function
Sets pen to s.

void set_connectors ([const string s = ".."]) Virtual function
Clears connectors and then pushes s onto it, making s the only connector. Additional connectors can be added by using Path::operator+=(const string). See Path Reference; Operators.

I plan to add a version of this function taking a vector of strings as its argument, to make it possible to set several connectors at one time.

Node: Affine Transformations for Paths, Next: , Previous: Modifying Paths, Up: Path Reference

Affine Transformations

Transform rotate (const real x, [const real y = 0, [const real z = 0]]) Virtual function
Creates a Transform t locally and calls t.rotate(x, y, z). t is then applied to all of the Points on points. The return value is t.

Transform scale (real x, [real y = 1, [real z = 1]]) Function
Creates a Transform t locally and calls t.scale(x, y, z). t is then applied to all of the Points on points. The return value is t.

The Points on the Path are scaled according to the arguments:

          Point pt[8];
          pt[0] = (-1, -1);
          for (int i = 1; i < 8; ++i)
              pt[i] = pt[0];
              pt[i].rotate(0, 0, i * 45);
          Path p("--", true, &pt[0], &pt[1], &pt[2], &pt[3],
                 &pt[4], &pt[5], &pt[6],
                 &pt[7], 0);
          p.scale(2, 2);

[Figure 115. Not displayed.]

Fig. 115.

Transform shear (real xy, [real xz = 0, [real yx = 0, [real yz = 0, [real zx = 0, [real zy = 0]]]]]) Function
Creates a Transform t locally and calls t.shear(xy, xz, yx, yz, zx, zy). t is then applied to all of the Points on points. The return value is t.
          Point p0;
          Point p1(1);
          Point p2(1, 1);
          Point p3(0, 1);
          Path q("--", true, &p0, &p1, &p2, &p3, 0);
          q.rotate(0, 45);
          q.filldraw(black, light_gray);
          q.shear(1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 5);
          q.filldraw(black, light_gray);

[Figure 116. Not displayed.]

Fig. 116.

Transform shift (real x, [real y = 0, [real z = 0]]) Function
Creates a Transform t locally and calls t.shift(x, y, z). t is then applied to all of the Points on points. The return value is t.

Shifts each of the Points on the Path according to the arguments.

          default_focus.set(5, 10, -10, 0, 10, 10, 10);
          Point pt[6];
          pt[0].set(-2, -2);
          pt[1].set(0, -3);
          pt[2].set(2, -2);
          pt[3].set(2, 2);
          pt[4].set(0, 3);
          pt[5].set(-2, 2);
          Path p("--", true, &pt[0], &pt[1], &pt[2],
                 &pt[3], &pt[4], &pt[5], 0);
          p.shift(3, 3, 3);

[Figure 117. Not displayed.]

Fig. 117.

Transform shift (const Point& p) Function
Creates a Transform t locally and calls t.shift(p). t is then applied to all of the Points on points. The return value is t.

This version of shift() uses the x, y, and z-coordinates of the Point p to shift the Path.

          default_focus.set(5, 10, -10, 0, 10, 10, 10);
          Point pt[6];
          pt[0].set(-2, -2);
          pt[1].set(0, -3);
          pt[2].set(2, -2);
          pt[3].set(2, 2);
          pt[4].set(0, 3);
          pt[5].set(-2, 2);
          Path p("--", true, &pt[0], &pt[1], &pt[2],
                 &pt[3], &pt[4], &pt[5], 0);
          Point s(1, 1, 1);

[Figure 118. Not displayed.]

Fig. 118.

void shift_times (real x, [real y = 1, [real z = 1]]) Virtual function
void shift_times (const Point& @var{p}) Virtual function
Each of these functions calls the corresponding version of Point::shift_times() on all of the Points on points. See Point Reference; Affine Transformations. The return value is void, because there is no guarantee that all of the Points on a Path will have identical transform members (although it's likely).

Please note that shift_times() will only have an effect on the Points on a Path if it's called after a call to shift() and before an operation is applied that causes Point::apply_transform() to be called.

Transform rotate (const Point& p0, const Point& p1, [const real angle = 180]) Virtual function
Creates a Transform t locally and calls t.rotate(p0, p1, angle). t is then applied to all of the Points on points. The return value is t.

Transform rotate (const Path& p, [const real angle = 180]) Function
If p.is_linear() returns true, this function creates a Transform t locally and calls t.rotate(p, angle). t is then applied to all of the Points on points. The return value is t. Otherwise, it issues an error message and returns INVALID_TRANSFORM.

Node: Aligning Paths with an Axis, Next: , Previous: Affine Transformations for Paths, Up: Path Reference

Aligning with an Axis

Transform align_with_axis ([const char axis = 'z']) const function
Transform align_with_axis (bool assign, [const char axis = 'z']) Function
Transform align_with_axis (const Point& p0, const Point& p1, const char axis) Function
These functions return the Transform which, if applied to the Path, would align it with the major axis indicated by the axis argument.

The first and second versions can only be called for Paths where line_switch is true. The first version is const, so the Path remains unchanged. The second version should only be called with assign = true, so that the Transform is applied to the Path, actually aligning it with the axis indicated. If the second version is called with assign = false, a warning message is issued to the standard error output (stderr), since one might as well use the first version in this case, but it won't do any harm. The third version creates a Transform t locally that would align the line from p0 to p1 with the axis indicated, and applies t to the Path.

          Point A(2, 3, 2);
          Point B(-1, 1, 3);
          Path p(A, B);
          Transform t = p.align_with_axis(true, 'z');
          -| t:
              -0.316   0.507  -0.802       0
                   0  -0.845  -0.535       0
              -0.949  -0.169   0.267       0
                2.53    1.86    2.67       1
          p *= t;
          -| p:
             (2.53, 1.86, 2.67) -- (-1.02, 1.23, 3.67);
          Point C(1);
          C *= t.inverse();
          Path q;
          q += "..";
          q += C;
          for (int i = 0; i < 15; ++i)
              C.rotate(A, B, 360.0/16);
              q += C;
          -| q:
             (1.68, 3, 1.05) .. (1.9, 2.68, 1.06) ..
             (2.13, 2.4, 1.21) .. (2.35, 2.22, 1.48) ..
             (2.51, 2.15, 1.83) .. (2.59, 2.22, 2.21) ..
             (2.58, 2.4, 2.55) .. (2.49, 2.68, 2.81) ..
             (2.32, 3, 2.95) .. (2.1, 3.32, 2.94) ..
             (1.87, 3.6, 2.79) .. (1.65, 3.78, 2.52) ..
             (1.49, 3.85, 2.17) .. (1.41, 3.78, 1.79) ..
             (1.42, 3.6, 1.45) .. (1.51, 3.32, 1.19) .. cycle;
          q.align_with_axis(A, B, 'z');
          -| q:
             (1, 0, 0) .. (0.924, 0.383, 0) ..
             (0.707, 0.707, 0) .. (0.383, 0.924, 0) ..
             (0, 1, 0) .. (-0.383, 0.924, 0) ..
             (-0.707, 0.707, 0) .. (-0.924, 0.383, 0) ..
             (-1, 0, 0) .. (-0.924, -0.383, 0) ..
             (-0.707, -0.707, 0) .. (-0.383, -0.924, 0) ..
             (0, -1, 0) .. (0.383, -0.924, 0) ..
             (0.707, -0.707, 0) .. (0.924, -0.383, 0) .. cycle;

[Figure 119. Not displayed.]

Fig. 119.

Node: Applying Transformations to Paths, Next: , Previous: Aligning Paths with an Axis, Up: Path Reference

Applying Transformations

void apply_transform (void) Virtual function
Calls Point::apply_transform() on all of the Points on points. See Point Reference; Applying Transformations.

Node: Drawing and Filling Paths, Next: , Previous: Applying Transformations to Paths, Up: Path Reference

Drawing and Filling

void draw ([const Color& ddraw_color = *Colors::default_color, [const string ddashed = "", [const string ppen = "", [Picture& picture = current_picture]]]]) const virtual function
void draw (Picture& picture, [const Color& ddraw_color = *Colors::default_color, [string ddashed = "", [string ppen = ""]]]) const Virtual function
Allocates a copy of the Path on the free store, puts a pointer to the copy on picture.shapes, sets its fill_draw_value to DRAW, and the values of its draw_color, dashed, and pen according to the arguments.

The second version is convenient for passing a Picture argument without having to specify all of the other arguments.

All of the arguments to draw() are optional, so it can be invoked as follows:

          Point A;
          Point B(2);
          Point C(3, 3);
          Point D(1, 2);
          Point E(-1, 1);
          Path p("..", true, &A, &B, &C, &D, &E, 0);

[Figure 120. Not displayed.]

Fig. 120.

The arguments:

Used to specify a color for the Path. ddraw_color is a reference to a Color. Colors are described in Color Reference.

The most basic Colors are predefined in 3DLDF (in the namespace Colors), and users may create new Colors and specify their red-green-blue values.

The Path p could be drawn in red by calling p.draw(Colors::red). This manual isn't intended to be printed in color, so there's no figure to demonstrate this. However, gray values can be printed on non-color printers.

               using namespace Colors;
               p.draw(gray, "", "pencircle scaled .25mm");

[Figure 121. Not displayed.]

Fig. 121.

A string representing a "dash pattern", as defined in MetaPost39. Dash patterns have no meaning in 3DLDF, they are simply strings that are written unchanged to out_stream.
               p.draw(black, "evenly");

[Figure 122. Not displayed.]

Fig. 122.

A string representing a "pen", as defined in Metafont and MetaPost40. Pens have no meaning in 3DLDF, they are simply strings that are written unchanged to out_stream.
               p.draw(black, "", "pensquare xscaled 3mm
                      yscaled .25mm scaled .5mm");

[Figure 123. Not displayed.]

Fig. 123.

Indicates the Picture on which the Path should be drawn.

The two versions of draw() differ in the position of the picture argument: In the first version, it's the last argument, while in the second version, it's the first argument. If a picture argument is used, it's often more convenient to use the second version.

The following example puts Path p onto temp_picture. It also demonstrates how the labels are put onto temp_picture, and how temp_picture is output. In the previous examples, the commands for making the labels and outputting current_picture were left out in order to reduce clutter. See Point Reference; Labelling, and Picture Reference; Outputting; Output Functions.

               Picture temp_picture;
               A.dotlabel("A", "bot", temp_picture);
               B.dotlabel("B", "bot", temp_picture);
               C.dotlabel("C", "top", temp_picture);
               D.dotlabel("D", "top", temp_picture);
               E.dotlabel("E", "lft", temp_picture);

[Figure 124. Not displayed.]

Fig. 124.

void draw_help ([const Color& ddraw_color = *help_color, [string ddashed = help_dash_pattern, [string ppen = "", [Picture& picture = current_picture]]]]) const function
void draw_help (Picture& picture, [const Color& ddraw_color = *help_color, [string ddashed = help_dash_pattern, [string ppen = ""]]]) const function
This functions are for drawing help lines. They are like draw(), except that draw_help() returns immediately, if do_help_lines (a static data member in Path) is false. Also, the defaults for ddraw_color and ddashed differ from those for draw().

void drawarrow ([const Color& ddraw_color = *Colors::default_color, [string ddashed = "", [string ppen = "", [Picture& picture = current_picture]]]]) const virtual function
void drawarrow (Picture& picture, [const Color& ddraw_color = *Colors::default_color, [string ddashed = "", [string ppen = ""]]]) const virtual function
Like draw(), except that the MetaPost command drawarrow is written to out_stream when picture is output. The second version is convenient for passing a Picture argument without having to specify all of the other arguments.
          Point m;
          Point n(2, 2);
          m.dotlabel("$m$", "bot");

[Figure 125. Not displayed.]

Fig. 125.

void draw_axes ([real dist = 2.5, [string pos_x = "bot", [string pos_y = "lft", [string pos_z = "bot", [const Color& ddraw_color = *Colors::default_color, [const string ddashed = "", [const string ppen = "", [const Point& shift_x = origin, [const Point& shift_y = origin, [const Point& shift_z = origin, [Picture& picture = current_picture]]]]]]]]]]]) Non-member function
void draw_axes (const Color& ddraw_color, [real dist = 2.5, [string pos_x = "bot", [string pos_y = "lft", [string pos_z = "bot", [const string ddashed = "", [const string ppen = "", [const Point& shift_x = origin, [const Point& shift_y = origin, [const Point& shift_z = origin, [Picture& picture = current_picture]]]]]]]]]]) Non-member function
These functions draw lines centered on the origin, and ending in arrows in the directions of the positive x, y, and z-axes, and labels them with the appropriate letters. draw_axes() is used in many of the figures in this handbook. It can be helpful in determining whether a Focus has a good "up" direction. See Focus Reference; Data Members.

In the first version, all of the arguments are optional. In the second version, ddraw_color is required and has been moved to the front of the argument list. This version is often convenient, when a Color other than the default is desired.

The arguments:

The length of the lines drawn. The default is 2.5. The value 0 can be used as a dummy argument, if the default for dist is desired, but other arguments must be specified.
The position arguments for the labelling commands for each of the axes. The defaults are "bot" for the x and z-axes, and "lft" for the y-axis. The usual strings for the position of labels can be used, namely: "top", "bot", "lft", "rt", "ulft", "urt", "llft", "lrt", and "". If "" is used, that axis is not drawn. This can be useful for parallel projections onto one of the major planes41. In addition, "d" can be used to indicate that the default should be used for that label. This can be useful if one needs a placeholder, but doesn't remember what the default is for that label.
               draw_axes(0, "bot", "rt", "");

[Figure 126. Not displayed.]

Fig. 126.

In addition, the arguments shift_x, shift_y, and shift_z can be used to adjust the positions of the labels further (see below).

Arguments for the drawarrow() command, described above, in this section.
Offsets for the labels. These arguments make it possible to adjust the positions of the labels. The defaults are origin, so no shifting takes place, if they are used. In [next figure] , draw_axes is called without any arguments, so the defaults are used.

[Figure 127. Not displayed.]

Fig. 127.

In [next figure] , the Point P is used to shift the labels. Please note that placeholders must be used for the first arguments.

               Point P(.5, .5, .5);
               draw_axes(0, "d", "d", "d", black, "", "", P, -P, P);

[Figure 128. Not displayed.]

Fig. 128.

Please note that the Points used for placing the labels are three-dimensional Points, whether the shift_x, shift_y, and/or shift_z arguments are used or not. It is not currently possible to adjust the positions of the labels on the two-dimensional projection itself. This would probably be more useful, but would require changing the way Picture::output() functions.

The Picture, onto which the Paths and Labels are put.

void fill ([const Color& ffill_color = *Colors::default_color, [Picture& picture = current_picture]]) const function
void fill (Picture& picture, [const Color& ffill_color = *Colors::default_color]) Function

Allocates a copy of the Path on the free store, puts a pointer to it onto picture.shapes, sets its fill_draw_value to FILL, and its fill_color to *ffill_color.

The second version is convenient for passing a Picture argument without having to specify all of the other arguments.

The arguments are similar to those of draw(), except that the Color argument is called ffill_color instead of ddraw_color.


[Figure 129. Not displayed.]

Fig. 129.

void filldraw ([const Color& ddraw_color = *Colors::default_color, [const Color& ffill_color = *Colors::background_color, [string ddashed = "", [string ppen = "", [Picture& picture = current_picture]]]]]) const function
void filldraw (Picture& picture, [const Color& ddraw_color = *Colors::default_color, [const Color& ffill_color = *Colors::background_color, [string ddashed = "", [string ppen = ""]]]]) const function
Allocates a copy of the Path on the free store, puts a pointer to the copy onto picture.shapes, sets its fill_draw_value to FILLDRAW, its draw_color and fill_color to *ddraw_color and *ffill_color, respectively, its dashed to ddashed, and its pen to ppen.

The second version is convenient for passing a Picture argument without having to specify all of the other arguments.

The arguments are similar to those of draw() and fill(), except that both ddraw_color and ffill_color are used.

3DLDF's filldraw() differs from Metafont's and MetaPost's filldraw commands: In Metafont and MetaPost, filldrawing is equivalent to filling a path and then drawing its border using the pen. Metafont does not have colors. While MetaPost does, its filldraw command does not foresee the use of different colors for drawing and filling.

          p.filldraw(black, gray, "", "pencircle scaled 2mm");

[Figure 130. Not displayed.]

Fig. 130.

It can often be useful to draw the outline of a Path, but to have it hide objects that lie behind it. This is why the default for ffill_color is *Colors::background_color.

          default_focus.set(3, 0, -10, 3, 10, 10, 10);
          Point p[8];
          p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = p[3] = p[4]
               = p[5] = p[6] = p[7].set(-1,-1, 5);
          p[1] *= p[2] *= p[3] *= p[4] *= p[5]
               *= p[6] *= p[7].rotate(0, 0, 45);
          p[2] *= p[3] *= p[4]
               *= p[5] *= p[6] *= p[7].rotate(0, 0, 45);
          p[3] *= p[4] *= p[5] *= p[6]
               *= p[7].rotate(0, 0, 45);
          p[4] *= p[5] *= p[6] *= p[7].rotate(0, 0, 45);
          p[5] *= p[6] *= p[7].rotate(0, 0, 45);
          p[6] *= p[7].rotate(0, 0, 45);
          p[7].rotate(0, 0, 45);
          Path r0("..", true, &p[0], &p[1], &p[2],
                  &p[3], &p[4], &p[5], &p[6], &p[7], 0);
          r0.filldraw(black, light_gray);
          r0.scale(2, .5);
          r0.shift(0, 0, -2.5);
          r0.filldraw(black, gray);
          r0.scale(.25, 3);
          r0.shift(0, 0, -2.5);

[Figure 131. Not displayed.]

Fig. 131.

void undraw ([string ddashed = "", [string ppen = "", [Picture& picture = current_picture]]]) Function
void undraw (Picture& picture, [string ddashed = "", [string ppen = ""]]) Function
Allocates a copy of the Path on the free store, puts a pointer to it on picture.shapes, sets its fill_draw_value to UNDRAW, and the values of its dashed and pen according to the arguments.

The second version is convenient for passing a Picture argument without having to specify all of the other arguments.

This function "undraws" a Path. This is equivalent to drawing the Path using the background color (*Colors::background_color).

Undrawing is useful for removing a portion of a Path.

          Point P0(1, 1);
          Point P1(2, 1);
          Point P2(2, 3);
          Point P3(-1, 1);
          Path p("--", false, &origin, &P0, &P1, &P2, &P3, 0);
          p.draw(black, "", "pencircle scaled 3mm");
          p.undraw("", "pencircle scaled 1mm");

[Figure 132. Not displayed.]

Fig. 132.

void unfill ([Picture& picture = current_picture]) Function
Allocates a copy of the Path on the free store, puts a pointer to it on picture.shapes and sets its fill_draw_value to UNFILL

This function is useful for removing a portion of a filled region.

          Point pt[4];
          pt[0].set(-2, -2);
          pt[1].set(2, -2);
          pt[2].set(2, 2);
          pt[3].set(-2, 2);
          Path p("--", true, &pt[0], &pt[1], &pt[2], &pt[3], 0);
          p.filldraw(black, gray);
          p.scale(.5, .5);

[Figure 133. Not displayed.]

Fig. 133.

void unfilldraw ([const Color& ddraw_color = *Colors::background_color, [string ddashed = "", [string ppen = "", [Picture& picture = current_picture]]]]) Function
void unfilldraw (Picture& picture, [const Color& ddraw_color = *Colors::background_color, [string ddashed = "", [string ppen = ""]]]) Function
Allocates a copy of the Path on the free store, puts a pointer to it on picture.shapes, sets its fill_draw_value to UNFILLDRAW, and the values of its draw_color, dashed, and pen according to the arguments. While the default for ddraw_color is *Colors::background_color, any other Color can be used, so that unfilldraw() can unfill a Path and draw an outline around it.

The second version is convenient for passing a Picture argument without having to specify all of the other arguments.

This function is similar to unfill() (see Path Reference; Drawing and Filling), except that the outline of the Path will be "undrawn" using the pen specified with the ppen argument, or MetaPost's currentpen, if no ppen argument is specified. In addition, the Path will be drawn using the Color specified in the ddraw_color argument. Since the default is *Colors::background_color, the Path will be "undrawn" unless a different Color is specified.

          Point pt[6];
          pt[0].set(-2, -2);
          pt[1].set(0, -3);
          pt[2].set(2, -2);
          pt[3].set(2, 2);
          pt[4].set(0, 3);
          pt[5].set(-2, 2);
          Path p("--", true, &pt[0], &pt[1], &pt[2],
                 &pt[3], &pt[4], &pt[5], 0);
          p.scale(.5, .5);
          p.unfilldraw(black, "", "pensquare xscaled 3mm");

[Figure 134. Not displayed.]

Fig. 134.

Node: Labelling Paths, Next: , Previous: Drawing and Filling Paths, Up: Path Reference


void label ([unsigned int i = 0, [string position_string = "top", [short text_short = 0, [bool dot = false, [Picture& picture = current_picture]]]]]) const function
void label (Picture& picture, [unsigned int i = 0, [string position_string = "top", [short text_short = 0, [bool dot = false]]]]) const function
Calls Point::label() on all of the Points on points. They are numbered consecutively starting with i. The other arguments are used for all of the Points, so it's not possible to specify different positions for the labels for different Points. dot will normally not be specified, unless a picture argument is used in the first version. dotlabel() calls label() with dot = true.

The second version is convenient for passing a Picture argument without having to specify all of the other arguments.

void dotlabel ([unsigned int i = 0, [string position_string = "top", [short text_short = 0, Picture& picture = current_picture]]]) const function
void dotlabel (Picture& picture, [unsigned int i = 0, [string position_string = "top", [short text_short = 0]]]) const function
Like label(), except that the Points are dotted.

Node: Showing Paths, Next: , Previous: Labelling Paths, Up: Path Reference


void show ([string text = "", [char coords = 'w', [const bool do_persp = true, [const bool do_apply = true, [Focus* f = 0, [const unsigned short proj = Projections::PERSP, [const real factor = 1]]]]]]]) const function
Prints information about the Path to standard output (stdout). text is simply printed out, unless it's the empty string, in which case "Path:" is printed out. coords indicates which set of coordinates should be shown. Valid values are 'w' for the world_coordinates, 'p' for the projective_coordinates, 'u' for the user_coordinates, and 'v' for the view_coordinates, whereby the latter two are currently not in use (see Point Reference; Data Members). If do_apply is true, apply_transform() is called on each Point, updating its world_coordinates and resetting its transform. Otherwise, it's not. The arguments do_persp, f, proj, and factor are only relevant when showing projective_coordinates. If do_persp is true, the Points are projected using the values of f, proj, and factor (see Path Reference; Outputting). Otherwise, the values currently stored in projective_coordinates are shown. The Points and connectors are printed out alternately to standard output, followed by the word "cycle", if cycle_switch = true.42
          default_focus.set(0, 3, -10, 0, 3, 10, 10);
          Reg_Polygon r(origin, 5, 3, 45);
          Point p[10];
          for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
              p[i] = r.get_point(i);
          p[5] = Point::intersection_point(p[4], p[0], p[2], p[1]).pt;
          p[6] = Point::intersection_point(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]).pt;
          p[7] = Point::intersection_point(p[1], p[2], p[4], p[3]).pt;
          p[8] = Point::intersection_point(p[2], p[3], p[0], p[4]).pt;
          p[9] = Point::intersection_point(p[3], p[4], p[0], p[1]).pt;
          Path q("--", true, &p[0], &p[5], &p[1], &p[6], &p[2], &p[7],
                 &p[3], &p[8], &p[4], &p[9], 0);
          -| q:
          fill_draw_value == 0
          (0, 1.06066, 1.06066)
          -- (-2.30826, 2.24651, 2.24651)
          -- (-1.42658, 0.327762, 0.327762)
          -- (-3.73485, -0.858092, -0.858092)
          -- (-0.881678, -0.858092, -0.858092)
          -- (4.92996e-07, -2.77684, -2.77684)
          -- (0.881678, -0.858092, -0.858092)
          -- (3.73485, -0.858092, -0.858092)
          -- (1.42658, 0.327762, 0.327762)
          -- (2.30826, 2.24651, 2.24651) -- cycle;
          q.show("q:", 'p');
          -| q:
          fill_draw_value == 0
          Projective coordinates.
          (0, -1.75337, 0.0958948)
          -- (-1.88483, -0.615265, 0.183441)
          -- (-1.38131, -2.58743, 0.031736)
          -- (-4.08541, -4.22023, -0.0938636)
          -- (-0.964435, -4.22023, -0.0938636)
          -- (0, -7.99767, -0.384436)
          -- (0.964436, -4.22023, -0.0938636)
          -- (4.08541, -4.22023, -0.0938636)
          -- (1.38131, -2.58743, 0.031736)
          -- (1.88483, -0.615266, 0.183441) -- cycle;

[Figure 135. Not displayed.]

Fig. 135.

void show_colors ([bool = false]) Function
Shows the values of draw_color and fill_color. These will normally be 0, unless the Path is on a Picture.

Node: Querying Paths, Next: , Previous: Showing Paths, Up: Path Reference


bool is_on_free_store (void) const function
Returns true, if the Path was dynamically allocated on the free store, otherwise false.

bool is_planar ([const bool verbose = false, [string text = ""]]) const virtual function
Uses get_normal() to determine whether the Path is planar or not. Returns true, if it is, otherwise false. If verbose is true, text is written to standard output, or "Path:", if text is the empty string, followed by a message saying whether the Path is planar or not.

bool is_linear ([const bool verbose = false, [string text = ""]]) const function
Returns true, if line_switch is true. Otherwise, is_linear() uses get_normal() to determine whether the Path is linear. If it is, is_linear() returns true, otherwise false.

bool is_cycle (void) Inline const function
Returns true if the Path is cyclical, i.e., cycle_switch = true, otherwise false. Only cyclical Paths are fillable.

int size (void) Inline function
Returns the number of Points on points, i.e., points.size().

bool get_line_switch (void) Inline const function
Returns the value of line_switch. line_switch is only true, if the Path was created, directly or indirectly, using the constructor taking two Point arguments only. See Path Reference; Constructors and Setting Functions.

real slope ([char a = 'x', [char b = 'y']]) Function
Returns the slope of the Path in the plane indicated by the arguments, if is_linear() returns true. Otherwise, slope() issues an error message and returns INVALID_REAL.

Path subpath (size_t start, size_t end, [const bool cycle = false, [const string connector = ""]]) const function
Returns a new Path using points[start] through points[end - 1]. If cycle is true, then the new Path will be a cycle, whether *this is or not. One optional connector argument can be used. If it is, it will be the only connector. Otherwise, the appropriate connectors from *this are used.

start must be < end. It is not possible to have start > end, even if *this is a cycle.

const Point& get_point (const unsigned short a) const function
Returns the Point *points[a], if a < points.size() and the Path is non-empty, otherwise INVALID_POINT.

const Point& get_last_point (void) const function
Returns the Point pointed to by the last pointer on points. Equivalent to get_point(get_size() - 1), but more convenient to type. Returns INVALID_POINT, if the Path is empty.

size_t get_size (void) const inline virtual function
Returns points.size().

Line get_line (void) const function
Returns a Line corresponding to the Path, if the latter is linear. Otherwise, INVALID_LINE is returned. See Line Reference.

Point get_normal (void) const virtual function
Returns a Point representing a unit vector in the direction of the normal to the plane of the Path, or INVALID_POINT, if the Path is non-planar.
          Point P(1, 1, 1);
          Rectangle r(P, 4, 4, 30, 30, 30);
          Point N = r.get_normal();

[Figure 136. Not displayed.]

Fig. 136.

In 3DLDF, plane figures generally have constructors taking a |Point| argument for the center, a variable number of |real| arguments for the dimensions, and three |real| arguments for the rotation about the major axes. The object is first created in the x-z plane, and the Points are generated to be traversed in the counter-clockwise direction, when seen from a Point with a positive y-coordinate. If no rotation is specified, the normal will point in the direction of the positive y-axis. If non-zero arguments are used for rotation, the normal will be rotated accordingly. This direction considered to be "outside". However, according to Huw Jones, Computer Graphics Through Key Mathematics, p. 197, "outside" is considered to be the side of a plane, where the Points are meant to be traversed in the clockwise direction. I hope that no problems arise from this discrepancy!

Plane get_plane (void) const virtual function
Creates and returns a Plane p corresponding to the Path, if the latter is planar, otherwise INVALID_PLANE. If the Path is planar, p.point will be the Point pointed to by this->points[0]. See Plane Reference.
          Point P(1, 1, 1);
          Rectangle r(P, 4, 4, 45, 20, 15);
          Plane q = r.get_plane();
          -| q:
             normal: (0.0505914, 0.745607, -0.664463)
             point: (0.0178869, -0.727258, -1.01297)
             distance == -0.131735

[Figure 137. Not displayed.]

Fig. 137.

void set_cycle ([const bool c = true]) Function
Sets cycle_switch to c.

Path reverse (bool assign) Function
Path reverse (void) const function
These functions return a Path with the same Points and connectors as *this, but in reversed order. reverse() can only be applied to non-cyclical Paths. If *this is a cycle, reverse() issues an error message and returns *this unreversed.

If the first version is called with assign = true, *this itself is reversed. If *this should remain unchanged, the const version without an argument should be called. If, on the other hand, the first version is called with assign = false, a warning message is issued, but the reversed Path is returned just the same, leaving *this unchanged.

Node: Outputting Paths, Next: , Previous: Querying Paths, Up: Path Reference


bool project (const Focus& f, const unsigned short proj, real factor) Function
Calls Point::project(f, proj, factor) on the Points on the Path. If Point::project() fails (i.e., returns false), for any of the Points, this function returns false. Otherwise, it returns true.

vector<Shape*> extract (const Focus& f, const unsigned short proj, real factor) Function
Checks that the Points on points can be projected using the values for f, proj, and factor. If they can, a vector<Shape*> containing only this is returned. Called in Picture::output().

bool set_extremes (void) Virtual function
Sets the appropriate elements in projective_extremes to the minimum and maximum values of the x, y, and z-coordinates of the Points on the Path. Used in Picture::output() for determining whether a Path can be output using the arguments passed to Picture::output().

const valarray<real> get_extremes (void) Inline const virtual function
Returns projective_extremes. Used in Picture::output().

real get_minimum_z (void) const virtual function
real get_mean_z (void) const virtual function
real get_maximum_z (void) const virtual function
These functions return the minimum, mean, or maximum value, respectively, of the z-coordinates of the Points on the Path. Used in the surface hiding algorithm in Picture::output().

void suppress_output (void) Virtual function
Called in Picture::output(). Sets do_output to false, if the Path cannot be output using the arguments passed to Picture::output().

void unsuppress_output (void) Virtual function
Called in Picture::output(). Resets do_output to true after output() is called on the Shapes on shapes in a Picture, so that the Path can be output if Picture::output() is called again, with arguments that allow the Path to be output.

void output (void) Virtual function
Called in Picture::output(). Writes the MetaPost code to out_stream for drawing, filling, filldrawing, undrawing, unfilling, or unfilldrawing the Path, if the latter was projectable using the arguments passed to Picture::output().

Node: Path Intersections, Previous: Outputting Paths, Up: Path Reference


bool_point intersection_point (const Path& p, const bool trace) Function
Finds the intersection point, if any, of two linear Paths. Let bp be the bool_point returned by this function. bp.pt will contains the intersection point, if it exists. If not, it will contain INVALID_POINT. If the intersection point exists and lies on both of the line segments represented by the Path and p, bp.b will be true, otherwise, false.

This function calls Point::intersection_points(), passing the first and last Points on *this and p as its arguments. If the trace argument is false, the version of Point::intersection_points() that finds the intersection point by means of a vector calculation is used. If it's true, the version that finds the intersection point of the traces of the lines on the major planes is used. See Point Reference; Intersections.

          Point A(-1, -1, -1);
          Point B(1, 1, 1);
          Path p0(A, B);
          Point C(-2, 1, 1);
          Point D(1.75, 0.25, 0.25);
          Path p1(C, D);
          bool_point bp = p0.intersection_point(p1);
          -| bp.pt: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)

[Figure 138. Not displayed.]

Fig. 138.

Node: Polygon Reference, Next: , Previous: Path Reference, Up: Top

Polygon Reference

Class Polygon is defined in polygons.web, and is derived from Path, using public derivation.

Polygon is mainly intended for use as a base class for more specialized kinds of polygons. Currently, the classes Reg_Polygon (regular polygon) and Rectangle are defined. See Regular Polygon Reference, and Rectangle Reference.

Node: Polygon Data Members, Next: , Previous: Polygon Reference, Up: Polygon Reference

Data Members

Point center Private variable
The center of the Polygon, if it has one. However, a Polygon need not have a center. If it doesn't, center should be set to INVALID_POINT.

Node: Polygon Operators, Next: , Previous: Polygon Data Members, Up: Polygon Reference


Transform operator*= (const Transform& t) Virtual operator
Multiplies a Polygon by the Transform t. Similar to Path::operator*=(const Transform& t), except that center is transformed as well. See Path Reference; Operators.

Node: Querying Polygons, Next: , Previous: Polygon Operators, Up: Polygon Reference


const Point& get_center (void) Virtual function
Point get_center (void) const function
These functions return center. If the Polygon doesn't contain any Points, a warning is issued, and INVALID_POINT is returned.

Node: Affine Transformations for Polygons, Next: , Previous: Querying Polygons, Up: Polygon Reference

Affine Transformations

Transform rotate (const real x, [const real y = 0, [const real z = 0]]) Virtual function
Transform rotate (const Point& p0, const Point& p1, [const real angle = 180]) Virtual function
Transform rotate (const Path& p, [const real angle = 180]) Virtual function
Transform scale (real x, [real y = 1, [real z = 1]]) Virtual function
Transform shear (real xy, [real xz = 0, [real yx = 0, [real yz = 0, [real zx = 0, [real zy = 0]]]]]) Virtual function
Transform shift (real x, [real y = 0, [real z = 0]]) Virtual function
Transform shift (const Point& p) Virtual function
void shift_times (real x, [real y = 1, [real z = 1]]) Virtual function
void shift_times (const Point& p) Virtual function
The affine transformation functions for Polygon differ from the Path versions only in that center is transformed as well. See Path Reference; Affine Transformations.

Please note, that the classes currently derived from Polygon, namely Reg_Polygon and Rectangle, currently inherit these functions from Polygon. The problem with this is, that they have data members, which are not recalculated when a Reg_Polygon or Rectangle is transformed. I plan to do something about this soon! It will also be necessary to add the function Reg_Polygon::is_reg_polygonal(), in order to test whether operations on a Reg_Polygon have caused it to become irregular and/or non-polygonal. Similarly, the function Rectangle::is_rectangular() must be added, to test whether operations on a Rectangle has caused it to become non-rectangular. See Regular Polygon Reference; Data Members, and Rectangle Reference; Data Members.

Node: Polygon Intersections, Previous: Affine Transformations for Polygons, Up: Polygon Reference


bool_point_pair intersection_points (const Point& p0, const Point& p1) const function
bool_point_pair intersection_points (const Path& p) const function
These functions find the intersections of the Polygon and a line. In the first version, the Point arguments are the end points of the line. The argument to the second version must be a linear Path.

A line and a regular polygon or rectangle43 can intersect at two points at most. Let b be a bool_point_pair returned by intersection_points(). If no intersection points are found, b.first.pt and b.second.pt will be INVALID_POINT, and b.first.b and b.second.b will be false. If a single intersection point is found, the corresponding Point will be stored in b.first.pt. If the Point is on the line segment p_0p_1 , b.first.b will be true, otherwise false. If a second intersection point is found, it will be stored in b.second.pt, and b.second.b is set analogously to b.first.b.

When the Point arguments and the Reg_Polygon are coplanar, as in [next figure] , two intersection points are possible. In this case, only intersection points of the line with an edge of the Reg_Polygon are returned in the bool_point_pair.

          Point A(1, 1, 1);
          Reg_Polygon r(origin, 5, 3);
          Transform t;
          t.rotate(15, 12, 11);
          Point P(-2, 0, -1);
          Point Q(2, 0, 1);
          P *= Q *= r *= t;
          bool_point_pair bpp = r.intersection_points(P, Q);
          bpp.first.pt.dotlabel("$f$", "rt");

[Figure 139. Not displayed.]

Fig. 139.

In [next figure] , the lines BC and PQ

are not coplanar with the Reg_Polygon r. In each case, only one intersection point is possible, and it can be either an intersection with an edge of the Reg_Polygon, or lie within its perimeter.

          Point B(r.get_point(3).mediate(r.get_point(4)));
          Point C(B);
          B.shift(0, 2, .5);
          C.shift(0, -2, -.5);
          Point P(-1, -2, -1);
          Point Q(0, 2, 1);
          B *= C *= P *= Q *= r *= t;
          bool_point_pair bpp = r.intersection_points(B, C);
          bpp.first.pt.dotlabel("$i_0$", "rt");
          bpp = r.intersection_points(P, Q);
          bpp.first.pt.dotlabel("$i_1$", "rt");

[Figure 140. Not displayed.]

Fig. 140.

In [next figure] , the intersection point of r with the line PQ

does not lie on the line segment PQ.

          bpp = r.intersection_points(P, Q);
          bpp.first.pt.dotlabel("$i$", "rt");
          cout << "bpp.first.b == " << bpp.first.b << endl << flush;
          -| bpp.first.b == 0

[Figure 141. Not displayed.]

Fig. 141.

vector<Point> intersection_points (const Polygon& r) const function
Finds the intersection points of two Polygons. Let v be the vector<Point> returned by intersection_points(). If the Polygons are coplanar, v will contain the intersection points of the edges of the Polygons, as in [next figure] .
          Rectangle r(origin, 4, 4);
          Reg_Polygon rp(origin, 5, 5, 0, 36);
          rp.shift(0, 0, .25);
          vector <Point> v = r.intersection_points(rp);

[Figure 142. Not displayed.]

Fig. 142.

If the Polygons lie in parallel planes, there can be no intersection points. If they lie in non-parallel, non-coplanar planes, intersection_points() first finds the intersection line of the two planes. Then it finds the intersection points of this line with the two Polygons, if they exist. There can no more than four intersection points, in this case. v[0] and v[1] will be the intersection points of the line with *this, while v[2] and v[3] will be the intersection points of the line with r. If one or more of the intersection points doesn't exist, the corresponding member of v will contain INVALID_POINT as a placeholder.

          Point A(1, 1, 1);
          Rectangle r(A, 4, 4);
          Reg_Polygon p(A, 5, 5);
          p.rotate(90, 30);
          p.shift(2, 0, 3);
          vector <Point> v = r.intersection_points(p);

[Figure 143. Not displayed.]

Fig. 143.

In [next figure] , the Rectangle r and the Reg_Polygon p don't overlap at all, nor does the intersection line of the two planes intersect with p. However, it does intersect with p at the labelled Points.

          Point A(1, 1, 1);
          Rectangle r(A, 4, 4);
          Reg_Polygon p(A, 5, 5);
          p.rotate(90, 30);
          p.shift(4, 3, 3);
          vector <Point> v = r.intersection_points(p);
          int i = 0;
          for (vector<Point>::iterator iter = v.begin();
           iter != v.end(); ++iter)
           iter->dotlabel(i++, "bot");

[Figure 144. Not displayed.]

Fig. 144.

Node: Regular Polygon Reference, Next: , Previous: Polygon Reference, Up: Top

Regular Polygon Reference

Class Reg_Polygon is defined in polygons.web, and is derived from Polygon, using public derivation.

As noted above in Polygon Reference; Affine Transformations, class Reg_Polygon, like class Rectangle, currently inherits its transformation functions and operator*=(const Transform&) from Polygon. Consequently, the data members of a Reg_Polygon, except for center, are not recalculated when it's transformed. I plan to change this soon! It will also be necessary to add the function Reg_Polygon::is_reg_polygonal(), in order to test whether a Reg_Polygon is still regular and polygonal.

Node: Regular Polygon Data Members, Next: , Previous: Regular Polygon Reference, Up: Regular Polygon Reference

Data Members

real internal_angle Private variable
The angle at the center of the Reg_Polygon of the triangle formed by the center and two adjacent corners. If n is the number of sides of a Reg_Polygon, internal_angle will be 360.0/n, so internal_angle will be 120 for a regular triangle, 90 for a square, 72 for a pentagon, etc.

real radius Private variable
The radius of the surrounding circle for a Reg_Polygon (Umkreis).

unsigned short sides Private variable
The number of sides of a Reg_Polygon.

bool on_free_store Private variable
true, if the Reg_Polygon was dynamically allocated on the free store, otherwise false. Dynamic allocation of Reg_Polygons should only be performed by create_new<Reg_Polygon>(), which sets on_free_store to true.

Node: Regular Polygon Constructors and Setting Functions, Next: , Previous: Regular Polygon Data Members, Up: Regular Polygon Reference

Constructors and Setting Functions

void Reg_Polygon (void) Default constructor
Creates an empty Reg_Polygon.

void Reg_Polygon (const Point& ccenter, const unsigned short ssides, const real ddiameter, [const real angle_x = 0, [const real angle_y = 0, [const real angle_z = 0]]]) Constructor
Creates a Reg_Polygon in the x-z plane, centered at the origin, with the number of sides specified by ssides and with radius = ddiameter / 2.

The Reg_Polygon is rotated about the x, y, and z-axes in that order by the angles given by angle_x, angle_y, and angle_z, respectively, if any one of them is non-zero. Finally, the Reg_Polygon is shifted such that its center is located at ccenter.

          Reg_Polygon r(origin, 3, 2.75, 10, 15, 12.5);

[Figure 145. Not displayed.]

Fig. 145.

void set (const Point& ccenter, const unsigned short ssides, const real ddiameter, [const real angle_x = 0, [const real angle_y = 0, [const real angle_z = 0]]]) Setting function
Corresponds to the constructor above.

A Reg_Polygon can theoretically have any number of sides, however I haven't tested it for unreasonably large values. The following example demonstrates that set() can be used to change a Reg_Polygon.

          Reg_Polygon r;
          real j = .5;
          for (int i = 3; i <= 16; ++i)
              r.set(origin, i, j);
              j += .5;

[Figure 146. Not displayed.]

Fig. 146.

Reg_Polygon* create_new<Reg_Polygon> (const Reg_Polygon* r) Template specializations
Reg_Polygon* create_new<Reg_Polygon> (const Reg_Polygon& r)
Pseudo-constructors for dynamic allocation of Reg_Polygons. They create a Reg_Polygon on the free store and allocate memory for it using new(Reg_Polygon). They return a pointer to the new Reg_Polygon. If r is a non-zero pointer or a reference, the new Reg_Polygon will be a copy of r. If the new object is not meant to be a copy of an existing one, 0 must be passed to create_new<Reg_Polygon>() as its argument. See Dynamic Allocation of Shapes, for more information.

Node: Regular Polygon Operators, Next: , Previous: Regular Polygon Constructors and Setting Functions, Up: Regular Polygon Reference


const Reg_Polygon& operator= (const Reg_Polygon& p) Operator
Makes the Reg_Polygon a copy of p.

Node: Querying Regular Polygons, Next: , Previous: Regular Polygon Operators, Up: Regular Polygon Reference


real get_radius (void) const inline function
Returns radius.

Node: Circles for Regular Polygons, Previous: Querying Regular Polygons, Up: Regular Polygon Reference


Circle in_circle (void) const function
Returns the enclosed Circle of the Reg_Polygon.
          Point P(0, -1, 1);
          Reg_Polygon h(P, 6, 4, 15, 12, 11.5);
          h.filldraw(black, gray);
          Circle c = h.in_circle();

[Figure 147. Not displayed.]

Fig. 147.

Circle draw_in_circle ([const Color& ddraw_color = *Colors::default_color, [const string ddashed = "", [const string] ppen = "", [Picture& picture = current_picture]]]) const function
Circle draw_in_circle ([Picture& picture = current_picture, [const Color& ddraw_color = *Colors::default_color, [const string ddashed = "", [const string] ppen = ""]]]) const function
Draws and returns the enclosed Circle of the Reg_Polygon.
          Point P(0, 1, 1);
          Reg_Polygon h(P, 7, 4, 80, 2, 5);
          h.draw(black, "evenly");

[Figure 148. Not displayed.]

Fig. 148.

Circle out_circle (void) const function
Returns the surrounding Circle of the Reg_Polygon.
          Point P(0, -1, 1);
          Reg_Polygon h(P, 6, 4, 15, 12, 11.5);
          Circle c = h.out_circle();
          c.filldraw(black, gray);

[Figure 149. Not displayed.]

Fig. 149.

Circle draw_out_circle ([const Color& ddraw_color = *Colors::default_color, [const string ddashed = "", [const string] ppen = "", [Picture& picture = current_picture]]]) const function
Circle draw_out_circle ([Picture& picture = current_picture, [const Color& ddraw_color = *Colors::default_color, [const string ddashed = "", [const string] ppen = ""]]]) const function
Draws and returns the surrounding Circle of the Reg_Polygon.
          Point P(0, 1, 1);
          Reg_Polygon h(P, 7, 4, 80, 2, 5);
          h.draw(black, "evenly");

[Figure 150. Not displayed.]

Fig. 150.

Node: Rectangle Reference, Next: , Previous: Regular Polygon Reference, Up: Top

Rectangle Reference

Class Rectangle is defined in rectangs.web, and is derived from Polygon, using public derivation.

As noted above in Polygon Reference; Affine Transformations, class Rectangle, like class Reg_Polygon, currently inherits its transformation functions and operator*=(const Transform&) from Polygon. Consequently, the data members of a Rectangle, except for center, are not recalculated when it's transformed. I plan to change this soon! It will also be necessary to add the function Rectangle::is_rectangular(), in order to test whether a Rectangle is still rectangular.

Node: Rectangle Data Members, Next: , Previous: Rectangle Reference, Up: Rectangle Reference

Data Members

real axis_h Private variables
real axis_v
The lengths of the horizontal and vertical axes, respectively, of the Rectangle. Actually, they are merely the horizontal and vertical axes by convention, since there are no restrictions on the orientation of an Rectangle.

Please note that axis_h and axis_v are currently not recalculated, when a Rectangle is transformed. I plan to do something about this soon.

bool on_free_store Private variable
true, if the Rectangle was dynamically allocated on the free store, otherwise false. Dynamic allocation of Rectangles should only be performed by create_new<Rectangle>(), which sets on_free_store to true.

Node: Rectangle Constructors and Setting Functions, Next: , Previous: Rectangle Data Members, Up: Rectangle Reference

Constructors and Setting Functions

void Rectangle (void) Default constructor
Creates an empty Rectangle.

void Rectangle (const Point& ccenter, const real aaxis_h, const real aaxis_v, [const real angle_x = 0, [const real angle_y = 0, [const real angle_z = 0]]]) Constructor
Creates a Rectangle in the x-z plane, centered at the origin, with width == aaxis_h (in the + or - x direction), and height == aaxis_v (in the + or - z direction). If one or more of the arguments angle_x, angle_y, or angle_z are used, it is rotated by those amounts around the appropriate axes. Finally, the Rectangle is shifted such that its center lies at ccenter.
          Point C(-1, -1, 1);
          Rectangle r(C, 3, 4, 30, 30, 30);

[Figure 151. Not displayed.]

Fig. 151.

void set (const Point& ccenter, const real aaxis_h, const real aaxis_v, [const real angle_x = 0, [const real angle_y = 0, [const real angle_z = 0]]]) Setting function
Corresponds to the constructor described above.

void Rectangle (const Point& p0, const Point& p1, const Point& p2, const Point& p3) Constructor
Creates Rectangle using four Point arguments. The order of the arguments must correspond with a path around the Rectangle.

This function does not currently check that the arguments yield a valid Rectangle, therefore all code using it must ensure that they do.

void set (const Point& pt0, const Point& pt1, const Point& pt2, const Point& pt3) Setting function
Corresponds to the constructor above.

Rectangle* create_new<Rectangle> (const Rectangle* r) Template specializations
Rectangle* create_new<Rectangle> (const Rectangle& r)
Pseudo-constructors for dynamic allocation of Rectangles. They create a Rectangle on the free store and allocate memory for it using new(Rectangle). They return a pointer to the new Rectangle.

If r is a non-zero pointer or a reference, the new Rectangle will be a copy of r. If the new object is not meant to be a copy of an existing one, 0 must be passed to create_new<Rectangle>() as its argument. See Dynamic Allocation of Shapes, for more information.

Node: Rectangle Operators, Next: , Previous: Rectangle Constructors and Setting Functions, Up: Rectangle Reference


const Rectangle& operator= (const Rectangle& r) Assignment Operator
Makes the Rectangle a copy of r.

Node: Returning Points for Rectangles, Next: , Previous: Rectangle Operators, Up: Rectangle Reference

Returning Points

Point corner (unsigned short c) Function
Returns the corner Point indicated by the argument c, which must be between 0 and 3.

Point mid_point (unsigned short m) const function
Returns the mid-point of one of the sides. The argument c must be between 0 and 3.

Node: Querying Rectangles, Next: , Previous: Returning Points for Rectangles, Up: Rectangle Reference


real get_axis_h (void) const functions
real get_axis_v (void)
These functions return axis_h and axis_v, respectively.

Please note, that axis_h and axis_v are currently not recalculated, when a Rectangle is transformed. I plan to do something about this soon.

bool is_rectangular (void) const function
Returns true, if the Rectangle is rectangular, otherwise false. Transformations, such as shearing, can cause Rectangles to become non-rectangular.

Node: Ellipses for Rectangles, Previous: Querying Rectangles, Up: Rectangle Reference


Ellipse out_ellipse (void) const function
Returns the smallest Ellipse that surrounds the Rectangle.
          Point P(-1, -1, 3);
          Rectangle r(P, 3, 4, 60, 30, 15);
          Ellipse e = r.out_ellipse();
          e.filldraw(black, gray);

[Figure 152. Not displayed.]

Fig. 152.

Ellipse in_ellipse (void) const function
Returns the Ellipse enclosed by the Rectangle.
          Point P(-1, -1, 3);
          Rectangle r(P, 3, 4, 60, 30, 15);
          Ellipse e = r.in_ellipse();
          r.filldraw(black, gray);

[Figure 153. Not displayed.]

Fig. 153.

Ellipse draw_out_ellipse ([const Color& ddraw_color = *Colors::default_color, [string ddashed = "", [string ppen = "", [Picture& picture = current_picture]]]]) const function
Draws the smallest Ellipse that surrounds the Rectangle. The arguments are like those of Path::draw() (see Path Reference; Drawing and Filling). The return value is the surrounding Ellipse.

Ellipse draw_in_ellipse ([const Color& ddraw_color = *Colors::default_color, [string ddashed = "", [string ppen = "", [Picture& picture = current_picture]]]]) const function
Draws the Ellipse enclosed by the Rectangle. The arguments are like those of Path::draw() (see Path Reference; Drawing and Filling). The return value is the enclosed Ellipse.

Node: Regular Closed Plane Curve Reference, Next: , Previous: Rectangle Reference, Up: Top

Regular Closed Plane Curve Reference

Class Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve is defined in curves.web. It is derived from Path using public derivation.

Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve is not called "Regular_Closed_Plane_Curve" because the longer name causes too many "Overfull boxes"44 in the CWEAVE output of the program code. See CWEB Documentation.

Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve is meant to be used as a base class; no objects should be declared of type Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve. Currently, class Ellipses is derived from Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve and class Circle is derived from Ellipse.

At present, I have no fixed definition of what constitutes "regularity" as far as Reg_Cl_Plane_Curves are concerned. Ellipses and circles are "regular" in the sense that they have axes of symmetry. There must be an equation for a Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve, such as x^2 + y^2 = r^2 for a circle. A derived class should have a solve() function that uses this equation. Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve::intersection_points() in turn uses solve() to find the intersection points of a line with the Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve. This way, the derived classes don't need their own functions for finding their intersections with a line. However, such functions can be added, if desired.

It is assumed that classes derived from Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve are fillable, which implies that they must be closed Paths. Reg_Cl_Plane_Curves inherit their drawing and filling functions from Path.

The constructors and setting functions of classes derived from Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve must ensure that the resulting geometric figures are planar, convex, and that the number of Points they contain is a multiple of 4. The latter assumption is of importance in intersection_points(), segment(), half(), and quarter(). See Regular Closed Plane Curve Reference; Intersections, and Regular Closed Plane Curve Reference; Segments.

Node: Regular Closed Plane Curve Data Members, Next: , Previous: Regular Closed Plane Curve Reference, Up: Regular Closed Plane Curve Reference

Data Members

Point center Protected variable
The center of the Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve, if it has one.

unsigned short number_of_points Protected variable
The number of Points on points in a Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve.

Node: Querying Regular Closed Plane Curves, Next: , Previous: Regular Closed Plane Curve Data Members, Up: Regular Closed Plane Curve Reference


bool is_quadratic (void) const inline virtual functions
bool is_cubic (void)
bool is_quartic (void)
These functions all return false. They are intended to be overloaded by member functions of derived classes.

real_triple get_coefficients (real Slope, real v_intercept) const inline virtual function
Returns a real_triple with all three values == INVALID_REAL. Intended to be overloaded by member functions of derived classes.

pair<real, real> solve (char axis_unknown, real known) const inline virtual function
Returns a pair<real, real> with first = second = INVALID_REAL. Intended to be overloaded by member functions of derived classes.

signed short location (Point ref_pt, Point p) const virtual function
Returns a signed short indicating the location of p with respect to the Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve, which must be planar. The Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve constructors should ensure that Reg_Cl_Plane_Curves are, but there is no guarantee that they will not have been manipulated into a non-planar state, by shearing, for example.

The argument ref_pt is used within the function for shifting a copy of the Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve to a convenient position. It need not be the |center| of the Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve, however, classes derived from Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve will probably have their own versions of location(), which will pass center as the ref_pt argument to this function. Reg_Cl_Plane_Curves need not have a meaningful |center|.

location() returns the following values:

p and *this are coplanar, and p lies outside the perimeter of *this.
p and *this are coplanar, and p lies on the perimeter of *this.
p and *this are coplanar, and p lies inside the perimeter of *this.
p and *this are not coplanar.
Something has gone terribly wrong.
The normal to *this has 0 magnitude, i.e., the |Points| on *this are colinear.
An error occurred in putting *this in one of the major planes.

Point angle_point (real angle) Virtual function
Returns INVALID_POINT. Intended to be overloaded by member functions of derived classes.

Node: Regular Closed Plane Curve Intersections, Next: , Previous: Querying Regular Closed Plane Curves, Up: Regular Closed Plane Curve Reference


bool_point_pair intersection_points (Point ref_pt, Point p0, Point p1) const function
bool_point_pair intersection_points (const Point& ref_pt, const Path& p) const function
The version of this function taking Point arguments finds the intersection points, if any, of the Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve and the line p that passes through the Points p_0 and p_1. In the other version, the Path argument must be a linear Path, and its first and last Points are passed to the first version of this function as p0 and p1, respectively.

Let C be the Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve. C and p can intersect at at most two intersection points i_1 and i_2. Let bpp be the return value of this function. The intersection points need not be on the line segment between pt0 and pt1. bpp.first.pt will be set to the first intersection point if it exists, or INVALID_POINT if it doesn't. If the first intersection point exists and is on the line segment between pt0 and pt1

In [next figure] , the line AB is normal to the Ellipse e, or, to put it another way, AB is perpendicular to the plane of e. The intersection point i_0 lies within the perimeter of e.

The line DE is skew to the plane of e, and intersects e at i_1, on the perimeter of e.

          Point p0(2, 2, 3);
          Ellipse e(p0, 3, 4, 30, -60, -5.2);
          Point p1 = p0.mediate(e.get_point(11), .5);
          Point A = e.get_normal();
          A *= 2.5;
          Point B = A.mediate(p1, 2);
          bool_point_pair bpp = e.intersection_points(A, B);
          Point C(0, 2, 0);
          Point D(0, -3.5, 0);
          C *= D.rotate(2, 0, -5);
          C *= D.shift(e.get_point(4));
          bpp = e.intersection_points(C, D);

[Figure 154. Not displayed.]

Fig. 154.

In [next figure] , q and e are coplanar. In this case, only the intersections of q with the perimeter of e are returned by intersection_points().

          A = p0.mediate(e.get_point(3), 1.5);
          B = p0.mediate(e.get_point(11), 1.5);
          Path q(A, B);
          bpp = e.intersection_points(q);

[Figure 155. Not displayed.]

Fig. 155.

Node: Regular Closed Plane Curve Segments, Previous: Regular Closed Plane Curve Intersections, Up: Regular Closed Plane Curve Reference


Path segment (unsigned int factor, [real angle = 0, [bool closed = true]]) const function
Returns a Path representing a segment of the Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve. factor must be >1 and <= number_of_points. If it is not, an error message is issued and an empty Path is returned.

If angle is non-zero, the segment Path is rotated by angle about a line from center in the direction of the normal to the plane of the Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve. Please note, that a Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve must have a meaningful center, in order for rotation to work. If the absolute value of angle >360, a warning is issued, and fmod(angle, 360) is used.

If closed is true, the Path will be a cycle, with the ends of the curved segment joined using the connector --. The curved segment is joined to the line using & on each side.

          Circle c(origin, 4, 30, 30, 30);
          Path p = c.segment(3, 130);
          -| p:
          points.size() == 8
          connectors.size() == 8(-0.00662541, -0.888379, -1.79185) ..
          (0.741088, -0.673392, -1.73128) ..
          (1.37598, -0.355887, -1.40714) ..
          (1.80139, 0.0157987, -0.868767) ..
          (1.95255, 0.385079, -0.198137) .. (1.80646, 0.695735, 0.502658) &
          (1.80646, 0.695735, 0.502658) --
          (-0.00662541, -0.888379, -1.79185) & cycle;

[Figure 156. Not displayed.]

Fig. 156.

Path half ([real angle = 0, [bool closed = true]]) const inline function
Returns a Path using half of the Points on the Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve. The effect of the arguments angle and closed is similar to that in segment(), above.
          Ellipse e(origin, 3, 5, 20, 15, 12.5);
          Path p = e.half(0, false);

[Figure 157. Not displayed.]

Fig. 157.

Path quarter ([real angle = 0, [bool closed = true]]) const inline function
Returns a Path using a quarter of the Points on the Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve. The effect of the arguments angle and closed is similar to that in segment(), above.
          Ellipse e(origin, 3, 5, 60, 5, 2.5);
          Path p = e.quarter(180, false);

[Figure 158. Not displayed.]

Fig. 158.

Node: Ellipse Reference, Next: , Previous: Regular Closed Plane Curve Reference, Up: Top

Ellipse Reference

Class Ellipse is defined in ellipses.web. It is derived from Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve using public derivation.

Node: Ellipse Data Members, Next: , Previous: Ellipse Reference, Up: Ellipse Reference

Data Members

Point focus0 Protected variables
Point focus1
The foci of the Ellipse. They are located on the major axis of the Ellipse at a distance of linear_eccentricity from center, on opposite sides of the minor axis.

real linear_eccentricity Protected variable
The linear eccentricity of the Ellipse e, such that e = \sqrta^2 - b^2, where a and b are half the lengths of the major and minor axes, respectively. Let h stand for axis_h and v for axis_v. If h>v, then a = h/2 and b = v/2. If v>h, then a =v/2 and b = h/2. If h = v, then the Ellipse is circular (but not an object of type Circle!), and a = b = v/2 = h/2.

The linear eccentricity is the distance along the major axis of the Ellipse from center to focus0 and focus1.

real numerical_eccentricity Protected variable
The numerical eccentricity \epsilon of the Ellipse, such that \epsilon = e/a < 1, where e is the linear eccentricity of the Ellipse, and a is half the length of the major axis of the Ellipse.

real axis_h Protected variables
real axis_v
The horizontal and vertical axes, respectively, of the Ellipse.

Actually, they are only or vertical horizontal by convention, since there are no restrictions on the orientation of an Ellipse.

unsigned short DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_POINTS Protected static variable
The number of Points on an Ellipse, unless another number is specified when an Ellipse constructor is invoked.

Node: Ellipse Constructors and Setting Functions, Next: , Previous: Ellipse Data Members, Up: Ellipse Reference

Constructors and Setting Functions

void Ellipse (void) Default constructor
Creates an empty Ellipse.

void Ellipse (const Point& ccenter, const real aaxis_h, const real aaxis_v, [const real angle_x = 0, [const real angle_y = 0, [const real angle_z = 0, [const unsigned short nnumber_of_points = DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_POINTS]]]]) Constructor
Creates an Ellipse in the x-z plane, centered at the origin, with its horizontal axis == aaxis_h and its vertical axis == aaxis_v. If any of the arguments angle_x, angle_y, or angle_z is non-zero, the Ellipse is rotated about the x, y, and z-axis in that order, by the amounts indicated by the corresponding arguments. Finally, the Ellipse is shifted such that its center comes to lie at ccenter.
          Ellipse e(origin, 6, 4);

[Figure 159. Not displayed.]

Fig. 159.

          Point P(1, 1, 1);
          Ellipse e(P, 6, 4, 15, 12, 11);

[Figure 160. Not displayed.]

Fig. 160.

void set (const Point& ccenter, const real aaxis_h, const real aaxis_v, [const real angle_x = 0, [const real angle_y = 0, [const real angle_z = 0, [const unsigned short nnumber_of_points = DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_POINTS]]]]) Setting function
Corresponds to the constructor above.

Ellipse* create_new<Ellipse> (const Ellipse* e) Template specializations
Ellipse* create_new<Ellipse> (const Ellipse& e)
Pseudo-constructors for dynamic allocation of Ellipses. They create a Ellipse on the free store and allocate memory for it using new(Ellipse). They return a pointer to the new Ellipse.

If e is a non-zero pointer or a reference, the new Ellipse will be a copy of e. If the new object is not meant to be a copy of an existing one, 0 must be passed to create_new<Ellipse>() as its argument. See Dynamic Allocation of Shapes, for more information.

Node: Performing Transformations on Ellipses, Next: , Previous: Ellipse Constructors and Setting Functions, Up: Ellipse Reference

Performing Transformations

Transform do_transform (const Transform& t, [bool check = false]) Virtual function
Performs a transformation on an Ellipse. The Points on the Ellipse are multiplied by t. Then, if check is true, is_elliptical() is called on the Ellipse. If the transformation has caused it to become non-elliptical, axis_h and axis_v are set to INVALID_REAL, and a warning is issued to stderr. center, focus0, and focus1 are not set to INVALID_POINT. They may may no longer really be the center and foci of the (non-elliptical) Ellipse, but they may have some use for the programmer and/or user.

If check is true, and the transformation does not cause *this to become non-elliptical, axis_h, axis_v, linear_eccentricity, numerical_eccentricity, focus0, and focus1 are recalculated.

Node: Ellipse Operators, Next: , Previous: Performing Transformations on Ellipses, Up: Ellipse Reference


Ellipse& operator= (const Ellipse& e) Assignment operator
Makes the Ellipse a copy of e.

Transform operator*= (const Transform& t) Virtual function
Calls do_transform(t, true), and returns the latter's return value. See Ellipse Reference; Performing Transformations.

Node: Labeling Ellipses, Next: , Previous: Ellipse Operators, Up: Ellipse Reference


void label ([const string pos = "top", [const bool dot = false, [Picture& picture = current_picture]]]) const function
Labels the Points on points, using lowercase letters. pos is used to position all of the labels. It is currently not possible to have different positions for the labels.
          Ellipse e(origin, 6, 4);

[Figure 161. Not displayed.]

Fig. 161.

void dotlabel ([string pos = "top", [Picture& picture = current_picture]]) Inline const function
Like label(), except that the Points are dotted.
          Ellipse e(origin, 6, 4);

[Figure 162. Not displayed.]

Fig. 162.

Node: Affine Transformations for Ellipses, Next: , Previous: Labeling Ellipses, Up: Ellipse Reference

Affine Transformations

Transform rotate (const real x, [const real y = 0, [const real z = 0]]) Virtual function
Transform rotate (const Point& p0, const Point& p1, [const real angle = 180]) Virtual function
Transform rotate (const Path& p, [const real angle = 180]) Virtual function
Transform scale (real x, [real y = 1, [real z = 1]]) Virtual function
Transform shear (real xy, [real xz = 0, [real yx = 0, [real yz = 0, [real zx = 0, [real zy = 0]]]]]) Virtual function
Transform shift (real x, [real y = 0, [real z = 0]]) Virtual function
Transform shift (const Point& p) Virtual function
void shift_times (real x, [real y = 1, [real z = 1]]) Virtual function
void shift_times (const Point& p) Virtual function
These create a Transform t locally, and call do_transform(t). See Ellipse Reference; Performing Transformations.

Rotating and shifting an Ellipse neither change the size of an Ellipse, nor cause it to become non-elliptical. However, scaling and shearing can have these effects. For this reason, in scale() and shear(), do_transform() is called with true as its check argument, while it is false in rotate(), shift(), and shift_times().

If scaling or shearing is performed on an Ellipse, and it is still elliptical after the transformation, focus0, focus1, axis_h, axis_v, linear_eccentricity, and numerical_eccentricity are all recalculated. If the Ellipse is non-elliptical after the transformation, axis_h, axis_v, linear_eccentricity, and numerical_eccentricity are all set to INVALID_REAL. center, focus0, and focus1 are not set to INVALID_POINT. Although they are no longer the center and foci of an elliptical Ellipse, they may still have some use for the user or programmer.

Node: Querying Ellipses, Next: , Previous: Affine Transformations for Ellipses, Up: Ellipse Reference


bool is_elliptical (void) const function
Returns true if the Ellipse is elliptical, otherwise false.

Certain transformations, such as shearing and scaling, can cause Ellipses to become non-elliptical.

bool is_quadratic (void) Inline const function
Returns true, because the equation for an ellipse in the x-y plane with its center at the origin is the quadratic equation x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1 where a is half the horizontal axis and b is half the vertical axis.
          Ellipse e(origin, 5, 2, 90);
          Point P(e.angle_point(-35));
          cout << ((P.get_x() * P.get_x())
                   / (e.get_axis_h()/2 * e.get_axis_h()/2))
                  + ((P.get_y() * P.get_y())
                     / (e.get_axis_v()/2 * e.get_axis_v()/2));
          -| 1

[Figure 163. Not displayed.]

Fig. 163.

bool is_cubic (void) const virtual functions
bool is_quartic (void)
These functions both return false, because the equation of an ellipse is neither a cubic nor a quartic function.

Node: Returning Elements and Information for Ellipses, Next: , Previous: Querying Ellipses, Up: Ellipse Reference

Returning Elements and Information

Point& get_center (void) Virtual function
Point get_center (void) const virtual function
These functions return center.

const Point& get_focus (const unsigned short s) Function
Point get_focus (const unsigned short s) const function
These functions return focus0 or focus1, depending on the value of s, which must be 0 or 1. If s is not 0 or 1, get_focus() returns INVALID_POINT.

real get_linear_eccentricity (void) const function
Returns linear_eccentricity.

real get_numerical_eccentricity (void) const function
Returns numerical_eccentricity.

real get_axis_v (void) Function
real get_axis_v (void) const function
Calculates and returns the value of axis_h.

get_axis_v() first checks if the Ellipse is still elliptical, using is_elliptical() (see Ellipse Reference; Querying). Operations such as scale() and shear() can cause an Ellipse to become non-elliptical. If this is the case, this function returns INVALID_REAL.

If the Ellipse is still elliptical, axis_v is recalculated and returned. In the non-const version, axis_v is also reset to the new value.

real get_axis_h (void) Function
real get_axis_h (void) const function
Calculates and returns the value of axis_h.

get_axis_h() first checks if the Ellipse is still elliptical, using is_elliptical() (see Ellipse Reference; Querying). Operations such as scale() and shear() can cause an Ellipse to become non-elliptical. If this is the case, this function returns INVALID_REAL.

If the Ellipse is still elliptical, axis_h is recalculated and returned. In the non-const version, axis_h is also reset to the new value.

signed short location (Point p) const virtual function
Returns a value l indicating the location of the Point argument p with respect to the Ellipse.

Let e stand for the Ellipse. The return values are as follows:

p lies on the perimeter of e.
p lies in the plane of e, within its perimeter.
p lies in the plane of e, outside its perimeter.
p and e do not lie in the same plane.
e is not elliptical, possibly due to having been transformed.
          Ellipse e(origin, 3, 5, 45, 15, 3);
          e.shift(2, 1, 1);
          Point A = e.get_point(7);
          cout << e.location(A);
          -| 0
          Point B = center.mediate(e.get_point(2));
          cout << e.location(B);
          -| 1
          Point C = center.mediate(e.get_point(2), 1.5);
          cout << e.location(C);
          -| -1
          Point D = A;
          D.shift(-2, 0, 4);
          -| WARNING! In Ellipse::location():
             Point doesn't lie in plane of Ellipse.
             Returning -2.
          e.scale(1.5, 0, 1.5);
          -| WARNING! In Ellipse::do_transform(const Transform&):
             This transformation has made *this non-elliptical!
             ERROR! In Ellipse::location():
             Ellipse is non-elliptical. Returning -3.

[Figure 164. Not displayed.]

Fig. 164.

Point angle_point (real angle) const function
Returns a point on the Ellipse given an angle. A Point p is set to the zeroth Point on the Ellipse and rotated about the line from the center of the Ellipse in the direction of the normal to the plane of the Ellipse. Then, the intersection of the ray from the center through p and the perimeter of the Ellipse is returned.
          Ellipse e(origin, 6, 4);
          Point P = e.angle_point(135);

[Figure 165. Not displayed.]

Fig. 165.

[next figure] demonstrates, that the rotation is unfortunately not always in the direction one would prefer. I don't have a solution to this problem yet.

          Ellipse e(origin, 6, 4, 90);
          Point P = e.angle_point(135);
          Point Q = e.angle_point(-135);

[Figure 166. Not displayed.]

Fig. 166.

Node: Ellipse Intersections, Next: , Previous: Returning Elements and Information for Ellipses, Up: Ellipse Reference


bool_point_pair intersection_points (const Point& p0, const Point& p1) const virtual function
bool_point_pair intersection_points (const Path& p) const virtual function
These functions return the intersection points of a line with an Ellipse. In the first version, the line is specified by the two Point arguments. In the second version, p.is_linear() must return true, otherwise, intersection_points() issues an error message and returns INVALID_BOOL_POINT_PAIR.

If the line and the Ellipse are coplanar, there can be at most two intersection points. Otherwise, there can be at most one.

          Ellipse e(origin, 5, 7, 30, 30, 30);
          e.shift(3, 0, 3);
          Point p0 = e.get_center().mediate(e.get_point(3));
          Point normal = e.get_normal();
          Point A = normal;
          A *= 2.5;
          Point B = normal;
          B *= -2.5;
          bool_point_pair bpp = e.intersection_points(A, B);
          bpp.first.pt.dotlabel("$i_0$", "rt");
          Point C = e.get_point(15).mediate(e.get_point(11), 1.25);
          Point D = e.get_point(11).mediate(e.get_point(15), 1.5);
          Path q = C.draw(D);
          bpp = e.intersection_points(q);
          bpp.first.pt.dotlabel("$i_1$", "llft");
          bpp.second.pt.dotlabel("$i_2$", "ulft");

[Figure 167. Not displayed.]

Fig. 167.

bool_point_quadruple intersection_points (Ellipse e, [const real step = 3, [bool verbose = false]]) const virtual function
Returns the intersection points of two Ellipses. Two Ellipses can intersect at at most four points.

Let bpq be the bool_point_quadruple returned by intersection_points(). If one or more intersection points are found, the corresponding Points are stored in the pt elements of the four bool_points belonging to bpq, otherwise INVALID_POINT. If a Point is found, the b element of the bool_point will be true, otherwise false.

The step argument is used when the Ellipses are coplanar and either have different centers or the vertical axis of one Ellipse is colinear with the horizontal axis of the other (and vice versa). In these cases, the intersection points must be found by an iterative routine. A Point p travels around the perimeter of *this, and its location with respect to e is tested. step is the angle of rotation used for stepping around the perimeter of *this. The default value, 3, should be adequate, unless the Ellipses differ greatly in size.

If the verbose argument is true, intersection_points() will print information about the intersection points to standard output.

In [next figure] , the Ellipses e and f both lie in the x-z plane, are centered at the origin, and intersect at four points.

          Ellipse e(origin, 5, 2);
          Ellipse f(origin, 2, 5);
          bool_point_quadruple bpq = e.intersection_points(f);
          bpq.first.pt.dotlabel(1, "llft");
          bpq.second.pt.dotlabel(2, "urt");
          bpq.third.pt.dotlabel(3, "ulft");
          bpq.fourth.pt.dotlabel(4, "lrt");

[Figure 168. Not displayed.]

Fig. 168.

In [next figure] , e and f are coplanar, but don't lie in a major plane, have different centers, and only intersect at two points.

          Ellipse e(origin, 4, 2);
          Ellipse f(origin, 2, 5);
          f.shift(0, 0, 1);
          f.rotate(0, 15);
          f.shift(1, 0, 1);
          e *= f.shift(-.25, 1, -1);
          e *= f.rotate(10, -12.5, 3);
          bool_point_quadruple bpq = e.intersection_points(f, true);
          bpq.first.pt.dotlabel(1, "urt");
          bpq.second.pt.dotlabel(2, "ulft");

[Figure 169. Not displayed.]

Fig. 169.

If the planes of the Ellipses are parallel, there are, of course, no intersection points. If the Ellipses are non-coplanar, and their planes are not parallel to each other, intersection_points() first finds the line of intersection of the planes of the Ellipses. It then returns the Points of intersection of this line with the Ellipses, if they exist. If the verbose argument is true, information about the Points is printed to standard output.

In [next figure] , the two Ellipses lie in skew planes. The plane of f intersects with e at the Points labelled "1" and "2", while the plane of e intersects with f at the Points labelled "3" and "4".

          Ellipse e(origin, 5, 3);
          Ellipse f(origin, 2, 5);
          f.rotate(0, 0, 30);
          f.rotate(0, 10);
          f.shift(1.5, 1);
          bool_point_quadruple bpq = e.intersection_points(f, true);
          bpq.third.pt.dotlabel(3, "rt");
          bpq.fourth.pt.dotlabel(4, "urt");
          -| First point lies on the perimeter of *this.
             First point lies inside e.
             Second point lies on the perimeter of *this.
             Second point lies outside e.
             Third point lies outside *this.
             Third point lies on the perimeter of e.
             Fourth point lies inside *this.
             Fourth point lies on the perimeter of e.

[Figure 170. Not displayed.]

Fig. 170.

In [next figure] , the two Ellipses lie in skew planes. The plane of f intersects with e at the Points labelled "1" and "2". The plane of e does not intersect with f, so bpq.third.pt and bpq.fourth.pt are INVALID_POINT.

          Ellipse e(origin, 5, 3);
          Ellipse f(origin, 2, 5, 45);
          f.shift(0, 2.5, 3);
          bool_point_quadruple bpq = e.intersection_points(f, true);
          -| First point lies on the perimeter of *this.
             First point lies outside e.
             Second point lies on the perimeter of *this.
             Second point lies outside e.
             Third intersection point is INVALID_POINT.
             Fourth intersection point is INVALID_POINT.

[Figure 171. Not displayed.]

Fig. 171.

Node: Solving Ellipses, Next: , Previous: Ellipse Intersections, Up: Ellipse Reference


real_pair solve (char axis_unknown, real known) const function
Returns two possible values for either the horizontal or vertical coordinate. This function assumes that the Ellipse lies in a major plane with center at the origin. Code that calls it must ensure that these conditions are fulfilled.

solve() is called in Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve::intersection_points(Point, Point, Point) and Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve::location(), and resolves to this function, when these functions are called on an Ellipse. However, Ellipse::location() overloads Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve::location(), so the latter won't normally be called on an Ellipse. See Regular Closed Plane Curve Reference; Intersections, and Regular Closed Plane Curve Reference; Querying.

real_triple get_coefficients (real Slope, real v_intercept) const function

Let x and y stand for the x and y-coordinates of a point on an ellipse in the x-y plane, a for half of the horizontal axis (axis_h / 2), and b for half of the vertical axis (axis_v / 2).

Further, let y = mx + i be the equation of a line in the x-y plane, where m is the slope and i the y-intercept.

This function returns the coefficients of the quadratic equation that results from replacing y with mx + i in the equation for the ellipse

          x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1
          x^2/a^2 + (mx + i)^2/b^2 - 1 = 0
          == (b^2x + a^2m^2)x^2 + 2a^2imx + (a^2i^2 - a^2b^2) = 0.
The coefficients are returned in the real_triple in the order one would expect: r.first is the coefficient of x^2, r.second of x and r.third of the constant term (x^0 == 1).

get_coefficients() is called in Reg_Cl_Plane_Curve::intersection_points(Point, Point, Point), and resolves to this function, when the latter is called on an Ellipse. See Regular Closed Plane Curve Reference; Intersections.

Node: Rectangles for Ellipses, Previous: Solving Ellipses, Up: Ellipse Reference


Rectangle out_rectangle (void) const function
Returns the Rectangle that surrounds the Ellipse.
          Ellipse e(origin, 3, 4, 45, 30, 17);
          e.shift(1, -1, 2);
          Rectangle r = e.out_rectangle();
          r.filldraw(black, gray);

[Figure 172. Not displayed.]

Fig. 172.

Rectangle in_rectangle (void) const function
Returns the Rectangle enclosed within the Ellipse.
          Rectangle r = e.in_rectangle();
          e.filldraw(black, gray);

[Figure 173. Not displayed.]

Fig. 173.

Rectangle draw_out_rectangle ([const Color& ddraw_color = *Colors::default_color, [string ddashed = "", [string ppen = "", [Picture& picture = current_picture]]]]) const function
Draws the Rectangle that surrounds the Ellipse. The arguments are like those of Path::draw(). The return value is the surrounding Rectangle. See Path Reference; Drawing and Filling.
          Ellipse e(origin, 2.5, 5, 10, 12, 15.5);
          e.shift(-1, 1, 1);
          e.draw_out_rectangle(black, "evenly", "pencircle scaled .3mm");

[Figure 174. Not displayed.]

Fig. 174.

Rectangle draw_in_rectangle ([const Color& ddraw_color = *Colors::default_color, [string ddashed = "", [string ppen = "", [Picture& picture = current_picture]]]]) const function
Draws the Rectangle enclosed within the Ellipse. The arguments are like those of Path::draw(). The return value is the enclosed Rectangle. See Path Reference; Drawing and Filling.
          Ellipse e(origin, 3.5, 6, 10, 12, 15.5);
          e.shift(-1, 1, 1);
          e.draw_in_rectangle(black, "evenly", "pencircle scaled .3mm");

[Figure 175. Not displayed.]

Fig. 175.

Node: Circle Reference, Next: , Previous: Ellipse Reference, Up: Top

Circle Reference

Class Circle is defined in circles.web. It is derived from Ellipse, using public derivation.

Since Circle is just a special kind of Ellipse, there is often no need to define special functions for Circles.

Currently, Circle inherits the transformation functions and operator*=(const Transform&) from Ellipse. Consequently, the data member radius, described below, is not recalculated, when transformations are performed on a Circle. I plan to change this soon!

Node: Circle Data Members, Next: , Previous: Circle Reference, Up: Circle Reference

Data Members

real radius Private variable
The radius of the Circle.

Node: Circle Constructors and Setting Functions, Next: , Previous: Circle Data Members, Up: Circle Reference

Constructors and Setting Functions

void Circle (void) Default constructor
Creates an empty Circle.

void Circle (const Point& ccenter, const real ddiameter, [const real angle_x = 0, [const real angle_y = 0, [const real angle_z = 0, [const unsigned short nnumber_of_points = DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_POINTS]]]]) Constructor
Creates a Circle with radius == ddiameter/2 in the x-z plane and centered at the origin with nnumber_of_points Points. If any of the arguments angle_x, angle_y, or angle_z is != 0, the Circle is rotated around the major axes by the angles indicated by the arguments. Finally, the Circle is shifted such that center comes to lie at ccenter.

void set (const Point& ccenter, const real ddiameter, [const real angle_x = 0, [const real angle_y = 0, [const real angle_z = 0]]]) Setting function
Corresponds to the constructor above.

Circle* create_new<Circle> (const Circle* c) Template specializations
Circle* create_new<Circle> (const Circle& c)
Pseudo-constructors for dynamic allocation of Circles. They create a Circle on the free store and allocate memory for it using new(Circle). They return a pointer to the new Circle.

If c is a non-zero pointer or a reference, the new Circle will be a copy of c. If the new object is not meant to be a copy of an existing one, 0 must be passed to create_new<Circle>() as its argument. See Dynamic Allocation of Shapes, for more information.

Node: Circle Operators, Next: , Previous: Circle Constructors and Setting Functions, Up: Circle Reference


Circle& operator= (const Circle& c) Assignment operator
Makes the Circle a copy of c.

Circle& operator= (const Ellipse& e) Assignment operator
Makes the Circle a copy of e, if e is circular. radius is set to e.axis_v / 2 and *this is returned.

If e is not circular, this function issues an error message and returns *this.

Node: Querying Circles, Next: , Previous: Circle Operators, Up: Circle Reference


bool is_circular (void) const function
Returns true if the Circle is circular, otherwise false.

Certain transformations, such as shearing and scaling, can cause Circles to become non-circular.

          Circle c(origin, 3, 90);
          cout << c.is_circular();
          -| 1
          Circle d = c;
          d.scale(2, 3);
          cout << d.is_circular();
          -| 0

[Figure 176. Not displayed.]

Fig. 176.

real get_radius (void) Inline function
Returns radius.

real get_diameter (void) Inline function
Returns 2 * radius.

Node: Circle Intersections, Previous: Querying Circles, Up: Circle Reference


bool_point_quadruple intersection_points (const Circle& c, [const bool verbose = false]) Virtual const function
Returns the intersection points of two Circles.

If the Circles are coplanar, they can intersect at at most two points. There is an easy algebraic solution for this, so in this case, this function is faster than Ellipse::intersection_points(Ellipse, bool), which uses an iterative procedure to find the points.

If the Circles are non-coplanar, the intersection points of each Circle with the plane of the other Circle are returned, so a maximum of four Points can be found.

          Circle t(origin, 5, 90);
          Circle c(origin, 3, 90);
          c.rotate(0, 0, 45);
          bool_point_quadruple bpq = t.intersection_points(c);

[Figure 177. Not displayed.]

Fig. 177.

Node: Pattern Reference, Next: , Previous: Circle Reference, Up: Top

Pattern Reference

There is no currently no class "Pattern". If it turns out to be useful for this purpose, I will define a Pattern class, and perhaps additional derived classes.

Node: Plane Tesselations, Next: , Previous: Pattern Reference, Up: Pattern Reference

Plane Tesselations

3DLDF can be used to make perspective projections of plane tesselations and other two-dimensional patterns. These can be used for drawing tiled floors and other architectural items, among other things. While patterns can be generated by using the basic facilities of C++ and 3DLDF without any specially defined functions, it can be useful to define such functions.

3DLDF currently contains only one function for drawing patterns based on a plane tessellation. I plan to add more soon.

unsigned int hex_pattern_1 ([real diameter_outer = 5, [real diameter_middle = 0, [real diameter_inner = 0, [unsigned short first_row = 5, [unsigned short double_rows = 10, [unsigned short row_shift = 2, [Color draw_color_outer = *Colors::default_color, [Color fill_color_outer = *Colors::background_color, [Color draw_color_middle = *Colors::default_color, [Color fill_color_middle = *Colors::background_color, [Color draw_color_inner = *Colors::default_color, [Color fill_color_inner = *Colors::background_color, [string pen_outer = "pencircle scaled .5mm", [string pen_middle = "pencircle scaled .3mm", [string pen_inner = "pencircle scaled .3mm", [Picture& picture = current_picture, [unsigned int max_hexagons = 1000]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]) Function
Draws a pattern consisting of hexagons forming a tesselation of the x-z plane, with additional hexagons within them.

The arguments:

real diameter_outer
Default: 5. The diameter of the outer hexagon in each set of three hexagons. The outer hexagons form a tessellation of the plane.
real diameter_middle
Default: 0. The diameter of the middle hexagon in a set of three hexagons.
real diameter_inner
Default: 0. The diameter of the inner hexagon in a set of three hexagons.
unsigned short first_row
Default: 5. The number of sets of hexagons in the first single row. The second single row will have first_row + 1 sets of hexagons.
unsigned short double_rows
Default: 10. The number of double rows drawn.
unsigned short row_shift
Default: 2. For row_shift != 0, the number of sets of hexagons in each (single) row is increased by 2 every row_shift rows. If row_shift == 0, the number sets of hexagons remains constant. The rows remain centered around the z-axis.
Color draw_color_outer
Default: *Colors::default_color. The Color used for drawing the outer hexagons.
Color fill_color_outer
Default: *Colors::background_color. The Color used for filling the outer hexagons.
Color draw_color_middle
Default: *Colors::default_color. The Color used for drawing the middle hexagon.
Color fill_color_middle
Default: *Colors::background_color. The Color used for filling the middle hexagons.
Color draw_color_inner
Default: *Colors::default_color. The Color used for drawing the inner hexagons.
Color fill_color_inner
Default: *Colors::background_color. The Color used for filling the inner hexagons.
string pen_outer
Default: "pencircle scaled .5mm". The pen used for drawing the outer hexagons.
string pen_middle
Default: "pencircle scaled .3mm". The pen used for drawing the middle hexagons.
string pen_inner
Default: "pencircle scaled .3mm". The pen used for drawing the inner hexagons.
Picture& picture
Default: current_picture. The Picture onto which the pattern is put.
unsigned int max_hexagons
Default: 1000. The maximum number of hexagons that will be drawn.

Draws a pattern in the x-z plane consisting of hexagons. The outer hexagons form a tessellation. The middle and inner hexagons fit within the outer hexagons. The hexagons are drawn in double rows. The tessellation can be repeated by copying a double row and shifting the copy to lie directly behind the first double row. If the Picture with the pattern is projected with the Focus in front of the pattern, looking in the direction of the back of the pattern, the first row of hexagons will appear larger than the rows behind it. Therefore, in order for the perspective projection of the pattern to fill a rectangular area on the plane of projection, it will generally be necessary to increase the number of sets of hexagons in each double row. On the other hand, if the same number of sets of hexagons were used in the front double row, as will be needed for the back double row, many of them would probably be unprojectable.

The return value of this function is the number of hexagons drawn.

          default_focus.set(0, 10, -10, 0, 10, 25, 10);
          hex_pattern_1(1, 0, 0, 5, 5);

[Figure 178. Not displayed.]

Fig. 178.

          default_focus.set(-5, 5, -10, 0, 10, 25, 10);
          hex_pattern_1(2, 1.5, 1, 2, 5, 2, black, gray, black,
                        light_gray, black);

[Figure 179. Not displayed.]

Fig. 179.

Node: Roulettes and Involutes, Previous: Plane Tesselations, Up: Pattern Reference

Roulettes and Involutes

"A roulette is the curve generated by a point which is carried by a curve which rolls on a fixed curve. [...] The locus of a point carried by a circle rolling on a straight line is a trochoid. If the point is inside the circle the trochoid has inflexions; if it is outside the circle, but rigidly attached to it, the trochoid has loops. [...] In the particular case when the point is on the circumference of the rolling circle the roulette is a cycloid. When the circle rolls on the outside of another circle the corresponding curves are the epitrochoids and epicycloids; if it rolls on the inside, they are the hypotrochoids and hypocycloids."
H. Martyn Cundy and A. P. Rollett, Mathematical Models, p. 46.

Node: Epicycloids, Previous: Roulettes and Involutes, Up: Roulettes and Involutes


unsigned int epicycloid_pattern_1 (real diameter_inner, real diameter_outer_start, real diameter_outer_end, real step, int arc_divisions, unsigned int offsets, [vector colors = Colors::default_color_vector]) Function
Draws a pattern consisting of epicycloids. The outer circle rolls around the circumference of the inner circle and a Point on the outer circle traces an epicycloid.

If offsets is greater than 1, the outer circle is rotated offset times around the center of the inner circle by 360 / offsets (starting from the outer circle's original position). From each of these new positions, an epicycloid is drawn.

While diameter_outer_start is greater than or equal to diameter_outer_end, the diameter of the outer circle is reduced by step, and another set of epicycloids is traced, as described above. Each time the diameter of the outer circle is reduced, a new Color is taken from colors for the drawing commands. If there are more iterations than Colors, the last Color on colors is used for the remaining iterations.

The arguments:

real diameter_inner
The diameter of the inner circle.
real diameter_outer_start
The diameter of the outer circle for the first iteration. It must be greater than or equal to diameter_outer_end.
real diameter_outer_end
The diameter of the outer circle for the last iteration. It must be less than or equal to diameter_outer_start.
real step
The amount by which the diameter of the outer circle is reduced upon each iteration.
int arc_divisions
The number of divisions of the circle used for calculating Points on the epicycloid. For instance, if arc_divisions is 90, then the Path for each epicycloid will only have 4 Points, since 360 / 90 = 4.
unsigned int offsets
The number of epicycloids drawn upon each iteration. Each one is rotated by 360 / offsets around the center of the inner circle. offsets must be greater than or equal to 1.
vector<const Color*> colors
Default: Colors::default_color_vector. The Colors pointed to by the pointers on this vector are used for drawing the epicycloids. One Color is used for each iteration.


          epicycloid_pattern_1(5, 3, 3, 1, 72);

[Figure 180. Not displayed.]

Fig. 180.


          default_focus.set(2, 5, -10, 2, 5, 10, 10);
          epicycloid_pattern_1(5, 3, 3, 1, 36);

[Figure 181. Not displayed.]

Fig. 181.

Node: Solid Reference, Next: , Previous: Pattern Reference, Up: Top

Solid Reference

Class Solid is defined in solids.web. It's derived from Shape using public derivation. It is intended to be used as a base class for more specialized classes representing solid figures, e.g., cuboids, polyhedra, solids of rotation, etc.

Node: Solid Data Members, Next: , Previous: Solid Reference, Up: Solid Reference

Data Members

bool on_free_store Protected variable
true, if the Solid was dynamically allocated on the free store, otherwise false. Solids should only be allocated on the free store by create_new<Solid>(), or analogous functions for derived classes. See Solid Reference; Constructors and Setting Functions.

Point center Protected variable
The center of the Solid. An object of a type derived from Solid need not have a meaningful center. However, many do, so it's convenient to be able to access it using the member functions of Solid.

bool do_output Protected variable
Set to false in Picture::output(), if the Solid cannot be projected using the arguments of that particular invocation of output(). Reset to true at the end of Picture::output(), so that the Solid will be tested for projectability again, if output() is called on the Picture again.

vector<Path*> paths Protected variables
vector<Circle*> circles
vector<Ellipse*> ellipses
vector <Reg_Polygon*> reg_polygons
vector<Rectangle*> rectangles
Vectors of pointers to the Paths, Circles, Ellipses, Reg_Polygons, and Rectangles, respectively, belonging to the Solid, if any exist.

valarray<real> projective_extremes Protected variable
The maximum and minimum values for the x, y, and z-coordinates of the Points belonging to the Solid. Used in Picture::output() for testing whether a Solid is projectable using a particular set of arguments.

unsigned short CIRCLE Public static const variables
unsigned short ELLIPSE
unsigned short PATH
unsigned short RECTANGLE
unsigned short REG_POLYGON
Used as arguments in the functions get_shape_ptr() and get_shape_center() (see Returning Elements and Information).

Node: Solid Constructors and Setting Functions, Next: , Previous: Solid Data Members, Up: Solid Reference

Constructors and Setting Functions

void Solid (void) Default constructor
Creates an empty Solid.

void Solid (const Solid& s) Copy constructor
Creates a new Solid and makes it a copy of s.

Solid* create_new<Solid> (const Solid* s) Template specializations
Solid* create_new<Solid> (const Solid& s)
Pseudo-constructors for dynamic allocation of Solids. They create a Solid on the free store and allocate memory for it using new(Solid). They return a pointer to the new Solid.

If s is a non-zero pointer or a reference, the new Solid will be a copy of s. If the new object is not meant to be a copy of an existing one, 0 must be passed to create_new<Solid>() as its argument. See Dynamic Allocation of Shapes, for more information.

Node: Solid Destructor, Next: , Previous: Solid Constructors and Setting Functions, Up: Solid Reference


void ~Solid (void) virtual Destructor
This function currently has an empty definition, but its existence prevents GCC 3.3 from issuing the following warning: "`class Solid' has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor".

Node: Solid Operators, Next: , Previous: Solid Destructor, Up: Solid Reference


const Solid& operator= (const Solid& s) Virtual function
Assignment operator. Makes *this a copy of s, discarding the old contents of *this.

Transform operator*= (const Transform& t) Virtual function
Multiplication by a Transform. All of the Shapes that make up the Solid are transformed by t.

Node: Copying Solids, Next: , Previous: Solid Operators, Up: Solid Reference


Shape* get_copy (void) const virtual function
Dynamically allocates a new Solid on the free store, using create_new<Solid>(), and makes it a copy of *this. Then, a pointer to Shape is pointed at the copy and returned. Used for putting Solids onto Picture::shapes in the drawing and filling functions for Solid. See Solid Reference; Drawing and Filling.

Node: Setting Solid Members, Next: , Previous: Copying Solids, Up: Solid Reference

Setting Members

bool set_on_free_store ([bool b = true]) Virtual function
Sets on_free_store to b. This function is called in the template function create_new(). See Solid Reference; Constructors and Setting Functions.

Node: Querying Solids, Next: , Previous: Setting Solid Members, Up: Solid Reference


bool is_on_free_store (void) const virtual function
Returns the value of on_free_store; true, if the Solid was dynamically allocated on the free store, otherwise false. Solids, and objects of classes derived from Solid, should only ever be allocated on the free store by a specialization of the template function create_new(). See Solid Reference; Constructors and Setting Functions.

Node: Returning Elements and Information Solids, Next: , Previous: Querying Solids, Up: Solid Reference

Returning Elements and Information

const Point& get_center (void) const virtual function
Returns center. If the Solid doesn't have a meaningful center, the return value will probably be INVALID_POINT.

Node: Getting Shape Centers Solids, Next: , Previous: Returning Elements and Information Solids, Up: Returning Elements and Information Solids

Getting Shape Centers

const Point& get_shape_center (const unsigned short shape_type, const unsigned short s) const virtual function
Returns the center of a Shape belonging to the Solid. Currently, the object can be a Circle, Ellipse, Rectangle, or Reg_Polygon, and it is accessed through a pointer on one of the following vectors of pointers to Shape: circles, ellipses, rectangles, or reg_polygons. The type of object is specified using the shape_type argument. The following public static const data members of Solid can (and probably should) be passed as the shape_type argument: CIRCLE, ELLIPSE, RECTANGLE, and REG_POLYGON.

The argument s is used to index the vector.

This function is called within the more specialized functions in this section, namely: get_circle_center(), get_ellipse_center(), get_rectangle_center(), and get_reg_polygon_center(). I don't expect it to be needed in user code very often.

          Dodecahedron d(origin, 3);
          Point C = d.get_shape_center(Solid::REG_POLYGON, 1);

[Figure 182. Not displayed.]

Fig. 182.

Note that this function will have to be changed, if new vectors of Shape pointers are added to class Solid!

const Point& get_circle_center (const unsigned short s) const virtual functions
const Point& get_ellipse_center (const unsigned short s)
const Point& get_rectangle_center (const unsigned short s)
const Point& get_reg_polygon_center (const unsigned short s)
These functions all return the center of the Shape pointed to by a pointer on one of the vectors of Shapes belonging to the Solid. The argument s indicates which element on the vector is to be accessed. For example, get_rectangle_center(2) returns the center of the Rectangle pointed to by rectangles[2].
          Cuboid c(origin, 3, 4, 5, 0, 30);
          for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
            c.get_rectangle_center(i).label(i, "");

[Figure 183. Not displayed.]

Fig. 183.

Node: Getting Shapes Solids, Previous: Getting Shape Centers Solids, Up: Returning Elements and Information Solids

Getting Shapes

The functions in this section all return const pointers to Shape, or one of its derived classes. Therefore, they must be invoked in such a way, that the const qualifier is not discarded. See the description of get_reg_polygon_ptr() below, for an example.

Shape* get_shape_ptr (const unsigned short shape_type, const unsigned short s) const virtual function
Copies one of the objects belonging to the Solid, and returns a pointer to Shape that points to the copy. The object is found by dereferencing one of the pointers on one of the vectors of pointers belonging to the Solid. Currently, these vectors are circles, ellipses, paths, rectangles, and reg_polygons. The argument shape_type specifies the vector, and the argument s specifies which element of the vector should be accessed. The following public static const data members of Solid can (and probably should) be passed as the shape_type argument: CIRCLE, ELLIPSE, PATH, RECTANGLE, and REG_POLYGON.

This function was originally intended to be called within the more specialized functions in this section, namely: get_circle_ptr(), get_ellipse_ptr(), get_path_ptr(), get_rectangle_ptr, and get_reg_polygon_ptr. However, these functions no longer use get_shape_ptr(), so this function is probably no longer needed.

          Icosahedron I(origin, 3);
          Reg_Polygon* t =
          static_cast<Reg_Polygon*>(I.get_shape_ptr(Solid::REG_POLYGON, 9));

[Figure 184. Not displayed.]

Fig. 184.

const Reg_Polygon* get_circle_ptr (const unsigned short s) const virtual functions
const Reg_Polygon* get_ellipse_ptr (const unsigned short s)
const Reg_Polygon* get_path_ptr (const unsigned short s)
const Reg_Polygon* get_rectangle_ptr (const unsigned short s)
const Reg_Polygon* get_reg_polygon_ptr (const unsigned short s)
Each of these functions returns a pointer from one of the vectors of Shape pointers belonging to the Solid. The argument s specifies which element of the appropriate vector should be returned. For example, get_reg_polygon_ptr(2) returns the Reg_Polygon* in reg_polygons[2].

Since these functions return const pointers, they must be invoked in such a way, that the const qualifier is not discarded, as noted at the beginning of this section. The following example demonstrates two ways of invoking get_reg_polygon_ptr():

          Dodecahedron d(origin, 3);
          const Reg_Polygon* ptr = d.get_reg_polygon_ptr(0);
          ptr->draw(black, "evenly scaled 4", "pencircle scaled 1mm");
          Reg_Polygon A = *d.get_reg_polygon_ptr(5);

[Figure 185. Not displayed.]

Fig. 185.

Node: Showing Solids, Next: , Previous: Returning Elements and Information Solids, Up: Solid Reference


void show ([string text = "", [char coords = 'w', [const bool do_persp = true, [const bool do_apply = true, [Focus* f = 0, [const unsigned short proj = Projections::PERSP, [const real factor = 1]]]]]]]) const virtual function
Prints text and the value of on_free_store to the standard output (stdout), and then calls show() on the objects pointed to by the pointers on paths, circles, ellipses, reg_polygons, and rectangles, unless the vectors are empty. The arguments are passed to Path::show(), Ellipse::show(), etc. If a vector is empty, a message to this effect is printed to the standard output.

Node: Affine Transformations for Solids, Next: , Previous: Showing Solids, Up: Solid Reference

Affine Transformations

Transform scale (real x, [real y = 0, [real z = 0]]) Virtual functions
Transform shear (real xy, [real xz = 0, [real yx = 0, [real yz = 0, [real zx = 0, [real zy = 0]]]]])
Transform shift (real x, [real y = 0, [real z = 0]])
Transform shift (const Point& pt)
Transform rotate (const real x, [const real y = 0, [const real z = 0]])
Transform rotate (const Point& p0, const Point& p1, [const real angle = 180])
These functions perform the corresponding transformations on all of the Shapes belonging to the Solid. See Transform Reference; Affine Transformations.

Node: Applying Transformations to Solids, Next: , Previous: Affine Transformations for Solids, Up: Solid Reference

Applying Transformations

void apply_transform (void) Virtual function
Calls apply_transform() on all of the Shapes belonging to the Solid.

Node: Outputting Solids, Next: , Previous: Applying Transformations to Solids, Up: Solid Reference


The functions in this section are are called, directly or indirectly, by Picture::output(). See Picture Reference; Outputting.

void output (void) Virtual function
Writes the MetaPost code for drawing, filling, filldrawing, undrawing, unfilling, or unfilldrawing the Solid to out_stream.

void suppress_output (void) Virtual function
Used in Picture::output(). Sets do_output to false, if the Solid cannot be projected using a particular set of arguments to Picture::output().

void unsuppress_output (void) Virtual function
Used in Picture::output(). Resets do_output to true, so that the Solid will be tested for projectability again, if the Picture it's on is output again.

vector<Shape*> extract (const Focus& f, const unsigned short proj, real factor) Virtual function
Tests whether all of the Shapes belonging to the Solid are projectable, using the arguments passed to output(). If it is, this function returns a vector of pointers to Shape containing a single pointer to the Solid. If not, an empty vector is returned.

bool set_extremes (void) Virtual function
Sets projective_extremes to contain the maximum and minimum values for the x, y, and z-coordinates of the Points on the Shape. Used for determining projectability of a Solid using a particular set of arguments.

const valarray<real> get_extremes (void) const inline virtual function
Returns projective_extremes.

real get_minimum_z (void) const virtual functions
real get_maximum_z (void)
real get_mean_z (void)
Returns the minimum, maximum, or mean z-value, respectively, of the Points belonging to the Solid. Used for surface hiding. See Surface Hiding.

Node: Drawing and Filling Solids, Next: , Previous: Outputting Solids, Up: Solid Reference

Drawing and Filling

void draw ([const vector v = Colors::default_color_vector, [const string ddashed = "", [const string ppen = "", [Picture& picture = current_picture]]]]) const virtual function
Draws the Solid.

This function allocates a new Solid, makes it a copy of *this, and puts a pointer to the copy onto picture.shapes. The data members of the Shapes belonging to the copy are set appropriately, so that they can be drawn, when Picture::output() is called.

The Colors used for drawing the various Paths, Circles, Ellipses, etc., belonging to the Solid are passed in v. If the Solid contains more Shapes than v contains pointers to Color, the Color pointed to by the last pointer on v is used to draw the remaining Shapes.

Currently, a Solid can only be drawn with a single dash pattern (ddashed), and pen (ppen).

void fill ([const vector v = Colors::default_color_vector, [Picture& picture = current_picture]]) const virtual function
Fills the Solid.

This function allocates a new Solid makes it a copy of *this, and puts a pointer to it onto picture.shapes. The data members of the Shapes belonging to the copy are set appropriately, so that they can be filled, when Picture::output() is called.

The Colors used for filling the various Paths, Circles, Ellipses, etc., belonging to the Solid are passed in v. If the Solid contains more Shapes than v contains pointers to Color, the Color pointed to by the last pointer on v is used to fill the remaining Shapes.

void filldraw ([const vector draw_colors = Colors::default_color_vector, [const vector fill_colors = Colors::background_color_vector, [const string ddashed = "", [const string ppen = "", [Picture& picture = current_picture]]]]]) const virtual function
Filldraws the Solid.

This function allocates a new Solid, makes it a copy of *this, and puts a pointer to it onto picture.shapes. The data members of the Shapes belonging to the copy are set appropriately, so that they can be filldrawn, when Picture::output() is called.

The Colors used for drawing and filling the various Paths, Circles, Ellipses, etc., belonging to the Solid are passed in draw_colors and fill_colors. If the Solid contains more Shapes than draw_colors contains pointers to Color, the Color pointed to by the last pointer on draw_colors is used to draw the remaining Shapes. The same applies to fill_colors.

Currently, a Solid can only be filldrawn with a single dash pattern (ddashed), and pen (ppen).

void undraw ([const string ddashed = "", [const string ppen = "", [Picture& picture = current_picture]]]) const virtual function
Undraws the Solid.

This function allocates a new Solid, makes it a copy of *this, and puts a pointer to it onto picture.shapes. The data members of the Shapes belonging to the copy are set appropriately, so that they can be undrawn, when Picture::output() is called.

A Solid can currently only be undrawn using a single dash pattern (ddashed), and pen (ppen).

void unfill ([Picture& picture = current_picture]) const virtual function
Unfills the Solid.

This function allocates a new Solid makes it a copy of *this, and puts a pointer to it onto picture.shapes. The data members of the Shapes belonging to the copy are set appropriately, so that they can be unfilled, when Picture::output() is called.

void unfilldraw ([const string ddashed = "", [const string ppen = "", [Picture& picture = current_picture]]]) const virtual function
void undraw ([const string ddashed = "", [const string ppen = "", [Picture& picture = current_picture]]]) const virtual function
Unfilldraws the Solid.

This function allocates a new Solid, makes it a copy of *this, and puts a pointer to it onto picture.shapes. The data members of the Shapes belonging to the copy are set appropriately, so that they can be unfilldrawn, when Picture::output() is called.

A Solid can currently only be unfilldrawn using a single dash pattern (ddashed), and pen (ppen).

Node: Clearing Solids, Previous: Drawing and Filling Solids, Up: Solid Reference


void clear (void) Virtual function
Calls clear() on all the Shapes belonging to the Solid. Used in Picture::clear() for deallocating and destroying Solids.

Currently, <Shape>.clear() always resolves to Path::clear(), since none of the other types of Shape that a Solid can contain, e.g., Ellipse, Circle, etc., overloads Path::clear().

Node: Faced Solid Reference, Next: , Previous: Solid Reference, Up: Top

Faced Solid Reference

Class Solid_Faced is defined in solfaced.web. It is derived from Solid using public derivation.

Solid_Faced currently has no member functions. It is intended for use as a base class. The classes Cuboid and Polyhedron are derived from Solid_Faced. See Cuboid Reference, and Polyhedron Reference.

Node: Solid_Faced Data Members, Previous: Faced Solid Reference, Up: Faced Solid Reference

Data Members

unsigned short faces Protected variable
The number of faces of the Solid_Faced.

unsigned short vertices Protected variable
The number of vertices of the Solid_Faced.

unsigned short edges Protected variable
The number of edges of the Solid_Faced.

Node: Cuboid Reference, Next: , Previous: Faced Solid Reference, Up: Top

Cuboid Reference

Class Cuboid is defined in cuboid.web. It is derived from Solid_Faced using public derivation.

Node: Cuboid Data Members, Next: , Previous: Cuboid Reference, Up: Cuboid Reference

Data Members

real height Protected variables
real width
real depth
The height, width, and depth of the Cuboid, respectively.

Please note, that "height", "width", and "depth" are conventional terms. There are no restrictions on the orientation of a Cuboid.

Node: Cuboid Constructors and Setting Functions, Next: , Previous: Cuboid Data Members, Up: Cuboid Reference

Constructors and Setting Functions

void Cuboid (void) Default constructor
Creates an empty Cuboid.

void Cuboid (const Cuboid& c) Copy constructor
Creates a new Cuboid and makes it a copy of c.

void Cuboid (const Point& c, const real h, const real w, const real d, [const real x = 0, [const real y = 0, [const real z = 0]]]) Constructor
Creates a Cuboid with center at the origin, with height == h, width == w, and depth == d. If x, y, or z is non-zero, the Cuboid is rotated by the amounts indicated around the corresponding main axes. Finally, the Cuboid is shifted such that center comes to lie at c.
          Point P(-3, -2, 12);
          Cuboid c(P, 3, 5, 2.93, 35, 10, 60);

[Figure 186. Not displayed.]

Fig. 186.

Cuboid* create_new<Cuboid> (const Cuboid* c) Template specializations
Cuboid* create_new<Cuboid> (const Cuboid& c)
Pseudo-constructors for dynamic allocation of Cuboids. They create a Cuboid on the free store and allocate memory for it using new(Cuboid). They return a pointer to the new Cuboid.

If c is a non-zero pointer or a reference, the new Cuboid will be a copy of c. If the new object is not meant to be a copy of an existing one, 0 must be passed to create_new<Cuboid>() as its argument. See Dynamic Allocation of Shapes, for more information.

void ~Cuboid (void) Destructor
Deallocates the Rectangles pointed to by the pointers on rectangles (a Solid data member), and calls rectangles.clear(). Cuboids consist entirely of Rectangles, so nothing must be done to the other vectors.

Node: Cuboid Operators, Previous: Cuboid Constructors and Setting Functions, Up: Cuboid Reference


void operator= (const Cuboid& c) Assignment operator
Makes the Cuboid a copy of c. The old contents of *this are deallocated (where necessary) and discarded.

Node: Polyhedron Reference, Next: , Previous: Cuboid Reference, Up: Top

Polyhedron Reference

Class Polyhedron is defined in polyhed.web. It is derived from Solid_Faced using public derivation. It is intended for use as a base class for specific types of polyhedra. Currently, the classes Tetrahedron, Dodecahedron, Icosahedron, and Trunc_Octahedron (truncated octahedron) are derived from Polyhedron.

There is a great deal of work left to do on the polyhedra.

Node: Polyhedron Data Members, Next: , Previous: Polyhedron Reference, Up: Polyhedron Reference

Data Members

unsigned short number_of_polygon_types Protected variable
The number of different types of polygon making up the faces of a Polyhedron. The Platonic polyhedra have only one type of face, while the Archimedean can have more.

real face_radius Protected variable
The radius of the sphere that touches the centers of the polygonal faces of the polyhedron (Inkugel, in German).

real edge_radius Protected variable
The radius of the sphere that touches the centers of the edges of the polyhedron.

real vertex_radius Protected variable
The radius of the sphere touching the vertices of the polyhedron (Umkugel, in German).

Node: Regular Platonic Polyhedra, Next: , Previous: Polyhedron Data Members, Up: Polyhedron Reference

Regular Platonic Polyhedra

3DLDF currently has classes for three of the five regular Platonic polyhedra: Tetrahedron, Dodecahedron, and Icosahedron. There is no need for a special Cube class, because cubes can be created using Cuboid with equal width, height, and depth arguments (see Cuboid Reference). Octahedron is missing at the moment, but I plan to add it soon.

Node: Tetrahedron, Next: , Previous: Regular Platonic Polyhedra, Up: Regular Platonic Polyhedra


Class Tetrahedron is defined in polyhed.web. It is derived from Polyhedron using public derivation.

Node: Tetrahedron Data Members, Next: , Previous: Tetrahedron, Up: Tetrahedron

Data Members

real dihedral_angle Protected static const variable
The angle in radians between the faces of the Tetrahedron, namely 70 degrees 32' . Only the Platonic polyhedra have a single dihedral angle, so dihedral_angle is not a member of Polyhedron. This means that it must be a member of all of the classes representing Platonic polyhedra.

real triangle_radius Protected variable
The radius of the circle enclosing a triangular face of the Tetrahedron.

Node: Tetrahedron Constructors and Setting Functions, Next: , Previous: Tetrahedron Data Members, Up: Tetrahedron

Constructors and Setting Functions

void Tetrahedron (void) Default constructor
Creates an empty Tetrahedron.

void Tetrahedron (const Point& p, const real diameter_of_triangle, [real angle_x = 0, [real angle_y = 0, [real angle_z = 0]]]) Constructor
Creates a Tetrahedron with its center at the origin. The faces have enclosing circles of diameter diameter_of_triangle. If any of angle_x, angle_y, or angle_z is non-zero, the Tetrahedron is rotated by the amounts specified around the corresponding axes. Finally, if p is not the origin, the Tetrahedron is shifted such that center comes to lie at p.

The center of a Tetrahedron is the intersection of the line segments connecting the vertices with the centers of the opposite faces.

          Tetrahedron t(origin, 3);

[Figure 187. Not displayed.]

Fig. 187.

          Point P(1, 0, 1);
          Tetrahedron t(P, 2.75, 30, 32.5, 20);

[Figure 188. Not displayed.]

Fig. 188.

void set (const Point& p, const real diameter_of_triangle, [real angle_x = 0, [real angle_y = 0, [real angle_z = 0]]]) Setting function
Corresponds to the constructor above.

Node: Tetrahedron Net, Previous: Tetrahedron Constructors and Setting Functions, Up: Tetrahedron


vector<Reg_Polygon*> get_net (const real triangle_diameter) Static function
Returns the net of the Tetrahedron, i.e., the two-dimensional pattern of triangles that can be folded into a model of a tetrahedron.45 The net lies in the x-z plane. The triangles have enclosing circles of diameter triangle_diameter. The center of the middle triangle is at the origin.
          vector<Reg_Polygon*> vrp = Tetrahedron::get_net(2);
          for (vector<Reg_Polygon*>::iterator iter = vrp.begin();
               iter != vrp.end();

[Figure 189. Not displayed.]

Fig. 189.

This function is used in the non-default constructor. See Polyhedron Reference; Regular Platonic Polyhedra; Tetrahedron; Constructors and Setting Functions. The constructor starts with the net and rotates three of the triangles about the adjacent vertices of the middle triangle. Currently, all of the Polyhedron constructors work this way. However, this is not ideal, because rotation uses the sine and cosine functions, which cause inaccuracies to creep in. I think there must be a better way of constructing Polyhedra, but I haven't found one yet.

The Polyhedron constructors are also especially sensitive to changes made to Transform::align_with_axis(). I have already had to rewrite them twice, and since Transform::align_with_axis() may need to be changed or rewritten again, it's possible that the Polyhedron constructors will have to be, too. It has also occurred in the past, that the Polyhedra were constructed correctly on one platform, using a particular compiler, but not on another platform, using a different compiler.

void draw_net (const real triangle_diameter, [bool make_tabs = true]) Static function
Draws the net for a Tetrahedron in the x-y plane. The triangles have enclosing circles of diameter triangle_diameter. The origin is used as the center of the middle triangle. The centers of the triangles are numbered. If the argument make_tabs is used, tabs for gluing and/or sewing a cardboard model of the Tetrahedron together will be drawn, too. The dots on the tabs mark where to stick the needle through, when sewing the model together (I've had good results with sewing).
          Tetrahedron::draw_net(3, true);

[Figure 190. Not displayed.]

Fig. 190.

The net is drawn in the x-y plane, because it currently doesn't work to draw it in the x-z plane. I haven't gotten around to fixing this problem yet.

Node: Dodecahedron, Next: , Previous: Tetrahedron, Up: Regular Platonic Polyhedra


Class Dodecahedron is defined in polyhed.web. It is derived from Polyhedron using public derivation.

Dodecahedra have 12 regular pentagonal faces.

Node: Dodecahedron Data Members, Next: , Previous: Dodecahedron, Up: Dodecahedron

Data Members

real dihedral_angle Protected static const variable
The angle between the faces of the Dodecahedron, namely 116 degrees 34' = \pi - \arctan(2).

real pentagon_radius Protected variable
The radius of the circle enclosing a pentagonal face of the Dodecahedron.

Node: Dodecahedron Constructors and Setting Functions, Next: , Previous: Dodecahedron Data Members, Up: Dodecahedron

Constructors and Setting Functions

void Dodecahedron (void) Default constructor
Creates an empty Dodecahedron.

void Dodecahedron (const Point& p, const real pentagon_diameter, [real angle_x = 0, [real angle_y = 0, [real angle_z = 0]]]) Constructor
Creates a Dodecahedron with its center at the origin, where the pentagonal faces have enclosing circles of diameter pentagon_diameter. If any of angle_x, angle_y, or angle_z is non-zero, the Dodecahedron is rotated by the amounts specified around the corresponding axes. Finally, if p is not the origin, the Dodecahedron is shifted such that center comes to lie at p.
          Point P(-1, -2, 4);
          Dodecahedron d(P, 3, 12.5, 16, 2);

[Figure 191. Not displayed.]

Fig. 191.


[Figure 192. Not displayed.]

Fig. 192.

Node: Dodecahedron Net, Previous: Dodecahedron Constructors and Setting Functions, Up: Dodecahedron


vector<Reg_Polygon*> get_net (const real pentagon_diameter, [bool do_half = false]) Static function
Returns the net, i.e., the two-dimensional pattern of pentagons that can be folded into a model of a dodecahedron. The net lies in the x-z plane. The pentagons have enclosing circles of diameter pentagon_diameter. The center of the center pentagon of the first half of the net is at the origin. If the argument do_half is true, only the first half of the net is created. This is used in the non-default constructor. See Polyhedron Reference; Regular Platonic Polyhedra; Dodecahedron; Constructors and Setting Functions.
          vector<Reg_Polygon*> vrp = Dodecahedron::get_net(1);
          for(vector<Reg_Polygon*>::iterator iter = vrp.begin();
              iter != vrp.end(); ++iter)

[Figure 193. Not displayed.]

Fig. 193.

void draw_net (const real pentagon_diameter, [bool portrait = true, [bool make_tabs = true]]) Static function
Draws the net for a Dodecahedron in the x-z plane. The pentagons have enclosing circles of diameter pentagon_diameter. The origin is used as the center of the middle pentagon of the first half of the net. The centers of the pentagons are numbered.

If the argument portrait is true (the default), the net is arranged for printing in portrait format. If it's false, it's arranged for printing in landscape format.

The argument make_tabs currently has no effect. When I get around to programming this, it will be used for specifying whether tabs for gluing and/or sewing a cardboard model should be drawn, too.

          Dodecahedron::draw_net(1, false);

[Figure 194. Not displayed.]

Fig. 194.

Node: Icosahedron, Previous: Dodecahedron, Up: Regular Platonic Polyhedra


Class Icosahedron is defined in polyhed.web. It is derived from Polyhedron using public derivation.

Icosahedra have 20 regular triangular faces.

Node: Icosahedron Data Members, Next: , Previous: Icosahedron, Up: Icosahedron

Data Members

real dihedral_angle Protected static const variable
The angle between the faces of the Icosahedron, namely 138 degrees 11' = \pi - \arcsin(2/3).

real triangle_radius Protected variable
The radius of the circle enclosing a triangular face of the Icosahedron.

Node: Icosahedron Constructors and Setting Functions, Next: , Previous: Icosahedron Data Members, Up: Icosahedron

Constructors and Setting Functions

void Icosahedron (void) Default constructor
Creates an empty Icosahedron.

void Icosahedron (const Point& p, const real diameter_of_triangle, [real angle_x = 0, [real angle_y = 0, [real angle_z = 0]]]) Constructor
Creates an Icosahedron with its center at the origin, where the triangular faces have enclosing circles of diameter diameter_of_triangle. If any of angle_x, angle_y, or angle_z is non-zero, the Icosahedron is rotated by the amounts specified around the corresponding axes. Finally, if p is not the origin, the Icosahedron is shifted such that center comes to lie at p.
          Icosahedron i(origin, 3, 0, 10);

[Figure 195. Not displayed.]

Fig. 195.


[Figure 196. Not displayed.]

Fig. 196.

Node: Icosahedron Net, Previous: Icosahedron Constructors and Setting Functions, Up: Icosahedron


vector<Reg_Polygon*> get_net (const real triangle_diameter, [bool do_half = false]) Static function
Returns the net, i.e., the two-dimensional pattern of triangles that can be folded into a model of an icosahedron. The net lies in the x-z plane. The triangles have enclosing circles of diameter triangle_diameter. If the argument do_half = true, only the first half of the net is created. This is used in the non-default constructor. See Polyhedron Reference; Regular Platonic Polyhedra; Icosahedron; Constructors and Setting Functions.
          vector<Reg_Polygon*> vrp = Icosahedron::get_net(1.5);
          for (vector<Reg_Polygon*>::iterator iter = vrp.begin();
               iter != vrp.end(); ++iter)

[Figure 197. Not displayed.]

Fig. 197.

void draw_net (const real triangle_diameter, [bool portrait = true, [bool make_tabs = true]]) Static function
Draws the net for an Icosahedron in the x-z plane. The triangles have enclosing circles of diameter triangle_diameter. If the argument portrait is true (the default), the net will be arranged for printing in portrait format. If it's false, it will be arranged for printing in landscape format. In portrait format, the center of the bottom right triangle is at the origin. In landscape format, the center of the bottom left triangle is at the origin. The triangles are numbered.

The argument make_tabs currently has no effect. When I get around to programming this, it will be used for specifying whether tabs for gluing and/or sewing a cardboard model should be drawn, too.

          Icosahedron::draw_net(2, false);

[Figure 198. Not displayed.]

Fig. 198.

Node: Semi-Regular Archimedean Polyhedra, Previous: Regular Platonic Polyhedra, Up: Polyhedron Reference

Semi-Regular Archimedean Polyhedra

Once I've added class Octahedron, the only Platonic polyhedron I haven't programmed yet, I plan to start adding classes for the semi-regular Archimedean polyhedra.

Node: Truncated Octahedron, Previous: Semi-Regular Archimedean Polyhedra, Up: Semi-Regular Archimedean Polyhedra

Truncated Octahedron

Class Trunc_Octahedron is defined in polyhed.web. It is derived from Polyhedron using public derivation.

Trunc_Octahedron does not yet have a functioning constructor, so it cannot be used as yet.

Node: Truncated Octahedron Data Members, Next: , Previous: Truncated Octahedron, Up: Truncated Octahedron

Data Members

real angle_hex_square Protected static const variable
The angle between the hexagonal and the square faces of the truncated octahedron, namely 125 degrees 16' .

real angle_hex_hex Protected static const variable
The angle between the hexagonal faces of the truncated octahedron, namely 109 degrees 28' .

real hexagon_radius Protected variable
The radius of the circle enclosing a hexagonal or square face of the Trunc_Octahedron.

Node: Truncated Octahedron Constructors and Setting Functions, Next: , Previous: Truncated Octahedron Data Members, Up: Truncated Octahedron

Constructors and Setting Functions

void Trunc_Octahedron (void) Default constructor
Creates an empty Trunc_Octahedron.

void Trunc_Octahedron (const Point& p, const real diameter_of_hexagon, [real angle_x = 0, [real angle_y = 0, [real angle_z = 0]]]) Constructor
This function does not yet exist! When it does, it will create a Trunc_Octahedron with its center at the origin, where the hexagonal and square faces have enclosing circles of diameter diameter_of_hexagon. If any of angle_x, angle_y, or angle_z is non-zero, the Trunc_Octahedron will be rotated by the amounts specified around the corresponding axes. Finally, if p is not the origin, the Trunc_Octahedron will be shifted such that center comes to lie at p.

Node: Truncated Octahedron Net, Previous: Truncated Octahedron Constructors and Setting Functions, Up: Truncated Octahedron


vector<Reg_Polygon*> get_net (const real hexagon_diameter, [bool do_half = false]) Static function
This function does not yet exist! When it does, it will return the net, i.e., the two-dimensional pattern of hexagons and squares that can be folded into a model of a truncated octahedron. The net will lie in the x-z plane. The hexagons and squares will have enclosing circles of diameter hexagon_diameter. If the argument do_half is true, only the first half of the net will be created. This will be used in the non-default constructor. See Polyhedron Reference; Regular Platonic Polyhedra; Truncated Octahedron Constructors and Setting Functions.

Node: Utility Functions, Next: , Previous: Polyhedron Reference, Up: Top

Utility Functions

double trunc (double d) Function
Defined in pspglb.web. For some reason, when I compile 3DLDF using GNU CC on a PC Pentium II XEON under Linux 2.4.4 i686, the standard library function trunc() is not available. Therefore, I've had to write one. This is a kludge! Someday, I'll have to try to find a better solution to this problem.

pair<real, real> solve_quadratic (real a, real b, real c) Function
Defined in pspglb.web. This function tries to find the solutions S_0 and S_1 to the quadratic equation ax^2 + bx + c according to the formulae S_0 == -b + sqrt(b^2 - 4ac) / 2a) and S_1 == -b - sqrt( b^2 - 4ac) / 2a. Let r stand for the return value. If S_0 cannot be found, r.first will be INVALID_REAL, otherwise S_0. If S_1 cannot be found, r.second will be INVALID_REAL, otherwise S_1.
          (x + 4)(x + 2) = x^2 + 6x + 8 = 0
          real_pair r = solve_quadratic(1, 6, 8);
          => r.first == -2
          => r.second == -4
          real_pair r = solve_quadratic(1, -2, 4);
          => r.first == INVALID_REAL
          => r.second == INVALID_REAL

Node: Perspective Functions, Previous: Utility Functions, Up: Utility Functions

Perspective Functions

void persp_0 (const real front_corner_x, const real front_corner_z, const real side_lft, const real side_rt, const real angle_rt, const real f_2_cv, const real gl_2_cv, [const real horizon_lft = 6, [real horizon_rt = 0, [real gl_lft = 0, [real gl_rt = 0]]]]) Function
Defined in utility.web. This function is used for the figure in The Perspective Projection, illustrating a perspective projection as it could be done by hand. It draws a rectangle in the ground plane and the construction lines used for putting it into perspective. It also labels the vanishing and measuring points.

The arguments:

const real front_corner_x
The x-coordinate of the front corner of the rectangle.
const real front_corner_z
The z-coordinate of the front corner of the rectangle.
const real side_lft
The length of the left side of the rectangle.
const real side_rt
The length of the right side of the rectangle.
const real angle_rt
The angle at which the right side of the rectangle recedes to the horizon.
const real f_2_cv
The distance from the focus to the center of vision.
const real gl_2_cv
The distance of the ground line to the center of vision.
const real horizon_lft
Default: 6. The length of the horizon line leftwards of the center of vision.
real horizon_rt
Default: 0. The length of the horizon line rightwards of the center of vision.
real gl_lft
Default: 0. The length of the ground line leftwards of the line from the focus to the center of vision.
real gl_rt
Default: 0. The length of the ground line rightwards of the line from the focus to the center of vision.


          persp_0(3, 2, 10, 5, 47.5, 7, 5, 8.5, 9.5, 8.5, 9.5);

[Figure 199. Not displayed.]

Fig. 199.

Node: Adding a File, Next: , Previous: Utility Functions, Up: Top

Adding a File

Version 1.1.1 was the first version of 3DLDF since it became a GNU package (the current version is In previous versions, recompilation was controlled by an auxilliary program, which I wrote in C++ using CWEB. However, in the course of making 3DLDF conformant to the GNU Coding Standards46, this has been changed. Recompilation is now controlled by make, as is customary. The chapter "Compiling" in previous editions of this manual, is therefore no longer needed.

Nonetheless, using CWEB still has consequences for the way recompilation must be handled, and it was fairly tricky getting make to work for 3DLDF. Users who only put code in main.web and/or change code in existing files won't have to worry about this; for others, this chapter explains how to add files to 3DLDF.

Let's say you want to add a file widgets.web that defines a class Widget, and that the latter needs access to class Rectangle, and is in turn required by class Ellipse. Code must be added to 3DLDF- for ctangling widgets.web, compiling widgets.cxx, and linking widgets.o with the other object files to make the executable 3dldf.

The best way to do this is to change 3DLDF- and use Automake to generate a new Makefile.in. Then, configure can be used to generate a new Makefile. It would be possible to modify Makefile by hand, but I don't recommend it. The following assumes that the user has access to Automake. If he or she is using a GNU/Linux system, this is probably true.47

widgets.web must be added between rectangs.web and ellipses.web in the following variable declaration in 3DLDF-

     3dldf_SOME_CWEBS = pspglb.web io.web colors.web transfor.web \
                        shapes.web pictures.web points.web \
                        lines.web planes.web paths.web curves.web \
                        polygons.web rectangs.web ellipses.web \
                        circles.web patterns.web solids.web
                        solfaced.web cuboid.web polyhed.web \
                        utility.web parser.web examples.web

Now, add widgets.o between ellipses.o and rectangs.o in the following variable declaration:

     3dldf_OBS_REVERSED = main.o examples.o parser.o utility.o \
                          polyhed.o cuboid.o  solfaced.o solids.o \
                          patterns.o circles.o ellipses.o rectangs.o \
                          polygons.o curves.o paths.o \
                          planes.o lines.o points.o pictures.o shapes.o
                          transfor.o colors.o io.o pspglb.o

3dldf_OBS_REVERSED is needed, because 3DLDF fails with a "Segmentation fault", if the executable is linked using $(3dldf_OBJECTS). This may cause problems, if 3dldf isn't built using the GNU C++ compiler (GCC).

Now add a target for widgets.o between the targets for rectangs.o and ellipses.o, and add widgets.tim after rectangs.tim in the list of prerequisites for ellipses.o:

     rectangs.o: loader.tim pspglb.tim io.tim colors.tim transfor.tim \
              shapes.tim pictures.tim points.tim lines.tim planes.tim \
              paths.tim curves.tim polygons.tim rectangs.cxx
     ellipses.o: loader.tim pspglb.tim io.tim colors.tim transfor.tim \
              shapes.tim pictures.tim points.tim lines.tim planes.tim \
              paths.tim curves.tim polygons.tim rectangs.tim ellipses.cxx

This is the result:

     rectangs.o: loader.tim pspglb.tim io.tim colors.tim transfor.tim \
              shapes.tim pictures.tim points.tim lines.tim planes.tim \
              paths.tim curves.tim polygons.tim rectangs.cxx
     widgets.o: loader.tim pspglb.tim io.tim colors.tim transfor.tim \
              shapes.tim pictures.tim points.tim lines.tim planes.tim \
              paths.tim curves.tim polygons.tim rectangs.tim \
     ellipses.o: loader.tim pspglb.tim io.tim colors.tim transfor.tim \
              shapes.tim pictures.tim points.tim lines.tim planes.tim \
              paths.tim curves.tim polygons.tim rectangs.tim widgets.tim \

In addition, widgets.tim must be added to the list of prerequisites in all of the following targets up to and including examples.o.

Node: Future Plans, Next: , Previous: Adding a File, Up: Top

Future Plans

3DLDF is a work-in-progress. In fact, it can never be finished, because the supply of interesting geometric constructions is inexhaustible. However, presently 3DLDF still has a number of major gaps.

If you're interesting in contributing to 3DLDF, with respect to one of the topics below and in the following sections, or if you have ideas of your own, see Contributing to 3DLDF.

Node: Geometry, Next: , Previous: Future Plans, Up: Future Plans


3DLDF currently provides a set of basic plane and solid geometrical figures. However, some important ones are still missing. There are many useful geometrical data types and functions whose implementation would require no more than elementary geometry.

Node: Curves and Surfaces, Next: , Previous: Geometry, Up: Future Plans

Curves and Surfaces

3D modelling software usually supports the creation and manipulation of various kinds of spline curves: Bézier curves, B-splines, and non-uniform rational B-splines or NURBS. These curves can be used for generating surfaces.50

paths in Metafont and MetaPost are Bézier curves. It would be possible to implement three-dimensional Bézier curves in 3DLDF, but unfortunately they are not projectively invariant:

Let c_0 represent a Bézier curve in three dimensions, P the control points of c_0, and t a projection transformation. Further, let Q represent the points generated from applying t to P, and c_1 the curve generated from Q. Finally, let R represent the points generated from applying t to all of the points on c_0, and c_2 the curve through R: c_1 \not\equiv c_2.

NURBS, on the other hand, are projectively invariant,51 so I will probably concentrate on implementing them. On the other hand, it would be nice to be able to implement Metafont's way of specifying paths using `curl', `tension', and `dir' in 3DLDF. This may prove to be difficult or impossible. I do not yet know whether Metafont's path creation algorithm can be generalized to three dimensions.52

Curves and surfaces are advanced topics, so it may be a while before I implement them in 3DLDF.

Node: Shadows, Next: , Previous: Curves and Surfaces, Up: Future Plans

Shadows, Reflections, and Rendering

Shadows and reflections are closely related to transformations and projections. A shadow is the projection of the outline of an object onto a surface or surfaces, and reflection in a plane is an affine transformation.

3D rendering software generally implements shadows, or more generally, shading, reflections, and certain other effects using methods involving the calculation of individual pixel values. Surface hiding is also often implemented at the pixel level. 3DLDF does no scan converting ((see Accuracy), and hence no calculation of pixel values at all, so these methods cannot be used in 3DLDF at present.

However, it is possible to define functions for generating shadows and reflections within 3DLDF by other means.

I have defined the function Point::reflect() for reflecting a Point in a Plane, and have begun definining versions for other classes.

However, in order for reflections to work, I must define functions for breaking up objects into smaller units. This is also necessary for surface hiding to work properly.

For MetaPost output, I will have to implement shadows, reflections, and surface hiding in this way. However, 3DLDF could be made to produce output in other formats. There are two possibilities: implementing rendering functionality within 3DLDF, or interfacing to existing rendering software. If I decide to do the latter, there are again two possibilities: having 3DLDF write output in a format that a renderer can input, or linking to a library supplied by a rendering package.

I haven't yet decided which course to pursue. However, in the long run, I'd like it to be possible to use 3DLDF for fancier graphics than is currently possible using MetaPost and PostScript alone.

Node: Multi-Threading, Previous: Shadows, Up: Future Plans


When 3DLDF is run, there is only one thread of execution. However, it could benefit from the use of multiple threads. In particular, it may be faster and more efficient to have Picture::output() run in its own thread. In this case, it will no longer be possible to share current_picture among figures.

It may also be worthwhile to execute the code for "figures", i.e., the code between beginfig() and endfig(), inclusive, in their own threads. This will require some changes in the way data are handled. For example, if non-constant objects are shared among figures, there may be no advantage to multi-threading because of the need to coordinate the access of the threads to the objects. If threads are used, then non-constant objects should be declared locally within the figure. They may be locally declared copies of global objects. Alternatively, beginfig() could be changed so that objects could be passed to it as arguments, perhaps as a vector<void*> and/or a vector<Shape*>.

Node: Changes, Next: , Previous: Future Plans, Up: Top


Updated 18 July 2007.

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Node: Changes in 3DLDF 1.1.5, Next: , Previous: Changes in 3DLDF, Up: Changes

3DLDF 1.1.5

In release 1.1.5, I've tied up some loose ends. I wanted to do this before starting on the input routine.

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Node: Changes in 3DLDF 1.1.4, Next: , Previous: Changes in 3DLDF, Up: Changes

3DLDF 1.1.4

Node: Initial version, Previous: Changes in 3DLDF 1.1.4, Up: Changes

3DLDF 1.1.1

3DLDF 1.1.1 was the first version of 3DLDF since it became a GNU package (the current version is It is now conformant to the GNU Coding Standards, except that a functioning 3DLDF.info cannot be generated from 3DLDF.texi. The distribution now includes a configure script, Makefile.in files, and other files generated by Autoconf and Automake. Recompilation is now handled by make rather than the auxilliary program 3DLDFcpl. The files 3DLDFcpl.web and 3DLDFprc.web have been removed from the distribution.

The extension of the C++ files generated by ctangle is changed from c to cxx before they are compiled. After ctangle is run on a CWEB file, <filename>.c is compared to the old <filename>.cxx using diff. Whitespace, comments, and #line preprocessor commands are ignored. The <filename>.c is only renamed to <filename>.cxx and compiled if they differ. This way, changes to the TeX text only in a CWEB file no longer cause recompilation and relinking.

The main Texinfo file is now called 3DLDF.texi. It was formerly called 3DLDFman.texi. This is because Automake expects this name. For this reason, the CWEB file passed as an argument to cweave has been renamed 3DLDFprg.web. It was formerly called 3DLDF.web.

Node: Bibliography, Next: , Previous: Changes, Up: Top


Cundy, H. Martyn and A.P. Rollet. Mathematical Models. Oxford 1961. Oxford University Press.

     Unfortunately out of print.

Finston, Laurence D. 3DLDF: The Program. Göttingen 2003.

Fischer, Gerd. Ebene algebraische Kurven. Vieweg Studium. Aufbaukurs Mathematik. Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn Verlagsgesellschaft mbH. Braunschweig/Wiesbaden 1994.

Gill, Robert W. Creative Perspective. London 1975. Thames and Hudson Ltd. ISBN 0-500-27056-2.

Harbison, Samuel P., and Guy L. Steele Jr. C, A Reference Manual. Prentice Hall. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 1995. ISBN 0-13-326232-4 {Case}. ISBN~0-13-326224-3 {Paperback}.

Hobby, John D. Smooth, Easy to Compute Interpolating Splines. Discrete and Computational Geometery 1(2). Springer-Verlag. New York 1986.

Hobby, John D. A User's Manual for MetaPost. AT & T Bell Laboratories. Murray Hill, NJ. No date.

Jones, Huw. Computer Graphics through Key Mathematics. Springer-Verlag London Limited 2001. ISBN 1-85233-422-3.

Knuth, Donald Ervin. Metafont: The Program. Computers and Typesetting; D. Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. Reading, Massachusetts 1986. ISBN 0-201-13438-1.

Knuth, Donald Ervin. The METAFONTbook. Computers and Typesetting; C. Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. Reading, Massachusetts 1986.

Knuth, Donald Ervin. TeX: The Program. Computers and Typesetting; B. Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. Reading, Massachusetts 1986. ISBN 0-201-13437-3.

Knuth, Donald E. The TeXbook. Computers and Typesetting; A. Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. Reading, Massachusetts 1986.

Knuth, Donald E. and Silvio Levy. The CWEB System of Structured Documentation. Version 3.64--February 2002.

Rokicki, Tomas. Dvips: A DVI-to-PostScript Translator for version 5.66a. February 1997. http://dante.ctan.org/CTAN/dviware/dvips/

Salomon, David. Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling. Berlin 1999. Springer-Verlag. ISBN: 0-387-98682-0.

Stallman, Richard M. and Roland McGrath. GNU Make. A Program for Directing Recompilation. make Version 3.79. Boston 2000. Free Software Foundation, Inc. ISBN: 1-882114-80-9.

Stallman, Richard M. Using and Porting the GNU Compiler Collection. For GCC Version 3.3.2. Boston 2003. Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Stroustrup, Bjarne. The C++ Programming Language. Special Edition. Reading, Massachusetts 2000. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-70073-5.

Stroustrup, Bjarne. The Design and Evolution of C++ . Reading, Massachusetts 1994. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. ISBN 0-201-54330-3.

Vredeman de Vries, Jan. Perspective. New York 1968. Dover Publications, Inc. Standard Book Number: 486-21086-4.

     The beautiful perspective constructions in this volume are taken from
     the original work, first published by Henricus Hondius in Leiden in 1604
     and 1605.

White, Gwen. Perspective. A Guide for Artists, Architects and Designers. London 1968 and 1982. B T Batsford Ltd. ISBN 0-7134-3412-0.

Node: GNU Free Documentation License, Next: , Previous: Bibliography, Up: Top

GNU Free Documentation License

Version 1.2, November 2002
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    This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that derivative works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft license designed for free software.

    We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free software, because free software needs free documentation: a free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.


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    The "Invariant Sections" are certain Secondary Sections whose titles are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the notice that says that the Document is released under this License. If a section does not fit the above definition of Secondary then it is not allowed to be designated as Invariant. The Document may contain zero Invariant Sections. If the Document does not identify any Invariant Sections then there are none.

    The "Cover Texts" are certain short passages of text that are listed, as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice that says that the Document is released under this License. A Front-Cover Text may be at most 5 words, and a Back-Cover Text may be at most 25 words.

    A "Transparent" copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy, represented in a format whose specification is available to the general public, that is suitable for revising the document straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images composed of pixels) generic paint programs or (for drawings) some widely available drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to text formatters or for automatic translation to a variety of formats suitable for input to text formatters. A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file format whose markup, or absence of markup, has been arranged to thwart or discourage subsequent modification by readers is not Transparent. An image format is not Transparent if used for any substantial amount of text. A copy that is not "Transparent" is called "Opaque".

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Data Type and Variable Index

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Function Index

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Concept Index


  1. ctangle creates <filename>.c from <filename>.web, so the compiler must compile the C++ files using the -x c++ option. Otherwise, it would handle them as if they contained C code.

  2. If you want to try generating the illustrations yourself, you can save a little run-time by calling tex 3DLDF.texi the first time, rather than texi2dvi. The latter program runs TeX twice, because it needs two passes in order to generate the contents, indexing, and cross reference information (and maybe some other things, too).

  3. Knuth, Donald E. The TeXbook. Computers and Typesetting; A. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. Reading, Massachusetts 1986.

  4. Rokicki, Tomas. Dvips: A DVI-to-PostScript Translator February 1997. Available from CTAN. See Sources of Information.

  5. "<...> METAFONT deals only with numbers in a limited range: A numeric token must be less than 4096, and its value is always rounded to the nearest multiple of 1 / 65536." Knuth, The METAFONTbook, p. 50.

  6. Scan conversion is the process of digitizing geometric data. The ultimate result is a 2 X 2 map of pixels, which can be used for printing or representing the projection on a computer screen. The number of pixels per a given unit of measurement is the resolution of a given output device, e.g., 300 pixels per inch.

  7. Knuth, The METAFONTbook, Chapter 14, p. 127.

  8. Flex is a program for generating text scanners and Bison is a parser generator. They are available from http://www.gnu.org.

  9. Affine transformations are operations that have the property that parallelity of lines is maintained. That is, if two lines (each determined by two points) are parallel before the transformation, they will also be parallel after the transformation. Affine transformations are discussed in many books about computer graphics and geometry. For 3DLDF, I've mostly used Jones, Computer Graphics through Key Mathematics and Salomon, Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling.

  10. I try to avoid the use of preprocessor macros as much as possible, for the reasons given by Stroustrup in the The C++ Programming Language, section 7.8, pp. 160-163, and Design and Evolution of C++ , Chapter 18, pp. 423-426. However, conditional compilation is one of the tasks that only the preprocessor can perform.

  11. It is unfortunate that the terms "array", "matrix", and "vector" have different meanings in C++ and in normal mathematical usage. However, in practice, these discrepancies turn out not to cause many problems. Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language, section 22.4, p. 662.

  12. In fact, none of the operations for transformations require all of the elements of a 4 X 4 matrix. In many 3D graphics programs, the matrix operations are modified to use smaller transformation matrices, which reduces the storage requirements of the program. This is a bit tricky, because the affine transformations and the perspective transformation use different elements of the matrix. I consider that the risk of something going wrong, possibly producing hard-to-find bugs, outweighs any benefits from saving memory (which is usually no longer at a premium, anyway). In addition, there may be some interesting non-affine transformations that would be worth implementing. Therefore, I've decided to use full 4 X 4 matrices in 3DLDF.

  13. Pens are a concept from Metafont. In 3DLDF, there is currently no type "Pen". Pen arguments to functions are simply strings, and are written unaltered to out_stream. For more information about Metafont's pens, see Knuth, The Metafontbook, Chapter 4.

  14. Colors are declared in the namespace Colors, so if you have a "using" declaration in the function where you use drawdot(), you can write "black" instead of "Colors::black". For more information about namespaces, see Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language, Chapter 8.

  15. "A reference is an alternative name for an object. The main use of references is for specifying arguments and return values for functions in general and for overloaded operators (Chapter 11) in particular." Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language, section 5.5, p. 97.

  16. I believe that counter-examples could probably constructed, but for the most common cases, the principle applies.

  17. It's easy to forget to use Point* arguments, rather than plain Point arguments, and to forget to end the list of arguments with 0. If plain Point arguments are used, compilation fails with GCC. With the DEC compiler, compilation succeeds, but a memory fault error occurs at run-time. If the argument list doesn't end in 0, neither compiler signals an error, but a memory fault error always occurs at run-time.

  18. Knuth, The METAFONTbook, Chapter 14, p. 127.

  19. Namespaces are described in Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language, Chapter 8.

  20. There are many books on linear perspective for artists. I've found Gwen White's Perspective. A Guide for Artists, Architects and Designers to be particularly good. Vredeman de Vries, Perspective contains beautiful examples of perspective constructions.

  21. (I believe the following to be correct, but I'm not entirely sure.) Let vector v be the line of sight. By definition, the plane of projection will be a plane p, such that vector v is normal to p. Let q_0 and q_1 be planes such that q_0 == q_1 or q_0 || q_1, and q_0 is perpendicular to p. It follows that q_1 is perpendicular to p. Let l_0 and l_1 be lines, such that l_0 != l_1, l_0 || l_1, l_0 lies within q_0, l_1 lies within q_1, l_0 is perpendicular to vector v, and l_1 is perpendicular to vector v. Under these circumstances, the projections of l_0 and l_1 in p will also be parallel.

  22. I believe this to be true, but I'm not certain.

  23. The books on computer graphics and the fairly elementary mathematics books that I own or have referred to don't go into intersections very deeply. One that does is Fischer, Gerd. Ebene Algebraische Kurven, which is a bit over my head.

  24. Stallman, Richard M. Using and Porting the GNU Compiler Collection, p. 285.

  25. Hobby, A User's Manual for MetaPost, pp. 21-22.

  26. Rokicki, Dvips: A DVI-to-PostScript Translator, p. 24.

  27. Knuth, Donald E. The Metafontbook, p. 66.

  28. If your system supplies an unsigned integer type with the same length as long double, then you can instantiate get_second_largest<long double>() and call get_second_largest<long double>(LDBL_MAX). However, I doubt that this amount of precision would be worthwhile. If it ever were required, 3DLDF would have to be changed in other ways, too. In particular, it would have to use more precise trigonometric functions for rotations. See Accuracy.

  29. For that matter, I haven't really tested whether 0.00001 is a good value when real is float.

  30. For a person, not in the sense of the program behaving unpredictably.

  31. label() and dotlabel() are currently only defined for Point and Path (and the latter's derived classes), i.e., not for Solid and its derived classes.

  32. Actually, it's printed to standard output even if it is the empty string, you just don't see it.

  33. It's unlikely that Points will lie on a Plane, unless the user constructs the case specially. In [next figure] , the coordinates for B and C were found by using Plane::intersection_point(). See Planes; Intersections.

  34. For that matter, I haven't really tested whether 0.00001 is a good value when real is float.

  35. Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language, p. 96.

  36. It isn't sufficient to check whether a Path consists of only two Points to determine whether it is a line or not, since a connector with "curl" could cause it to be non-linear. On the other hand, Paths containing only colinear Points and the connector "--" are perfectly legitimate lines. I'm in the process of changing all of the code that tests for linearity by checking the value of line_switch, so that it uses is_linear() instead. When I've done this, it may be possible to eliminate line_switch. See Path Reference; Data Members, and Path Reference; Querying.

  37. Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language, p. 88.

  38. Where possible, I prefer to use the C++ data type string rather than char*, however it was necessary to use char* here because 0 is not a valid string, even though string may be implemented as char*, and 0 must be a valid argument, since it is needed to indicate the end of the argument list.

  39. Hobby, A User's Manual for MetaPost, p. 32.

  40. Knuth, The METAFONTbook, Chapter 4, p. 21ff. Hobby, A User's Manual for MetaPost, p. 32.

  41. The usual interpretation of "" as a position argument to a labelling command would be to put it directly onto *(Label.pt), which in this case would put it onto the arrowhead. Since this will probably never be desirable, I've decided to use "" to suppress drawing axes. Formerly, draw_axes() used three additional arguments for this purpose.

  42. The following example shows only one Point per line. In actual use, two Points are shown, but this causes overfull boxes in Texinfo.

  43. Reg_Polygon and Rectangle are currently the only classes derived from Polygon.

  44. If you don't know what "overfull boxes" are, don't worry about it. It has to do with TeX's line and page breaking algorithms. If you want to know more, see Knuth, Donald E., The TeXbook.

  45. Albrecht Dürer invented this method of constructing polyhedra.

  46. The GNU Coding Standards are available at http://www.gnu.org/prep/standards_toc.html.

  47. Automake is available for downloading from http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/automake/. The Automake website is at http://www.gnu.org/software/automake/.

  48. Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language, &sect;15.2 "Multiple Inheritance", pp. 390-92.

  49. Cundy and Rollet, Mathematical Models, Chapter 3, "Polyhedra", pp. 76-160.

  50. Huw Jones, Computer Graphics through Key Mathematics, and David Salomon, Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling, are my main sources of information about spline curves.

  51. Jones, Huw. Computer Graphics through Key Mathematics, p. 282.

  52. Knuth, Donald Ervin. The METAFONTbook, p. 130, and Hobby, John D. Smooth, Easy to Compute Interpolating Splines. Discrete and Computational Geometery 1(2).