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Typedefs and Utility Structures

point_pair first second typedef
Synonymous with pair<Point, Point>.

bool_point b pt struct
b is a bool and pt is a Point. bool_point also contains two constructors and an assignment operator, described below.

void bool_point (void) Default constructor
Creates a bool_point and sets b to false and pt to INVALID_POINT.

void bool_point (bool bb, const Point& ppt) Default constructor
Creates a bool_point and sets b to bb and pt to ppt.

void bool_point::operator= (const bool_point& bp) Assignment operator
Sets b to bp.b and pt to

bool_point_pair first second typedef
Synonymous with pair <bool_point, bool_point>.

bool_point_quadruple first second third fourth struct
This structure contains four bool_points. It also has two constructors and an assignment operator, described below.

void bool_point_quadruple (void) Default constructor
Creates a bool_point_quadruple, and sets first, second, third, and fourth all to INVALID_BOOL_POINT.

void bool_point_quadruple (bool_point a, bool_point b, bool_point c, bool_point d) Constructor
Creates a bool_point_quadruple and sets first to a, second to b, third to c, and fourth to d.

void bool_point_quadruple::operator= (const bool_point_quadruple& arg) Assignment operator
Makes *this a copy of arg.

bool_real_point b r pt struct
b is a bool, r is a real, and pt is a Point. bool_real_point also contains three constructors and an assignment operator, described below.

void bool_real_point (void) Default constructor
Creates a bool_real_point and sets b to false, r to INVALID_REAL and pt to INVALID_POINT.

void bool_real_point (const bool_real_point& brp) Copy constructor
Creates a bool_real_point and sets b to brp.b, r to brp.r, and pt to

void bool_real_point (const bool& bb, const real& rr, const Point& ppt) Constructor
Creates a bool_real_point and sets b to bb, r to rr, and pt to ppt.

void bool_real_point::operator= (const bool_real_point& brp) Assignment operator
Makes *this a copy of brp.