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Adds support cvs targets within your Makefile.

Branching and releasing relies on you using the following version format:


where MAJOR is the major version number, MINOR is the minor version number and POINT is the point release number.

make update

  performs a cvs update

make commitlog

  Generates a ChangeLog template with the modified, added
  and removed files and opens it up for editing. This is
  not normally used directly, but is instead called by
  commit. It is useful however if you want to document
  the work you have done, but don't want to commit just

make commit

  performs a cvs commit after first performing a cvs
  update and generating a commit log.

make cvs-rm FILES="file1 file2 ..."

  removes a file or files specified by the FILES
  variable from the file system and from cvs. It will
  interactively ask you to confirm the file removal,
  unless the file does not exist on the file system.

make cvs-add FILES="file1 file2 ..."

  adds a file or files specified by the FILES variable
  to cvs.

make branch-major

  creates a branch based on the major version number,
  increments the major version number, sets the minor
  and point versions to zero and checks out the branch
  into a new directory.

make branch-minor

  creates a branch based on the minor version number,
  increments the minor version, sets the point version
  to zero number and checks out the branch into a new

make release

  performs a cvs update, followed by a distcheck, then
  creates a release for the current version, increments
  the point release number and checks out the release
  into a new directory

make quick-release

  same as release, but distcheck is not performed

Source Code

Download the latest version of ax_cvs.m4 or browse the macro’s revision history.


Copyright © 2009 Tom Howard

Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, without any warranty.

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