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4.1 Initializing configure

Every configure script must call AC_INIT before doing anything else. The only other required macro is AC_OUTPUT (see Output).

— Macro: AC_INIT (package, version, [bug-report], [tarname], [url])

Process any command-line arguments and perform various initializations and verifications.

Set the name of the package and its version. These are typically used in --version support, including that of configure. The optional argument bug-report should be the email to which users should send bug reports. The package tarname differs from package: the latter designates the full package name (e.g., ‘GNU Autoconf’), while the former is meant for distribution tar ball names (e.g., ‘autoconf’). It defaults to package with ‘GNU ’ stripped, lower-cased, and all characters other than alphanumerics and underscores are changed to ‘-’. If provided, url should be the home page for the package.

It is preferable that the arguments of AC_INIT be static, i.e., there should not be any shell computation, but they can be computed by M4.

The following M4 macros (e.g., AC_PACKAGE_NAME), output variables (e.g., PACKAGE_NAME), and preprocessor symbols (e.g., PACKAGE_NAME), are defined by AC_INIT:

Exactly package.
Exactly tarname, possibly generated from package.
Exactly version.
Exactly ‘package version’.
Exactly bug-report, if one was provided.
Exactly url, if one was provided. If url was empty, but package begins with ‘GNU ’, then this defaults to ‘’, otherwise, no URL is assumed.

If your configure script does its own option processing, it should inspect ‘$@’ or ‘$*’ immediately after calling AC_INIT, because other Autoconf macros liberally use the set command to process strings, and this has the side effect of updating ‘$@’ and ‘$*’. However, we suggest that you use standard macros like AC_ARG_ENABLE instead of attempting to implement your own option processing. See Site Configuration.