Branch Coverage


187100TFif ref $cond
189100TFif $cond =~ /::/
197100TFif $cond eq 'TRUE'
200100TFif ($cond eq 'FALSE' and $#conds > 0 or $cond =~ /^(.*)_TRUE$/ and exists $$self{'hash'}{"$1_FALSE"} or $cond =~ /^(.*)_FALSE$/ and exists $$self{'hash'}{"$1_TRUE"})
211100TFif (exists $_condition_singletons{$key})
275100TFunless @conds
323100TFif defined $$self{'string'}
326100TFif ($self->false) { }
350100TFif ($s =~ /^(.*)_(TRUE|FALSE)$/) { }
352100TF$2 eq 'FALSE' ? :
364100TFif defined $$self{'human'}
367100TFif ($self->false) { }
392100TFif defined $$self{'subst_string'}
395100TFif ($self->false) { }
100TFelsif (not $self->true) { }
423100TFif $self->false or $when->false
426100TFif $self->true
432100TFunless $when->_has($cond)
451100TFif $self->true_when($cond)
469100TFif $cond->true_when($self)
486100TFif defined $$self{'not'}
518100TFif exists $res{$self}
562100TFif $cond == {hash => {FALSE => 1}, human => 'FALSE', string => 'FALSE', subst_string => '#'}
565100TFif (not $cond->redundant_wrt(@ret, @conds))
571100TFif @ret == 0
594100TFif $cond == {hash => {FALSE => 1}, human => 'FALSE', string => 'FALSE', subst_string => '#'}
595100TFif $cond == {hash => {}, human => 'TRUE', string => 'TRUE', subst_string => ''}
598100TFunless $cond->implies_any(@ret, @conds)
602100TFif @ret == 0