Branch Coverage


4450TFif exists $ENV{'DJDIR'}
1160TFif (defined $self->_finish)
1250TFif (defined $self->_target_hook)
13750TFif ($perl_threads)
11170TFif $_ eq '.' or $_ eq ''
11180TFif ($_ eq '..') { }
11210TFunless pop @res
11620TFif (option('silent-rules'))
11670TFif not vardef $silent_var, {hash => {}, string => 'TRUE'}
11810TFif option('silent-rules')
12000TFif (option('silent-rules'))
12240TFif ($var)
12260TFif ($var->has_conditional_contents)
12350TFif process_option_list $loc, $value
12400TFif option('silent-rules')
12430TFif ($strictness == 2)
12640TFif ($var->has_conditional_contents)
12810TFif option('ansi2knr')
12990TFif ($var)
13030TFif ($var->rdef($cond)->owner == 2)
13180TFif (not option('no-dependencies')) { }
13220TFif (&saw_sources_p(0) and keys %dep_files)
13680TFunless $extension_map{$ext}
13760TF$pfx eq '' ? :
13780TFoption('no-dependencies') || $lang->autodep eq 'no' ? :
14010TFif (not option('no-dependencies') and $lang->autodep ne 'no' or defined $lang->compile)
14070TFif not $output_flag and $lang->name eq 'c' and option('subdir-objects')
14350TFoption('subdir-objects') ? :
14680TFif defined $seen_files{$obj}
14710TFunless defined $lang->compile
14820TFif set_seen $val
14870TFif ($lang->libtool_tag and exists $libtool_tags{$lang->libtool_tag})
14930TFunless set_seen $ptltflags
15040TFif $depbase eq '.'
15060TFunless $depbase eq ''
15630TFif ($lang->ansi and $obj =~ /\$U/)
15650TFif not $source =~ /\$U/
15710TFif ($objdir ne $srcdir)
16270TFif defined $done{$lang}
16450TFif $lang->compile
16480TFif $lang->link
16610TFif $lang->link
16690TFif $need_link or suffix_rules_count > 1
16720TFif ($needs_c)
16740TFunless defined $done{$languages{'c'}}
17020TFif not $val =~ /(?:\$\(EXEEXT\)$|^[\@]\w+[\@]$)/ and &$pred($val)
17230TFif ($var) { }
0TFelsif ($prefix eq '') { }
17380TFif defined $libsources{$file}
17760TFif (/^\@.*\@$/)
17790TFif $topparent ne $var->name
17930TFif not m[^(?:(.*)/)?([^/]*)($KNOWN_EXTENSIONS_PATTERN)$]
18160TFif ($extension_map{$extension} and $lang = $languages{$extension_map{$extension}}) { }
0TFelsif ($extension eq $nonansi_obj) { }
18250TFif $nonansi_obj eq '.lo'
18280TFif (set_seen("${derived}_$flag"))
18470TFif $r == 0
18530TFif (defined $source_extension) { }
0TFelsif ($lang->ansi) { }
18680TFif ($have_per_exec_flags)
18830TFif ($var)
18930TFif not defined $lang->compile
19010TFif ($r == 2 and $directory ne '')
19350TFif ($renamed or $directory ne '' and not option('subdir-objects') or $lang->nodist_specific and not $transform{'DIST_SOURCE'})
19440TFif ($directory ne '') { }
19530TFif ($lang->ansi and option('ansi2knr'))
19590TF$derived_source ? :
19700TFif ($renamed) { }
19950TFif $directory ne ''
20090TFif defined $object_map{$object} and $object_map{$object} ne $full
20130TF$object =~ /\.lo$/ ? :
20160TFif (defined $object_compilation_map{$comp_obj} and $object_compilation_map{$comp_obj} != 0 and $object_compilation_map{$comp_obj} != 3 and $object_compilation_map{$comp_obj} != $comp_val)
20270TFif (defined $lang)
20330TFif ($derived_source)
20350TFif $lang->autodep ne 'no'
20420TFunless $topparent =~ /^(?:nobase_)?nodist_/
20510TFif (not defined $object_map{$object})
20580TFif ($object =~ m[/])
20650TFif ($lang and $lang->name eq 'java' and $object =~ m[(/|^)\.\./])
20740TFif ($object =~ /\.lo$/)
20880TFunless option('no-dependencies')
20930TFif scalar @dep_list > 0
20990TFif ($lang and $lang->autodep ne 'no')
21490TFif @trans
21770TFif reject_var $one_file . '_OBJECTS', $one_file . '_OBJECTS should not be defined'
21880TFunless $var
21930TF$prefix eq '' ? :
21960TFunless $prefix =~ /EXTRA_/
22000TFunless option('no-dist') or $prefix =~ /^nodist_/
22110TFif ($needlinker)
22170TFif (scalar @keys == 0) { }
22240TF$ext_var ? :
22250TFif $default_source_ext =~ /[\t ]/
22280TFif ($old_default_source ne $default_source and not $ext_var and rule $old_default_source || rule('$(srcdir)/' . $old_default_source) || rule('${srcdir}/' . $old_default_source) || -f $old_default_source)
22460TFif (rule('$(srcdir)/' . $default_source) or rule('${srcdir}/' . $default_source))
22720TFif ($linker eq '')
22940TFunless $var
22960TFunless $varname =~ /^(.*)(?:LIB|LD)ADD$/
23100TFif ($val =~ /^-/) { }
0TFelsif (not $val =~ /^\@.*\@$/) { }
0TFelsif ($val =~ /^\@(LT)?LIBOBJS\@$/) { }
0TFelsif ($val =~ /^\@(LT)?ALLOCA\@$/) { }
23130TFif (not $val =~ /^-[lL]/ and not $val =~ /^-dl(?:pre)?open$/ and not $flagvar)
23770TFif ($config_libobj_dir and $relative_dir ne $config_libobj_dir)
23800TFif (option('subdir-objects')) { }
23860TFif $config_libobj_dir ne '.'
23870TFif $relative_dir ne '.'
23920TFif $var =~ s/^LT//
24070TF$lt ? :
24100TFif not keys %libsources
24170TFif ($iter =~ /\.[cly]$/)
24230TFif ($iter =~ /\.h$/) { }
0TFelsif ($iter ne 'alloca.c') { }
24350TFif (not $bs or not grep /$rewrite/, $bs->value_as_list_recursive)
24460TF$lt ? :
24720TFif ($xname ne $name)
24900TFunless $get_object_extension_was_run
24940TFif (not option('nostdinc'))
24990TFif ($var)
25170TFif ($compile_clean_files{$item} == 0) { }
0TFelsif ($compile_clean_files{$item} == 2) { }
25410TFif (option('ansi2knr'))
25500TFif ($ansi2knr_filename eq 'ansi2knr') { }
25770TFunless var('LIBTOOL')
25820TFif $relative_dir eq '.' and not $libtool_new_api
25880TF$item eq '.' ? :
26090TFif not @proglist
26340TFif (var($xname . '_LDADD')) { }
26450TFif (var('LDADD'))
26760TFif ($seen_libobjs or $seen_global_libobjs)
26780TFif (var($xname . '_LDADD')) { }
0TFelsif (var('LDADD')) { }
26980TFif not @liblist
27030TFif (@prefix)
27200TFif (not $bn =~ /^lib.*\.a$/)
27420TFif (not var($xlib . '_AR'))
27490TFif (var($xlib . '_LIBADD')) { }
27510TFif (&handle_lib_objects($xlib, $xlib . '_LIBADD'))
27840TFif ($seen_libobjs)
27860TFif (var($xlib . '_LIBADD'))
28020TFif not @liblist
28070TFif (@prefix)
28230TFif ($dir =~ /^nobase_/)
28400TFif not $strip_subdir
28440TFif (exists $instconds{$val}) { }
28490TFif ($msg)
28520TF$strip_subdir ? :
28530TFif $dir eq 'EXTRA' or $dir eq 'noinst' or $dir eq 'check'
28550TF$full_cond->true ? :
28640TFif $adir eq 'EXTRA' or $adir eq 'noinst' or $adir eq 'check'
28670TF$acond->true ? :
28690TF$dir ne $adir ? :
29100TFif ($ldvar and grep /-module/, $ldvar->value_as_list_recursive or $ldvar2 and grep /-module/, $ldvar2->value_as_list_recursive)
29180TFif (not $bn =~ /$libname_rx$/)
29210TFif ($libname_rx eq '\\.la') { }
29480TFif (var($xlib . '_LIBADD')) { }
29500TFif (&handle_lib_objects($xlib, $xlib . '_LIBADD'))
29760TFif ($instdirs{$onelib}{$rcond} eq 'EXTRA' or $instdirs{$onelib}{$rcond} eq 'noinst' or $instdirs{$onelib}{$rcond} eq 'check') { }
29900TFif defined $instsubdirs{$onelib}{$rcond}
29930TFif ($rcond->true) { }
30210TFif ($seen_libobjs)
30230TFif (var($xlib . '_LIBADD'))
30430TFif exists $configure_vars{$varname}
30480TFunless $var->rdef($cond)->seen
31110TFif (/^\@setfilename +(\S+)/) { }
0TFelsif (/^\@include\s+(vers[^.]*\.texi)\s*$/) { }
0TFelsif (/^\@def(code)?index (\w+)/) { }
0TFelsif (/^\@syn(code)?index (\w+) (\w+)/) { }
31160TFif $outfile
31190TFif ($outfile =~ /\.([^.]+)$/ and $1 ne 'info')
31510TFif (not $outfile)
31940TFif ($sdir eq '.' and dirname($dest) eq '.') { }
32120TFunless $insrc
32260TF$generic && $dsfx ? :
32320TF$insrc ? :
32340TF$generic ? :
0TF$generic_info ? :
32720TFif $d
32730TFif $c
32830TFif ($infobase eq $texi)
32940TFunless my($out_file, $vtexi, @clean_files) = scan_texinfo_file("$relative_dir/$texi")
33040TFif $outdir eq './'
34060TF$out_file =~ /$user_cleaned_files/ ? :
34090TFif $insrc
34140TFif $vtexi
34170TFif (var($canonical . '_TEXINFOS'))
34300TFif ($vtexi)
34320TFif defined $versions{$vtexi}
34400TF$done ? :
34440TFif ($config_aux_dir_set_in_configure_ac) { }
34560TFif ($config_aux_dir_set_in_configure_ac) { }
34780TFif (var('TEXINFO_TEX')) { }
0TFelsif (option('cygnus')) { }
0TFelsif ($config_aux_dir_set_in_configure_ac) { }
35050TFif (not option('no-installinfo'))
35260TFif ($need_texi_file and not option('no-texinfo.tex'))
35280TFif ($need_texi_file > 1) { }
35570TFif ($info_texinfos)
35940TFif (var $varname)
35980TFif ($npfx eq 'notrans_') { }
36090TFif $pfx eq 'dist_'
36160TFif ($var)
36210TFif (/\.([0-9a-z])([a-z]*)$/)
36240TFif ($npfx eq 'notrans_') { }
36360TFif ($npfx eq 'notrans_') { }
36440TFif $pfx eq 'dist_'
36500TFunless %sections
36710TFif ($varname =~ /$expr/)
36780TFif ($varname =~ /$expr/)
37090TFunless option('no-installman')
37270TFif (var('SUBDIRS'))
37520TFif (&saw_sources_p(1) or var('ETAGS_ARGS') or @tag_deps) { }
0TFelsif (reject_var 'TAGS_DEPENDENCIES', "doesn't make sense to define `TAGS_DEPENDENCIES'without\nsources or `ETAGS_ARGS'") { }
37640TFif $relative_dir eq dirname($in)
37950TFif ($seen_multilib and $relative_dir eq '.')
38120TFif ($rule)
38390TFif $a eq $b
38410TFif $a eq 'README'
38430TFif $b eq 'README'
38590TFif ($subdirs)
38720TFif (var('DIST_SUBDIRS')) { }
0TFelsif ($subdirs->has_conditional_contents) { }
38910TFif option('no-dist')
38940TFif ($relative_dir eq '.')
38960TFoption('no-dist-gzip') ? :
38990TFunless $archive_defined
39090TFif ($relative_dir eq '.' and $config_aux_dir_set_in_configure_ac)
39120TFif (not &is_make_dir($config_aux_dir))
39190TFif (dir_has_case_matching_file $relative_dir, $cfile or rule $cfile)
39280TFif ($check_aux and dir_has_case_matching_file $config_aux_dir, $cfile)
39390TFif ($relative_dir eq '.')
39430TFunless is_make_dir(dirname($file))
39710TFif user_phony_rule('dist-hook')
39760TF$flm ? :
39930TFunless -d "$relative_dir/$dir"
40120TFif $dir eq 'obj'
40180TFif grep /^\Q$dir\E$/i, ('aux', 'lpt1', 'lpt2', 'lpt3', 'com1', 'com2', 'com3', 'com4', 'con', 'prn')
40470TFunless $subdirs
40520TFif $dsubdirs
40710TFif (-f 'aclocal.m4')
40820TFif (set_seen('ACLOCAL_M4_SOURCES'))
41020TFif var $token
41320TFif (dirname($single) eq $relative_dir) { }
41590TFif substitute_ac_subst_variables($i) =~ /\$/
41610TFif (exists $ac_config_files_location{$i} and $i ne $file) { }
41640TFif ($di eq $relative_dir) { }
0TFelsif ($relative_dir ne '.') { }
41790TFunless $i =~ /\$/ or exists $output_files{$i} or -f $i
42000TFunless @inputs
42080TFif $colon_infile eq ":$"
42150TFif -f 'aclocal.m4'
42190TFglobal_option('cygnus') ? :
0TFglobal_option('no-dependencies') ? :
42220TF$relative_dir eq '.' ? :
42360TFif ($relative_dir eq '.')
42380TFif -f 'acconfig.h'
42560TFif ($relative_dir eq $config_h_dir or $relative_dir eq '.' and not &is_make_dir($config_h_dir))
42600TFif ($relative_dir eq $config_h_dir) { }
42680TFif ($config_h_dir eq '.') { }
42820TFif substitute_ac_subst_variables($config_h_path) =~ /\$/
42860TFif (-f $config_h_path . '.top')
42900TFif (-f $config_h_path . '.bot')
42980TFif (-f 'acconfig.h')
43180TFif @distclean_config
43270TFif (-f $mkidpath) { }
43520TFif ($relative_dir eq dirname($out)) { }
43610TFif @config_h
43730TFif ($lfile =~ /^([^:]*):(.*)$/) { }
43870TFif -f $file . '.am'
43980TFif ($fd ne $relative_dir)
44000TFif ($relative_dir eq '.' and not &is_make_dir($fd)) { }
44130TFif substitute_ac_subst_variables($local) =~ /\$/
44170TFif (defined $cond)
44230TF$relative_dir eq '.' ? :
44410TFunless $file
44450TFif (not substitute_ac_subst_variables($link) =~ /\$/)
44530TFif ($fd ne $relative_dir)
44550TFif ($relative_dir eq '.' and not &is_make_dir($fd)) { }
44640TFif ($file ne $link) { }
44660TFif $local
44700TFif $local
44750TFif (not substitute_ac_subst_variables($file) =~ /\$/)
44820TFif ($fd eq $relative_dir or $relative_dir eq '.' and not &is_make_dir($fd))
45080TFunless $$_[1] =~ /\..*$/
45150TFif not $seen_gettext or $relative_dir ne '.'
45190TFif (not $subdirs)
45420TFif (-d 'po')
45460TFif not grep(($_ eq 'po'), @subdirs)
45520TFif not $seen_gettext_external && !$seen_gettext_intl and not grep(($_ eq 'intl'), @subdirs)
45590TFif $seen_gettext_external and not $seen_gettext_intl and grep(($_ eq 'intl'), @subdirs)
45810TFif (@suffixes or $suffixes)
45900TF$suffixes ? :
46080TFset_seen('BUILT_SOURCES') ? :
0TFuser_phony_rule('installdirs-local') ? :
46360TFif dirname($out) eq $relative_dir
46410TFif user_phony_rule('all-local')
46510TFif var('BUILT_SOURCES')
46560TFif dirname($out) eq $relative_dir
46600TFif (@local_headers) { }
46680TFvar('SUBDIRS') ? :
46770TFvar('SUBDIRS') ? :
46890TFif user_phony_rule('check-local')
46930TFif (option('cygnus')) { }
47040TFif (@check)
47110TFif (@check_tests)
47200TFvar('BUILT_SOURCES') ? :
0TFvar('SUBDIRS') ? :
47260TFif var('BUILT_SOURCES')
47400TFif var('CLEANFILES')
47480TFif var('BUILT_SOURCES')
47600TFunless exists $rms{$when}
47650TFif $file =~ /^\s*\$(\(.*\)|\{.*\})\s*$/
47890TFif $a eq $b
47930TFif ($a1 ne $b1)
47950TFif $b1 eq '.'
47960TFif $a1 eq '.'
48330TFunless s/-am$//
48340TFif user_phony_rule("$_-local")
48420TFif (user_phony_rule("$_-hook"))
48590TFunless @{$dependencies{$_};} or $actions{$_} or $required_targets{$_}
48720TFif ($_ ne '.PHONY' and $_ ne '.MAKE')
48830TFif defined $actions{$_}
49020TFif (option('dejagnu')) { }
49150TFif (var('TESTS'))
49250TFif var('XFAIL_TESTS')
49280TFif (option('parallel-tests'))
49350TFif ($handle_exeext)
49430TFif ($handle_exeext)
49450TFunless $test_suffixes[0] eq $at_exeext
49550TFif $val =~ /^\@.*\@$/
49590TFif ($val =~ m[(\$\((top_)?srcdir\))/]o)
49680TFif $test_suffix eq $at_exeext or $test_suffix eq ''
49690TFif substr($obj, -length($test_suffix)) eq $test_suffix
49930TFif ($test_suffix eq $last_suffix) { }
50060TFif ($test_suffix ne $at_exeext and $test_suffix ne '')
50140TF$handle_exeext ? :
50410TFif not @elfiles
50630TFif not @pyfiles
50760TFif not @sourcelist
50850TFif $curs eq 'EXTRA'
50870TFif defined $dir
51000TFif (option('readme-alpha'))
51020TFif ($relative_dir eq '.')
51040TFif (not $package_version =~ /^$GNITS_VERSION_PATTERN$/)
51100TFif (defined $1 and -f 'README-alpha')
51320TFunless @inputs
51500TFif ($file =~ /^(.*)\.in$/ and -f "$")
51730TFif $_ eq '\\' or $_ eq ''
51770TFunless @rest
51780TFif $local =~ m[^\./]
51830TFif ($input) { }
51950TFif @cond_stack
52670TFunless exists $traced{$macro}
52710TFif ($#args < $traced{$macro})
52780TFif ($macro eq 'AC_CANONICAL_BUILD') { }
0TFelsif ($macro eq 'AC_CANONICAL_HOST') { }
0TFelsif ($macro eq 'AC_CANONICAL_TARGET') { }
0TFelsif ($macro eq 'AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR') { }
0TFelsif ($macro eq 'AC_CONFIG_FILES') { }
0TFelsif ($macro eq 'AC_CONFIG_HEADERS') { }
0TFelsif ($macro eq 'AC_CONFIG_LIBOBJ_DIR') { }
0TFelsif ($macro eq 'AC_CONFIG_LINKS') { }
0TFelsif ($macro eq 'AC_FC_SRCEXT') { }
0TFelsif ($macro eq 'AC_INIT') { }
0TFelsif ($macro eq 'AC_LIBSOURCE') { }
0TFelsif ($macro eq 'AC_REQUIRE_AUX_FILE') { }
0TFelsif ($macro eq 'AC_SUBST_TRACE') { }
0TFelsif ($macro eq 'AM_AUTOMAKE_VERSION') { }
0TFelsif ($macro eq 'AM_CONDITIONAL') { }
0TFelsif ($macro eq 'AM_ENABLE_MULTILIB') { }
0TFelsif ($macro eq 'AM_GNU_GETTEXT') { }
0TFelsif ($macro eq 'AM_GNU_GETTEXT_INTL_SUBDIR') { }
0TFelsif ($macro eq 'AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE') { }
0TFelsif ($macro eq 'AM_MAINTAINER_MODE') { }
0TFelsif ($macro eq 'AM_PROG_CC_C_O') { }
0TFelsif ($macro eq 'AM_SILENT_RULES') { }
0TFelsif ($macro eq '_AM_COND_IF') { }
0TFelsif ($macro eq '_AM_COND_ELSE') { }
0TFelsif ($macro eq '_AM_COND_ENDIF') { }
0TFelsif ($macro eq '_AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE') { }
0TFelsif ($macro eq 'm4_include' or $macro eq 'm4_sinclude' or $macro eq 'sinclude') { }
0TFelsif ($macro eq 'LT_SUPPORTED_TAG') { }
0TFelsif ($macro eq '_LT_AC_TAGCONFIG') { }
52800TFif ($seen_canonical <= 1)
52880TFif ($seen_canonical <= 2)
53010TFif ($seen_init_automake)
53460TFif $suffix eq 'f90' or $suffix eq 'f95' or $suffix eq 'f03' or $suffix eq 'f08'
53510TFif (defined $args[2])
53640TFunless exists $required_aux_file{$args[1]}
53710TFif $args[1] =~ /^\w+$/
53760TFif $VERSION ne $args[1]
54080TFif (defined $args[2]) { }
0TFelsif (defined $args[1]) { }
54150TFif process_global_option_list $where, split(' ', $args[1], 0)
54350TFif $depth != 1
54410TFif $depth != 1
54470TFif $depth != 1
54590TFif $macro ne 'm4_include' and not -f $args[1]
54660TFunless $here =~ m[^(?:\w:)?[\\/]]
54690TFif (-e $args[1])
54720TFif $mtime > $configure_deps_greatest_timestamp
54870TFif (0 == keys %libtool_tags)
54950TFif @cond_stack
55160TFif (-e 'aclocal.m4')
55190TFif $mtime > $configure_deps_greatest_timestamp
55270TFif (not @input_files)
55340TFif (not $seen_init_automake) { }
55440TFif (not $seen_automake_version)
55460TFif (-f 'aclocal.m4') { }
55750TFis_make_dir($config_aux_dir) ? :
55810TFif (dirname($ins[0]) eq $auxdirdist) { }
55970TFif not is_make_dir($auxdirdist)
56090TFif -f $config_aux_dir . '/'
56230TFunless $cygnus
56300TFif not $seen_maint_mode
56370TFif ($relative_dir eq '.')
56480TFif (-f $_)
56540TFunless $license
56600TFif option $opt
56690TFif ($relative_dir eq '.')
56950TFoption('subdir-objects') ? :
57030TFif (option('ansi2knr') and $base =~ /_$/)
57100TFif (option('subdir-objects')) { }
57130TFif ($directory and $directory ne '.')
57190TFunless $seen_cc_c_o or $nonansi_obj eq '.lo'
57330TF$directory eq '.' || $directory eq '' ? :
57380TFif (not $seen_cc_c_o and $have_per_exec_flags and not option('subdir-objects') and $nonansi_obj ne '.lo')
58870TFif ($file =~ /^(.*)\.[cly]$/ and -f "$relative_dir/$file")
58930TFif (option('ansi2knr') and keys %de_ansi_files)
59170TFif var('LIBTOOL')
59230TFif dirname($base) ne '.'
59410TFif ($var)
59450TFif $file =~ s/(.*)\.vala$/$1.c/
59560TFif ($flags)
59610TFif (grep /$lastflag/, ('-H', '-h', '--header', '--internal-header', '--vapi', '--internal-vapi', '--gir'))
59850TFif set_seen $val
60470TFif ($flagvar and $flagvar->variable_value =~ /$DASH_D_PATTERN/o or $YFLAGSvar and $YFLAGSvar->variable_value =~ /$DASH_D_PATTERN/o)
60720TFif $transform{'DIST_SOURCE'}
61040TFif defined $language_scratch{'lex-yacc-done'}
61140TFif defined $language_scratch{'yacc-done'}
61250TFif defined $language_scratch{'lex-done'}
61420TFif defined $linkers{$l}
61510TFif (not defined $extension_seen{$ext}) { }
61720TFif ($name eq 'yacc' or $name eq 'yaccxx') { }
0TFelsif ($name eq 'lex' or $name eq 'lexxx') { }
61910TFif defined $extension_seen{$ext}
62120TFif (not $headers)
6230100TFunless defined $option{'ansi'}
6232100TFunless defined $option{'autodep'}
6234100TFunless defined $option{'linker'}
6236100TFunless defined $option{'flags'}
6239100TFunless defined $option{'output_extensions'}
6240100TFunless defined $option{'nodist_specific'}
6249100TFif ($link)
6251100TFif (exists $link_languages{$link}) { }
625350TFif $lang->link ne $link_languages{$link}->link
63190TFunless $cond =~ /^TRUE|FALSE$/
63210TFif $negate
63470TFif (not $configure_cond{$cond} and not $cond =~ /^TRUE|FALSE$/)
63510TFif (exists $_am_macro_for_cond{$cond})
63550TF$mac =~ / / ? :
63770TFif (not @cond_stack)
63870TFif (defined $cond)
63910TFif $cond_stack[$#cond_stack] ne $cond
64080TFif (not @cond_stack)
64150TFif (defined $cond)
64190TFif $cond_stack[$#cond_stack] ne $cond
64500TFif (not vardef $var, $cond)
64950TFif exists $ignored_configure_vars{$var}
65010TFif $var eq 'ANSI2KNR'
65180TFif $lang->libtool_tag and exists $libtool_tags{$lang->libtool_tag}
65210TFif (var('LIBTOOL'))
65410TFif $lang->libtool_tag and exists $libtool_tags{$lang->libtool_tag}
65470TFif (var('LIBTOOL'))
65630TFif set_seen("${target}_LINK")
65660TF$linker ? :
65690TFunless $lang
65730TFif (var('LIBTOOL'))
65760TFif $lang->libtool_tag and exists $libtool_tags{$lang->libtool_tag}
65890TFif var('LIBTOOL')
65930TFif set_seen $val
65990TFif $link_command eq $orig_command
66170TFif $$line =~ /$IGNORE_PATTERN/o
66200TFif $$line =~ s/\\\s+\n$/\\\n/
66420TFif $mtime > $output_deps_greatest_timestamp
66590TFif (/$IGNORE_PATTERN/o) { }
0TFelsif (/$WHITE_PATTERN/o) { }
0TFelsif (/$COMMENT_PATTERN/o) { }
66650TFif $saw_bk
66710TFif ($comment ne '')
66810TFunless $blank
67150TFunless $seen_maint_mode
67200TFif (/$IGNORE_PATTERN/o) { }
0TFelsif (/$WHITE_PATTERN/o) { }
0TFelsif (/$COMMENT_PATTERN/o) { }
0TFelsif ($saw_bk) { }
0TFelsif (/$IF_PATTERN/o) { }
0TFelsif (/$ELSE_PATTERN/o) { }
0TFelsif (/$ENDIF_PATTERN/o) { }
0TFelsif (/$RULE_PATTERN/o) { }
0TFelsif (/$INCLUDE_PATTERN/o) { }
67310TFif $saw_bk
67360TFif $saw_bk and $prev_state != 2
67460TFif ($prev_state == 1) { }
0TFelsif ($prev_state == 2) { }
67660TFunless $last_var_value =~ /\s$/
67700TFif (not /\\$/)
67720TFif $cond != {hash => {FALSE => 1}, string => 'FALSE'}
68210TFif ($3 ne '' and substr($3, -1) eq '\\')
68400TFif length $last_var_value >= 1000
68420TFif (not /\\$/)
68440TFif $cond != {hash => {FALSE => 1}, string => 'FALSE'}
68570TFif ($path =~ s[^\$\(top_srcdir\)/][]) { }
68790TFif $relative_dir ne '.'
68960TFif $_ =~ /^\t\s*\#/
69060TFif $saw_bk
69090TF@cond_stack ? :
0TFif "@saved_cond_stack" ne "@cond_stack"
69400TFif scalar variables() > 0
69870TFunless defined $res
70070TFif ($token =~ /^%([\w\-]+)%$/) { }
0TFelsif ($token =~ /^%([\w\-]+)(?:\?([^?:%]+))?(?::([^?:%]+))?%$/) { }
0TFelsif ($token =~ /^%\?([\w\-]+)%$/) { }
0TFelsif ($token =~ /^ \? (!?) ([\w\-]+) \? $/x) { }
70140TFtransform_token($token, $transform, $1) ? :
70190TFtransform_token($token, $transform, $1) ? :
70240TF$1 eq '!' ? :
70260TF!!$val == $neg ? :
70460TF$seen_maint_mode ? :
70780TFif (not defined $_)
71140TFif (/$RULE_PATTERN/mos) { }
0TFelsif (/$COMMENT_PATTERN/mos) { }
71760TFif /\\$/
71780TFif /\\#/
71810TFif (/^$/) { }
0TFelsif (/$COMMENT_PATTERN/mos) { }
0TFelsif (/$INCLUDE_PATTERN/o) { }
0TFelsif (/$IF_PATTERN/o) { }
0TFelsif (/$ELSE_PATTERN/o) { }
0TFelsif (/$ENDIF_PATTERN/o) { }
0TFelsif (/$RULE_PATTERN/mos) { }
0TFelsif (/$ASSIGNMENT_PATTERN/mos) { }
71970TFif ($cond != {hash => {FALSE => 1}, string => 'FALSE'})
71990TF$is_am ? :
72640TFif (defined $dependencies{$_} and $cond != {hash => {FALSE => 1}, string => 'FALSE'}) { }
72730TF$is_am ? :
72830TFif (scalar @undefined_conds == 0)
72990TFif /\\$/
73040TF$is_am ? :
0TFif $cond != {hash => {FALSE => 1}, string => 'FALSE'}
73170TFif (not $cond->false and not $is_rule && $discard_rule)
73260TF@cond_stack ? :
0TFif "@saved_cond_stack" ne "@cond_stack"
73830TFif $def and $def->owner != 2
73870TFif ($varname =~ /^(nobase_)?(dist_|nodist_)?(.*)_[[:alnum:]]+$/) { }
73900TFif ($dist ne '' and not $can_dist) { }
0TFelsif (not defined $valid{$X} and exists $standard_prefix{$X}) { }
0TFelsif (not defined $valid{$X} and $var->requires_variables("`${varname}' is used", "${X}dir")) { }
74500TFif ($args[0] eq '-noextra') { }
0TFelsif ($args[0] eq '-candist') { }
0TFelsif ($args[0] eq '-defaultdist') { }
0TFelsif (not $args[0] =~ /^-/) { }
74770TFunless $primary eq 'JAVA' or $primary eq 'PYTHON'
74980TFif ($nodir_name =~ /^nobase_/)
75060TFif ($can_dist)
75260TFif ($value =~ /^\@.*\@$/) { }
75280TFif ($nodir_name eq 'EXTRA') { }
0TFelsif (not defined $configure_vars{$one_name}) { }
75390TFif $do_require
75500TFif $primary eq 'PROGRAMS'
75580TFif $primary eq 'PROGRAMS'
75640TFif $nodir_name eq 'EXTRA'
75660TFif ($nodir_name eq 'check') { }
75880TFif $dist_p and $one_var->has_conditional_contents
76090TFif (@used and $primary ne 'JAVA' and $primary ne 'PYTHON')
76160TFif $require_extra and not var('EXTRA_' . $primary)
76220TFif @used and $primary ne 'JAVA' and $primary ne 'PYTHON'
76500TFif (not $make_dirs_set)
76590TFif ($iter =~ /Makefile\.in$/)
76760TFif (not $config_aux_dir_set_in_configure_ac)
76830TFif (-f "$dir/install-sh")
76890TFunless $config_aux_dir
76930TF$config_aux_dir eq '.' ? :
77060TFif ($dir eq $relative_dir) { }
0TFelsif ($relative_dir eq '.' and not &is_make_dir($dir)) { }
77430TFif $dir =~ m[^\.\.(?:$|/)]
77720TFif (-l $fullfile and not -f $fullfile) { }
0TFelsif (dir_has_case_matching_file $dir, $file) { }
77840TFif ($found_it and !$add_missing || !$force_missing) { }
77950TFif (not $found_it)
77970TFif defined $required_file_not_found{$fullfile}
78010TFif ($strictness >= $mystrict)
78030TFif ($dangling_sym and $add_missing)
78150TFif ($add_missing) { }
78170TFif (-f "$libdir/$file")
78270TFif ($file eq 'COPYING')
78380TFif -f $fullfile
78390TFif ($symlink_exists and not $copy_missing) { }
0TFelsif (system 'cp', "$libdir/$file", $fullfile) { }
78410TFif (not symlink "$libdir/$file", $fullfile or not -e $fullfile)
78560TFif (not maybe_push_required_file(dirname($fullfile), $file, $fullfile))
78590TFif (not $found_it and not $automake_will_process_aux_dir)
78740TFif -f "$libdir/$file"
78810TFif $found_it and $force_missing
78870TFif not $suppress and rule $file
78890TF$suppress ? :
79080TFunless ref $macro
79190TFunless ref $macro
79200TFif ($config_libobj_dir) { }
79400TFif (ref $where) { }
79590TFif ($loc_key eq 'location') { }
0TFelsif ($loc_key eq 'string') { }
79960TFif (defined $required_conf_file_queue) { }
80300TFif exists $directory_map{$directory}
80340TFif (exists $directory_map{$cdir})
80700TFif ($directory ne '.') { }
80850TFif $handle_dist_run
81270TFif (handle_options())
81410TFif ($v)
81440TFunless $def
81460TFif $def->owner != 0
81520TFif var('INCLUDES')
81610TFif var('DIST_SUBDIRS') and not var('SUBDIRS')
81850TFif (not option('no-dist'))
82120TFif (var('lib_LTLIBRARIES') and var('bin_PROGRAMS'))
82160TFif (var('nobase_lib_LTLIBRARIES') and var('bin_PROGRAMS'))
82330TFif ($exit_code != 0)
82390TFif (not -d $output_directory . '/' . $am_relative_dir)
82620TFif (not $force_generation and $configure_deps_greatest_timestamp < $timestamp and $output_deps_greatest_timestamp < $timestamp and $output eq contents $out_file)
82720TFif (-e $out_file)
82740TFunless unlink $out_file
83270TFunless $iter eq $last
83430TFif ($rest) { }
83570TFif $y + 1 == $rows and $x == $rest
83590TF$x > $rest ? :
84430TFunless &Getopt::Long::GetOptions(%cli_options_1st_pass)
84510TFunless &Getopt::Long::GetOptions(%cli_options, 'version', sub { } , 'help', sub { } )
84530TFif (defined $output_directory) { }
84630TFunless @ARGV
84650TFif ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-./)
84700TFif ($k =~ /(.*)=s$/)
84720TFlength $_ == 1 ? :
84760TFif ($ARGV[0] eq '--') { }
0TFelsif (exists $argopts{$ARGV[0]}) { }
84950TFif $arg eq ''
85000TFunless @rest
85020TFif ($input) { }
85130TFif $errspec and not @input_files
85250TFif (not -f $am_file . '.am') { }
85590TFunless $nthreads =~ /^[0-9]+$/
85660TFif ($automake_will_process_aux_dir and $max_threads > 1)
85700TFif ($nthreads > $max_threads)
85950TFif ($automake_will_process_aux_dir)
86420TFif ($key eq 'msg') { }
0TFelsif ($key eq 'conf file') { }
86600TFif $exit_thread[0] > $exit_code
86650TFif ($automake_will_process_aux_dir)
86850TFif (not @input_files)
86880TFif -f ''
86950TFif ($perl_threads and $nthreads >= 1) { }