Branch Coverage


33350TFif (exists $$hash{$_}) { }
342100TFif ($$hash{'ordered'})
34450TFif $$hash{'type'} eq 'fatal'
34650TFif $$hash{'backtrace'}
3880TFif exists_channel $name
4080TFif (ref $location) { }
4360TFif $file ne \*STDERR
4530TFif ($to_filter ne '')
4570TFif ($uniq_scope == 0) { }
0TFelsif ($uniq_scope == 1) { }
4710TFif (exists $$dups{$to_filter}) { }
49750TFif $opts{'silent'}
5000TFif ($opts{'partial'}) { }
5150TFif ($opts{'uniq_part'} ne 0)
5180TFif ($opts{'uniq_part'} eq 1) { }
0TFelsif ($opts{'uniq_part'} eq 2) { }
5330TFif ($opts{'uniq_scope'} == 0) { }
0TFelsif ($opts{'uniq_scope'} == 1) { }
5470TFif (exists $$dups{$to_filter}) { }
5580TFif ($opts{'ordered'} and $opts{'queue'}) { }
62650TFif (not defined $message)
63250TFunless exists $channels{$channel}
63750TFif (exists $buffering{$opts{'type'}})
64450TFif (_print_message $location, $message, %opts)
6470TFif ($opts{'type'} eq 'error' or $opts{'type'} eq 'fatal' or $opts{'type'} eq 'warning' and $warnings_are_errors)
6520TFif $es > $exit_code
6560TFif $opts{'backtrace'}
6570TFif ($opts{'type'} eq 'fatal')
67650TFunless exists $channels{$name}
6920TFif $channels{$channel}{'type'} eq $type
7820TFif $channels{$channel}{'ordered'}