Branch Coverage


2410TFref $var ? :
2540TFref $var ? :
2730TFif ($v)
3180TFif ($suffix) { }
3200TFif (exists $_primary_dict{$suffix}) { }
3630TFif exists $_variable_dict{$name}
3880TFif $v
4070TFunless $v
4500TFif ($name =~ /_([[:alnum:]]+)$/)
4720TFif ($message and not $def && $def->pretty == 2)
4920TFif (not $self->conditions->true)
4940TFif ($parent) { }
5200TFunless @conds
5290TFunless $def
5340TFif $def->pretty == 2
5390TF$def->type eq ':' ? :
5430TFif ($def->pretty == 0) { }
0TFelsif ($def->pretty == 1) { }
5610TFif $wrap =~ /\n(\s*\@\w+@)+\s*$/
6070TFif ($vcond->true_when($cond))
6130TFif $onceflag
6520TFif $options{'location'}
6860TFif not $full_cond->true
6910TFif ($@)
6930TFif ref $@ and $@->isa('Automake::Condition')
7710TFif (not $var =~ /$_VARIABLE_PATTERN/o)
7770TFif $var =~ / /
7800TFif ($var =~ /$_VARIABLE_RECURSIVE_PATTERN/o) { }
8340TFunless ref $cond
8370TFunless ref $where
8400TFunless defined $pretty and $pretty == 0 || $pretty == 1 || $pretty == 2 || $pretty == 3
8460TFif not $var =~ /$_VARIABLE_PATTERN/o
8530TFif $type eq ':'
8590TFif ($comment) { }
8720TF$def ? :
8750TFif ($owner == 0 and not $new_var)
8790TFif ($def->type ne $type and $def->owner == 0)
8910TFif ($def->owner != 0)
8930TFif (not exists $_silent_variable_override{$var})
8950TF$cond == {hash => {}, string => 'TRUE'} ? :
9120TFif ($type eq '+' and not $new_var) { }
0TFelsif ($type eq '+' and not $self->conditions->false) { }
9190TFif $owner > $def->owner
9500TFif ($cond != {hash => {}, string => 'TRUE'})
9590TFif ($appendvar and $condstr eq $appendvarcond) { }
9950TFif (not $undef_cond->false) { }
10190TFunless not $new_var and $def->owner == 0 && $owner != 0 || $def->owner == 1
10250TFif not $new_var and $owner < $def->owner
10400TFif exists $_hooks{$var}
10540TFif (not @conds) { }
10650TFif ($var =~ /_([[:alnum:]]+)$/)
11050TFref $self ? :
11070TFunless $self
11320TFunless $reason eq ''
11390TFif vardef $var, $cond
11430TFif ($v)
11470TFif $undef_cond->false
11550TFif (exists $_am_macro_for_var{$var}) { }
0TFelsif (exists $_ac_macro_for_var{$var}) { }
11630TFunless $mac =~ /^AM_/
12120TFref $var ? :
12130TFunless $v
12160TF$d ? :
12390TFif $v->rdef($cond)->owner == 0
12500TFif $v->rdef($cond)->owner != 0
13400TFif ($$var{'scanned'} == $_traversal)
13510TFif (ref $cond_filter)
13540TFif not $cond->true_when($cond_filter)
13580TFif $cond_once
13730TFif ($val =~ /^\$\{([^\}]*)\}$/ or $val =~ /^\$\(([^\)]*)\)$/) { }
0TFelsif ($inner_expand and $val =~ /\$\{([^\}]*)\}/ || $val =~ /\$\(([^\)]*)\)/) { }
0TFelsif ($skip_ac_subst and $val =~ /^\@.+\@$/) { }
13790TFif $subvarname =~ /\@.*\@/
13840TFif ($subvarname =~ /^([^:]*):([^=]*)=(.*)$/o)
13930TFunless $subvar
14210TFif ($subvar)
14270TFif (ref $cond_filter)
14300TFif not $c->true_when($cond_filter)
14340TFif $cond_once
14540TFif ($fun_item)
14590TFif defined $_substfroms[$substnum]
14710TFif @result
14790TFunless $fun_collect
15590TFif exists $_gen_varname{$base}{$key}
16030TFref $var ? :
16140TFif $nodefine
16210TF$var != $subvar ? :
16270TFif ($generated and not $varname eq $var->name && $key eq _hash_values(@allresults))
16330TFif $varname eq $var->name
16360TFunless @allresults
16430TF$var ? :