ccRTP 2.1.2
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1 // Copyright (C) 2001-2015 Federico Montesino Pouzols <>
2 //
3 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
6 // (at your option) any later version.
7 //
8 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 // GNU General Public License for more details.
12 //
13 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
15 // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
16 //
17 // As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
18 // library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate
19 // templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
20 // this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
21 // file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
22 // the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
23 // invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
24 // the GNU General Public License.
25 //
26 // This exception applies only to the code released under the name GNU
27 // ccRTP. If you copy code from other releases into a copy of GNU
28 // ccRTP, as the General Public License permits, the exception does
29 // not apply to the code that you add in this way. To avoid misleading
30 // anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete
31 // this exception notice from them.
32 //
33 // If you write modifications of your own for GNU ccRTP, it is your choice
34 // whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications.
35 // If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice.
36 //
38 #include "private.h"
39 #include <ccrtp/oqueue.h>
46 {
47  // segment data in packets of no more than 65536 octets.
49 }
52 destList(), destinationLock()
53 {}
56 {
57  TransportAddress* tmp = NULL;
59  for (std::list<TransportAddress*>::iterator i = destList.begin();
60  destList.end() != i; i++) {
61  tmp = *i;
63  try {
64 #endif
65  delete tmp;
67  } catch (...) {}
68 #endif
69  }
71 }
73 bool
75 tpport_t data, tpport_t control)
76 {
77  TransportAddress* addr = new TransportAddress(ia,data,control);
79  destList.push_back(addr);
81  return true;
82 }
84 bool
86 tpport_t dataPort, tpport_t controlPort)
87 {
88  bool result = false;
90  TransportAddress* tmp;
91  for (std::list<TransportAddress*>::iterator i = destList.begin();
92  destList.end() != i && !result; ) {
93  tmp = *i;
94  if ( ia == tmp->getNetworkAddress() &&
95  dataPort == tmp->getDataTransportPort() &&
96  controlPort == tmp->getControlTransportPort() ) {
97  // matches. -> remove it.
98  result = true;
99  destList.erase(i);
100  delete tmp;
101  } else{
102  i++;
103  }
104  }
106  return result;
107 }
109 #ifdef CCXX_IPV6
111 DestinationListHandlerIPV6::DestinationListHandlerIPV6() :
112 destListIPV6(), destinationLock()
113 {}
115 DestinationListHandlerIPV6::~DestinationListHandlerIPV6()
116 {
117  TransportAddressIPV6* tmp = NULL;
118  writeLockDestinationListIPV6();
119  for (std::list<TransportAddressIPV6*>::iterator i = destListIPV6.begin();
120  destListIPV6.end() != i; i++) {
121  tmp = *i;
123  try {
124 #endif
125  delete tmp;
127  } catch (...) {}
128 #endif
129  }
130  unlockDestinationListIPV6();
131 }
133 bool
134 DestinationListHandlerIPV6::addDestinationToListIPV6(const IPV6Address& ia,
135 tpport_t data, tpport_t control)
136 {
137  TransportAddressIPV6* addr = new TransportAddressIPV6(ia,data,control);
138  writeLockDestinationListIPV6();
139  destListIPV6.push_back(addr);
140  unlockDestinationListIPV6();
141  return true;
142 }
144 bool
145 DestinationListHandlerIPV6::removeDestinationFromListIPV6(const IPV6Address& ia,
146 tpport_t dataPort, tpport_t controlPort)
147 {
148  bool result = false;
149  writeLockDestinationListIPV6();
150  TransportAddressIPV6* tmp;
151  for (std::list<TransportAddressIPV6*>::iterator i = destListIPV6.begin();
152  destListIPV6.end() != i && !result; ) {
153  tmp = *i;
154  if ( ia == tmp->getNetworkAddress() &&
155  dataPort == tmp->getDataTransportPort() &&
156  controlPort == tmp->getControlTransportPort() ) {
157  // matches. -> remove it.
158  result = true;
159  destListIPV6.erase(i);
160  delete tmp;
161  } else {
162  i++;
163  }
164  }
165  unlockDestinationListIPV6();
166  return result;
167 }
170 #endif
179 #ifdef CCXX_IPV6
180 DestinationListHandlerIPV6(),
181 #endif
182 DestinationListHandler(), sendLock(), sendFirst(NULL), sendLast(NULL)
183 {
188  sendInfo.packetCount = 0;
189  sendInfo.octetCount = 0;
190  sendInfo.sendSeq = random16(); // random initial sequence number
191  sendInfo.sendCC = 0; // initially, 0 CSRC identifiers follow the fixed heade
192  sendInfo.paddinglen = 0; // do not add padding bits.
193  sendInfo.marked = false;
194  sendInfo.complete = true;
195  // the local source is the first contributing source
196  sendInfo.sendSources[0] = getLocalSSRC();
197  // this will be an accumulator for the successive cycles of timestamp
198  sendInfo.overflowTime.tv_sec = getInitialTime().tv_sec;
199  sendInfo.overflowTime.tv_usec = getInitialTime().tv_usec;
200 }
202 void
204 {
205  OutgoingRTPPktLink* sendnext;
206  // flush the sending queue (delete outgoing packets
207  // unsent so far)
208  sendLock.writeLock();
209  while ( sendFirst ) {
210  sendnext = sendFirst->getNext();
211  delete sendFirst;
212  sendFirst = sendnext;
213  }
214  sendLast = NULL;
215  sendLock.unlock();
216 }
218 bool
219 OutgoingDataQueue::addDestination(const InetHostAddress& ia,
220 tpport_t dataPort, tpport_t controlPort)
221 {
222  if ( 0 == controlPort )
223  controlPort = dataPort + 1;
224  bool result = addDestinationToList(ia,dataPort,controlPort);
225  if ( result && isSingleDestination() ) {
226  setDataPeer(ia,dataPort);
227  setControlPeer(ia,controlPort);
228  }
229  return result;
230 }
232 bool
233 OutgoingDataQueue::addDestination(const InetMcastAddress& ia,
234 tpport_t dataPort, tpport_t controlPort)
235 {
236  if ( 0 == controlPort )
237  controlPort = dataPort + 1;
238  bool result = addDestinationToList(ia,dataPort,controlPort);
239  if ( result && isSingleDestination() ) {
240  setDataPeer(ia,dataPort);
241  setControlPeer(ia,controlPort);
242  }
243  return result;
244 }
246 bool
247 OutgoingDataQueue::forgetDestination(const InetHostAddress& ia,
248 tpport_t dataPort, tpport_t controlPort)
249 {
250  if ( 0 == controlPort )
251  controlPort = dataPort + 1;
253  removeDestinationFromList(ia,dataPort,controlPort);
254 }
256 bool
257 OutgoingDataQueue::forgetDestination(const InetMcastAddress& ia,
258 tpport_t dataPort, tpport_t controlPort)
259 {
260  if ( 0 == controlPort )
261  controlPort = dataPort + 1;
263  removeDestinationFromList(ia,dataPort,controlPort);
264 }
266 #ifdef CCXX_IPV6
267 bool
268 OutgoingDataQueue::addDestination(const IPV6Address& ia,
269 tpport_t dataPort, tpport_t controlPort)
270 {
271  if ( 0 == controlPort )
272  controlPort = dataPort + 1;
273  bool result = addDestinationToListIPV6(ia,dataPort,controlPort);
274  if ( result && isSingleDestinationIPV6() ) {
275  setDataPeerIPV6(ia,dataPort);
276  setControlPeerIPV6(ia,controlPort);
277  }
278  return result;
279 }
281 bool
282 OutgoingDataQueue::forgetDestination(const IPV6Address& ia,
283 tpport_t dataPort, tpport_t controlPort)
284 {
285  if ( 0 == controlPort )
286  controlPort = dataPort + 1;
287  return DestinationListHandlerIPV6::
288  removeDestinationFromListIPV6(ia,dataPort,controlPort);
289 }
291 #endif
293 bool
295 {
296  if(sendFirst)
297  return true;
299  return false;
300 }
304 {
305  struct timeval send, now;
306  uint32 rate;
307  uint32 rem;
309  for(;;) {
310  // if there is no packet to send, use the default scheduling
311  // timeout
312  if( !sendFirst )
313  return schedulingTimeout;
315  uint32 stamp = sendFirst->getPacket()->getTimestamp();
316  stamp -= getInitialTimestamp();
317  rate = getCurrentRTPClockRate();
319  // now we want to get in <code>send</code> _when_ the
320  // packet is scheduled to be sent.
322  // translate timestamp to timeval
323  send.tv_sec = stamp / rate;
324  rem = stamp % rate;
325  send.tv_usec = (1000ul*rem) / (rate/1000ul); // 10^6 * rem/rate
327  // add timevals. Overflow holds the inital time
328  // plus the time accumulated through successive
329  // overflows of timestamp. See below.
330  timeradd(&send,&(sendInfo.overflowTime),&send);
331  SysTime::gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
333  // Problem: when timestamp overflows, time goes back.
334  // We MUST ensure that _send_ is not too lower than
335  // _now_, otherwise, we MUST keep how many time was
336  // lost because of overflow. We assume that _send_
337  // 5000 seconds lower than now suggests timestamp
338  // overflow. (Remember than the 32 bits of the
339  // timestamp field are 47722 seconds under a sampling
340  // clock of 90000 hz.) This is not a perfect
341  // solution. Disorderedly timestamped packets coming
342  // after an overflowed one will be wrongly
343  // corrected. Nevertheless, this may only corrupt a
344  // handful of those packets every more than 13 hours
345  // (if timestamp started from 0).
346  if ( now.tv_sec - send.tv_sec > 5000) {
347  timeval overflow;
348  overflow.tv_sec =(~static_cast<uint32>(0)) / rate;
349  overflow.tv_usec = (~static_cast<uint32>(0)) % rate *
350  1000000ul / rate;
351  do {
352  timeradd(&send,&overflow,&send);
353  timeradd(&(sendInfo.overflowTime),&overflow,
354  &(sendInfo.overflowTime));
355  } while ( now.tv_sec - send.tv_sec > 5000 );
356  }
358  // This tries to solve the aforementioned problem
359  // about disordered packets coming after an overflowed
360  // one. Now we apply the reverse idea.
361  if ( send.tv_sec - now.tv_sec > 20000 ) {
362  timeval overflow;
363  overflow.tv_sec = (~static_cast<uint32>(0)) / rate;
364  overflow.tv_usec = (~static_cast<uint32>(0)) % rate *
365  1000000ul / rate;
366  timersub(&send,&overflow,&send);
367  }
369  // A: This sets a maximum timeout of 1 hour.
370  if ( send.tv_sec - now.tv_sec > 3600 ) {
371  return 3600000000ul;
372  }
373  int32 diff =
374  ((send.tv_sec - now.tv_sec) * 1000000ul) +
375  send.tv_usec - now.tv_usec;
376  // B: wait <code>diff</code> usecs more before sending
377  if ( diff >= 0 ) {
378  return static_cast<microtimeout_t>(diff);
379  }
381  // C: the packet must be sent right now
382  if ( (diff < 0) &&
383  static_cast<microtimeout_t>(-diff) <= getExpireTimeout() ) {
384  return 0;
385  }
387  // D: the packet has expired -> delete it.
388  sendLock.writeLock();
389  OutgoingRTPPktLink* packet = sendFirst;
391  onExpireSend(*(packet->getPacket())); // new virtual to notify
392  delete packet;
393  if ( sendFirst )
394  sendFirst->setPrev(NULL);
395  else
396  sendLast = NULL;
397  sendLock.unlock();
398  }
399  I( false );
400  return 0;
401 }
403 void
404 OutgoingDataQueue::putData(uint32 stamp, const unsigned char *data, size_t datalen)
405 {
406  if ( !data || !datalen )
407  return;
409  size_t step = 0, offset = 0;
410  while ( offset < datalen ) {
411  // remainder and step take care of segmentation
412  // according to getMaxSendSegmentSize()
413  size_t remainder = datalen - offset;
414  step = ( remainder > getMaxSendSegmentSize() ) ?
415  getMaxSendSegmentSize() : remainder;
418  if (pcc == NULL) {
419  pcc = getOutQueueCryptoContext(0);
420  if (pcc != NULL) {
421  pcc = pcc->newCryptoContextForSSRC(getLocalSSRC(), 0, 0L);
422  if (pcc != NULL) {
423  pcc->deriveSrtpKeys(0);
425  }
426  }
427  }
428  OutgoingRTPPkt* packet;
429  if ( sendInfo.sendCC )
430  packet = new OutgoingRTPPkt(sendInfo.sendSources,15,data + offset,step, sendInfo.paddinglen, pcc);
431  else
432  packet = new OutgoingRTPPkt(data + offset,step,sendInfo.paddinglen, pcc);
435  packet->setSeqNum(sendInfo.sendSeq++);
436  packet->setTimestamp(stamp + getInitialTimestamp());
439  if ( (0 == offset) && getMark() ) {
440  packet->setMarker(true);
441  setMark(false);
442  } else {
443  packet->setMarker(false);
444  }
445  if (pcc != NULL) {
446  packet->protect(getLocalSSRC(), pcc);
447  }
448  // insert the packet into the "tail" of the sending queue
449  sendLock.writeLock();
450  OutgoingRTPPktLink *link =
451  new OutgoingRTPPktLink(packet,sendLast,NULL);
452  if (sendLast)
453  sendLast->setNext(link);
454  else
455  sendFirst = link;
456  sendLast = link;
457  sendLock.unlock();
459  offset += step;
460  }
461 }
463 void
464 OutgoingDataQueue::sendImmediate(uint32 stamp, const unsigned char *data, size_t datalen)
465 {
466  if ( !data || !datalen )
467  return;
469  size_t step = 0, offset = 0;
470  while ( offset < datalen ) {
471  // remainder and step take care of segmentation
472  // according to getMaxSendSegmentSize()
473  size_t remainder = datalen - offset;
474  step = ( remainder > getMaxSendSegmentSize() ) ?
475  getMaxSendSegmentSize() : remainder;
479  OutgoingRTPPkt* packet;
480  if ( sendInfo.sendCC )
481  packet = new OutgoingRTPPkt(sendInfo.sendSources,15,data + offset,step,sendInfo.paddinglen, pcc);
482  else
483  packet = new OutgoingRTPPkt(data + offset,step,sendInfo.paddinglen, pcc);
486  packet->setSeqNum(sendInfo.sendSeq++);
487  packet->setTimestamp(stamp + getInitialTimestamp());
490  if ( (0 == offset) && getMark() ) {
491  packet->setMarker(true);
492  setMark(false);
493  } else {
494  packet->setMarker(false);
495  }
496  if (pcc != NULL) {
497  packet->protect(getLocalSSRC(), pcc);
498  }
499  dispatchImmediate(packet);
500  delete packet;
501  offset += step;
502  }
503 }
506 {
508  if ( isSingleDestination() ) {
509  TransportAddress* tmp = destList.front();
510  // if going from multi destinations to single destinations.
513  sendData(packet->getRawPacket(), packet->getRawPacketSizeSrtp());
514  } else {
515  // when no destination has been added, NULL == dest.
516  for (std::list<TransportAddress*>::iterator i = destList.begin(); destList.end() != i; i++) {
517  TransportAddress* dest = *i;
519  sendData(packet->getRawPacket(), packet->getRawPacketSizeSrtp());
520  }
521  }
524 #ifdef CCXX_IPV6
525  lockDestinationListIPV6();
526  if ( isSingleDestinationIPV6() ) {
527  TransportAddressIPV6* tmp6 = destListIPV6.front();
528  // if going from multi destinations to single destinations.
529  setDataPeerIPV6(tmp6->getNetworkAddress(),
530  tmp6->getDataTransportPort());
532  sendDataIPV6(packet->getRawPacket(),
533  packet->getRawPacketSizeSrtp());
534  } else {
535  // when no destination has been added, NULL == dest.
536  for (std::list<TransportAddressIPV6*>::iterator i6 = destListIPV6.begin(); destListIPV6.end() != i6; i6++) {
537  TransportAddressIPV6* dest6 = *i6;
538  setDataPeerIPV6(dest6->getNetworkAddress(),
539  dest6->getDataTransportPort());
540  sendDataIPV6(packet->getRawPacket(),
541  packet->getRawPacketSizeSrtp());
542  }
543  }
544  unlockDestinationListIPV6();
545 #endif
546 }
548 size_t
550 {
551  sendLock.writeLock();
552  OutgoingRTPPktLink* packetLink = sendFirst;
554  if ( !packetLink ){
555  sendLock.unlock();
556  return 0;
557  }
559  OutgoingRTPPkt* packet = packetLink->getPacket();
560  uint32 rtn = packet->getPayloadSize();
561  dispatchImmediate(packet);
563  // unlink the sent packet from the queue and destroy it. Also
564  // record the sending.
566  if ( sendFirst ) {
567  sendFirst->setPrev(NULL);
568  } else {
569  sendLast = NULL;
570  }
571  // for general accounting and RTCP SR statistics
572  sendInfo.packetCount++;
573  sendInfo.octetCount += packet->getPayloadSize();
574  delete packetLink;
576  sendLock.unlock();
577  return rtn;
578 }
580 size_t
581 OutgoingDataQueue::setPartial(uint32 stamp, unsigned char *data,
582 size_t offset, size_t max)
583 {
584  sendLock.writeLock();
585  OutgoingRTPPktLink* packetLink = sendFirst;
586  while ( packetLink )
587  {
588  uint32 pstamp = packetLink->getPacket()->getTimestamp();
589  if ( pstamp > stamp ) {
590  packetLink = NULL;
591  break;
592  } else if ( pstamp == stamp ) {
593  break;
594  }
596  packetLink = packetLink->getNext();
597  }
598  if ( !packetLink ) {
599  sendLock.unlock();
600  return 0;
601  }
603  OutgoingRTPPkt* packet = packetLink->getPacket();
604  if ( offset >= packet->getPayloadSize() )
605  return 0;
607  if ( max > packet->getPayloadSize() - offset )
608  max = packet->getPayloadSize() - offset;
610  memcpy((unsigned char*)(packet->getPayload()) + offset,
611  data, max);
612  sendLock.unlock();
613  return max;
614 }
616 void
618 {
619  std::list<CryptoContext *>::iterator i;
621  MutexLock lock(cryptoMutex);
622  // check if a CryptoContext for a SSRC already exists. If yes
623  // remove it from list before inserting the new one.
624  for( i = cryptoContexts.begin(); i!= cryptoContexts.end(); i++ ) {
625  if( (*i)->getSsrc() == cc->getSsrc() ) {
626  CryptoContext* tmp = *i;
627  cryptoContexts.erase(i);
628  delete tmp;
629  break;
630  }
631  }
632  cryptoContexts.push_back(cc);
633 }
635 void
637 {
638  std::list<CryptoContext *>::iterator i;
640  MutexLock lock(cryptoMutex);
641  if (cc == NULL) { // Remove any incoming crypto contexts
642  for (i = cryptoContexts.begin(); i != cryptoContexts.end(); ) {
643  CryptoContext* tmp = *i;
644  i = cryptoContexts.erase(i);
645  delete tmp;
646  }
647  }
648  else {
649  for( i = cryptoContexts.begin(); i != cryptoContexts.end(); i++ ) {
650  if( (*i)->getSsrc() == cc->getSsrc() ) {
651  CryptoContext* tmp = *i;
652  cryptoContexts.erase(i);
653  delete tmp;
654  return;
655  }
656  }
657  }
658 }
662 {
663  std::list<CryptoContext *>::iterator i;
665  MutexLock lock(cryptoMutex);
666  for( i = cryptoContexts.begin(); i != cryptoContexts.end(); i++ ){
667  if( (*i)->getSsrc() == ssrc) {
668  return (*i);
669  }
670  }
671  return NULL;
672 }
microtimeout_t getSchedulingTimeout()
This computes the timeout period for scheduling transmission of the next packet at the "head" of the ...
Definition: outqueue.cpp:303
void setMarker(bool mark)
Specify the value of the marker bit.
Definition: rtppkt.h:645
void setMark(bool mark)
Set marker bit for the packet in which the next data provided will be send.
Definition: oqueue.h:331
CryptoContext * getOutQueueCryptoContext(uint32 ssrc)
Get an output queue CryptoContext identified by SSRC.
Definition: outqueue.cpp:661
virtual size_t sendData(const unsigned char *const buffer, size_t len)
This function performs the physical I/O for writing a packet to the destination.
Definition: oqueue.h:578
void setSchedulingTimeout(microtimeout_t to)
Set the default scheduling timeout to use when no data packets are waiting to be sent.
Definition: oqueue.h:364
bool getMark() const
Get wheter the mark bit will be set in the next packet.
Definition: oqueue.h:337
The implementation for a SRTP cryptographic context.
Definition: CryptoContext.h:82
uint32 random32()
Definition: queue.cpp:492
void writeLockDestinationList() const
Definition: oqueue.h:92
uint32 microtimeout_t
Time interval expressed in microseconds.
Definition: base.h:67
void setOutQueueCryptoContext(CryptoContext *cc)
Set ouput queue CryptoContext.
Definition: outqueue.cpp:617
std::list< TransportAddress * > destList
Definition: oqueue.h:68
size_t getDefaultMaxSendSegmentSize()
Definition: queuebase.h:259
void putData(uint32 stamp, const unsigned char *data=NULL, size_t len=0)
This is used to create a data packet in the send queue.
Definition: outqueue.cpp:404
This class handles a list of destination addresses.
Definition: oqueue.h:65
PayloadType getCurrentPayloadType() const
Definition: queuebase.h:198
timeval getInitialTime() const
Definition: queuebase.h:201
void lockDestinationList() const
Definition: oqueue.h:85
void setSeqNum(uint16 seq)
Sets the sequence number in the header.
Definition: rtppkt.h:600
size_t setPartial(uint32 timestamp, unsigned char *data, size_t offset, size_t max)
Set partial data for an already queued packet.
Definition: outqueue.cpp:581
Declaration of ccRTP internal stuff.
size_t dispatchDataPacket()
This function is used by the service thread to process the next outgoing packet pending in the sendin...
Definition: outqueue.cpp:549
microtimeout_t getDefaultExpireTimeout() const
Definition: oqueue.h:368
void dispatchImmediate(OutgoingRTPPkt *packet)
This is used to write the RTP data packet to one or more destinations.
Definition: outqueue.cpp:505
void setSSRCNetwork(uint32 ssrc) const
Set synchronization source numeric identifier.
Definition: rtppkt.h:634
std::list< CryptoContext * > cryptoContexts
Definition: oqueue.h:549
bool isSending() const
Determine if outgoing packets are waiting to send.
Definition: outqueue.cpp:294
uint32 getInitialTimestamp()
Definition: oqueue.h:534
virtual void onExpireSend(OutgoingRTPPkt &)
A hook to filter packets being sent that have been expired.
Definition: oqueue.h:557
uint32 getTimestamp() const
Definition: rtppkt.h:149
bool addDestinationToList(const InetAddress &ia, tpport_t data, tpport_t control)
Locks the object before modifying it.
Definition: outqueue.cpp:74
const uint8 *const getPayload() const
Definition: rtppkt.h:121
bool removeDestinationFromList(const InetAddress &ia, tpport_t dataPort, tpport_t controlPort)
Locks the object before modifying it.
Definition: outqueue.cpp:85
bool forgetDestination(const InetHostAddress &ia, tpport_t dataPort=DefaultRTPDataPort, tpport_t controlPort=0)
Definition: outqueue.cpp:247
Generic RTP output queues.
CryptoContext * newCryptoContextForSSRC(uint32 ssrc, int roc, int64 keyDerivRate)
Derive a new Crypto Context for use with a new SSRC.
OutgoingRTPPktLink * sendLast
Definition: oqueue.h:589
void purgeOutgoingQueue()
Definition: outqueue.cpp:203
struct OutgoingDataQueue::@4 sendInfo
microtimeout_t getDefaultSchedulingTimeout() const
Definition: oqueue.h:354
void setMaxSendSegmentSize(size_t size)
Set maximum payload segment size before fragmenting sends.
Definition: queuebase.h:269
virtual void setControlPeer(const InetAddress &host, tpport_t port)
Definition: oqueue.h:540
static const microtimeout_t defaultSchedulingTimeout
Schedule at 8 ms.
Definition: oqueue.h:585
const unsigned char *const getRawPacket() const
Get the raw packet as it will be sent through the network.
Definition: rtppkt.h:268
size_t getMaxSendSegmentSize()
Definition: queuebase.h:273
#define I(e)
Definition: private.h:108
microtimeout_t schedulingTimeout
Definition: oqueue.h:592
void setInitialTimestamp(uint32 ts)
Definition: oqueue.h:528
uint32 getLocalSSRCNetwork() const
Definition: queuebase.h:214
tpport_t getControlTransportPort() const
Definition: oqueue.h:122
const InetAddress & getNetworkAddress() const
Definition: oqueue.h:116
void removeOutQueueCryptoContext(CryptoContext *cc)
Remove output queue CryptoContext.
Definition: outqueue.cpp:636
tpport_t getDataTransportPort() const
Definition: oqueue.h:119
uint32 getPayloadSize() const
Definition: rtppkt.h:128
bool addDestination(const InetHostAddress &ia, tpport_t dataPort=DefaultRTPDataPort, tpport_t controlPort=0)
Definition: outqueue.cpp:219
uint32 getLocalSSRC() const
Definition: queuebase.h:184
void setTimestamp(uint32 pts)
Definition: rtppkt.h:610
void setPayloadType(PayloadType pt)
Definition: rtppkt.h:591
ThreadLock sendLock
Definition: oqueue.h:587
void deriveSrtpKeys(uint64 index)
Perform key derivation according to SRTP specification.
Mutex cryptoMutex
Definition: oqueue.h:548
uint32 getSsrc() const
Get the SSRC of this SRTP Cryptograhic context.
OutgoingRTPPktLink * sendFirst
Definition: oqueue.h:589
uint16 random16()
Definition: queue.cpp:514
static const microtimeout_t defaultExpireTimeout
Packets unsent will expire after 40 ms.
Definition: oqueue.h:586
uint32 getRawPacketSizeSrtp() const
Definition: rtppkt.h:282
uint32 getCurrentRTPClockRate() const
Get the clock rate in RTP clock units (for instance, 8000 units per second for PCMU, or 90000 units per second for MP2T).
Definition: queuebase.h:195
void sendImmediate(uint32 stamp, const unsigned char *data=NULL, size_t len=0)
This is used to create a data packet and send it immediately.
Definition: outqueue.cpp:464
void setExpireTimeout(microtimeout_t to)
Set the "expired" timer for expiring packets pending in the send queue which have gone unsent and are...
Definition: oqueue.h:379
void protect(uint32 ssrc, CryptoContext *pcc)
Called packet is setup.
Definition: rtppkt.cpp:249
virtual void setDataPeer(const InetAddress &host, tpport_t port)
Definition: oqueue.h:561
bool isSingleDestination() const
Get whether there is only a destination in the list.
Definition: oqueue.h:79
static const size_t defaultMaxSendSegmentSize
Definition: queuebase.h:284
microtimeout_t getExpireTimeout() const
Definition: oqueue.h:382
RTP packets being sent.
Definition: rtppkt.h:507
void unlockDestinationList() const
Definition: oqueue.h:88