Package javax.activation

The GNU JavaBeans™ Activation Framework (JAF) provides a free implementation of the JavaBeans™ Activation Framework, version 1.1.

Interface Summary

CommandObject Bean interface to implement in order to receive notification of the command verb.
DataContentHandler Provider that can convert streams to objects and vice versa.
DataContentHandlerFactory Factory interface for creating data content handlers.
DataSource An interface by which MIME data can be retrieved and stored.

Class Summary

ActivationDataFlavor Activation-specific DataFlavor with improved MIME parsing.
CommandInfo Description of the result of a command request.
CommandMap Registry of command objects available to the system.
DataHandler Handler for data available in multiple sources and formats.
FileDataSource Data source encapsulating a file.
FileTypeMap Classifier for the MIME content type of files.
MailcapCommandMap Implementation of a command map using a mailcap file (RFC 1524).
MimeType A MIME content type, as defined in RFCs 2045 and 2046.
MimeTypeParameterList A list of MIME type parameters, as specified in RFCs 2045 and 2046.
MimeTypeParseException Exception thrown to indicate a malformed MIME content type.
MimetypesFileTypeMap Implementation of FileTypeMap that uses the mime.types format.
UnsupportedDataTypeException Exception indicating that the requested method doesn't support the specified data type.
URLDataSource DataSource implementation that retrieves its data from a URL.
The GNU JavaBeans™ Activation Framework (JAF) provides a free implementation of the JavaBeans™ Activation Framework, version 1.1.

JAF links together beans and internet standards for specifying MIME types and how MIME types are processed. It provides a means to associate data of a given MIME type with bean actions operating on that data.

Important files

Standard mime.types files are parsed by the JAF MIME handling classes to work out the MIME types available on the local system.

Standard mailcap files (defined in RFC1524) are parsed by mail capability handling classes to work out what beans should be linked to what MIME types.

Neither the authors nor the Free Software Foundation offer ANY SUPPORT for this software or imply any warranty.
Use it at your own risk.

If you can suggest improvements in either the implementation code or in the documentation please contact the classpathx project developers.