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4.1 complexity usage help (-?)

This is the automatically generated usage text for complexity:

complexity (GNU Complexity) - Measure complexity of C source - Ver. 0.4
USAGE:  complexity [ -<flag> [<val>] | --<name>[{=| }<val>] ]... \
                [ <file-name> ... ]

   -t, --threshold=num        Reporting threshold
       --horrid-threshold=num zero exit threshold
   -n, --nesting-penalty=str  score multiplier for nested code
       --demi-nesting-penalty=str score multiplier for nested expressions
   -s, --scale=num            complexity scaling factor
   -h, --histogram            Display histogram of complexity numbers
                                - disabled as --no-histogram
                                - may not be preset
   -c, --scores               Display the score for each procedure
                                - disabled as --no-scores
                                - may not be preset
   -I, --ignore=str           procedure name to be ignored
                                - may appear multiple times
   -H, --no-header            do not print scoring header
                                - may not be preset
   -u, --unifdef=str          Run the source(s) through unifdef(1BSD)
                                - may appear multiple times
       --unif-exe=str         Specify the unifdef program
   -i, --input=str            file of file list
       --trace=str            trace output file
   -v, --version[=arg]        Output version information and exit
   -?, --help                 Display extended usage information and exit
   ->, --save-opts[=arg]      Save the option state to a config file
   -<, --load-opts=str        Load options from a config file
                                - disabled as --no-load-opts
                                - may appear multiple times

Options are specified by doubled hyphens and their name or by a single
hyphen and the flag character.

Compute the complexity of source code not just with a
path-through-the-code count, but also amplifying line counts by logic
level nesting.
If no arguments are provided, input arguments are read from stdin,
one per line; blank and '#'-prefixed lines are comments.
'stdin' may not be a terminal (tty).

The following option preset mechanisms are supported:
 - reading file $@/complex.conf
 - reading file $HOME/.complexityrc
 - reading file $PROJECT_ROOT/complex.conf
 - reading file ./.complexityrc
 - examining environment variables named COMPLEXITY_*

``complexity'' ignores all cpp preprocessor directives - calculating
the complexity of the appearance of the code, rather than the complexity
after the preprocessor manipulates the code.  ``getchar(3)'', for example,
will expand into quite complicated code.

please send bug reports to:  bkorb@gnu.org

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This document was generated by Bruce Korb on May 15, 2011 using texi2html 1.82.