2.4 Insertion

C-c C-y

Yank the message that’s being replied to into the message buffer (message-yank-original).

C-c C-M-y

Prompt for a buffer name and yank the contents of that buffer into the message buffer (message-yank-buffer).

C-c C-q

Fill the yanked message (message-fill-yanked-message). Warning: Can severely mess up the yanked text if its quoting conventions are strange. You’ll quickly get a feel for when it’s safe, though. Anyway, just remember that C-x u (undo) is available and you’ll be all right.

C-c C-w

Insert a signature at the end of the buffer (message-insert-signature).

C-c M-h

Insert the message headers (message-insert-headers).

C-c M-m

Mark some region in the current article with enclosing tags. See message-mark-insert-begin and message-mark-insert-end. When called with a prefix argument, use slrn style verbatim marks (‘#v+’ and ‘#v-’).

C-c M-f

Insert a file in the current article with enclosing tags. See message-mark-insert-begin and message-mark-insert-end. When called with a prefix argument, use slrn style verbatim marks (‘#v+’ and ‘#v-’).