7.11 Note on god-mode.el

The god-mode library does not provide faces that could be configured by the Modus themes. Users who would like to get some visual feedback on the status of M-x god-mode are instead encouraged by upstream to set up their own configurations, such as by changing the mode-line face (Advanced customization). This is an adaptation of the approach followed in the upstream README:

(defun my-god-mode-update-mode-line ()
  "Make `mode-line' blue if God local mode is active."
    (if god-local-mode
        (set-face-attribute 'mode-line nil
                            :foreground blue-active
                            :background bg-active-accent
                            :box blue)
      (set-face-attribute 'mode-line nil
                          :foreground fg-active
                          :background bg-active
                          :box fg-alt))))

(add-hook 'post-command-hook 'my-god-mode-update-mode-line)

We employ the modus-themes-with-colors which provides access to color variables defined by the active theme. Its use is covered elsewhere in this manual (Face specs at scale using the themes’ palette). As for the attributes that can be passed to each face, start by consulting the documentation string of set-face-attribute.