Latest News

June 2018

GNU Foliot version 0.9.8 is released. This is a maintenance release, bringing GNU Foliot up-to-date with Grip version 0.2.0, upon which it depends. In addition, the default installation locations changed, and there is a new configure option - see below for a complete description of these changes.

Here is a summary of the changes since version 0.9.7. See GNU Foliot's git summary and git log for a complete description:


  • Grip >= 0.2.0
    • Grip (core), Grip-Gnome, Grip-SQLite

  • Iwona
    • This is the font used to make the GNU Foliot reports. It is now a hard depdency. It was a soft dependency, but that was a mistake, since as it is, the making of the reports would fail unless the Iwona font is available.

  • Guile-Lib >= 0.2.5
    • This is a soft dependency: Guile-Lib is required to run the test-suite, which is recommended but not mandatory.

Installation location changes

The default and --prefix installation locations for source modules and compiled files has been changed, and, in the absence of the new configure option described below, are now:

  • $(datadir)/grip
  • $(libdir)/grip/guile/$(GUILE_EFFECTIVE_VERSION)/site-ccache

In the above, $(datadir) is substituted to the default /usr/local/share or /your/prefix/share and $(libdir) is substituted to /usr/local/lib or /your/prefix/lib, when/if --prefix was passed.

$(GUILE_EFFECTIVE_VERSION) is substituted to the stable version number with which Grip is being compile, for example, 2.2

This change makes Grip compatible with the GNU Coding Standards, but it also implies that, unless you use the new configure option describe below, you will have to augment both Guile's variables %load-path and %load-compiled-path, respectively, with the two (substituted) paths described above, so that Guile finds Grip's installed source modules and compiled files (see Grip's installation 'Notes' for more on this).

New configure option

The configure option --with-guile-site has been added, used to explicitly ask Foliot's source modules to be installed in the Guile-Gnome site directory, and the compiled files using Guile site-ccache directories respectively (see Foliot's installation 'Notes' for more on this).

It will only be honored if (and only if) it is passed as:

  • --with-guile-site=yes
  • [ in this case, there is obviously no need to augment Guile's
  • [ variables %load-path and %load-compiled-path

Older News

March 2018

GNU Foliot version 0.9.7 is released. This is a maintenance release, bringing GNU Foliot up-to-date with Guile-2.2, which introduced an incompatible module - GOOPS related - change.

Here is a summary of the changes since version 0.9.6-beta. See GNU Foliot's git summary and GNU Foliot's git log for a complete description:



  • Guile-2.2 does not query (default-duplicate-binding-handler) at module expand eval load time as it did for Guile-2.0, a bad decision imo, but we have to cope with it, and declare #:duplicates (merge-generics ...) in each individual module instead. We also removed our patched version of guild, since it became useless, and now use the version that comes with Guile.
  • All getters, setters, accessors and methods are now exported using g-export - defined in (grip g-export) - which re-export defined names (and precisely should only be used for getters, setters, accessors and methods).

14 April 2016

GNU Foliot version 0.9.6-beta is released.

This release fixes a serious GUI bug that appeared in GNU Foliot version 0.9.6-alpha: none of the Who , For whom and What combobox gtk entries where editable. Thanks to Juliana França who reported this bug.

Here is a summary of the changes since version 0.9.6-alpha. See GNU Foliot's git summary and git log for a complete description:


  • GNU Foliot now depends on Grip, Grip-Gnome and Grip-SQLite >= 0.1.1


  • fixing a bug in foliot, the script.


  • none of the 'Who', 'For whom' and 'What' combobox gtk entries where editable, fixed. See commit 90c38a7 in git log for further detail and how this bug appeared in 0.9.6-alpha. .

8 March 2016

GNU Foliot version 0.9.6-alpha is released.

Special Note: Before GNU Foliot became a GNU package, it was named Kisê. The change of name has implied thousands of source code, manual and web-pages changes.

The application is quite robust, with respect to the implemented functionality as in version 0.9.5, but the huge quantity of source code changes is, in itlself, error prone, hence an alpha release.

Here is a summary of the changes since version 0.9.5. See GNU Foliot's git summary and git log for a complete description:


  • known bugs have been fixed, see org/ if your are interested;
  • automatic schema migration from kise -> foliot has been implemented; opening and re-importing dabatase(s) always trigger a schema check and upgrade automatically if necessary.

Because of the above, we strongly recommend you make a backup of your database(s), if you were a Kisê user of course: you can never be too prudent!


  • list-store duration now rendered as text: this is to paliate a gtk2 list store spin button rendering bug.


Note that the documentation still is a mock-up, but:

  • all reviewed for the new name of course, and sync with web-pages with repect to dependencies and installation procedure.


  • GNU Foliot's web-pages have been entirely rewritten using sxml.

9 February 2016

Foliot is now part of GNU and becomes GNU Foliot. We are actively working to produce a GNU Foliot release, stay tuned!

Before GNU Foliot became a GNU package, it was named Kisê. If you are interested, here are Kisê News and earlier releases.