
G-Golf GObject Signals low level API.
Signals — A means for customization of object behaviour and a general purpose notification mechanism



Types and Values



The basic concept of the signal system is that of the emission of a signal. Signals are introduced per-type and are identified through strings. Signals introduced for a parent type are available in derived types as well, so basically they are a per-type facility that is inherited.

Please read the Signals section from the GObject reference manual for a complete description.


Procedure: g-signal-newv name iface-type flags class-closure accumulator accu-data c-marshaller return-type n-param param-types

Returns the signal id.

Creates a new signal. The arguments are:


The name for the signal.


The type this signal pertains to. It will also pertain to types which are derived from this type.


A list of %g-signal-flags, specifying detail of when the default handler is to be invoked. It should at least specify run-first or run-last.


The closure to invoke on signal emission, may be #f.


The accumulator for this signal; may be #f.


User data for the accumulator.


The function to translate arrays of parameter values to signal emissions into C language callback invocations or #f.


The GType of the signal returned value. The caller may obtain the GType, given a scheme object (or 'none for a signal without a return value), by calling scm->g-type.


The length of param-types.


An list of types, one for each parameter (may be '() if n-param is zero).

Procedure: g-signal-query id

Returns a list.

Obtains and returns a list composed of the signal id, name, interface-type29, flags, return-type, number of arguments and their types. For example30:

,use (g-golf)
(gi-import "Clutter")

(make <clutter-actor>)
⇒ $2 = #<<clutter-actor> 565218c88a80>

(!g-type (class-of $2))
⇒ $3 = 94910597864000

(g-signal-list-ids $3)
⇒ $4 = (5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30)

(g-signal-query 20)
⇒ $5 = (20 "enter-event" 94910597864000 (run-last) boolean 1 (boxed))

As you may have noticed, the signal query argument(s) list does not include the instance (and its type) upon which the signal is called, but both at C level and within the context of GClosure, callbacks must assume that the instance upon which a signal is called is always the first argument of the callback.

Procedure: g-signal-lookup name g-type

Returns an integer.

Obtains and returns the signal’s identifying integer, given the name of the signal and the object g-type it connects to. If a signal identifier can’t be find for the given name and g-type, an exception is raised.

Procedure: g-signal-list-ids g-type

Returns a list of integers.

Obtains and returns the list of signal’s identifying integers for g-type (Note that at least one g-type instance must have been created prior to attempt to list or query signal’s identifying integers for a given g-type).

Procedure: g-signal-emitv params id detail return-value

Returns nothing.

Emits a signal. Signal emission is done synchronously. The method will only return control after all handlers are called or signal emission was stopped.

Note that g-signal-emitv doesn’t change return-value if no handlers are connected.

The params points to the argument list for the signal emission. The first element in the array is a GValue for the instance the signal is being emitted on. The rest are any arguments to be passed to the signal. The id is the signal id, detail the detail (a g-quark and return-value the location to store the return value of the signal emission (it must be provided if the specified signal returns a value, but may be ignored otherwise).

Procedure: g-signal-connect-closure-by-id instance id detail closure after

Returns the handler ID (always greater than 0 for successful connections).

Connects a closure to a signal for a particular object.

If closure is a floating reference (see g-closure-sink), this function takes ownership of closure.

The instance is the instance to connect to, the id the id of the signal, detail the detail (a g-quark). closure the closure to connect, after (a boolean) whether the handler should be called before or after the default handler of the signal.

Procedure: g-signal-handler-disconnect instance handler-id

Returns nothing.

Disconnects a handler from an instance so it will not be called during any future or currently ongoing emissions of the signal it has been connected to. The handler-id becomes invalid and may be reused.

The handler-id has to be a valid signal handler id, connected to a signal of instance .

Procedure: g-signal-parse-name detailed-signal g-type [force-detail-quark #t]

Returns two integer values.

Obtains and returns the signal-id and a detail corresponding to detailed-signal for g-type. The detailed-signal can be passed as a symbol or a string. When force-detail-quark is #t it forces the creation of a GQuark for the detail.

If the signal name could not successfully be parsed, it raises an exception.

Types and Values

Instance Variable of <gi-enum>: %g-signal-flags

The signal flags are used to specify a signal’s behaviour, the overall signal description outlines how especially the RUN flags control the stages of a signal emission.

An instance of <gi-enum>, who’s members are the scheme representation of the GSignalFlags:

g-name: GSignalFlags
name: g-signal-flags


Invoke the object method handler in the first emission stage.


Invoke the object method handler in the third emission stage.


Invoke the object method handler in the last emission stage.


Signals being emitted for an object while currently being in emission for this very object will not be emitted recursively, but instead cause the first emission to be restarted.


This signal supports "::detail" appendices to the signal name upon handler connections and emissions.


Action signals are signals that may freely be emitted on alive objects from user code via g-signal-emit and friends, without the need of being embedded into extra code that performs pre or post emission adjustments on the object. They can also be thought of as object methods which can be called generically by third-party code.


No emissions hooks are supported for this signal.


Varargs signal emission will always collect the arguments, even if there are no signal handlers connected. Since 2.30.


The signal is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. A warning will be generated if it is connected while running with G_ENABLE_DIAGNOSTIC=1. Since 2.32.



Within this context, the interface-type is the GType of the GObject subclass the signal is ‘attached to’ - knowing that signals are inhereted.


At least one GObject subclass instance must have been created prior to attempt to query any of its class signal(s).