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5.8 Estimation of real errors

Acording to previous section we can consider an observation to be controlled if its coefficient f > 0.1. Any controlled observation can be eliminated from the network without corrupting the network consistency—network reduced by one controlled observation can be adjusted and all unknown parameters can be compute without the eliminated observation.

Estimate of real error of i-th observation is defined as

(9)      e_li = L^red_i - l_i,

where e_li is value of i-th observation and is value of i-th network element computed from adjusted coordinates and/or orientations of the reduced network. Similarly is defined the estimate of real error of a residual

(10)     e_vi = L^red_i - L_l.

Adjustment results are the best statistical estimate of unknown parameters that we have. This holds true even for adjustment of reduced network which is not influenced by real error of i-th observation. On favourable occasions differences (9) and (10) can help to detect blunders but to interpret these estimates as real errors is possible only with substantial exaggeration. These estimates fail when there are more than one significant observational error. Generally holds tha the weaker the element is controlled in netowrk the less reliable these estimates are.

Estimate of real error of an observation computes program gama-local as

         e_li = v_i/(p_i q_vi)

and estimate of real error of a residual as

         e_vi = e_li - v_i.

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