The first alpha release of Gnash has just been made at version 0.7.1. Gnash is a GPL'd Flash movie player and browser plugin for Firefox, Mozilla, Konqueror, and Opera. Gnash supports many SWF v7 features and ActionScript3 classes. Gnash also runs on many GNU/Linux distributions, embedded GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, non x86 processors, and 64 bit architectures. Ports to Darwin and Windows are in progress for a future release. The plugin works best with Firefox 1.5 or newer, and should work in any Mozilla based browser. There is also a standalone player for GNOME or KDE based desktops. Gnash supports the majority of Flash opcodes up to SWF version 7, and a wide sampling of ActionScript classes for SWF version 8.5. All the core ones are implemented, and many of the newer ones work, but may be missing some of their methods. If the browser only displays a blank window, it is likely because of an unimplemented feature. All unimplemented opcodes and ActionScript classes and methods print a warning when using -v with gnash or gprocessor. Using gprocessor -v is a quick way to see why a movie isn't playing correctly. You can grab the Gnash sources from, or from Gnash CVS with the tag "release_0_7_1". Binary packages for Debian or RPM based systems will be available from your GNU/Linux distribution, and from whatever BSD variant you are using. Please report packaging bugs upstream to your distribution. If you think you have found a bug in Gnash, then you should file as complete a report as possible at Patches are always prefered to bug reports, as this is a community project. You can submit patches at, or email them to Please include the operating system name and version, compiler version, and which gnash version you are using, in your bug reports. For bugs in the plugin, please also add the browser and it's version. Gnash does not support Firefox versions below 1.5. Questions about Gnash or offers of help can go to the developers email list at