
Blocks for interfacing with ZeroMQ endpoints.

gnuradio.zeromq.pub_msg_sink(char * address, int timeout=100) → pub_msg_sink_sptr

Sink the contents of a msg port to a ZMQ PUB socket.

This block acts a message port receiver and writes individual messages to a ZMQ PUB socket. A PUB socket may have subscribers and will pass all incoming messages to each subscriber. Subscribers can be either another gr-zeromq source block or a non-GNU Radio ZMQ socket.

Constructor Specific Documentation:

Return a shared_ptr to a new instance of zeromq::pub_msg_sink.

  • address – ZMQ socket address specifier
  • timeout – Receive timeout in milliseconds, default is 100ms, 1us increments
pub_msg_sink_sptr.active_thread_priority(pub_msg_sink_sptr self) → int
pub_msg_sink_sptr.declare_sample_delay(pub_msg_sink_sptr self, int which, int delay)

declare_sample_delay(pub_msg_sink_sptr self, unsigned int delay)

pub_msg_sink_sptr.message_subscribers(pub_msg_sink_sptr self, swig_int_ptr which_port) → swig_int_ptr
pub_msg_sink_sptr.min_noutput_items(pub_msg_sink_sptr self) → int
pub_msg_sink_sptr.pc_input_buffers_full_avg(pub_msg_sink_sptr self, int which) → float

pc_input_buffers_full_avg(pub_msg_sink_sptr self) -> pmt_vector_float

pub_msg_sink_sptr.pc_noutput_items_avg(pub_msg_sink_sptr self) → float
pub_msg_sink_sptr.pc_nproduced_avg(pub_msg_sink_sptr self) → float
pub_msg_sink_sptr.pc_output_buffers_full_avg(pub_msg_sink_sptr self, int which) → float

pc_output_buffers_full_avg(pub_msg_sink_sptr self) -> pmt_vector_float

pub_msg_sink_sptr.pc_throughput_avg(pub_msg_sink_sptr self) → float
pub_msg_sink_sptr.pc_work_time_avg(pub_msg_sink_sptr self) → float
pub_msg_sink_sptr.pc_work_time_total(pub_msg_sink_sptr self) → float
pub_msg_sink_sptr.sample_delay(pub_msg_sink_sptr self, int which) → unsigned int
pub_msg_sink_sptr.set_min_noutput_items(pub_msg_sink_sptr self, int m)
pub_msg_sink_sptr.set_thread_priority(pub_msg_sink_sptr self, int priority) → int
pub_msg_sink_sptr.thread_priority(pub_msg_sink_sptr self) → int
gnuradio.zeromq.pub_sink(size_t itemsize, size_t vlen, char * address, int timeout=100, bool pass_tags=False, int hwm=-1) → pub_sink_sptr

Sink the contents of a stream to a ZMQ PUB socket.

This block acts a a streaming sink for a GNU Radio flowgraph and writes its contents to a ZMQ PUB socket. A PUB socket may have subscribers and will pass all incoming stream data to each subscriber. Subscribers can be either another gr-zeromq source block or a non-GNU Radio ZMQ socket.

Constructor Specific Documentation:

Return a shared_ptr to a new instance of zeromq::pub_sink.

  • itemsize – Size of a stream item in bytes.
  • vlen – Vector length of the input items. Note that one vector is one item.
  • address – ZMQ socket address specifier.
  • timeout – Receive timeout in milliseconds, default is 100ms, 1us increments.
  • pass_tags – Whether sink will serialize and pass tags over the link.
  • hwm – High Watermark to configure the socket to (-1 => zmq’s default)
pub_sink_sptr.active_thread_priority(pub_sink_sptr self) → int
pub_sink_sptr.declare_sample_delay(pub_sink_sptr self, int which, int delay)

declare_sample_delay(pub_sink_sptr self, unsigned int delay)

pub_sink_sptr.message_subscribers(pub_sink_sptr self, swig_int_ptr which_port) → swig_int_ptr
pub_sink_sptr.min_noutput_items(pub_sink_sptr self) → int
pub_sink_sptr.pc_input_buffers_full_avg(pub_sink_sptr self, int which) → float

pc_input_buffers_full_avg(pub_sink_sptr self) -> pmt_vector_float

pub_sink_sptr.pc_noutput_items_avg(pub_sink_sptr self) → float
pub_sink_sptr.pc_nproduced_avg(pub_sink_sptr self) → float
pub_sink_sptr.pc_output_buffers_full_avg(pub_sink_sptr self, int which) → float

pc_output_buffers_full_avg(pub_sink_sptr self) -> pmt_vector_float

pub_sink_sptr.pc_throughput_avg(pub_sink_sptr self) → float
pub_sink_sptr.pc_work_time_avg(pub_sink_sptr self) → float
pub_sink_sptr.pc_work_time_total(pub_sink_sptr self) → float
pub_sink_sptr.sample_delay(pub_sink_sptr self, int which) → unsigned int
pub_sink_sptr.set_min_noutput_items(pub_sink_sptr self, int m)
pub_sink_sptr.set_thread_priority(pub_sink_sptr self, int priority) → int
pub_sink_sptr.thread_priority(pub_sink_sptr self) → int
gnuradio.zeromq.pull_msg_source(char * address, int timeout=100) → pull_msg_source_sptr

Receive messages on ZMQ PULL socket and output async messages.

This block will connect to a ZMQ PUSH socket, then convert received messages to outgoing async messages.

Constructor Specific Documentation:

Return a shared_ptr to a new instance of gr::zeromq::pull_msg_source.

  • address – ZMQ socket address specifier
  • timeout – Receive timeout in milliseconds, default is 100ms, 1us increments
pull_msg_source_sptr.active_thread_priority(pull_msg_source_sptr self) → int
pull_msg_source_sptr.declare_sample_delay(pull_msg_source_sptr self, int which, int delay)

declare_sample_delay(pull_msg_source_sptr self, unsigned int delay)

pull_msg_source_sptr.message_subscribers(pull_msg_source_sptr self, swig_int_ptr which_port) → swig_int_ptr
pull_msg_source_sptr.min_noutput_items(pull_msg_source_sptr self) → int
pull_msg_source_sptr.pc_input_buffers_full_avg(pull_msg_source_sptr self, int which) → float

pc_input_buffers_full_avg(pull_msg_source_sptr self) -> pmt_vector_float

pull_msg_source_sptr.pc_noutput_items_avg(pull_msg_source_sptr self) → float
pull_msg_source_sptr.pc_nproduced_avg(pull_msg_source_sptr self) → float
pull_msg_source_sptr.pc_output_buffers_full_avg(pull_msg_source_sptr self, int which) → float

pc_output_buffers_full_avg(pull_msg_source_sptr self) -> pmt_vector_float

pull_msg_source_sptr.pc_throughput_avg(pull_msg_source_sptr self) → float
pull_msg_source_sptr.pc_work_time_avg(pull_msg_source_sptr self) → float
pull_msg_source_sptr.pc_work_time_total(pull_msg_source_sptr self) → float
pull_msg_source_sptr.sample_delay(pull_msg_source_sptr self, int which) → unsigned int
pull_msg_source_sptr.set_min_noutput_items(pull_msg_source_sptr self, int m)
pull_msg_source_sptr.set_thread_priority(pull_msg_source_sptr self, int priority) → int
pull_msg_source_sptr.thread_priority(pull_msg_source_sptr self) → int
gnuradio.zeromq.pull_source(size_t itemsize, size_t vlen, char * address, int timeout=100, bool pass_tags=False, int hwm=-1) → pull_source_sptr

Receive messages on ZMQ PULL socket and source stream.

This block will connect to a ZMQ PUSH socket, then produce all incoming messages as streaming output.

Constructor Specific Documentation:

Return a shared_ptr to a new instance of gr::zeromq::pull_source.

  • itemsize – Size of a stream item in bytes.
  • vlen – Vector length of the input items. Note that one vector is one item.
  • address – ZMQ socket address specifier.
  • timeout – Receive timeout in milliseconds, default is 100ms, 1us increments.
  • pass_tags – Whether source will look for and deserialize tags.
  • hwm – High Watermark to configure the socket to (-1 => zmq’s default)
pull_source_sptr.active_thread_priority(pull_source_sptr self) → int
pull_source_sptr.declare_sample_delay(pull_source_sptr self, int which, int delay)

declare_sample_delay(pull_source_sptr self, unsigned int delay)

pull_source_sptr.message_subscribers(pull_source_sptr self, swig_int_ptr which_port) → swig_int_ptr
pull_source_sptr.min_noutput_items(pull_source_sptr self) → int
pull_source_sptr.pc_input_buffers_full_avg(pull_source_sptr self, int which) → float

pc_input_buffers_full_avg(pull_source_sptr self) -> pmt_vector_float

pull_source_sptr.pc_noutput_items_avg(pull_source_sptr self) → float
pull_source_sptr.pc_nproduced_avg(pull_source_sptr self) → float
pull_source_sptr.pc_output_buffers_full_avg(pull_source_sptr self, int which) → float

pc_output_buffers_full_avg(pull_source_sptr self) -> pmt_vector_float

pull_source_sptr.pc_throughput_avg(pull_source_sptr self) → float
pull_source_sptr.pc_work_time_avg(pull_source_sptr self) → float
pull_source_sptr.pc_work_time_total(pull_source_sptr self) → float
pull_source_sptr.sample_delay(pull_source_sptr self, int which) → unsigned int
pull_source_sptr.set_min_noutput_items(pull_source_sptr self, int m)
pull_source_sptr.set_thread_priority(pull_source_sptr self, int priority) → int
pull_source_sptr.thread_priority(pull_source_sptr self) → int
gnuradio.zeromq.push_msg_sink(char * address, int timeout=100) → push_msg_sink_sptr

Sink the contents of a msg port to a ZMQ PUSH socket.

This block acts a message port receiver and writes individual messages to a ZMQ PUSH socket. The corresponding receiving ZMQ PULL socket can be either another gr-zeromq source block or a non-GNU Radio ZMQ socket.

Constructor Specific Documentation:

Return a shared_ptr to a new instance of gr::zeromq::push_msg_sink.

  • address – ZMQ socket address specifier
  • timeout – Receive timeout in milliseconds, default is 100ms, 1us increments
push_msg_sink_sptr.active_thread_priority(push_msg_sink_sptr self) → int
push_msg_sink_sptr.declare_sample_delay(push_msg_sink_sptr self, int which, int delay)

declare_sample_delay(push_msg_sink_sptr self, unsigned int delay)

push_msg_sink_sptr.message_subscribers(push_msg_sink_sptr self, swig_int_ptr which_port) → swig_int_ptr
push_msg_sink_sptr.min_noutput_items(push_msg_sink_sptr self) → int
push_msg_sink_sptr.pc_input_buffers_full_avg(push_msg_sink_sptr self, int which) → float

pc_input_buffers_full_avg(push_msg_sink_sptr self) -> pmt_vector_float

push_msg_sink_sptr.pc_noutput_items_avg(push_msg_sink_sptr self) → float
push_msg_sink_sptr.pc_nproduced_avg(push_msg_sink_sptr self) → float
push_msg_sink_sptr.pc_output_buffers_full_avg(push_msg_sink_sptr self, int which) → float

pc_output_buffers_full_avg(push_msg_sink_sptr self) -> pmt_vector_float

push_msg_sink_sptr.pc_throughput_avg(push_msg_sink_sptr self) → float
push_msg_sink_sptr.pc_work_time_avg(push_msg_sink_sptr self) → float
push_msg_sink_sptr.pc_work_time_total(push_msg_sink_sptr self) → float
push_msg_sink_sptr.sample_delay(push_msg_sink_sptr self, int which) → unsigned int
push_msg_sink_sptr.set_min_noutput_items(push_msg_sink_sptr self, int m)
push_msg_sink_sptr.set_thread_priority(push_msg_sink_sptr self, int priority) → int
push_msg_sink_sptr.thread_priority(push_msg_sink_sptr self) → int
gnuradio.zeromq.push_sink(size_t itemsize, size_t vlen, char * address, int timeout=100, bool pass_tags=False, int hwm=-1) → push_sink_sptr

Sink the contents of a stream to a ZMQ PUSH socket.

This block acts a a streaming sink for a GNU Radio flowgraph and writes its contents to a ZMQ PUSH socket. A PUSH socket will round-robin send its messages to each connected ZMQ PULL socket, either another gr-zeromq source block or a regular, non-GNU Radio ZMQ socket.

Constructor Specific Documentation:

Return a shared_ptr to a new instance of gr::zeromq::push_sink.

  • itemsize – Size of a stream item in bytes.
  • vlen – Vector length of the input items. Note that one vector is one item.
  • address – ZMQ socket address specifier.
  • timeout – Receive timeout in milliseconds, default is 100ms, 1us increments.
  • pass_tags – Whether sink will serialize and pass tags over the link.
  • hwm – High Watermark to configure the socket to (-1 => zmq’s default)
push_sink_sptr.active_thread_priority(push_sink_sptr self) → int
push_sink_sptr.declare_sample_delay(push_sink_sptr self, int which, int delay)

declare_sample_delay(push_sink_sptr self, unsigned int delay)

push_sink_sptr.message_subscribers(push_sink_sptr self, swig_int_ptr which_port) → swig_int_ptr
push_sink_sptr.min_noutput_items(push_sink_sptr self) → int
push_sink_sptr.pc_input_buffers_full_avg(push_sink_sptr self, int which) → float

pc_input_buffers_full_avg(push_sink_sptr self) -> pmt_vector_float

push_sink_sptr.pc_noutput_items_avg(push_sink_sptr self) → float
push_sink_sptr.pc_nproduced_avg(push_sink_sptr self) → float
push_sink_sptr.pc_output_buffers_full_avg(push_sink_sptr self, int which) → float

pc_output_buffers_full_avg(push_sink_sptr self) -> pmt_vector_float

push_sink_sptr.pc_throughput_avg(push_sink_sptr self) → float
push_sink_sptr.pc_work_time_avg(push_sink_sptr self) → float
push_sink_sptr.pc_work_time_total(push_sink_sptr self) → float
push_sink_sptr.sample_delay(push_sink_sptr self, int which) → unsigned int
push_sink_sptr.set_min_noutput_items(push_sink_sptr self, int m)
push_sink_sptr.set_thread_priority(push_sink_sptr self, int priority) → int
push_sink_sptr.thread_priority(push_sink_sptr self) → int
gnuradio.zeromq.rep_msg_sink(char * address, int timeout=100) → rep_msg_sink_sptr

Sink the contents of a msg port to a ZMQ REP socket.

This block acts a message port receiver and writes individual messages to a ZMQ REP socket. The corresponding receiving ZMQ REQ socket can be either another gr-zeromq source block or a non-GNU Radio ZMQ socket.

Constructor Specific Documentation:

Return a shared_ptr to a new instance of zeromq::rep_msg_sink.

  • address – ZMQ socket address specifier
  • timeout – Receive timeout in milliseconds, default is 100ms, 1us increments
rep_msg_sink_sptr.active_thread_priority(rep_msg_sink_sptr self) → int
rep_msg_sink_sptr.declare_sample_delay(rep_msg_sink_sptr self, int which, int delay)

declare_sample_delay(rep_msg_sink_sptr self, unsigned int delay)

rep_msg_sink_sptr.message_subscribers(rep_msg_sink_sptr self, swig_int_ptr which_port) → swig_int_ptr
rep_msg_sink_sptr.min_noutput_items(rep_msg_sink_sptr self) → int
rep_msg_sink_sptr.pc_input_buffers_full_avg(rep_msg_sink_sptr self, int which) → float

pc_input_buffers_full_avg(rep_msg_sink_sptr self) -> pmt_vector_float

rep_msg_sink_sptr.pc_noutput_items_avg(rep_msg_sink_sptr self) → float
rep_msg_sink_sptr.pc_nproduced_avg(rep_msg_sink_sptr self) → float
rep_msg_sink_sptr.pc_output_buffers_full_avg(rep_msg_sink_sptr self, int which) → float

pc_output_buffers_full_avg(rep_msg_sink_sptr self) -> pmt_vector_float

rep_msg_sink_sptr.pc_throughput_avg(rep_msg_sink_sptr self) → float
rep_msg_sink_sptr.pc_work_time_avg(rep_msg_sink_sptr self) → float
rep_msg_sink_sptr.pc_work_time_total(rep_msg_sink_sptr self) → float
rep_msg_sink_sptr.sample_delay(rep_msg_sink_sptr self, int which) → unsigned int
rep_msg_sink_sptr.set_min_noutput_items(rep_msg_sink_sptr self, int m)
rep_msg_sink_sptr.set_thread_priority(rep_msg_sink_sptr self, int priority) → int
rep_msg_sink_sptr.thread_priority(rep_msg_sink_sptr self) → int
gnuradio.zeromq.rep_sink(size_t itemsize, size_t vlen, char * address, int timeout=100, bool pass_tags=False, int hwm=-1) → rep_sink_sptr

Sink the contents of a stream to a ZMQ REP socket.

This block acts a a streaming sink for a GNU Radio flowgraph and writes its contents to a ZMQ REP socket. A REP socket will only send its contents to an attached REQ socket when it requests items.

Constructor Specific Documentation:

Return a shared_ptr to a new instance of zeromq::rep_sink.

  • itemsize – Size of a stream item in bytes.
  • vlen – Vector length of the input items. Note that one vector is one item.
  • address – ZMQ socket address specifier.
  • timeout – Receive timeout in milliseconds, default is 100ms, 1us increments.
  • pass_tags – Whether sink will serialize and pass tags over the link.
  • hwm – High Watermark to configure the socket to (-1 => zmq’s default)
rep_sink_sptr.active_thread_priority(rep_sink_sptr self) → int
rep_sink_sptr.declare_sample_delay(rep_sink_sptr self, int which, int delay)

declare_sample_delay(rep_sink_sptr self, unsigned int delay)

rep_sink_sptr.message_subscribers(rep_sink_sptr self, swig_int_ptr which_port) → swig_int_ptr
rep_sink_sptr.min_noutput_items(rep_sink_sptr self) → int
rep_sink_sptr.pc_input_buffers_full_avg(rep_sink_sptr self, int which) → float

pc_input_buffers_full_avg(rep_sink_sptr self) -> pmt_vector_float

rep_sink_sptr.pc_noutput_items_avg(rep_sink_sptr self) → float
rep_sink_sptr.pc_nproduced_avg(rep_sink_sptr self) → float
rep_sink_sptr.pc_output_buffers_full_avg(rep_sink_sptr self, int which) → float

pc_output_buffers_full_avg(rep_sink_sptr self) -> pmt_vector_float

rep_sink_sptr.pc_throughput_avg(rep_sink_sptr self) → float
rep_sink_sptr.pc_work_time_avg(rep_sink_sptr self) → float
rep_sink_sptr.pc_work_time_total(rep_sink_sptr self) → float
rep_sink_sptr.sample_delay(rep_sink_sptr self, int which) → unsigned int
rep_sink_sptr.set_min_noutput_items(rep_sink_sptr self, int m)
rep_sink_sptr.set_thread_priority(rep_sink_sptr self, int priority) → int
rep_sink_sptr.thread_priority(rep_sink_sptr self) → int
gnuradio.zeromq.req_msg_source(char * address, int timeout=100) → req_msg_source_sptr

Receive messages on ZMQ REQ socket output async messages.

This block will connect to a ZMQ REP socket, then resend all incoming messages as asynchronous messages.

Constructor Specific Documentation:

Return a shared_ptr to a new instance of zeromq::req_msg_source.

  • address – ZMQ socket address specifier
  • timeout – Receive timeout in milliseconds, default is 100ms, 1us increments
req_msg_source_sptr.active_thread_priority(req_msg_source_sptr self) → int
req_msg_source_sptr.declare_sample_delay(req_msg_source_sptr self, int which, int delay)

declare_sample_delay(req_msg_source_sptr self, unsigned int delay)

req_msg_source_sptr.message_subscribers(req_msg_source_sptr self, swig_int_ptr which_port) → swig_int_ptr
req_msg_source_sptr.min_noutput_items(req_msg_source_sptr self) → int
req_msg_source_sptr.pc_input_buffers_full_avg(req_msg_source_sptr self, int which) → float

pc_input_buffers_full_avg(req_msg_source_sptr self) -> pmt_vector_float

req_msg_source_sptr.pc_noutput_items_avg(req_msg_source_sptr self) → float
req_msg_source_sptr.pc_nproduced_avg(req_msg_source_sptr self) → float
req_msg_source_sptr.pc_output_buffers_full_avg(req_msg_source_sptr self, int which) → float

pc_output_buffers_full_avg(req_msg_source_sptr self) -> pmt_vector_float

req_msg_source_sptr.pc_throughput_avg(req_msg_source_sptr self) → float
req_msg_source_sptr.pc_work_time_avg(req_msg_source_sptr self) → float
req_msg_source_sptr.pc_work_time_total(req_msg_source_sptr self) → float
req_msg_source_sptr.sample_delay(req_msg_source_sptr self, int which) → unsigned int
req_msg_source_sptr.set_min_noutput_items(req_msg_source_sptr self, int m)
req_msg_source_sptr.set_thread_priority(req_msg_source_sptr self, int priority) → int
req_msg_source_sptr.thread_priority(req_msg_source_sptr self) → int
gnuradio.zeromq.req_source(size_t itemsize, size_t vlen, char * address, int timeout=100, bool pass_tags=False, int hwm=-1) → req_source_sptr

Receive messages on ZMQ REQ socket and source stream.

This block will connect to a ZMQ REP socket, then produce all incoming messages as streaming output.

Constructor Specific Documentation:

Return a shared_ptr to a new instance of zeromq::req_source.

  • itemsize – Size of a stream item in bytes.
  • vlen – Vector length of the input items. Note that one vector is one item.
  • address – ZMQ socket address specifier.
  • timeout – Receive timeout in milliseconds, default is 100ms, 1us increments.
  • pass_tags – Whether source will look for and deserialize tags.
  • hwm – High Watermark to configure the socket to (-1 => zmq’s default)
req_source_sptr.active_thread_priority(req_source_sptr self) → int
req_source_sptr.declare_sample_delay(req_source_sptr self, int which, int delay)

declare_sample_delay(req_source_sptr self, unsigned int delay)

req_source_sptr.message_subscribers(req_source_sptr self, swig_int_ptr which_port) → swig_int_ptr
req_source_sptr.min_noutput_items(req_source_sptr self) → int
req_source_sptr.pc_input_buffers_full_avg(req_source_sptr self, int which) → float

pc_input_buffers_full_avg(req_source_sptr self) -> pmt_vector_float

req_source_sptr.pc_noutput_items_avg(req_source_sptr self) → float
req_source_sptr.pc_nproduced_avg(req_source_sptr self) → float
req_source_sptr.pc_output_buffers_full_avg(req_source_sptr self, int which) → float

pc_output_buffers_full_avg(req_source_sptr self) -> pmt_vector_float

req_source_sptr.pc_throughput_avg(req_source_sptr self) → float
req_source_sptr.pc_work_time_avg(req_source_sptr self) → float
req_source_sptr.pc_work_time_total(req_source_sptr self) → float
req_source_sptr.sample_delay(req_source_sptr self, int which) → unsigned int
req_source_sptr.set_min_noutput_items(req_source_sptr self, int m)
req_source_sptr.set_thread_priority(req_source_sptr self, int priority) → int
req_source_sptr.thread_priority(req_source_sptr self) → int
gnuradio.zeromq.sub_msg_source(char * address, int timeout=100) → sub_msg_source_sptr

Receive messages on ZMQ SUB socket and output async messages.

This block will connect to a ZMQ PUB socket, then convert them to outgoing async messages

Constructor Specific Documentation:

Return a shared_ptr to a new instance of gr::zeromq::sub_msg_source.

  • address – ZMQ socket address specifier
  • timeout – Receive timeout in milliseconds, default is 100ms, 1us increments
sub_msg_source_sptr.active_thread_priority(sub_msg_source_sptr self) → int
sub_msg_source_sptr.declare_sample_delay(sub_msg_source_sptr self, int which, int delay)

declare_sample_delay(sub_msg_source_sptr self, unsigned int delay)

sub_msg_source_sptr.message_subscribers(sub_msg_source_sptr self, swig_int_ptr which_port) → swig_int_ptr
sub_msg_source_sptr.min_noutput_items(sub_msg_source_sptr self) → int
sub_msg_source_sptr.pc_input_buffers_full_avg(sub_msg_source_sptr self, int which) → float

pc_input_buffers_full_avg(sub_msg_source_sptr self) -> pmt_vector_float

sub_msg_source_sptr.pc_noutput_items_avg(sub_msg_source_sptr self) → float
sub_msg_source_sptr.pc_nproduced_avg(sub_msg_source_sptr self) → float
sub_msg_source_sptr.pc_output_buffers_full_avg(sub_msg_source_sptr self, int which) → float

pc_output_buffers_full_avg(sub_msg_source_sptr self) -> pmt_vector_float

sub_msg_source_sptr.pc_throughput_avg(sub_msg_source_sptr self) → float
sub_msg_source_sptr.pc_work_time_avg(sub_msg_source_sptr self) → float
sub_msg_source_sptr.pc_work_time_total(sub_msg_source_sptr self) → float
sub_msg_source_sptr.sample_delay(sub_msg_source_sptr self, int which) → unsigned int
sub_msg_source_sptr.set_min_noutput_items(sub_msg_source_sptr self, int m)
sub_msg_source_sptr.set_thread_priority(sub_msg_source_sptr self, int priority) → int
sub_msg_source_sptr.thread_priority(sub_msg_source_sptr self) → int
gnuradio.zeromq.sub_source(size_t itemsize, size_t vlen, char * address, int timeout=100, bool pass_tags=False, int hwm=-1) → sub_source_sptr

Receive messages on ZMQ SUB socket and source stream.

This block will connect to a ZMQ PUB socket, then produce all incoming messages as streaming output.

Constructor Specific Documentation:

Return a shared_ptr to a new instance of gr::zeromq::sub_source.

  • itemsize – Size of a stream item in bytes.
  • vlen – Vector length of the input items. Note that one vector is one item.
  • address – ZMQ socket address specifier.
  • timeout – Receive timeout in milliseconds, default is 100ms, 1us increments.
  • pass_tags – Whether source will look for and deserialize tags.
  • hwm – High Watermark to configure the socket to (-1 => zmq’s default)
sub_source_sptr.active_thread_priority(sub_source_sptr self) → int
sub_source_sptr.declare_sample_delay(sub_source_sptr self, int which, int delay)

declare_sample_delay(sub_source_sptr self, unsigned int delay)

sub_source_sptr.message_subscribers(sub_source_sptr self, swig_int_ptr which_port) → swig_int_ptr
sub_source_sptr.min_noutput_items(sub_source_sptr self) → int
sub_source_sptr.pc_input_buffers_full_avg(sub_source_sptr self, int which) → float

pc_input_buffers_full_avg(sub_source_sptr self) -> pmt_vector_float

sub_source_sptr.pc_noutput_items_avg(sub_source_sptr self) → float
sub_source_sptr.pc_nproduced_avg(sub_source_sptr self) → float
sub_source_sptr.pc_output_buffers_full_avg(sub_source_sptr self, int which) → float

pc_output_buffers_full_avg(sub_source_sptr self) -> pmt_vector_float

sub_source_sptr.pc_throughput_avg(sub_source_sptr self) → float
sub_source_sptr.pc_work_time_avg(sub_source_sptr self) → float
sub_source_sptr.pc_work_time_total(sub_source_sptr self) → float
sub_source_sptr.sample_delay(sub_source_sptr self, int which) → unsigned int
sub_source_sptr.set_min_noutput_items(sub_source_sptr self, int m)
sub_source_sptr.set_thread_priority(sub_source_sptr self, int priority) → int
sub_source_sptr.thread_priority(sub_source_sptr self) → int