Data::DiscreteSetBase internal class members


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void add_data(double x, double y, double yp = 0.0)  

Insert data pair in data set. If a pair with the same x value exists, it will be replaced by the new value. Derivative value may be provided as well.

void clear()  

Clear all data

virtual unsigned int get_count() const  

This virtual function implements the get_count pure function declared in the Set1d base abstract class.

Documentation inherited from base class:

Get total number of data stored in data set

double get_d_value(unsigned int x) const  

Get stored derivative value at index x

double & get_d_value(unsigned int x)  

Get modifiable reference to stored derivative value at index x

virtual Math::range_t get_x_range() const  

This virtual function implements the get_x_range pure function declared in the Set1d base abstract class.

Documentation inherited from base class:

Get minimal and maximal x values on found in data set

virtual double get_x_value(unsigned int x) const  

This virtual function implements the get_x_value pure function declared in the Set1d base abstract class.

Documentation inherited from base class:

Get x data at index n in data set

virtual double get_y_value(unsigned int x) const  

This virtual function implements the get_y_value pure function declared in the Set1d base abstract class.

Documentation inherited from base class:

Get y data stored at index n in data set

virtual double & get_y_value(unsigned int x)  

This virtual function implements the get_y_value pure function declared in the Set1d base abstract class.

Documentation inherited from base class:

Get modifiable reference to y data stored at index n in data set

void reserve(size_t n)  

Reserve data entries

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