Shape::Composer::Attributes class reference
[Core module]


This class is flagged as experimental.

#include <Goptical/Shape/Composer>

namespace Goptical {
namespace Shape {
class Composer {
class Attributes;

This class is a member of the Composer class.


This class contains child shape transform and boolean operations for the Composer shape class.


See also the full member list section for this class.


  • Attributes & exclude(const const_ref<Base> &shape)
  • Attributes & include(const const_ref<Base> &shape)
  • Attributes & rotate(double dangle)
  • Attributes & scale(const Math::Vector2 &factor)
  • Attributes & translate(const Math::Vector2 &offset)

Members detail  

Attributes & exclude(const const_ref<Base> &shape)  

This function is flagged as experimental.

Peform boolean 'and not' with the given shape

Attributes & include(const const_ref<Base> &shape)  

This function is flagged as experimental.

Peform boolean 'and' with the given shape

Attributes & rotate(double dangle)  

This function is flagged as experimental.

Apply rotation affine transform. Angle is in degree.

Attributes & scale(const Math::Vector2 &factor)  

This function is flagged as experimental.

Apply scaling affine transform using scale factors (xscale, yscale)

Attributes & translate(const Math::Vector2 &offset)  

This function is flagged as experimental.

Apply translation transform

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