Compiling LilyPond on Windows

Obtaining LilyPond

The most convenient way of getting the LilyPond source, is to run setup.exe and check the source option next to LilyPond in the Packages View dialogue window.

You can get the latest version of LilyPond at

Windows build requirements

You need the following packages to compile Lilypond on Windows (ie, for Cygwin).

The GNU + Cygnus tools, 1.3.10 or newer.
Check out the Cygwin webpage. You can get the latest version of the GNU + Cygnus tools from a Cygwin mirror site.

Cross compiling

These binaries are cross compiled for Windows on a GNU/Linux box using mknetrel. Get it from:

               cvs co mknetrel

If your distribution does not include a Cygwin cross building environment, you can quite easily create one using mknetrel. Apply the mknetrel-cross-tools patch, and read CROSS-TOOLS.

Although mknetrel is well suited for this, the mknetrel maintainer does not see any reason to include this patch.

You can also get precompiled binaries for GNU/Linux ix68.

Compiling on Windows

Compiling on Windows should be possible, but how should we know? If you have any experiences you want to share, please do so at Compiling on Windows. Or write to one of the mailing lists.

Windows installation specifics

Installing LilyPond on Windows is similar to a unix installation, but needs a number of extra tricks. All code for these tricks can be found in LilyPond's mknetrel build script in the source package directory cygwin/mknetrel and mknetrel:extra/lilypond.

The LilyPond Installer RIP

As LilyPond is now included in the Cygwin distribution, the LilyPond installer is no more. Use Cygwin's setup.exe.