List Member List

This is the complete list of members for List, including all inherited members.

Add(Object *)List [virtual]
AppendList(List &list)List
Assign(Object *, int position)List [virtual]
compare(const Object &)Object [inline, virtual]
Copy() const List [virtual]
Count() const List [inline]
cursorList [protected]
Destroy()List [virtual]
Get_Next()List [inline]
Get_Next(ListCursor &cursor) const List
headList [protected]
Index(Object *)List
Insert(Object *, int position)List [virtual]
Next(Object *current)List
Nth(ListCursor &cursor, int n) const List
Nth(int n) const List [inline]
Nth(int n)List [inline]
numberList [protected]
Object()Object [inline]
operator=(List *list)List [inline]
operator=(List &list)List
operator[](int n)List [inline]
operator[](int n) const List [inline]
Pop(int action=LIST_REMOVE_DESTROY)List [virtual]
Previous(Object *current)List
Push(Object *o)List [inline, virtual]
Release()List [virtual]
Remove(Object *)List [virtual]
Remove(int position, int action=LIST_REMOVE_DESTROY)List [virtual]
Shift(int action=LIST_REMOVE_DESTROY)List [inline, virtual]
Start_Get()List [inline]
Start_Get(ListCursor &cursor0) const List [inline]
tailList [protected]
Unshift(Object *o)List [inline, virtual]
~List()List [virtual]
~Object()Object [inline, virtual]

Generated on Sun Jun 8 10:57:04 2008 for GNUmifluz by  doxygen 1.5.5