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5.2.2 (Make)

If you passed the option --prefer-make to pyconf, will contain all of the installation logic for your package. It is highly recommended that you be familiar with basic Make usage. See the see Make manual.

By default, will contain the logic necessary to install a basic Python package consisting of one or more modules. The primary customization may be performed via the variables found at the beginning of the file: PYPACKAGES, PYPACKAGE_ROOT, SCRIPTS, PKG_DATA, DATA, and DATA_ROOT.

PYPACKAGES should contain a space-separated list of all of the Python modules in your package (i.e. top-level directories containing a file). When your package is installed to the user's computer, these modules will be stored in the Python package directory (generally $prefix/lib/python$version/{site,dist}-packages/). If the modules are contained in a sub-directory, say src, of your source directory, you may set the PYPACKAGE_ROOT variable to that directory.

     PYPACKAGES = foo bar

In this example, there are two modules to install: “foo” and “bar”. The modules are to be found under the src directory; thus, for example, module “foo” is to be found at src/foo.

The directories listed under PYPACKAGES will only have their Python files installed. If your modules depend on other, non-Python data files, you may list these under the PKG_DATA variable. Data files should be listed relative to their parent module. Thus, if module “foo” contains a file called bar.dat, set PKG_DATA = foo/bar.dat.

Other data files, which are not specific to any of the Python modules, may be specified under the DATA variable. As before, if your data files are all stored under a particular sub-directory, you may specify it in DATA_ROOT. Files listed under DATA are installed to the package's data directory, which is typically /usr/local/share/$package).

Finally, if your package has any scripts to install, list them under the SCRIPTS variable. They should be listed as files relative to the directory containing Thus, if your script baz is located in the sub-directory bin, you would set SCRIPTS = bin/baz.

One particular advantage of writing the installation logic in Make is the ease with which you may work with non-Python code in your project, such as extensions written in C. How these recipes are to be written is dependent upon the build requirements of this code, and you are thus referred to the see Make manual. Any installation recipes should be given their own targets and made as prerequisites of the “install” target.