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A.3.3 grad_instr_call

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Instruction: grad_instr_call_t entry
struct grad_instr_call {
       grad_instr_t *entry;    
typedef struct grad_instr_call grad_instr_call_t;

Instructions of type grad_instr_call instruct the engine to call the given subprogram. The engine pushes the current instruction to the return point stack and branches to instruction entry. Execution of the subprogram ends when the engine encounters an instruction of one of the following types: grad_instr_return, grad_instr_reply or grad_instr_proxy.

If grad_instr_return is encountered, the engine pops the instruction from the top of the return point stack and makes it current instruction, then it branches to the next node.

If grad_instr_reply or grad_instr_proxy is encountered, the engine, after executing corresponding actions, finishes executing the program.

RPL representation

RPL defun: CALL list
RPL defun: CALL defun-name

In the first form, the argument list is the RPL subprogram to be executed.

In the second form defun-name is a name of the RPL subprogram defined by defun.


First form:

(CALL (ACTION "myfun(%[User-Name])")
      (REPLY Access-Reject
             ("Reply-Message" . "Access Denied")))

Second form:

(CALL process_users)

This document was generated by Sergey Poznyakoff on December, 6 2008 using texi2html 1.78.