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14 %confidential

This special field allows to declare a set of fields as confidential, meaning they contain sensible information such as passwords or secrets. Its usage is:

     %confidential: field1 field2 ... fieldN

The list of field names are separated by one or more blank characters. There can be several %confidential fields in the same record descriptor, the effective list of confidential fields being the union of all the entries.

Declaring a field as confidential indicates that its contents must not be stored in plain text, but encrypted with a password-based mechanism. When the information is retrieved from the database the confidential fields are unencrypted if the correct password is provided. Likewise, when information is inserted in the database the confidential fields are encrypted with some given password.

For example, consider a database of users of some service. For each user we want to store a name, a login name, an email address and a password. All this information is public with the obvious exception of the password. Thus we declare the Password field as confidential in the corresponding record descriptor:

     %rec: Account
     %type: Name line
     %type: Login line
     %type: Email email
     %confidential: Password

The rec format does not impose the usage of a specific encryption algorithm, but requires that:

The above rules assure that it is possible to determine whether a given field is encrypted. For example, the following is an excerpt from the account database described above. It contains an entry with the password encrypted and another with the password unencrypted:

     Name: Mr. Foo
     Login: foo
     Password: encrypted-AAABBBCCDDDEEEFFF
     Name: Mr. Bar
     Login: bar
     Password: secret

Unencrypted confidential fields are considered a data integrity error, and utilities like recfix will report it. The same utility can be used to “fix” the database by massively encripting any unencrypted field.

Nothing prevents the usage of several passwords in the same database. This allows the establishment of several level of securities or security profiles. For example, we may want to store different passwords for different online services:

     %rec: Account
     %confidential: WebPassword ShellPassword

We could then encrypt WebPassword entries using a password shared among all the webmasters, and the ShellPassword entries with a more restricted password available only to the administrator of the machine.

The GNU recutils fully support encypted fields. See the documentation for recsel, recins and recfix for details on how to operate on files containing confidential fields.