GNU Smalltalk Library Reference ******************************* This document describes the class libraries that are distributed together with the GNU Smalltalk programming language. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License". 1 Base classes ************** 1.1 AbstractNamespace ===================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: BindingDictionary Category: Language-Implementation I am a special form of dictionary. Classes hold on an instance of me; it is called their 'environment'. 1.1.1 AbstractNamespace class: instance creation ------------------------------------------------ new Disabled - use #new to create instances primNew: parent name: spaceName Private - Create a new namespace with the given name and parent, and add to the parent a key that references it. 1.1.2 AbstractNamespace: accessing ---------------------------------- allAssociations Answer a Dictionary with all of the associations in the receiver and each of its superspaces (duplicate keys are associated to the associations that are deeper in the namespace hierarchy) allBehaviorsDo: aBlock Evaluate aBlock once for each class and metaclass in the namespace. allClassObjectsDo: aBlock Evaluate aBlock once for each class and metaclass in the namespace. allClassesDo: aBlock Evaluate aBlock once for each class in the namespace. allMetaclassesDo: aBlock Evaluate aBlock once for each metaclass in the namespace. classAt: aKey Answer the value corrisponding to aKey if it is a class. Fail if either aKey is not found or it is associated to something different from a class. classAt: aKey ifAbsent: aBlock Answer the value corrisponding to aKey if it is a class. Evaluate aBlock and answer its result if either aKey is not found or it is associated to something different from a class. 1.1.3 AbstractNamespace: compiling ---------------------------------- addSharedPool: aDictionary Import the given bindings for classes compiled with me as environment. import: aDictionary Import the given bindings for classes compiled with me as environment. removeSharedPool: aDictionary Remove aDictionary from my list of direct pools. sharedPoolDictionaries Answer the shared pools (not names) imported for my classes. 1.1.4 AbstractNamespace: copying -------------------------------- copyEmpty: newSize Answer an empty copy of the receiver whose size is newSize whileCurrentDo: aBlock Evaluate aBlock with the current namespace set to the receiver. Answer the result of the evaluation. 1.1.5 AbstractNamespace: namespace hierarchy -------------------------------------------- addSubspace: aSymbol Create a namespace named aSymbol, add it to the receiver's subspaces, and answer it. allSubassociationsDo: aBlock Invokes aBlock once for every association in each of the receiver's subspaces. allSubspaces Answer the direct and indirect subspaces of the receiver in a Set allSubspacesDo: aBlock Invokes aBlock for all subspaces, both direct and indirect. allSuperspacesDo: aBlock Evaluate aBlock once for each of the receiver's superspaces includesClassNamed: aString Answer whether the receiver or any of its superspaces include the given class - note that this method (unlike #includesKey:) does not require aString to be interned and (unlike #includesGlobalNamed:) only returns true if the global is a class object. includesGlobalNamed: aString Answer whether the receiver or any of its superspaces include the given key - note that this method (unlike #includesKey:) does not require aString to be interned but (unlike #includesClassNamed:) returns true even if the global is not a class object. removeSubspace: aSymbol Remove my subspace named aSymbol from the hierarchy. selectSubspaces: aBlock Return a Set of subspaces of the receiver satisfying aBlock. selectSuperspaces: aBlock Return a Set of superspaces of the receiver satisfying aBlock. siblings Answer all the other children of the same namespace as the receiver. siblingsDo: aBlock Evaluate aBlock once for each of the other root namespaces, passing the namespace as a parameter. subspaces Answer the receiver's direct subspaces subspacesDo: aBlock Invokes aBlock for all direct subspaces. superspace Answer the receiver's superspace. superspace: aNamespace Set the superspace of the receiver to be 'aNamespace'. Also adds the receiver as a subspace of it. withAllSubspaces Answer a Set containing the receiver together with its direct and indirect subspaces withAllSubspacesDo: aBlock Invokes aBlock for the receiver and all subclasses, both direct and indirect. 1.1.6 AbstractNamespace: overrides for superspaces -------------------------------------------------- inheritedKeys Answer a Set of all the keys in the receiver and its superspaces set: key to: newValue Assign newValue to the variable named as specified by 'key'. This method won't define a new variable; instead if the key is not found it will search in superspaces and raising an error if the variable cannot be found in any of the superspaces. Answer newValue. set: key to: newValue ifAbsent: aBlock Assign newValue to the variable named as specified by 'key'. This method won't define a new variable; instead if the key is not found it will search in superspaces and evaluate aBlock if it is not found. Answer newValue. values Answer a Bag containing the values of the receiver 1.1.7 AbstractNamespace: printing --------------------------------- name Answer the receiver's name name: aSymbol Change the receiver's name to aSymbol nameIn: aNamespace Answer Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver when the current namespace is aNamespace printOn: aStream Print a representation of the receiver storeOn: aStream Store Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver 1.1.8 AbstractNamespace: testing -------------------------------- isNamespace Answer 'true'. isSmalltalk Answer 'false'. 1.2 AlternativeObjectProxy ========================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: DumperProxy Category: Streams-Files I am a proxy that uses the same ObjectDumper to store an object which is not the object to be dumped, but from which the dumped object can be reconstructed. I am an abstract class, using me would result in infinite loops because by default I try to store the same object again and again. See the method comments for more information 1.2.1 AlternativeObjectProxy class: instance creation ----------------------------------------------------- acceptUsageForClass: aClass The receiver was asked to be used as a proxy for the class aClass. Answer whether the registration is fine. By default, answer true except if AlternativeObjectProxy itself is being used. on: anObject Answer a proxy to be used to save anObject. IMPORTANT: this method MUST be overridden so that the overridden version sends #on: to super passing an object that is NOT the same as anObject (alternatively, you can override #dumpTo:, which is what NullProxy does), because that would result in an infinite loop! This also means that AlternativeObjectProxy must never be used directly - only as a superclass. 1.2.2 AlternativeObjectProxy: accessing --------------------------------------- object Reconstruct the object stored in the proxy and answer it. A subclass will usually override this object: theObject Set the object to be dumped to theObject. This should not be overridden. primObject Reconstruct the object stored in the proxy and answer it. This method must not be overridden 1.3 ArithmeticError =================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Error Category: Language-Exceptions An ArithmeticError exception is raised by numeric classes when a program tries to do something wrong, such as extracting the square root of a negative number. 1.3.1 ArithmeticError: description ---------------------------------- description Answer a textual description of the exception. isResumable Answer true. Arithmetic exceptions are by default resumable. 1.4 Array ========= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: ArrayedCollection Category: Collections-Sequenceable My instances are objects that have array-like properties: they are directly indexable by integers starting at 1, and they are fixed in size. I inherit object creation behavior messages such as #with:, as well as iteration and general access behavior from SequenceableCollection. 1.4.1 Array class: instance creation ------------------------------------ from: anArray Answer anArray, which is expected to be an array specified with a brace-syntax expression per my inherited protocol. 1.4.2 Array: built ins ---------------------- at: anIndex ifAbsent: aBlock Answer the index-th indexed instance variable of the receiver replaceFrom: start to: stop with: byteArray startingAt: replaceStart Replace the characters from start to stop with new characters whose ASCII codes are contained in byteArray, starting at the replaceStart location of byteArray 1.4.3 Array: mutating objects ----------------------------- multiBecome: anArray Transform every object in the receiver in each corresponding object in anArray. anArray and the receiver must have the same size 1.4.4 Array: printing --------------------- isLiteralObject Answer whether the receiver is expressible as a Smalltalk literal. printOn: aStream Print a representation for the receiver on aStream storeLiteralOn: aStream Store a Smalltalk literal compiling to the receiver on aStream storeOn: aStream Store Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver on aStream 1.4.5 Array: testing -------------------- isArray Answer 'true'. 1.5 ArrayedCollection ===================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: SequenceableCollection Category: Collections-Sequenceable My instances are objects that are generally fixed size, and are accessed by an integer index. The ordering of my instance's elements is determined externally; I will not rearrange the order of the elements. 1.5.1 ArrayedCollection class: instance creation ------------------------------------------------ join: aCollection Where aCollection is a collection of SequenceableCollections, answer a new instance with all the elements therein, in order. join: aCollection separatedBy: sepCollection Where aCollection is a collection of SequenceableCollections, answer a new instance with all the elements therein, in order, each separated by an occurrence of sepCollection. new: size withAll: anObject Answer a collection with the given size, whose elements are all set to anObject streamContents: aBlock Create a ReadWriteStream on an empty instance of the receiver; pass the stream to aBlock, then retrieve its contents and answer them. with: element1 Answer a collection whose only element is element1 with: element1 with: element2 Answer a collection whose only elements are the parameters in the order they were passed with: element1 with: element2 with: element3 Answer a collection whose only elements are the parameters in the order they were passed with: element1 with: element2 with: element3 with: element4 Answer a collection whose only elements are the parameters in the order they were passed with: element1 with: element2 with: element3 with: element4 with: element5 Answer a collection whose only elements are the parameters in the order they were passed withAll: aCollection Answer a collection whose elements are the same as those in aCollection 1.5.2 ArrayedCollection: basic ------------------------------ , aSequenceableCollection Answer a new instance of an ArrayedCollection containing all the elements in the receiver, followed by all the elements in aSequenceableCollection add: value This method should not be called for instances of this class. atAll: keyCollection Answer a collection of the same kind returned by #collect:, that only includes the values at the given indices. Fail if any of the values in keyCollection is out of bounds for the receiver. copyFrom: start to: stop Answer a new collection containing all the items in the receiver from the start-th and to the stop-th copyWith: anElement Answer a new instance of an ArrayedCollection containing all the elements in the receiver, followed by the single item anElement copyWithout: oldElement Answer a copy of the receiver to which all occurrences of oldElement are removed 1.5.3 ArrayedCollection: built ins ---------------------------------- size Answer the size of the receiver 1.5.4 ArrayedCollection: compiler --------------------------------- literalEquals: anObject Not commented. literalHash Not commented. 1.5.5 ArrayedCollection: copying Collections -------------------------------------------- copyReplaceAll: oldSubCollection with: newSubCollection Answer a new collection in which all the sequences matching oldSubCollection are replaced with newSubCollection copyReplaceFrom: start to: stop with: replacementCollection Answer a new collection of the same class as the receiver that contains the same elements as the receiver, in the same order, except for elements from index 'start' to index 'stop'. If start < stop, these are replaced by the contents of the replacementCollection. Instead, If start = (stop + 1), like in 'copyReplaceFrom: 4 to: 3 with: anArray', then every element of the receiver will be present in the answered copy; the operation will be an append if stop is equal to the size of the receiver or, if it is not, an insert before index 'start'. copyReplaceFrom: start to: stop withObject: anObject Answer a new collection of the same class as the receiver that contains the same elements as the receiver, in the same order, except for elements from index 'start' to index 'stop'. If start < stop, these are replaced by stop-start+1 copies of anObject. Instead, If start = (stop + 1), then every element of the receiver will be present in the answered copy; the operation will be an append if stop is equal to the size of the receiver or, if it is not, an insert before index 'start'. reverse Answer the receivers' contents in reverse order 1.5.6 ArrayedCollection: enumerating the elements of a collection ----------------------------------------------------------------- collect: aBlock Answer a new instance of an ArrayedCollection containing all the results of evaluating aBlock passing each of the receiver's elements reject: aBlock Answer a new instance of an ArrayedCollection containing all the elements in the receiver which, when passed to aBlock, answer false select: aBlock Answer a new instance of an ArrayedCollection containing all the elements in the receiver which, when passed to aBlock, answer true with: aSequenceableCollection collect: aBlock Evaluate aBlock for each pair of elements took respectively from the receiver and from aSequenceableCollection; answer a collection of the same kind of the receiver, made with the block's return values. Fail if the receiver has not the same size as aSequenceableCollection. 1.5.7 ArrayedCollection: sorting -------------------------------- sorted Return a copy of the receiver sorted according to the default sort block, which uses #<= to compare items. sorted: sortBlock Return a copy of the receiver sorted according to the given sort block, which accepts pair of items and returns true if the first item is less than the second one. 1.5.8 ArrayedCollection: storing -------------------------------- storeOn: aStream Store Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver on aStream 1.5.9 ArrayedCollection: streams -------------------------------- writeStream Answer a WriteStream streaming on the receiver 1.6 Association =============== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: LookupKey Category: Language-Data types My instances represent a mapping between two objects. Typically, my "key" object is a symbol, but I don't require this. My "value" object has no conventions associated with it; it can be any object at all. 1.6.1 Association class: basic ------------------------------ key: aKey value: aValue Answer a new association with the given key and value 1.6.2 Association: accessing ---------------------------- environment Answer nil. This is present to achieve polymorphism with instances of VariableBinding. environment: aNamespace Do nothing. This is present to achieve polymorphism with instances of VariableBinding. key: aKey value: aValue Set the association's key to aKey, and its value to aValue value Answer the association's value value: aValue Set the association's value to aValue 1.6.3 Association: finalization ------------------------------- mourn Finalize the receiver 1.6.4 Association: printing --------------------------- printOn: aStream Put on aStream a representation of the receiver 1.6.5 Association: storing -------------------------- storeOn: aStream Put on aStream some Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver 1.6.6 Association: testing -------------------------- = anAssociation Answer whether the association's key and value are the same as anAssociation's, or false if anAssociation is not an Association. As a special case, identical values are considered equal even if #= returns false (as is the case for NaN floating-point values). hash Answer an hash value for the receiver 1.7 Autoload ============ Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: none Category: Examples-Useful tools I am not a part of the normal Smalltalk kernel class system. I provide the ability to do late ("on-demand") loading of class definitions. Through me, you can define any class to be loaded when any message is sent to the class itself (such as to create an instance) or to its metaclass (such as #methodsFor: to extend it with class-side methods). 1.7.1 Autoload class: instance creation --------------------------------------- class: nameSymbol from: fileNameString Make Smalltalk automatically load the class named nameSymbol from fileNameString when needed class: nameSymbol in: aNamespace from: fileNameString Make Smalltalk automatically load the class named nameSymbol and residing in aNamespace from fileNameString when needed class: nameSymbol in: aNamespace loader: anObject Make Smalltalk automatically load the class named nameSymbol and residing in aNamespace. When the class is needed, anObject will be sent #autoload. By default, instances of FilePath and Package can be used. class: nameSymbol loader: anObject Make Smalltalk automatically load the class named nameSymbol. When the class is needed, anObject will be sent #autoload. By default, instances of FilePath and Package can be used. 1.7.2 Autoload: accessing ------------------------- class We need it to access the metaclass instance, because that's what will load the file. doesNotUnderstand: aMessage Load the class and resend the message to it 1.8 Bag ======= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Collection Category: Collections-Unordered My instances are unordered collections of objects. You can think of me as a set with a memory; that is, if the same object is added to me twice, then I will report that that element has been stored twice. 1.8.1 Bag class: basic ---------------------- new Answer a new instance of the receiver new: size Answer a new instance of the receiver, with space for size distinct objects 1.8.2 Bag: adding ----------------- add: newObject Add an occurrence of newObject to the receiver. Answer newObject. Fail if newObject is nil. add: newObject withOccurrences: anInteger If anInteger > 0, add anInteger occurrences of newObject to the receiver. If anInteger < 0, remove them. Answer newObject. Fail if newObject is nil. 1.8.3 Bag: enumerating the elements of a collection --------------------------------------------------- asSet Answer a set with the elements of the receiver do: aBlock Evaluate the block for all members in the collection. 1.8.4 Bag: extracting items --------------------------- sortedByCount Answer a collection of counts with elements, sorted by decreasing count. 1.8.5 Bag: printing ------------------- printOn: aStream Put on aStream a representation of the receiver 1.8.6 Bag: removing ------------------- remove: oldObject ifAbsent: anExceptionBlock Remove oldObject from the collection and return it. If can't be found, answer instead the result of evaluationg anExceptionBlock 1.8.7 Bag: storing ------------------ storeOn: aStream Put on aStream some Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver 1.8.8 Bag: testing collections ------------------------------ = aBag Answer whether the receiver and aBag contain the same objects hash Answer an hash value for the receiver includes: anObject Answer whether we include anObject occurrencesOf: anObject Answer the number of occurrences of anObject found in the receiver size Answer the total number of objects found in the receiver 1.9 Behavior ============ Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Language-Implementation I am the parent class of all "class" type methods. My instances know about the subclass/superclass relationships between classes, contain the description that instances are created from, and hold the method dictionary that's associated with each class. I provide methods for compiling methods, modifying the class inheritance hierarchy, examining the method dictionary, and iterating over the class hierarchy. 1.9.1 Behavior: accessing class hierarchy ----------------------------------------- allSubclasses Answer the direct and indirect subclasses of the receiver in a Set allSuperclasses Answer all the receiver's superclasses in a collection subclasses Answer the direct subclasses of the receiver in a Set superclass Answer the receiver's superclass (if any, otherwise answer nil) withAllSubclasses Answer a Set containing the receiver together with its direct and indirect subclasses withAllSuperclasses Answer the receiver and all of its superclasses in a collection 1.9.2 Behavior: accessing instances and variables ------------------------------------------------- allClassVarNames Return all the class variables understood by the receiver allInstVarNames Answer the names of every instance variables the receiver contained in the receiver's instances allInstances Returns a set of all instances of the receiver allSharedPoolDictionaries Return the shared pools defined by the class and any of its superclasses, in the correct search order. allSharedPools Return the names of the shared pools defined by the class and any of its superclasses, in the correct search order. classPool Answer the class pool dictionary. Since Behavior does not support classes with class variables, we answer an empty one; adding variables to it results in an error. classVarNames Answer all the class variables for instances of the receiver indexOfInstVar: aString Answer the index of aString in the fixed instance variables of the instances of the receiver, or 0 if the variable is missing. indexOfInstVar: aString ifAbsent: aBlock Answer the index of aString in the fixed instance variables of the instances of the receiver, or 0 if the variable is missing. instVarNames Answer an Array containing the instance variables defined by the receiver instanceCount Return a count of all the instances of the receiver sharedPools Return the names of the shared pools defined by the class subclassInstVarNames Answer the names of the instance variables the receiver inherited from its superclass 1.9.3 Behavior: accessing the method dictionary ----------------------------------------------- >> selector Return the compiled method associated with selector, from the local method dictionary. Error if not found. allSelectors Answer a Set of all the selectors understood by the receiver compiledMethodAt: selector Return the compiled method associated with selector, from the local method dictionary. Error if not found. compiledMethodAt: selector ifAbsent: aBlock Return the compiled method associated with selector, from the local method dictionary. Evaluate aBlock if not found. formattedSourceStringAt: selector Answer the method source code as a formatted string (if available) for the given selector. Requires package Parser. lookupAllSelectors: aSelector Answer a Set of all the compiled method associated with selector. from the local method dictionary and all of the superclasses. lookupSelector: aSelector Return the compiled method associated with selector, from the local method dictionary or one of a superclass; return nil if not found. parseTreeFor: selector Answer the parse tree for the given selector, or nil if there was an error. Requires the Parser package to be loaded. selectorAt: method Return selector for the given CompiledMethod selectors Answer a Set of the receiver's selectors sourceCodeAt: selector Answer source code (if available) for the given selector. sourceCodeAt: selector ifAbsent: aBlock Answer source code (if available) for the given selector. sourceMethodAt: selector This is too dependent on the original implementation 1.9.4 Behavior: built ins ------------------------- basicNewInFixedSpace Create a new instance of a class with no indexed instance variables. The instance is guaranteed not to move across garbage collections. Like #basicNew, this method should not be overridden. basicNewInFixedSpace: numInstanceVariables Create a new instance of a class with indexed instance variables. The instance has numInstanceVariables indexed instance variables. The instance is guaranteed not to move across garbage collections. Like #basicNew:, this method should not be overridden. flushCache Invalidate the method cache kept by the virtual machine. This message should not need to be called by user programs. methodsFor: category ifTrue: condition Compile the following code inside the receiver, with the given category, if condition is true; else ignore it primCompile: code Compile the code, a string or readable stream, with no category. Fail if the code does not obey Smalltalk syntax. Answer the generated CompiledMethod if it does. Do not send this in user code; use #compile: or related methods instead. primCompile: code ifError: aBlock As with #primCompile:, but evaluate aBlock (passing the file name, line number and description of the error) if the code does not obey Smalltalk syntax. Do not send this in user code; use #compile:ifError: or related methods instead. someInstance Private - Answer the first instance of the receiver in the object table 1.9.5 Behavior: builtin ----------------------- basicNew Create a new instance of a class with no indexed instance variables; this method must not be overridden. basicNew: numInstanceVariables Create a new instance of a class with indexed instance variables. The instance has numInstanceVariables indexed instance variables; this method must not be overridden. new Create a new instance of a class with no indexed instance variables new: numInstanceVariables Create a new instance of a class with indexed instance variables. The instance has numInstanceVariables indexed instance variables. 1.9.6 Behavior: compilation --------------------------- scopeDictionary Answer the dictionary that is used when the receiver is before a period in Smalltalk source code. 1.9.7 Behavior: compilation (alternative) ----------------------------------------- methods Don't use this, it's only present to file in from Smalltalk/V methodsFor Don't use this, it's only present to file in from Dolphin Smalltalk methodsFor: category ifFeatures: features Start compiling methods in the receiver if this implementation of Smalltalk has the given features, else skip the section methodsFor: category stamp: notUsed Don't use this, it's only present to file in from Squeak privateMethods Don't use this, it's only present to file in from IBM Smalltalk publicMethods Don't use this, it's only present to file in from IBM Smalltalk 1.9.8 Behavior: compiling ------------------------- compilerClass Return the class that will be used to compile the parse nodes into bytecodes. 1.9.9 Behavior: compiling methods --------------------------------- methodsFor: aCategoryString Calling this method prepares the parser to receive methods to be compiled and installed in the receiver's method dictionary. The methods are put in the category identified by the parameter. poolResolution Answer a PoolResolution class to be used for resolving pool variables while compiling methods on this class. 1.9.10 Behavior: creating a class hierarchy ------------------------------------------- addSubclass: aClass Add aClass asone of the receiver's subclasses. removeSubclass: aClass Remove aClass from the list of the receiver's subclasses superclass: aClass Set the receiver's superclass. 1.9.11 Behavior: enumerating ---------------------------- allInstancesDo: aBlock Invokes aBlock for all instances of the receiver allSubclassesDo: aBlock Invokes aBlock for all subclasses, both direct and indirect. allSubinstancesDo: aBlock Invokes aBlock for all instances of each of the receiver's subclasses. allSuperclassesDo: aBlock Invokes aBlock for all superclasses, both direct and indirect. selectSubclasses: aBlock Return a Set of subclasses of the receiver satisfying aBlock. selectSuperclasses: aBlock Return a Set of superclasses of the receiver satisfying aBlock. subclassesDo: aBlock Invokes aBlock for all direct subclasses. withAllSubclassesDo: aBlock Invokes aBlock for the receiver and all subclasses, both direct and indirect. withAllSuperclassesDo: aBlock Invokes aBlock for the receiver and all superclasses, both direct and indirect. 1.9.12 Behavior: evaluating --------------------------- evalString: aString to: anObject Answer the stack top at the end of the evaluation of the code in aString. The code is executed as part of anObject evalString: aString to: anObject ifError: aBlock Answer the stack top at the end of the evaluation of the code in aString. If aString cannot be parsed, evaluate aBlock (see compile:ifError:). The code is executed as part of anObject evaluate: code Evaluate Smalltalk expression in 'code' and return result. evaluate: code ifError: block Evaluate 'code'. If a parsing error is detected, invoke 'block' evaluate: code notifying: requestor Evaluate Smalltalk expression in 'code'. If a parsing error is encountered, send #error: to requestor evaluate: code to: anObject Evaluate Smalltalk expression as part of anObject's method definition evaluate: code to: anObject ifError: block Evaluate Smalltalk expression as part of anObject's method definition. This method is used to support Inspector expression evaluation. If a parsing error is encountered, invoke error block, 'block' 1.9.13 Behavior: instance creation ---------------------------------- newInFixedSpace Create a new instance of a class without indexed instance variables. The instance is guaranteed not to move across garbage collections. If a subclass overrides #new, the changes will apply to this method too. newInFixedSpace: numInstanceVariables Create a new instance of a class with indexed instance variables. The instance has numInstanceVariables indexed instance variables. The instance is guaranteed not to move across garbage collections. If a subclass overrides #new:, the changes will apply to this method too. 1.9.14 Behavior: instance variables ----------------------------------- addInstVarName: aString Add the given instance variable to instance of the receiver instanceVariableNames: instVarNames Set the instance variables for the receiver to be those in instVarNames removeInstVarName: aString Remove the given instance variable from the receiver and recompile all of the receiver's subclasses 1.9.15 Behavior: method dictionary ---------------------------------- addSelector: selector withMethod: compiledMethod Add the given compiledMethod to the method dictionary, giving it the passed selector. Answer compiledMethod compile: code Compile method source. If there are parsing errors, answer nil. Else, return a CompiledMethod result of compilation compile: code ifError: block Compile method source. If there are parsing errors, invoke exception block, 'block' passing file name, line number and error. Return a CompiledMethod result of compilation compile: code notifying: requestor Compile method source. If there are parsing errors, send #error: to the requestor object, else return a CompiledMethod result of compilation compileAll Recompile all selectors in the receiver. Ignore errors. compileAll: aNotifier Recompile all selectors in the receiver. Notify aNotifier by sending #error: messages if something goes wrong. compileAllSubclasses Recompile all selector of all subclasses. Notify aNotifier by sending #error: messages if something goes wrong. compileAllSubclasses: aNotifier Recompile all selector of all subclasses. Notify aNotifier by sending #error: messages if something goes wrong. createGetMethod: what Create a method accessing the variable 'what'. createGetMethod: what default: value Create a method accessing the variable 'what', with a default value of 'value', using lazy initialization createSetMethod: what Create a method which sets the variable 'what'. decompile: selector Decompile the bytecodes for the given selector. defineAsyncCFunc: cFuncNameString withSelectorArgs: selectorAndArgs args: argsArray Please lookup the part on the C interface in the manual. This method is deprecated, you should use the asyncCCall:args: attribute. defineCFunc: cFuncNameString withSelectorArgs: selectorAndArgs returning: returnTypeSymbol args: argsArray Please lookup the part on the C interface in the manual. This method is deprecated, you should use the cCall:returning:args: attribute. edit: selector Open Emacs to edit the method with the passed selector, then compile it methodDictionary Answer the receiver's method dictionary. Don't modify the method dictionary unless you exactly know what you're doing methodDictionary: aDictionary Set the receiver's method dictionary to aDictionary recompile: selector Recompile the given selector, answer nil if something goes wrong or the new CompiledMethod if everything's ok. recompile: selector notifying: aNotifier Recompile the given selector. If there are parsing errors, send #error: to the aNotifier object, else return a CompiledMethod result of compilation removeSelector: selector Remove the given selector from the method dictionary, answer the CompiledMethod attached to that selector removeSelector: selector ifAbsent: aBlock Remove the given selector from the method dictionary, answer the CompiledMethod attached to that selector. If the selector cannot be found, answer the result of evaluating aBlock. selectorsAndMethodsDo: aBlock Evaluate aBlock, passing for each evaluation a selector that's defined in the receiver and the corresponding method. 1.9.16 Behavior: parsing class declarations ------------------------------------------- parseInstanceVariableString: variableString As with #parseVariableString:, but answer symbols that name the variables instead of strings. parseVariableString: aString Answer an array of instance variable names. aString should specify these in traditional file-in 'instanceVariableNames' format. Signal an error if aString contains something other than valid Smalltalk variables. 1.9.17 Behavior: pluggable behavior (not yet implemented) --------------------------------------------------------- debuggerClass Answer which class is to be used to debug a chain of contexts which includes the receiver. nil means 'do not debug'; other classes are sent #debuggingPriority and the one with the highest priority is picked. decompilerClass Answer the class that can be used to decompile methods, or nil if there is none (as is the case now). evaluatorClass Answer the class that can be used to evaluate doits, or nil if there is none (as is the case now). parserClass Answer the class that can be used to parse methods, or nil if there is none (as is the case now). 1.9.18 Behavior: printing hierarchy ----------------------------------- hierarchyIndent Answer the indent to be used by #printHierarchy - 4 by default printFullHierarchy Print my full hierarchy (i.e. all my superclasses and subclasses) on the terminal. printHierarchy Print my entire subclass hierarchy on the terminal. 1.9.19 Behavior: source code ---------------------------- formattedSourceStringAt: aSelector ifAbsent: aBlock Answer the method source code as a formatted string. Requires package Parser. 1.9.20 Behavior: still unclassified ----------------------------------- allSharedPoolDictionariesDo: aBlock Answer the shared pools visible from methods in the metaclass, in the correct search order. parseNodeAt: selector Available only when the Parser package is loaded-Answer an RBMethodNode that compiles to my method named by selector. updateInstanceVars: variableArray shape: shape Update instance variables and instance spec of the class and all its subclasses. variableArray lists the new variables, including inherited ones. 1.9.21 Behavior: support for lightweight classes ------------------------------------------------ article Answer an article ('a' or 'an') which is ok for the receiver's name asClass Answer the first superclass that is a full-fledged Class object environment Answer the namespace that this class belongs to - the same as the superclass, since Behavior does not support namespaces yet. name Answer the class name; this prints to the name of the superclass enclosed in braces. This class name is used, for example, to print the receiver. nameIn: aNamespace Answer the class name when the class is referenced from aNamespace - a dummy one, since Behavior does not support names. printOn: aStream in: aNamespace Answer the class name when the class is referenced from aNamespace - a dummy one, since Behavior does not support names. securityPolicy Not commented. securityPolicy: aSecurityPolicy This method should not be called for instances of this class. 1.9.22 Behavior: testing functionality -------------------------------------- isBehavior Answer 'true'. 1.9.23 Behavior: testing the class hierarchy -------------------------------------------- includesBehavior: aClass Returns true if aClass is the receiver or a superclass of the receiver. inheritsFrom: aClass Returns true if aClass is a superclass of the receiver kindOfSubclass Return a string indicating the type of class the receiver is shape Answer the symbolic shape of my instances. shape: shape Give the provided shape to the receiver's instances. The shape can be nil, or one of #byte #int8 #character #short #word #ushort #int #uint #int64 #uint64 #utf32 #float #double or #pointer. In addition, the special value #inherit means to use the shape of the superclass; note however that this is a static setting, and subclasses that used #inherit are not mutated when the superclass adopts a different shape. 1.9.24 Behavior: testing the form of the instances -------------------------------------------------- instSize Answer how many fixed instance variables are reserved to each of the receiver's instances isBits Answer whether my instances' variables are immediate, non-OOP values. isFixed Answer whether the receiver's instances have no indexed instance variables isIdentity Answer whether x = y implies x == y for instances of the receiver isImmediate Answer whether, if x is an instance of the receiver, x copy == x isPointers Answer whether the instance variables of the receiver's instances are objects isVariable Answer whether the receiver's instances have indexed instance variables 1.9.25 Behavior: testing the method dictionary ---------------------------------------------- canUnderstand: selector Returns true if the instances of the receiver understand the given selector hasMethods Return whether the receiver has any methods defined includesSelector: selector Returns true if the local method dictionary contains the given selector scopeHas: name ifTrue: aBlock If methods understood by the receiver's instances have access to a symbol named 'name', evaluate aBlock whichClassIncludesSelector: selector Answer which class in the receiver's hierarchy contains the implementation of selector used by instances of the class (nil if none does) whichSelectorsAccess: instVarName Answer a Set of selectors which access the given instance variable whichSelectorsAssign: instVarName Answer a Set of selectors which read the given instance variable whichSelectorsRead: instVarName Answer a Set of selectors which read the given instance variable whichSelectorsReferTo: anObject Returns a Set of selectors that refer to anObject whichSelectorsReferToByteCode: aByteCode Return the collection of selectors in the class which reference the byte code, aByteCode 1.10 BindingDictionary ====================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Dictionary Category: Language-Implementation I am a special form of dictionary that provides special ways to access my keys, which typically begin with an uppercase letter; also, my associations are actually VariableBinding instances. My keys are (expected to be) symbols, so I use == to match searched keys to those in the dictionary - this is done expecting that it brings a bit more speed. 1.10.1 BindingDictionary: accessing ----------------------------------- define: aSymbol Define aSymbol as equal to nil inside the receiver. Fail if such a variable already exists (use #at:put: if you don't want to fail) doesNotUnderstand: aMessage Try to map unary selectors to read accesses to the Namespace, and one-argument keyword selectors to write accesses. Note that: a) this works only if the selector has an uppercase first letter; and b) 'aNamespace Variable: value' is the same as 'aNamespace set: #Variable to: value', not the same as 'aNamespace at: #Variable put: value' -- the latter always refers to the current namespace, while the former won't define a new variable, instead searching in superspaces (and raising an error if the variable cannot be found). environment Answer the environment to which the receiver is connected. This can be the class for a dictionary that holds class variables, or the super-namespace. In general it is used to compute the receiver's name. environment: anObject Set the environment to which the receiver is connected. This can be the class for a dictionary that holds class variables, or the super-namespace. In general it is used to compute the receiver's name. import: aSymbol from: aNamespace Add to the receiver the symbol aSymbol, associated to the same value as in aNamespace. Fail if aNamespace does not contain the given key. name Answer the receiver's name, which by default is the same as the name of the receiver's environment. nameIn: aNamespace Answer the receiver's name when referred to from aNamespace; by default the computation is deferred to the receiver's environment. 1.10.2 BindingDictionary: basic & copying ----------------------------------------- = arg Answer whether the receiver is equal to arg. The equality test is by default the same as that for equal objects. = must not fail; answer false if the receiver cannot be compared to arg hash Answer an hash value for the receiver. This is the same as the object's #identityHash. 1.10.3 BindingDictionary: copying --------------------------------- copy Answer the receiver. copyEmpty: newSize Answer an empty copy of the receiver whose size is newSize copyEmptyForCollect Answer an empty copy of the receiver which is filled in to compute the result of #collect: copyEmptyForCollect: size Answer an empty copy of the receiver which is filled in to compute the result of #collect: deepCopy Answer the receiver. shallowCopy Answer the receiver. 1.10.4 BindingDictionary: forward declarations ---------------------------------------------- at: key put: value Store value as associated to the given key. If any, recycle Associations temporarily stored by the compiler inside the 'Undeclared' dictionary. 1.10.5 BindingDictionary: printing ---------------------------------- printOn: aStream in: aNamespace Print the receiver's name when referred to from aNamespace; by default the computation is deferred to the receiver's environment. 1.10.6 BindingDictionary: testing --------------------------------- species Answer 'IdentityDictionary'. 1.11 BlockClosure ================= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Language-Implementation I am a factotum class. My instances represent Smalltalk blocks, portions of executeable code that have access to the environment that they were declared in, take parameters, and can be passed around as objects to be executed by methods outside the current class. Block closures are sent a message to compute their value and create a new execution context; this property can be used in the construction of control flow methods. They also provide some methods that are used in the creation of Processes from blocks. 1.11.1 BlockClosure class: instance creation -------------------------------------------- block: aCompiledBlock Answer a BlockClosure that activates the passed CompiledBlock. block: aCompiledBlock receiver: anObject Answer a BlockClosure that activates the passed CompiledBlock with the given receiver. block: aCompiledBlock receiver: anObject outerContext: aContext Answer a BlockClosure that activates the passed CompiledBlock with the given receiver. numArgs: args numTemps: temps bytecodes: bytecodes depth: depth literals: literalArray Answer a BlockClosure for a new CompiledBlock that is created using the passed parameters. To make it work, you must put the BlockClosure into a CompiledMethod's literals. 1.11.2 BlockClosure class: testing ---------------------------------- isImmediate Answer whether, if x is an instance of the receiver, x copy == x 1.11.3 BlockClosure: accessing ------------------------------ argumentCount Answer the number of arguments passed to the receiver block Answer the CompiledBlock which contains the receiver's bytecodes block: aCompiledBlock Set the CompiledBlock which contains the receiver's bytecodes finalIP Answer the last instruction that can be executed by the receiver fixTemps This should fix the values of the temporary variables used in the block that are ordinarily shared with the method in which the block is defined. Not defined yet, but it is not harmful that it isn't. Answer the receiver. initialIP Answer the initial instruction pointer into the receiver. method Answer the CompiledMethod in which the receiver lies numArgs Answer the number of arguments passed to the receiver numTemps Answer the number of temporary variables used by the receiver outerContext Answer the method/block context which is the immediate outer of the receiver outerContext: containingContext Set the method/block context which is the immediate outer of the receiver receiver Answer the object that is used as 'self' when executing the receiver (if nil, it might mean that the receiver is not valid though...) receiver: anObject Set the object that is used as 'self' when executing the receiver stackDepth Answer the number of stack slots needed for the receiver 1.11.4 BlockClosure: built ins ------------------------------ cull: arg1 Evaluate the receiver, passing arg1 as the only parameter if the receiver has parameters. cull: arg1 cull: arg2 Evaluate the receiver, passing arg1 and arg2 as parameters if the receiver accepts them. cull: arg1 cull: arg2 cull: arg3 Evaluate the receiver, passing arg1, arg2 and arg3 as parameters if the receiver accepts them. value Evaluate the receiver passing no parameters value: arg1 Evaluate the receiver passing arg1 as the only parameter value: arg1 value: arg2 Evaluate the receiver passing arg1 and arg2 as the parameters value: arg1 value: arg2 value: arg3 Evaluate the receiver passing arg1, arg2 and arg3 as the parameters valueWithArguments: argumentsArray Evaluate the receiver passing argArray's elements as the parameters 1.11.5 BlockClosure: control structures --------------------------------------- repeat Evaluate the receiver 'forever' (actually until a return is executed or the process is terminated). whileFalse Evaluate the receiver until it returns true whileFalse: aBlock Evaluate the receiver. If it returns false, evaluate aBlock and restart whileTrue Evaluate the receiver until it returns false whileTrue: aBlock Evaluate the receiver. If it returns true, evaluate aBlock and restart 1.11.6 BlockClosure: exception handling --------------------------------------- ifError: aBlock Evaluate the receiver; when #error: is called, pass to aBlock the receiver and the parameter, and answer the result of evaluating aBlock. If another exception is raised, it is passed to an outer handler; if no exception is raised, the result of evaluating the receiver is returned. on: anException do: aBlock Evaluate the receiver; when anException is signaled, evaluate aBlock passing a Signal describing the exception. Answer either the result of evaluating the receiver or the parameter of a Signal>>#return: on: e1 do: b1 on: e2 do: b2 Evaluate the receiver; when e1 or e2 are signaled, evaluate respectively b1 or b2, passing a Signal describing the exception. Answer either the result of evaluating the receiver or the argument of a Signal>>#return: on: e1 do: b1 on: e2 do: b2 on: e3 do: b3 Evaluate the receiver; when e1, e2 or e3 are signaled, evaluate respectively b1, b2 or b3, passing a Signal describing the exception. Answer either the result of evaluating the receiver or the parameter of a Signal>>#return: on: e1 do: b1 on: e2 do: b2 on: e3 do: b3 on: e4 do: b4 Evaluate the receiver; when e1, e2, e3 or e4 are signaled, evaluate respectively b1, b2, b3 or b4, passing a Signal describing the exception. Answer either the result of evaluating the receiver or the parameter of a Signal>>#return: on: e1 do: b1 on: e2 do: b2 on: e3 do: b3 on: e4 do: b4 on: e5 do: b5 Evaluate the receiver; when e1, e2, e3, e4 or e5 are signaled, evaluate respectively b1, b2, b3, b4 or b5, passing a Signal describing the exception. Answer either the result of evaluating the receiver or the parameter of a Signal>>#return: 1.11.7 BlockClosure: multiple process ------------------------------------- fork Create a new process executing the receiver and start it forkAt: priority Create a new process executing the receiver with given priority and start it forkWithoutPreemption Evaluate the receiver in a process that cannot be preempted. If the receiver expect a parameter, pass the current process. newProcess Create a new process executing the receiver in suspended state. The priority is the same as for the calling process. The receiver must not contain returns newProcessWith: anArray Create a new process executing the receiver with the passed arguments, and leave it in suspended state. The priority is the same as for the calling process. The receiver must not contain returns valueWithoutInterrupts Evaluate aBlock and delay all interrupts that are requested to the active process during its execution to after aBlock returns. valueWithoutPreemption Evaluate the receiver with external interrupts disabled. This effectively disables preemption as long as the block does not explicitly yield control, wait on semaphores, and the like. 1.11.8 BlockClosure: overriding ------------------------------- copy Answer the receiver. deepCopy Answer a shallow copy. 1.11.9 BlockClosure: testing ---------------------------- hasMethodReturn Answer whether the block contains a method return 1.11.10 BlockClosure: unwind protection --------------------------------------- ensure: aBlock Evaluate the receiver; when any exception is signaled exit returning the result of evaluating aBlock; if no exception is raised, return the result of evaluating aBlock when the receiver has ended ifCurtailed: aBlock Evaluate the receiver; if its execution triggers an unwind which truncates the execution of the block ('curtails' the block), evaluate aBlock. The three cases which can curtail the execution of the receiver are: a non-local return in the receiver, a non-local return in a block evaluated by the receiver which returns past the receiver itself, and an exception raised and not resumed during the execution of the receiver. valueWithUnwind Evaluate the receiver. Any errors caused by the block will cause a backtrace, but execution will continue in the method that sent #valueWithUnwind, after that call. Example: [ 1 / 0 ] valueWithUnwind. 'unwind works!' printNl. Important: this method is public, but it is intended to be used in very special cases (as a rule of thumb, use it only when the corresponding C code uses the _gst_prepare_execution_environment and _gst_finish_execution_environment functions). You should usually rely on #ensure: and #on:do:. 1.12 BlockContext ================= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: ContextPart Category: Language-Implementation My instances represent executing Smalltalk blocks, which are portions of executeable code that have access to the environment that they were declared in, take parameters, and result from BlockClosure objects created to be executed by methods outside the current class. Block contexts are created by messages sent to compute a closure's value. They contain a stack and also provide some methods that can be used in inspection or debugging. 1.12.1 BlockContext: accessing ------------------------------ caller Answer the context that called the receiver home Answer the MethodContext to which the receiver refers, or nil if it has been optimized away isBlock Answer whether the receiver is a block context isDisabled Answers false, because contexts that are skipped when doing a return are always MethodContexts. BlockContexts are removed from the chain whenever a non-local return is done, while MethodContexts need to stay there in case there is a non-local return from the #ensure: block. isEnvironment To create a valid execution environment for the interpreter even before it starts, GST creates a fake context whose selector is nil and which can be used as a marker for the current execution environment. Answer whether the receiver is that kind of context (always false, since those contexts are always MethodContexts). isUnwind Answers whether the context must continue execution even after a non-local return (a return from the enclosing method of a block, or a call to the #continue: method of ContextPart). Such contexts are created only by #ensure: and are always MethodContexts. nthOuterContext: n Answer the n-th outer block/method context for the receiver outerContext Answer the outer block/method context for the receiver 1.12.2 BlockContext: debugging ------------------------------ isInternalExceptionHandlingContext Answer whether the receiver is a context that should be hidden to the user when presenting a backtrace. Such contexts are never blocks, but check the rest of the chain. 1.12.3 BlockContext: printing ----------------------------- printOn: aStream Print a representation for the receiver on aStream 1.13 Boolean ============ Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Language-Data types I have two instances in the Smalltalk system: true and false. I provide methods that are conditional on boolean values, such as conditional execution and loops, and conditional testing, such as conditional and and conditional or. I should say that I appear to provide those operations; my subclasses True and False actually provide those operations. 1.13.1 Boolean class: testing ----------------------------- isIdentity Answer whether x = y implies x == y for instances of the receiver isImmediate Answer whether, if x is an instance of the receiver, x copy == x 1.13.2 Boolean: basic --------------------- & aBoolean This method's functionality should be implemented by subclasses of Boolean and: aBlock This method's functionality should be implemented by subclasses of Boolean eqv: aBoolean This method's functionality should be implemented by subclasses of Boolean ifFalse: falseBlock This method's functionality should be implemented by subclasses of Boolean ifFalse: falseBlock ifTrue: trueBlock This method's functionality should be implemented by subclasses of Boolean ifTrue: trueBlock This method's functionality should be implemented by subclasses of Boolean ifTrue: trueBlock ifFalse: falseBlock This method's functionality should be implemented by subclasses of Boolean not This method's functionality should be implemented by subclasses of Boolean or: aBlock This method's functionality should be implemented by subclasses of Boolean xor: aBoolean This method's functionality should be implemented by subclasses of Boolean | aBoolean This method's functionality should be implemented by subclasses of Boolean 1.13.3 Boolean: C hacks ----------------------- asCBooleanValue This method's functionality should be implemented by subclasses of Boolean 1.13.4 Boolean: overriding -------------------------- deepCopy Answer the receiver. shallowCopy Answer the receiver. 1.13.5 Boolean: storing ----------------------- isLiteralObject Answer whether the receiver is expressible as a Smalltalk literal. storeLiteralOn: aStream Store on aStream some Smalltalk code which compiles to the receiver storeOn: aStream Store on aStream some Smalltalk code which compiles to the receiver 1.14 ByteArray ============== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: ArrayedCollection Category: Collections-Sequenceable My instances are similar to strings in that they are both represented as a sequence of bytes, but my individual elements are integers, where as a String's elements are characters. 1.14.1 ByteArray class: instance creation ----------------------------------------- fromCData: aCObject size: anInteger Answer a ByteArray containing anInteger bytes starting at the location pointed to by aCObject 1.14.2 ByteArray: basic ----------------------- = aCollection Answer whether the receiver's items match those in aCollection indexOf: anElement startingAt: anIndex Answer the first index > anIndex which contains anElement. Invoke exceptionBlock and answer its result if no item is found indexOf: anElement startingAt: anIndex ifAbsent: exceptionBlock Answer the first index > anIndex which contains anElement. Invoke exceptionBlock and answer its result if no item is found 1.14.3 ByteArray: built ins --------------------------- asCData: aCType Allocate memory with malloc for a copy of the receiver, and return it converted to a CObject with the given type at: anIndex ifAbsent: aBlock Answer the index-th indexed instance variable of the receiver byteAt: index Answer the index-th indexed instance variable of the receiver byteAt: index put: value Store the 'value' byte in the index-th indexed instance variable of the receiver hash Answer an hash value for the receiver replaceFrom: start to: stop with: aByteArray startingAt: replaceStart Replace the characters from start to stop with the bytes contained in aByteArray (which, actually, can be any variable byte class), starting at the replaceStart location of aByteArray replaceFrom: start to: stop withString: aString startingAt: replaceStart Replace the characters from start to stop with the ASCII codes contained in aString (which, actually, can be any variable byte class), starting at the replaceStart location of aString 1.14.4 ByteArray: CObject ------------------------- asCData Allocate memory with malloc for a copy of the receiver, and return a pointer to it as a CByte. castTo: type Give access to the receiver as a value with the given CType. 1.14.5 ByteArray: converting ---------------------------- asString Answer a String whose character's ASCII codes are the receiver's contents asUnicodeString Answer a UnicodeString whose character's codes are the receiver's contents. This is not implemented unless you load the I18N package. 1.14.6 ByteArray: more advanced accessing ----------------------------------------- charAt: index Access the C char at the given index in the receiver. The value is returned as a Smalltalk Character. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. charAt: index put: value Store as a C char the Smalltalk Character or Integer object identified by 'value', at the given index in the receiver, using sizeof(char) bytes - i.e. 1 byte. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. doubleAt: index Access the C double at the given index in the receiver. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. doubleAt: index put: value Store the Smalltalk Float object identified by 'value', at the given index in the receiver, writing it like a C double. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. floatAt: index Access the C float at the given index in the receiver. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. floatAt: index put: value Store the Smalltalk Float object identified by 'value', at the given index in the receiver, writing it like a C float. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. intAt: index Access the C int at the given index in the receiver. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. intAt: index put: value Store the Smalltalk Integer object identified by 'value', at the given index in the receiver, using sizeof(int) bytes. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. longAt: index Access the C long int at the given index in the receiver. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. longAt: index put: value Store the Smalltalk Integer object identified by 'value', at the given index in the receiver, using sizeof(long) bytes. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. longDoubleAt: index Access the C long double at the given index in the receiver. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. longDoubleAt: index put: value Store the Smalltalk Float object identified by 'value', at the given index in the receiver, writing it like a C double. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. objectAt: index Access the Smalltalk object (OOP) at the given index in the receiver. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. objectAt: index put: value Store a pointer (OOP) to the Smalltalk object identified by 'value', at the given index in the receiver. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. shortAt: index Access the C short int at the given index in the receiver. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. shortAt: index put: value Store the Smalltalk Integer object identified by 'value', at the given index in the receiver, using sizeof(short) bytes. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. stringAt: index Access the string pointed by the C 'char *' at the given index in the receiver. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. stringAt: index put: value Store the Smalltalk String object identified by 'value', at the given index in the receiver, writing it like a *FRESHLY ALLOCATED* C string. It is the caller's responsibility to free it if necessary. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. ucharAt: index Access the C unsigned char at the given index in the receiver. The value is returned as a Smalltalk Character. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. ucharAt: index put: value Store as a C char the Smalltalk Character or Integer object identified by 'value', at the given index in the receiver, using sizeof(char) bytes - i.e. 1 byte. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. uintAt: index Access the C unsigned int at the given index in the receiver. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. uintAt: index put: value Store the Smalltalk Integer object identified by 'value', at the given index in the receiver, using sizeof(int) bytes. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. ulongAt: index Access the C unsigned long int at the given index in the receiver. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. ulongAt: index put: value Store the Smalltalk Integer object identified by 'value', at the given index in the receiver, using sizeof(long) bytes. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. unsignedCharAt: index Access the C unsigned char at the given index in the receiver. The value is returned as a Smalltalk Character. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. unsignedCharAt: index put: value Store as a C char the Smalltalk Character or Integer object identified by 'value', at the given index in the receiver, using sizeof(char) bytes - i.e. 1 byte. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. unsignedIntAt: index Access the C unsigned int at the given index in the receiver. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. unsignedIntAt: index put: value Store the Smalltalk Integer object identified by 'value', at the given index in the receiver, using sizeof(int) bytes. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. unsignedLongAt: index Access the C unsigned long int at the given index in the receiver. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. unsignedLongAt: index put: value Store the Smalltalk Integer object identified by 'value', at the given index in the receiver, using sizeof(long) bytes. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. unsignedShortAt: index Access the C unsigned short int at the given index in the receiver. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. unsignedShortAt: index put: value Store the Smalltalk Integer object identified by 'value', at the given index in the receiver, using sizeof(short) bytes. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. ushortAt: index Access the C unsigned short int at the given index in the receiver. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. ushortAt: index put: value Store the Smalltalk Integer object identified by 'value', at the given index in the receiver, using sizeof(short) bytes. Indices are 1-based just like for other Smalltalk access. 1.14.7 ByteArray: storing ------------------------- isLiteralObject Answer whether the receiver is expressible as a Smalltalk literal. storeLiteralOn: aStream Put a Smalltalk literal evaluating to the receiver on aStream. storeOn: aStream Put Smalltalk code evaluating to the receiver on aStream. 1.15 CAggregate =============== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CObject Category: Language-C interface 1.15.1 CAggregate class: accessing ---------------------------------- alignof Answer the receiver's instances required aligment sizeof Answer the receiver's instances size 1.15.2 CAggregate: accessing ---------------------------- elementType Answer the type over which the receiver is constructed. 1.16 CallinProcess ================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Process Category: Language-Processes I represent a unit of computation for which external C code requested execution, so I must store the returned value once my computation terminates and I must not survive across image saves (since those who invoked me no longer exist). I am otherwise equivalent to a Process. 1.16.1 CallinProcess: debugging ------------------------------- detach Continue running the receiver as a normal Process, and return nil from the callin. 1.17 CArray =========== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CAggregate Category: Language-C interface 1.17.1 CArray: accessing ------------------------ alignof Answer the receiver's required aligment sizeof Answer the receiver's size 1.18 CArrayCType ================ Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CPtrCType Category: Language-C interface 1.18.1 CArrayCType class: instance creation ------------------------------------------- elementType: aCType This method should not be called for instances of this class. elementType: aCType numberOfElements: anInteger Answer a new instance of CPtrCType that maps an array whose elements are of the given CType, and whose size is exactly anInteger elements (of course, anInteger only matters for allocation, not for access, since no out-of-bounds protection is provided for C objects). from: type Private - Called by CType>>from: for arrays 1.18.2 CArrayCType: accessing ----------------------------- alignof Answer the alignment of the receiver's instances numberOfElements Answer the number of elements in the receiver's instances sizeof Answer the size of the receiver's instances 1.18.3 CArrayCType: basic ------------------------- = anObject Return whether the receiver and anObject are equal. hash Return a hash code for the receiver. 1.18.4 CArrayCType: storing --------------------------- storeOn: aStream As with super. 1.19 CBoolean ============= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CByte Category: Language-C interface I return true if a byte is not zero, false otherwise. 1.19.1 CBoolean class: conversion --------------------------------- type Answer a CType for the receiver 1.19.2 CBoolean: accessing -------------------------- value Get the receiver's value - answer true if it is != 0, false if it is 0. value: aBoolean Set the receiver's value - it's the same as for CBytes, but we get a Boolean, not a Character 1.20 CByte ========== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CUChar Category: Language-C interface You know what a byte is, don't you?!? 1.20.1 CByte class: conversion ------------------------------ cObjStoredType Nothing special in the default case - answer a CType for the receiver type Answer a CType for the receiver 1.20.2 CByte: accessing ----------------------- cObjStoredType Nothing special in the default case - answer the receiver's CType value Answer the value the receiver is pointing to. The returned value is a SmallInteger value: aValue Set the receiver to point to the value, aValue (a SmallInteger). 1.21 CCallable ============== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CObject Category: Language-C interface I am not part of the Smalltalk definition. My instances contain information about C functions that can be called from within Smalltalk, such as number and type of parameters. This information is used by the C callout mechanism to perform the actual call-out to C routines. 1.21.1 CCallable class: instance creation ----------------------------------------- for: aCObject returning: returnTypeSymbol withArgs: argsArray Answer a CFunctionDescriptor with the given address, return type and arguments. The address will be reset to NULL upon image save (and it's the user's task to figure out a way to reinitialize it!) 1.21.2 CCallable: accessing --------------------------- isValid Answer whether the object represents a valid function. returnType Not commented. 1.21.3 CCallable: calling ------------------------- asyncCall Perform the call-out for the function represented by the receiver. The arguments (and the receiver if one of the arguments has type #self or #selfSmalltalk) are taken from the parent context. Asynchronous call-outs don't return a value, but if the function calls back into Smalltalk the process that started the call-out is not suspended. asyncCallNoRetryFrom: aContext Perform the call-out for the function represented by the receiver. The arguments (and the receiver if one of the arguments has type #self or #selfSmalltalk) are taken from the base of the stack of aContext. Asynchronous call-outs don't return a value, but if the function calls back into Smalltalk the process that started the call-out is not suspended. Unlike #asyncCallFrom:, this method does not attempt to find functions in shared objects. callInto: aValueHolder Perform the call-out for the function represented by the receiver. The arguments (and the receiver if one of the arguments has type #self or #selfSmalltalk) are taken from the parent context, and the the result is stored into aValueHolder. aValueHolder is also returned. callNoRetryFrom: aContext into: aValueHolder Perform the call-out for the function represented by the receiver. The arguments (and the receiver if one of the arguments has type #self or #selfSmalltalk) are taken from the base of the stack of aContext, and the result is stored into aValueHolder. aValueHolder is also returned. Unlike #callFrom:into:, this method does not attempt to find functions in shared objects. 1.21.4 CCallable: restoring --------------------------- link Rebuild the object after the image is restarted. 1.22 CCallbackDescriptor ======================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CCallable Category: Language-C interface I am not part of the Smalltalk definition. My instances are able to convert blocks into C functions that can be passed to C. 1.22.1 CCallbackDescriptor class: instance creation --------------------------------------------------- for: aBlock returning: returnTypeSymbol withArgs: argsArray Answer a CCallbackDescriptor with the given block, return type and arguments. 1.22.2 CCallbackDescriptor: accessing ------------------------------------- block Answer the block of the function represented by the receiver. block: aBlock Set the block of the function represented by the receiver. 1.22.3 CCallbackDescriptor: restoring ------------------------------------- link Make the address of the function point to the registered address. 1.23 CChar ========== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CScalar Category: Language-C interface 1.23.1 CChar class: accessing ----------------------------- alignof Answer the receiver's instances required aligment cObjStoredType Private - Answer an index referring to the receiver's instances scalar type sizeof Answer the receiver's instances size 1.23.2 CChar: accessing ----------------------- alignof Answer the receiver's required aligment cObjStoredType Private - Answer an index referring to the receiver's scalar type sizeof Answer the receiver's size 1.23.3 CChar: conversion ------------------------ asByteArray: size Convert size bytes pointed to by the receiver to a String asString Convert the data pointed to by the receiver, up to the first NULL byte, to a String asString: size Convert size bytes pointed to by the receiver to a String 1.24 CCompound ============== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CObject Category: Language-C interface 1.24.1 CCompound class: instance creation ----------------------------------------- gcNew Allocate a new instance of the receiver, backed by garbage-collected storage. new Allocate a new instance of the receiver. To free the memory after GC, remember to call #addToBeFinalized. 1.24.2 CCompound class: subclass creation ----------------------------------------- alignof Answer 1, the alignment of an empty struct classPragmas Return the pragmas that are written in the file-out of this class. compileSize: size align: alignment Private - Compile sizeof and alignof methods declaration Return the description of the fields in the receiver class. declaration: array This method's functionality should be implemented by subclasses of CCompound declaration: array inject: startOffset into: aBlock Compile methods that implement the declaration in array. To compute the offset after each field, the value of the old offset plus the new field's size is passed to aBlock, together with the new field's alignment requirements. emitFieldNameTo: str for: name Private - Emit onto the given stream the code for adding the given selector to the CCompound's #examineOn: method. newStruct: structName declaration: array The old way to create a CStruct. Superseded by #subclass:declaration:... sizeof Answer 0, the size of an empty struct subclass: structName declaration: array classVariableNames: cvn poolDictionaries: pd category: category Create a new class with the given name that contains code to implement the given C struct. All the parameters except 'array' are the same as for a standard class creation message; see documentation for more information 1.24.3 CCompound: debugging --------------------------- examineOn: aStream Print the contents of the receiver's fields on aStream fieldSelectorList Answer a list of selectors whose return values should be printed by #examineOn:. 1.25 CDouble ============ Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CScalar Category: Language-C interface 1.25.1 CDouble class: accessing ------------------------------- alignof Answer the receiver's instances required aligment cObjStoredType Private - Answer an index referring to the receiver's instances scalar type sizeof Answer the receiver's instances size 1.25.2 CDouble: accessing ------------------------- alignof Answer the receiver's required aligment cObjStoredType Private - Answer an index referring to the receiver's scalar type sizeof Answer the receiver's size 1.26 CFloat =========== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CScalar Category: Language-C interface 1.26.1 CFloat class: accessing ------------------------------ alignof Answer the receiver's instances required aligment cObjStoredType Private - Answer an index referring to the receiver's instances scalar type sizeof Answer the receiver's instances size 1.26.2 CFloat: accessing ------------------------ alignof Answer the receiver's required aligment cObjStoredType Private - Answer an index referring to the receiver's scalar type sizeof Answer the receiver's size 1.27 CFunctionDescriptor ======================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CCallable Category: Language-C interface I am not part of the Smalltalk definition. My instances contain information about C functions that can be called from within Smalltalk, such as number and type of parameters. This information is used by the C callout mechanism to perform the actual call-out to C routines. 1.27.1 CFunctionDescriptor class: instance creation --------------------------------------------------- for: funcName returning: returnTypeSymbol withArgs: argsArray Answer a CFunctionDescriptor with the given function name, return type and arguments. funcName must be a String. 1.27.2 CFunctionDescriptor class: testing ----------------------------------------- addressOf: function Answer whether a function is registered (on the C side) with the given name or is dynamically loadable. isFunction: function Answer whether a function is registered (on the C side) with the given name. 1.27.3 CFunctionDescriptor: accessing ------------------------------------- name Answer the name of the function (on the C side) represented by the receiver name: aString Set the name of the function (on the C side) represented by the receiver 1.27.4 CFunctionDescriptor: printing ------------------------------------ printOn: aStream Print a representation of the receiver onto aStream 1.27.5 CFunctionDescriptor: restoring ------------------------------------- link Make the address of the function point to the registered address. 1.28 Character ============== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Magnitude Category: Language-Data types My instances represent the 256 characters of the character set. I provide messages to translate between integers and character objects, and provide names for some of the common unprintable characters. Character is always used (mostly for performance reasons) when referring to characters whose code point is between 0 and 127. Above 127, instead, more care is needed: Character refers to bytes that are used as part of encoding of a character, while UnicodeCharacter refers to the character itself. 1.28.1 Character class: built ins --------------------------------- asciiValue: anInteger Returns the character object corresponding to anInteger. Error if anInteger is not an integer, or not in 0..127. codePoint: anInteger Returns the character object, possibly an UnicodeCharacter, corresponding to anInteger. Error if anInteger is not an integer, or not in 0..16r10FFFF. value: anInteger Returns the character object corresponding to anInteger. Error if anInteger is not an integer, or not in 0..255. 1.28.2 Character class: constants --------------------------------- backspace Returns the character 'backspace' bell Returns the character 'bel' cr Returns the character 'cr' eof Returns the character 'eof', also known as 'sub' eot Returns the character 'eot', also known as 'Ctrl-D' esc Returns the character 'esc' ff Returns the character 'ff', also known as 'newPage' lf Returns the character 'lf', also known as 'nl' newPage Returns the character 'newPage', also known as 'ff' nl Returns the character 'nl', also known as 'lf' nul Returns the character 'nul' space Returns the character 'space' tab Returns the character 'tab' 1.28.3 Character class: initializing lookup tables -------------------------------------------------- initialize Initialize the lookup table which is used to make case and digit-to-char conversions faster. Indices in Table are ASCII values incremented by one. Indices 1-256 classify chars (0 = nothing special, 2 = separator, 48 = digit, 55 = uppercase, 3 = lowercase), indices 257-512 map to lowercase chars, indices 513-768 map to uppercase chars. 1.28.4 Character class: instance creation ----------------------------------------- digitValue: anInteger Returns a character that corresponds to anInteger. 0-9 map to $0-$9, 10-35 map to $A-$Z 1.28.5 Character class: testing ------------------------------- isImmediate Answer whether, if x is an instance of the receiver, x copy == x 1.28.6 Character: built ins --------------------------- = char Boolean return value; true if the characters are equal asInteger Returns the integer value corresponding to self. #codePoint, #asciiValue, #value, and #asInteger are synonyms. asciiValue Returns the integer value corresponding to self. #codePoint, #asciiValue, #value, and #asInteger are synonyms. codePoint Returns the integer value corresponding to self. #codePoint, #asciiValue, #value, and #asInteger are synonyms. value Returns the integer value corresponding to self. #codePoint, #asciiValue, #value, and #asInteger are synonyms. 1.28.7 Character: coercion methods ---------------------------------- * aNumber Returns a String with aNumber occurrences of the receiver. asLowercase Returns self as a lowercase character if it's an uppercase letter, otherwise returns the character unchanged. asString Returns the character self as a string. Only valid if the character is between 0 and 255. asSymbol Returns the character self as a symbol. asUnicodeString Returns the character self as a Unicode string. asUppercase Returns self as a uppercase character if it's an lowercase letter, otherwise returns the character unchanged. 1.28.8 Character: comparing --------------------------- < aCharacter Compare the character's ASCII value. Answer whether the receiver's is the least. <= aCharacter Compare the character's ASCII value. Answer whether the receiver's is the least or their equal. > aCharacter Compare the character's ASCII value. Answer whether the receiver's is the greatest. >= aCharacter Compare the character's ASCII value. Answer whether the receiver's is the greatest or their equal. 1.28.9 Character: converting ---------------------------- asCharacter Return the receiver, since it is already a character. digitValue Returns the value of self interpreted as a digit. Here, 'digit' means either 0-9, or A-Z, which maps to 10-35. 1.28.10 Character: printing --------------------------- displayOn: aStream Print a representation of the receiver on aStream. Unlike #printOn:, this method strips the leading dollar. printOn: aStream Print a representation of the receiver on aStream storeLiteralOn: aStream Store on aStream some Smalltalk code which compiles to the receiver 1.28.11 Character: storing -------------------------- isLiteralObject Answer whether the receiver is expressible as a Smalltalk literal. storeOn: aStream Store Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver on aStream 1.28.12 Character: testing -------------------------- isAlphaNumeric True if self is a letter or a digit isDigit True if self is a 0-9 digit isDigit: radix Answer whether the receiver is a valid character in the given radix. isLetter True if self is an upper- or lowercase letter isLowercase True if self is a lowercase letter isPathSeparator Returns true if self is a path separator ($/ or $\ under Windows, $/ only under Unix systems including Mac OS X). isPunctuation Returns true if self is one of '.,:;!?' isSeparator Returns true if self is a space, cr, tab, nl, or newPage isUppercase True if self is uppercase isVowel Returns true if self is a, e, i, o, or u; case insensitive 1.28.13 Character: testing functionality ---------------------------------------- isCharacter Answer True. We're definitely characters 1.29 CharacterArray =================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: ArrayedCollection Category: Collections-Text My instances represent a generic textual (string) data type. I provide accessing and manipulation methods for strings. 1.29.1 CharacterArray class: basic ---------------------------------- fromString: aCharacterArray Make up an instance of the receiver containing the same characters as aCharacterArray, and answer it. lineDelimiter Answer a CharacterArray which one can use as a line delimiter. This is meant to be used on subclasses of CharacterArray. 1.29.2 CharacterArray class: multibyte encodings ------------------------------------------------ isUnicode Answer whether the receiver stores bytes (i.e. an encoded form) or characters (if true is returned). 1.29.3 CharacterArray: basic ---------------------------- valueAt: anIndex ifAbsent: aBlock Answer the ascii value of the anIndex-th character of the receiver, or evaluate aBlock and answer the result if the index is out of range. 1.29.4 CharacterArray: built ins -------------------------------- valueAt: index Answer the ascii value of index-th character variable of the receiver valueAt: index put: value Store (Character value: value) in the index-th indexed instance variable of the receiver 1.29.5 CharacterArray: comparing -------------------------------- < aCharacterArray Return true if the receiver is less than aCharacterArray, ignoring case differences. <= aCharacterArray Returns true if the receiver is less than or equal to aCharacterArray, ignoring case differences. If is receiver is an initial substring of aCharacterArray, it is considered to be less than aCharacterArray. = aString Answer whether the receiver's items match those in aCollection > aCharacterArray Return true if the receiver is greater than aCharacterArray, ignoring case differences. >= aCharacterArray Returns true if the receiver is greater than or equal to aCharacterArray, ignoring case differences. If is aCharacterArray is an initial substring of the receiver, it is considered to be less than the receiver. indexOf: aCharacterArray matchCase: aBoolean startingAt: anIndex Answer an Interval of indices in the receiver which match the aCharacterArray pattern. # in aCharacterArray means 'match any character', * in aCharacterArray means 'match any sequence of characters'. The first item of the returned interval is >= anIndex. If aBoolean is false, the search is case-insensitive, else it is case-sensitive. If no Interval matches the pattern, answer nil. match: aCharacterArray Answer whether aCharacterArray matches the pattern contained in the receiver. # in the receiver means 'match any character', * in receiver means 'match any sequence of characters'. match: aCharacterArray ignoreCase: aBoolean Answer whether aCharacterArray matches the pattern contained in the receiver. # in the receiver means 'match any character', * in receiver means 'match any sequence of characters'. The case of alphabetic characters is ignored if aBoolean is true. sameAs: aCharacterArray Returns true if the receiver is the same CharacterArray as aCharacterArray, ignoring case differences. 1.29.6 CharacterArray: converting --------------------------------- asByteArray Return the receiver, converted to a ByteArray of ASCII values asClassPoolKey Return the receiver, ready to be put in a class pool dictionary asGlobalKey Return the receiver, ready to be put in the Smalltalk dictionary asInteger Parse an Integer number from the receiver until the input character is invalid and answer the result at this point asLowercase Returns a copy of self as a lowercase CharacterArray asNumber Parse a Number from the receiver until the input character is invalid and answer the result at this point asPoolKey Return the receiver, ready to be put in a pool dictionary asString But I already am a String! Really! asSymbol Returns the symbol corresponding to the CharacterArray asUnicodeString Answer a UnicodeString whose character's codes are the receiver's contents This is not implemented unless you load the I18N package. asUppercase Returns a copy of self as an uppercase CharacterArray fileName But I don't HAVE a file name! filePos But I don't HAVE a file position! isNumeric Answer whether the receiver denotes a number trimSeparators Return a copy of the reciever without any spaces on front or back. The implementation is protected against the 'all blanks' case. 1.29.7 CharacterArray: multibyte encodings ------------------------------------------ encoding Answer the encoding used by the receiver. isUnicode Answer whether the receiver stores bytes (i.e. an encoded form) or characters (if true is returned). numberOfCharacters Answer the number of Unicode characters in the receiver. This is not implemented unless you load the I18N package. 1.29.8 CharacterArray: still unclassified ----------------------------------------- withUnixShellEscapes Answer the receiver with special shell characters converted to a backslash sequence. withWindowsShellEscapes Answer the receiver with Windows shell characters escaped properly. 1.29.9 CharacterArray: string processing ---------------------------------------- % aCollection Answer the receiver with special escape sequences replaced by elements of aCollection. %n (1<=n<=9, A<=n<=Z) are replaced by the n-th element of aCollection (A being the 10-th element and so on until the 35th). %(string) sequences are accessed as strings, which makes sense only if aCollection is a Dictionary or LookupTable. In addition, the special pattern %n or %(string) is replaced with one of the two strings depending on the element of aCollection being true or false. The replaced elements are 'displayed' (i.e. their displayString is used). bindWith: s1 Answer the receiver with every %1 replaced by the displayString of s1 bindWith: s1 with: s2 Answer the receiver with every %1 or %2 replaced by s1 or s2, respectively. s1 and s2 are 'displayed' (i.e. their displayString is used) upon replacement. bindWith: s1 with: s2 with: s3 Answer the receiver with every %1, %2 or %3 replaced by s1, s2 or s3, respectively. s1, s2 and s3 are 'displayed' (i.e. their displayString is used) upon replacement. bindWith: s1 with: s2 with: s3 with: s4 Answer the receiver with every %1, %2, %3 or %4 replaced by s1, s2, s3 or s4, respectively. s1, s2, s3 and s4 are 'displayed' (i.e. their displayString is used) upon replacement. bindWithArguments: aCollection Answer the receiver with special escape sequences replaced by elements of aCollection. %n (1<=n<=9, A<=n<=Z) are replaced by the n-th element of aCollection (A being the 10-th element and so on until the 35th). %(string) sequences are accessed as strings, which makes sense only if aCollection is a Dictionary or LookupTable. In addition, the special pattern %n or %(string) is replaced with one of the two strings depending on the element of aCollection being true or false. The replaced elements are 'displayed' (i.e. their displayString is used). contractTo: smallSize Either return myself, or a copy shortened to smallSize characters by inserting an ellipsis (three dots: ...) lines Answer an Array of Strings each representing one line in the receiver. linesDo: aBlock Evaluate aBlock once for every newline delimited line in the receiver, passing the line to the block. subStrings Answer an OrderedCollection of substrings of the receiver. A new substring start at the start of the receiver, or after every sequence of white space characters subStrings: sep Answer an OrderedCollection of substrings of the receiver. A new substring start at the start of the receiver, or after every occurrence of one of the characters in sep substrings Answer an OrderedCollection of substrings of the receiver. A new substring start at the start of the receiver, or after every sequence of white space characters. This message is preserved for backwards compatibility; the ANSI standard mandates 'subStrings', with an uppercase s. substrings: sep Answer an OrderedCollection of substrings of the receiver. A new substring start at the start of the receiver, or after every occurrence of one of the characters in sep. This message is preserved for backwards compatibility; the ANSI standard mandates 'subStrings:', with an uppercase s. withShellEscapes Answer the receiver with special shell characters converted to a backslash sequence. 1.29.10 CharacterArray: testing functionality --------------------------------------------- isCharacterArray Answer 'true'. 1.30 CInt ========= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CScalar Category: Language-C interface 1.30.1 CInt class: accessing ---------------------------- alignof Answer the receiver's required aligment cObjStoredType Private - Answer an index referring to the receiver's instances scalar type sizeof Answer the receiver's size 1.30.2 CInt: accessing ---------------------- alignof Answer the receiver's instances required aligment cObjStoredType Private - Answer an index referring to the receiver's scalar type sizeof Answer the receiver's instances size 1.31 Class ========== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: ClassDescription Category: Language-Implementation I am THE class object. My instances are the classes of the system. I provide information commonly attributed to classes: namely, the class name, class comment (you wouldn't be reading this if it weren't for me), a list of the instance variables of the class, and the class category. 1.31.1 Class class: initialize ------------------------------ initialize Perform the special initialization of root classes. 1.31.2 Class: accessing instances and variables ----------------------------------------------- addClassVarName: aString Add a class variable with the given name to the class pool dictionary. addClassVarName: aString value: valueBlock Add a class variable with the given name to the class pool dictionary, and evaluate valueBlock as its initializer. addSharedPool: aDictionary Add the given shared pool to the list of the class' pool dictionaries allClassVarNames Answer the names of the variables in the receiver's class pool dictionary and in each of the superclasses' class pool dictionaries bindingFor: aString Answer the variable binding for the class variable with the given name category Answer the class category category: aString Change the class category to aString classPool Answer the class pool dictionary classPragmas Return the pragmas that are written in the file-out of this class. classVarNames Answer the names of the variables in the class pool dictionary comment Answer the class comment comment: aString Change the class name environment Answer 'environment'. environment: aNamespace Set the receiver's environment to aNamespace and recompile everything initialize redefined in children (?) initializeAsRootClass Perform special initialization reserved to root classes. name Answer the class name removeClassVarName: aString Removes the class variable from the class, error if not present, or still in use. removeSharedPool: aDictionary Remove the given dictionary to the list of the class' pool dictionaries sharedPools Return the names of the shared pools defined by the class superclass: aClass Set the receiver's superclass. 1.31.3 Class: filing -------------------- fileOutDeclarationOn: aFileStream File out class definition to aFileStream. Requires package Parser. fileOutOn: aFileStream File out complete class description: class definition, class and instance methods. Requires package Parser. 1.31.4 Class: instance creation ------------------------------- extend Redefine a version of the receiver in the current namespace. Note: this method can bite you in various ways when sent to system classes; read the section on namespaces in the manual for some examples of the problems you can encounter. inheritShape Answer whether subclasses will have by default the same shape as this class. The default is false. subclass: classNameString Define a subclass of the receiver with the given name. If the class is already defined, don't modify its instance or class variables but still, if necessary, recompile everything needed. subclass: classNameString instanceVariableNames: stringInstVarNames classVariableNames: stringOfClassVarNames poolDictionaries: stringOfPoolNames category: categoryNameString Define a fixed subclass of the receiver with the given name, instance variables, class variables, pool dictionaries and category. If the class is already defined, if necessary, recompile everything needed. variable: shape subclass: classNameString instanceVariableNames: stringInstVarNames classVariableNames: stringOfClassVarNames poolDictionaries: stringOfPoolNames category: categoryNameString Define a variable subclass of the receiver with the given name, shape, instance variables, class variables, pool dictionaries and category. If the class is already defined, if necessary, recompile everything needed. The shape can be one of #byte #int8 #character #short #ushort #int #uint #int64 #uint64 #utf32 #float #double or #pointer. variableByteSubclass: classNameString instanceVariableNames: stringInstVarNames classVariableNames: stringOfClassVarNames poolDictionaries: stringOfPoolNames category: categoryNameString Define a byte variable subclass of the receiver with the given name, instance variables (must be "), class variables, pool dictionaries and category. If the class is already defined, if necessary, recompile everything needed. variableSubclass: classNameString instanceVariableNames: stringInstVarNames classVariableNames: stringOfClassVarNames poolDictionaries: stringOfPoolNames category: categoryNameString Define a variable pointer subclass of the receiver with the given name, instance variables, class variables, pool dictionaries and category. If the class is already defined, if necessary, recompile everything needed. variableWordSubclass: classNameString instanceVariableNames: stringInstVarNames classVariableNames: stringOfClassVarNames poolDictionaries: stringOfPoolNames category: categoryNameString Define a word variable subclass of the receiver with the given name, instance variables (must be "), class variables, pool dictionaries and category. If the class is already defined, if necessary, recompile everything needed. 1.31.5 Class: instance creation - alternative --------------------------------------------- categoriesFor: method are: categories Don't use this, it is only present to file in from IBM Smalltalk subclass: classNameString classInstanceVariableNames: stringClassInstVarNames instanceVariableNames: stringInstVarNames classVariableNames: stringOfClassVarNames poolDictionaries: stringOfPoolNames Don't use this, it is only present to file in from IBM Smalltalk subclass: classNameString instanceVariableNames: stringInstVarNames classVariableNames: stringOfClassVarNames poolDictionaries: stringOfPoolNames Don't use this, it is only present to file in from IBM Smalltalk variableByteSubclass: classNameString classInstanceVariableNames: stringClassInstVarNames classVariableNames: stringOfClassVarNames poolDictionaries: stringOfPoolNames Don't use this, it is only present to file in from IBM Smalltalk variableByteSubclass: classNameString classVariableNames: stringOfClassVarNames poolDictionaries: stringOfPoolNames Don't use this, it is only present to file in from IBM Smalltalk variableLongSubclass: classNameString classInstanceVariableNames: stringClassInstVarNames classVariableNames: stringOfClassVarNames poolDictionaries: stringOfPoolNames Don't use this, it is only present to file in from IBM Smalltalk variableLongSubclass: classNameString classVariableNames: stringOfClassVarNames poolDictionaries: stringOfPoolNames Don't use this, it is only present to file in from IBM Smalltalk variableSubclass: classNameString classInstanceVariableNames: stringClassInstVarNames instanceVariableNames: stringInstVarNames classVariableNames: stringOfClassVarNames poolDictionaries: stringOfPoolNames Don't use this, it is only present to file in from IBM Smalltalk variableSubclass: classNameString instanceVariableNames: stringInstVarNames classVariableNames: stringOfClassVarNames poolDictionaries: stringOfPoolNames Don't use this, it is only present to file in from IBM Smalltalk 1.31.6 Class: pragmas --------------------- pragmaHandlerFor: aSymbol Answer the (possibly inherited) registered handler for pragma aSymbol, or nil if not found. registerHandler: aBlock forPragma: pragma While compiling methods, on every encounter of the pragma with the given name, call aBlock with the CompiledMethod and an array of pragma argument values. 1.31.7 Class: printing ---------------------- article Answer an article ('a' or 'an') which is ok for the receiver's name printOn: aStream Print a representation of the receiver on aStream storeOn: aStream Store Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver on aStream 1.31.8 Class: saving and loading -------------------------------- binaryRepresentationVersion Answer a number >= 0 which represents the current version of the object's representation. The default implementation answers zero. convertFromVersion: version withFixedVariables: fixed indexedVariables: indexed for: anObjectDumper This method is called if a VersionableObjectProxy is attached to a class. It receives the version number that was stored for the object (or nil if the object did not use a VersionableObjectProxy), the fixed instance variables, the indexed instance variables, and the ObjectDumper that has read the object. The default implementation ignores the version and simply fills in an instance of the receiver with the given fixed and indexed instance variables (nil if the class instances are of fixed size). If instance variables were removed from the class, extras are ignored; if the class is now fixed and used to be indexed, indexed is not used. nonVersionedInstSize Answer the number of instance variables that the class used to have when objects were stored without using a VersionableObjectProxy. The default implementation answers the current instSize. 1.31.9 Class: security ---------------------- check: aPermission Not commented. securityPolicy Answer 'securityPolicy'. securityPolicy: aSecurityPolicy Not commented. 1.31.10 Class: still unclassified --------------------------------- allSharedPoolDictionariesDo: aBlock Answer the shared pools visible from methods in the metaclass, in the correct search order. fileOutHeaderOn: aFileStream Not commented. 1.31.11 Class: testing ---------------------- = aClass Returns true if the two class objects are to be considered equal. 1.31.12 Class: testing functionality ------------------------------------ asClass Answer the receiver. isClass Answer 'true'. 1.32 ClassDescription ===================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Behavior Category: Language-Implementation My instances provide methods that access classes by category, and allow whole categories of classes to be filed out to external disk files. 1.32.1 ClassDescription: compiling ---------------------------------- compile: code classified: categoryName Compile code in the receiver, assigning the method to the given category. Answer the newly created CompiledMethod, or nil if an error was found. compile: code classified: categoryName ifError: block Compile method source and install in method category, categoryName. If there are parsing errors, invoke exception block, 'block' (see compile:ifError:). Return the method compile: code classified: categoryName notifying: requestor Compile method source and install in method category, categoryName. If there are parsing errors, send an error message to requestor 1.32.2 ClassDescription: conversion ----------------------------------- asClass This method's functionality should be implemented by subclasses of ClassDescription asMetaclass Answer the metaclass associated to the receiver binding Answer a VariableBinding object whose value is the receiver 1.32.3 ClassDescription: copying -------------------------------- copy: selector from: aClass Copy the given selector from aClass, assigning it the same category copy: selector from: aClass classified: categoryName Copy the given selector from aClass, assigning it the given category copyAll: arrayOfSelectors from: class Copy all the selectors in arrayOfSelectors from class, assigning them the same category they have in class copyAll: arrayOfSelectors from: class classified: categoryName Copy all the selectors in arrayOfSelectors from aClass, assigning them the given category copyAllCategoriesFrom: aClass Copy all the selectors in aClass, assigning them the original category copyCategory: categoryName from: aClass Copy all the selectors in from aClass that belong to the given category copyCategory: categoryName from: aClass classified: newCategoryName Copy all the selectors in from aClass that belong to the given category, reclassifying them as belonging to the given category 1.32.4 ClassDescription: filing ------------------------------- fileOut: fileName Open the given file and to file out a complete class description to it. Requires package Parser. fileOutCategory: categoryName to: fileName File out all the methods belonging to the method category, categoryName, to the fileName file. Requires package Parser. fileOutOn: aFileStream File out complete class description: class definition, class and instance methods. Requires package Parser. fileOutSelector: selector to: fileName File out the given selector to fileName. Requires package Parser. 1.32.5 ClassDescription: organization of messages and classes ------------------------------------------------------------- classify: aSelector under: aString Put the method identified by the selector aSelector under the category given by aString. createGetMethod: what Create a method accessing the variable 'what'. createGetMethod: what default: value Create a method accessing the variable 'what', with a default value of 'value', using lazy initialization createSetMethod: what Create a method which sets the variable 'what'. defineAsyncCFunc: cFuncNameString withSelectorArgs: selectorAndArgs args: argsArray See documentation. This function is deprecated, you should use the special syntax instead. defineCFunc: cFuncNameString withSelectorArgs: selectorAndArgs returning: returnTypeSymbol args: argsArray See documentation. This function is deprecated, you should use the special syntax instead. removeCategory: aString Remove from the receiver every method belonging to the given category whichCategoryIncludesSelector: selector Answer the category for the given selector, or nil if the selector is not found 1.32.6 ClassDescription: parsing class declarations --------------------------------------------------- addSharedPool: aDictionary Add the given shared pool to the list of the class' pool dictionaries import: aDictionary Add the given shared pool to the list of the class' pool dictionaries 1.32.7 ClassDescription: printing --------------------------------- classVariableString This method's functionality should be implemented by subclasses of ClassDescription instanceVariableString Answer a string containing the name of the receiver's instance variables. nameIn: aNamespace Answer the class name when the class is referenced from aNamespace printOn: aStream in: aNamespace Print on aStream the class name when the class is referenced from aNamespace sharedVariableString This method's functionality should be implemented by subclasses of ClassDescription 1.32.8 ClassDescription: still unclassified ------------------------------------------- fileOutCategory: category toStream: aFileStream File out all the methods belonging to the method category, category, to aFileStream. Requires package Parser. fileOutSelector: aSymbol toStream: aFileStream File out all the methods belonging to the method category, category, to aFileStream. Requires package Parser. 1.33 CLong ========== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CScalar Category: Language-C interface 1.33.1 CLong class: accessing ----------------------------- alignof Answer the receiver's instances required aligment cObjStoredType Private - Answer an index referring to the receiver's instances scalar type sizeof Answer the receiver's instances size 1.33.2 CLong: accessing ----------------------- alignof Answer the receiver's required aligment cObjStoredType Private - Answer an index referring to the receiver's scalar type sizeof Answer the receiver's size 1.34 CLongDouble ================ Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CScalar Category: Language-C interface 1.34.1 CLongDouble class: accessing ----------------------------------- alignof Answer the receiver's instances required aligment cObjStoredType Private - Answer an index referring to the receiver's instances scalar type sizeof Answer the receiver's instances size 1.34.2 CLongDouble: accessing ----------------------------- alignof Answer the receiver's required aligment cObjStoredType Private - Answer an index referring to the receiver's scalar type sizeof Answer the receiver's size 1.35 CLongLong ============== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CScalar Category: Language-C interface 1.35.1 CLongLong class: accessing --------------------------------- alignof Answer the receiver's instances required aligment cObjStoredType Private - Answer an index referring to the receiver's instances scalar type sizeof Answer the receiver's instances size 1.35.2 CLongLong: accessing --------------------------- alignof Answer the receiver's required aligment cObjStoredType Private - Answer an index referring to the receiver's scalar type sizeof Answer the receiver's size 1.36 CObject ============ Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Language-C interface I am not part of the standard Smalltalk kernel class hierarchy. My instances contain values that are not interpreted by the Smalltalk system; they frequently hold "pointers" to data outside of the Smalltalk environment. The C callout mechanism allows my instances to be transformed into their corresponding C values for use in external routines. 1.36.1 CObject class: conversion -------------------------------- type Nothing special in the default case - answer a CType for the receiver 1.36.2 CObject class: instance creation --------------------------------------- address: anInteger Answer a new object pointing to the passed address, anInteger alloc: nBytes Allocate nBytes bytes and return an instance of the receiver gcAlloc: nBytes Allocate nBytes bytes and return an instance of the receiver gcNew: nBytes Allocate nBytes bytes and return an instance of the receiver new Answer a new object pointing to NULL. new: nBytes Allocate nBytes bytes and return an instance of the receiver 1.36.3 CObject class: primitive allocation ------------------------------------------ alloc: nBytes type: cTypeObject Allocate nBytes bytes and return a CObject of the given type gcAlloc: nBytes type: cTypeObject Allocate nBytes bytes and return a CObject of the given type 1.36.4 CObject class: subclass creation --------------------------------------- inheritShape Answer whether subclasses will have by default the same shape as this class. The default is true for the CObject hierarchy. 1.36.5 CObject: accessing ------------------------- address Answer the address the receiver is pointing to. The address can be absolute if the storage is nil, or relative to the Smalltalk object in #storage. In this case, an address of 0 corresponds to the first instance variable. address: anInteger Set the receiver to point to the passed address, anInteger isAbsolute Answer whether the object points into a garbage-collected Smalltalk storage, or it is an absolute address. printOn: aStream Print a representation of the receiver storage Answer the storage that the receiver is pointing into, or nil if the address is absolute. storage: anObject Change the receiver to point to the storage of anObject. type: aCType Set the receiver's type to aCType. 1.36.6 CObject: basic --------------------- = anObject Return true if the receiver and aCObject are equal. hash Return a hash value for anObject. 1.36.7 CObject: C data access ----------------------------- at: byteOffset put: aValue type: aType Store aValue as data of the given type from byteOffset bytes after the pointer stored in the receiver at: byteOffset type: aType Answer some data of the given type from byteOffset bytes after the pointer stored in the receiver free Free the receiver's pointer and set it to null. Big trouble hits you if the receiver doesn't point to the base of a malloc-ed area. 1.36.8 CObject: conversion -------------------------- castTo: aType Answer another CObject, pointing to the same address as the receiver, but belonging to the aType CType. narrow This method is called on CObjects returned by a C call-out whose return type is specified as a CType; it mostly allows one to change the class of the returned CObject. By default it does nothing, and that's why it is not called when #cObject is used to specify the return type. type Answer a CType for the receiver 1.36.9 CObject: finalization ---------------------------- finalize To make the VM call this, use #addToBeFinalized. It frees automatically any memory pointed to by the CObject. It is not automatically enabled because big trouble hits you if you use #free and the receiver doesn't point to the base of a malloc-ed area. 1.36.10 CObject: pointer-like behavior -------------------------------------- + anInteger Return another instance of the receiver's class which points at &receiver[anInteger] (or, if you prefer, what 'receiver + anInteger' does in C). - intOrPtr If intOrPtr is an integer, return another instance of the receiver's class pointing at &receiver[-anInteger] (or, if you prefer, what 'receiver - anInteger' does in C). If it is the same class as the receiver, return the difference in chars, i.e. in bytes, between the two pointed addresses (or, if you prefer, what 'receiver - anotherCharPtr' does in C) addressAt: anIndex Return a new CObject of the element type, corresponding to an object that is anIndex places past the receiver (remember that CObjects represent pointers and that C pointers behave like arrays). anIndex is zero-based, just like with all other C-style accessing. at: anIndex Dereference a pointer that is anIndex places past the receiver (remember that CObjects represent pointers and that C pointers behave like arrays). anIndex is zero-based, just like with all other C-style accessing. at: anIndex put: aValue Store anIndex places past the receiver the passed Smalltalk object or CObject 'aValue'; if it is a CObject is dereferenced: that is, this method is equivalent either to cobj[anIndex]=aValue or cobj[anIndex]=*aValue. anIndex is zero-based, just like with all other C-style accessing. In both cases, aValue should be of the element type or of the corresponding Smalltalk type (that is, a String is ok for an array of CStrings) to avoid typing problems which however will not be signaled because C is untyped. decr Adjust the pointer by sizeof(dereferencedType) bytes down (i.e. -receiver) decrBy: anInteger Adjust the pointer by anInteger elements down (i.e. receiver -= anInteger) incr Adjust the pointer by sizeof(dereferencedType) bytes up (i.e. ++receiver) incrBy: anInteger Adjust the pointer by anInteger elements up (i.e. receiver += anInteger) 1.36.11 CObject: testing ------------------------ isNull Return true if the receiver points to NULL. 1.36.12 CObject: testing functionality -------------------------------------- isCObject Answer 'true'. 1.37 Collection =============== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Iterable Category: Collections I am an abstract class. My instances are collections of objects. My subclasses may place some restrictions or add some definitions to how the objects are stored or organized; I say nothing about this. I merely provide some object creation and access routines for general collections of objects. 1.37.1 Collection class: instance creation ------------------------------------------ from: anArray Convert anArray to an instance of the receiver. anArray is structured such that the instance can be conveniently and fully specified using brace-syntax, possibly by imposing some additional structure on anArray. join: aCollection Answer a collection formed by treating each element in aCollection as a 'withAll:' argument collection to be added to a new instance. with: anObject Answer a collection whose only element is anObject with: firstObject with: secondObject Answer a collection whose only elements are the parameters in the order they were passed with: firstObject with: secondObject with: thirdObject Answer a collection whose only elements are the parameters in the order they were passed with: firstObject with: secondObject with: thirdObject with: fourthObject Answer a collection whose only elements are the parameters in the order they were passed with: firstObject with: secondObject with: thirdObject with: fourthObject with: fifthObject Answer a collection whose only elements are the parameters in the order they were passed withAll: aCollection Answer a collection whose elements are all those in aCollection 1.37.2 Collection class: multibyte encodings -------------------------------------------- isUnicode Answer true; the receiver is able to store arbitrary Unicode characters. 1.37.3 Collection: adding ------------------------- add: newObject Add newObject to the receiver, answer it addAll: aCollection Adds all the elements of 'aCollection' to the receiver, answer aCollection 1.37.4 Collection: compiler --------------------------- literalEquals: anObject Not commented. literalHash Not commented. 1.37.5 Collection: concatenating -------------------------------- join Answer a new collection like my first element, with all the elements (in order) of all my elements, which should be collections. I use my first element instead of myself as a prototype because my elements are more likely to share the desired properties than I am, such as in: #('hello, ' 'world') join => 'hello, world' 1.37.6 Collection: converting ----------------------------- asArray Answer an Array containing all the elements in the receiver asBag Answer a Bag containing all the elements in the receiver asByteArray Answer a ByteArray containing all the elements in the receiver asOrderedCollection Answer an OrderedCollection containing all the elements in the receiver asRunArray Answer the receiver converted to a RunArray. If the receiver is not ordered the order of the elements in the RunArray might not be the #do: order. asSet Answer a Set containing all the elements in the receiver with no duplicates asSortedCollection Answer a SortedCollection containing all the elements in the receiver with the default sort block - [ :a :b | a <= b ] asSortedCollection: aBlock Answer a SortedCollection whose elements are the elements of the receiver, sorted according to the sort block aBlock asString Answer a String containing all the elements in the receiver asUnicodeString Answer a UnicodeString containing all the elements in the receiver 1.37.7 Collection: copying Collections -------------------------------------- copyReplacing: targetObject withObject: newObject Copy replacing each object which is = to targetObject with newObject copyWith: newElement Answer a copy of the receiver to which newElement is added copyWithout: oldElement Answer a copy of the receiver to which all occurrences of oldElement are removed 1.37.8 Collection: copying SequenceableCollections -------------------------------------------------- , anIterable Append anIterable at the end of a copy of the receiver (using #add:), and answer a new collection 1.37.9 Collection: enumeration ------------------------------ anyOne Answer an unspecified element of the collection. beConsistent This method is private, but it is quite interesting so it is documented. It ensures that a collection is in a consistent state before attempting to iterate on it; its presence reduces the number of overrides needed by collections who try to amortize their execution times. The default implementation does nothing, so it is optimized out by the virtual machine and so it loses very little on the performance side. Note that descendants of Collection have to call it explicitly since #do: is abstract in Collection. collect: aBlock Answer a new instance of a Collection containing all the results of evaluating aBlock passing each of the receiver's elements gather: aBlock Answer a new instance of a Collection containing all the results of evaluating aBlock, joined together. aBlock should return collections. The result is the same kind as the first collection, returned by aBlock (as for #join). readStream Answer a stream that gives elements of the receiver reject: aBlock Answer a new instance of a Collection containing all the elements in the receiver which, when passed to aBlock, don't answer true select: aBlock Answer a new instance of a Collection containing all the elements in the receiver which, when passed to aBlock, answer true 1.37.10 Collection: finalization -------------------------------- mourn: anObject Private - anObject has been found to have a weak key, remove it and possibly finalize the key. 1.37.11 Collection: printing ---------------------------- displayLines Print each element of the receiver to a line on standard output. examineOn: aStream Print all the instance variables and objects in the receiver on aStream printOn: aStream Print a representation of the receiver on aStream 1.37.12 Collection: removing ---------------------------- empty Remove everything from the receiver. remove: oldObject Remove oldObject from the receiver. If absent, fail, else answer oldObject. remove: oldObject ifAbsent: anExceptionBlock Remove oldObject from the receiver. If absent, evaluate anExceptionBlock and answer the result, else answer oldObject. removeAll: aCollection Remove each object in aCollection, answer aCollection, fail if some of them is absent. Warning: this could leave the collection in a semi-updated state. removeAll: aCollection ifAbsent: aBlock Remove each object in aCollection, answer aCollection; if some element is absent, pass it to aBlock. removeAllSuchThat: aBlock Remove from the receiver all objects for which aBlock returns true. 1.37.13 Collection: sorting --------------------------- sorted Return a sequenceable collection with the contents of the receiver sorted according to the default sort block, which uses #<= to compare items. sorted: sortBlock Return a sequenceable collection with the contents of the receiver sorted according to the given sort block, which accepts pair of items and returns true if the first item is less than the second one. 1.37.14 Collection: storing --------------------------- storeOn: aStream Store Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver on aStream 1.37.15 Collection: testing collections --------------------------------------- capacity Answer how many elements the receiver can hold before having to grow. identityIncludes: anObject Answer whether we include the anObject object includes: anObject Answer whether we include anObject includesAllOf: aCollection Answer whether we include all of the objects in aCollection includesAnyOf: aCollection Answer whether we include any of the objects in aCollection isEmpty Answer whether we are (still) empty isSequenceable Answer whether the receiver can be accessed by a numeric index with #at:/#at:put:. notEmpty Answer whether we include at least one object occurrencesOf: anObject Answer how many occurrences of anObject we include size Answer how many objects we include 1.38 CompiledBlock ================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CompiledCode Category: Language-Implementation I represent a block that has been compiled. 1.38.1 CompiledBlock class: instance creation --------------------------------------------- new: numBytecodes header: anInteger method: outerMethod Answer a new instance of the receiver with room for the given number of bytecodes and the given header. numArgs: args numTemps: temps bytecodes: bytecodes depth: depth literals: literalArray Answer an (almost) full fledged CompiledBlock. To make it complete, you must either set the new object's 'method' variable, or put it into a BlockClosure and put the BlockClosure into a CompiledMethod's literals. The clean-ness of the block is automatically computed. 1.38.2 CompiledBlock: accessing ------------------------------- flags Answer the 'cleanness' of the block. 0 = clean; 1 = access to receiver variables and/or self; 2-30 = access to variables that are 1-29 contexts away; 31 = return from method or push thisContext method Answer the CompiledMethod in which the receiver lies methodClass Answer the class in which the receiver is installed. methodClass: methodClass Set the receiver's class instance variable numArgs Answer the number of arguments passed to the receiver numLiterals Answer the number of literals for the receiver numTemps Answer the number of temporary variables used by the receiver selector Answer the selector through which the method is called selector: aSymbol Set the selector through which the method is called sourceCodeLinesDelta Answer the delta from the numbers in LINE_NUMBER bytecodes to source code line numbers. sourceCodeMap Answer an array which maps bytecode indices to source code line numbers. 0 values represent invalid instruction pointer indices. stackDepth Answer the number of stack slots needed for the receiver 1.38.3 CompiledBlock: basic --------------------------- = aMethod Answer whether the receiver and aMethod are equal methodCategory Answer the method category methodCategory: aCategory Set the method category to the given string methodSourceCode Answer the method source code (a FileSegment or String or nil) methodSourceFile Answer the file where the method source code is stored methodSourcePos Answer the location where the method source code is stored in the methodSourceFile methodSourceString Answer the method source code as a string 1.38.4 CompiledBlock: printing ------------------------------ printOn: aStream Print the receiver's class and selector on aStream 1.38.5 CompiledBlock: saving and loading ---------------------------------------- binaryRepresentationObject This method is implemented to allow for a PluggableProxy to be used with CompiledBlocks. Answer a DirectedMessage which sends #blockAt: to the CompiledMethod containing the receiver. 1.39 CompiledCode ================= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: ArrayedCollection Category: Language-Implementation I represent code that has been compiled. I am an abstract superclass for blocks and methods 1.39.1 CompiledCode class: cache flushing ----------------------------------------- flushTranslatorCache Answer any kind of cache mantained by a just-in-time code translator in the virtual machine (if any). Do nothing for now. 1.39.2 CompiledCode class: instance creation -------------------------------------------- new: numBytecodes header: anInteger literals: literals Answer a new instance of the receiver with room for the given number of bytecodes and the given header new: numBytecodes header: anInteger numLiterals: numLiterals Answer a new instance of the receiver with room for the given number of bytecodes and the given header 1.39.3 CompiledCode class: tables --------------------------------- bytecodeInfoTable Return a ByteArray which defines some properties of the bytecodes. For each bytecode, 4 bytes are reserved. The fourth byte is a flag byte: bit 7 means that the argument is a line number to be used in creating the bytecode->line number map. The first three have a meaning only for those bytecodes that represent a combination of operations: the combination can be BC1 ARG BC2 OPERAND if the fourth byte's bit 0 = 0 or BC1 OPERAND BC2 ARG if the fourth byte's bit 0 = 1 where BC1 is the first byte, BC2 is the second, ARG is the third and OPERAND is the bytecode argument as it appears in the bytecode stream. specialSelectors Answer an array of message names that don't need to be in literals to be sent in a method. Their position here reflects their integer code in bytecode. specialSelectorsNumArgs Answer a harmoniously-indexed array of arities for the messages answered by #specialSelectors. 1.39.4 CompiledCode: accessing ------------------------------ at: anIndex put: aBytecode Store aBytecode as the anIndex-th bytecode blockAt: anIndex Answer the CompiledBlock attached to the anIndex-th literal, assuming that the literal is a CompiledBlock or a BlockClosure. bytecodeAt: anIndex Answer the anIndex-th bytecode bytecodeAt: anIndex put: aBytecode Store aBytecode as the anIndex-th bytecode flags Private - Answer the optimization flags for the receiver isAnnotated Answer 'false'. literalAt: anIndex Answer the anIndex-th literal literalAt: anInteger put: aValue Store aValue as the anIndex-th literal literals Answer the literals referenced by my code or any CompiledCode instances I own. method Answer the parent method for the receiver, or self if it is a method. methodClass Answer the class in which the receiver is installed. methodClass: methodClass Set the receiver's class instance variable numArgs Answer the number of arguments for the receiver numLiterals Answer the number of literals for the receiver numTemps Answer the number of temporaries for the receiver primitive Answer the primitive called by the receiver selector Answer the selector through which the method is called selector: aSymbol Set the selector through which the method is called sourceCodeLinesDelta Answer the delta from the numbers in LINE_NUMBER bytecodes to source code line numbers. stackDepth Answer the number of stack slots needed for the receiver 1.39.5 CompiledCode: basic -------------------------- = aMethod Answer whether the receiver is the same object as arg. Testing for equality could break the browser, since it's possible to put arbitrary objects via ##(...), so this is safer. hash Answer an hash value for the receiver methodCategory Answer the method category methodCategory: aCategory Set the method category to the given string methodSourceCode Answer the method source code (a FileSegment or String or nil) methodSourceFile Answer the file where the method source code is stored methodSourcePos Answer the location where the method source code is stored in the methodSourceFile methodSourceString Answer the method source code as a string 1.39.6 CompiledCode: copying ---------------------------- deepCopy Answer a deep copy of the receiver 1.39.7 CompiledCode: debugging ------------------------------ examineOn: aStream Print the contents of the receiver in a verbose way. 1.39.8 CompiledCode: decoding bytecodes --------------------------------------- dispatchTo: anObject with: param Disassemble the bytecodes and tell anObject about them in the form of message sends. param is given as an argument to every message send. 1.39.9 CompiledCode: literals - iteration ----------------------------------------- allLiteralSymbolsDo: aBlock As with #allLiteralsDo:, but only call aBlock with found Symbols. allLiteralsDo: aBlock Walk my literals, descending into Arrays and Messages, invoking aBlock with each touched object. literalsDo: aBlock Invoke aBlock with each object immediately in my list of literals. 1.39.10 CompiledCode: security ------------------------------ verify Verify the bytecodes for the receiver, and raise an exception if the verification process failed. 1.39.11 CompiledCode: testing accesses -------------------------------------- accesses: instVarIndex Answer whether the receiver accesses the instance variable with the given index assigns: instVarIndex Answer whether the receiver writes to the instance variable with the given index containsLiteral: anObject Answer if the receiver contains a literal which is equal to anObject. hasBytecode: byte between: firstIndex and: lastIndex Answer whether the receiver includes the 'byte' bytecode in any of the indices between firstIndex and lastIndex. jumpDestinationAt: anIndex forward: aBoolean Answer where the jump at bytecode index 'anIndex' lands reads: instVarIndex Answer whether the receiver reads the instance variable with the given index refersTo: anObject Answer whether the receiver refers to the given object sendsToSuper Answer whether the receiver includes a send to super. sourceCodeMap Answer an array which maps bytecode indices to source code line numbers. 0 values represent invalid instruction pointer indices. 1.39.12 CompiledCode: translation --------------------------------- discardTranslation Flush the just-in-time translated code for the receiver (if any). 1.40 CompiledMethod =================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CompiledCode Category: Language-Implementation I represent methods that have been compiled. I can recompile methods from their source code, I can invoke Emacs to edit the source code for one of my instances, and I know how to access components of my instances. 1.40.1 CompiledMethod class: c call-outs ---------------------------------------- asyncCCall: descr numArgs: numArgs attributes: attributesArray Return a CompiledMethod corresponding to a #asyncCCall:args: pragma with the given arguments. cCall: descr numArgs: numArgs attributes: attributesArray Return a CompiledMethod corresponding to a #cCall:returning:args: pragma with the given arguments. 1.40.2 CompiledMethod class: instance creation ---------------------------------------------- literals: lits numArgs: numArg numTemps: numTemp attributes: attrArray bytecodes: bytecodes depth: depth Answer a full fledged CompiledMethod. Construct the method header from the parameters, and set the literals and bytecodes to the provided ones. Also, the bytecodes are optimized and any embedded CompiledBlocks modified to refer to these literals and to the newly created CompiledMethod. numArgs: args Create a user-defined method (one that is sent #valueWithReceiver:withArguments: when it is invoked) with numArgs arguments. This only makes sense when called for a subclass of CompiledMethod. 1.40.3 CompiledMethod class: lean images ---------------------------------------- stripSourceCode Remove all the references to method source code from the system 1.40.4 CompiledMethod: accessing -------------------------------- allBlocksDo: aBlock Evaluate aBlock, passing to it all the CompiledBlocks it holds allLiterals Answer the literals referred to by the receiver and all the blocks in it flags Private - Answer the optimization flags for the receiver isOldSyntax Answer whether the method was written with the old (chunk-format) syntax method Answer the receiver, since it is already a method. methodCategory Answer the method category methodCategory: aCategory Set the method category to the given string methodClass Answer the class in which the receiver is installed. methodClass: methodClass Set the receiver's class instance variable noteOldSyntax Remember that the method is written with the old (chunk-format) syntax numArgs Answer the number of arguments for the receiver numTemps Answer the number of temporaries for the receiver primitive Answer the primitive called by the receiver selector Answer the selector through which the method is called selector: aSymbol Set the selector through which the method is called sourceCodeLinesDelta Answer the delta from the numbers in LINE_NUMBER bytecodes to source code line numbers. stackDepth Answer the number of stack slots needed for the receiver withAllBlocksDo: aBlock Evaluate aBlock, passing the receiver and all the CompiledBlocks it holds withNewMethodClass: class Answer either the receiver or a copy of it, with the method class set to class withNewMethodClass: class selector: selector Answer either the receiver or a copy of it, with the method class set to class 1.40.5 CompiledMethod: attributes --------------------------------- attributeAt: aSymbol Return a Message for the first attribute named aSymbol defined by the receiver, or answer an error if none was found. attributeAt: aSymbol ifAbsent: aBlock Return a Message for the first attribute named aSymbol defined by the receiver, or evaluate aBlock is none was found. attributes Return an Array of Messages, one for each attribute defined by the receiver. attributesDo: aBlock Evaluate aBlock once for each attribute defined by the receiver, passing a Message each time. isAnnotated If the receiver has any attributes, answer true. primitiveAttribute If the receiver defines a primitive, return a Message resembling the attribute that was used to define it. 1.40.6 CompiledMethod: basic ---------------------------- = aMethod Answer whether the receiver and aMethod are equal hash Answer an hash value for the receiver 1.40.7 CompiledMethod: c call-outs ---------------------------------- isValidCCall Answer whether I appear to have the valid flags, information, and ops to invoke a C function and answer its result. rewriteAsAsyncCCall: func args: argsArray Not commented. rewriteAsCCall: funcOrDescr for: aClass Not commented. rewriteAsCCall: func returning: returnType args: argsArray Not commented. 1.40.8 CompiledMethod: compiling -------------------------------- methodFormattedSourceString Answer the method source code as a string, formatted using the RBFormatter. Requires package Parser. methodParseNode Answer the parse tree for the receiver, or nil if there is an error. Requires package Parser. parserClass Answer a parser class, similar to Behavior>>parserClass, that can parse my source code. Requires package Parser. recompile Recompile the method in the scope of the class where it leaves. recompileNotifying: aNotifier Recompile the method in the scope of the class where it leaves, notifying errors to aNotifier by sending it #error:. 1.40.9 CompiledMethod: invoking ------------------------------- valueWithReceiver: anObject withArguments: args Execute the method within anObject, passing the elements of the args Array as parameters. The method need not reside on the hierarchy from the receiver's class to Object - it need not reside at all in a MethodDictionary, in fact - but doing bad things will compromise stability of the Smalltalk virtual machine (and don't blame anybody but yourself). If the flags field of the method header is 6, this method instead provides a hook from which the virtual machine can call back whenever execution of the method is requested. In this case, invoking the method would cause an infinite loop (the VM asks the method to run, the method asks the VM to invoke it, and so on), so this method fails with a #subclassResponsibility error. 1.40.10 CompiledMethod: printing -------------------------------- printOn: aStream Print the receiver's class and selector on aStream storeOn: aStream Print code to create the receiver on aStream 1.40.11 CompiledMethod: saving and loading ------------------------------------------ binaryRepresentationObject This method is implemented to allow for a PluggableProxy to be used with CompiledMethods. Answer a DirectedMessage which sends #>> to the class object containing the receiver. 1.40.12 CompiledMethod: source code ----------------------------------- methodRecompilationSourceString Answer the method source code as a string, ensuring that it is in new syntax (it has brackets). methodSourceCode Answer the method source code (a FileSegment or String or nil) methodSourceFile Answer the file where the method source code is stored methodSourcePos Answer the location where the method source code is stored in the methodSourceFile methodSourceString Answer the method source code as a string 1.40.13 CompiledMethod: testing ------------------------------- accesses: instVarIndex Answer whether the receiver or the blocks it contains accesses the instance variable with the given index assigns: instVarIndex Answer whether the receiver or the blocks it contains writes to the instance variable with the given index isAbstract Answer whether the receiver is abstract. reads: instVarIndex Answer whether the receiver or the blocks it contains reads to the instance variable with the given index sendsToSuper Answer whether the receiver or the blocks it contains have sends to super 1.41 ContextPart ================ Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Language-Implementation My instances represent executing Smalltalk code, which represent the local environment of executable code. They contain a stack and also provide some methods that can be used in inspection or debugging. 1.41.1 ContextPart class: built ins ----------------------------------- thisContext Return the value of the thisContext variable. Called internally when the variable is accessed. 1.41.2 ContextPart class: exception handling -------------------------------------------- backtrace Print a backtrace from the caller to the bottom of the stack on the Transcript backtraceOn: aStream Print a backtrace from the caller to the bottom of the stack on aStream 1.41.3 ContextPart: accessing ----------------------------- at: index Answer the index-th slot in the receiver. Any read access from (self size + 1) to (self basicSize) will give nil. at: index put: anObject Answer the index-th slot in the receiver. Any write access from (self size + 1) to (self basicSize) will give an error unless nil is being written. This is because doing such an access first, and then updating sp, is racy: the garbage collector may trigger in the middle and move anObject, but the slot in the context won't be adjusted. client Answer the client of this context, that is, the object that sent the message that created this context. Fail if the receiver has no parent currentFileName Answer the name of the file where the method source code is environment To create a valid execution environment for the interpreter even before it starts, GST creates a fake context whose selector is nil and which can be used as a marker for the current execution environment. This method answers that context. For processes, it answers the process block itself home Answer the MethodContext to which the receiver refers initialIP Answer the value of the instruction pointer when execution starts in the current context ip Answer the current instruction pointer into the receiver ip: newIP Set the instruction pointer for the receiver isBlock Answer whether the receiver is a block context isDisabled Answers whether the context is skipped when doing a return. Contexts are marked as disabled whenever a non-local return is done (either by returning from the enclosing method of a block, or with the #continue: method of ContextPart) and there are unwind contexts such as those created by #ensure:. All non-unwind contexts are then marked as disabled. isEnvironment To create a valid execution environment for the interpreter even before it starts, GST creates a fake context which invokes a special "termination" method. Such a context can be used as a marker for the current execution environment. Answer whether the receiver is that kind of context. isProcess Answer whether the receiver represents a process context, i.e. a context created by BlockClosure>>#newProcess. Such a context can be recognized because it has no parent but its flags are different from those of the contexts created by the VM's prepareExecutionEnvironment function. isUnwind Answers whether the context must continue execution even after a non-local return (a return from the enclosing method of a block, or a call to the #continue: method of ContextPart). Such contexts are created by #ensure:. method Return the CompiledMethod being executed methodClass Return the class in which the CompiledMethod being executed is defined numArgs Answer the number of arguments passed to the receiver numTemps Answer the number of temporaries used by the receiver parentContext Answer the context that called the receiver parentContext: aContext Set the context to which the receiver will return push: anObject Push an object on the receiver's stack. receiver Return the receiver (self) for the method being executed selector Return the selector for the method being executed size Answer the number of valid fields for the receiver. Any read access from (self size + 1) to (self basicSize) will give nil. sp Answer the current stack pointer into the receiver sp: newSP Set the stack pointer for the receiver. validSize Answer how many elements in the receiver should be inspected 1.41.4 ContextPart: built ins ----------------------------- continue: anObject Resume execution from the receiver, faking that the context on top of it in the execution chain has returned anObject. The receiver must belong to the same process as the executing context, otherwise the results are not predictable. All #ensure: (and possibly #ifCurtailed:) blocks between the currently executing context and the receiver are evaluated (which is not what would happen if you directly bashed at the parent context of thisContext). 1.41.5 ContextPart: copying --------------------------- copyStack Answer a copy of the entire stack. deepCopy Answer a copy of the entire stack, but don't copy any of the other instance variables of the context. 1.41.6 ContextPart: debugging ----------------------------- currentLine Answer the 1-based number of the line that is pointed to by the receiver's instruction pointer. The DebugTools package caches information, thus making the implementation faster. currentLineInFile Answer the 1-based number of the line that is pointed to by the receiver's instruction pointer, relative to the method's file. The implementation is slow unless the DebugTools package is loaded. debugger Answer the debugger that is attached to the given context. It is always nil unless the DebugTools package is loaded. debuggerClass Answer which debugger should be used to debug the current context chain. The class with the highest debugging priority is picked among those mentioned in the chain. isInternalExceptionHandlingContext Answer whether the receiver is a context that should be hidden to the user when presenting a backtrace. 1.41.7 ContextPart: enumerating ------------------------------- scanBacktraceFor: selectors do: aBlock Scan the backtrace for contexts whose selector is among those listed in selectors; if one is found, invoke aBlock passing the context. scanBacktraceForAttribute: selector do: aBlock Scan the backtrace for contexts which have the attribute selector listed in selectors; if one is found, invoke aBlock passing the context and the attribute. 1.41.8 ContextPart: printing ---------------------------- backtrace Print a backtrace from the receiver to the bottom of the stack on the Transcript. backtraceOn: aStream Print a backtrace from the caller to the bottom of the stack on aStream. 1.41.9 ContextPart: security checks ----------------------------------- checkSecurityFor: perm Answer the receiver. doSecurityCheckForName: name actions: actions target: target Not commented. securityCheckForName: name Not commented. securityCheckForName: name action: action Not commented. securityCheckForName: name actions: actions target: target Not commented. securityCheckForName: name target: target Not commented. 1.42 Continuation ================= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Language-Implementation At my heart, I am something like the goto instruction; my creation sets the label, and my methods do the jump. However, this is a really powerful kind of goto instruction. If your hair is turning green at this point, don't worry as you will probably only deal with users of continuations, rather than with the concept itself. 1.42.1 Continuation class: instance creation -------------------------------------------- current Return a continuation. currentDo: aBlock Pass a continuation to the one-argument block, aBlock and return the result of evaluating it. escapeDo: aBlock Pass a continuation to the one-argument block, knowing that aBlock does not fall off (either because it includes a method return, or because it yields control to another continuation). If it does, an exception will be signalled and the current process terminated. 1.42.2 Continuation: invocation ------------------------------- callCC Activate the original continuation, passing back in turn a continuation for the caller. The called continuation becomes unusable, and any attempt to reactivate it will cause an exception. This is not a limitation, in general, because this method is used to replace a continuation with another (see the implementation of the Generator class). oneShotValue Return nil to the original continuation, which becomes unusable. Attempting to reactivate it will cause an exception. This is an optimization over #value. oneShotValue: v Return anObject to the original continuation, which becomes unusable. Attempting to reactivate it will cause an exception. This is an optimization over #value:. value Return nil to the original continuation, copying the stack to allow another activation. value: anObject Return anObject to the original continuation, copying the stack to allow another activation. valueWithArguments: aCollection Return the sole element of aCollection to the original continuation (or nil if aCollection is empty), copying the stack to allow another activation 1.43 CPtr ========= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CAggregate Category: Language-C interface 1.43.1 CPtr: accessing ---------------------- alignof Answer the receiver's required aligment sizeof Answer the receiver's size value Answer the address of the location pointed to by the receiver. value: anObject Set the address of the location pointed to by the receiver to anObject, which can be either an Integer or a CObject. if anObject is an Integer, it is interpreted as a 32-bit or 64-bit address. If it is a CObject, its address is stored. 1.44 CPtrCType ============== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CType Category: Language-C interface 1.44.1 CPtrCType class: instance creation ----------------------------------------- elementType: aCType Answer a new instance of CPtrCType that maps pointers to the given CType from: type Private - Called by computeAggregateType: for pointers 1.44.2 CPtrCType: accessing --------------------------- elementType Answer the type of the elements in the receiver's instances 1.44.3 CPtrCType: basic ----------------------- = anObject Return whether the receiver and anObject are equal. hash Return a hash code for the receiver. 1.44.4 CPtrCType: storing ------------------------- storeOn: aStream Not commented. 1.45 CScalar ============ Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CObject Category: Language-C interface 1.45.1 CScalar class: instance creation --------------------------------------- gcValue: anObject Answer a newly allocated CObject containing the passed value, anObject, in garbage-collected storage. type Answer a CType for the receiver--for example, CByteType if the receiver is CByte. value: anObject Answer a newly allocated CObject containing the passed value, anObject. Remember to call #addToBeFinalized if you want the CObject to be automatically freed 1.45.2 CScalar: accessing ------------------------- cObjStoredType Private - Provide a conversion from a CObject to a Smalltalk object to be stored by #at:put: value Answer the value the receiver is pointing to. The exact returned value depends on the receiver's class value: aValue Set the receiver to point to the value, aValue. The exact meaning of aValue depends on the receiver's class 1.46 CScalarCType ================= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CType Category: Language-C interface 1.46.1 CScalarCType: accessing ------------------------------ valueType valueType is used as a means to communicate to the interpreter the underlying type of the data. For scalars, it is supplied by the CObject subclass. 1.46.2 CScalarCType: storing ---------------------------- storeOn: aStream Store Smalltalk code that compiles to the receiver 1.47 CShort =========== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CScalar Category: Language-C interface 1.47.1 CShort class: accessing ------------------------------ alignof Answer the receiver's instances required aligment cObjStoredType Private - Answer an index referring to the receiver's instances scalar type sizeof Answer the receiver's instances size 1.47.2 CShort: accessing ------------------------ alignof Answer the receiver's required aligment cObjStoredType Private - Answer an index referring to the receiver's scalar type sizeof Answer the receiver's size 1.48 CSmalltalk =============== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CScalar Category: Language-C interface 1.48.1 CSmalltalk class: accessing ---------------------------------- alignof Answer the receiver's instances required aligment cObjStoredType Private - Answer an index referring to the receiver's instances scalar type sizeof Answer the receiver's instances size 1.48.2 CSmalltalk: accessing ---------------------------- alignof Answer the receiver's required aligment cObjStoredType Private - Answer an index referring to the receiver's scalar type sizeof Answer the receiver's size 1.49 CString ============ Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CPtr Category: Language-C interface Technically, CString is really a pointer to CChar. However, it can be very useful as a distinct datatype because it is a separate datatype in Smalltalk, so we allow developers to express their semantics more precisely by using a more descriptive type. Note that like CChar is a pointer to char, CString is actually a *pointer* to string: a char ** in C terms. If you need to take a String out of a char *, use CChar>>#asString. In general, I behave like a cross between an array of characters and a pointer to a character. I provide the protocol for both data types. My #value method returns a Smalltalk String, as you would expect for a scalar datatype. 1.49.1 CString class: accessing ------------------------------- cObjStoredType Private - Provide a conversion from a CObject to a Smalltalk object to be stored by #at:put: 1.49.2 CString class: instance creation --------------------------------------- type Answer a CType for the receiver--for example, CByteType if the receiver is CByte. value: anObject Answer a newly allocated CObject containing the passed value, anObject. Remember to call #addToBeFinalized if you want the CObject to be automatically freed 1.49.3 CString: accessing ------------------------- cObjStoredType Private - Provide a conversion from a CObject to a Smalltalk object to be stored by #at:put: value Answer the value the receiver is pointing to. The exact returned value depends on the receiver's class value: aValue Set the receiver to point to the value, aValue. The exact meaning of aValue depends on the receiver's class 1.50 CStringCType ================= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CScalarCType Category: Language-C interface 1.50.1 CStringCType: accessing ------------------------------ elementType Answer the type of the elements in the receiver's instances 1.51 CStruct ============ Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CCompound Category: Language-C interface 1.51.1 CStruct class: subclass creation --------------------------------------- declaration: array Compile methods that implement the declaration in array. 1.52 CType ========== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Language-C interface I am not part of the standard Smalltalk kernel class hierarchy. I contain type information used by subclasses of CObject, which represents external C data items. My only instance variable, cObjectType, is used to hold onto the CObject subclass that gets created for a given CType. Used primarily in the C part of the interpreter because internally it cannot execute methods to get values, so it has a simple way to access instance variable which holds the desired subclass. My subclasses have instances which represent the actual data types; for the scalar types, there is only one instance created of each, but for the aggregate types, there is at least one instance per base type and/or number of elements. 1.52.1 CType class: C instance creation --------------------------------------- cObjectBinding: aCObjectSubclassBinding Create a new CType for the given subclass of CObject cObjectType: aCObjectSubclass Create a new CType for the given subclass of CObject computeAggregateType: type Private - Called by from: for pointers/arrays. Format of type: (#array #int 3) or (#ptr #{FooStruct}) from: type Private - Pass the size, alignment, and description of CType for aBlock, given the field description in 'type' (the second element of each pair). 1.52.2 CType class: initialization ---------------------------------- initialize Initialize the receiver's TypeMap 1.52.3 CType: accessing ----------------------- alignof Answer the size of the receiver's instances arrayType: size Answer a CArrayCType which represents an array with the given size of CObjects whose type is in turn represented by the receiver cObjectType Answer the CObject subclass whose instance is created when new is sent to the receiver new: anInteger Allocate a new CObject with room for anInteger C objects of the type (class) identified by the receiver. It is the caller's responsibility to free the memory allocated for it. ptrType Answer a CPtrCType which represents a pointer to CObjects whose type is in turn represented by the receiver sizeof Answer the size of the receiver's instances valueType valueType is used as a means to communicate to the interpreter the underlying type of the data. For anything but scalars, it's just 'self' 1.52.4 CType: basic ------------------- = anObject Return whether the receiver and anObject are equal. hash Return a hash code for the receiver. 1.52.5 CType: C instance creation --------------------------------- address: cObjOrInt Create a new CObject with the type (class) identified by the receiver, pointing to the given address (identified by an Integer or CObject). gcNew Allocate a new CObject with the type (class) identified by the receiver. The object is movable in memory, but on the other hand it is garbage-collected automatically. gcNew: anInteger Allocate a new CObject with room for anInteger C object of the type (class) identified by the receiver. The object is movable in memory, but on the other hand it is garbage-collected automatically. new Allocate a new CObject with the type (class) identified by the receiver. It is the caller's responsibility to free the memory allocated for it. 1.52.6 CType: storing --------------------- storeOn: aStream Store Smalltalk code that compiles to the receiver 1.53 CUChar =========== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CScalar Category: Language-C interface 1.53.1 CUChar class: getting info --------------------------------- alignof Answer the receiver's instances required aligment cObjStoredType Private - Answer an index referring to the receiver's instances scalar type sizeof Answer the receiver's instances size 1.53.2 CUChar: accessing ------------------------ alignof Answer the receiver's required aligment cObjStoredType Private - Answer an index referring to the receiver's scalar type sizeof Answer the receiver's size 1.54 CUInt ========== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CScalar Category: Language-C interface 1.54.1 CUInt class: accessing ----------------------------- alignof Answer the receiver's instances required aligment cObjStoredType Private - Answer an index referring to the receiver's instances scalar type sizeof Answer the receiver's instances size 1.54.2 CUInt: accessing ----------------------- alignof Answer the receiver's required aligment cObjStoredType Private - Answer an index referring to the receiver's scalar type sizeof Answer the receiver's size 1.55 CULong =========== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CScalar Category: Language-C interface 1.55.1 CULong class: accessing ------------------------------ alignof Answer the receiver's instances required aligment cObjStoredType Private - Answer an index referring to the receiver's instances scalar type sizeof Answer the receiver's instances size 1.55.2 CULong: accessing ------------------------ alignof Answer the receiver's required aligment cObjStoredType Private - Answer an index referring to the receiver's scalar type sizeof Answer the receiver's size 1.56 CULongLong =============== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CScalar Category: Language-C interface 1.56.1 CULongLong class: accessing ---------------------------------- alignof Answer the receiver's instances required aligment cObjStoredType Private - Answer an index referring to the receiver's instances scalar type sizeof Answer the receiver's instances size 1.56.2 CULongLong: accessing ---------------------------- alignof Answer the receiver's required aligment cObjStoredType Private - Answer an index referring to the receiver's scalar type sizeof Answer the receiver's size 1.57 CUnion =========== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CCompound Category: Language-C interface 1.57.1 CUnion class: subclass creation -------------------------------------- declaration: array Compile methods that implement the declaration in array. 1.58 CUShort ============ Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CScalar Category: Language-C interface 1.58.1 CUShort class: accessing ------------------------------- alignof Answer the receiver's instances required aligment cObjStoredType Private - Answer an index referring to the receiver's instances scalar type sizeof Answer the receiver's instances size 1.58.2 CUShort: accessing ------------------------- alignof Answer the receiver's required aligment cObjStoredType Private - Answer an index referring to the receiver's scalar type sizeof Answer the receiver's size 1.59 Date ========= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Magnitude Category: Language-Data types My instances represent dates. My base date is defined to be Jan 1, 1901. I provide methods for instance creation (including via "symbolic" dates, such as "Date newDay: 14 month: #Feb year: 1990". PLEASE BE WARNED - use this class only for dates after 1582 AD; that's the beginning of the epoch. Dates before 1582 will not be correctly printed. In addition, since ten days were lost from October 5 through October 15, operations between a Gregorian date (after 15-Oct-1582) and a Julian date (before 5-Oct-1582) will give incorrect results; or, 4-Oct-1582 + 2 days will yield 6-Oct-1582 (a non-existent day!), not 16-Oct-1582. In fact, if you pass a year < 1582 to a method like #newDay:month:year: it will assume that it is a two-digit year (e.g. 90=1990, 1000=2900). The only way to create Julian calendar dates is with the #fromDays: instance creation method. 1.59.1 Date class: basic ------------------------ abbreviationOfDay: dayIndex Answer the abbreviated name of the day of week corresponding to the given index dayOfWeek: dayName Answer the index of the day of week corresponding to the given name daysInMonth: monthName forYear: yearInteger Answer the number of days in the given (named) month for the given year daysInYear: i Answer the number of days in the given year indexOfMonth: monthName Answer the index of the month corresponding to the given name initDayNameDict Initialize the DayNameDict to the names of the days initMonthNameDict Initialize the MonthNameDict to the names of the months initialize Initialize the receiver nameOfDay: dayIndex Answer the name of the day of week corresponding to the given index nameOfMonth: monthIndex Answer the name of the month corresponding to the given index shortNameOfMonth: monthIndex Answer the name of the month corresponding to the given index 1.59.2 Date class: instance creation (ANSI) ------------------------------------------- year: y day: d hour: h minute: min second: s Answer a Date denoting the d-th day of the given year year: y month: m day: d hour: h minute: min second: s Answer a Date denoting the d-th day of the given (as a number) month and year 1.59.3 Date class: instance creation (Blue Book) ------------------------------------------------ dateAndTimeNow Answer an array containing the current date and time fromDays: dayCount Answer a Date denoting dayCount days past 1/1/1901 fromJulian: jd Answer a Date denoting the jd-th day in the astronomical Julian calendar. fromSeconds: time Answer a Date denoting the date time seconds past Jan 1st, 1901 newDay: day month: monthName year: yearInteger Answer a Date denoting the dayCount day of the given (named) month and year newDay: day monthIndex: monthIndex year: yearInteger Answer a Date denoting the dayCount day of the given (as a number) month and year newDay: dayCount year: yearInteger Answer a Date denoting the dayCount day of the yearInteger year readFrom: aStream Parse an instance of the receiver from aStream today Answer a Date denoting the current date in local time utcDateAndTimeNow Answer an array containing the current date and time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) utcToday Answer a Date denoting the current date in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) 1.59.4 Date: basic ------------------ - aDate Answer a new Duration counting the number of days between the receiver and aDate. addDays: dayCount Answer a new Date pointing dayCount past the receiver subtractDate: aDate Answer the number of days between aDate and the receiver (negative if the receiver is before aDate) subtractDays: dayCount Answer a new Date pointing dayCount before the receiver 1.59.5 Date: compatibility (non-ANSI) ------------------------------------- day Answer the day represented by the receiver dayName Answer the day of week of the receiver as a Symbol shortMonthName Answer the abbreviated name of the month represented by the receiver 1.59.6 Date: date computations ------------------------------ asSeconds Answer the date as the number of seconds from 1/1/1901. dayOfMonth Answer the day represented by the receiver (same as #day) dayOfWeek Answer the day of week of the receiver. 1 = Monday, 7 = Sunday dayOfWeekAbbreviation Answer the day of week of the receiver as a Symbol dayOfWeekName Answer the day of week of the receiver as a Symbol dayOfYear Answer the days passed since 31/12 of last year; e.g. New Year's Day is 1 daysFromBaseDay Answer the days passed since 1/1/1901 daysInMonth Answer the days in the month represented by the receiver daysInYear Answer the days in the year represented by the receiver daysLeftInMonth Answer the days to the end of the month represented by the receiver daysLeftInYear Answer the days to the end of the year represented by the receiver firstDayOfMonth Answer a Date representing the first day of the month represented by the receiver isLeapYear Answer whether the receiver refers to a date in a leap year. lastDayOfMonth Answer a Date representing the last day of the month represented by the receiver month Answer the index of the month represented by the receiver monthAbbreviation Answer the abbreviated name of the month represented by the receiver monthIndex Answer the index of the month represented by the receiver monthName Answer the name of the month represented by the receiver year Answer the year represented by the receiver 1.59.7 Date: printing --------------------- printOn: aStream Print a representation for the receiver on aStream 1.59.8 Date: still unclassified ------------------------------- + aDuration Answer a new Date or DateTime pointing aDuration time past the receiver. 1.59.9 Date: storing -------------------- storeOn: aStream Store on aStream Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver 1.59.10 Date: testing --------------------- < aDate Answer whether the receiver indicates a date preceding aDate = aDate Answer whether the receiver indicates the same date as aDate hash Answer an hash value for the receievr 1.60 DateTime ============= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Date Category: Language-Data types My instances represent timestamps. 1.60.1 DateTime class: information ---------------------------------- clockPrecision Answer 'ClockPrecision'. initialize Initialize the receiver's class variables 1.60.2 DateTime class: instance creation ---------------------------------------- now Answer an instance of the receiver referring to the current date and time. readFrom: aStream Parse an instance of the receiver from aStream today Answer an instance of the receiver referring to midnight of today in local time. year: y day: d hour: h minute: min second: s Answer a DateTime denoting the d-th day of the given year, and setting the time part to the given hour, minute, and second year: y day: d hour: h minute: min second: s offset: ofs Answer a DateTime denoting the d-th day of the given year. Set the offset field to ofs (a Duration), and the time part to the given hour, minute, and second year: y month: m day: d hour: h minute: min second: s Answer a DateTime denoting the d-th day of the given (as a number) month and year, setting the time part to the given hour, minute, and second year: y month: m day: d hour: h minute: min second: s offset: ofs Answer a DateTime denoting the d-th day of the given (as a number) month and year. Set the offset field to ofs (a Duration), and the the time part to the given hour, minute, and second 1.60.3 DateTime class: instance creation (non-ANSI) --------------------------------------------------- date: aDate time: aTime Answer a DateTime denoting the given date and time. Set the offset field to ofs (a Duration). date: aDate time: aTime offset: ofs Answer a DateTime denoting the given date and time. Set the offset field to ofs (a Duration). fromDays: days seconds: secs Answer a DateTime denoting the given date (as days since January 1, 1901) and time (as seconds since UTC midnight). fromDays: days seconds: secs offset: ofs Answer a DateTime denoting the given date (as days since January 1, 1901) and time (as seconds since midnight). Set the offset field to ofs (a Duration). fromSeconds: secs Answer a DateTime denoting the given date and time (as seconds since January 1, 1901 midnight UTC). fromSeconds: secs offset: ofs Answer a DateTime denoting the given date and time (as seconds since January 1, 1901 midnight). Set the offset field to ofs (a Duration). 1.60.4 DateTime: basic ---------------------- + aDuration Answer a new Date pointing aDuration time past the receiver - aDateTimeOrDuration Answer a new Date pointing dayCount before the receiver 1.60.5 DateTime: computations ----------------------------- asSeconds Answer the date as the number of seconds from 1/1/1901. dayOfWeek Answer the day of week of the receiver. Unlike Dates, DateAndTimes have 1 = Sunday, 7 = Saturday hour Answer the hour in a 24-hour clock hour12 Answer the hour in a 12-hour clock hour24 Answer the hour in a 24-hour clock meridianAbbreviation Answer either #AM (for anti-meridian) or #PM (for post-meridian) minute Answer the minute second Answer the month represented by the receiver 1.60.6 DateTime: printing ------------------------- printOn: aStream Print a representation for the receiver on aStream 1.60.7 DateTime: splitting in dates & times ------------------------------------------- asDate Answer a Date referring to the same day as the receiver asTime Answer a Time referring to the same time (from midnight) as the receiver at: anIndex Since in the past timestamps were referred to as Arrays containing a Date and a Time (in this order), this method provides access to DateTime objects like if they were two-element Arrays. 1.60.8 DateTime: storing ------------------------ storeOn: aStream Store on aStream Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver 1.60.9 DateTime: testing ------------------------ < aDateTime Answer whether the receiver indicates a date preceding aDate = aDateTime Answer whether the receiver indicates the same date as aDate hash Answer an hash value for the receievr 1.60.10 DateTime: time zones ---------------------------- asLocal Answer the receiver, since DateTime objects store themselves in Local time asUTC Convert the receiver to UTC time, and answer a new DateTime object. offset Answer the receiver's offset from UTC to local time (e.g. +3600 seconds for Central Europe Time, -3600*6 seconds for Eastern Standard Time). The offset is expressed as a Duration offset: anOffset Answer a copy of the receiver with the offset from UTC to local time changed to anOffset (a Duration). timeZoneAbbreviation Answer an abbreviated indication of the receiver's offset, expressed as 'shhmm', where 'hh' is the number of hours and 'mm' is the number of minutes between UTC and local time, and 's' can be '+' for the Eastern hemisphere and '-' for the Western hemisphere. timeZoneName Answer the time zone name for the receiver (currently, it is simply 'GMT +xxxx', where 'xxxx' is the receiver's #timeZoneAbbreviation). 1.61 DeferredVariableBinding ============================ Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: LookupKey Category: Language-Data types I represent a binding to a variable that is not tied to a particular dictionary until the first access. Then, lookup rules for global variables in the scope of a given class are used. 1.61.1 DeferredVariableBinding class: basic ------------------------------------------- key: aSymbol class: aClass defaultDictionary: aDictionary Answer a binding that will look up aSymbol as a variable in aClass's environment at first access. See #resolveBinding's comment for aDictionary's meaning. path: anArray class: aClass defaultDictionary: aDictionary As with #key:class:defaultDictionary:, but accepting an array of symbols, representing a namespace path, instead. 1.61.2 DeferredVariableBinding: basic ------------------------------------- path Answer the path followed after resolving the first key. value Answer a new instance of the receiver with the given key and value value: anObject Answer a new instance of the receiver with the given key and value 1.61.3 DeferredVariableBinding: storing --------------------------------------- printOn: aStream Put on aStream some Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver storeOn: aStream Put on aStream some Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver 1.62 Delay ========== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Kernel-Processes I am the ultimate agent for frustration in the world. I cause things to wait (sometimes much more than is appropriate, but it is those losing operating systems' fault). When a process sends one of my instances a wait message, that process goes to sleep for the interval specified when the instance was created. 1.62.1 Delay class: instance creation ------------------------------------- forMilliseconds: millisecondCount Answer a Delay waiting for millisecondCount milliseconds forNanoseconds: nanosecondCount Answer a Delay waiting for nanosecondCount nanoseconds forSeconds: secondCount Answer a Delay waiting for secondCount seconds untilMilliseconds: millisecondCount Answer a Delay waiting until millisecondCount milliseconds after startup untilNanoseconds: nanosecondCount Answer a Delay waiting until nanosecondCount nanoseconds after startup 1.62.2 Delay class: still unclassified -------------------------------------- update: aspect Prime the timer event loop when the image starts running. 1.62.3 Delay class: timer process --------------------------------- activeDelay Return the delay at the head of the queue. handleDelayRequestor Handle a timer event; which can be either: - a schedule or unschedule request (DelayRequestor notNil) - a timer signal (not explicitly specified) We check for timer expiry every time we get a signal. runDelayProcess Run the timer event loop. scheduleDelay: aDelay Private - Schedule this Delay. Run in the timer process, which is the only one that manipulates Queue. startDelayLoop Start the timer event loop. unscheduleDelay: aDelay Private - Unschedule this Delay. Run in the timer process, which is the only one that manipulates Queue. 1.62.4 Delay: accessing ----------------------- asAbsolute Answer a delay that waits until the current delay's resumptionTime, or delayDuration milliseconds from now if that would be nil. May answer the receiver if it is already waiting until an absolute time. delayDuration Answer the time I have left to wait, in milliseconds. isAbsolute Answer whether the receiver waits until an absolute time on the millisecond clock. resumptionTime Answer 'resumptionTime'. 1.62.5 Delay: comparing ----------------------- = aDelay Answer whether the receiver and aDelay denote the same delay hash Answer an hash value for the receiver 1.62.6 Delay: copying --------------------- postCopy Adjust the current delay so that it behaves as if it had just been created. 1.62.7 Delay: delaying ---------------------- timedWaitOn: aSemaphore Schedule this Delay and wait on it. The current process will be suspended for the amount of time specified when this Delay was created, or until aSemaphore is signaled. wait Schedule this Delay and wait on it. The current process will be suspended for the amount of time specified when this Delay was created. 1.62.8 Delay: initialization ---------------------------- initForNanoseconds: value Initialize a Delay waiting for millisecondCount milliseconds 1.62.9 Delay: instance creation ------------------------------- initUntilNanoseconds: value Initialize a Delay waiting for millisecondCount milliseconds after startup 1.62.10 Delay: testing ---------------------- isActive Answer whether this Delay is being waited on. 1.62.11 Delay: timeout ---------------------- value: aBlock onTimeoutDo: aTimeoutBlock Execute aBlock for up to the time of my own delay; in case the code did not finish abort the execution, unwind the block and then evaluate aTimeoutBlock. 1.63 DelayedAdaptor =================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: PluggableAdaptor Category: Language-Data types I can be used where many expensive updates must be performed. My instances buffer the last value that was set, and only actually set the value when the #trigger message is sent. Apart from this, I'm equivalent to PluggableAdaptor. 1.63.1 DelayedAdaptor: accessing -------------------------------- trigger Really set the value of the receiver. value Get the value of the receiver. value: anObject Set the value of the receiver - actually, the value is cached and is not set until the #trigger method is sent. 1.64 Dictionary =============== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: HashedCollection Category: Collections-Keyed I implement a dictionary, which is an object that is indexed by unique objects (typcially instances of Symbol), and associates another object with that index. I use the equality operator = to determine equality of indices. In almost all places where you would use a plain Dictionary, a LookupTable would be more efficient; see LookupTable's comment before you use it. I do have a couple of special features that are useful in certain special cases. 1.64.1 Dictionary class: instance creation ------------------------------------------ from: anArray Answer a new dictionary created from the keys and values of Associations in anArray, such as {1 -> 2. 3 -> 4}. anArray should be specified using brace-syntax. new Create a new dictionary with a default size 1.64.2 Dictionary: accessing ---------------------------- add: newObject Add the newObject association to the receiver addAll: aCollection Adds all the elements of 'aCollection' to the receiver, answer aCollection associationAt: key Answer the key/value Association for the given key. Fail if the key is not found associationAt: key ifAbsent: aBlock Answer the key/value Association for the given key. Evaluate aBlock (answering the result) if the key is not found associations Returns the content of a Dictionary as a Set of Associations. at: key Answer the value associated to the given key. Fail if the key is not found at: key ifAbsent: aBlock Answer the value associated to the given key, or the result of evaluating aBlock if the key is not found at: aKey ifAbsentPut: aBlock Answer the value associated to the given key. If the key is not found, evaluate aBlock and associate the result to aKey before returning. at: aKey ifPresent: aBlock If aKey is absent, answer nil. Else, evaluate aBlock passing the associated value and answer the result of the invocation at: key put: value Store value as associated to the given key atAll: keyCollection Answer a Dictionary that only includes the given keys. Fail if any of them is not found keyAtValue: value Answer the key associated to the given value, or nil if the value is not found keyAtValue: value ifAbsent: exceptionBlock Answer the key associated to the given value. Evaluate exceptionBlock (answering the result) if the value is not found. IMPORTANT: == is used to compare values keys Answer a kind of Set containing the keys of the receiver values Answer an Array containing the values of the receiver 1.64.3 Dictionary: awful ST-80 compatibility hacks -------------------------------------------------- findKeyIndex: key Tries to see if key exists as a the key of an indexed variable. As soon as nil or an association with the correct key is found, the index of that slot is answered 1.64.4 Dictionary: compilation ------------------------------ scopeDictionary Answer the dictionary that is used when the receiver is before a period in Smalltalk source code. 1.64.5 Dictionary: dictionary enumerating ----------------------------------------- associationsDo: aBlock Pass each association in the dictionary to aBlock collect: aBlock Answer a new dictionary where the keys are the same and the values are obtained by passing each value to aBlock and collecting the return values do: aBlock Pass each value in the dictionary to aBlock keysAndValuesDo: aBlock Pass each key/value pair in the dictionary as two distinct parameters to aBlock keysDo: aBlock Pass each key in the dictionary to aBlock reject: aBlock Answer a new dictionary containing the key/value pairs for which aBlock returns false. aBlock only receives the value part of the pairs. select: aBlock Answer a new dictionary containing the key/value pairs for which aBlock returns true. aBlock only receives the value part of the pairs. 1.64.6 Dictionary: dictionary removing -------------------------------------- remove: anAssociation Remove anAssociation's key from the dictionary remove: anAssociation ifAbsent: aBlock Remove anAssociation's key from the dictionary removeAllKeys: keys Remove all the keys in keys, without raising any errors removeAllKeys: keys ifAbsent: aBlock Remove all the keys in keys, passing the missing keys as parameters to aBlock as they're encountered removeKey: key Remove the passed key from the dictionary, fail if it is not found removeKey: key ifAbsent: aBlock Remove the passed key from the dictionary, answer the result of evaluating aBlock if it is not found 1.64.7 Dictionary: dictionary testing ------------------------------------- includes: anObject Answer whether the receiver contains anObject as one of its values includesAssociation: anAssociation Answer whether the receiver contains the key which is anAssociation's key and its value is anAssociation's value includesKey: key Answer whether the receiver contains the given key occurrencesOf: aValue Answer whether the number of occurrences of aValue as one of the receiver's values 1.64.8 Dictionary: namespace protocol ------------------------------------- allSuperspaces Answer all the receiver's superspaces in a collection allSuperspacesDo: aBlock Evaluate aBlock once for each of the receiver's superspaces (which is none for BindingDictionary). definedKeys Answer a kind of Set containing the keys of the receiver definesKey: key Answer whether the receiver defines the given key. 'Defines' means that the receiver's superspaces, if any, are not considered. hereAssociationAt: key Return the association for the variable named as specified by 'key' *in this namespace*. If the key is not found search will *not* be carried on in superspaces and the method will fail. hereAssociationAt: key ifAbsent: aBlock Return the association for the variable named as specified by 'key' *in this namespace*. If the key is not found search will *not* be carried on in superspaces and aBlock will be immediately evaluated. hereAt: key Return the value associated to the variable named as specified by 'key' *in this namespace*. If the key is not found search will *not* be carried on in superspaces and the method will fail. hereAt: key ifAbsent: aBlock Return the value associated to the variable named as specified by 'key' *in this namespace*. If the key is not found search will *not* be carried on in superspaces and aBlock will be immediately evaluated. inheritsFrom: aNamespace Answer whether aNamespace is one of the receiver's direct and indirect superspaces superspace Answer the receiver's superspace, which is nil for BindingDictionary. withAllSuperspaces Answer the receiver and all of its superspaces in a collection, which is none for BindingDictionary withAllSuperspacesDo: aBlock Invokes aBlock for the receiver and all superspaces, both direct and indirect (though a BindingDictionary does not have any). 1.64.9 Dictionary: printing --------------------------- examineOn: aStream Print all the instance variables and objects in the receiver on aStream printOn: aStream Print a representation of the receiver on aStream 1.64.10 Dictionary: rehashing ----------------------------- rehash Rehash the receiver 1.64.11 Dictionary: removing ---------------------------- removeAllKeysSuchThat: aBlock Remove from the receiver all keys for which aBlock returns true. 1.64.12 Dictionary: storing --------------------------- storeOn: aStream Print Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver on aStream 1.64.13 Dictionary: testing --------------------------- = aDictionary Answer whether the receiver and aDictionary are equal hash Answer the hash value for the receiver 1.65 DirectedMessage ==================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Message Category: Language-Implementation I represent a message send: I contain the receiver, selector and arguments for a message. 1.65.1 DirectedMessage class: creating instances ------------------------------------------------ receiver: anObject selector: aSymbol Create a new instance of the receiver receiver: receiverObject selector: aSymbol argument: argumentObject Create a new instance of the receiver receiver: anObject selector: aSymbol arguments: anArray Create a new instance of the receiver selector: aSymbol arguments: anArray This method should not be called for instances of this class. selector: aSymbol arguments: anArray receiver: anObject Create a new instance of the receiver 1.65.2 DirectedMessage: accessing --------------------------------- receiver Answer the receiver receiver: anObject Change the receiver 1.65.3 DirectedMessage: basic ----------------------------- printOn: aStream Print a representation of the receiver on aStream send Send the message value Send the message (this message provides interoperability between DirectedMessages and blocks) value: anObject Send the message with the sole argument anObject (this message provides interoperability between DirectedMessages and blocks) value: obj1 value: obj2 Send the message with the arguments obj1 and obj2 (this message provides interoperability between DirectedMessages and blocks) valueWithArguments: anArray Send the message with the arguments replaced by anArray (this message provides interoperability between DirectedMessages and blocks) 1.65.4 DirectedMessage: multiple process ---------------------------------------- fork Create a new process executing the receiver and start it forkAt: priority Create a new process executing the receiver with given priority and start it newProcess Create a new process executing the receiver in suspended state. The priority is the same as for the calling process. The receiver must not contain returns 1.65.5 DirectedMessage: saving and loading ------------------------------------------ reconstructOriginalObject This method is used when DirectedMessages are used together with PluggableProxies (see ObjectDumper). It sends the receiver to reconstruct the object that was originally stored. 1.66 Directory ============== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Streams-Files I am the counterpart of File in a tree-structured file system. I provide the notion of a current working directory and know several well-known places in the file system. However, all navigation methods for directories are under FilePath or File for efficiency reasons. Refer to the manual of FilePath for information on how to use the instances returned by my class methods. 1.66.1 Directory class: file name management -------------------------------------------- append: fileName to: directory Answer the name of a file named 'fileName' which resides in a directory named 'directory'. pathSeparator Answer (as a Character) the character used to separate directory names pathSeparatorString Answer (in a String) the character used to separate directory names 1.66.2 Directory class: file operations --------------------------------------- allFilesMatching: aPattern do: aBlock Invoke #allFilesMatching:do: on the current working directory. create: dirName Create a directory named dirName and answer it. createTemporary: prefix Create an empty directory whose name starts with prefix and answer it. working Answer the current working directory, not following symlinks. working: dirName Change the current working directory to dirName. 1.66.3 Directory class: reading system defaults ----------------------------------------------- execPrefix Answer the path to GNU Smalltalk's executable installation prefix home Answer the path to the user's home directory image Answer the path to GNU Smalltalk's image file kernel Answer the path in which a local version of the GNU Smalltalk kernel's Smalltalk source files were searched when the image was created. libexec Answer the path to GNU Smalltalk's auxiliary executables localKernel Answer the path to the GNU Smalltalk kernel's Smalltalk source files. Same as 'Directory kernel' since GNU Smalltalk 3.0. module Answer the path to GNU Smalltalk's dynamically loaded modules prefix Answer the path to GNU Smalltalk's installation prefix systemKernel Answer the path to the installed Smalltalk kernel source files. temporary Answer the path in which temporary files can be created. This is read from the environment, and guessed if that fails. userBase Answer the base path under which file for user customization of GNU Smalltalk are stored. 1.67 DLD ======== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Language-C interface ...and Gandalf said: "Many folk like to know beforehand what is to be set on the table; but those who have laboured to prepare the feast like to keep their secret; for wonder makes the words of praise louder." I am just an ancillary class used to reference some C functions. Most of my actual functionality is used by redefinitions of methods in CFunctionDescriptor. 1.67.1 DLD class: C call-outs ----------------------------- defineCFunc: aName as: aFuncAddr Register aFuncAddr as the target for cCalls to aName. 1.67.2 DLD class: dynamic linking --------------------------------- addLibrary: library Add library to the search path of libraries to be used by DLD. addLibraryHandle: libraryHandle This is called internally by gst_dlopen. The library will be open and put in the search path. addModule: library Add library to the list of modules to be loaded when the image is started. The gst_initModule function in the library is called, but the library will not be put in the search path used whenever a C function is requested but not registered. defineExternFunc: aFuncName This method calls #primDefineExternFunc: to try to link to a function with the given name, and answers whether the linkage was successful. You can redefine this method to restrict the ability to do dynamic linking. initialize Private - Initialize the receiver's class variables libraryList Answer a copy of the search path of libraries to be used by DLD moduleList Answer a copy of the modules reloaded when the image is started primDefineExternFunc: aFuncName This method tries to link to a function with the given name, and answers whether the linkage was successful. It should not be overridden. update: aspect Called on startup - Make DLD re-link and reset the addresses of all the externally defined functions 1.68 DumperProxy ================ Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Streams-Files I am an helper class for ObjectDumper. When an object cannot be saved in the standard way, you can register a subclass of me to provide special means to save that object. 1.68.1 DumperProxy class: accessing ----------------------------------- acceptUsageForClass: aClass The receiver was asked to be used as a proxy for the class aClass. Answer whether the registration is fine. By default, answer true loadFrom: anObjectDumper Reload a proxy stored in anObjectDumper and reconstruct the object 1.68.2 DumperProxy class: instance creation ------------------------------------------- on: anObject Answer a proxy to be used to save anObject. This method MUST be overridden and anObject must NOT be stored in the object's instance variables unless you override #dumpTo:, because that would result in an infinite loop! 1.68.3 DumperProxy: saving and restoring ---------------------------------------- dumpTo: anObjectDumper Dump the proxy to anObjectDumper - the #loadFrom: class method will reconstruct the original object. object Reconstruct the object stored in the proxy and answer it 1.69 Duration ============= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Time Category: Language-Data types My instances represent differences between timestamps. 1.69.1 Duration class: instance creation ---------------------------------------- days: d Answer a duration of 'd' days days: d hours: h minutes: m seconds: s Answer a duration of 'd' days and the given number of hours, minutes, and seconds. initialize Initialize the receiver's instance variables milliseconds: msec Answer a duration of 'msec' milliseconds readFrom: aStream Parse an instance of the receiver (hours/minutes/seconds) from aStream weeks: w Answer a duration of 'w' weeks zero Answer a duration of zero seconds. 1.69.2 Duration class: instance creation (non ANSI) --------------------------------------------------- fromDays: days seconds: secs offset: unused Answer a duration of 'd' days and 'secs' seconds. The last parameter is unused; this message is available for interoperability with the DateTime class. 1.69.3 Duration: arithmetics ---------------------------- * factor Answer a Duration that is 'factor' times longer than the receiver + aDuration Answer a Duration that is the sum of the receiver and aDuration's lengths. - aDuration Answer a Duration that is the difference of the receiver and aDuration's lengths. / factorOrDuration If the parameter is a Duration, answer the ratio between the receiver and factorOrDuration. Else divide the receiver by factorOrDuration (a Number) and answer a new Duration that is correspondingly shorter. abs Answer a Duration that is as long as the receiver, but always in the future. days Answer the number of days in the receiver isZero Answer whether the receiver correspond to a duration of zero seconds. negated Answer a Duration that is as long as the receiver, but with past and future exchanged. negative Answer whether the receiver is in the past. positive Answer whether the receiver is a zero-second duration or is in the future. printOn: aStream Print a represention of the receiver on aStream. 1.69.4 Duration: processes -------------------------- wait Answer a Delay waiting for the amount of time represented by the receiver and start waiting on it. 1.69.5 Duration: storing ------------------------ storeOn: aStream Store on aStream Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver 1.70 DynamicVariable ==================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Language-Utilities I am a variable that is visible only in the stackframes outgoing from this one. Do not use DynamicVariable directly, instead create a subclass for each variable you want to use. You can override the #value class method, and call #valueIfAbsent: from there if you want the default value to be something else than nil. 1.70.1 DynamicVariable class: evaluating ---------------------------------------- use: anObject during: aBlock Not commented. value Not commented. valueIfAbsent: aBlock Not commented. 1.71 Error ========== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Exception Category: Language-Exceptions Error represents a fatal error. Instances of it are not resumable. 1.71.1 Error: exception description ----------------------------------- description Answer a textual description of the exception. isResumable Answer false. Error exceptions are by default unresumable; subclasses can override this method if desired. 1.72 Exception ============== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Language-Exceptions My instances describe an exception that has happened, and are passed to exception handlers. Classes describe the kind of exception. Apart from containing information on the generated exception, my instances contain methods that allow you to resume execution, leave the #on:do:... block, and pass the exception to an handler with a lower priority. 1.72.1 Exception class: comparison ---------------------------------- goodness: anExceptionClass Answer how good the receiver is at handling the given exception. A negative value indicates that the receiver is not able to handle the exception. handles: anException Answer whether the receiver handles 'anException'. 1.72.2 Exception class: creating ExceptionCollections ----------------------------------------------------- , aTrappableEvent Answer an ExceptionCollection containing all the exceptions in the receiver and all the exceptions in aTrappableEvent 1.72.3 Exception class: instance creation ----------------------------------------- new Create an instance of the receiver, which you will be able to signal later. signal Create an instance of the receiver, give it default attributes, and signal it immediately. signal: messageText Create an instance of the receiver, set its message text, and signal it immediately. 1.72.4 Exception class: interoperability with TrappableEvents ------------------------------------------------------------- allExceptionsDo: aBlock Private - Pass ourselves to aBlock 1.72.5 Exception: accessing --------------------------- basicMessageText Answer an exception's message text. Do not override this method. messageText Answer an exception's message text. messageText: aString Set an exception's message text. tag Answer an exception's tag value. If not specified, it is the same as the message text. tag: anObject Set an exception's tag value. If nil, the tag value will be the same as the message text. 1.72.6 Exception: built ins --------------------------- resignalAsUnhandled: message This might start the debugger... Note that we use #basicPrint 'cause #printOn: might invoke an error. 1.72.7 Exception: comparison ---------------------------- = anObject Answer whether the receiver is equal to anObject. This is true if either the receiver or its class are the same object as anObject. 1.72.8 Exception: copying ------------------------- postCopy Modify the receiver so that it does not refer to any instantiated exception handler. 1.72.9 Exception: exception description --------------------------------------- defaultAction Execute the default action that is attached to the receiver. description Answer a textual description of the exception. isResumable Answer true. Exceptions are by default resumable. 1.72.10 Exception: exception handling ------------------------------------- context Return the execution context for the #on:do: snippet isNested Answer whether the current exception handler is within the scope of another handler for the same exception. outer Raise the exception that instantiated the receiver, passing the same parameters. If the receiver is resumable and the evaluated exception action resumes then the result returned from #outer will be the resumption value of the evaluated exception action. If the receiver is not resumable or if the exception action does not resume then this message will not return, and #outer will be equivalent to #pass. pass Yield control to the enclosing exception action for the receiver. Similar to #outer, but control does not return to the currently active exception handler. resignalAs: replacementException Reinstate all handlers and execute the handler for 'replacementException'; control does not return to the currently active exception handler. The new Signal object that is created has the same contents as the receiver (this might or not be correct - if it isn't you can use an idiom such as 'sig retryUsing: [ replacementException signal ]) resume If the exception is resumable, resume the execution of the block that raised the exception; the method that was used to signal the exception will answer the receiver. Use this method IF AND ONLY IF you know who caused the exception and if it is possible to resume it in that particular case resume: anObject If the exception is resumable, resume the execution of the block that raised the exception; the method that was used to signal the exception will answer anObject. Use this method IF AND ONLY IF you know who caused the exception and if it is possible to resume it in that particular case retry Re-execute the receiver of the #on:do: message. All handlers are reinstated: watch out, this can easily cause an infinite loop. retryUsing: aBlock Execute aBlock reinstating all handlers, and return its result from the #signal method. return Exit the #on:do: snippet, answering nil to its caller. return: anObject Exit the #on:do: snippet, answering anObject to its caller. 1.72.11 Exception: exception signaling -------------------------------------- signal Raise the exceptional event represented by the receiver signal: messageText Raise the exceptional event represented by the receiver, setting its message text to messageText. 1.72.12 Exception: still unclassified ------------------------------------- signalingContext Return the execution context for the place that signaled the exception, or nil if it is not available anymore (for example if the exception handler has returned. 1.73 ExceptionSet ================= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Language-Exceptions My instances are not real exceptions: they can only be used as arguments to #on:do:... methods in BlockClosure. They act as shortcuts that allows you to use the same handler for many exceptions without having to write duplicate code 1.73.1 ExceptionSet class: instance creation -------------------------------------------- new Private - Answer a new, empty ExceptionSet 1.73.2 ExceptionSet: enumerating -------------------------------- allExceptionsDo: aBlock Private - Evaluate aBlock for every exception in the receiver. Answer the receiver goodness: exception Answer how good the receiver is at handling the given exception. A negative value indicates that the receiver is not able to handle the exception. handles: exception Answer whether the receiver handles 'exception'. 1.73.3 ExceptionSet: instance creation -------------------------------------- , aTrappableEvent Answer an ExceptionSet containing all the exceptions in the receiver and all the exceptions in aTrappableEvent 1.74 False ========== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Boolean Category: Language-Data types I always tell lies. I have a single instance in the system, which represents the value false. 1.74.1 False: basic ------------------- & aBoolean We are false - anded with anything, we always answer false and: aBlock We are false - anded with anything, we always answer false eqv: aBoolean Answer whether the receiver and aBoolean represent the same boolean value ifFalse: falseBlock We are false - evaluate the falseBlock ifFalse: falseBlock ifTrue: trueBlock We are false - evaluate the falseBlock ifTrue: trueBlock We are false - answer nil ifTrue: trueBlock ifFalse: falseBlock We are false - evaluate the falseBlock not We are false - answer true or: aBlock We are false - ored with anything, we always answer the other operand, so evaluate aBlock xor: aBoolean Answer whether the receiver and aBoolean represent different boolean values | aBoolean We are false - ored with anything, we always answer the other operand 1.74.2 False: C hacks --------------------- asCBooleanValue Answer '0'. 1.74.3 False: printing ---------------------- printOn: aStream Print a representation of the receiver on aStream 1.75 File ========= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: FilePath Category: Streams-Files I enable access to the properties of files that are on disk. 1.75.1 File class: C functions ------------------------------ errno Answer the current value of C errno. stringError: errno Answer C strerror's result for errno. 1.75.2 File class: file operations ---------------------------------- checkError Return whether an error had been reported or not. If there had been one, raise an exception too checkError: errno The error with the C code 'errno' has been reported. If errno >= 1, raise an exception remove: fileName Remove the file with the given path name rename: oldFileName to: newFileName Rename the file with the given path name oldFileName to newFileName symlink: srcName as: destName Create a symlink for the srcName file with the given path name symlink: destName from: srcName Create a symlink named destName file from the given path (relative to destName) touch: fileName Update the timestamp of the file with the given path name. 1.75.3 File class: initialization --------------------------------- initialize Initialize the receiver's class variables 1.75.4 File class: instance creation ------------------------------------ name: aName Answer a new file with the given path. The path is turned into an absolute path. path: aString Answer a new file with the given path. The path is not validated until some of the fields of the newly created objects are accessed 1.75.5 File class: reading system defaults ------------------------------------------ executable Answer the full path to the executable being run. image Answer the full path to the image being used. 1.75.6 File class: testing -------------------------- exists: fileName Answer whether a file with the given name exists isAccessible: fileName Answer whether a directory with the given name exists and can be accessed isExecutable: fileName Answer whether a file with the given name exists and can be executed isReadable: fileName Answer whether a file with the given name exists and is readable isWriteable: fileName Answer whether a file with the given name exists and is writeable 1.75.7 File: accessing ---------------------- asString Answer the name of the file identified by the receiver at: aString Answer a File or Directory object as appropriate for a file named 'aName' in the directory represented by the receiver. creationTime Answer the creation time of the file identified by the receiver. On some operating systems, this could actually be the last change time (the 'last change time' has to do with permissions, ownership and the like). isDirectory Answer whether the file is a directory. isSocket Answer whether the file is an AF_UNIX socket. isSymbolicLink Answer whether the file is a symbolic link. lastAccessTime Answer the last access time of the file identified by the receiver lastChangeTime Answer the last change time of the file identified by the receiver (the 'last change time' has to do with permissions, ownership and the like). On some operating systems, this could actually be the file creation time. lastModifyTime Answer the last modify time of the file identified by the receiver (the 'last modify time' has to do with the actual file contents). mode Answer the permission bits for the file identified by the receiver mode: anInteger Set the permission bits for the file identified by the receiver to be anInteger. name Answer the name of the file identified by the receiver pathTo: destName Compute the relative path from the receiver to destName. refresh Refresh the statistics for the receiver size Answer the size of the file identified by the receiver 1.75.8 File: basic ------------------ = aFile Answer whether the receiver represents the same file as the receiver. hash Answer a hash value for the receiver. 1.75.9 File: directory operations --------------------------------- createDirectory Create the receiver as a directory. namesDo: aBlock Evaluate aBlock once for each file in the directory represented by the receiver, passing its name. aBlock should not return. 1.75.10 File: file name management ---------------------------------- full Answer the full name of the receiver, resolving the '.' and '..' directory entries, and answer the result. Answer nil if the name is invalid (such as '/usr/../../badname') 1.75.11 File: file operations ----------------------------- lastAccessTime: accessDateTime lastModifyTime: modifyDateTime Set the receiver's timestamps to be accessDateTime and modifyDateTime. open: class mode: mode ifFail: aBlock Open the receiver in the given mode (as answered by FileStream's class constant methods) owner: ownerString group: groupString Set the receiver's owner and group to be ownerString and groupString. pathFrom: dir Compute the relative path from the directory dirName to the receiver remove Remove the file with the given path name renameTo: newFileName Rename the file with the given path name to newFileName symlinkAs: destName Create destName as a symbolic link of the receiver. The appropriate relative path is computed automatically. symlinkFrom: srcName Create the receiver as a symlink from path destName 1.75.12 File: still unclassified -------------------------------- , aName Answer an object of the same kind as the receiver, whose name is suffixed with aName. 1.75.13 File: testing --------------------- exists Answer whether a file with the name contained in the receiver does exist. isAbsolute Answer whether the receiver identifies an absolute path. isAccessible Answer whether a directory with the name contained in the receiver does exist and is accessible isExecutable Answer whether a file with the name contained in the receiver does exist and is executable isFileSystemPath Answer whether the receiver corresponds to a real filesystem path. isReadable Answer whether a file with the name contained in the receiver does exist and is readable isWriteable Answer whether a file with the name contained in the receiver does exist and is writeable 1.76 FileDescriptor =================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Stream Category: Streams-Files My instances are what conventional programmers think of as files. My instance creation methods accept the name of a disk file (or any named file object, such as /dev/rmt0 on UNIX or MTA0: on VMS). In addition, they accept a virtual filesystem path like 'configure.gz#ugz' which can be used to transparently extract or decompress files from archives, or do arbitrary processing on the files. 1.76.1 FileDescriptor class: initialization ------------------------------------------- initialize Initialize the receiver's class variables update: aspect Close open files before quitting 1.76.2 FileDescriptor class: instance creation ---------------------------------------------- append Open for writing. The file is created if it does not exist. The stream is positioned at the end of the file. create Open for reading and writing. The file is created if it does not exist, otherwise it is truncated. The stream is positioned at the beginning of the file. fopen: fileName mode: fileMode Open fileName in the required mode - answered by #append, #create, #readWrite, #read or #write - and fail if the file cannot be opened. Else answer a new FileStream. For mode anyway you can use any standard C non-binary fopen mode. The file will be automatically closed upon GC if the object is not referenced anymore, but it is better to close it as soon as you're finished with it anyway, using #close. To keep a file open even when no references exist anymore, send it #removeToBeFinalized fopen: fileName mode: fileMode ifFail: aBlock Open fileName in the required mode - answered by #append, #create, #readWrite, #read or #write - and evaluate aBlock if the file cannot be opened. Else answer a new FileStream. For mode anyway you can use any The file will be automatically closed upon GC if the object is not referenced anymore, but it is better to close it as soon as you're finished with it anyway, using #close. To keep a file open even when no references exist anymore, send it #removeToBeFinalized on: fd Open a FileDescriptor on the given file descriptor. Read-write access is assumed. open: fileName Open fileName in read-write mode - fail if the file cannot be opened. Else answer a new FileStream. The file will be automatically closed upon GC if the object is not referenced anymore, but you should close it with #close anyway. To keep a file open, send it #removeToBeFinalized open: fileName mode: fileMode ifFail: aBlock Open fileName in the required mode - answered by #append, #create, #readWrite, #read or #write - and evaluate aBlock if the file cannot be opened. Else answer a new instance of the receiver. For mode anyway you can use any standard C non-binary fopen mode. fileName can be a 'virtual filesystem' path, including URLs and '#' suffixes that are inspected by the virtual filesystem layers and replaced with tasks such as un-gzipping a file or extracting a file from an archive. The file will be automatically closed upon GC if the object is not referenced anymore, but it is better to close it as soon as you're finished with it anyway, using #close. To keep a file open even when no references exist anymore, send it #removeToBeFinalized openTemporaryFile: baseName Open for writing a file whose name starts with baseName, followed by six random alphanumeric characters. The file is created with mode read/write and permissions 0666 or 0600 on most recent operating systems (beware, the former behavior might constitute a security problem). The file is opened with the O_EXCL flag, guaranteeing that when the method returns successfully we are the only user. popen: commandName dir: direction Open a pipe on the given command and fail if the file cannot be opened. Else answer a new FileStream. The pipe will not be automatically closed upon GC, even if the object is not referenced anymore, because when you close a pipe you have to wait for the associated process to terminate. direction is returned by #read or #write ('r' or 'w') and is interpreted from the point of view of Smalltalk: reading means Smalltalk reads the standard output of the command, writing means Smalltalk writes the standard input of the command. The other channel (stdin when reading, stdout when writing) is the same as GST's, unless commandName alters it. popen: commandName dir: direction ifFail: aBlock Open a pipe on the given command and evaluate aBlock file cannot be opened. Else answer a new FileStream. The pipe will not be automatically closed upon GC, even if the object is not referenced anymore, because when you close a pipe you have to wait for the associated process to terminate. direction is interpreted from the point of view of Smalltalk: reading means that Smalltalk reads the standard output of the command, writing means that Smalltalk writes the standard input of the command read Open text file for reading. The stream is positioned at the beginning of the file. readWrite Open for reading and writing. The stream is positioned at the beginning of the file. write Truncate file to zero length or create text file for writing. The stream is positioned at the beginning of the file. 1.76.3 FileDescriptor class: still unclassified ----------------------------------------------- open: fileName mode: fileMode Open fileName in the required mode - answered by #append, #create, #readWrite, #read or #write - and fail if the file cannot be opened. Else answer a new FileStream. For mode anyway you can use any standard C non-binary fopen mode. fileName can be a 'virtual filesystem' path, including URLs and '#' suffixes that are inspected by the virtual filesystem layers and replaced with tasks such as un-gzipping a file or extracting a file from an archive. The file will be automatically closed upon GC if the object is not referenced anymore, but it is better to close it as soon as you're finished with it anyway, using #close. To keep a file open even when no references exist anymore, send it #removeToBeFinalized 1.76.4 FileDescriptor: accessing -------------------------------- canRead Answer whether the file is open and we can read from it canWrite Answer whether the file is open and we can write from it ensureReadable If the file is open, wait until data can be read from it. The wait allows other Processes to run. ensureWriteable If the file is open, wait until we can write to it. The wait allows other Processes to run. exceptionalCondition Answer whether the file is open and an exceptional condition (such as presence of out of band data) has occurred on it fd Return the OS file descriptor of the file file Return the name of the file isOpen Answer whether the file is still open isPeerAlive Present for compatibility with sockets. For files, it answers whether the file is still open isPipe Answer whether the file is a pipe or an actual disk file name Return the name of the file waitForException If the file is open, wait until an exceptional condition (such as presence of out of band data) has occurred on it. The wait allows other Processes to run. 1.76.5 FileDescriptor: basic ---------------------------- checkError Perform error checking. By default, we call File class>>#checkError. close Close the file contents Answer the whole contents of the file copyFrom: from to: to Answer the contents of the file between the two given positions finalize Close the file if it is still open by the time the object becomes garbage. invalidate Invalidate a file descriptor next Return the next character in the file, or nil at eof nextByte Return the next byte in the file, or nil at eof nextPut: aCharacter Store aCharacter on the file nextPutByte: anInteger Store the byte, anInteger, on the file nextPutByteArray: aByteArray Store aByteArray on the file peek Returns the next element of the stream without moving the pointer. Returns nil when at end of stream. peekFor: anObject Returns whether the next element of the stream is equal to anObject, without moving the pointer if it is not. position Answer the zero-based position from the start of the file position: n Set the file pointer to the zero-based position n reset Reset the stream to its beginning shutdown Close the transmission side of a full-duplex connection. This is useful on read-write pipes. size Return the current size of the file, in bytes truncate Truncate the file at the current position 1.76.6 FileDescriptor: binary I/O --------------------------------- nextByteArray: numBytes Return the next numBytes bytes in the byte array nextDouble Return the next 64-bit float in the byte array nextFloat Return the next 32-bit float in the byte array nextLong Return the next 4 bytes in the byte array, interpreted as a 32 bit signed int nextLongLong Return the next 8 bytes in the byte array, interpreted as a 64 bit signed int nextPutDouble: aDouble Store aDouble as a 64-bit float in the byte array nextPutFloat: aFloat Return the next 32-bit float in the byte array nextPutInt64: anInteger Store anInteger (range: -2^63..2^64-1) on the byte array as 8 bytes nextPutLong: anInteger Store anInteger (range: -2^31..2^32-1) on the byte array as 4 bytes nextPutShort: anInteger Store anInteger (range: -32768..65535) on the byte array as 2 bytes nextShort Return the next 2 bytes in the byte array, interpreted as a 16 bit signed int nextSignedByte Return the next byte in the byte array, interpreted as a 8 bit signed number nextUint64 Return the next 8 bytes in the byte array, interpreted as a 64 bit unsigned int nextUlong Return the next 4 bytes in the byte array, interpreted as a 32 bit unsigned int nextUshort Return the next 2 bytes in the byte array, interpreted as a 16 bit unsigned int 1.76.7 FileDescriptor: built ins -------------------------------- fileIn File in the contents of the receiver. During a file in operation, global variables (starting with an uppercase letter) that are not declared don't yield an 'unknown variable' error. Instead, they are defined as nil in the 'Undeclared' dictionary (a global variable residing in Smalltalk). As soon as you add the variable to a namespace (for example by creating a class) the Association will be removed from Undeclared and reused in the namespace, so that the old references will automagically point to the new value. fileOp: ioFuncIndex Private - Used to limit the number of primitives used by FileStreams fileOp: ioFuncIndex ifFail: aBlock Private - Used to limit the number of primitives used by FileStreams. fileOp: ioFuncIndex with: arg1 Private - Used to limit the number of primitives used by FileStreams fileOp: ioFuncIndex with: arg1 ifFail: aBlock Private - Used to limit the number of primitives used by FileStreams. fileOp: ioFuncIndex with: arg1 with: arg2 Private - Used to limit the number of primitives used by FileStreams fileOp: ioFuncIndex with: arg1 with: arg2 ifFail: aBlock Private - Used to limit the number of primitives used by FileStreams. fileOp: ioFuncIndex with: arg1 with: arg2 with: arg3 Private - Used to limit the number of primitives used by FileStreams fileOp: ioFuncIndex with: arg1 with: arg2 with: arg3 ifFail: aBlock Private - Used to limit the number of primitives used by FileStreams. fileOp: ioFuncIndex with: arg1 with: arg2 with: arg3 with: arg4 Private - Used to limit the number of primitives used by FileStreams fileOp: ioFuncIndex with: arg1 with: arg2 with: arg3 with: arg4 ifFail: aBlock Private - Used to limit the number of primitives used by FileStreams. 1.76.8 FileDescriptor: class type methods ----------------------------------------- isBinary We answer characters, so answer false isExternalStream We stream on an external entity (a file), so answer true isText We answer characters, so answer true 1.76.9 FileDescriptor: initialize-release ----------------------------------------- addToBeFinalized Add me to the list of open files. initialize Initialize the receiver's instance variables readStream Answer myself, or an alternate stream coerced for reading. removeToBeFinalized Remove me from the list of open files. 1.76.10 FileDescriptor: low-level access ---------------------------------------- next: n putAll: aCollection startingAt: position Put the characters in the supplied range of aCollection in the file nextAvailable: n into: aCollection startingAt: position Ignoring any buffering, try to fill the given range of aCollection with the contents of the file 1.76.11 FileDescriptor: overriding inherited methods ---------------------------------------------------- isEmpty Answer whether the receiver is empty nextPutAllOn: aStream Put all the characters of the receiver in aStream. reverseContents Return the contents of the file from the last byte to the first setToEnd Reset the file pointer to the end of the file skip: anInteger Skip anInteger bytes in the file 1.76.12 FileDescriptor: polymorphism ------------------------------------ pastEnd The end of the stream has been reached. Signal a Notification. 1.76.13 FileDescriptor: positioning ----------------------------------- isPositionable Answer true if the stream supports moving backwards with #skip:. 1.76.14 FileDescriptor: printing -------------------------------- printOn: aStream Print a representation of the receiver on aStream 1.76.15 FileDescriptor: testing ------------------------------- atEnd Answer whether data has come to an end 1.77 FilePath ============= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Streams-Files I expose the syntax of file names, including paths. I know how to manipulate such a path by splitting it into its components. In addition, I expose information about files (both real and virtual) such as their size and timestamps. 1.77.1 FilePath class: file name management ------------------------------------------- append: fileName to: directory Answer the name of a file named 'fileName' which resides in a directory named 'directory'. extensionFor: aString Answer the extension of a file named 'aString'. Note: the extension includes an initial dot. fullNameFor: aString Answer the full path to a file called 'aString', resolving the '.' and '..' directory entries, and answer the result. '/..' is the same as '/'. pathFor: aString Determine the path of the name of a file called 'aString', and answer the result. With the exception of the root directory, the final slash is stripped. pathFor: aString ifNone: aBlock Determine the path of the name of a file called 'aString', and answer the result. With the exception of the root directory, the final slash is stripped. If there is no path, evaluate aBlock and return the result. pathFrom: srcName to: destName Answer the relative path to destName when the current directory is srcName's directory. stripExtensionFrom: aString Remove the extension from the name of a file called 'aString', and answer the result. stripFileNameFor: aString Determine the path of the name of a file called 'aString', and answer the result as a directory name including the final slash. stripPathFrom: aString Remove the path from the name of a file called 'aString', and answer the file name plus extension. 1.77.2 FilePath class: still unclassified ----------------------------------------- isAbsolute: aString Answer whether aString is an absolute ptah. 1.77.3 FilePath: accessing -------------------------- at: aName Answer a File or Directory object as appropriate for a file named 'aName' in the directory represented by the receiver. creationTime Answer the creation time of the file identified by the receiver. On some operating systems, this could actually be the last change time (the 'last change time' has to do with permissions, ownership and the like). group: aString Set the group of the file identified by the receiver to be aString. includes: aName Answer whether a file named 'aName' exists in the directory represented by the receiver. lastAccessTime Answer the last access time of the file identified by the receiver lastAccessTime: aDateTime Update the last access time of the file corresponding to the receiver, to be aDateTime. lastAccessTime: accessDateTime lastModifyTime: modifyDateTime Update the timestamps of the file corresponding to the receiver, to be accessDateTime and modifyDateTime. lastChangeTime Answer the last change time of the file identified by the receiver (the 'last change time' has to do with permissions, ownership and the like). On some operating systems, this could actually be the file creation time. lastModifyTime Answer the last modify time of the file identified by the receiver (the 'last modify time' has to do with the actual file contents). lastModifyTime: aDateTime Update the last modification timestamp of the file corresponding to the receiver, to be aDateTime. mode Answer the permission bits for the file identified by the receiver mode: anInteger Set the permission bits for the file identified by the receiver to be anInteger. owner: aString Set the owner of the file identified by the receiver to be aString. owner: ownerString group: groupString Set the owner and group of the file identified by the receiver to be aString. pathTo: destName Compute the relative path from the receiver to destName. refresh Refresh the statistics for the receiver size Answer the size of the file identified by the receiver 1.77.4 FilePath: converting --------------------------- asFile Answer the receiver. 1.77.5 FilePath: decoration --------------------------- all Return a decorator of the receiver that will provide recursive descent into directories for iteration methods. Furthermore, iteration on the returned wrapper will not include '.' or '..' directory entries, and will include the receiver (directly, not via '.'). 1.77.6 FilePath: directory operations ------------------------------------- createDirectories Create the receiver as a directory, together with all its parents. createDirectory Create the receiver as a directory, together with all its parents. nameAt: aName Answer a FilePath for a file named 'aName' residing in the directory represented by the receiver. 1.77.7 FilePath: enumerating ---------------------------- allFilesMatching: aPattern do: aBlock Evaluate aBlock on the File objects that match aPattern (according to String>>#match:) in the directory named by the receiver. Recursively descend into directories. directories Answer an Array with Directory objects for the subdirectories of the directory represented by the receiver. do: aBlock Evaluate aBlock once for each file in the directory represented by the receiver, passing a FilePath object (or a subclass) to it. It depends on the subclass whether iteration will include the '.' and '..' directory entries. entries Answer an Array with File or Directory objects for the contents of the directory represented by the receiver. entryNames Answer an Array with the names of the files in the directory represented by the receiver. files Answer an Array with File objects for the contents of the directory represented by the receiver. filesMatching: aPattern Evaluate aBlock once for each file in the directory represented by the receiver, passing a File or Directory object to aBlock. Returns the *names* of the files for which aBlock returns true. filesMatching: aPattern do: block Evaluate block on the File objects that match aPattern (according to String>>#match:) in the directory named by the receiver. namesDo: aBlock Evaluate aBlock once for each file in the directory represented by the receiver, passing its name. It depends on the subclass whether iteration will include the '.' and '..' directory entries. namesMatching: aPattern do: block Evaluate block on the file names that match aPattern (according to String>>#match:) in the directory named by the receiver. reject: aBlock Evaluate aBlock once for each file in the directory represented by the receiver, passing a File or Directory object to aBlock. Returns the *names* of the files for which aBlock returns true. select: aBlock Evaluate aBlock once for each file in the directory represented by the receiver, passing a File or Directory object to aBlock. Returns the *names* of the files for which aBlock returns true. 1.77.8 FilePath: file name management ------------------------------------- directory Answer the Directory object for the receiver's path extension Answer the extension of the receiver full Answer the full name of the receiver, resolving the '.' and '..' directory entries, and answer the result. Answer nil if the name is invalid (such as '/usr/../../badname') fullName Answer a String with the full path to the receiver (same as #name; it is useless to override this method). name Answer String with the full path to the receiver (same as #fullName). parent Answer the Directory object for the receiver's path path Answer the path (if any) of the receiver stripExtension Answer the path (if any) and file name of the receiver stripFileName Answer the path of the receiver, always including a directory name (possibly '.') and the final directory separator stripPath Answer the file name and extension (if any) of the receiver 1.77.9 FilePath: file operations -------------------------------- contents Open a read-only FileStream on the receiver, read its contents, close the stream and answer the contents fileIn File in the receiver open: mode Open the receiver in the given mode (as answered by FileStream's class constant methods) open: mode ifFail: aBlock Open the receiver in the given mode (as answered by FileStream's class constant methods). Upon failure, evaluate aBlock. open: class mode: mode ifFail: aBlock Open the receiver in the given mode (as answered by FileStream's class constant methods) openDescriptor: mode Open the receiver in the given mode (as answered by FileStream's class constant methods) openDescriptor: mode ifFail: aBlock Open the receiver in the given mode (as answered by FileStream's class constant methods). Upon failure, evaluate aBlock. pathFrom: dirName Compute the relative path from the directory dirName to the receiver readStream Open a read-only FileStream on the receiver remove Remove the file identified by the receiver renameTo: newName Rename the file identified by the receiver to newName symlinkAs: destName Create destName as a symbolic link of the receiver. The appropriate relative path is computed automatically. symlinkFrom: srcName Create the receiver as a symbolic link from srcName (relative to the path of the receiver). touch Update the timestamp of the file corresponding to the receiver. withReadStreamDo: aBlock Answer the result of invoking aBlock with a reading stream open on me, closing it when the dynamic extent of aBlock ends. withWriteStreamDo: aBlock Answer the result of invoking aBlock with a writing stream open on me, closing it when the dynamic extent of aBlock ends. writeStream Open a write-only FileStream on the receiver 1.77.10 FilePath: printing -------------------------- asString Print a representation of the receiver on aStream. displayOn: aStream Print a representation of the receiver on aStream. printOn: aStream Print a representation of the receiver on aStream. withShellEscapes Return the representation of the receiver with shell characters escaped. 1.77.11 FilePath: still unclassified ------------------------------------ / aName Answer a File or Directory object as appropriate for a file named 'aName' in the directory represented by the receiver. 1.77.12 FilePath: testing ------------------------- exists Answer whether a file with the name contained in the receiver does exist. isAbsolute Answer whether the receiver identifies an absolute path. isAccessible Answer whether a directory with the name contained in the receiver does exist and can be accessed isDirectory Answer whether a file with the name contained in the receiver does exist and identifies a directory. isExecutable Answer whether a file with the name contained in the receiver does exist and is executable isFile Answer whether a file with the name contained in the receiver does exist and does not identify a directory. isFileSystemPath Answer whether the receiver corresponds to a real filesystem path. isReadable Answer whether a file with the name contained in the receiver does exist and is readable isRelative Answer whether the receiver identifies a relative path. isSymbolicLink Answer whether a file with the name contained in the receiver does exist and identifies a symbolic link. isWriteable Answer whether a file with the name contained in the receiver does exist and is writeable 1.77.13 FilePath: virtual filesystems ------------------------------------- zip Not commented. 1.78 FileSegment ================ Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Language-Implementation My instances represent sections of files. I am primarily used by the compiler to record source code locations. I am not a part of the normal Smalltalk-80 kernel; I am specific to the GNU Smalltalk implementation. 1.78.1 FileSegment class: basic ------------------------------- on: aFile startingAt: startPos for: sizeInteger Create a new FileSegment referring to the contents of the given file, from the startPos-th byte and for sizeInteger bytes. Note that FileSegments should always be created with full paths because relative paths are interpreted to be relative to the kernel directory. 1.78.2 FileSegment class: installing ------------------------------------ relocate Remove the kernel path from all paths that start with it. Needed to support $(DESTDIR) and relocatable installation. 1.78.3 FileSegment: basic ------------------------- asString Answer a String containing the required segment of the file copyFrom: from to: to Answer a String containing the given subsegment of the file. As for streams, from and to are 0-based. file Answer the File object for the file containing the segment fileName Answer the name of the file containing the segment filePos Answer the position in the file where the segment starts relocateFrom: startPath map: map If the path starts with startPath, remove that part of the path. map is a Dictionary that is used so that equal filenames stay equal, without increasing the amount of memory that the image uses. size Answer the length of the segment withFileDo: aBlock Evaluate aBlock passing it the FileStream in which the segment identified by the receiver is stored 1.78.4 FileSegment: equality ---------------------------- = aFileSegment Answer whether the receiver and aFileSegment are equal. hash Answer an hash value for the receiver. 1.78.5 FileSegment: printing ---------------------------- printedFileName Answer a printed representation of the file containing the segment. While introducing some ambiguity, this representation is compact eliminates the path for kernel files, and produces a relative path from the current working directory for other files. 1.79 FileStream =============== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: FileDescriptor Category: Streams-Files My instances are what conventional programmers think of as files. My instance creation methods accept the name of a disk file (or any named file object, such as /dev/rmt0 on UNIX or MTA0: on VMS). 1.79.1 FileStream class: file-in -------------------------------- fileIn: aFileName File in the aFileName file. During a file in operation, global variables (starting with an uppercase letter) that are not declared yet don't yield an 'unknown variable' error. Instead, they are defined as nil in the 'Undeclared' dictionary (a global variable residing in Smalltalk). As soon as you add the variable to a namespace (for example by creating a class) the Association will be removed from Undeclared and reused in the namespace, so that the old references will automagically point to the new value. fileIn: aFileName ifMissing: aSymbol Conditionally do a file in, only if the key (often a class) specified by 'aSymbol' is not present in the Smalltalk system dictionary already. During a file in operation, global variables (starting with an uppercase letter) that are not declared don't yield an 'unknown variable' error. Instead, they are defined as nil in the 'Undeclared' dictionary (a global variable residing in Smalltalk). As soon as you add the variable to a namespace (for example by creating a class) the Association will be removed from Undeclared and reused in the namespace, so that the old references will automagically point to the new value. fileIn: aFileName ifTrue: aBoolean Conditionally do a file in, only if the supplied boolean is true. During a file in operation, global variables (starting with an uppercase letter) that are not declared don't yield an 'unknown variable' error. Instead, they are defined as nil in the 'Undeclared' dictionary (a global variable residing in Smalltalk). As soon as you add the variable to a namespace (for example by creating a class) the Association will be removed from Undeclared and reused in the namespace, so that the old references will automagically point to the new value. fileIn: aFileName line: lineInteger from: realFileName at: aCharPos File in the aFileName file giving errors such as if it was loaded from the given line, file name and starting position (instead of 1). generateMakefileOnto: aStream Generate a make file for the file-ins since record was last set to true. Store it on aStream initialize Private - Initialize the receiver's class variables record: recordFlag Set whether Smalltalk should record information about nested file-ins. When recording is enabled, use #generateMakefileOnto: to automatically generate a valid makefile for the intervening file-ins. require: assoc Conditionally do a file in from the value of assoc, only if the key of assoc is not present in the Smalltalk system dictionary already. During a file in operation, global variables (starting with an uppercase letter) that are not declared don't yield an 'unknown variable' error. Instead, they are defined as nil in the 'Undeclared' dictionary (a global variable residing in Smalltalk). As soon as you add the variable to a namespace (for example by creating a class) the Association will be removed from Undeclared and reused in the namespace, so that the old references will automagically point to the new value. verbose: verboseFlag Set whether Smalltalk should output debugging messages when filing in 1.79.2 FileStream class: standard streams ----------------------------------------- stderr Answer a FileStream that is attached the Smalltalk program's standard error file handle, which can be used for error messages and diagnostics issued by the program. stdin Answer a FileStream that is attached the Smalltalk program's standard input file handle, which is the normal source of input for the program. stdout Answer a FileStream that is attached the Smalltalk program's standard output file handle; this is used for normal output from the program. 1.79.3 FileStream: basic ------------------------ bufferStart Private - Answer the offset from the start of the file corresponding to the beginning of the read buffer. copyFrom: from to: to Answer the contents of the file between the two given positions next Return the next character in the file, or nil at eof nextPut: aCharacter Store aCharacter on the file peek Return the next character in the file, or nil at eof. Don't advance the file pointer. position Answer the zero-based position from the start of the file position: n Set the file pointer to the zero-based position n size Return the current size of the file, in bytes truncate Truncate the file at the current position 1.79.4 FileStream: buffering ---------------------------- bufferSize Answer the file's current buffer bufferSize: bufSize Flush the file and set the buffer's size to bufSize clean Synchronize the file descriptor's state with the object's state. fill Private - Fill the input buffer flush Flush the output buffer. newBuffer Private - Answer a String to be used as the receiver's buffer next: n bufferAll: aCollection startingAt: pos Private - Assuming that the buffer has space for n characters, store n characters of aCollection in the buffer, starting from the pos-th. nextAvailable: anInteger into: aCollection startingAt: pos Read up to anInteger bytes from the stream and store them into aCollection. Return the number of bytes read. nextAvailable: anInteger putAllOn: aStream Copy up to anInteger bytes from the stream into aStream. Return the number of bytes read. pendingWrite Answer whether the output buffer is full. 1.79.5 FileStream: compiling ---------------------------- segmentFrom: startPos to: endPos Answer an object that, when sent #asString, will yield the result of sending 'copyFrom: startPos to: endPos' to the receiver 1.79.6 FileStream: initialize-release ------------------------------------- initialize Initialize the receiver's instance variables 1.79.7 FileStream: overriding inherited methods ----------------------------------------------- next: n putAll: aCollection startingAt: pos Write n values from aCollection, the first being at pos. nextLine Returns a collection of the same type that the stream accesses, containing the next line up to the next new-line character. Returns the entire rest of the stream's contents if no new-line character is found. nextPutAllOn: aStream Put all the characters of the receiver in aStream. upTo: aCharacter Returns a collection of the same type that the stream accesses, containing data up to aCharacter. Returns the entire rest of the stream's contents if no such character is found. 1.79.8 FileStream: testing -------------------------- atEnd Answer whether data has come to an end 1.80 Float ========== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Number Category: Language-Data types My instances represent floating point numbers that have arbitrary precision. Besides the standard numerical operations, they provide transcendental operations too. They implement IEEE-754 correctly if the hardware supports it. 1.80.1 Float class: byte-order dependancies ------------------------------------------- signByte Answer the byte of the receiver that contains the sign bit 1.80.2 Float class: characterization ------------------------------------ denormalized Answer whether instances of the receiver can be in denormalized form. e Returns the value of e. Hope is that it is precise enough epsilon Return the smallest Float x for which is 1 + x ~= 1 fmin Return the smallest Float that is > 0. fminDenormalized Return the smallest Float that is > 0 if denormalized values are supported, else return 0. ln10 Returns the value of ln 10. Hope is that it is precise enough log10Base2 Returns the value of log2 10. Hope is that it is precise enough pi Returns the value of pi. Hope is that it is precise enough radix Answer the base in which computations between instances of the receiver are made. This should be 2 on about every known computer, so GNU Smalltalk always answers 2. 1.80.3 Float: arithmetic ------------------------ integerPart Return the receiver's integer part negated Return the negation of the receiver. Unlike 0-self, this converts correctly signed zeros. raisedToInteger: anInteger Return self raised to the anInteger-th power 1.80.4 Float: basic ------------------- hash Answer an hash value for the receiver. Not-a-number values do not have a hash code and cannot be put in a hashed collection. 1.80.5 Float: built ins ----------------------- arcCos Answer the arc-cosine of the receiver arcSin Answer the arc-sine of the receiver arcTan Answer the arc-tangent of the receiver ceiling Answer the integer part of the receiver, truncated towards +infinity cos Answer the cosine of the receiver exp Answer 'e' (2.718281828459...) raised to the receiver floor Answer the integer part of the receiver, truncated towards -infinity ln Answer the logarithm of the receiver in base 'e' (2.718281828459...) primHash Private - Answer an hash value for the receiver raisedTo: aNumber Answer the receiver raised to its aNumber power sin Answer the sine of the receiver sqrt Answer the square root of the receiver tan Answer the tangent of the receiver 1.80.6 Float: coercing ---------------------- asExactFraction Convert the receiver into a fraction with optimal approximation, but with usually huge terms. asFraction Convert the receiver into a fraction with a good (but undefined) approximation truncated Convert the receiver to an Integer. Only used for LargeIntegers, there are primitives for the other cases. 1.80.7 Float: coercion ---------------------- asCNumber Convert the receiver to a kind of number that is understood by the C call-out mechanism. 1.80.8 Float: comparing ----------------------- max: aNumber Answer the maximum between the receiver and aNumber. Redefine in subclasses if necessary to ensure that if either self or aNumber is a NaN, it is always answered. min: aNumber Answer the minimum between the receiver and aNumber. Redefine in subclasses if necessary to ensure that if either self or aNumber is a NaN, it is always answered. withSignOf: aNumber Answer the receiver, with its sign possibly changed to match that of aNumber. 1.80.9 Float: compiler ---------------------- literalEquals: anObject Not commented. literalHash Not commented. 1.80.10 Float: converting ------------------------- half Answer 0.5 in the representation of the receiver 1.80.11 Float: floating point ----------------------------- predecessor Not commented. successor Not commented. 1.80.12 Float: misc math ------------------------ log: aNumber Answer log base aNumber of the receiver 1.80.13 Float: printing ----------------------- printOn: aStream Print a representation of the receiver on aStream 1.80.14 Float: storing ---------------------- isLiteralObject Answer whether the receiver is expressible as a Smalltalk literal. storeLiteralOn: aStream Store on aStream some Smalltalk code which compiles to the receiver storeOn: aStream Print a representation of the receiver on aStream 1.80.15 Float: testing ---------------------- isExact Answer whether the receiver performs exact arithmetic. Floats do not. isFinite Answer whether the receiver does not represent infinity, nor a NaN isInfinite Answer whether the receiver represents positive or negative infinity isNaN Answer whether the receiver represents a NaN negative Answer whether the receiver is negative positive Answer whether the receiver is positive. Negative zero is not positive, so the definition is not simply >= 0. sign Answer 1 if the receiver is greater than 0, -1 if less than 0, else 0. Negative zero is the same as positive zero. strictlyPositive Answer whether the receiver is > 0 1.80.16 Float: testing functionality ------------------------------------ isFloat Answer 'true'. 1.80.17 Float: transcendental operations ---------------------------------------- asFloat Just defined for completeness. Return the receiver. ceilingLog: radix Answer (self log: radix) ceiling. Use exact arithmetic if radix is not a floating point value. estimatedLog Answer an estimate of (self abs floorLog: 10) floorLog: radix Answer (self log: radix) floor. Use exact arithmetic if radix is not a floating point value. log Answer log base 10 of the receiver. 1.80.18 Float: truncation and round off --------------------------------------- rounded Answer the receiver, rounded to the nearest integer 1.81 FloatD =========== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Float Category: Language-Data types My instances represent floating point numbers that have the same accuracy as C's "double" numbers. 1.81.1 FloatD class: byte-order dependencies -------------------------------------------- fromBytes: aByteArray Answer a float with the bytes in aByteArray, which are in big-endian format. signByte Answer the byte of the receiver that contains the sign bit 1.81.2 FloatD class: characterization ------------------------------------- decimalDigits Return the number of decimal digits of precision for a FloatD. Technically, if P is the precision for the representation, then the decimal precision Q is the maximum number of decimal digits such that any floating point number with Q base 10 digits can be rounded to a floating point number with P base 2 digits and back again, without change to the Q decimal digits. emax Return the maximum allowable exponent for a FloatD that is finite. emin Return the maximum allowable exponent for a FloatD that is finite. fmax Return the largest normalized FloatD that is not infinite. fminNormalized Return the smallest normalized FloatD that is > 0 infinity Return a FloatD that represents positive infinity. nan Return a FloatD that represents a mathematically indeterminate value (e.g. Inf - Inf, Inf / Inf). negativeInfinity Return a FloatD that represents negative infinity. precision Answer the number of bits in the mantissa. 1 + (2^-precision) = 1 1.81.3 FloatD class: converting ------------------------------- coerce: aNumber Answer aNumber converted to a FloatD 1.81.4 FloatD: built ins ------------------------ * arg Multiply the receiver and arg and answer another Number + arg Sum the receiver and arg and answer another Number - arg Subtract arg from the receiver and answer another Number / arg Divide the receiver by arg and answer another FloatD < arg Answer whether the receiver is less than arg <= arg Answer whether the receiver is less than or equal to arg = arg Answer whether the receiver is equal to arg > arg Answer whether the receiver is greater than arg >= arg Answer whether the receiver is greater than or equal to arg asFloatE Answer the receiver converted to a FloatE asFloatQ Answer the receiver converted to a FloatQ exponent Answer the exponent of the receiver in mantissa*2^exponent representation ( |mantissa|<=1 ) fractionPart Answer the fractional part of the receiver timesTwoPower: arg Answer the receiver multiplied by 2^arg truncated Truncate the receiver towards zero and answer the result ~= arg Answer whether the receiver is not equal to arg 1.81.5 FloatD: coercing ----------------------- asFloatD Just defined for completeness. Return the receiver. coerce: aNumber Coerce aNumber to the receiver's class generality Answer the receiver's generality unity Coerce 1 to the receiver's class zero Coerce 0 to the receiver's class 1.81.6 FloatD: converting ------------------------- half Coerce 0.5 to the receiver's class 1.82 FloatE =========== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Float Category: Language-Data types My instances represent floating point numbers that have the same accuracy as C's "float" numbers. 1.82.1 FloatE class: byte-order dependancies -------------------------------------------- signByte Answer the byte of the receiver that contains the sign bit 1.82.2 FloatE class: byte-order dependencies -------------------------------------------- fromBytes: aByteArray Answer a float with the bytes in aByteArray, which are in big-endian format. 1.82.3 FloatE class: characterization ------------------------------------- decimalDigits Return the number of decimal digits of precision for a FloatE. Technically, if P is the precision for the representation, then the decimal precision Q is the maximum number of decimal digits such that any floating point number with Q base 10 digits can be rounded to a floating point number with P base 2 digits and back again, without change to the Q decimal digits. e Returns the value of e. Hope is that it is precise enough emax Return the maximum allowable exponent for a FloatE that is finite. emin Return the maximum allowable exponent for a FloatE that is finite. fmax Return the largest normalized FloatE that is not infinite. fminNormalized Return the smallest normalized FloatE that is > 0 infinity Return a FloatE that represents positive infinity. ln10 Returns the value of ln 10. Hope is that it is precise enough log10Base2 Returns the value of log2 10. Hope is that it is precise enough nan Return a FloatE that represents a mathematically indeterminate value (e.g. Inf - Inf, Inf / Inf). negativeInfinity Return a FloatE that represents negative infinity. pi Returns the value of pi. Hope is that it is precise enough precision Answer the number of bits in the mantissa. 1 + (2^-precision) = 1 1.82.4 FloatE class: converting ------------------------------- coerce: aNumber Answer aNumber converted to a FloatE 1.82.5 FloatE: built ins ------------------------ * arg Multiply the receiver and arg and answer another Number + arg Sum the receiver and arg and answer another Number - arg Subtract arg from the receiver and answer another Number / arg Divide the receiver by arg and answer another FloatE < arg Answer whether the receiver is less than arg <= arg Answer whether the receiver is less than or equal to arg = arg Answer whether the receiver is equal to arg > arg Answer whether the receiver is greater than arg >= arg Answer whether the receiver is greater than or equal to arg asFloatD Answer the receiver converted to a FloatD asFloatQ Answer the receiver converted to a FloatQ exponent Answer the exponent of the receiver in mantissa*2^exponent representation ( |mantissa|<=1 ) fractionPart Answer the fractional part of the receiver timesTwoPower: arg Answer the receiver multiplied by 2^arg truncated Truncate the receiver towards zero and answer the result ~= arg Answer whether the receiver is not equal to arg 1.82.6 FloatE: coercing ----------------------- asFloatE Just defined for completeness. Return the receiver. coerce: aNumber Coerce aNumber to the receiver's class generality Answer the receiver's generality unity Coerce 1 to the receiver's class zero Coerce 0 to the receiver's class 1.82.7 FloatE: converting ------------------------- half Coerce 0.5 to the receiver's class 1.83 FloatQ =========== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Float Category: Language-Data types My instances represent floating point numbers that have the same accuracy as C's "long double" numbers. 1.83.1 FloatQ class: byte-order dependancies -------------------------------------------- signByte Answer the byte of the receiver that contains the sign bit 1.83.2 FloatQ class: characterization ------------------------------------- decimalDigits Return the number of decimal digits of precision for a FloatQ. Technically, if P is the precision for the representation, then the decimal precision Q is the maximum number of decimal digits such that any floating point number with Q base 10 digits can be rounded to a floating point number with P base 2 digits and back again, without change to the Q decimal digits. e Returns the value of e. Hope is that it is precise enough emax Return the maximum allowable exponent for a FloatQ that is finite. emin Return the maximum allowable exponent for a FloatQ that is finite. fmax Return the largest normalized FloatQ that is not infinite. fminNormalized Return the smallest normalized FloatQ that is > 0 infinity Return a FloatQ that represents positive infinity. ln10 Returns the value of ln 10. Hope is that it is precise enough log10Base2 Returns the value of log2 10. Hope is that it is precise enough nan Return a FloatQ that represents a mathematically indeterminate value (e.g. Inf - Inf, Inf / Inf). negativeInfinity Return a FloatQ that represents negative infinity. pi Returns the value of pi. Hope is that it is precise enough precision Answer the number of bits in the mantissa. 1 + (2^-precision) = 1 1.83.3 FloatQ class: converting ------------------------------- coerce: aNumber Answer aNumber converted to a FloatQ 1.83.4 FloatQ: built ins ------------------------ * arg Multiply the receiver and arg and answer another Number + arg Sum the receiver and arg and answer another Number - arg Subtract arg from the receiver and answer another Number / arg Divide the receiver by arg and answer another FloatQ < arg Answer whether the receiver is less than arg <= arg Answer whether the receiver is less than or equal to arg = arg Answer whether the receiver is equal to arg > arg Answer whether the receiver is greater than arg >= arg Answer whether the receiver is greater than or equal to arg asFloatD Answer the receiver converted to a FloatD asFloatE Answer the receiver converted to a FloatE exponent Answer the exponent of the receiver in mantissa*2^exponent representation ( |mantissa|<=1 ) fractionPart Answer the fractional part of the receiver timesTwoPower: arg Answer the receiver multiplied by 2^arg truncated Truncate the receiver towards zero and answer the result ~= arg Answer whether the receiver is not equal to arg 1.83.5 FloatQ: coercing ----------------------- asFloatQ Just defined for completeness. Return the receiver. coerce: aNumber Coerce aNumber to the receiver's class generality Answer the receiver's generality unity Coerce 1 to the receiver's class zero Coerce 0 to the receiver's class 1.83.6 FloatQ: converting ------------------------- half Coerce 0.5 to the receiver's class 1.84 Fraction ============= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Number Category: Language-Data types I represent rational numbers in the form (p/q) where p and q are integers. The arithmetic operations *, +, -, /, on fractions, all return a reduced fraction. 1.84.1 Fraction class: converting --------------------------------- coerce: aNumber Answer aNumber converted to a Fraction 1.84.2 Fraction class: instance creation ---------------------------------------- initialize Initialize the receiver's class variables numerator: nInteger denominator: dInteger Answer a new instance of fraction (nInteger/dInteger) 1.84.3 Fraction: accessing -------------------------- denominator Answer the receiver's denominator numerator Answer the receiver's numerator 1.84.4 Fraction: arithmetic --------------------------- * aNumber Multiply two numbers and answer the result. + aNumber Sum two numbers and answer the result. - aNumber Subtract aNumber from the receiver and answer the result. / aNumber Divide the receiver by aNumber and answer the result. // aNumber Return the integer quotient of dividing the receiver by aNumber with truncation towards negative infinity. \\ aNumber Return the remainder from dividing the receiver by aNumber, (using //). estimatedLog Answer an estimate of (self abs floorLog: 10) 1.84.5 Fraction: coercing ------------------------- ceiling Truncate the receiver towards positive infinity and return the truncated result coerce: aNumber Coerce aNumber to the receiver's class floor Truncate the receiver towards negative infinity and return the truncated result generality Return the receiver's generality truncated Truncate the receiver and return the truncated result unity Coerce 1 to the receiver's class zero Coerce 0 to the receiver's class 1.84.6 Fraction: coercion ------------------------- asCNumber Convert the receiver to a kind of number that is understood by the C call-out mechanism. 1.84.7 Fraction: comparing -------------------------- < arg Test if the receiver is less than arg. <= arg Test if the receiver is less than or equal to arg. = arg Test if the receiver equals arg. > arg Test if the receiver is more than arg. >= arg Test if the receiver is greater than or equal to arg. hash Answer an hash value for the receiver 1.84.8 Fraction: converting --------------------------- asExactFraction Answer the receiver, it is already a Fraction asFloatD Answer the receiver converted to a FloatD asFloatE Answer the receiver converted to a FloatD asFloatQ Answer the receiver converted to a FloatD asFraction Answer the receiver, it is already a Fraction integerPart Answer the integer part of the receiver, expressed as a Fraction 1.84.9 Fraction: optimized cases -------------------------------- negated Return the receiver, with its sign changed. raisedToInteger: anInteger Return self raised to the anInteger-th power. reciprocal Return the reciprocal of the receiver sqrt Return the square root of the receiver. squared Return the square of the receiver. 1.84.10 Fraction: printing -------------------------- printOn: aStream Print a representation of the receiver on aStream storeOn: aStream Store Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver on aStream 1.84.11 Fraction: testing ------------------------- isRational Answer whether the receiver is rational - true 1.85 Generator ============== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Stream Category: Streams-Generators A Generator object provides a way to use blocks to define a Stream of many return values. The return values are computed one at a time, as needed, and hence need not even be finite. A generator block is converted to a Generator with "Generator on: [...]". The Generator itself is passed to the block, and as soon as a message like #next, #peek, #atEnd or #peekFor: is sent to the generator, execution of the block starts/resumes and goes on until the generator's #yield: method is called: then the argument of #yield: will be the Generator's next element. If the block goes on to the end without calling #yield:, the Generator will produce no more elements and #atEnd will return true. You could achieve the effect of generators manually by writing your own class and storing all the local variables of the generator as instance variables. For example, returning a list of integers could be done by setting a variable to 0, and having the #next method increment it and return it. However, for a moderately complicated generator, writing a corresponding class would be much messier (and might lead to code duplication or inefficiency if you want to support #peek, #peekFor: and/or #atEnd): in general, providing a #do:-like interface is easy, but not providing a Stream-like one (think binary trees). The idea of generators comes from other programming languages, in particular this interface looks much like Scheme streams and Python generators. But Python in turn mutuated the idea for example from Icon, where the idea of generators is central. In Icon, every expression and function call behaves like a generator, and if a statement manages scalars, it automatically uses up all the results that the corresponding generator provides; on the other hand, Icon does not represent generators as first-class objects like Python and Smalltalk do. 1.85.1 Generator class: instance creation ----------------------------------------- inject: aValue into: aBlock Return an infinite generator; the first item is aValue, the following items are obtained by passing the previous value to aBlock. on: aBlock Return a generator and pass it to aBlock. When #next is sent to the generator, the block will start execution, and will be suspended again as soon as #yield: is sent from the block to the generator. on: aCollection do: aBlock Return a generator; for each item of aCollection, evaluate aBlock passing the generator and the item. 1.85.2 Generator: stream protocol --------------------------------- atEnd Answer whether more data can be generated. next Evaluate the generator until it generates the next value or decides that nothing else can be generated. peek Evaluate the generator until it generates the next value or decides that nothing else can be generated, and save the value so that #peek or #next will return it again. peekFor: anObject Evaluate the generator until it generates the next value or decides that nothing else can be generated, and if it is not equal to anObject, save the value so that #peek or #next will return it again. yield: anObject When entering from the generator the code in the block is executed and control flow goes back to the consumer. When entering from the consumer, the code after the continuation is executed, which resumes execution of the generator block. 1.86 Getopt =========== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Language-Data types This class is usually not instantiated. Class methods provide a way to parse command lines from Smalltalk. 1.86.1 Getopt class: instance creation -------------------------------------- parse: args with: pattern do: actionBlock Parse the command-line arguments in args according to the syntax specified in pattern. For every command-line option found, the two-argument block actionBlock is evaluated passing the option name and the argument. For file names (or in general, other command-line arguments than options) the block's first argument will be nil. For options without arguments, or with unspecified optional arguments, the block's second argument will be nil. The option name will be passed as a character object for short options, and as a string for long options. If an error is found, nil is returned. For more information on the syntax of pattern, see #parse:with:do:ifError:. parse: args with: pattern do: actionBlock ifError: errorBlock Parse the command-line arguments in args according to the syntax specified in pattern. For every command-line option found, the two-argument block actionBlock is evaluated passing the option name and the argument. For file names (or in general, other command-line arguments than options) the block's first argument will be nil. For options without arguments, or with unspecified optional arguments, the block's second argument will be nil. The option name will be passed as a character object for short options, and as a string for long options. If an error is found, the parsing is interrupted, errorBlock is evaluated, and the returned value is answered. Every whitespace-separated part ('word') of pattern specifies a command-line option. If a word ends with a colon, the option will have a mandatory argument. If a word ends with two colons, the option will have an optional argument. Before the colons, multiple option names (either short names like '-l' or long names like '-long') can be specified. Before passing the option to actionBlock, the name will be canonicalized to the last one. Prefixes of long options are accepted as long as they're unique, and they are canonicalized to the full name before passing it to actionBlock. Additionally, the full name of an option is accepted even if it is the prefix of a longer option. Mandatory arguments can appear in the next argument, or in the same argument (separated by an = for arguments to long options). Optional arguments must appear in the same argument. 1.87 Halt ========= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Exception Category: Language-Exceptions Halt represents a resumable error, usually a bug. 1.87.1 Halt: description ------------------------ description Answer a textual description of the exception. isResumable Answer true. #halt exceptions are by default resumable. 1.88 HashedCollection ===================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Collection Category: Collections-Unordered I am an hashed collection that can store objects uniquely and give fast responses on their presence in the collection. 1.88.1 HashedCollection class: instance creation ------------------------------------------------ new Answer a new instance of the receiver with a default size new: anInteger Answer a new instance of the receiver with the given capacity withAll: aCollection Answer a collection whose elements are all those in aCollection 1.88.2 HashedCollection: accessing ---------------------------------- add: newObject Add newObject to the set, if and only if the set doesn't already contain an occurrence of it. Don't fail if a duplicate is found. Answer anObject at: index This method should not be called for instances of this class. at: index put: value This method should not be called for instances of this class. 1.88.3 HashedCollection: builtins --------------------------------- primAt: anIndex Private - Answer the anIndex-th item of the hash table for the receiver. Using this instead of basicAt: allows for easier changes in the representation primAt: anIndex put: value Private - Store value in the anIndex-th item of the hash table for the receiver. Using this instead of basicAt:put: allows for easier changes in the representation primSize Private - Answer the size of the hash table for the receiver. Using this instead of basicSize allows for easier changes in the representation 1.88.4 HashedCollection: copying -------------------------------- deepCopy Returns a deep copy of the receiver (the instance variables are copies of the receiver's instance variables) shallowCopy Returns a shallow copy of the receiver (the instance variables are not copied) 1.88.5 HashedCollection: enumerating the elements of a collection ----------------------------------------------------------------- do: aBlock Enumerate all the non-nil members of the set 1.88.6 HashedCollection: rehashing ---------------------------------- rehash Rehash the receiver 1.88.7 HashedCollection: removing --------------------------------- remove: oldObject ifAbsent: anExceptionBlock Remove oldObject from the set. If it is found, answer oldObject. Otherwise, evaluate anExceptionBlock and answer its value. 1.88.8 HashedCollection: saving and loading ------------------------------------------- postLoad Called after loading an object; rehash the collection because identity objects will most likely mutate their hashes. postStore Called after an object is dumped. Do nothing - necessary because by default this calls #postLoad by default 1.88.9 HashedCollection: storing -------------------------------- storeOn: aStream Store on aStream some Smalltalk code which compiles to the receiver 1.88.10 HashedCollection: testing collections --------------------------------------------- = aHashedCollection Returns true if the two sets have the same membership, false if not capacity Answer how many elements the receiver can hold before having to grow. hash Return the hash code for the members of the set. Since order is unimportant, we use a commutative operator to compute the hash value. includes: anObject Answer whether the receiver contains an instance of anObject. isEmpty Answer whether the receiver is empty. occurrencesOf: anObject Return the number of occurrences of anObject. Since we're a set, this is either 0 or 1. Nil is never directly in the set, so we special case it (the result is always 1). size Answer the receiver's size 1.89 HomedAssociation ===================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Association Category: Language-Data types My instances represent know about their parent namespace, which is of use when implementing weak collections and finalizations. 1.89.1 HomedAssociation class: basic ------------------------------------ key: aKey value: aValue environment: aNamespace Answer a new association with the given key and value 1.89.2 HomedAssociation: accessing ---------------------------------- environment Answer the namespace in which I live. environment: aNamespace Set the namespace in which I live to be aNamespace. 1.89.3 HomedAssociation: finalization ------------------------------------- mourn This message is sent to the receiver when the object is made ephemeron (which is common when HomedAssociations are used by a WeakKeyDictionary or a WeakSet). The mourning of the object's key is first of all demanded to the environment (which will likely remove the object from itself), and then performed as usual by clearing the key and value fields. 1.89.4 HomedAssociation: storing -------------------------------- storeOn: aStream Put on aStream some Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver 1.90 IdentityDictionary ======================= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: LookupTable Category: Collections-Keyed I am similar to LookupTable, except that I use the object identity comparision message == to determine equivalence of indices. 1.91 IdentitySet ================ Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Set Category: Collections-Unordered I am the typical set object; I can store any objects uniquely. I use the == operator to determine duplication of objects. 1.91.1 IdentitySet: testing --------------------------- identityIncludes: anObject Answer whether we include the anObject object; for IdentitySets this is identical to #includes: 1.92 Integer ============ Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Number Category: Language-Data types I am the abstract integer class of the GNU Smalltalk system. My subclasses' instances can represent signed integers of various sizes (a subclass is picked according to the size), with varying efficiency. 1.92.1 Integer class: converting -------------------------------- coerce: aNumber Answer aNumber converted to a kind of Integer 1.92.2 Integer: accessing ------------------------- denominator Answer '1'. numerator Answer the receiver. 1.92.3 Integer: basic --------------------- hash Answer an hash value for the receiver 1.92.4 Integer: bit operators ----------------------------- allMask: anInteger True if all 1 bits in anInteger are 1 in the receiver anyMask: anInteger True if any 1 bits in anInteger are 1 in the receiver bitAt: index Answer the index-th bit of the receiver (the LSB has an index of 1) bitAt: index put: value Answer an integer which is identical to the receiver, possibly with the exception of the index-th bit of the receiver (the LSB having an index of 1), which assumes a value equal to the low-order bit of the second parameter. bitClear: aMask Answer an Integer equal to the receiver, except that all the bits that are set in aMask are cleared. bitInvert Return the 1's complement of the bits of the receiver clearBit: index Clear the index-th bit of the receiver and answer a new Integer digitAt: index Answer the index-th base-256 digit of the receiver (byte), expressed in two's complement highBit Return the index of the highest order 1 bit of the receiver. isBitSet: index Answer whether the index-th bit of the receiver is set lowBit Return the index of the lowest order 1 bit of the receiver. noMask: anInteger Answer true if no 1 bits in anInteger are 1 in the receiver. setBit: index Set the index-th bit of the receiver and answer a new Integer 1.92.5 Integer: converting -------------------------- asCharacter Return self as a Character or UnicodeCharacter object. asFraction Return the receiver converted to a fraction asScaledDecimal: n Answer the receiver, converted to a ScaledDecimal object. The scale is forced to be 0. ceiling Return the receiver - it's already truncated coerce: aNumber Coerce aNumber to the receiver's class. floor Return the receiver - it's already truncated rounded Return the receiver - it's already truncated truncated Return the receiver - it's already truncated 1.92.6 Integer: extension ------------------------- alignTo: anInteger Answer the receiver, truncated to the first higher or equal multiple of anInteger (which must be a power of two) 1.92.7 Integer: iterators ------------------------- timesRepeat: aBlock Evaluate aBlock a number of times equal to the receiver's value. Compiled in-line for no argument aBlocks without temporaries, and therefore not overridable. 1.92.8 Integer: math methods ---------------------------- binomial: anInteger Compute the number of combinations of anInteger objects among a number of objects given by the receiver. ceilingLog: radix Answer (self log: radix) ceiling. Optimized to answer an integer. estimatedLog Answer an estimate of (self abs floorLog: 10) even Return whether the receiver is even factorial Return the receiver's factorial. floorLog: radix Answer (self log: radix) floor. Optimized to answer an integer. gcd: anInteger Return the greatest common divisor (Euclid's algorithm) between the receiver and anInteger lcm: anInteger Return the least common multiple between the receiver and anInteger odd Return whether the receiver is odd 1.92.9 Integer: printing ------------------------ displayOn: aStream Print on aStream the base 10 representation of the receiver displayString Return the base 10 representation of the receiver isLiteralObject Answer whether the receiver is expressible as a Smalltalk literal. printOn: aStream Print on aStream the base 10 representation of the receiver printOn: aStream base: b Print on aStream the base b representation of the receiver printOn: aStream paddedWith: padding to: size Print on aStream the base 10 representation of the receiver, padded if necessary to size characters with copies of padding. printOn: aStream paddedWith: padding to: size base: baseInteger Print on aStream the base b representation of the receiver, padded if necessary to size characters with copies of padding. printPaddedWith: padding to: size Return the base baseInteger representation of the receiver, padded if necessary to size characters with copies of padding. printPaddedWith: padding to: size base: baseInteger Return the base baseInteger representation of the receiver, padded if necessary to size characters with copies of padding. printString Return the base 10 representation of the receiver printString: baseInteger Return the base baseInteger representation of the receiver printStringRadix: baseInteger Return the base baseInteger representation of the receiver, with BBr in front of it radix: baseInteger Return the base baseInteger representation of the receiver, with BBr in front of it. This method is deprecated, use #printStringRadix: instead. storeLiteralOn: aStream Store on aStream some Smalltalk code which compiles to the receiver storeOn: aStream base: b Print on aStream Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver, represented in base b 1.92.10 Integer: storing ------------------------ storeOn: aStream Print on aStream the base 10 representation of the receiver storeString Return the base 10 representation of the receiver 1.92.11 Integer: testing functionality -------------------------------------- isInteger Answer 'true'. isRational Answer whether the receiver is rational - true 1.93 Interval ============= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: ArrayedCollection Category: Collections-Sequenceable My instances represent ranges of objects, typically Number type objects. I provide iteration/enumeration messages for producing all the members that my instance represents. 1.93.1 Interval class: instance creation ---------------------------------------- from: startInteger to: stopInteger Answer an Interval going from startInteger to the stopInteger, with a step of 1 from: startInteger to: stopInteger by: stepInteger Answer an Interval going from startInteger to the stopInteger, with a step of stepInteger withAll: aCollection Answer an Interval containing the same elements as aCollection. Fail if it is not possible to create one. 1.93.2 Interval: basic ---------------------- at: index Answer the index-th element of the receiver. at: index put: anObject This method should not be called for instances of this class. collect: aBlock Evaluate the receiver for each element in aBlock, collect in an array the result of the evaluations. copyFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex Not commented. do: aBlock Evaluate the receiver for each element in aBlock isEmpty Answer whether the receiver is empty. reverse Answer a copy of the receiver with all of its items reversed size Answer the number of elements in the receiver. species Answer 'Array'. 1.93.3 Interval: printing ------------------------- first Not commented. increment Answer 'step'. last Answer the last value. printOn: aStream Print a representation for the receiver on aStream 1.93.4 Interval: storing ------------------------ storeOn: aStream Store Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver on aStream 1.93.5 Interval: testing ------------------------ = anInterval Answer whether anInterval is the same interval as the receiver hash Answer an hash value for the receiver isExact Answer whether elements of the receiver are computed using exact arithmetic. This is true as long as the start and step value are exact (i.e. not floating-point). 1.94 Iterable ============= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Collections I am an abstract class. My instances are collections of objects that can be iterated. The details on how they can be mutated (if at all possible) are left to the subclasses. 1.94.1 Iterable class: multibyte encodings ------------------------------------------ isUnicode Answer true; the receiver is able to store arbitrary Unicode characters. 1.94.2 Iterable: enumeration ---------------------------- , anIterable Answer an iterable that enumerates first the elements of the receiver and then the elements of anIterable. allSatisfy: aBlock Search the receiver for an element for which aBlock returns false. Answer true if none does, false otherwise. anySatisfy: aBlock Search the receiver for an element for which aBlock returns true. Answer true if some does, false otherwise. collect: aBlock Answer a new instance of a Collection containing all the results of evaluating aBlock passing each of the receiver's elements conform: aBlock Search the receiver for an element for which aBlock returns false. Answer true if none does, false otherwise. contains: aBlock Search the receiver for an element for which aBlock returns true. Answer true if some does, false otherwise. count: aBlock Count the elements of the receiver for which aBlock returns true, and return their number. detect: aBlock Search the receiver for an element for which aBlock returns true. If some does, answer it. If none does, fail detect: aBlock ifNone: exceptionBlock Search the receiver for an element for which aBlock returns true. If some does, answer it. If none does, answer the result of evaluating aBlock do: aBlock Enumerate each object of the receiver, passing them to aBlock do: aBlock separatedBy: separatorBlock Enumerate each object of the receiver, passing them to aBlock. Between every two invocations of aBlock, invoke separatorBlock fold: binaryBlock First, pass to binaryBlock the first and second elements of the receiver; for each subsequent element, pass the result of the previous evaluation and an element. Answer the result of the last invocation, or the first element if the collection has size 1. Fail if the collection is empty. inject: thisValue into: binaryBlock First, pass to binaryBlock thisValue and the first element of the receiver; for each subsequent element, pass the result of the previous evaluation and an element. Answer the result of the last invocation. noneSatisfy: aBlock Search the receiver for an element for which aBlock returns true. Answer true if none does, false otherwise. reject: aBlock Answer a new instance of a Collection containing all the elements in the receiver which, when passed to aBlock, don't answer true select: aBlock Answer a new instance of a Collection containing all the elements in the receiver which, when passed to aBlock, answer true 1.94.3 Iterable: iteration -------------------------- ifNil: nilBlock ifNotNilDo: iterableBlock Evaluate nilBlock if the receiver is nil, else evaluate iterableBlock with each element of the receiver (which should be an Iterable). ifNotNilDo: iterableBlock Evaluate iterableBlock with each element of the receiver (which should be an Iterable) if not nil. Else answer nil ifNotNilDo: iterableBlock ifNil: nilBlock Evaluate nilBlock if the receiver is nil, else evaluate iterableBlock, passing each element of the receiver (which should be an Iterable). 1.94.4 Iterable: streaming -------------------------- nextPutAllOn: aStream Write all the objects in the receiver to aStream readStream Return a stream with the same contents as the receiver. 1.95 LargeArray =============== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: LargeArrayedCollection Category: Collections-Sequenceable I am similar to a plain array, but I'm specially designed to save memory when lots of items are nil. 1.95.1 LargeArray: overridden ----------------------------- newCollection: size Create an Array of the given size 1.96 LargeArrayedCollection =========================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: ArrayedCollection Category: Collections-Sequenceable I am an abstract class specially designed to save memory when lots of items have the same value. 1.96.1 LargeArrayedCollection class: instance creation ------------------------------------------------------ new: anInteger Answer a new instance of the receiver, with room for anInteger elements. 1.96.2 LargeArrayedCollection: accessing ---------------------------------------- at: anIndex Answer the anIndex-th item of the receiver. at: anIndex put: anObject Replace the anIndex-th item of the receiver with anObject. compress Arrange the representation of the array for maximum memory saving. 1.96.3 LargeArrayedCollection: basic ------------------------------------ = aLargeArray Answer whether the receiver and aLargeArray have the same contents hash Answer an hash value for the receiver size Answer the maximum valid index for the receiver 1.97 LargeByteArray =================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: LargeArrayedCollection Category: Collections-Sequenceable I am similar to a plain ByteArray, but I'm specially designed to save memory when lots of items are zero. 1.97.1 LargeByteArray: overridden --------------------------------- costOfNewIndex Answer the maximum number of consecutive items set to the defaultElement that can be present in a compressed array. defaultElement Answer the value which is hoped to be the most common in the array newCollection: size Create a ByteArray of the given size 1.98 LargeInteger ================= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Integer Category: Language-Data types I represent a large integer, which has to be stored as a long sequence of bytes. I have methods to do arithmetics and comparisons, but I need some help from my children, LargePositiveInteger and LargeNegativeInteger, to speed them up a bit. 1.98.1 LargeInteger: accessing ------------------------------ raisedToInteger: n Return self raised to the anInteger-th power 1.98.2 LargeInteger: arithmetic ------------------------------- * aNumber Multiply aNumber and the receiver, answer the result + aNumber Sum the receiver and aNumber, answer the result - aNumber Subtract aNumber from the receiver, answer the result / aNumber Divide aNumber and the receiver, answer the result (an Integer or Fraction) // aNumber Divide aNumber and the receiver, answer the result truncated towards -infinity \\ aNumber Divide aNumber and the receiver, answer the remainder truncated towards -infinity divExact: aNumber Dividing receiver by arg assuming that the remainder is zero, and answer the result estimatedLog Answer an estimate of (self abs floorLog: 10) negated Answer the receiver's negated quo: aNumber Divide aNumber and the receiver, answer the result truncated towards 0 rem: aNumber Divide aNumber and the receiver, answer the remainder truncated towards 0 1.98.3 LargeInteger: bit operations ----------------------------------- bitAnd: aNumber Answer the receiver ANDed with aNumber bitAt: aNumber Answer the aNumber-th bit in the receiver, where the LSB is 1 bitInvert Answer the receiver's 1's complement bitOr: aNumber Answer the receiver ORed with aNumber bitShift: aNumber Answer the receiver shifted by aNumber places bitXor: aNumber Answer the receiver XORed with aNumber lowBit Return the index of the lowest order 1 bit of the receiver. 1.98.4 LargeInteger: built-ins ------------------------------ at: anIndex Answer the anIndex-th byte in the receiver's representation at: anIndex put: aNumber Set the anIndex-th byte in the receiver's representation digitAt: anIndex Answer the index-th base-256 digit of the receiver (byte), expressed in two's complement digitAt: anIndex put: aNumber Set the anIndex-th base-256 digit in the receiver's representation digitLength Answer the number of base-256 digits in the receiver hash Answer an hash value for the receiver primReplaceFrom: start to: stop with: replacementString startingAt: replaceStart Private - Replace the characters from start to stop with new characters contained in replacementString (which, actually, can be any variable byte class), starting at the replaceStart location of replacementString size Answer the number of indexed instance variable in the receiver 1.98.5 LargeInteger: coercion ----------------------------- asCNumber Convert the receiver to a kind of number that is understood by the C call-out mechanism. coerce: aNumber Truncate the number; if needed, convert it to LargeInteger representation. generality Answer the receiver's generality unity Coerce 1 to the receiver's class zero Coerce 0 to the receiver's class 1.98.6 LargeInteger: disabled ----------------------------- asObject This method always fails. The number of OOPs is far less than the minimum number represented with a LargeInteger. asObjectNoFail Answer 'nil'. 1.98.7 LargeInteger: primitive operations ----------------------------------------- basicLeftShift: totalShift Private - Left shift the receiver by aNumber places basicRightShift: totalShift Private - Right shift the receiver by 'shift' places largeNegated Private - Same as negated, but always answer a LargeInteger 1.98.8 LargeInteger: testing ---------------------------- < aNumber Answer whether the receiver is smaller than aNumber <= aNumber Answer whether the receiver is smaller than aNumber or equal to it = aNumber Answer whether the receiver and aNumber identify the same number. > aNumber Answer whether the receiver is greater than aNumber >= aNumber Answer whether the receiver is greater than aNumber or equal to it ~= aNumber Answer whether the receiver and aNumber identify different numbers. 1.99 LargeNegativeInteger ========================= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: LargeInteger Category: Language-Data types Just like my brother LargePositiveInteger, I provide a few methods that allow LargeInteger to determine the sign of a large integer in a fast way during its calculations. For example, I know that I am smaller than any LargePositiveInteger 1.99.1 LargeNegativeInteger: converting --------------------------------------- asFloatD Answer the receiver converted to a FloatD asFloatE Answer the receiver converted to a FloatE asFloatQ Answer the receiver converted to a FloatQ 1.99.2 LargeNegativeInteger: numeric testing -------------------------------------------- abs Answer the receiver's absolute value. negative Answer whether the receiver is < 0 positive Answer whether the receiver is >= 0 sign Answer the receiver's sign strictlyPositive Answer whether the receiver is > 0 1.99.3 LargeNegativeInteger: reverting to LargePositiveInteger -------------------------------------------------------------- + aNumber Sum the receiver and aNumber, answer the result - aNumber Subtract aNumber from the receiver, answer the result gcd: anInteger Return the greatest common divisor between the receiver and anInteger highBit Answer the receiver's highest bit's index 1.100 LargePositiveInteger ========================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: LargeInteger Category: Language-Data types Just like my brother LargeNegativeInteger, I provide a few methods that allow LargeInteger to determine the sign of a large integer in a fast way during its calculations. For example, I know that I am larger than any LargeNegativeInteger. In addition I implement the guts of arbitrary precision arithmetic. 1.100.1 LargePositiveInteger: arithmetic ---------------------------------------- + aNumber Sum the receiver and aNumber, answer the result - aNumber Subtract aNumber from the receiver, answer the result gcd: anInteger Calculate the GCD between the receiver and anInteger highBit Answer the receiver's highest bit's index 1.100.2 LargePositiveInteger: converting ---------------------------------------- asFloatD Answer the receiver converted to a FloatD asFloatE Answer the receiver converted to a FloatE asFloatQ Answer the receiver converted to a FloatQ replace: str withStringBase: radix Return in a String str the base radix representation of the receiver. 1.100.3 LargePositiveInteger: helper byte-level methods ------------------------------------------------------- bytes: byteArray1 from: j compare: byteArray2 Private - Answer the sign of byteArray2 - byteArray1; the j-th byte of byteArray1 is compared with the first of byteArray2, the j+1-th with the second, and so on. bytes: byteArray1 from: j subtract: byteArray2 Private - Sutract the bytes in byteArray2 from those in byteArray1 bytes: bytes multiply: anInteger Private - Multiply the bytes in bytes by anInteger, which must be < 255. Put the result back in bytes. bytesLeftShift: aByteArray Private - Left shift by 1 place the bytes in aByteArray bytesLeftShift: aByteArray big: totalShift Private - Left shift the bytes in aByteArray by totalShift places bytesLeftShift: aByteArray n: shift Private - Left shift by shift places the bytes in aByteArray (shift <= 7) bytesRightShift: aByteArray big: totalShift Private - Right shift the bytes in aByteArray by totalShift places bytesRightShift: bytes n: aNumber Private - Right shift the bytes in 'bytes' by 'aNumber' places (shift <= 7) bytesTrailingZeros: bytes Private - Answer the number of trailing zero bits in the receiver primDivide: rhs Private - Implements Knuth's divide and correct algorithm from 'Seminumerical Algorithms' 3rd Edition, section 4.3.1 (which is basically an enhanced version of the divide 'algorithm' for two-digit divisors which is taught in primary school!!!) 1.100.4 LargePositiveInteger: numeric testing --------------------------------------------- abs Answer the receiver's absolute value negative Answer whether the receiver is < 0 positive Answer whether the receiver is >= 0 sign Answer the receiver's sign strictlyPositive Answer whether the receiver is > 0 1.100.5 LargePositiveInteger: primitive operations -------------------------------------------------- divide: aNumber using: aBlock Private - Divide the receiver by aNumber (unsigned division). Evaluate aBlock passing the result ByteArray, the remainder ByteArray, and whether the division had a remainder isSmall Private - Answer whether the receiver is small enough to employ simple scalar algorithms for division and multiplication multiply: aNumber Private - Multiply the receiver by aNumber (unsigned multiply) 1.101 LargeWordArray ==================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: LargeArrayedCollection Category: Collections-Sequenceable I am similar to a plain WordArray, but I'm specially designed to save memory when lots of items are zero. 1.101.1 LargeWordArray: overridden ---------------------------------- defaultElement Answer the value which is hoped to be the most common in the array newCollection: size Create a WordArray of the given size 1.102 LargeZeroInteger ====================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: LargePositiveInteger Category: Language-Data types I am quite a strange class. Indeed, the concept of a "large integer" that is zero is a weird one. Actually my only instance is zero but is represented like LargeIntegers, has the same generality as LargeIntegers, and so on. That only instance is stored in the class variable Zero, and is used in arithmetical methods, when we have to coerce a parameter that is zero. 1.102.1 LargeZeroInteger: accessing ----------------------------------- at: anIndex Answer '0'. hash Answer '0'. size Answer '0'. 1.102.2 LargeZeroInteger: arithmetic ------------------------------------ * aNumber Multiply aNumber and the receiver, answer the result + aNumber Sum the receiver and aNumber, answer the result - aNumber Subtract aNumber from the receiver, answer the result / aNumber Divide aNumber and the receiver, answer the result (an Integer or Fraction) // aNumber Divide aNumber and the receiver, answer the result truncated towards -infinity \\ aNumber Divide aNumber and the receiver, answer the remainder truncated towards -infinity quo: aNumber Divide aNumber and the receiver, answer the result truncated towards 0 rem: aNumber Divide aNumber and the receiver, answer the remainder truncated towards 0 1.102.3 LargeZeroInteger: numeric testing ----------------------------------------- sign Answer the receiver's sign strictlyPositive Answer whether the receiver is > 0 1.102.4 LargeZeroInteger: printing ---------------------------------- replace: str withStringBase: radix Return in a string the base radix representation of the receiver. 1.103 Link ========== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Collections-Sequenceable I represent simple linked lists. Generally, I am not used by myself, but rather a subclass adds other instance variables that hold the information for each node, and I hold the glue that keeps them together. 1.103.1 Link class: instance creation ------------------------------------- nextLink: aLink Create an instance with the given next link 1.103.2 Link: basic ------------------- nextLink Answer the next item in the list nextLink: aLink Set the next item in the list 1.103.3 Link: iteration ----------------------- at: index Retrieve a node (instance of Link) that is at a distance of 'index' after the receiver. at: index put: object This method should not be called for instances of this class. do: aBlock Evaluate aBlock for each element in the list size Answer the number of elements in the list. Warning: this is O(n) 1.104 LinkedList ================ Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: SequenceableCollection Category: Collections-Sequenceable I provide methods that access and manipulate linked lists. I assume that the elements of the linked list are subclasses of Link, because I use the methods that class Link supplies to implement my methods. 1.104.1 LinkedList: accessing ----------------------------- at: index Return the element that is index into the linked list. at: index put: object This method should not be called for instances of this class. 1.104.2 LinkedList: adding -------------------------- add: aLink Add aLink at the end of the list; return aLink. addFirst: aLink Add aLink at the head of the list; return aLink. addLast: aLink Add aLink at then end of the list; return aLink. remove: aLink ifAbsent: aBlock Remove aLink from the list and return it, or invoke aBlock if it's not found in the list. removeFirst Remove the first element from the list and return it, or error if the list is empty. removeLast Remove the final element from the list and return it, or error if the list is empty. 1.104.3 LinkedList: enumerating ------------------------------- do: aBlock Enumerate each object in the list, passing it to aBlock (actual behavior might depend on the subclass of Link that is being used). identityIncludes: anObject Answer whether we include the anObject object includes: anObject Answer whether we include anObject 1.104.4 LinkedList: iteration ----------------------------- first Retrieve the first element of the list and return it, or error if the list is empty. last Retrieve the last element of the list and return it, or error if the list is empty. 1.104.5 LinkedList: testing --------------------------- isEmpty Returns true if the list contains no members notEmpty Returns true if the list contains at least a member size Answer the number of elements in the list. Warning: this is O(n) 1.105 LookupKey =============== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Magnitude Category: Language-Data types I represent a key for looking up entries in a data structure. Subclasses of me, such as Association, typically represent dictionary entries. 1.105.1 LookupKey class: basic ------------------------------ key: aKey Answer a new instance of the receiver with the given key and value 1.105.2 LookupKey: accessing ---------------------------- key Answer the receiver's key key: aKey Set the receiver's key to aKey 1.105.3 LookupKey: printing --------------------------- printOn: aStream Put on aStream a representation of the receiver 1.105.4 LookupKey: storing -------------------------- storeOn: aStream Put on aStream some Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver 1.105.5 LookupKey: testing -------------------------- < aLookupKey Answer whether the receiver's key is less than aLookupKey's = aLookupKey Answer whether the receiver's key and value are the same as aLookupKey's, or false if aLookupKey is not an instance of the receiver hash Answer an hash value for the receiver 1.106 LookupTable ================= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Dictionary Category: Collections-Keyed I am a more efficient variant of Dictionary that cannot be used as a pool dictionary of variables, as I don't use Associations to store key-value pairs. I also cannot have nil as a key; if you need to be able to store nil as a key, use Dictionary instead. I use the object equality comparison message #= to determine equivalence of indices. 1.106.1 LookupTable class: instance creation -------------------------------------------- new Create a new LookupTable with a default size 1.106.2 LookupTable: accessing ------------------------------ add: anAssociation Add the anAssociation key to the receiver associationAt: key ifAbsent: aBlock Answer the key/value Association for the given key. Evaluate aBlock (answering the result) if the key is not found at: key ifAbsent: aBlock Answer the value associated to the given key, or the result of evaluating aBlock if the key is not found at: aKey ifPresent: aBlock If aKey is absent, answer nil. Else, evaluate aBlock passing the associated value and answer the result of the invocation at: key put: value Store value as associated to the given key 1.106.3 LookupTable: enumerating -------------------------------- associationsDo: aBlock Pass each association in the LookupTable to aBlock. do: aBlock Pass each value in the LookupTable to aBlock. keysAndValuesDo: aBlock Pass each key/value pair in the LookupTable as two distinct parameters to aBlock. keysDo: aBlock Pass each key in the LookupTable to aBlock. 1.106.4 LookupTable: hashing ---------------------------- hash Answer the hash value for the receiver 1.106.5 LookupTable: rehashing ------------------------------ rehash Rehash the receiver 1.106.6 LookupTable: removing ----------------------------- remove: anAssociation Remove anAssociation's key from the dictionary remove: anAssociation ifAbsent: aBlock Remove anAssociation's key from the dictionary removeKey: key ifAbsent: aBlock Remove the passed key from the LookupTable, answer the result of evaluating aBlock if it is not found 1.106.7 LookupTable: storing ---------------------------- storeOn: aStream Print Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver on aStream 1.107 Magnitude =============== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Language-Data types I am an abstract class. My objects represent things that are discrete and map to a number line. My instances can be compared with < and >. 1.107.1 Magnitude: basic ------------------------ < aMagnitude Answer whether the receiver is less than aMagnitude <= aMagnitude Answer whether the receiver is less than or equal to aMagnitude = aMagnitude Answer whether the receiver is equal to aMagnitude > aMagnitude Answer whether the receiver is greater than aMagnitude >= aMagnitude Answer whether the receiver is greater than or equal to aMagnitude 1.107.2 Magnitude: misc methods ------------------------------- between: min and: max Returns true if object is inclusively between min and max. max: aMagnitude Returns the greatest object between the receiver and aMagnitude min: aMagnitude Returns the least object between the receiver and aMagnitude 1.108 MappedCollection ====================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Collection Category: Collections-Keyed I represent collections of objects that are indirectly indexed by names. There are really two collections involved: domain and a map. The map maps between external names and indices into domain, which contains the real association. In order to work properly, the domain must be an instance of a subclass of SequenceableCollection, and the map must be an instance of Dictionary, or of a subclass of SequenceableCollection. As an example of using me, consider implenting a Dictionary whose elements are indexed. The domain would be a SequenceableCollection with n elements, the map a Dictionary associating each key to an index in the domain. To access by key, to perform enumeration, etc. you would ask an instance of me; to access by index, you would access the domain directly. Another idea could be to implement row access or column access to a matrix implemented as a single n*m Array: the Array would be the domain, while the map would be an Interval. 1.108.1 MappedCollection class: instance creation ------------------------------------------------- collection: aCollection map: aMap Answer a new MappedCollection using the given domain (aCollection) and map new This method should not be used; instead, use #collection:map: to create MappedCollection. 1.108.2 MappedCollection: basic ------------------------------- add: anObject This method should not be called for instances of this class. at: key Answer the object at the given key at: key put: value Store value at the given key atAll: keyCollection Answer a new MappedCollection that only includes the given keys. The new MappedCollection might use keyCollection or consecutive integers for the keys, depending on the map's type. Fail if any of them is not found in the map. collect: aBlock Answer a Collection with the same keys as the map, where accessing a key yields the value obtained by passing through aBlock the value accessible from the key in the receiver. The result need not be another MappedCollection contents Answer a bag with the receiver's values copyFrom: a to: b Answer a new collection containing all the items in the receiver from the a-th to the b-th. do: aBlock Evaluate aBlock for each object domain Answer the receiver's domain keys Answer the keys that can be used to access this collection. keysAndValuesDo: aBlock Evaluate aBlock passing two arguments, one being a key that can be used to access this collection, and the other one being the value. keysDo: aBlock Evaluate aBlock on the keys that can be used to access this collection. map Answer the receiver's map reject: aBlock Answer the objects in the domain for which aBlock returns false select: aBlock Answer the objects in the domain for which aBlock returns true size Answer the receiver's size 1.109 Memory ============ Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Language-Implementation I provide access to actual machine addresses of OOPs and objects. I have no instances; you send messages to my class to map between an object and the address of its OOP or object. In addition I provide direct memory access with different C types (ints, chars, OOPs, floats,...). 1.109.1 Memory class: accessing ------------------------------- at: anAddress Access the Smalltalk object (OOP) at the given address. at: anAddress put: aValue Store a pointer (OOP) to the Smalltalk object identified by 'value' at the given address. bigEndian Answer whether we're running on a big- or little-endian system. charAt: anAddress Access the C char at the given address. The value is returned as a Smalltalk Character. charAt: anAddress put: aValue Store as a C char the Smalltalk Character or Integer object identified by 'value', at the given address, using sizeof(char) bytes - i.e. 1 byte. deref: anAddress Access the C int pointed by the given address doubleAt: anAddress Access the C double at the given address. doubleAt: anAddress put: aValue Store the Smalltalk Float object identified by 'value', at the given address, writing it like a C double. floatAt: anAddress Access the C float at the given address. floatAt: anAddress put: aValue Store the Smalltalk Float object identified by 'value', at the given address, writing it like a C float. intAt: anAddress Access the C int at the given address. intAt: anAddress put: aValue Store the Smalltalk Integer object identified by 'value', at the given address, using sizeof(int) bytes. longAt: anAddress Access the C long int at the given address. longAt: anAddress put: aValue Store the Smalltalk Integer object identified by 'value', at the given address, using sizeof(long) bytes. longDoubleAt: anAddress Access the C long double at the given address. longDoubleAt: anAddress put: aValue Store the Smalltalk Float object identified by 'value', at the given address, writing it like a C long double. shortAt: anAddress Access the C short int at the given address. shortAt: anAddress put: aValue Store the Smalltalk Integer object identified by 'value', at the given address, using sizeof(short) bytes. stringAt: anAddress Access the string pointed by the C 'char *' at the given given address. stringAt: anAddress put: aValue Store the Smalltalk String object identified by 'value', at the given address in memory, writing it like a *FRESHLY ALLOCATED* C string. It is the caller's responsibility to free it if necessary. ucharAt: anAddress put: aValue Store as a C char the Smalltalk Character or Integer object identified by 'value', at the given address, using sizeof(char) bytes - i.e. 1 byte. uintAt: anAddress put: aValue Store the Smalltalk Integer object identified by 'value', at the given address, using sizeof(int) bytes. ulongAt: anAddress put: aValue Store the Smalltalk Integer object identified by 'value', at the given address, using sizeof(long) bytes. unsignedCharAt: anAddress Access the C unsigned char at the given address. The value is returned as a Smalltalk Character. unsignedCharAt: anAddress put: aValue Store as a C char the Smalltalk Character or Integer object identified by 'value', at the given address, using sizeof(char) bytes - i.e. 1 byte. unsignedIntAt: anAddress Access the C unsigned int at the given address. unsignedIntAt: anAddress put: aValue Store the Smalltalk Integer object identified by 'value', at the given address, using sizeof(int) bytes. unsignedLongAt: anAddress Access the C unsigned long int at the given address. unsignedLongAt: anAddress put: aValue Store the Smalltalk Integer object identified by 'value', at the given address, using sizeof(long) bytes. unsignedShortAt: anAddress Access the C unsigned short int at the given address. unsignedShortAt: anAddress put: aValue Store the Smalltalk Integer object identified by 'value', at the given address, using sizeof(short) bytes. ushortAt: anAddress put: aValue Store the Smalltalk Integer object identified by 'value', at the given address, using sizeof(short) bytes. 1.110 Message ============= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Language-Implementation I represent a message send. My instances are created to hold a message that has failed, so that error reporting methods can examine the sender and arguments, but also to represent method attributes (like since their syntax is isomorphic to that of a message send. 1.110.1 Message class: creating instances ----------------------------------------- selector: aSymbol argument: anObject Create a new Message with the given selector and argument selector: aSymbol arguments: anArray Create a new Message with the given selector and arguments 1.110.2 Message: accessing -------------------------- argument Answer the first of the receiver's arguments arguments Answer the receiver's arguments arguments: anArray Set the receiver's arguments selector Answer the receiver's selector selector: aSymbol Set the receiver's selector 1.110.3 Message: basic ---------------------- printAsAttributeOn: aStream Print a representation of the receiver on aStream, modeling it after the source code for a attribute. 1.110.4 Message: printing ------------------------- printOn: aStream Print a representation of the receiver on aStream reinvokeFor: aReceiver Resend to aReceiver - present for compatibility sendTo: aReceiver Resend to aReceiver 1.111 MessageNotUnderstood ========================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Error Category: Language-Exceptions MessageNotUnderstood represents an error during message lookup. Signaling it is the default action of the #doesNotUnderstand: handler 1.111.1 MessageNotUnderstood: accessing --------------------------------------- message Answer the message that wasn't understood receiver Answer the object to whom the message send was directed 1.111.2 MessageNotUnderstood: description ----------------------------------------- description Answer a textual description of the exception. isResumable Answer true. #doesNotUnderstand: exceptions are by default resumable. 1.112 Metaclass =============== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: ClassDescription Category: Language-Implementation I am the root of the class hierarchy. My instances are metaclasses, one for each real class. My instances have a single instance, which they hold onto, which is the class that they are the metaclass of. I provide methods for creation of actual class objects from metaclass object, and the creation of metaclass objects, which are my instances. If this is confusing to you, it should be...the Smalltalk metaclass system is strange and complex. 1.112.1 Metaclass class: instance creation ------------------------------------------ subclassOf: superMeta Answer a new metaclass representing a subclass of superMeta 1.112.2 Metaclass: accessing ---------------------------- instanceClass Answer the only instance of the metaclass primaryInstance Answer the only instance of the metaclass - present for compatibility soleInstance Answer the only instance of the metaclass - present for compatibility 1.112.3 Metaclass: basic ------------------------ name: className environment: aNamespace subclassOf: theSuperclass Private - create a full featured class and install it, or change the superclass or shape of an existing one; instance variable names, class variable names and pool dictionaries are left untouched. name: className environment: aNamespace subclassOf: newSuperclass instanceVariableArray: variableArray shape: shape classPool: classVarDict poolDictionaries: sharedPoolNames category: categoryName Private - create a full featured class and install it, or change an existing one name: newName environment: aNamespace subclassOf: theSuperclass instanceVariableNames: stringOfInstVarNames shape: shape classVariableNames: stringOfClassVarNames poolDictionaries: stringOfPoolNames category: categoryName Private - parse the instance and class variables, and the pool dictionaries, then create the class. newMeta: className environment: aNamespace subclassOf: theSuperclass instanceVariableArray: arrayOfInstVarNames shape: shape classPool: classVarDict poolDictionaries: sharedPoolNames category: categoryName Private - create a full featured class and install it 1.112.4 Metaclass: compiling methods ------------------------------------ poolResolution Use my instance's poolResolution. 1.112.5 Metaclass: delegation ----------------------------- addClassVarName: aString Add a class variable with the given name to the class pool dictionary addSharedPool: aDictionary Add the given shared pool to the list of the class' pool dictionaries allClassVarNames Answer the names of the variables in the receiver's class pool dictionary and in each of the superclasses' class pool dictionaries allSharedPoolDictionariesDo: aBlock Answer the shared pools visible from methods in the metaclass, in the correct search order. allSharedPools Return the names of the shared pools defined by the class and any of its superclasses category Answer the class category classPool Answer the class pool dictionary classVarNames Answer the names of the variables in the class pool dictionary comment Answer the class comment debuggerClass Answer the debugger class that was set in the instance class environment Answer the namespace in which the receiver is implemented name Answer the class name - it has none, actually pragmaHandlerFor: aSymbol Answer the (possibly inherited) registered handler for pragma aSymbol, or nil if not found. removeClassVarName: aString Removes the class variable from the class, error if not present, or still in use. removeSharedPool: aDictionary Remove the given dictionary to the list of the class' pool dictionaries sharedPools Return the names of the shared pools defined by the class 1.112.6 Metaclass: filing ------------------------- fileOutOn: aFileStream File out complete class description: class definition, class and instance methods 1.112.7 Metaclass: printing --------------------------- nameIn: aNamespace Answer the class name when the class is referenced from aNamespace. printOn: aStream Print a represention of the receiver on aStream printOn: aStream in: aNamespace Print on aStream the class name when the class is referenced from aNamespace. storeOn: aStream Store Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver on aStream 1.112.8 Metaclass: testing functionality ---------------------------------------- asClass Answer 'instanceClass'. isMetaclass Answer 'true'. 1.113 MethodContext =================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: ContextPart Category: Language-Implementation My instances represent an actively executing method. They record various bits of information about the execution environment, and contain the execution stack. 1.113.1 MethodContext: accessing -------------------------------- home Answer the MethodContext to which the receiver refers (i.e. the receiver itself) isBlock Answer whether the receiver is a block context isDisabled Answers whether the receiver has actually ended execution and will be skipped when doing a return. BlockContexts are removed from the chain whenever a non-local return is done, but MethodContexts need to stay there in case there is a non-local return from the #ensure: block. isEnvironment To create a valid execution environment for the interpreter even before it starts, GST creates a fake context which invokes a special "termination" method. Such a context can be used as a marker for the current execution environment. Answer whether the receiver is that kind of context. isUnwind Answers whether the context must continue execution even after a non-local return (a return from the enclosing method of a block, or a call to the #continue: method of ContextPart). Such contexts are created only by #ensure:. mark To create a valid execution environment for the interpreter even before it starts, GST creates a fake context which invokes a special "termination" method. A similar context is created by #valueWithUnwind, by using this method. sender Return the context from which the receiver was sent 1.113.2 MethodContext: debugging -------------------------------- isInternalExceptionHandlingContext Answer whether the receiver is a context that should be hidden to the user when presenting a backtrace. Such contexts are identified through the #exceptionHandlingInternal: attribute: if there is such a context in the backtrace, all those above it are marked as internal. That is, the attribute being set to true means that the context and all those above it are to be hidden, while the attribute being set to false means that the contexts above it must be hidden, but not the context itself. 1.113.3 MethodContext: printing ------------------------------- printOn: aStream Print a representation for the receiver on aStream 1.114 MethodDictionary ====================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: IdentityDictionary Category: Language-Implementation I am similar to an IdentityDictionary, except that removal and rehashing operations inside my instances look atomic to the interpreter. 1.114.1 MethodDictionary: adding -------------------------------- at: key put: value Store value as associated to the given key 1.114.2 MethodDictionary: rehashing ----------------------------------- rehash Rehash the receiver 1.114.3 MethodDictionary: removing ---------------------------------- remove: anAssociation Remove anAssociation's key from the dictionary removeKey: anElement ifAbsent: aBlock Remove the passed key from the dictionary, answer the result of evaluating aBlock if it is not found 1.115 MethodInfo ================ Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Language-Implementation I provide information about particular methods. I can produce the category that a method was filed under, and can be used to access the source code of the method. 1.115.1 MethodInfo: accessing ----------------------------- category Answer the method category category: aCategory Set the method category methodClass Answer the class in which the method is defined methodClass: aClass Set the class in which the method is defined selector Answer the selector through which the method is called selector: aSymbol Set the selector through which the method is called sourceCode Answer a FileSegment or String or nil containing the method source code sourceFile Answer the name of the file where the method source code is sourcePos Answer the starting position of the method source code in the sourceFile sourceString Answer a String containing the method source code stripSourceCode Remove the reference to the source code for the method 1.115.2 MethodInfo: equality ---------------------------- = aMethodInfo Compare the receiver and aMethodInfo, answer whether they're equal hash Answer an hash value for the receiver 1.116 Namespace =============== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: AbstractNamespace Category: Language-Implementation I am a Namespace that has a super-namespace. 1.116.1 Namespace class: accessing ---------------------------------- current Answer the current namespace current: aNamespaceOrClass Set the current namespace to be aNamespace or, if it is a class, its class pool (the Dictionary that holds class variables). 1.116.2 Namespace class: disabling instance creation ---------------------------------------------------- new Disabled - use #addSubspace: to create instances new: size Disabled - use #addSubspace: to create instances 1.116.3 Namespace class: initialization --------------------------------------- initialize This actually is not needed, the job could be done in dict.c (function namespace_new). But I'm lazy and I prefer to rely on the Smalltalk implementation of IdentitySet. 1.116.4 Namespace: accessing ---------------------------- inheritedKeys Answer a Set of all the keys in the receiver and its superspaces 1.116.5 Namespace: namespace hierarchy -------------------------------------- siblings Answer all the other namespaces that inherit from the receiver's superspace. siblingsDo: aBlock Evaluate aBlock once for each of the other namespaces that inherit from the receiver's superspace, passing the namespace as a parameter. 1.116.6 Namespace: overrides for superspaces -------------------------------------------- associationAt: key ifAbsent: aBlock Return the key/value pair associated to the variable named as specified by 'key'. If the key is not found search will be brought on in superspaces, finally evaluating aBlock if the variable cannot be found in any of the superspaces. associationsDo: aBlock Pass each association in the namespace to aBlock at: key ifAbsent: aBlock Return the value associated to the variable named as specified by 'key'. If the key is not found search will be brought on in superspaces, finally evaluating aBlock if the variable cannot be found in any of the superspaces. at: key ifPresent: aBlock If aKey is absent from the receiver and all its superspaces, answer nil. Else, evaluate aBlock passing the associated value and answer the result of the invocation do: aBlock Pass each value in the namespace to aBlock includesKey: key Answer whether the receiver or any of its superspaces contain the given key keysAndValuesDo: aBlock Pass to aBlock each of the receiver's keys and values, in two separate parameters keysDo: aBlock Pass to aBlock each of the receiver's keys set: key to: newValue ifAbsent: aBlock Assign newValue to the variable named as specified by 'key'. This method won't define a new variable; instead if the key is not found it will search in superspaces and evaluate aBlock if it is not found. Answer newValue. size Answer the number of keys in the receiver and each of its superspaces 1.116.7 Namespace: printing --------------------------- nameIn: aNamespace Answer Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver when the current namespace is aNamespace printOn: aStream in: aNamespace Print on aStream some Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver when the current namespace is aNamespace storeOn: aStream Store Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver 1.117 NetClients.URIResolver ============================ Defined in namespace Smalltalk.NetClients Superclass: Object Category: NetClients-URIResolver This class publishes methods to download files from the Internet. 1.117.1 NetClients.URIResolver class: api ----------------------------------------- openOn: aURI Always raise an error, as this method is not supported without loading the additional NetClients package. openOn: aURI ifFail: aBlock Always evaluate aBlock and answer the result if the additional NetClients package is not loaded. If it is, instead, return a WebEntity with the contents of the resource specified by anURI, and only evaluate the block if loading the resource fails. openStreamOn: aURI Check if aURI can be fetched from the Internet or from the local system, and if so return a Stream with its contents. If this is not possible, raise an exception. openStreamOn: aURI ifFail: aBlock Check if aURI can be fetched from the Internet or from the local system, and if so return a Stream with its contents. If this is not possible, instead, evaluate the zero-argument block aBlock and answer the result of the evaluation. 1.117.2 NetClients.URIResolver class: instance creation ------------------------------------------------------- on: anURL Answer a new URIResolver that will do its best to fetch the data for anURL from the Internet. 1.118 NetClients.URL ==================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk.NetClients Superclass: Object Category: NetClients-URIResolver Copyright (c) Kazuki Yasumatsu, 1995. All rights reserved. 1.118.1 NetClients.URL class: encoding URLs ------------------------------------------- decode: aString Decode a text/x-www-form-urlencoded String into a text/plain String. encode: anURL Encode a text/plain into a text/x-www-form-urlencoded String (those things with lots of % in them). initialize Initialize the receiver's class variables. 1.118.2 NetClients.URL class: instance creation ----------------------------------------------- fromString: aString Parse the given URL and answer an URL object based on it. new Answer a 'blank' URL. scheme: schemeString host: hostString path: pathString Answer an URL object made from all the parts passed as arguments. scheme: schemeString host: hostString port: portNumber path: pathString Answer an URL object made from all the parts passed as arguments. scheme: schemeString path: pathString Answer an URL object made from all the parts passed as arguments. scheme: schemeString username: userString password: passwordString host: hostString port: portNumber path: pathString Answer an URL object made from all the parts passed as arguments. 1.118.3 NetClients.URL: accessing --------------------------------- asString Answer the full request string corresponding to the URL. This is how the URL would be printed in the address bar of a web browser, except that the query data is printed even if it is to be sent through a POST request. decodedFields Convert the form fields to a Dictionary, answer nil if no question mark is found in the URL. decodedFile Answer the file part of the URL, decoding it from x-www-form-urlencoded format. decodedFragment Answer the fragment part of the URL, decoding it from x-www-form-urlencoded format. fragment Answer the fragment part of the URL, leaving it in x-www-form-urlencoded format. fragment: aString Set the fragment part of the URL, which should be in x-www-form-urlencoded format. fullRequestString Answer the full request string corresponding to the URL. This is how the URL would be printed in the address bar of a web browser, except that the query data is printed even if it is to be sent through a POST request. hasPostData Answer whether the URL has a query part but is actually for an HTTP POST request and not really part of the URL (as it would be for the HTTP GET request). hasPostData: aBoolean Set whether the query part of the URL is actually the data for an HTTP POST request and not really part of the URL (as it would be for the HTTP GET request). host Answer the host part of the URL. host: aString Set the host part of the URL to aString. newsGroup If the receiver is an nntp url, return the news group. password Answer the password part of the URL. password: aString Set the password part of the URL to aString. path Answer the path part of the URL. path: aString Set the path part of the URL to aString. port Answer the port number part of the URL. port: anInteger Set the port number part of the URL to anInteger. postData Answer whether the URL has a query part and it is meant for an HTTP POST request, answer it. Else answer nil. postData: aString Associate to the URL some data that is meant to be sent through an HTTP POST request, answer it. query Answer the query data associated to the URL. query: aString Set the query data associated to the URL to aString. requestString Answer the URL as it would be sent in an HTTP stream (that is, the path and the query data, the latter only if it is to be sent with an HTTP POST request). scheme Answer the URL's scheme. scheme: aString Set the URL's scheme to be aString. username Answer the username part of the URL. username: aString Set the username part of the URL to aString. 1.118.4 NetClients.URL: comparing --------------------------------- = anURL Answer whether the two URLs are equal. The file and anchor are converted to full 8-bit ASCII (contrast with urlencoded) and the comparison is case-sensitive; on the other hand, the protocol and host are compared without regard to case. hash Answer an hash value for the receiver 1.118.5 NetClients.URL: copying ------------------------------- copyWithoutAuxiliaryParts Answer a copy of the receiver where the fragment and query parts of the URL have been cleared. copyWithoutFragment Answer a copy of the receiver where the fragment parts of the URL has been cleared. postCopy All the variables are copied when an URL object is copied. 1.118.6 NetClients.URL: initialize-release ------------------------------------------ initialize Initialize the object to a consistent state. 1.118.7 NetClients.URL: printing -------------------------------- printOn: stream Print a representation of the URL on the given stream. 1.118.8 NetClients.URL: still unclassified ------------------------------------------ contents Not commented. entity Not commented. readStream Not commented. 1.118.9 NetClients.URL: testing ------------------------------- canCache Answer whether the URL is cacheable. The current implementation considers file URLs not to be cacheable, and everything else to be. hasFragment Answer whether the URL points to a particular fragment (anchor) of the resource. hasQuery Answer whether the URL includes query arguments to be submitted when retrieving the resource. isFileScheme Answer whether the URL is a file URL. isFragmentOnly Answer whether the URL only includes the name of a particular fragment (anchor) of the resource to which it refers. 1.118.10 NetClients.URL: utilities ---------------------------------- construct: anURL Construct an absolute URL based on the relative URL anURL and the base path represented by the receiver 1.119 Notification ================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Exception Category: Language-Exceptions Notification represents a resumable, exceptional yet non-erroneous, situation. Signaling a notification in absence of an handler simply returns nil. 1.119.1 Notification: exception description ------------------------------------------- defaultAction Do the default action for notifications, which is to resume execution of the context which signaled the exception. description Answer a textual description of the exception. isResumable Answer true. Notification exceptions are by default resumable. 1.120 NullProxy =============== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: AlternativeObjectProxy Category: Streams-Files I am a proxy that does no special processing on the object to be saved. I can be used to disable proxies for particular subclasses. My subclasses add to the stored information, but share the fact that the format is about the same as that of #dump: without a proxy. 1.120.1 NullProxy class: instance creation ------------------------------------------ loadFrom: anObjectDumper Reload the object stored in anObjectDumper 1.120.2 NullProxy: accessing ---------------------------- dumpTo: anObjectDumper Dump the object stored in the proxy to anObjectDumper 1.121 NullValueHolder ===================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: ValueAdaptor Category: Language-Data types I pretend to store my value in a variable, but I don't actually. You can use the only instance of my class (returned by 'ValueHolder null') if you're not interested in a value that is returned as described in ValueHolder's comment. 1.121.1 NullValueHolder class: creating instances ------------------------------------------------- new Not used - use 'ValueHolder null' instead uniqueInstance Answer the sole instance of NullValueHolder 1.121.2 NullValueHolder: accessing ---------------------------------- value Retrive the value of the receiver. Always answer nil value: anObject Set the value of the receiver. Do nothing, discard the value 1.122 Number ============ Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Magnitude Category: Language-Data types I am an abstract class that provides operations on numbers, both floating point and integer. I provide some generic predicates, and supply the implicit type coercing code for binary operations. 1.122.1 Number class: converting -------------------------------- coerce: aNumber Answer aNumber - whatever class it belongs to, it is good readFrom: aStream Answer the number read from the rest of aStream, converted to an instance of the receiver. If the receiver is number, the class of the result is undefined - but the result is good. readFrom: aStream radix: anInteger Answer the number read from the rest of aStream, converted to an instance of the receiver. If the receiver is number, the class of the result is undefined - but the result is good. The exponent (for example 1.2e-1) is only parsed if anInteger is 10. 1.122.2 Number class: testing ----------------------------- isImmediate Answer whether, if x is an instance of the receiver, x copy == x 1.122.3 Number: arithmetic -------------------------- * aNumber Subtract the receiver and aNumber, answer the result + aNumber Sum the receiver and aNumber, answer the result - aNumber Subtract aNumber from the receiver, answer the result / aNumber Divide the receiver by aNumber, answer the result (no loss of precision). Raise a ZeroDivide exception or return a valid (possibly infinite) continuation value if aNumber is zero. // aNumber Return the integer quotient of dividing the receiver by aNumber with truncation towards negative infinity. Raise a ZeroDivide exception if aNumber is zero \\ aNumber Return the remainder of dividing the receiver by aNumber with truncation towards negative infinity. Raise a ZeroDivide exception if aNumber is zero quo: aNumber Return the integer quotient of dividing the receiver by aNumber with truncation towards zero. Raise a ZeroDivide exception if aNumber is zero reciprocal Return the reciprocal of the receiver rem: aNumber Return the remainder of dividing the receiver by aNumber with truncation towards zero. Raise a ZeroDivide exception if aNumber is zero 1.122.4 Number: coercion ------------------------ asCNumber Convert the receiver to a kind of number that is understood by the C call-out mechanism. 1.122.5 Number: comparing ------------------------- max: aNumber Answer the maximum between the receiver and aNumber. Redefine in subclasses if necessary to ensure that if either self or aNumber is a NaN, it is always answered. min: aNumber Answer the minimum between the receiver and aNumber. Redefine in subclasses if necessary to ensure that if either self or aNumber is a NaN, it is always answered. 1.122.6 Number: converting -------------------------- asExactFraction Return the receiver, converted to a Fraction retaining the exact value of the receiver. asFloat Convert the receiver to an arbitrary subclass of Float asFloatD This method's functionality should be implemented by subclasses of Number asFloatE This method's functionality should be implemented by subclasses of Number asFloatQ This method's functionality should be implemented by subclasses of Number asFraction This method's functionality should be implemented by subclasses of Number asNumber Answer the receiver, since it is already a number asRectangle Answer an empty rectangle whose origin is (self asPoint) asScaledDecimal: n Answer the receiver, converted to a ScaledDecimal object. asScaledDecimal: denDigits radix: base scale: n Answer the receiver, divided by base^denDigits and converted to a ScaledDecimal object. asString Answer the receiver's #displayString, which should be a good enough conversion to String for a number. coerce: aNumber Answer aNumber, converted to an integer or floating-point number. degreesToRadians Convert the receiver to radians generality Answer the receiver's generality radiansToDegrees Convert the receiver from radians to degrees unity Coerce 1 to the receiver's class. The default implementation works, but is inefficient zero Coerce 0 to the receiver's class. The default implementation works, but is inefficient 1.122.7 Number: copying ----------------------- deepCopy Return the receiver - it's an immediate (immutable) object shallowCopy Return the receiver - it's an immediate (immutable) object 1.122.8 Number: error raising ----------------------------- arithmeticError: msg Raise an ArithmeticError exception having msg as its message text. zeroDivide Raise a division-by-zero (ZeroDivide) exception whose dividend is the receiver. 1.122.9 Number: misc math ------------------------- abs Answer the absolute value of the receiver arcCos Answer the arc cosine of the receiver arcCosh Answer the hyperbolic arc-cosine of the receiver. arcSin Answer the arc sine of the receiver arcSinh Answer the hyperbolic arc-sine of the receiver. arcTan Answer the arc tangent of the receiver arcTan: x Answer the angle (measured counterclockwise) between (x, self) and a ray starting in (0, 0) and moving towards (1, 0) - i.e. 3 o'clock arcTanh Answer the hyperbolic arc-tangent of the receiver. ceilingLog: radix Answer (self log: radix) ceiling. Optimized to answer an integer. cos Answer the cosine of the receiver cosh Answer the hyperbolic cosine of the receiver. estimatedLog Answer an estimate of (self abs floorLog: 10). This method should be overridden by subclasses, but Number's implementation does not raise errors - simply, it gives a correct result, so it is slow. exp Answer e raised to the receiver floorLog: radix Answer (self log: radix) floor. Optimized to answer an integer. ln Answer log base e of the receiver log Answer log base 10 of the receiver log: aNumber Answer log base aNumber of the receiver negated Answer the negated of the receiver positiveDifference: aNumber Answer the positive difference of the receiver and aNumber, that is self - aNumber if it is positive, 0 otherwise. raisedTo: aNumber Return self raised to aNumber power raisedToInteger: anInteger Return self raised to the anInteger-th power sin Answer the sine of the receiver sinh Answer the hyperbolic sine of the receiver. sqrt Answer the square root of the receiver squared Answer the square of the receiver tan Answer the tangent of the receiver tanh Answer the hyperbolic tangent of the receiver. withSignOf: aNumber Answer the receiver, with its sign possibly changed to match that of aNumber. 1.122.10 Number: point creation ------------------------------- @ y Answer a new point whose x is the receiver and whose y is y asPoint Answer a new point, self @ self 1.122.11 Number: retrying ------------------------- retry: aSymbol coercing: aNumber Coerce to the other number's class the one number between the receiver and aNumber which has the lowest, and retry calling aSymbol. aSymbol is supposed not to be #= or #~= (since those don't fail if aNumber is not a Number). retryDifferenceCoercing: aNumber Coerce to the other number's class the one number between the receiver and aNumber which has the lowest, and retry calling #-. retryDivisionCoercing: aNumber Coerce to the other number's class the one number between the receiver and aNumber which has the lowest, and retry calling #/. retryEqualityCoercing: aNumber Coerce to the other number's class the one number between the receiver and aNumber which has the lowest, and retry calling #=. retryError Raise an error--a retrying method was called with two arguments having the same generality. retryInequalityCoercing: aNumber Coerce to the other number's class the one number between the receiver and aNumber which has the lowest, and retry calling #~=. retryMultiplicationCoercing: aNumber Coerce to the other number's class the one number between the receiver and aNumber which has the lowest, and retry calling #*. retryRelationalOp: aSymbol coercing: aNumber Coerce to the other number's class the one number between the receiver and aNumber which has the lowest, and retry calling aSymbol (<, <=, >, >=). retrySumCoercing: aNumber Coerce to the other number's class the one number between the receiver and aNumber which has the lowest, and retry calling #+. 1.122.12 Number: shortcuts and iterators ---------------------------------------- to: stop Return an interval going from the receiver to stop by 1 to: stop by: step Return an interval going from the receiver to stop with the given step to: stop by: step collect: aBlock Evaluate aBlock for each value in the interval going from the receiver to stop with the given step. The results are collected in an Array and returned. to: stop by: step do: aBlock Evaluate aBlock for each value in the interval going from the receiver to stop with the given step. Compiled in-line for integer literal steps, and for one-argument aBlocks without temporaries, and therefore not overridable. to: stop collect: aBlock Evaluate aBlock for each value in the interval going from the receiver to stop by 1. The results are collected in an Array and returned. to: stop do: aBlock Evaluate aBlock for each value in the interval going from the receiver to stop by 1. Compiled in-line for one-argument aBlocks without temporaries, and therefore not overridable. 1.122.13 Number: testing ------------------------ closeTo: num Answer whether the receiver can be considered sufficiently close to num (this is done by checking equality if num is not a number, and by checking with 0.01% tolerance if num is a number). even Returns true if self is divisible by 2 isExact Answer whether the receiver performs exact arithmetic. Most numeric classes do (in fact the only exceptions is Float and its descendants), so the default is to answer true rather than calling #subclassResponsibility. isFinite Answer whether the receiver represents a finite quantity. Most numeric classes are for finite quantities, so the default is to answer true rather than calling #subclassResponsibility. isInfinite Answer whether the receiver represents an infinite quantity. Most numeric classes are for finite quantities, so the default is to answer false rather than calling #subclassResponsibility. isNaN Answer whether the receiver is a Not-A-Number. Most numeric classes don't handle nans, so the default is to answer false rather than calling #subclassResponsibility. isNumber Answer 'true'. isRational Answer whether the receiver is rational - false by default negative Answer whether the receiver is < 0 odd Returns true if self is not divisible by 2 positive Answer whether the receiver is >= 0 sign Returns the sign of the receiver. strictlyPositive Answer whether the receiver is > 0 1.122.14 Number: truncation and round off ----------------------------------------- asInteger Answer the receiver, rounded to the nearest integer floor Return the integer nearest the receiver toward negative infinity. fractionPart Answer a number which, summed to the #integerPart of the receiver, gives the receiver itself. integerPart Answer the receiver, truncated towards zero roundTo: aNumber Answer the receiver, truncated to the nearest multiple of aNumber rounded Returns the integer nearest the receiver truncateTo: aNumber Answer the receiver, truncated towards zero to a multiple of aNumber truncated Answer the receiver, truncated towards zero 1.123 Object ============ Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: none Category: Language-Implementation I am the root of the Smalltalk class system. All classes in the system are subclasses of me. 1.123.1 Object class: initialization ------------------------------------ dependencies Answer a dictionary that associates an object with its dependents. dependencies: anObject Use anObject as the dictionary that associates an object with its dependents. finalizableObjects Answer a set of finalizable objects. initialize Initialize the Dependencies dictionary to be a WeakKeyIdentityDictionary. update: aspect Do any global tasks for the ObjectMemory events. 1.123.2 Object: built ins ------------------------- = arg Answer whether the receiver is equal to arg. The equality test is by default the same as that for identical objects. = must not fail; answer false if the receiver cannot be compared to arg == arg Answer whether the receiver is the same object as arg. This is a very fast test and is called 'object identity'. allOwners Return an Array of Objects that point to the receiver. asOop Answer the object index associated to the receiver. The object index doesn't change when garbage collection is performed. at: anIndex Answer the index-th indexed instance variable of the receiver at: anIndex put: value Store value in the index-th indexed instance variable of the receiver basicAt: anIndex Answer the index-th indexed instance variable of the receiver. This method must not be overridden, override at: instead basicAt: anIndex put: value Store value in the index-th indexed instance variable of the receiver This method must not be overridden, override at:put: instead basicPrint Print a basic representation of the receiver basicSize Answer the number of indexed instance variable in the receiver become: otherObject Change all references to the receiver into references to otherObject. Depending on the implementation, references to otherObject might or might not be transformed into the receiver (respectively, 'two-way become' and 'one-way become'). Implementations doing one-way become answer the receiver (so that it is not lost). Most implementations doing two-way become answer otherObject, but this is not assured - so do answer the receiver for consistency. GNU Smalltalk does two-way become and answers otherObject, but this might change in future versions: programs should not rely on the behavior and results of #become: . becomeForward: otherObject Change all references to the receiver into references to otherObject. References to otherObject are not transformed into the receiver. Answer the receiver so that it is not lost. changeClassTo: aBehavior Mutate the class of the receiver to be aBehavior. Note: Tacitly assumes that the structure is the same for the original and new class!! checkIndexableBounds: index Private - Check the reason why an access to the given indexed instance variable failed checkIndexableBounds: index ifAbsent: aBlock Private - Check the reason why an access to the given indexed instance variable failed. Evaluate aBlock for an invalid index. checkIndexableBounds: index put: object Private - Check the reason why a store to the given indexed instance variable failed class Answer the class to which the receiver belongs halt Called to enter the debugger hash Answer an hash value for the receiver. This hash value is ok for objects that do not redefine ==. identityHash Answer an hash value for the receiver. This method must not be overridden instVarAt: index Answer the index-th instance variable of the receiver. This method must not be overridden. instVarAt: index put: value Store value in the index-th instance variable of the receiver. This method must not be overridden. isReadOnly Answer whether the object's indexed instance variables can be written isUntrusted Answer whether the object is to be considered untrusted. makeEphemeron Make the object an 'ephemeron'. An ephemeron is marked after all other objects, and if no references are found to the key except from the object itself, it is sent the #mourn message. makeFixed Avoid that the receiver moves in memory across garbage collections. makeReadOnly: aBoolean Set whether the object's indexed instance variables can be written makeUntrusted: aBoolean Set whether the object is to be considered untrusted. makeWeak Make the object a 'weak' one. When an object is only referenced by weak objects, it is collected and the slots in the weak objects are changed to nils by the VM; the weak object is then sent the #mourn message. mark: aSymbol Private - use this method to mark code which needs to be reworked, removed, etc. You can then find all senders of #mark: to find all marked methods or you can look for all senders of the symbol that you sent to #mark: to find a category of marked methods. nextInstance Private - answer another instance of the receiver's class, or nil if the entire object table has been walked notYetImplemented Called when a method defined by a class is not yet implemented, but is going to be perform: selectorOrMessageOrMethod Send the unary message named selectorOrMessageOrMethod (if a Symbol) to the receiver, or the message and arguments it identifies (if a Message or DirectedMessage), or finally execute the method within the receiver (if a CompiledMethod). In the last case, the method need not reside on the hierarchy from the receiver's class to Object - it need not reside at all in a MethodDictionary, in fact - but doing bad things will compromise stability of the Smalltalk virtual machine (and don't blame anybody but yourself). This method should not be overridden perform: selectorOrMethod with: arg1 Send the message named selectorOrMethod (if a Symbol) to the receiver, passing arg1 to it, or execute the method within the receiver (if a CompiledMethod). In the latter case, the method need not reside on the hierarchy from the receiver's class to Object - it need not reside at all in a MethodDictionary, in fact - but doing bad things will compromise stability of the Smalltalk virtual machine (and don't blame anybody but yourself). This method should not be overridden perform: selectorOrMethod with: arg1 with: arg2 Send the message named selectorOrMethod (if a Symbol) to the receiver, passing arg1 and arg2 to it, or execute the method within the receiver (if a CompiledMethod). In the latter case, the method need not reside on the hierarchy from the receiver's class to Object - it need not reside at all in a MethodDictionary, in fact - but doing bad things will compromise stability of the Smalltalk virtual machine (and don't blame anybody but yourself). This method should not be overridden perform: selectorOrMethod with: arg1 with: arg2 with: arg3 Send the message named selectorOrMethod (if a Symbol) to the receiver, passing the other arguments to it, or execute the method within the receiver (if a CompiledMethod). In the latter case, the method need not reside on the hierarchy from the receiver's class to Object - it need not reside at all in a MethodDictionary, in fact - but doing bad things will compromise stability of the Smalltalk virtual machine (and don't blame anybody but yourself). This method should not be overridden perform: selectorOrMethod with: arg1 with: arg2 with: arg3 with: arg4 Send the message named selectorOrMethod (if a Symbol) to the receiver, passing the other arguments to it, or execute the method within the receiver (if a CompiledMethod). In the latter case, the method need not reside on the hierarchy from the receiver's class to Object - it need not reside at all in a MethodDictionary, in fact - but doing bad things will compromise stability of the Smalltalk virtual machine (and don't blame anybody but yourself). This method should not be overridden perform: selectorOrMethod withArguments: argumentsArray Send the message named selectorOrMethod (if a Symbol) to the receiver, passing the elements of argumentsArray as parameters, or execute the method within the receiver (if a CompiledMethod). In the latter case, the method need not reside on the hierarchy from the receiver's class to Object - it need not reside at all in a MethodDictionary, in fact - but doing bad things will compromise stability of the Smalltalk virtual machine (and don't blame anybody but yourself). This method should not be overridden primitiveFailed Called when a VM primitive fails shallowCopy Returns a shallow copy of the receiver (the instance variables are not copied) shouldNotImplement Called when objects belonging to a class should not answer a selector defined by a superclass size Answer the number of indexed instance variable in the receiver subclassResponsibility Called when a method defined by a class should be overridden in a subclass tenure Move the object to oldspace. 1.123.3 Object: change and update --------------------------------- broadcast: aSymbol Send the unary message aSymbol to each of the receiver's dependents broadcast: aSymbol with: anObject Send the message aSymbol to each of the receiver's dependents, passing anObject broadcast: aSymbol with: arg1 with: arg2 Send the message aSymbol to each of the receiver's dependents, passing arg1 and arg2 as parameters broadcast: aSymbol withArguments: anArray Send the message aSymbol to each of the receiver's dependents, passing the parameters in anArray broadcast: aSymbol withBlock: aBlock Send the message aSymbol to each of the receiver's dependents, passing the result of evaluating aBlock with each dependent as the parameter changed Send update: for each of the receiver's dependents, passing them the receiver changed: aParameter Send update: for each of the receiver's dependents, passing them aParameter update: aParameter Default behavior is to do nothing. Called by #changed and #changed: 1.123.4 Object: class type methods ---------------------------------- species This method has no unique definition. Generally speaking, methods which always return the same type usually don't use #class, but #species. For example, a PositionableStream's species is the class of the collection on which it is streaming (used by upTo:, upToAll:, upToEnd). Stream uses species for obtaining the class of next:'s return value, Collection uses it in its #copyEmpty: message, which in turn is used by all collection-returning methods. An Interval's species is Array (used by collect:, select:, reject:, etc.). yourself Answer the receiver 1.123.5 Object: compiler ------------------------ literalEquals: anObject Not commented. literalHash Not commented. 1.123.6 Object: conversion -------------------------- asValue Answer a ValueHolder whose initial value is the receiver. 1.123.7 Object: copying ----------------------- copy Returns a shallow copy of the receiver (the instance variables are not copied). The shallow copy receives the message postCopy and the result of postCopy is passed back. deepCopy Returns a deep copy of the receiver (the instance variables are copies of the receiver's instance variables) postCopy Performs any changes required to do on a copied object. This is the place where one could, for example, put code to replace objects with copies of the objects 1.123.8 Object: debugging ------------------------- examine Print all the instance variables of the receiver on the Transcript examineOn: aStream Print all the instance variables of the receiver on aStream inspect In a GUI environment, this opens a tool to examine and modify the receiver. In the default image, it just calls #examine. validSize Answer how many elements in the receiver should be inspected 1.123.9 Object: dependents access --------------------------------- addDependent: anObject Add anObject to the set of the receiver's dependents. Important: if an object has dependents, it won't be garbage collected. dependents Answer a collection of the receiver's dependents. release Remove all of the receiver's dependents from the set and allow the receiver to be garbage collected. removeDependent: anObject Remove anObject to the set of the receiver's dependents. No problem if anObject is not in the set of the receiver's dependents. 1.123.10 Object: error raising ------------------------------ doesNotUnderstand: aMessage Called by the system when a selector was not found. message is a Message containing information on the receiver error: message Display a walkback for the receiver, with the given error message. Signal an 'Error' exception. halt: message Display a walkback for the receiver, with the given error message. Signal an 'Halt' exception. 1.123.11 Object: finalization ----------------------------- addToBeFinalized Arrange things so that #finalize is sent to the object when the garbage collector finds out there are only weak references to it. finalize Do nothing by default mourn This method is sent by the VM to weak and ephemeron objects when one of their fields is found out to be garbage collectable (this means, for weak objects, that there are no references to it from non-weak objects, and for ephemeron objects, that the only paths to the first instance variable pass through other instance variables of the same ephemeron). The default behavior is to do nothing. removeToBeFinalized Unregister the object, so that #finalize is no longer sent to the object when the garbage collector finds out there are only weak references to it. 1.123.12 Object: introspection ------------------------------ instVarNamed: aString Answer the instance variable named aString in the receiver. instVarNamed: aString put: anObject Answer the instance variable named aString in the receiver. 1.123.13 Object: printing ------------------------- basicPrintNl Print a basic representation of the receiver, followed by a new line. basicPrintOn: aStream Print a represention of the receiver on aStream display Print a represention of the receiver on the Transcript (stdout the GUI is not active). For most objects this is simply its #print representation, but for strings and characters, superfluous dollars or extra pair of quotes are stripped. displayNl Print a represention of the receiver, then put a new line on the Transcript (stdout the GUI is not active). For most objects this is simply its #printNl representation, but for strings and characters, superfluous dollars or extra pair of quotes are stripped. displayOn: aStream Print a represention of the receiver on aStream. For most objects this is simply its #printOn: representation, but for strings and characters, superfluous dollars or extra pair of quotes are stripped. displayString Answer a String representing the receiver. For most objects this is simply its #printString, but for strings and characters, superfluous dollars or extra pair of quotes are stripped. print Print a represention of the receiver on the Transcript (stdout the GUI is not active) printNl Print a represention of the receiver on stdout, put a new line the Transcript (stdout the GUI is not active) printOn: aStream Print a represention of the receiver on aStream printString Answer a String representing the receiver 1.123.14 Object: relational operators ------------------------------------- ~= anObject Answer whether the receiver and anObject are not equal ~~ anObject Answer whether the receiver and anObject are not the same object 1.123.15 Object: saving and loading ----------------------------------- binaryRepresentationObject This method must be implemented if PluggableProxies are used with the receiver's class. The default implementation raises an exception. postLoad Called after loading an object; must restore it to the state before 'preStore' was called. Do nothing by default postStore Called after an object is dumped; must restore it to the state before 'preStore' was called. Call #postLoad by default preStore Called before dumping an object; it must *change* it (it must not answer a new object) if necessary. Do nothing by default reconstructOriginalObject Used if an instance of the receiver's class is returned as the #binaryRepresentationObject of another object. The default implementation raises an exception. 1.123.16 Object: storing ------------------------ store Put a String of Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver on the Transcript (stdout the GUI is not active) storeLiteralOn: aStream Put a Smalltalk literal compiling to the receiver on aStream storeNl Put a String of Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver, followed by a new line, on the Transcript (stdout the GUI is not active) storeOn: aStream Put Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver on aStream storeString Answer a String of Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver 1.123.17 Object: syntax shortcuts --------------------------------- -> anObject Creates a new instance of Association with the receiver being the key and the argument becoming the value 1.123.18 Object: testing functionality -------------------------------------- ifNil: nilBlock Evaluate nilBlock if the receiver is nil, else answer self ifNil: nilBlock ifNotNil: notNilBlock Evaluate nilBlock if the receiver is nil, else evaluate notNilBlock, passing the receiver. ifNotNil: notNilBlock Evaluate notNilBlock if the receiver is not nil, passing the receiver. Else answer nil. ifNotNil: notNilBlock ifNil: nilBlock Evaluate nilBlock if the receiver is nil, else evaluate notNilBlock, passing the receiver. isArray Answer 'false'. isBehavior Answer 'false'. isCObject Answer 'false'. isCharacter Answer 'false'. isCharacterArray Answer 'false'. isClass Answer 'false'. isFloat Answer 'false'. isInteger Answer 'false'. isKindOf: aClass Answer whether the receiver's class is aClass or a subclass of aClass isMemberOf: aClass Returns true if the receiver is an instance of the class 'aClass' isMeta Same as isMetaclass isMetaClass Same as isMetaclass isMetaclass Answer 'false'. isNamespace Answer 'false'. isNil Answer whether the receiver is nil isNumber Answer 'false'. isSmallInteger Answer 'false'. isString Answer 'false'. isSymbol Answer 'false'. notNil Answer whether the receiver is not nil respondsTo: aSymbol Returns true if the receiver understands the given selector 1.123.19 Object: VM callbacks ----------------------------- badReturnError Called back when a block performs a bad return. mustBeBoolean Called by the system when ifTrue:*, ifFalse:*, and: or or: are sent to anything but a boolean noRunnableProcess Called back when all processes are suspended userInterrupt Called back when the user presses Ctrl-Break 1.124 ObjectDumper ================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Stream Category: Streams-Files I'm not part of a normal Smalltalk system, but most Smalltalks provide a similar feature: that is, support for storing objects in a binary format; there are many advantages in using me instead of #storeOn: and the Smalltalk compiler. The data is stored in a very compact format, which has the side effect of making loading much faster when compared with compiling the Smalltalk code prepared by #storeOn:. In addition, my instances support circular references between objects, while #storeOn: supports it only if you know of such references at design time and you override #storeOn: to deal with them 1.124.1 ObjectDumper class: establishing proxy classes ------------------------------------------------------ disableProxyFor: aClass Disable proxies for instances of aClass and its descendants hasProxyFor: aClass Answer whether a proxy class has been registered for instances of aClass. proxyClassFor: anObject Answer the class of a valid proxy for an object, or nil if none could be found proxyFor: anObject Answer a valid proxy for an object, or the object itself if none could be found registerProxyClass: aProxyClass for: aClass Register the proxy class aProxyClass - descendent of DumperProxy - to be used for instances of aClass and its descendants 1.124.2 ObjectDumper class: instance creation --------------------------------------------- new This method should not be called for instances of this class. on: aFileStream Answer an ObjectDumper working on aFileStream. 1.124.3 ObjectDumper class: shortcuts ------------------------------------- dump: anObject to: aFileStream Dump anObject to aFileStream. Answer anObject loadFrom: aFileStream Load an object from aFileStream and answer it 1.124.4 ObjectDumper class: testing ----------------------------------- example This is a real torture test: it outputs recursive objects, identical objects multiple times, classes, metaclasses, integers, characters and proxies (which is also a test of more complex objects)! 1.124.5 ObjectDumper: accessing ------------------------------- flush 'Forget' any information on previously stored objects. stream Answer the ByteStream to which the ObjectDumper will write and from which it will read. stream: aByteStream Set the ByteStream to which the ObjectDumper will write and from which it will read. 1.124.6 ObjectDumper: loading/dumping objects --------------------------------------------- dump: anObject Dump anObject on the stream associated with the receiver. Answer anObject load Load an object from the stream associated with the receiver and answer it 1.124.7 ObjectDumper: stream interface -------------------------------------- atEnd Answer whether the underlying stream is at EOF next Load an object from the underlying stream nextPut: anObject Store an object on the underlying stream 1.125 ObjectMemory ================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Language-Implementation I provide a few methods that enable one to tune the virtual machine's usage of memory. In addition, I can signal to my dependants some 'events' that can happen during the virtual machine's life. ObjectMemory has both class-side and instance-side methods. In general, class-side methods provide means to tune the parameters of the memory manager, while instance-side methods are used together with the #current class-side method to take a look at statistics on the memory manager's state. 1.125.1 ObjectMemory class: accessing ------------------------------------- current Return a snapshot of the VM's memory management statistics. 1.125.2 ObjectMemory class: builtins ------------------------------------ abort Quit the Smalltalk environment, dumping core. addressOf: anObject Returns the address of the actual object that anObject references. Note that, with the exception of fixed objects this address is only valid until the next garbage collection; thus it's pretty risky to count on the address returned by this method for very long. addressOfOOP: anObject Returns the address of the OOP (object table slot) for anObject. The address is an Integer and will not change over time (i.e. is immune from garbage collector action) except if the virtual machine is stopped and restarted. bigObjectThreshold Answer the smallest size for objects that are allocated outside the main heap in the hope of providing more locality of reference between small objects. bigObjectThreshold: bytes Set the smallest size for objects that are allocated outside the main heap in the hope of providing more locality of reference between small objects. bytes must be a positive SmallInteger. compact Force a full garbage collection, including compaction of oldspace finishIncrementalGC Do a step in the incremental garbage collection. gcMessage Answer whether messages indicating that garbage collection is taking place are printed on stdout gcMessage: aBoolean Set whether messages indicating that garbage collection is taking place are printed on stdout globalGarbageCollect Force a full garbage collection growThresholdPercent Answer the percentage of the amount of memory used by the system grows which has to be full for the system to allocate more memory growThresholdPercent: growPercent Set the percentage of the amount of memory used by the system grows which has to be full for the system to allocate more memory growTo: numBytes Grow the amount of memory used by the system grows to numBytes. incrementalGCStep Do a step in the incremental garbage collection. quit Quit the Smalltalk environment. Whether files are closed and other similar cleanup occurs depends on the platform quit: exitStatus Quit the Smalltalk environment, passing the exitStatus integer to the OS. Files are closed and other similar cleanups occur. scavenge Force a minor garbage collection smoothingFactor Answer the factor (between 0 and 1) used to smooth the statistics provided by the virtual machine about memory handling. 0 disables updating the averages, 1 disables the smoothing (the statistics return the last value). smoothingFactor: rate Set the factor (between 0 and 1) used to smooth the statistics provided by the virtual machine about memory handling. 0 disables updating the averages, 1 disables the smoothing (the statistics return the last value). spaceGrowRate Answer the rate with which the amount of memory used by the system grows spaceGrowRate: rate Set the rate with which the amount of memory used by the system grows 1.125.3 ObjectMemory class: initialization ------------------------------------------ changed: aSymbol Not commented. initialize Initialize the globals 1.125.4 ObjectMemory class: saving the image -------------------------------------------- snapshot Save a snapshot on the image file that was loaded on startup. snapshot: aString Save an image on the aString file 1.125.5 ObjectMemory: accessing ------------------------------- allocFailures Answer the number of times that the old-space allocator found no block that was at least as big as requested, and had to ask the operating system for more memory. allocMatches Answer the number of times that the old-space allocator found a block that was exactly as big as requested. allocProbes Answer the number of free blocks that the old-space allocator had to examine so far to allocate all the objects that are in old-space allocSplits Answer the number of times that the old-space allocator could not find a block that was exactly as big as requested, and had to split a larger free block in two parts. bytesPerOOP Answer the number of bytes that is taken by an ordinary object pointer (in practice, a field such as a named instance variable). bytesPerOTE Answer the number of bytes that is taken by an object table entry (in practice, the overhead incurred by every object in the system, with the sole exception of SmallIntegers). edenSize Answer the number of bytes in the 'eden' area of the young generation (in practice, the number of allocated bytes between two scavenges). edenUsedBytes Answer the number of bytes that are currently filled in the 'eden' area of the young generation. fixedSpaceSize Answer the number of bytes in the special heap devoted to objects that the garbage collector cannot move around in memory. fixedSpaceUsedBytes Answer the number of bytes that are currently filled in the special heap devoted to objects that the garbage collector cannot move around in memory. numCompactions Answer the number of oldspace compactions that happened since the VM was started. numFixedOOPs Answer the number of objects that the garbage collector cannot move around in memory. numFreeOTEs Answer the number of entries that are currently free in the object table. numGlobalGCs Answer the number of global garbage collections (collection of the entire heap) that happened since the VM was started. numGrowths Answer the number of times that oldspace was grown since the VM was started. numOTEs Answer the number of entries that are currently allocated for the object table. numOldOOPs Answer the number of objects that reside in the old generation. numScavenges Answer the number of scavenges (fast collections of the young generation) that happened since the VM was started. numWeakOOPs Answer the number of weak objects that the garbage collector is currently tracking. oldSpaceSize Answer the number of bytes in the old generation. oldSpaceUsedBytes Answer the number of bytes that are currently filled in the old generation. reclaimedBytesPerGlobalGC Answer the average number of bytes that are found to be garbage during a global garbage collections. reclaimedBytesPerScavenge Answer the average number of bytes that are found to be garbage during a scavenge. reclaimedPercentPerScavenge Answer the average percentage of allocated bytes that are found to be garbage during a scavenge. If this number falls below 60-70 you should definitely increment the size of the eden, because you risk that scavenging is eating a considerable fraction of your execution time; do the measurement on a restarted image, so that the extra tenuring incurred when creating long-lived objects such as classes or methods is not considered. survSpaceSize Answer the number of bytes in the 'survivor' area of the young generation (the area to which young objects are relocated during scavenges). survSpaceUsedBytes Answer the number of bytes that are currently filled in the 'survivor' area of the young generation. tenuredBytesPerScavenge Answer the average number of bytes that are promoted to oldspace during a scavenge. timeBetweenGlobalGCs Answer the average number of milliseconds between two global garbage collections. timeBetweenGrowths Answer the average number of milliseconds between decisions to grow the heap. timeBetweenScavenges Answer the average number of milliseconds between two scavenges (fast collections of the young generation). timeToCollect Answer the average number of milliseconds that a global garbage collection takes. timeToCompact Answer the average number of milliseconds that compacting the heap takes. This the same time that is taken by growing the heap. timeToScavenge Answer the average number of milliseconds that a scavenge takes (fast collections of the young generation). 1.125.6 ObjectMemory: builtins ------------------------------ update Update the values in the object to the current state of the VM. 1.125.7 ObjectMemory: derived information ----------------------------------------- scavengesBeforeTenuring Answer the number of scavenges that an object must on average survive before being promoted to oldspace; this is however only an estimate because objects that are reachable from oldspace have a higher probability to be tenured soon, while objects that are only reachable from thisContext have a lower probability to be tenured. Anyway, if this number falls below 2-3 you should definitely increment the size of eden and/or of survivor space, because you are tenuring too often and relying too much on global garbage collection to keep your heap clean; do the measurement on a restarted image, so that the extra tenuring incurred when creating long-lived objects such as classes or methods is not considered. 1.126 OrderedCollection ======================= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: SequenceableCollection Category: Collections-Sequenceable My instances represent ordered collections of arbitrary typed objects which are not directly accessible by an index. They can be accessed indirectly through an index, and can be manipulated by adding to the end or based on content (such as add:after:) 1.126.1 OrderedCollection class: instance creation -------------------------------------------------- new Answer an OrderedCollection of default size new: anInteger Answer an OrderedCollection of size anInteger 1.126.2 OrderedCollection: accessing ------------------------------------ at: anIndex Answer the anIndex-th item of the receiver at: anIndex put: anObject Store anObject at the anIndex-th item of the receiver, answer anObject first Answer the first item of the receiver last Answer the last item of the receiver size Return the number of objects in the receiver 1.126.3 OrderedCollection: adding --------------------------------- add: anObject Add anObject in the receiver, answer it add: newObject after: oldObject Add newObject in the receiver just after oldObject, answer it. Fail if oldObject can't be found add: newObject afterIndex: i Add newObject in the receiver just after the i-th, answer it. Fail if i < 0 or i > self size add: newObject before: oldObject Add newObject in the receiver just before oldObject, answer it. Fail if oldObject can't be found add: newObject beforeIndex: i Add newObject in the receiver just before the i-th, answer it. Fail if i < 1 or i > self size + 1 addAll: aCollection Add every item of aCollection to the receiver, answer it addAll: newCollection after: oldObject Add every item of newCollection to the receiver just after oldObject, answer it. Fail if oldObject is not found addAll: newCollection afterIndex: i Add every item of newCollection to the receiver just after the i-th, answer it. Fail if i < 0 or i > self size addAll: newCollection before: oldObject Add every item of newCollection to the receiver just before oldObject, answer it. Fail if oldObject is not found addAll: newCollection beforeIndex: i Add every item of newCollection to the receiver just before the i-th, answer it. Fail if i < 1 or i > self size + 1 addAllFirst: aCollection Add every item of newCollection to the receiver right at the start of the receiver. Answer aCollection addAllLast: aCollection Add every item of newCollection to the receiver right at the end of the receiver. Answer aCollection addFirst: newObject Add newObject to the receiver right at the start of the receiver. Answer newObject addLast: newObject Add newObject to the receiver right at the end of the receiver. Answer newObject 1.126.4 OrderedCollection: built ins ------------------------------------ primReplaceFrom: start to: stop with: byteArray startingAt: replaceStart Replace the characters from start to stop with new characters whose ASCII codes are contained in byteArray, starting at the replaceStart location of byteArray 1.126.5 OrderedCollection: enumerating -------------------------------------- do: aBlock Evaluate aBlock for all the elements in the collection 1.126.6 OrderedCollection: removing ----------------------------------- identityRemove: oldObject Remove oldObject from the receiver. If absent, fail, else answer oldObject. identityRemove: anObject ifAbsent: aBlock Remove anObject from the receiver. If it can't be found, answer the result of evaluating aBlock remove: anObject ifAbsent: aBlock Remove anObject from the receiver. If it can't be found, answer the result of evaluating aBlock removeAtIndex: anIndex Remove the object at index anIndex from the receiver. Fail if the index is out of bounds. removeFirst Remove an object from the start of the receiver. Fail if the receiver is empty removeLast Remove an object from the end of the receiver. Fail if the receiver is empty 1.127 Package ============= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Kernel.PackageInfo Category: Language-Packaging I am not part of a standard Smalltalk system. I store internally the information on a Smalltalk package, and can output my description in XML. 1.127.1 Package class: accessing -------------------------------- tags Not commented. 1.127.2 Package class: instance creation ---------------------------------------- parse: file Answer a package from the XML description in file. 1.127.3 Package: accessing -------------------------- addBuiltFile: aString Not commented. addCallout: aString Not commented. addFeature: aString Not commented. addFile: aString Not commented. addFileIn: aString Not commented. addLibrary: aString Not commented. addModule: aString Not commented. addPrerequisite: aString Not commented. addSunitScript: aString Not commented. baseDirectories Answer 'baseDirectories'. baseDirectories: aCollection Check if it's possible to resolve the names in the package according to the base directories in baseDirectories, which depend on where the packages.xml is found: the three possible places are 1) the system kernel directory's parent directory, 2) the local kernel directory's parent directory, 3) the local image directory (in order of decreasing priority). For a packages.xml found in the system kernel directory's parent directory, all three directories are searched. For a packages.xml found in the local kernel directory's parent directory, only directories 2 and 3 are searched. For a packages.xml directory in the local image directory, instead, only directory 3 is searched. builtFiles Answer a (modifiable) OrderedCollection of files that are part of the package but are not distributed. callouts Answer a (modifiable) Set of call-outs that are required to load the package. Their presence is checked after the libraries and modules are loaded so that you can do a kind of versioning. directory Answer the base directory from which to load the package. features Answer a (modifiable) Set of features provided by the package. fileIns Answer a (modifiable) OrderedCollections of files that are to be filed-in to load the package. This is usually a subset of 'files' and 'builtFiles'. files Answer a (modifiable) OrderedCollection of files that are part of the package. fullPathOf: fileName Try appending 'self directory' and fileName to each of the directory in baseDirectories, and return the path to the first tried filename that exists. Raise a PackageNotAvailable exception if no directory is found that contains the file. libraries Answer a (modifiable) Set of shared library names that are required to load the package. modules Answer a (modifiable) Set of modules that are required to load the package. namespace Answer the namespace in which the package is loaded. namespace: aString Set to aString the namespace in which the package is loaded. prerequisites Answer a (modifiable) Set of prerequisites. primFileIn Private - File in the given package without paying attention at dependencies and C callout availability relativeDirectory Answer the directory, relative to the packages file, from which to load the package. relativeDirectory: dir Set the directory, relative to the packages file, from which to load the package, to dir. startScript Answer the start script for the package. startScript: aString Set the start script for the package to aString. stopScript Answer the start script for the package. stopScript: aString Set the stop script for the package to aString. sunitScripts Answer a (modifiable) OrderedCollection of SUnit scripts that compose the package's test suite. test Answer the test sub-package. test: aPackage Set the test sub-package to be aPackage. url Answer the URL at which the package repository can be found. url: aString Set to aString the URL at which the package repository can be found. version Not commented. version: aVersion Not commented. 1.127.4 Package: still unclassified ----------------------------------- checkTagIfInPath: aString Not commented. dir: file tag: aDictionary Not commented. isInPath Not commented. parseAttributes: aString Not commented. path Not commented. path: aString Not commented. 1.127.5 Package: version parsing -------------------------------- parseVersion: aString Not commented. 1.128 PackageLoader =================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Language-Packaging I am not part of a standard Smalltalk system. I provide methods for retrieving package information from an XML file and to load packages into a Smalltalk image, correctly handling dependencies. 1.128.1 PackageLoader class: accessing -------------------------------------- builtFilesFor: package Answer a Set of Strings containing the filenames of the given package's machine-generated files (relative to the directory answered by #directoryFor:) calloutsFor: package Answer a Set of Strings containing the filenames of the given package's required callouts (relative to the directory answered by #directoryFor:) directoryFor: package Answer a Directory object to the given package's files featuresFor: package Answer a Set of Strings containing the features provided by the given package. fileInsFor: package Answer a Set of Strings containing the filenames of the given package's file-ins (relative to the directory answered by #directoryFor:) filesFor: package Answer a Set of Strings containing the filenames of the given package's files (relative to the directory answered by #directoryFor:) flush Set to reload the 'packages.xml' file the next time it is needed. ignoreCallouts Answer whether unavailable C callouts must generate errors or not. ignoreCallouts: aBoolean Set whether unavailable C callouts must generate errors or not. librariesFor: package Answer a Set of Strings containing the filenames of the given package's libraries (relative to the directory answered by #directoryFor:) modulesFor: package Answer a Set of Strings containing the filenames of the given package's modules (relative to the directory answered by #directoryFor:) packageAt: package Answer a Package object for the given package packageAt: package ifAbsent: aBlock Answer a Package object for the given package prerequisitesFor: package Answer a Set of Strings containing the prerequisites for the given package refresh Reload the 'packages.xml' file in the image and kernel directories. The three possible places are 1) the kernel directory's parent directory, 2) the '.st' subdirectory of the user's home directory, 3) the local image directory (in order of decreasing priority). For a packages.xml found in the kernel directory's parent directory, all three directories are searched. For a packages.xml found in the '.st' subdirectory, only directories 2 and 3 are searched. For a packages.xml directory in the local image directory, finally, only directory 3 is searched. sunitScriptFor: package Answer a Strings containing a SUnit script that describes the package's test suite. 1.128.2 PackageLoader class: loading ------------------------------------ fileInPackage: package File in the given package into GNU Smalltalk. fileInPackages: packagesList File in all the packages in packagesList into GNU Smalltalk. 1.128.3 PackageLoader class: testing ------------------------------------ canLoad: package Answer whether all the needed pre-requisites for package are available. 1.129 Permission ================ Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Language-Security I am the basic class that represents whether operations that could harm the system's security are allowed or denied. 1.129.1 Permission class: testing --------------------------------- allowing: aSymbol target: aTarget action: action Not commented. allowing: aSymbol target: aTarget actions: actionsArray Not commented. denying: aSymbol target: aTarget action: action Not commented. denying: aSymbol target: aTarget actions: actionsArray Not commented. granting: aSymbol target: aTarget action: action Not commented. granting: aSymbol target: aTarget actions: actionsArray Not commented. name: aSymbol target: aTarget action: action Not commented. name: aSymbol target: aTarget actions: actionsArray Not commented. 1.129.2 Permission: accessing ----------------------------- action: anObject Not commented. actions Answer 'actions'. actions: anObject Not commented. allow Not commented. allowing Not commented. deny Not commented. denying Not commented. isAllowing Answer 'positive'. name Answer 'name'. name: anObject Not commented. target Answer 'target'. target: anObject Not commented. 1.129.3 Permission: testing --------------------------- check: aPermission for: anObject Not commented. implies: aPermission Not commented. 1.130 PluggableAdaptor ====================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: ValueAdaptor Category: Language-Data types I mediate between complex get/set behavior and the #value/#value: protocol used by ValueAdaptors. The get/set behavior can be implemented by two blocks, or can be delegated to another object with messages such as #someProperty to get and #someProperty: to set. 1.130.1 PluggableAdaptor class: creating instances -------------------------------------------------- getBlock: getBlock putBlock: putBlock Answer a PluggableAdaptor using the given blocks to implement #value and #value: on: anObject aspect: aSymbol Answer a PluggableAdaptor using anObject's aSymbol message to implement #value, and anObject's aSymbol: message (aSymbol followed by a colon) to implement #value: on: anObject getSelector: getSelector putSelector: putSelector Answer a PluggableAdaptor using anObject's getSelector message to implement #value, and anObject's putSelector message to implement #value: on: anObject index: anIndex Answer a PluggableAdaptor using anObject's #at: and #at:put: message to implement #value and #value:; the first parameter of #at: and #at:put: is anIndex on: aDictionary key: aKey Same as #on:index:. Provided for clarity and completeness. 1.130.2 PluggableAdaptor: accessing ----------------------------------- value Get the value of the receiver. value: anObject Set the value of the receiver. 1.131 PluggableProxy ==================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: AlternativeObjectProxy Category: Streams-Files I am a proxy that stores a different object and, upon load, sends #reconstructOriginalObject to that object (which can be a DirectedMessage, in which case the message is sent). The object to be stored is retrieved by sending #binaryRepresentationObject to the object. 1.131.1 PluggableProxy class: accessing --------------------------------------- on: anObject Answer a proxy to be used to save anObject. The proxy stores a different object obtained by sending to anObject the #binaryRepresentationObject message (embedded between #preStore and #postStore as usual). 1.131.2 PluggableProxy: saving and restoring -------------------------------------------- object Reconstruct the object stored in the proxy and answer it; the binaryRepresentationObject is sent the #reconstructOriginalObject message, and the resulting object is sent the #postLoad message. 1.132 Point =========== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Language-Data types Beginning of a Point class for simple display manipulation. Has not been exhaustively tested but appears to work for the basic primitives and for the needs of the Rectangle class. 1.132.1 Point class: instance creation -------------------------------------- new Create a new point with both coordinates set to 0 x: xInteger y: yInteger Create a new point with the given coordinates 1.132.2 Point: accessing ------------------------ x Answer the x coordinate x: aNumber Set the x coordinate to aNumber x: anXNumber y: aYNumber Set the x and y coordinate to anXNumber and aYNumber, respectively y Answer the y coordinate y: aNumber Set the y coordinate to aNumber 1.132.3 Point: arithmetic ------------------------- * scale Multiply the receiver by scale, which can be a Number or a Point + delta Sum the receiver and delta, which can be a Number or a Point - delta Subtract delta, which can be a Number or a Point, from the receiver / scale Divide the receiver by scale, which can be a Number or a Point, with no loss of precision // scale Divide the receiver by scale, which can be a Number or a Point, with truncation towards -infinity abs Answer a new point whose coordinates are the absolute values of the receiver's 1.132.4 Point: comparing ------------------------ < aPoint Answer whether the receiver is higher and to the left of aPoint <= aPoint Answer whether aPoint is equal to the receiver, or the receiver is higher and to the left of aPoint = aPoint Answer whether the receiver is equal to aPoint > aPoint Answer whether the receiver is lower and to the right of aPoint >= aPoint Answer whether aPoint is equal to the receiver, or the receiver is lower and to the right of aPoint max: aPoint Answer self if it is lower and to the right of aPoint, aPoint otherwise min: aPoint Answer self if it is higher and to the left of aPoint, aPoint otherwise 1.132.5 Point: converting ------------------------- asPoint Answer the receiver. asRectangle Answer an empty rectangle whose origin is self corner: aPoint Answer a Rectangle whose origin is the receiver and whose corner is aPoint extent: aPoint Answer a Rectangle whose origin is the receiver and whose extent is aPoint hash Answer an hash value for the receiver 1.132.6 Point: point functions ------------------------------ arcTan Answer the angle (measured counterclockwise) between the receiver and a ray starting in (0, 0) and moving towards (1, 0) - i.e. 3 o'clock dist: aPoint Answer the distance between the receiver and aPoint dotProduct: aPoint Answer the dot product between the receiver and aPoint grid: aPoint Answer a new point whose coordinates are rounded towards the nearest multiple of aPoint normal Rotate the Point 90degrees clockwise and get the unit vector transpose Answer a new point whose coordinates are the receiver's coordinates exchanged (x becomes y, y becomes x) truncatedGrid: aPoint Answer a new point whose coordinates are rounded towards -infinity, to a multiple of grid (which must be a Point) 1.132.7 Point: printing ----------------------- printOn: aStream Print a representation for the receiver on aStream 1.132.8 Point: storing ---------------------- storeOn: aStream Print Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver on aStream 1.132.9 Point: truncation and round off --------------------------------------- rounded Answer a new point whose coordinates are rounded to the nearest integer truncateTo: grid Answer a new point whose coordinates are rounded towards -infinity, to a multiple of grid (which must be a Number) 1.133 PositionableStream ======================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Stream Category: Streams-Collections My instances represent streams where explicit positioning is permitted. Thus, my streams act in a manner to normal disk files: you can read or write sequentially, but also position the file to a particular place whenever you choose. Generally, you'll want to use ReadStream, WriteStream or ReadWriteStream instead of me to create and use streams. 1.133.1 PositionableStream class: instance creation --------------------------------------------------- on: aCollection Answer an instance of the receiver streaming on the whole contents of aCollection on: aCollection from: firstIndex to: lastIndex Answer an instance of the receiver streaming from the firstIndex-th item of aCollection to the lastIndex-th 1.133.2 PositionableStream: accessing-reading --------------------------------------------- close Disassociate a stream from its backing store. contents Returns a collection of the same type that the stream accesses, up to and including the final element. copyFrom: start to: end Answer the data on which the receiver is streaming, from the start-th item to the end-th. Note that this method is 0-based, unlike the one in Collection, because a Stream's #position method returns 0-based values. next Answer the next item of the receiver. Returns nil when at end of stream. nextAvailable: anInteger into: aCollection startingAt: pos Place up to anInteger objects from the receiver into aCollection, starting from position pos in the collection and stopping if no more data is available. nextAvailable: anInteger putAllOn: aStream Copy up to anInteger objects from the receiver into aStream, stopping if no more data is available. peek Returns the next element of the stream without moving the pointer. Returns nil when at end of stream. peekFor: anObject Returns true and gobbles the next element from the stream of it is equal to anObject, returns false and doesn't gobble the next element if the next element is not equal to anObject. readStream Answer a ReadStream on the same contents as the receiver reverseContents Returns a collection of the same type that the stream accesses, up to and including the final element, but in reverse order. upTo: anObject Returns a collection of the same type that the stream accesses, up to but not including the object anObject. Returns the entire rest of the stream's contents if anObject is not present. upToEnd Returns a collection of the same type that the stream accesses, containing the entire rest of the stream's contents. 1.133.3 PositionableStream: class type methods ---------------------------------------------- isExternalStream We stream on a collection residing in the image, so answer false species Return the type of the collections returned by #upTo: etc., which are the same kind as those returned by the collection with methods such as #select:. 1.133.4 PositionableStream: compiling ------------------------------------- name Answer a string that represents what the receiver is streaming on segmentFrom: startPos to: endPos Answer an object that, when sent #asString, will yield the result of sending 'copyFrom: startPos to: endPos' to the receiver 1.133.5 PositionableStream: positioning --------------------------------------- basicPosition: anInteger Move the stream pointer to the anInteger-th object isPositionable Answer true if the stream supports moving backwards with #skip:. position Answer the current value of the stream pointer position: anInteger Move the stream pointer to the anInteger-th object reset Move the stream back to its first element. For write-only streams, the stream is truncated there. setToEnd Move the current position to the end of the stream. size Answer the size of data on which we are streaming. skip: anInteger Move the current position by anInteger places, either forwards or backwards. 1.133.6 PositionableStream: still unclassified ---------------------------------------------- nextPutAllOn: aStream Write all the objects in the receiver to aStream. 1.133.7 PositionableStream: testing ----------------------------------- atEnd Answer whether the objects in the stream have reached an end basicAtEnd Answer whether the objects in the stream have reached an end. This method must NOT be overridden. isEmpty Answer whether the stream has no objects 1.133.8 PositionableStream: truncating -------------------------------------- truncate Truncate the receiver to the current position - only valid for writing streams 1.134 Process ============= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Link Category: Language-Processes I represent a unit of computation. My instances are independantly executable blocks that have a priority associated with them, and they can suspend themselves and resume themselves however they wish. 1.134.1 Process: accessing -------------------------- externalInterruptsEnabled Answer whether the receiver is executed with interrupts enabled name Answer the user-friendly name of the process. name: aString Give the name aString to the process priority Answer the receiver's priority priority: anInteger Change the receiver's priority to anInteger queueInterrupt: aBlock Force the receiver to be interrupted and to evaluate aBlock as soon as it becomes the active process (this could mean NOW if the receiver is active). If the process is temporarily suspended or waiting on a semaphore, it is temporarily woken up so that the interrupt is processed as soon as the process priority allows to do. Answer the receiver. suspendedContext Answer the context that the process was executing at the time it was suspended. suspendedContext: aContext Modify the context that the process was executing at the time it was suspended. valueWithoutInterrupts: aBlock Evaluate aBlock and delay all interrupts that are requested during its execution to after aBlock returns. 1.134.2 Process: basic ---------------------- context Return the execution context of the receiver. debugger Return the object in charge of debugging the receiver. This always returns nil unless the DebugTools package is loaded. finalize Terminate processes that are GCed while waiting on a dead semaphore. lowerPriority Lower a bit the priority of the receiver. A #lowerPriority will cancel a previous #raisePriority, and vice versa. makeUntrusted: aBoolean Set whether the receiver is trusted or not. primTerminate Terminate the receiver - This is nothing more than prohibiting to resume the process, then suspending it. raisePriority Raise a bit the priority of the receiver. A #lowerPriority will cancel a previous #raisePriority, and vice versa. singleStep Execute a limited amount of code (usually a bytecode, or up to the next backward jump, or up to the next message send) of the receiver, which must in a ready-to-run state (neither executing nor terminating nor suspended), then restart running the current process. The current process should have higher priority than the receiver. For better performance, use the underlying primitive, Process>>#singleStepWaitingOn:. terminate Terminate the receiver after having evaluated all the #ensure: and #ifCurtailed: blocks that are active in it. This is done by signalling a ProcessBeingTerminated notification. terminateOnQuit Mark the receiver so that it is terminated when ObjectMemory class>>#quit: is sent. 1.134.3 Process: builtins ------------------------- resume Resume the receiver's execution singleStepWaitingOn: aSemaphore Execute a limited amount of code (usually a bytecode, or up to the next backward jump, or up to the next message send) of the receiver, which must in a ready-to-run state (neither executing nor terminating nor suspended), then restart running the current process. aSemaphore is used as a means to synchronize the execution of the current process and the receiver and should have no signals on it. The current process should have higher priority than the receiver. suspend Do nothing if we're already suspended. Note that the blue book made suspend a primitive - but the real primitive is yielding control to another process. Suspending is nothing more than taking ourselves out of every scheduling list and THEN yielding control to another process yield Yield control from the receiver to other processes 1.134.4 Process: debugging -------------------------- detach Do nothing, instances of Process are already detached. 1.134.5 Process: printing ------------------------- printOn: aStream Print a representation of the receiver on aStream 1.135 ProcessEnvironment ======================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Language-Processes I represent a proxy for thread-local variables defined for Smalltalk processes. Associations requested to me retrieve the thread-local value for the current process. For now, I don't provide the full protocol of a Dictionary; in particular the iteration protocol is absent. 1.135.1 ProcessEnvironment class: disabled ------------------------------------------ new This method should not be called for instances of this class. 1.135.2 ProcessEnvironment class: singleton ------------------------------------------- uniqueInstance Return the singleton instance of ProcessEnvironment. 1.135.3 ProcessEnvironment: accessing ------------------------------------- add: newObject Add the newObject association to the receiver associationAt: key Answer the value associated to the given key, or the result of evaluating aBlock if the key is not found associationAt: key ifAbsent: aBlock Answer the value associated to the given key, or the result of evaluating aBlock if the key is not found at: key Answer the value associated to the given key. Return nil if the key is not found at: key ifAbsent: aBlock Answer the value associated to the given key, or the result of evaluating aBlock if the key is not found at: key ifAbsentPut: aBlock Answer the value associated to the given key, setting it to the result of evaluating aBlock if the key is not found. at: key ifPresent: aBlock Answer the value associated to the given key, or the result of evaluating aBlock if the key is not found at: key put: value Store value as associated to the given key keys Answer a kind of Set containing the keys of the receiver 1.135.4 ProcessEnvironment: dictionary removing ----------------------------------------------- remove: anAssociation Remove anAssociation's key from the dictionary remove: anAssociation ifAbsent: aBlock Remove anAssociation's key from the dictionary removeAllKeys: keys Remove all the keys in keys, without raising any errors removeAllKeys: keys ifAbsent: aBlock Remove all the keys in keys, passing the missing keys as parameters to aBlock as they're encountered removeKey: aSymbol Remove the aSymbol key from the dictionary removeKey: aSymbol ifAbsent: aBlock Remove the aSymbol key from the dictionary 1.135.5 ProcessEnvironment: dictionary testing ---------------------------------------------- includesKey: key Answer whether the receiver contains the given key 1.136 ProcessorScheduler ======================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Language-Processes I provide methods that control the execution of processes. 1.136.1 ProcessorScheduler class: instance creation --------------------------------------------------- new Error--new instances of ProcessorScheduler should not be created. 1.136.2 ProcessorScheduler: basic --------------------------------- activeDebugger Answer the active process' debugger activePriority Answer the active process' priority activeProcess Answer the active process processEnvironment Answer another singleton object hosting thread-local variables for the Smalltalk processes. This acts like a normal Dictionary with a couple of differences: a) using #associationAt: will return special associations that retrieve a thread-local value; b) requesting missing keys will return nil, and removing them will be a nop. processesAt: aPriority Answer a linked list of processes at the given priority terminateActive Terminate the active process timeSlice Answer the timeslice that is assigned to each Process before it is automatically preempted by the system (in milliseconds). An answer of zero means that preemptive multitasking is disabled. Note that the system by default is compiled without preemptive multitasking, and that even if it is enabled it will work only under BSD derivatives (or, in general, systems that support ITIMER_VIRTUAL). timeSlice: milliSeconds Set the timeslice that is assigned to each Process before it is automatically preempted by the system. Setting this to zero disables preemptive multitasking. Note that the system by default is compiled with preemptive multitasking disabled, and that even if it is enabled it will surely work only under BSD derivatives (or, in general, systems that support ITIMER_VIRTUAL). yield Let the active process yield control to other processes 1.136.3 ProcessorScheduler: built ins ------------------------------------- disableInterrupts Disable interrupts caused by external events while the current process is executing. Note that interrupts are disabled on a per-process basis, and that calling #disableInterrupts twice requires calling #enableInterrupts twice as well to re-enable interrupts. enableInterrupts Re-enable interrupts caused by external events while the current process is executing. By default, interrupts are enabled. 1.136.4 ProcessorScheduler: idle tasks -------------------------------------- idle Private - Call the next idle task. Return whether GNU Smalltalk should pause until the next OS signal. idleAdd: aBlock Register aBlock to be executed when things are idle initialize Private - Start the finalization process. pause: aBoolean Private - Pause for some time if aBoolean is false, or until a signal if it is true. startFinalizers Private - Fire a low-priority process to finalize the objects update: aSymbol If we left some work behind when the image was saved, do it now. 1.136.5 ProcessorScheduler: printing ------------------------------------ printOn: aStream Store onto aStream a printed representation of the receiver 1.136.6 ProcessorScheduler: priorities -------------------------------------- highIOPriority Answer the priority for system high-priority I/O processes, such as a process handling input from a network. highestPriority Answer the highest valid priority idlePriority Answer the priority of idle processes. lowIOPriority Answer the priority for system low-priority I/O processes. Examples are the process handling input from the user (keyboard, pointing device, etc.) and the process distributing input from a network. lowestPriority Answer the lowest valid priority priorityName: priority Private - Answer a name for the given process priority systemBackgroundPriority Answer the priority for system background-priority processes. An incremental garbage collector could run at this level but now it runs at idlePriority instead. timingPriority Answer the priority for system real-time processes. unpreemptedPriority Answer the highest priority avilable in the system; never create a process with this priority, instead use BlockClosure>>#valueWithoutPreemption. userBackgroundPriority Answer the priority for user background-priority processes userInterruptPriority Answer the priority for user interrupt-priority processes. Processes run at this level will preempt the window scheduler and should, therefore, not consume the processor forever. userSchedulingPriority Answer the priority for user standard-priority processes 1.136.7 ProcessorScheduler: storing ----------------------------------- storeOn: aStream Store onto aStream a Smalltalk expression which evaluates to the receiver 1.136.8 ProcessorScheduler: timed invocation -------------------------------------------- isTimeoutProgrammed Private - Answer whether there is a pending call to #signal:atMilliseconds: signal: aSemaphore atNanosecondClockValue: ns Private - signal 'aSemaphore' when the nanosecond clock reaches 'ns' nanoseconds. signal: aSemaphore onInterrupt: anIntegerSignalNumber Signal 'aSemaphore' when the given C signal occurs. 1.137 ProcessVariable ===================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: LookupKey Category: Language-Processes I represent a proxy for a thread-local variable defined for a process. Requesting the value will return the thread-local setting for the current process. 1.137.1 ProcessVariable class: accessing ---------------------------------------- key: anObject Return a new ProcessVariable with the given key. Not that the key need not be a symbol or string, for example you could use an array #(#{class name} 'name'). Setting the variable's value will automatically create it in the current process, while removal must be done by hand through the ProcessEnvironment singleton object. new Return a new ProcessVariable with a new anonymous but unique key. It is suggested to use a descriptive name instead to ease debugging. Setting the variable's value will automatically create it in the current process, while removal must be done by hand through the ProcessEnvironment singleton object. 1.137.2 ProcessVariable: accessing ---------------------------------- environment Return the environment in which this ProcessVariable lives. This is the singleton instance of ProcessEnvironment for all variables. use: anObject during: aBlock Set the value of this variable to anObject during the execution of aBlock, then restore it. value Return the value of this variable in the current process. value: anObject Set the value of the current process's copy of the variable to be anObject. valueIfAbsent: aBlock Return the value of this variable in the current process. 1.138 Promise ============= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: ValueHolder Category: Language-Data types I store my value in a variable, and know whether I have been initialized or not. If you ask for my value and I have not been initialized, I suspend the process until a value has been assigned. 1.138.1 Promise class: creating instances ----------------------------------------- for: aBlock Invoke aBlock at an indeterminate time in an indeterminate process before answering its value from #value sent to my result. null This method should not be called for instances of this class. 1.138.2 Promise: accessing -------------------------- hasError Answer whether calling #value will raise an exception. hasValue Answer whether we already have a value (or calling #value will raise an error). value Get the value of the receiver. value: anObject Set the value of the receiver. 1.138.3 Promise: initializing ----------------------------- initialize Private - set the initial state of the receiver 1.138.4 Promise: printing ------------------------- printOn: aStream Print a representation of the receiver 1.138.5 Promise: still unclassified ----------------------------------- errorValue: anException Private - Raise anException whenever #value is called. 1.139 Random ============ Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Stream Category: Streams My instances are generator streams that produce random numbers, which are floating point values between 0 and 1. 1.139.1 Random class: instance creation --------------------------------------- new Create a new random number generator whose seed is given by the current time on the millisecond clock seed: aFloat Create a new random number generator whose seed is aFloat 1.139.2 Random class: shortcuts ------------------------------- between: low and: high Return a random integer between the given extrema next Return a random number between 0 and 1 (excluded) source Return a standard source of random numbers. 1.139.3 Random: basic --------------------- atEnd This stream never ends. Always answer false. between: low and: high Return a random integer between low and high. next Return the next random number in the sequence. nextPut: value This method should not be called for instances of this class. 1.139.4 Random: testing ----------------------- chiSquare Compute the chi-square of the random that this class generates. chiSquare: n range: r Return the chi-square deduced from calculating n random numbers in the 0..r range. 1.140 ReadStream ================ Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: PositionableStream Category: Streams-Collections I implement the set of read-only stream objects. You may read from my objects, but you may not write to them. 1.140.1 ReadStream class: instance creation ------------------------------------------- on: aCollection Answer a new stream working on aCollection from its start. on: aCollection from: firstIndex to: lastIndex Answer an instance of the receiver streaming from the firstIndex-th item of aCollection to the lastIndex-th 1.141 ReadWriteStream ===================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: WriteStream Category: Streams-Collections I am the class of streams that may be read and written from simultaneously. In some sense, I am the best of both ReadStream and WriteStream. 1.141.1 ReadWriteStream class: instance creation ------------------------------------------------ on: aCollection Answer a new stream working on aCollection from its start. The stream starts at the front of aCollection. on: aCollection from: firstIndex to: lastIndex Answer an instance of the receiver streaming from the firstIndex-th item of aCollection to the lastIndex-th with: aCollection Answer a new instance of the receiver which streams from the end of aCollection. 1.141.2 ReadWriteStream: positioning ------------------------------------ contents Unlike WriteStreams, ReadWriteStreams return the whole contents of the underlying collection. 1.142 Rectangle =============== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Language-Data types Beginning of the Rectangle class for simple display manipulation. Rectangles require the Point class to be available. An extension to the Point class is made here that since it requires Rectangles to be defined (see converting) 1.142.1 Rectangle class: instance creation ------------------------------------------ left: leftNumber right: rightNumber top: topNumber bottom: bottomNumber Answer a rectangle with the given coordinates left: leftNumber top: topNumber right: rightNumber bottom: bottomNumber Answer a rectangle with the given coordinates new Answer the (0 @ 0 corner: 0 @ 0) rectangle origin: originPoint corner: cornerPoint Answer a rectangle with the given corners origin: originPoint extent: extentPoint Answer a rectangle with the given origin and size 1.142.2 Rectangle: accessing ---------------------------- bottom Answer the corner's y of the receiver bottom: aNumber Set the corner's y of the receiver bottomCenter Answer the center of the receiver's bottom side bottomLeft Answer the bottom-left corner of the receiver bottomLeft: aPoint Answer the receiver with the bottom-left changed to aPoint bottomRight Answer the bottom-right corner of the receiver bottomRight: aPoint Change the bottom-right corner of the receiver center Answer the center of the receiver corner Answer the corner of the receiver corner: aPoint Set the corner of the receiver extent Answer the extent of the receiver extent: aPoint Change the size of the receiver, keeping the origin the same height Answer the height of the receiver height: aNumber Set the height of the receiver left Answer the x of the left edge of the receiver left: aValue Set the x of the left edge of the receiver left: l top: t right: r bottom: b Change all four the coordinates of the receiver's corners leftCenter Answer the center of the receiver's left side origin Answer the top-left corner of the receiver origin: aPoint Change the top-left corner of the receiver to aPoint origin: pnt1 corner: pnt2 Change both the origin (top-left corner) and the corner (bottom-right corner) of the receiver origin: pnt1 extent: pnt2 Change the top-left corner and the size of the receiver right Answer the x of the bottom-right corner of the receiver right: aNumber Change the x of the bottom-right corner of the receiver rightCenter Answer the center of the receiver's right side top Answer the y of the receiver's top-left corner top: aValue Change the y of the receiver's top-left corner topCenter Answer the center of the receiver's top side topLeft Answer the receiver's top-left corner topLeft: aPoint Change the receiver's top-left corner's coordinates to aPoint topRight Answer the receiver's top-right corner topRight: aPoint Change the receiver's top-right corner to aPoint width Answer the receiver's width width: aNumber Change the receiver's width to aNumber 1.142.3 Rectangle: copying -------------------------- copy Return a deep copy of the receiver for safety. 1.142.4 Rectangle: printing --------------------------- printOn: aStream Print a representation of the receiver on aStream storeOn: aStream Store Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver on aStream 1.142.5 Rectangle: rectangle functions -------------------------------------- amountToTranslateWithin: aRectangle Answer a Point so that if aRectangle is translated by that point, its origin lies within the receiver's. area Answer the receiver's area. The area is the width times the height, so it is possible for it to be negative if the rectangle is not normalized. areasOutside: aRectangle Answer a collection of rectangles containing the parts of the receiver outside of aRectangle. For all points in the receiver, but outside aRectangle, exactly one rectangle in the collection will contain that point. expandBy: delta Answer a new rectangle that is the receiver expanded by aValue: if aValue is a rectangle, calculate origin=origin-aValue origin, corner=corner+aValue corner; else calculate origin=origin-aValue, corner=corner+aValue. insetBy: delta Answer a new rectangle that is the receiver inset by aValue: if aValue is a rectangle, calculate origin=origin+aValue origin, corner=corner-aValue corner; else calculate origin=origin+aValue, corner=corner-aValue. insetOriginBy: originDelta corner: cornerDelta Answer a new rectangle that is the receiver inset so that origin=origin+originDelta, corner=corner-cornerDelta. The deltas can be points or numbers intersect: aRectangle Answers the rectangle (if any) created by the overlap of rectangles A and B. Answers nil if the rectangles do not overlap merge: aRectangle Answer a new rectangle which is the smallest rectangle containing both the receiver and aRectangle. translatedToBeWithin: aRectangle Answer a copy of the receiver that does not extend beyond aRectangle. 1.142.6 Rectangle: testing -------------------------- = aRectangle Answer whether the receiver is equal to aRectangle contains: aRectangle Answer true if the receiver contains (see containsPoint:) both aRectangle's origin and aRectangle's corner containsPoint: aPoint Answer true if aPoint is equal to, or below and to the right of, the receiver's origin; and aPoint is above and to the left of the receiver's corner hash Answer an hash value for the receiver intersects: aRectangle Answer true if the receiver intersect aRectangle, i.e. if it contains (see containsPoint:) any of aRectangle corners or if aRectangle contains the receiver 1.142.7 Rectangle: transforming ------------------------------- moveBy: aPoint Change the receiver so that the origin and corner are shifted by aPoint moveTo: aPoint Change the receiver so that the origin moves to aPoint and the size remains unchanged scaleBy: scale Answer a copy of the receiver in which the origin and corner are multiplied by scale translateBy: factor Answer a copy of the receiver in which the origin and corner are shifted by aPoint 1.142.8 Rectangle: truncation and round off ------------------------------------------- rounded Answer a copy of the receiver with the coordinates rounded to the nearest integers 1.143 RecursionLock =================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Language-Processes 1.143.1 RecursionLock class: instance creation ---------------------------------------------- new Answer a new semaphore 1.143.2 RecursionLock: accessing -------------------------------- isOwnerProcess Answer whether the receiver is the owner of the lock. name Answer a user-defined name for the lock. name: aString Set to aString the user-defined name for the lock. waitingProcesses Answer the set of processes that are waiting on the semaphore. wouldBlock Answer whether sending #wait to the receiver would suspend the active process. 1.143.3 RecursionLock: mutual exclusion --------------------------------------- critical: aBlock Wait for the receiver to be free, execute aBlock and signal the receiver again. Return the result of evaluating aBlock. 1.143.4 RecursionLock: printing ------------------------------- printOn: aStream Print a human-readable represention of the receiver on aStream. 1.144 Regex =========== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Collections-Text A Regex is a read-only string for which the regular expression matcher can cache a compiled representation, thus speeding up matching. Regex objects are constructed automatically by methods that expect to match many times the same regular expression, but can also be constructed explicitly sending #asRegex to a String or Symbol. Creation of Regex objects inside a loop is of course slower than creating them outside the loop, but special care is taken so that the same Regex object is used whenever possible (when converting Strings to Regex, the cache is sought for an equivalent, already constructed Regex). 1.144.1 Regex class: instance creation -------------------------------------- fromString: aString Like 'aString asRegex'. new Do not send this message. 1.144.2 Regex: basic -------------------- at: anIndex put: anObject Fail. Regex objects are read-only. copy Answer the receiver; instances of Regex are identity objects because their only purpose is to ease caching, and we obtain better caching if we avoid copying Regex objects 1.144.3 Regex: conversion ------------------------- asRegex Answer the receiver, which *is* a Regex! asString Answer the receiver, converted back to a String species Answer 'String'. 1.144.4 Regex: printing ----------------------- displayOn: aStream Print a represention of the receiver on aStream. For most objects this is simply its #printOn: representation, but for strings and characters, superfluous dollars or extra pairs of quotes are stripped. displayString Answer a String representing the receiver. For most objects this is simply its #printString, but for strings and characters, superfluous dollars or extra pair of quotes are stripped. printOn: aStream Print a represention of the receiver on aStream. 1.145 RegexResults ================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Collections-Text I hold the results of a regular expression match, and I can reconstruct which parts of the matched string were assigned to each subexpression. Methods such as #=~ return RegexResults objects, while others transform the string directly without passing the results object back to the caller. 1.145.1 RegexResults: accessing ------------------------------- asArray If the regular expression was matched, return an Array with the subexpressions that were present in the regular expression. at: anIndex If the regular expression was matched, return the text of the anIndex-th subexpression in the successful match. from If the regular expression was matched, return the index of the first character in the successful match. fromAt: anIndex If the regular expression was matched, return the index of the first character of the anIndex-th subexpression in the successful match. intervalAt: anIndex If the regular expression was matched, return an Interval for the range of indices in the anIndex-th subexpression of the successful match. match If the regular expression was matched, return the text of the successful match. matchInterval If the regular expression was matched, return an Interval for the range of indices of the successful match. size If the regular expression was matched, return the number of subexpressions that were present in the regular expression. subject If the regular expression was matched, return the text that was matched against it. to If the regular expression was matched, return the index of the last character in the successful match. toAt: anIndex If the regular expression was matched, return the index of the last character of the anIndex-th subexpression in the successful match. 1.145.2 RegexResults: testing ----------------------------- ifMatched: oneArgBlock If the regular expression was matched, pass the receiver to oneArgBlock and return its result. Otherwise, return nil. ifMatched: oneArgBlock ifNotMatched: zeroArgBlock If the regular expression was matched, evaluate oneArgBlock with the receiver as the argument. If it was not, evaluate zeroArgBlock. Answer the result of the block's evaluation. ifNotMatched: zeroArgBlock If the regular expression was matched, return the receiver. If it was not, evaluate zeroArgBlock and return its result. ifNotMatched: zeroArgBlock ifMatched: oneArgBlock If the regular expression was matched, evaluate oneArgBlock with the receiver as the argument. If it was not, evaluate zeroArgBlock. Answer the result of the block's evaluation. matched Answer whether the regular expression was matched 1.146 RootNamespace =================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: AbstractNamespace Category: Language-Implementation I am a special form of dictionary. Classes hold on an instance of me; it is called their 'environment'. 1.146.1 RootNamespace class: instance creation ---------------------------------------------- new: spaceName Create a new root namespace with the given name, and add to Smalltalk a key that references it. 1.146.2 RootNamespace: namespace hierarchy ------------------------------------------ siblings Answer all the other root namespaces siblingsDo: aBlock Evaluate aBlock once for each of the other root namespaces, passing the namespace as a parameter. 1.146.3 RootNamespace: overrides for superspaces ------------------------------------------------ inheritedKeys Answer a Set of all the keys in the receiver and its superspaces set: key to: newValue ifAbsent: aBlock Assign newValue to the variable named as specified by 'key'. This method won't define a new variable; instead if the key is not found it will search in superspaces and evaluate aBlock if it is not found. Answer newValue. 1.146.4 RootNamespace: printing ------------------------------- nameIn: aNamespace Answer Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver when the current namespace is aNamespace printOn: aStream in: aNamespace Print on aStream some Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver when the current namespace is aNamespace storeOn: aStream Store Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver 1.147 RunArray ============== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: OrderedCollection Category: Collections-Sequenceable My instances are OrderedCollections that automatically apply Run Length Encoding compression to the things they store. Be careful when using me: I can provide great space savings, but my instances don't grant linear access time. RunArray's behavior currently is similar to that of OrderedCollection (you can add elements to RunArrays); maybe it should behave like an ArrayedCollection. 1.147.1 RunArray class: instance creation ----------------------------------------- new Answer an empty RunArray new: aSize Answer a RunArray with space for aSize runs 1.147.2 RunArray: accessing --------------------------- at: anIndex Answer the element at index anIndex at: anIndex put: anObject Replace the element at index anIndex with anObject and answer anObject 1.147.3 RunArray: adding ------------------------ add: anObject afterIndex: anIndex Add anObject after the element at index anIndex addAll: aCollection afterIndex: anIndex Add all the elements of aCollection after the one at index anIndex. If aCollection is unordered, its elements could be added in an order which is not the #do: order addAllFirst: aCollection Add all the elements of aCollection at the beginning of the receiver. If aCollection is unordered, its elements could be added in an order which is not the #do: order addAllLast: aCollection Add all the elements of aCollection at the end of the receiver. If aCollection is unordered, its elements could be added in an order which is not the #do: order addFirst: anObject Add anObject at the beginning of the receiver. Watch out: this operation can cause serious performance pitfalls addLast: anObject Add anObject at the end of the receiver 1.147.4 RunArray: basic ----------------------- first Answer the first element in the receiver last Answer the last element of the receiver size Answer the number of elements in the receiver 1.147.5 RunArray: copying ------------------------- deepCopy Answer a copy of the receiver containing copies of the receiver's elements (#copy is used to obtain them) shallowCopy Answer a copy of the receiver. The elements are not copied 1.147.6 RunArray: enumerating ----------------------------- do: aBlock Enumerate all the objects in the receiver, passing each one to aBlock objectsAndRunLengthsDo: aBlock Enumerate all the runs in the receiver, passing to aBlock two parameters for every run: the first is the repeated object, the second is the number of copies 1.147.7 RunArray: removing -------------------------- removeAtIndex: anIndex Remove the object at index anIndex from the receiver and answer the removed object removeFirst Remove the first object from the receiver and answer the removed object removeLast Remove the last object from the receiver and answer the removed object 1.147.8 RunArray: searching --------------------------- indexOf: anObject startingAt: anIndex ifAbsent: aBlock Answer the index of the first copy of anObject in the receiver, starting the search at the element at index anIndex. If no equal object is found, answer the result of evaluating aBlock 1.147.9 RunArray: testing ------------------------- = anObject Answer true if the receiver is equal to anObject hash Answer an hash value for the receiver 1.148 ScaledDecimal =================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Number Category: Language-Data types ScaledDecimal provides a numeric representation of fixed point decimal numbers able to accurately represent decimal fractions. It supports unbounded precision, with no limit to the number of digits before and after the decimal point. 1.148.1 ScaledDecimal class: instance creation ---------------------------------------------- newFromNumber: aNumber scale: scale Answer a new instance of ScaledDecimal, representing a decimal fraction with a decimal representation considered valid up to the scale-th digit. 1.148.2 ScaledDecimal: arithmetic --------------------------------- * aNumber Multiply two numbers and answer the result. + aNumber Sum two numbers and answer the result. - aNumber Subtract aNumber from the receiver and answer the result. / aNumber Divide two numbers and answer the result. // aNumber Answer the integer quotient after dividing the receiver by aNumber with truncation towards negative infinity. \\ aNumber Answer the remainder after integer division the receiver by aNumber with truncation towards negative infinity. 1.148.3 ScaledDecimal: coercion ------------------------------- asCNumber Convert the receiver to a kind of number that is understood by the C call-out mechanism. asFloatD Answer the receiver, converted to a FloatD asFloatE Answer the receiver, converted to a FloatE asFloatQ Answer the receiver, converted to a FloatQ asFraction Answer the receiver, converted to a Fraction ceiling Answer the receiver, converted to an Integer and truncated towards +infinity. coerce: aNumber Answer aNumber, converted to a ScaledDecimal with the same scale as the receiver. fractionPart Answer the fractional part of the receiver. generality Return the receiver's generality integerPart Answer the fractional part of the receiver. truncated Answer the receiver, converted to an Integer and truncated towards -infinity. 1.148.4 ScaledDecimal: comparing -------------------------------- < aNumber Answer whether the receiver is less than arg. <= aNumber Answer whether the receiver is less than or equal to arg. = arg Answer whether the receiver is equal to arg. > aNumber Answer whether the receiver is greater than arg. >= aNumber Answer whether the receiver is greater than or equal to arg. hash Answer an hash value for the receiver. ~= arg Answer whether the receiver is not equal arg. 1.148.5 ScaledDecimal: constants -------------------------------- one Answer the receiver's representation of one. zero Answer the receiver's representation of zero. 1.148.6 ScaledDecimal: printing ------------------------------- displayOn: aStream Print a representation of the receiver on aStream, intended to be directed to a user. In this particular case, the 'scale' part of the #printString is not emitted. printOn: aStream Print a representation of the receiver on aStream. 1.148.7 ScaledDecimal: storing ------------------------------ isLiteralObject Answer whether the receiver is expressible as a Smalltalk literal. storeLiteralOn: aStream Store on aStream some Smalltalk code which compiles to the receiver storeOn: aStream Print Smalltalk code that compiles to the receiver on aStream. 1.149 SecurityPolicy ==================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Language-Security I am the class that represents which operations that could harm the system's security are allowed or denied to a particular class. If a class does not have a policy, it is allowed everything if it is trusted, and denied everything if it is untrusted 1.149.1 SecurityPolicy: modifying --------------------------------- addPermission: aPermission Not commented. owner: aClass Not commented. removePermission: aPermission Not commented. withOwner: aClass Not commented. 1.149.2 SecurityPolicy: querying -------------------------------- check: aPermission Not commented. implies: aPermission Not commented. 1.150 Semaphore =============== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: LinkedList Category: Language-Processes My instances represent counting semaphores. I provide methods for signalling the semaphore's availability, and methods for waiting for its availability. I also provide some methods for implementing critical sections. 1.150.1 Semaphore class: instance creation ------------------------------------------ forMutualExclusion Answer a new semaphore with a signal on it. These semaphores are a useful shortcut when you use semaphores as critical sections. new Answer a new semaphore 1.150.2 Semaphore: accessing ---------------------------- name Answer a user-friendly name for the receiver name: aString Answer a user-friendly name for the receiver waitingProcesses Answer an Array of processes currently waiting on the receiver. wouldBlock Answer whether waiting on the receiver would suspend the current process. 1.150.3 Semaphore: builtins --------------------------- lock Without putting the receiver to sleep, force processes that try to wait on the semaphore to block. Answer whether this was the case even before. notify Resume one of the processes that were waiting on the semaphore if there were any. Do not leave a signal on the semaphore if no process is waiting. notifyAll Resume all the processes that were waiting on the semaphore if there were any. Do not leave a signal on the semaphore if no process is waiting. signal Signal the receiver, resuming a waiting process' if there is one wait Wait for the receiver to be signalled, suspending the executing process if it is not yet. Return nil if the wait was interrupted, the receiver otherwise. waitAfterSignalling: aSemaphore Signal aSemaphore then, atomically, wait for the receiver to be signalled, suspending the executing process if it is not yet. This is needed to avoid race conditions when the #notify and #notifyAll are used before waiting on receiver: otherwise, if a process sends any of the two between the time aSemaphore is signaled and the time the process starts waiting on the receiver, the notification is lost. 1.150.4 Semaphore: mutual exclusion ----------------------------------- critical: aBlock Wait for the receiver to be free, execute aBlock and signal the receiver again. Return the result of evaluating aBlock. 1.150.5 Semaphore: printing --------------------------- printOn: aStream Print a human-readable represention of the receiver on aStream. 1.151 SequenceableCollection ============================ Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Collection Category: Collections-Sequenceable My instances represent collections of objects that are ordered. I provide some access and manipulation methods. 1.151.1 SequenceableCollection class: instance creation ------------------------------------------------------- join: aCollection separatedBy: sepCollection Where aCollection is a collection of SequenceableCollections, answer a new instance with all the elements therein, in order, each separated by an occurrence of sepCollection. 1.151.2 SequenceableCollection: basic ------------------------------------- after: oldObject Return the element after oldObject. Error if oldObject not found or if no following object is available allButFirst Answer a copy of the receiver without the first object. allButFirst: n Answer a copy of the receiver without the first n objects. allButLast Answer a copy of the receiver without the last object. allButLast: n Answer a copy of the receiver without the last n objects. at: anIndex ifAbsent: aBlock Answer the anIndex-th item of the collection, or evaluate aBlock and answer the result if the index is out of range atAll: keyCollection Answer a collection of the same kind returned by #collect:, that only includes the values at the given indices. Fail if any of the values in keyCollection is out of bounds for the receiver. atAll: aCollection put: anObject Put anObject at every index contained in aCollection atAllPut: anObject Put anObject at every index in the receiver atRandom Return a random item of the receiver. before: oldObject Return the element before oldObject. Error if oldObject not found or if no preceding object is available first Answer the first item in the receiver first: n Answer the first n items in the receiver fourth Answer the fourth item in the receiver identityIncludes: anObject Answer whether we include the anObject object identityIndexOf: anElement Answer the index of the first occurrence of an object identical to anElement in the receiver. Answer 0 if no item is found identityIndexOf: anElement ifAbsent: exceptionBlock Answer the index of the first occurrence of an object identical to anElement in the receiver. Invoke exceptionBlock and answer its result if no item is found identityIndexOf: anElement startingAt: anIndex Answer the first index > anIndex which contains an object identical to anElement. Answer 0 if no item is found identityIndexOf: anObject startingAt: anIndex ifAbsent: exceptionBlock Answer the first index > anIndex which contains an object exactly identical to anObject. Invoke exceptionBlock and answer its result if no item is found identityIndexOfLast: anElement ifAbsent: exceptionBlock Answer the last index which contains an object identical to anElement. Invoke exceptionBlock and answer its result if no item is found includes: anObject Answer whether we include anObject indexOf: anElement Answer the index of the first occurrence of anElement in the receiver. Answer 0 if no item is found indexOf: anElement ifAbsent: exceptionBlock Answer the index of the first occurrence of anElement in the receiver. Invoke exceptionBlock and answer its result if no item is found indexOf: anElement startingAt: anIndex Answer the first index > anIndex which contains anElement. Answer 0 if no item is found indexOf: anElement startingAt: anIndex ifAbsent: exceptionBlock Answer the first index > anIndex which contains anElement. Invoke exceptionBlock and answer its result if no item is found indexOfLast: anElement ifAbsent: exceptionBlock Answer the last index which contains anElement. Invoke exceptionBlock and answer its result if no item is found indexOfSubCollection: aSubCollection Answer the first index > anIndex at which starts a sequence of items matching aSubCollection. Answer 0 if no such sequence is found. indexOfSubCollection: aSubCollection ifAbsent: exceptionBlock Answer the first index > anIndex at which starts a sequence of items matching aSubCollection. Answer 0 if no such sequence is found. indexOfSubCollection: aSubCollection startingAt: anIndex Answer the first index > anIndex at which starts a sequence of items matching aSubCollection. Answer 0 if no such sequence is found. indexOfSubCollection: aSubCollection startingAt: anIndex ifAbsent: exceptionBlock Answer the first index > anIndex at which starts a sequence of items matching aSubCollection. Invoke exceptionBlock and answer its result if no such sequence is found last Answer the last item in the receiver last: n Answer the last n items in the receiver second Answer the second item in the receiver third Answer the third item in the receiver 1.151.3 SequenceableCollection: comparing ----------------------------------------- endsWith: aSequenceableCollection Returns true if the receiver ends with the same characters as aSequenceableCollection. startsWith: aSequenceableCollection Returns true if the receiver starts with the same characters as aSequenceableCollection. 1.151.4 SequenceableCollection: concatenating --------------------------------------------- join: sepCollection Answer a new collection like my first element, with all the elements (in order) of all my elements (which should be collections) separated by sepCollection. I use my first element instead of myself as a prototype because my elements are more likely to share the desired properties than I am, such as in: #('hello,' 'world') join: ' ' => 'hello, world' with: aSequenceableCollection Return an Array with the same size as the receiver and aSequenceableCollection, each element of which is a 2-element Arrays including one element from the receiver and one from aSequenceableCollection. with: seqColl1 with: seqColl2 Return an Array with the same size as the receiver and the arguments, each element of which is a 3-element Arrays including one element from the receiver and one from each argument. with: seqColl1 with: seqColl2 with: seqColl3 Return an Array with the same size as the receiver and the arguments, each element of which is a 4-element Arrays including one element from the receiver and one from each argument. 1.151.5 SequenceableCollection: copying SequenceableCollections --------------------------------------------------------------- copyAfter: anObject Answer a new collection holding all the elements of the receiver after the first occurrence of anObject, up to the last. copyAfterLast: anObject Answer a new collection holding all the elements of the receiver after the last occurrence of anObject, up to the last. copyFrom: start Answer a new collection containing all the items in the receiver from the start-th. copyFrom: start to: stop Answer a new collection containing all the items in the receiver from the start-th and to the stop-th copyReplaceAll: oldSubCollection with: newSubCollection Answer a new collection in which all the sequences matching oldSubCollection are replaced with newSubCollection copyReplaceFrom: start to: stop with: replacementCollection Answer a new collection of the same class as the receiver that contains the same elements as the receiver, in the same order, except for elements from index 'start' to index 'stop'. If start < stop, these are replaced by the contents of the replacementCollection. Instead, If start = (stop + 1), like in 'copyReplaceFrom: 4 to: 3 with: anArray', then every element of the receiver will be present in the answered copy; the operation will be an append if stop is equal to the size of the receiver or, if it is not, an insert before index 'start'. copyReplaceFrom: start to: stop withObject: anObject Answer a new collection of the same class as the receiver that contains the same elements as the receiver, in the same order, except for elements from index 'start' to index 'stop'. If start < stop, these are replaced by stop-start+1 copies of anObject. Instead, If start = (stop + 1), then every element of the receiver will be present in the answered copy; the operation will be an append if stop is equal to the size of the receiver or, if it is not, an insert before index 'start'. copyUpTo: anObject Answer a new collection holding all the elements of the receiver from the first up to the first occurrence of anObject, excluded. copyUpToLast: anObject Answer a new collection holding all the elements of the receiver from the first up to the last occurrence of anObject, excluded. copyWithFirst: anObject Answer a new collection holding all the elements of the receiver after the first occurrence of anObject, up to the last. 1.151.6 SequenceableCollection: enumerating ------------------------------------------- anyOne Answer an unspecified element of the collection. do: aBlock Evaluate aBlock for all the elements in the sequenceable collection do: aBlock separatedBy: sepBlock Evaluate aBlock for all the elements in the sequenceable collection. Between each element, evaluate sepBlock without parameters. doWithIndex: aBlock Evaluate aBlock for all the elements in the sequenceable collection, passing the index of each element as the second parameter. This method is mantained for backwards compatibility and is not mandated by the ANSI standard; use #keysAndValuesDo: findFirst: aBlock Returns the index of the first element of the sequenceable collection for which aBlock returns true, or 0 if none findLast: aBlock Returns the index of the last element of the sequenceable collection for which aBlock returns true, or 0 if none does fold: binaryBlock First, pass to binaryBlock the first and second elements of the receiver; for each subsequent element, pass the result of the previous evaluation and an element. Answer the result of the last invocation, or the first element if the collection has size 1. Fail if the collection is empty. from: startIndex to: stopIndex do: aBlock Evaluate aBlock for all the elements in the sequenceable collection whose indices are in the range index to stopIndex from: startIndex to: stopIndex doWithIndex: aBlock Evaluate aBlock for all the elements in the sequenceable collection whose indices are in the range index to stopIndex, passing the index of each element as the second parameter. This method is mantained for backwards compatibility and is not mandated by the ANSI standard; use #from:to:keysAndValuesDo: from: startIndex to: stopIndex keysAndValuesDo: aBlock Evaluate aBlock for all the elements in the sequenceable collection whose indices are in the range index to stopIndex, passing the index of each element as the first parameter and the element as the second. keys Return an Interval corresponding to the valid indices in the receiver. keysAndValuesDo: aBlock Evaluate aBlock for all the elements in the sequenceable collection, passing the index of each element as the first parameter and the element as the second. readStream Answer a ReadStream streaming on the receiver readWriteStream Answer a ReadWriteStream which streams on the receiver reverse Answer the receivers' contents in reverse order reverseDo: aBlock Evaluate aBlock for all elements in the sequenceable collection, from the last to the first. with: aSequenceableCollection collect: aBlock Evaluate aBlock for each pair of elements took respectively from the receiver and from aSequenceableCollection; answer a collection of the same kind of the receiver, made with the block's return values. Fail if the receiver has not the same size as aSequenceableCollection. with: aSequenceableCollection do: aBlock Evaluate aBlock for each pair of elements took respectively from the receiver and from aSequenceableCollection. Fail if the receiver has not the same size as aSequenceableCollection. 1.151.7 SequenceableCollection: manipulation -------------------------------------------- swap: anIndex with: anotherIndex Swap the item at index anIndex with the item at index another index 1.151.8 SequenceableCollection: replacing items ----------------------------------------------- replaceAll: anObject with: anotherObject In the receiver, replace every occurrence of anObject with anotherObject. replaceFrom: start to: stop with: replacementCollection Replace the items from start to stop with replacementCollection's items from 1 to stop-start+1 (in unexpected order if the collection is not sequenceable). replaceFrom: start to: stop with: replacementCollection startingAt: repStart Replace the items from start to stop with replacementCollection's items from repStart to repStart+stop-start replaceFrom: anIndex to: stopIndex withObject: replacementObject Replace every item from start to stop with replacementObject. 1.151.9 SequenceableCollection: sorting --------------------------------------- sort Sort the contents of the receiver according to the default sort block, which uses #<= to compare items. sort: sortBlock Sort the contents of the receiver according to the given sort block, which accepts pair of items and returns true if the first item is less than the second one. sorted Return a copy of the receiver sorted according to the default sort block, which uses #<= to compare items. sorted: sortBlock Return a copy of the receiver sorted according to the given sort block, which accepts pair of items and returns true if the first item is less than the second one. 1.151.10 SequenceableCollection: still unclassified --------------------------------------------------- nextPutAllOn: aStream Write all the objects in the receiver to aStream 1.151.11 SequenceableCollection: testing ---------------------------------------- = aCollection Answer whether the receiver's items match those in aCollection examineOn: aStream Print all the instance variables and context of the receiver on aStream hash Answer an hash value for the receiver isSequenceable Answer whether the receiver can be accessed by a numeric index with #at:/#at:put:. 1.151.12 SequenceableCollection: testing collections ---------------------------------------------------- size Answer a dummy size of 0, so that SequenceableCollection>>#do: works. 1.152 Set ========= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: HashedCollection Category: Collections-Unordered I am the typical set object; I also known how to do arithmetic on my instances. 1.152.1 Set: arithmetic ----------------------- & aSet Compute the set intersection of the receiver and aSet. + aSet Compute the set union of the receiver and aSet. - aSet Compute the set difference of the receiver and aSet. 1.152.2 Set: awful ST-80 compatibility hacks -------------------------------------------- findObjectIndex: object Tries to see if anObject exists as an indexed variable. As soon as nil or anObject is found, the index of that slot is answered 1.152.3 Set: comparing ---------------------- < aSet Answer whether the receiver is a strict subset of aSet <= aSet Answer whether the receiver is a subset of aSet > aSet Answer whether the receiver is a strict superset of aSet >= aSet Answer whether the receiver is a superset of aSet 1.153 SharedQueue ================= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Language-Processes My instances provide a guaranteed safe mechanism to allow for communication between processes. All access to the underlying data structures is controlled with critical sections so that things proceed smoothly. 1.153.1 SharedQueue class: instance creation -------------------------------------------- new Create a new instance of the receiver sortBlock: sortBlock Create a new instance of the receiver which implements a priority queue with the given sort block 1.153.2 SharedQueue: accessing ------------------------------ isEmpty Answer whether there is an object on the queue next Wait for an object to be on the queue, then remove it and answer it nextPut: value Put value on the queue and answer it peek Wait for an object to be on the queue if necessary, then answer the same object that #next would answer without removing it. 1.154 SingletonProxy ==================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: AlternativeObjectProxy Category: Streams-Files I am a proxy that stores the class of an object rather than the object itself, and pretends that a registered instance (which most likely is a singleton instance of the stored class) was stored instead. 1.154.1 SingletonProxy class: accessing --------------------------------------- acceptUsageForClass: aClass The receiver was asked to be used as a proxy for the class aClass. The registration is fine if the class is actually a singleton. 1.154.2 SingletonProxy class: instance creation ----------------------------------------------- on: anObject Answer a proxy to be used to save anObject. The proxy stores the class and restores the object by looking into a dictionary of class -> singleton objects. 1.154.3 SingletonProxy: saving and restoring -------------------------------------------- object Reconstruct the object stored in the proxy and answer it; the binaryRepresentationObject is sent the #reconstructOriginalObject message, and the resulting object is sent the #postLoad message. 1.155 SmallInteger ================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Integer Category: Language-Data types I am the integer class of the GNU Smalltalk system. My instances can represent signed 30 bit integers and are as efficient as possible. 1.155.1 SmallInteger class: getting limits ------------------------------------------ bits Answer the number of bits (excluding the sign) that can be represented directly in an object pointer largest Answer the largest integer represented directly in an object pointer smallest Answer the smallest integer represented directly in an object pointer 1.155.2 SmallInteger class: testing ----------------------------------- isIdentity Answer whether x = y implies x == y for instances of the receiver 1.155.3 SmallInteger: bit arithmetic ------------------------------------ highBit Return the index of the highest order 1 bit of the receiver lowBit Return the index of the lowest order 1 bit of the receiver. 1.155.4 SmallInteger: built ins ------------------------------- * arg Multiply the receiver and arg and answer another Number + arg Sum the receiver and arg and answer another Number - arg Subtract arg from the receiver and answer another Number / arg Divide the receiver by arg and answer another Integer or Fraction // arg Dividing receiver by arg (with truncation towards -infinity) and answer the result < arg Answer whether the receiver is less than arg <= arg Answer whether the receiver is less than or equal to arg = arg Answer whether the receiver is equal to arg == arg Answer whether the receiver is the same object as arg > arg Answer whether the receiver is greater than arg >= arg Answer whether the receiver is greater than or equal to arg \\ arg Calculate the remainder of dividing receiver by arg (with truncation towards -infinity) and answer it asFloatD Convert the receiver to a FloatD, answer the result asFloatE Convert the receiver to a FloatE, answer the result asFloatQ Convert the receiver to a FloatQ, answer the result asObject Answer the object whose index is in the receiver, nil if there is a free object, fail if index is out of bounds asObjectNoFail Answer the object whose index is in the receiver, or nil if no object is found at that index bitAnd: arg Do a bitwise AND between the receiver and arg, answer the result bitOr: arg Do a bitwise OR between the receiver and arg, answer the result bitShift: arg Shift the receiver by arg places to the left if arg > 0, by arg places to the right if arg < 0, answer another Number bitXor: arg Do a bitwise XOR between the receiver and arg, answer the result divExact: arg Dividing receiver by arg assuming that the remainder is zero, and answer the result nextValidOop Answer the index of the first non-free OOP after the receiver. This is used internally; it is placed here to avoid polluting Object. quo: arg Dividing receiver by arg (with truncation towards zero) and answer the result ~= arg Answer whether the receiver is not equal to arg ~~ arg Answer whether the receiver is not the same object as arg 1.155.5 SmallInteger: builtins ------------------------------ at: anIndex Answer the index-th indexed instance variable of the receiver. This method always fails. at: anIndex put: value Store value in the index-th indexed instance variable of the receiver This method always fails. basicAt: anIndex Answer the index-th indexed instance variable of the receiver. This method always fails. basicAt: anIndex put: value Store value in the index-th indexed instance variable of the receiver This method always fails. scramble Answer the receiver with its bits mixed and matched. 1.155.6 SmallInteger: coercion ------------------------------ asCNumber Convert the receiver to a kind of number that is understood by the C call-out mechanism. 1.155.7 SmallInteger: coercion methods -------------------------------------- generality Return the receiver's generality unity Coerce 1 to the receiver's class zero Coerce 0 to the receiver's class 1.155.8 SmallInteger: testing functionality ------------------------------------------- isSmallInteger Answer 'true'. 1.156 SortedCollection ====================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: OrderedCollection Category: Collections-Sequenceable I am a collection of objects, stored and accessed according to some sorting criteria. I store things using heap sort and quick sort. My instances have a comparison block associated with them; this block takes two arguments and is a predicate which returns true if the first argument should be sorted earlier than the second. The default block is [ :a :b | a <= b ], but I will accept any block that conforms to the above criteria - actually any object which responds to #value:value:. 1.156.1 SortedCollection class: hacking --------------------------------------- defaultSortBlock Answer a default sort block for the receiver. 1.156.2 SortedCollection class: instance creation ------------------------------------------------- new Answer a new collection with a default size and sort block new: aSize Answer a new collection with a default sort block and the given size sortBlock: aSortBlock Answer a new collection with a default size and the given sort block 1.156.3 SortedCollection: basic ------------------------------- last Answer the last item of the receiver removeLast Remove an object from the end of the receiver. Fail if the receiver is empty sortBlock Answer the receiver's sort criteria sortBlock: aSortBlock Change the sort criteria for a sorted collection, resort the elements of the collection, and return it. 1.156.4 SortedCollection: copying --------------------------------- copyEmpty: newSize Answer an empty copy of the receiver, with the same sort block as the receiver 1.156.5 SortedCollection: disabled ---------------------------------- add: anObject afterIndex: i This method should not be called for instances of this class. addAll: aCollection afterIndex: i This method should not be called for instances of this class. addAllFirst: aCollection This method should not be called for instances of this class. addAllLast: aCollection This method should not be called for instances of this class. addFirst: anObject This method should not be called for instances of this class. addLast: anObject This method should not be called for instances of this class. at: index put: anObject This method should not be called for instances of this class. 1.156.6 SortedCollection: enumerating ------------------------------------- beConsistent Prepare the receiver to be walked through with #do: or another enumeration method. 1.156.7 SortedCollection: saving and loading -------------------------------------------- postLoad Restore the default sortBlock if it is nil preStore Store the default sortBlock as nil 1.156.8 SortedCollection: searching ----------------------------------- includes: anObject Private - Answer whether the receiver includes an item which is equal to anObject indexOf: anObject startingAt: index ifAbsent: aBlock Answer the first index > anIndex which contains anElement. Invoke exceptionBlock and answer its result if no item is found occurrencesOf: anObject Answer how many occurrences of anObject can be found in the receiver 1.156.9 SortedCollection: sorting --------------------------------- sort Sort the contents of the receiver according to the given sort block, which accepts pair of items and returns true if the first item is less than the second one. Fails if the collections's sort block is not the same as the default sort block. sort: sortBlock Sort the contents of the receiver according to the given sort block, which accepts pair of items and returns true if the first item is less than the second one. Fails if the sort block is not the same as the collection's sort block. 1.157 Stream ============ Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Iterable Category: Streams I am an abstract class that provides interruptable sequential access to objects. I can return successive objects from a source, or accept successive objects and store them sequentially on a sink. I provide some simple iteration over the contents of one of my instances, and provide for writing collections sequentially. 1.157.1 Stream: accessing-reading --------------------------------- contents Answer the whole contents of the receiver, from the next object to the last file Return nil by default; not all streams have a file. name Return nil by default; not all streams have a name. next Return the next object in the receiver next: anInteger Return the next anInteger objects in the receiver nextAvailable: anInteger Return up to anInteger objects in the receiver. Besides stopping if the end of the stream is reached, this may return less than this number of bytes for various reasons. For example, on files and sockets this operation could be non-blocking, or could do at most one I/O operation. nextAvailable: anInteger into: aCollection startingAt: pos Place the next anInteger objects from the receiver into aCollection, starting at position pos. Return the number of items stored. Besides stopping if the end of the stream is reached, this may return less than this number of bytes for various reasons. For example, on files and sockets this operation could be non-blocking, or could do at most one I/O operation. nextAvailable: anInteger putAllOn: aStream Copy up to anInteger objects in the receiver to aStream. Besides stopping if the end of the stream is reached, this may return less than this number of bytes for various reasons. For example, on files and sockets this operation could be non-blocking, or could do at most one I/O operation. nextLine Returns a collection of the same type that the stream accesses, containing the next line up to the next new-line character. Returns the entire rest of the stream's contents if no new-line character is found. nextMatchFor: anObject Answer whether the next object is equal to anObject. Even if it does not, anObject is lost splitAt: anObject Answer an OrderedCollection of parts of the receiver. A new (possibly empty) part starts at the start of the receiver, or after every occurrence of an object which is equal to anObject (as compared by #=). upTo: anObject Returns a collection of the same type that the stream accesses, up to but not including the object anObject. Returns the entire rest of the stream's contents if anObject is not present. upToAll: aCollection If there is a sequence of objects remaining in the stream that is equal to the sequence in aCollection, set the stream position just past that sequence and answer the elements up to, but not including, the sequence. Else, set the stream position to its end and answer all the remaining elements. upToEnd Answer every item in the collection on which the receiver is streaming, from the next one to the last 1.157.2 Stream: accessing-writing --------------------------------- next: anInteger put: anObject Write anInteger copies of anObject to the receiver next: n putAll: aCollection startingAt: start Write n objects to the stream, reading them from aCollection and starting at the start-th item. nextPut: anObject Write anObject to the receiver nextPutAll: aCollection Write all the objects in aCollection to the receiver nextPutAllFlush: aCollection Put all the elements of aCollection in the stream, then flush the buffers if supported by the stream. 1.157.3 Stream: basic --------------------- species Answer 'Array'. 1.157.4 Stream: buffering ------------------------- next: anInteger into: answer startingAt: pos Read up to anInteger bytes from the stream and store them into answer. Return the number of bytes that were read, raising an exception if we could not read the full amount of data. next: anInteger putAllOn: aStream Read up to anInteger bytes from the stream and store them into aStream. Return the number of bytes that were read, raising an exception if we could not read the full amount of data. 1.157.5 Stream: built ins ------------------------- fileIn File in the contents of the receiver. During a file in operation, global variables (starting with an uppercase letter) that are not declared don't yield an 'unknown variable' error. Instead, they are defined as nil in the 'Undeclared' dictionary (a global variable residing in Smalltalk). As soon as you add the variable to a namespace (for example by creating a class) the Association will be removed from Undeclared and reused in the namespace, so that the old references will automagically point to the new value. fileInLine: lineNum file: aFile at: charPosInt Private - Much like a preprocessor #line directive; it is used internally by #fileIn, and explicitly by the Emacs Smalltalk mode. fileInLine: lineNum fileName: aString at: charPosInt Private - Much like a preprocessor #line directive; it is used internally by #fileIn, and explicitly by the Emacs Smalltalk mode. 1.157.6 Stream: character writing --------------------------------- cr Store a cr on the receiver crTab Store a cr and a tab on the receiver encoding Answer the encoding to be used when storing Unicode characters. isUnicode Answer whether the receiver is able to store Unicode characters. Note that if this method returns true, the stream may or may not be able to store Characters (as opposed to UnicodeCharacters) whose value is above 127. nl Store a new line on the receiver nlTab Store a new line and a tab on the receiver space Store a space on the receiver space: n Store n spaces on the receiver tab Store a tab on the receiver tab: n Store n tabs on the receiver 1.157.7 Stream: compiling ------------------------- segmentFrom: startPos to: endPos Answer an object that, when sent #asString, will yield the result of sending 'copyFrom: startPos to: endPos' to the receiver 1.157.8 Stream: concatenating ----------------------------- with: aStream Return a new Stream whose elements are 2-element Arrays, including one element from the receiver and one from aStream. with: stream1 with: stream2 Return a new Stream whose elements are 3-element Arrays, including one element from the receiver and one from each argument. with: stream1 with: stream2 with: stream3 Return a new Stream whose elements are 3-element Arrays, including one element from the receiver and one from each argument. 1.157.9 Stream: enumerating --------------------------- do: aBlock Evaluate aBlock once for every object in the receiver linesDo: aBlock Evaluate aBlock once for every line in the receiver (assuming the receiver is streaming on Characters). 1.157.10 Stream: filing out --------------------------- fileOut: aClass File out aClass on the receiver. If aClass is not a metaclass, file out class and instance methods; if aClass is a metaclass, file out only the class methods 1.157.11 Stream: filtering -------------------------- , anIterable Answer a new stream that concatenates the data in the receiver with the data in aStream. Both the receiver and aStream should be readable. collect: aBlock Answer a new stream that will pass the returned objects through aBlock, and return whatever object is returned by aBlock instead. Note that when peeking in the returned stream, the block will be invoked multiple times, with possibly surprising results. lines Answer a new stream that answers lines from the receiver. peek Returns the next element of the stream without moving the pointer. Returns nil when at end of stream. Lookahead is implemented automatically for streams that are not positionable but can be copied. peekFor: aCharacter Returns true and gobbles the next element from the stream of it is equal to anObject, returns false and doesn't gobble the next element if the next element is not equal to anObject. Lookahead is implemented automatically for streams that are not positionable but can be copied. reject: aBlock Answer a new stream that only returns those objects for which aBlock returns false. Note that the returned stream will not be positionable. select: aBlock Answer a new stream that only returns those objects for which aBlock returns true. Note that the returned stream will not be positionable. 1.157.12 Stream: polymorphism ----------------------------- close Do nothing. This is provided for consistency with file streams flush Do nothing. This is provided for consistency with file streams pastEnd The end of the stream has been reached. Signal a Notification. 1.157.13 Stream: positioning ---------------------------- isPositionable Answer true if the stream supports moving backwards with #skip:. skip: anInteger Move the position forwards by anInteger places skipSeparators Advance the receiver until we find a character that is not a separator. Answer false if we reach the end of the stream, else answer true; in this case, sending #next will return the first non-separator character (possibly the same to which the stream pointed before #skipSeparators was sent). skipTo: anObject Move the current position to after the next occurrence of anObject and return true if anObject was found. If anObject doesn't exist, the pointer is atEnd, and false is returned. skipToAll: aCollection If there is a sequence of objects remaining in the stream that is equal to the sequence in aCollection, set the stream position just past that sequence and answer true. Else, set the stream position to its end and answer false. 1.157.14 Stream: printing ------------------------- << anObject This method is a short-cut for #display:; it prints anObject on the receiver by sending displayOn: to anObject. This method is provided so that you can use cascading and obtain better-looking code display: anObject Print anObject on the receiver by sending displayOn: to anObject. This method is provided so that you can use cascading and obtain better-looking code print: anObject Print anObject on the receiver by sending printOn: to anObject. This method is provided so that you can use cascading and obtain better-looking code 1.157.15 Stream: still unclassified ----------------------------------- nextPutAllOn: aStream Write all the objects in the receiver to aStream 1.157.16 Stream: storing ------------------------ store: anObject Print Smalltalk code compiling to anObject on the receiver, by sending storeOn: to anObject. This method is provided so that you can use cascading and obtain better-looking code 1.157.17 Stream: streaming protocol ----------------------------------- nextAvailablePutAllOn: aStream Copy to aStream a more-or-less arbitrary amount of data. When used on files, this does at most one I/O operation. For other kinds of stream, the definition may vary. This method is used to do stream-to-stream copies. 1.157.18 Stream: testing ------------------------ atEnd Answer whether the stream has got to an end isExternalStream Answer whether the receiver streams on a file or socket. By default, answer false. isSequenceable Answer whether the receiver can be accessed by a numeric index with #at:/#at:put:. readStream As a wild guess, return the receiver. WriteStreams should override this method. 1.158 String ============ Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CharacterArray Category: Collections-Text My instances represent 8-bit character strings. Being a very common case, they are particularly optimized. Note that, if you care about multilingualization, you should treat String only as an encoded representation of a UnicodeString. The I18N package adds more Unicode-friendliness to the system so that encoding and decoding is performed automatically in more cases. In that case, String represents a case when the encoding is either unknown, irrelevant, or assumed to be the system default. 1.158.1 String class: instance creation --------------------------------------- fromCData: aCObject Answer a String containing the bytes starting at the location pointed to by aCObject, up to the first NUL character. fromCData: aCObject size: anInteger Answer a String containing anInteger bytes starting at the location pointed to by aCObject 1.158.2 String class: multibyte encodings ----------------------------------------- isUnicode Answer false; the receiver stores bytes (i.e. an encoded form), not characters. 1.158.3 String: accessing ------------------------- byteAt: index Answer the ascii value of index-th character variable of the receiver byteAt: index put: value Store (Character value: value) in the index-th indexed instance variable of the receiver 1.158.4 String: basic --------------------- , aString Answer a new instance of an ArrayedCollection containing all the elements in the receiver, followed by all the elements in aSequenceableCollection = aCollection Answer whether the receiver's items match those in aCollection indexOf: anElement startingAt: anIndex Answer the first index > anIndex which contains anElement. Invoke exceptionBlock and answer its result if no item is found indexOf: anElement startingAt: anIndex ifAbsent: exceptionBlock Answer the first index > anIndex which contains anElement. Invoke exceptionBlock and answer its result if no item is found 1.158.5 String: built ins ------------------------- asCData: aCType Allocate memory with malloc for a NULL-terminated copy of the receiver, and return a pointer to it as a CObject of the given type. at: anIndex Answer the index-th indexed instance variable of the receiver at: anIndex ifAbsent: aBlock Answer the index-th indexed instance variable of the receiver at: anIndex put: value Store value in the index-th indexed instance variable of the receiver basicAt: anIndex Answer the index-th indexed instance variable of the receiver. This method must not be overridden, override at: instead basicAt: anIndex put: value Store value in the index-th indexed instance variable of the receiver This method must not be overridden, override at:put: instead hash Answer an hash value for the receiver replaceFrom: start to: stop with: aString startingAt: replaceStart Replace the characters from start to stop with new characters whose ASCII codes are contained in aString, starting at the replaceStart location of aString replaceFrom: start to: stop withByteArray: byteArray startingAt: replaceStart Replace the characters from start to stop with new characters whose ASCII codes are contained in byteArray, starting at the replaceStart location of byteArray similarityTo: aString Answer a number that denotes the similarity between aString and the receiver. 0 indicates equality, negative numbers indicate some difference. Implemented as a primitive for speed. size Answer the size of the receiver 1.158.6 String: CObject ----------------------- asCData Allocate memory with malloc for a NULL-terminated copy of the receiver, and return a pointer to it as a CChar. 1.158.7 String: converting -------------------------- asByteArray Return the receiver, converted to a ByteArray of ASCII values asString But I already am a String! Really! asSymbol Returns the symbol corresponding to the receiver encoding Answer the encoding of the receiver. This is not implemented unless you load the Iconv package. 1.158.8 String: filesystem -------------------------- / aName Answer a File object as appropriate for a file named 'aName' in the directory represented by the receiver. asFile Answer a File object for the file whose name is in the receiver. 1.158.9 String: printing ------------------------ displayOn: aStream Print a representation of the receiver on aStream. Unlike #printOn:, this method strips extra quotes. displayString Answer a String representing the receiver. For most objects this is simply its #printString, but for CharacterArrays and characters, superfluous dollars or extra pair of quotes are stripped. isLiteralObject Answer whether the receiver is expressible as a Smalltalk literal. printOn: aStream Print a representation of the receiver on aStream storeLiteralOn: aStream Store a Smalltalk literal compiling to the receiver on aStream storeOn: aStream Store Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver on aStream 1.158.10 String: regex ---------------------- =~ pattern Answer a RegexResults object for matching the receiver against the Regex or String object pattern. allOccurrencesOfRegex: pattern Find all the matches of pattern within the receiver and collect them into an OrderedCollection. allOccurrencesOfRegex: pattern do: aBlock Find all the matches of pattern within the receiver and pass the RegexResults objects to aBlock. allOccurrencesOfRegex: pattern from: from to: to Find all the matches of pattern within the receiver and within the given range of indices. Collect them into an OrderedCollection, which is then returned. allOccurrencesOfRegex: pattern from: from to: to do: aBlock Find all the matches of pattern within the receiver and within the given range of indices. For each match, pass the RegexResults object to aBlock. asRegex Answer the receiver, converted to a Regex object. copyFrom: from to: to replacingAllRegex: pattern with: aStringOrBlock Returns the substring of the receiver between from and to. Any match of pattern in that part of the string is replaced using aStringOrBlock as follows: if it is a block, a RegexResults object is passed, while if it is a string, %n sequences are replaced with the captured subexpressions of the match (as in #%). copyFrom: from to: to replacingRegex: pattern with: aStringOrBlock Returns the substring of the receiver between from and to. If pattern has a match in that part of the string, the match is replaced using aStringOrBlock as follows: if it is a block, a RegexResults object is passed, while if it is a string, %n sequences are replaced with the captured subexpressions of the match (as in #%). copyReplacingAllRegex: pattern with: aStringOrBlock Returns the receiver after replacing all the matches of pattern (if any) using aStringOrBlock as follows: if it is a block, a RegexResults object is passed, while if it is a string, %n sequences are replaced with the captured subexpressions of the match (as in #%). copyReplacingRegex: pattern with: aStringOrBlock Returns the receiver after replacing the first match of pattern (if any) using aStringOrBlock as follows: if it is a block, a RegexResults object is passed, while if it is a string, %n sequences are replaced with the captured subexpressions of the match (as in #%). indexOfRegex: regexString If an occurrence of the regex is present in the receiver, return the Interval corresponding to the leftmost-longest match. Otherwise return nil. indexOfRegex: regexString from: from to: to If an occurrence of the regex is present in the receiver, return the Interval corresponding to the leftmost-longest match occurring within the given range of indices. Otherwise return nil. indexOfRegex: regexString from: from to: to ifAbsent: excBlock If an occurrence of the regex is present in the receiver, return the Interval corresponding to the leftmost-longest match occurring within the given indices. Otherwise, evaluate excBlock and return the result. indexOfRegex: regexString ifAbsent: excBlock If an occurrence of the regex is present in the receiver, return the Interval corresponding to the leftmost-longest match. Otherwise, evaluate excBlock and return the result. indexOfRegex: regexString startingAt: index If an occurrence of the regex is present in the receiver, return the Interval corresponding to the leftmost-longest match starting after the given index. Otherwise return nil. indexOfRegex: regexString startingAt: index ifAbsent: excBlock If an occurrence of the regex is present in the receiver, return the Interval corresponding to the leftmost-longest match starting after the given index. Otherwise, evaluate excBlock and return the result. matchRegex: pattern Answer whether the receiver is an exact match for the pattern. This means that the pattern is implicitly anchored at the beginning and the end. matchRegex: pattern from: from to: to Answer whether the given range of indices is an exact match for the pattern. This means that there is a match starting at from and ending at to (which is not necessarily the longest match starting at from). occurrencesOfRegex: pattern Returns count of how many times pattern repeats in the receiver. occurrencesOfRegex: pattern from: from to: to Return a count of how many times pattern repeats in the receiver within the given range of index. occurrencesOfRegex: pattern startingAt: index Returns count of how many times pattern repeats in the receiver, starting the search at the given index. onOccurrencesOfRegex: pattern do: body Find all the matches of pattern within the receiver and, for each match, pass the RegexResults object to aBlock. onOccurrencesOfRegex: pattern from: from to: to do: aBlock Find all the matches of pattern within the receiver and within the given range of indices. For each match, pass the RegexResults object to aBlock. replacingAllRegex: pattern with: aStringOrBlock Returns the receiver if the pattern has no match in it. Otherwise, any match of pattern in that part of the string is replaced using aStringOrBlock as follows: if it is a block, a RegexResults object is passed, while if it is a string, %n sequences are replaced with the captured subexpressions of the match (as in #%). replacingRegex: pattern with: aStringOrBlock Returns the receiver if the pattern has no match in it. If it has a match, it is replaced using aStringOrBlock as follows: if it is a block, a RegexResults object is passed, while if it is a string, %n sequences are replaced with the captured subexpressions of the match (as in #%). searchRegex: pattern A synonym for #=~. Answer a RegexResults object for matching the receiver against the Regex or String object pattern. searchRegex: pattern from: from to: to Answer a RegexResults object for matching the receiver against the Regex or String object pattern, restricting the match to the specified range of indices. searchRegex: pattern startingAt: anIndex Answer a RegexResults object for matching the receiver against the Regex or String object pattern, starting the match at index anIndex. tokenize: pattern Split the receiver at every occurrence of pattern. All parts that do not match pattern are separated and stored into an Array of Strings that is returned. tokenize: pattern from: from to: to Split the receiver at every occurrence of pattern (considering only the indices between from and to). All parts that do not match pattern are separated and stored into an Array of Strings that is returned. ~ pattern Answer whether the receiver matched against the Regex or String object pattern. 1.158.11 String: still unclassified ----------------------------------- escapeRegex Answer the receiver with all regex special characters escaped by a backslash. 1.158.12 String: testing functionality -------------------------------------- isString Answer 'true'. 1.159 Symbol ============ Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: String Category: Language-Implementation My instances are unique throughout the Smalltalk system. My instances behave for the most part like strings, except that they print differently, and I guarantee that any two instances that have the same printed representation are in fact the same instance. 1.159.1 Symbol class: built ins ------------------------------- intern: aString Private - Same as 'aString asSymbol' 1.159.2 Symbol class: instance creation --------------------------------------- internCharacter: aCharacter Answer the one-character symbol associated to the given character. new This method should not be called for instances of this class. new: size This method should not be called for instances of this class. with: element1 Answer a collection whose only element is element1 with: element1 with: element2 Answer a collection whose only elements are the parameters in the order they were passed with: element1 with: element2 with: element3 Answer a collection whose only elements are the parameters in the order they were passed with: element1 with: element2 with: element3 with: element4 Answer a collection whose only elements are the parameters in the order they were passed with: element1 with: element2 with: element3 with: element4 with: element5 Answer a collection whose only elements are the parameters in the order they were passed 1.159.3 Symbol class: symbol table ---------------------------------- hasInterned: aString ifTrue: aBlock If aString has not been interned yet, answer false. Else, pass the interned version to aBlock and answer true. Note that this works because String>>#hash calculates the same hash value used by the VM when interning strings into the SymbolTable. Changing one of the hashing methods without changing the other will break this method. isSymbolString: aString Answer whether aString has already been interned. Note that this works because String>>#hash calculates the same hash value used by the VM when interning strings into the SymbolTable. Changing one of the hashing methods without changing the other will break this method. rebuildTable Rebuild the SymbolTable, thereby garbage-collecting unreferenced Symbols. While this process is done, preemption is disabled because it is not acceptable to leave the SymbolTable in a partially updated state. Note that this works because String>>#hash calculates the same hash value used by the VM when interning strings into the SymbolTable. Changing one of the hashing methods without changing the other will break this method. 1.159.4 Symbol: accessing the method dictionary ----------------------------------------------- implementors Answer a Set of all the compiled method associated with selector named by the receiver, which is supposed to be a valid message name. 1.159.5 Symbol: basic --------------------- deepCopy Returns a deep copy of the receiver. As Symbols are identity objects, we actually return the receiver itself. keywords Answer an array of keywords that compose the receiver, which is supposed to be a valid message name (#+, #not, #printOn:, #ifTrue:ifFalse:, etc.) numArgs Answer the number of arguments supported by the receiver, which is supposed to be a valid message name (#+, #not, #printOn:, #ifTrue:ifFalse:, etc.) shallowCopy Returns a deep copy of the receiver. As Symbols are identity objects, we actually return the receiver itself. 1.159.6 Symbol: built ins ------------------------- = aSymbol Answer whether the receiver and aSymbol are the same object hash Answer an hash value for the receiver. Symbols are optimized for speed 1.159.7 Symbol: converting -------------------------- asString Answer a String with the same characters as the receiver asSymbol But we are already a Symbol, and furthermore, Symbols are identity objects! So answer the receiver. 1.159.8 Symbol: misc -------------------- species Answer 'String'. 1.159.9 Symbol: storing ----------------------- displayOn: aStream Print a represention of the receiver on aStream. For most objects this is simply its #printOn: representation, but for strings and characters, superfluous dollars or extra pairs of quotes are stripped. displayString Answer a String representing the receiver. For most objects this is simply its #printString, but for strings and characters, superfluous dollars or extra pair of quotes are stripped. printOn: aStream Print a represention of the receiver on aStream. storeLiteralOn: aStream Print Smalltalk code on aStream that compiles to the same symbol as the receiver. storeOn: aStream Print Smalltalk code on aStream that compiles to the same symbol as the receiver. 1.159.10 Symbol: testing ------------------------ isSimpleSymbol Answer whether the receiver must be represented in quoted-string (e.g. #'abc-def') form. 1.159.11 Symbol: testing functionality -------------------------------------- isString Answer 'false'. isSymbol Answer 'true'. 1.160 SymLink ============= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Link Category: Language-Implementation I am used to implement the Smalltalk symbol table. My instances are links that contain symbols, and the symbol table basically a hash table that points to chains of my instances. 1.160.1 SymLink class: instance creation ---------------------------------------- symbol: aSymbol nextLink: aSymLink Answer a new SymLink, which refers to aSymbol and points to aSymLink as the next SymLink in the chain. 1.160.2 SymLink: accessing -------------------------- symbol Answer the Symbol that the receiver refers to in the symbol table. symbol: aSymbol Set the Symbol that the receiver refers to in the symbol table. 1.160.3 SymLink: iteration -------------------------- do: aBlock Evaluate aBlock for each symbol in the list 1.160.4 SymLink: printing ------------------------- printOn: aStream Print a representation of the receiver on aStream. 1.161 SystemDictionary ====================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: RootNamespace Category: Language-Implementation I am a special namespace. I only have one instance, called "Smalltalk", which is known to the Smalltalk interpreter. I define several methods that are "system" related, such as #quitPrimitive. My instance also helps keep track of dependencies between objects. 1.161.1 SystemDictionary class: initialization ---------------------------------------------- initialize Create the kernel's private namespace. 1.161.2 SystemDictionary: basic ------------------------------- halt Interrupt interpreter hash Smalltalk usually contains a reference to itself, avoid infinite loops 1.161.3 SystemDictionary: builtins ---------------------------------- basicBacktrace Prints the method invocation stack backtrace, as an aid to debugging byteCodeCounter Answer the number of bytecodes executed by the VM debug This methods provides a way to break in the VM code. Set a breakpoint in _gst_debug and call this method near the point where you think the bug happens. declarationTrace Answer whether compiled bytecodes are printed on stdout declarationTrace: aBoolean Set whether compiled bytecodes are printed on stdout executionTrace Answer whether executed bytecodes are printed on stdout executionTrace: aBoolean Set whether executed bytecodes are printed on stdout getTraceFlag: anIndex Private - Returns a boolean value which is one of the interpreter's tracing flags setTraceFlag: anIndex to: aBoolean Private - Sets the value of one of the interpreter's tracing flags (indicated by 'anIndex') to the value aBoolean. verboseTrace Answer whether execution tracing prints the object on the stack top verboseTrace: aBoolean Set whether execution tracing prints the object on the stack top 1.161.4 SystemDictionary: c call-outs ------------------------------------- environ Not commented. getArgc Not commented. getArgv: index Not commented. getenv: aString Not commented. putenv: aString Not commented. system: aString Not commented. system: aString withArguments: args Not commented. 1.161.5 SystemDictionary: command-line -------------------------------------- arguments: pattern do: actionBlock Parse the command-line arguments according to the syntax specified in pattern. For every command-line option found, the two-argument block actionBlock is evaluated passing the option name and the argument. For file names (or in general, other command-line arguments than options) the block's first argument will be nil. For options without arguments, or with unspecified optional arguments, the block's second argument will be nil. The option name will be passed as a character object for short options, and as a string for long options. If an error is found, nil is returned. For more information on the syntax of pattern, see #arguments:do:ifError:. arguments: pattern do: actionBlock ifError: errorBlock Parse the command-line arguments according to the syntax specified in pattern. For every command-line option found, the two-argument block actionBlock is evaluated passing the option name and the argument. For file names (or in general, other command-line arguments than options) the block's first argument will be nil. For options without arguments, or with unspecified optional arguments, the block's second argument will be nil. The option name will be passed as a character object for short options, and as a string for long options. If an error is found, the parsing is interrupted, errorBlock is evaluated, and the returned value is answered. Every whitespace-separated part ('word') of pattern specifies a command-line option. If a word ends with a colon, the option will have a mandatory argument. If a word ends with two colons, the option will have an optional argument. Before the colons, multiple option names (either short names like '-l' or long names like '-long') can be specified. Before passing the option to actionBlock, the name will be canonicalized to the last one. Prefixes of long options are accepted as long as they're unique, and they are canonicalized to the full name before passing it to actionBlock. Additionally, the full name of an option is accepted even if it is the prefix of a longer option. Mandatory arguments can appear in the next argument, or in the same argument (separated by an = for arguments to long options). Optional arguments must appear in the same argument. 1.161.6 SystemDictionary: miscellaneous --------------------------------------- arguments Return the command line arguments after the -a switch backtrace Print a backtrace on the Transcript. hostSystem Answer the triplet corresponding to the system for which GNU Smalltalk was built. 1.161.7 SystemDictionary: printing ---------------------------------- nameIn: aNamespace Answer ''Smalltalk". printOn: aStream in: aNamespace Store Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver storeOn: aStream Store Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver 1.161.8 SystemDictionary: profiling ----------------------------------- rawProfile: anIdentityDictionary Set the raw profile to be anIdentityDictionary and return the old one. 1.161.9 SystemDictionary: special accessing ------------------------------------------- addFeature: aFeature Add the aFeature feature to the Features set hasFeatures: features Returns true if the feature or features in 'features' is one of the implementation dependent features present removeFeature: aFeature Remove the aFeature feature to the Features set version Answer the current version of the GNU Smalltalk environment 1.161.10 SystemDictionary: testing ---------------------------------- imageLocal Answer whether the kernel directory is a subdirectory of the image directory (non-local image) or not. isSmalltalk Answer 'true'. 1.162 SystemExceptions.AlreadyDefined ===================================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: SystemExceptions.InvalidArgument Category: Language-Exceptions I am raised when one tries to define a symbol (class or pool variable) that is already defined. 1.162.1 SystemExceptions.AlreadyDefined: accessing -------------------------------------------------- description Answer a description for the error 1.163 SystemExceptions.ArgumentOutOfRange ========================================= Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: SystemExceptions.InvalidArgument Category: Language-Exceptions I am raised when one invokes a method with an argument outside of its valid range. 1.163.1 SystemExceptions.ArgumentOutOfRange class: signaling ------------------------------------------------------------ signalOn: value mustBeBetween: low and: high Raise the exception. The given value was not between low and high. 1.163.2 SystemExceptions.ArgumentOutOfRange: accessing ------------------------------------------------------ description Answer a textual description of the exception. high Answer the highest value that was permitted. high: aMagnitude Set the highest value that was permitted. low Answer the lowest value that was permitted. low: aMagnitude Set the lowest value that was permitted. 1.164 SystemExceptions.BadReturn ================================ Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: SystemExceptions.VMError Category: Language-Exceptions I am raised when one tries to return from an already-terminated method. 1.164.1 SystemExceptions.BadReturn: accessing --------------------------------------------- description Answer a textual description of the exception. 1.165 SystemExceptions.CInterfaceError ====================================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: SystemExceptions.PrimitiveFailed Category: Language-Exceptions I am raised when an error happens that is related to the C interface. 1.165.1 SystemExceptions.CInterfaceError: accessing --------------------------------------------------- description Answer a textual description of the exception. 1.166 SystemExceptions.EmptyCollection ====================================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: SystemExceptions.InvalidValue Category: Language-Exceptions I am raised when one invokes a method on an empty collection. 1.166.1 SystemExceptions.EmptyCollection: accessing --------------------------------------------------- description Answer a textual description of the exception. 1.167 SystemExceptions.EndOfStream ================================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: Notification Category: Language-Exceptions I am raised when a stream reaches its end. 1.167.1 SystemExceptions.EndOfStream class: signaling ----------------------------------------------------- signalOn: stream Answer an exception reporting the parameter has reached its end. 1.167.2 SystemExceptions.EndOfStream: accessing ----------------------------------------------- description Answer a textual description of the exception. stream Answer the stream whose end was reached. stream: anObject Set the stream whose end was reached. 1.168 SystemExceptions.FileError ================================ Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: SystemExceptions.PrimitiveFailed Category: Language-Exceptions I am raised when an error happens that is related to the file system. 1.168.1 SystemExceptions.FileError: accessing --------------------------------------------- description Answer a textual description of the exception. 1.169 SystemExceptions.IndexOutOfRange ====================================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: SystemExceptions.ArgumentOutOfRange Category: Language-Exceptions I am raised when one invokes am accessor method with an index outside of its valid range. 1.169.1 SystemExceptions.IndexOutOfRange class: signaling --------------------------------------------------------- signalOn: aCollection withIndex: value The given index was out of range in aCollection. 1.169.2 SystemExceptions.IndexOutOfRange: accessing --------------------------------------------------- collection Answer the collection that triggered the error collection: anObject Set the collection that triggered the error description Answer a textual description of the exception. messageText Answer an exception's message text. 1.170 SystemExceptions.InvalidArgument ====================================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: SystemExceptions.InvalidValue Category: Language-Exceptions I am raised when one invokes a method with an invalid argument. 1.170.1 SystemExceptions.InvalidArgument: accessing --------------------------------------------------- messageText Answer an exception's message text. 1.171 SystemExceptions.InvalidProcessState ========================================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: SystemExceptions.InvalidValue Category: Language-Exceptions I am an error raised when trying to resume a terminated process, or stuff like that. 1.171.1 SystemExceptions.InvalidProcessState: accessing ------------------------------------------------------- description Answer a textual description of the exception. 1.172 SystemExceptions.InvalidSize ================================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: SystemExceptions.InvalidArgument Category: Language-Exceptions I am raised when an argument has an invalid size. 1.172.1 SystemExceptions.InvalidSize: accessing ----------------------------------------------- description Answer a textual description of the exception. 1.173 SystemExceptions.InvalidState =================================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: SystemExceptions.InvalidValue Category: Language-Exceptions I am raised when one invokes a method and the receiver or an argument are in an invalid state for the method. 1.173.1 SystemExceptions.InvalidState: accessing ------------------------------------------------ messageText Answer an exception's message text. 1.174 SystemExceptions.InvalidValue =================================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: Error Category: Language-Exceptions I am raised when one invokes a method with an invalid receiver or argument. 1.174.1 SystemExceptions.InvalidValue class: signaling ------------------------------------------------------ signalOn: value Answer an exception reporting the parameter as invalid. signalOn: value reason: reason Answer an exception reporting 'value' as invalid, for the given reason. 1.174.2 SystemExceptions.InvalidValue: accessing ------------------------------------------------ description Answer a textual description of the exception. messageText Answer an exception's message text. value Answer the object that was found to be invalid. value: anObject Set the object that was found to be invalid. 1.175 SystemExceptions.MustBeBoolean ==================================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: SystemExceptions.WrongClass Category: Language-Exceptions I am raised when one invokes a boolean method on a non-boolean. 1.175.1 SystemExceptions.MustBeBoolean class: signaling ------------------------------------------------------- signalOn: anObject Signal a new exception, with the bad value in question being anObject. 1.176 SystemExceptions.MutationError ==================================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: Error Category: Language-Exceptions I am an error raised when a class is mutated in an invalid way. 1.176.1 SystemExceptions.MutationError class: instance creation --------------------------------------------------------------- new Create an instance of the receiver, which you will be able to signal later. 1.176.2 SystemExceptions.MutationError: accessing ------------------------------------------------- description Answer a textual description of the exception. 1.177 SystemExceptions.NoRunnableProcess ======================================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: SystemExceptions.VMError Category: Language-Exceptions I am raised when no runnable process can be found in the image. 1.177.1 SystemExceptions.NoRunnableProcess: accessing ----------------------------------------------------- description Answer a textual description of the exception. 1.178 SystemExceptions.NotEnoughElements ======================================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: Error Category: Language-Exceptions I am raised when one invokes #next: but not enough items remain in the stream. 1.178.1 SystemExceptions.NotEnoughElements class: signaling ----------------------------------------------------------- signalOn: remainingCount Answer an exception reporting the parameter as invalid. 1.178.2 SystemExceptions.NotEnoughElements: accessing ----------------------------------------------------- description Answer a textual description of the exception. messageText Answer an exception's message text. remainingCount Answer the number of items that were to be read. remainingCount: anObject Set the number of items that were to be read. 1.179 SystemExceptions.NotFound =============================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: SystemExceptions.InvalidArgument Category: Language-Exceptions I am raised when something is searched without success. 1.179.1 SystemExceptions.NotFound class: accessing -------------------------------------------------- signalOn: value reason: aString Raise an exception: reason specifies the reason of the exception. signalOn: value what: aString Raise an exception; aString specifies what was not found (a key, an object, a class, and so on). 1.179.2 SystemExceptions.NotFound: accessing -------------------------------------------- description Answer a textual description of the exception. 1.180 SystemExceptions.NotImplemented ===================================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: Error Category: Language-Exceptions I am raised when a method is called that has not been implemented. 1.180.1 SystemExceptions.NotImplemented: accessing -------------------------------------------------- description Answer a textual description of the exception. 1.181 SystemExceptions.NotIndexable =================================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: SystemExceptions.InvalidValue Category: Language-Exceptions I am raised when an object is not indexable. 1.181.1 SystemExceptions.NotIndexable: accessing ------------------------------------------------ description Answer a textual description of the exception. 1.182 SystemExceptions.NotYetImplemented ======================================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: SystemExceptions.NotImplemented Category: Language-Exceptions I am raised when a method is called that has not been implemented yet. 1.182.1 SystemExceptions.NotYetImplemented: accessing ----------------------------------------------------- description Answer a textual description of the exception. 1.183 SystemExceptions.PackageNotAvailable ========================================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: SystemExceptions.NotFound Category: Language-Packaging 1.183.1 SystemExceptions.PackageNotAvailable class: still unclassified ---------------------------------------------------------------------- signal: aString Signal an exception saying that the package named aString can't be found. signal: package reason: reason Signal an exception saying that be package named package can't be found because the reason named reason. 1.183.2 SystemExceptions.PackageNotAvailable: description --------------------------------------------------------- isResumable Answer true. Package unavailability is resumable, because the package files might just lie elsewhere. 1.184 SystemExceptions.PrimitiveFailed ====================================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: SystemExceptions.VMError Category: Language-Exceptions I am raised when a primitive fails for some reason. 1.184.1 SystemExceptions.PrimitiveFailed: accessing --------------------------------------------------- description Answer a textual description of the exception. 1.185 SystemExceptions.ProcessBeingTerminated ============================================= Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: Notification Category: Language-Exceptions I am raised when a process is terminated. 1.185.1 SystemExceptions.ProcessBeingTerminated class: still unclassified ------------------------------------------------------------------------- initialize Not commented. 1.185.2 SystemExceptions.ProcessBeingTerminated: accessing ---------------------------------------------------------- description Answer a textual description of the exception. semaphore If the process was waiting on a semaphore, answer it. semaphore: aSemaphore If the process was waiting on a semaphore, answer it. 1.186 SystemExceptions.ProcessTerminated ======================================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: SystemExceptions.InvalidValue Category: Language-Exceptions I am raised when somebody tries to resume or interrupt a terminated process. 1.186.1 SystemExceptions.ProcessTerminated: accessing ----------------------------------------------------- description Answer a textual description of the exception. 1.187 SystemExceptions.ReadOnlyObject ===================================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: SystemExceptions.InvalidValue Category: Language-Exceptions I am raised when one writes to a read-only object. 1.187.1 SystemExceptions.ReadOnlyObject: accessing -------------------------------------------------- description Answer a textual description of the exception. 1.188 SystemExceptions.SecurityError ==================================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: SystemExceptions.VMError Category: Language-Exceptions I am an error raised when an untrusted object tries to do an insecure operation. 1.188.1 SystemExceptions.SecurityError class: accessing ------------------------------------------------------- signal: aPermission Raise the exception, setting to aPermission the permission that was tested and failed. 1.188.2 SystemExceptions.SecurityError: accessing ------------------------------------------------- description Answer a textual description of the exception. failedPermission Answer the permission that was tested and that failed. failedPermission: anObject Set which permission was tested and failed. 1.189 SystemExceptions.ShouldNotImplement ========================================= Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: SystemExceptions.NotImplemented Category: Language-Exceptions I am raised when a method is called that a class wishes that is not called. 1.189.1 SystemExceptions.ShouldNotImplement: accessing ------------------------------------------------------ description Answer a textual description of the exception. 1.190 SystemExceptions.SubclassResponsibility ============================================= Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: SystemExceptions.ShouldNotImplement Category: Language-Exceptions I am raised when a method is called whose implementation is the responsibility of concrete subclass. 1.190.1 SystemExceptions.SubclassResponsibility: accessing ---------------------------------------------------------- description Answer a textual description of the exception. 1.191 SystemExceptions.UnhandledException ========================================= Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: Exception Category: Language-Exception I am raised when a backtrace is shown to terminate the current process. 1.191.1 SystemExceptions.UnhandledException: accessing ------------------------------------------------------ defaultAction Terminate the current process. description Answer a textual description of the exception. originalException Answer the uncaught exception. originalException: anObject Set the uncaught exception to anObject. 1.192 SystemExceptions.UserInterrupt ==================================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: SystemExceptions.VMError Category: Language-Exceptions I am raised when one presses Ctrl-C. 1.192.1 SystemExceptions.UserInterrupt: accessing ------------------------------------------------- description Answer a textual description of the exception. 1.193 SystemExceptions.VerificationError ======================================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: SystemExceptions.VMError Category: Language-Exceptions I am raised when the verification of a method fails. 1.193.1 SystemExceptions.VerificationError: accessing ----------------------------------------------------- description Answer a textual description of the exception. 1.194 SystemExceptions.VMError ============================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: Error Category: Language-Exceptions I am an error related to the innards of the system. 1.194.1 SystemExceptions.VMError: accessing ------------------------------------------- description Answer a textual description of the exception. 1.195 SystemExceptions.WrongArgumentCount ========================================= Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: SystemExceptions.PrimitiveFailed Category: Language-Exceptions I am raised when one tries to evaluate a method (via #perform:...) or a block but passes the wrong number of arguments. 1.195.1 SystemExceptions.WrongArgumentCount: accessing ------------------------------------------------------ description Answer a textual description of the exception. 1.196 SystemExceptions.WrongClass ================================= Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: SystemExceptions.InvalidValue Category: Language-Exceptions I am raised when an argument is constrained to be an instance of a determinate class, and this constraint is not respected by the caller. 1.196.1 SystemExceptions.WrongClass class: signaling ---------------------------------------------------- signalOn: anObject mustBe: aClassOrArray Raise an exception. The given object should have been an instance of one of the classes indicated by aClassOrArray (which should be a single class or an array of classes). Whether instances of subclasses are allowed should be clear from the context, though in general (i.e. with the exception of a few system messages) they should be. 1.196.2 SystemExceptions.WrongClass: accessing ---------------------------------------------- description Answer a textual description of the exception. messageText Answer an exception's message text. validClasses Answer the list of classes whose instances would have been valid. validClasses: aCollection Set the list of classes whose instances would have been valid. validClassesString Answer the list of classes whose instances would have been valid, formatted as a string. 1.197 SystemExceptions.WrongMessageSent ======================================= Defined in namespace Smalltalk.SystemExceptions Superclass: SystemExceptions.ShouldNotImplement Category: Language-Exceptions I am raised when a method is called that a class wishes that is not called. This exception also includes a suggestion on which message should be sent instead 1.197.1 SystemExceptions.WrongMessageSent class: signaling ---------------------------------------------------------- signalOn: selector useInstead: aSymbol Raise an exception, signaling which selector was sent and suggesting a valid alternative. 1.197.2 SystemExceptions.WrongMessageSent: accessing ---------------------------------------------------- messageText Answer an exception's message text. selector Answer which selector was sent. selector: aSymbol Set which selector was sent. suggestedSelector Answer a valid alternative to the selector that was used. suggestedSelector: aSymbol Set a valid alternative to the selector that was used. 1.198 TextCollector =================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Stream Category: Streams I am a thread-safe class that maps between standard Stream protocol and a single message to another object (its selector is pluggable and should roughly correspond to #nextPutAll:). I am, in fact, the class that implements the global Transcript object. 1.198.1 TextCollector class: accessing -------------------------------------- message: receiverToSelectorAssociation Answer a new instance of the receiver, that uses the message identified by anAssociation to perform write operations. anAssociation's key is the receiver, while its value is the selector. new This method should not be called for instances of this class. 1.198.2 TextCollector: accessing -------------------------------- cr Emit a new-line (carriage return) to the Transcript critical: aBlock Evaluate aBlock while holding the Transcript lock endEntry Emit two new-lines. This method is present for compatibility with VisualWorks. next: anInteger put: anObject Write anInteger copies of anObject to the Transcript next: n putAll: aString startingAt: pos Write aString to the Transcript nextPut: aCharacter Emit aCharacter to the Transcript show: aString Write aString to the Transcript showCr: aString Write aString to the Transcript, followed by a new-line character showOnNewLine: aString Write aString to the Transcript, preceded by a new-line character 1.198.3 TextCollector: printing ------------------------------- print: anObject Print anObject's representation to the Transcript printOn: aStream Print a representation of the receiver onto aStream 1.198.4 TextCollector: set up ----------------------------- message Answer an association representing the message to be sent to perform write operations. The key is the receiver, the value is the selector message: receiverToSelectorAssociation Set the message to be sent to perform write operations to the one represented by anAssociation. anAssociation's key is the receiver, while its value is the selector 1.198.5 TextCollector: storing ------------------------------ store: anObject Print Smalltalk code which evaluates to anObject on the Transcript storeOn: aStream Print Smalltalk code which evaluates to the receiver onto aStream 1.199 Time ========== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Magnitude Category: Language-Data types My instances represent times of the day. I provide methods for instance creation, methods that access components (hours, minutes, and seconds) of a time value, and a block execution timing facility. 1.199.1 Time class: basic (UTC) ------------------------------- midnight Answer a time representing midnight in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) utcNow Answer a time representing the current time of day in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) utcSecondClock Answer the number of seconds since the midnight of 1/1/1901 (unlike #secondClock, the reference time is here expressed as UTC, that is as Coordinated Universal Time). 1.199.2 Time class: builtins ---------------------------- primNanosecondClock Returns the number of milliseconds since midnight. primSecondClock Returns the number of seconds to/from 1/1/2000. timezone Answer a String associated with the current timezone (either standard or daylight-saving) on this operating system. For example, the answer could be 'EST' to indicate Eastern Standard Time; the answer can be empty and can't be assumed to be a three-character code such as 'EST'. timezoneBias Specifies the current bias, in seconds, for local time translation for the current time. The bias is the difference, in seconds, between Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and local time; a positive bias indicates that the local timezone is to the east of Greenwich (e.g. Europe, Asia), while a negative bias indicates that it is to the west (e.g. America) timezoneBias: seconds Specifies the bias, in seconds, for local time translation for the given second clock value (0 being midnight of 1/1/1901). The bias is the difference, in seconds, between Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and local time; a positive bias indicates that the local timezone is to the east of Greenwich (e.g. Europe, Asia), while a negative bias indicates that it is to the west (e.g. America) 1.199.3 Time class: clocks -------------------------- millisecondClock Answer the number of milliseconds since startup. millisecondClockValue Answer the number of milliseconds since startup millisecondsPerDay Answer the number of milliseconds in a day millisecondsToRun: timedBlock Answer the number of milliseconds which timedBlock took to run nanosecondClock Answer the number of nanoseconds since startup. nanosecondClockValue Answer the number of milliseconds since startup secondClock Answer the number of seconds since the midnight of 1/1/1901 1.199.4 Time class: initialization ---------------------------------- initialize Initialize the Time class after the image has been bootstrapped update: aspect Private - Initialize the receiver's instance variables 1.199.5 Time class: instance creation ------------------------------------- fromSeconds: secondCount Answer a Time representing secondCount seconds past midnight hour: h Answer a Time that is the given number of hours past midnight hour: h minute: m second: s Answer a Time that is the given number of hours, minutes and seconds past midnight hours: h Answer a Time that is the given number of hours past midnight hours: h minutes: m seconds: s Answer a Time that is the given number of hours, minutes and seconds past midnight minute: m Answer a Time that is the given number of minutes past midnight minutes: m Answer a Time that is the given number of minutes past midnight new Answer a Time representing midnight now Answer a time representing the current time of day readFrom: aStream Parse an instance of the receiver (hours/minutes/seconds) from aStream second: s Answer a Time that is the given number of seconds past midnight seconds: s Answer a Time that is the given number of seconds past midnight 1.199.6 Time: accessing (ANSI for DateAndTimes) ----------------------------------------------- hour Answer the number of hours in the receiver hour12 Answer the hour in a 12-hour clock hour24 Answer the hour in a 24-hour clock minute Answer the number of minutes in the receiver second Answer the number of seconds in the receiver 1.199.7 Time: accessing (non ANSI & for Durations) -------------------------------------------------- asMilliseconds Not commented. asNanoseconds Not commented. asSeconds Answer 'seconds'. hours Answer the number of hours in the receiver minutes Answer the number of minutes in the receiver seconds Answer the number of seconds in the receiver 1.199.8 Time: arithmetic ------------------------ addSeconds: timeAmount Answer a new Time that is timeAmount seconds after the receiver addTime: timeAmount Answer a new Time that is timeAmount seconds after the receiver; timeAmount is a Time. printOn: aStream Print a representation of the receiver on aStream subtractTime: timeAmount Answer a new Time that is timeAmount seconds before the receiver; timeAmount is a Time. 1.199.9 Time: comparing ----------------------- < aTime Answer whether the receiver is less than aTime = aTime Answer whether the receiver is equal to aTime hash Answer an hash value for the receiver 1.200 True ========== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Boolean Category: Language-Data types I represent truth and justice in the world. My motto is "semper veritatis". 1.200.1 True: basic ------------------- & aBoolean We are true - anded with anything, we always answer the other operand and: aBlock We are true - anded with anything, we always answer the other operand, so evaluate aBlock eqv: aBoolean Answer whether the receiver and aBoolean represent the same boolean value ifFalse: falseBlock We are true - answer nil ifFalse: falseBlock ifTrue: trueBlock We are true - evaluate trueBlock ifTrue: trueBlock We are true - evaluate trueBlock ifTrue: trueBlock ifFalse: falseBlock We are true - evaluate trueBlock not We are true - answer false or: aBlock We are true - ored with anything, we always answer true xor: aBoolean Answer whether the receiver and aBoolean represent different boolean values | aBoolean We are true - ored with anything, we always answer true 1.200.2 True: C hacks --------------------- asCBooleanValue Answer '1'. 1.200.3 True: printing ---------------------- printOn: aStream Print a representation of the receiver on aStream 1.201 UndefinedObject ===================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Language-Implementation I have the questionable distinction of being a class with only one instance, which is the object "nil". 1.201.1 UndefinedObject: basic ------------------------------ copy Answer the receiver. deepCopy Answer the receiver. shallowCopy Answer the receiver. 1.201.2 UndefinedObject: class creation - alternative ----------------------------------------------------- subclass: classNameString classInstanceVariableNames: stringClassInstVarNames instanceVariableNames: stringInstVarNames classVariableNames: stringOfClassVarNames poolDictionaries: stringOfPoolNames Don't use this, it is only present to file in from IBM Smalltalk subclass: classNameString instanceVariableNames: stringInstVarNames classVariableNames: stringOfClassVarNames poolDictionaries: stringOfPoolNames Don't use this, it is only present to file in from IBM Smalltalk variableByteSubclass: classNameString classInstanceVariableNames: stringClassInstVarNames instanceVariableNames: stringInstVarNames classVariableNames: stringOfClassVarNames poolDictionaries: stringOfPoolNames Don't use this, it is only present to file in from IBM Smalltalk variableByteSubclass: classNameString instanceVariableNames: stringInstVarNames classVariableNames: stringOfClassVarNames poolDictionaries: stringOfPoolNames Don't use this, it is only present to file in from IBM Smalltalk variableLongSubclass: classNameString classInstanceVariableNames: stringClassInstVarNames instanceVariableNames: stringInstVarNames classVariableNames: stringOfClassVarNames poolDictionaries: stringOfPoolNames Don't use this, it is only present to file in from IBM Smalltalk variableLongSubclass: classNameString instanceVariableNames: stringInstVarNames classVariableNames: stringOfClassVarNames poolDictionaries: stringOfPoolNames Don't use this, it is only present to file in from IBM Smalltalk variableSubclass: classNameString classInstanceVariableNames: stringClassInstVarNames instanceVariableNames: stringInstVarNames classVariableNames: stringOfClassVarNames poolDictionaries: stringOfPoolNames Don't use this, it is only present to file in from IBM Smalltalk variableSubclass: classNameString instanceVariableNames: stringInstVarNames classVariableNames: stringOfClassVarNames poolDictionaries: stringOfPoolNames Don't use this, it is only present to file in from IBM Smalltalk 1.201.3 UndefinedObject: class polymorphism ------------------------------------------- allSubclasses Return all the classes in the system. instSize Answer '0'. metaclassFor: classNameString Create a Metaclass object for the given class name. The metaclass is a subclass of Class methodDictionary Answer 'nil'. removeSubclass: aClass Ignored - necessary to support disjoint class hierarchies subclass: classNameString Define a subclass of the receiver with the given name. If the class is already defined, don't modify its instance or class variables but still, if necessary, recompile everything needed. subclass: classNameString instanceVariableNames: stringInstVarNames classVariableNames: stringOfClassVarNames poolDictionaries: stringOfPoolNames category: categoryNameString Define a fixed subclass of the receiver with the given name, instance variables, class variables, pool dictionaries and category. If the class is already defined, if necessary, recompile everything needed. variable: shape subclass: classNameString instanceVariableNames: stringInstVarNames classVariableNames: stringOfClassVarNames poolDictionaries: stringOfPoolNames category: categoryNameString Define a variable subclass of the receiver with the given name, shape, instance variables, class variables, pool dictionaries and category. If the class is already defined, if necessary, recompile everything needed. The shape can be one of #byte #int8 #character #short #ushort #int #uint #int64 #uint64 #utf32 #float #double or #pointer. variableByteSubclass: classNameString instanceVariableNames: stringInstVarNames classVariableNames: stringOfClassVarNames poolDictionaries: stringOfPoolNames category: categoryNameString Define a byte variable subclass of the receiver with the given name, instance variables, class variables, pool dictionaries and category. If the class is already defined, if necessary, recompile everything needed. variableSubclass: classNameString instanceVariableNames: stringInstVarNames classVariableNames: stringOfClassVarNames poolDictionaries: stringOfPoolNames category: categoryNameString Define a variable pointer subclass of the receiver with the given name, instance variables, class variables, pool dictionaries and category. If the class is already defined, if necessary, recompile everything needed. variableWordSubclass: classNameString instanceVariableNames: stringInstVarNames classVariableNames: stringOfClassVarNames poolDictionaries: stringOfPoolNames category: categoryNameString Define a word variable subclass of the receiver with the given name, instance variables, class variables, pool dictionaries and category. If the class is already defined, if necessary, recompile everything needed. 1.201.4 UndefinedObject: CObject interoperability ------------------------------------------------- free Do nothing, a NULL pointer can be safely freed. narrow Return the receiver: a NULL pointer is always nil, whatever its type. 1.201.5 UndefinedObject: dependents access ------------------------------------------ addDependent: ignored Fail, nil does not support dependents. release Ignore this call, nil does not support dependents. 1.201.6 UndefinedObject: iteration ---------------------------------- ifNil: nilBlock ifNotNilDo: iterableBlock Evaluate nilBlock if the receiver is nil, else evaluate iterableBlock with each element of the receiver (which should be an Iterable). ifNotNilDo: iterableBlock Evaluate iterableBlock with each element of the receiver (which should be an Iterable) if not nil. Else answer nil ifNotNilDo: iterableBlock ifNil: nilBlock Evaluate nilBlock if the receiver is nil, else evaluate iterableBlock, passing each element of the receiver (which should be an Iterable). 1.201.7 UndefinedObject: printing --------------------------------- printOn: aStream Print a representation of the receiver on aStream. printOn: aStream in: aNamespace Print on aStream a representation of the receiver as it would be accessed from aNamespace: nil is the same everywhere, so print the same as #printOn: 1.201.8 UndefinedObject: still unclassified ------------------------------------------- inheritsFrom: aClass Always return false, as nil inherits from nothing. 1.201.9 UndefinedObject: storing -------------------------------- isLiteralObject Answer whether the receiver is expressible as a Smalltalk literal. storeLiteralOn: aStream Store on aStream some Smalltalk code which compiles to the receiver storeOn: aStream Store Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver on aStream. 1.201.10 UndefinedObject: testing --------------------------------- ifNil: nilBlock Evaluate nilBlock if the receiver is nil, else answer nil ifNil: nilBlock ifNotNil: notNilBlock Evaluate nilBlock if the receiver is nil, else evaluate notNilBlock, passing the receiver. ifNotNil: notNilBlock Evaluate notNilBlock if the receiver is not nil, passing the receiver. Else answer nil ifNotNil: notNilBlock ifNil: nilBlock Evaluate nilBlock if the receiver is nil, else evaluate notNilBlock, passing the receiver. isNil Answer whether the receiver is the undefined object nil. Always answer true. isNull Answer whether the receiver represents a NULL C pointer. Always answer true. notNil Answer whether the receiver is not the undefined object nil. Always answer false. 1.202 UnicodeCharacter ====================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Character Category: Language-Data types My instances represent the over one million characters of the Unicode character set. It provides messages to translate between integers and character objects. UnicodeCharacter objects are created when accessing UnicodeStrings, or with Character class>>#codePoint:. 1.202.1 UnicodeCharacter class: built ins ----------------------------------------- value: anInteger Returns the character object, possibly a Character, corresponding to anInteger. Error if anInteger is not an integer, or not in 0..16r10FFFF. This is only a primitive for speed. UnicodeCharacter's #value: method is equivalent to #codePoint: (which is the same for Character and UnicodeCharacter). 1.202.2 UnicodeCharacter: coercion methods ------------------------------------------ * aNumber Returns a String with aNumber occurrences of the receiver. 1.203 UnicodeString =================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: CharacterArray Category: Collections-Text My instances represent Unicode string data types. Data is stored as 4-byte UTF-32 characters 1.203.1 UnicodeString class: converting --------------------------------------- fromString: aString Return the String, aString, converted to its Unicode representation. Unless the I18N package is loaded, this is not implemented. 1.203.2 UnicodeString class: multibyte encodings ------------------------------------------------ defaultEncoding Answer the encoding used by the receiver. Conventionally, we answer 'Unicode' to ensure that two UnicodeStrings always have the same encoding. isUnicode Answer true; the receiver stores characters. 1.203.3 UnicodeString: built ins -------------------------------- at: anIndex ifAbsent: aBlock Answer the index-th indexed instance variable of the receiver 1.203.4 UnicodeString: built-ins -------------------------------- hash Answer an hash value for the receiver 1.203.5 UnicodeString: converting --------------------------------- asString Returns the string corresponding to the receiver. Without the Iconv package, unrecognized Unicode characters become $? characters. When it is loaded, an appropriate single- or multi-byte encoding could be used. asSymbol Returns the symbol corresponding to the receiver asUnicodeString But I already am a UnicodeString! Really! displayOn: aStream Print a representation of the receiver on aStream printOn: aStream Print a representation of the receiver on aStream 1.203.6 UnicodeString: multibyte encodings ------------------------------------------ encoding Answer the encoding used by the receiver. Conventionally, we answer 'Unicode' to ensure that two UnicodeStrings always have the same encoding. numberOfCharacters Answer the number of Unicode characters in the receiver. This is the same as #size for UnicodeString. 1.204 ValueAdaptor ================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Object Category: Language-Data types My subclasses are used to access data from different objects with a consistent protocol. However, I'm an abstract class. 1.204.1 ValueAdaptor class: creating instances ---------------------------------------------- new We don't know enough of subclasses to have a shared implementation of new 1.204.2 ValueAdaptor: accessing ------------------------------- value Retrive the value of the receiver. Must be implemented by ValueAdaptor's subclasses value: anObject Set the value of the receiver. Must be implemented by ValueAdaptor's subclasses 1.204.3 ValueAdaptor: printing ------------------------------ printOn: aStream Print a representation of the receiver 1.205 ValueHolder ================= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: ValueAdaptor Category: Language-Data types I store my value in a variable. For example, you can use me to pass numbers by reference. Just instance me before calling a method and ask for my value after that method. There are a lot of other creative uses for my intances, though. 1.205.1 ValueHolder class: creating instances --------------------------------------------- new Create a ValueHolder whose starting value is nil null Answer the sole instance of NullValueHolder with: anObject Create a ValueHolder whose starting value is anObject 1.205.2 ValueHolder: accessing ------------------------------ value Get the value of the receiver. value: anObject Set the value of the receiver. 1.205.3 ValueHolder: initializing --------------------------------- initialize Private - set the initial value of the receiver 1.206 VariableBinding ===================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: HomedAssociation Category: Language-Data types My instances represent a mapping between a key in a namespace and its value. I print different than a normal Association, and know about my parent namespace, otherwise my behavior is the same. 1.206.1 VariableBinding: compiler --------------------------------- literalEquals: anObject Not commented. literalHash Not commented. 1.206.2 VariableBinding: printing --------------------------------- path Print a dotted path that compiles to the receiver's value printOn: aStream Put on aStream a representation of the receiver 1.206.3 VariableBinding: saving and loading ------------------------------------------- binaryRepresentationObject This method is implemented to allow for a PluggableProxy to be used with VariableBindings. Answer a DirectedMessage which sends #at: to the environment that holds the receiver. 1.206.4 VariableBinding: storing -------------------------------- isLiteralObject Answer whether the receiver is expressible as a Smalltalk literal. storeLiteralOn: aStream Store on aStream some Smalltalk code which compiles to the receiver storeOn: aStream Put on aStream some Smalltalk code compiling to the receiver 1.206.5 VariableBinding: testing -------------------------------- isDefined Answer true if this VariableBinding lives outside the Undeclared dictionary 1.207 VersionableObjectProxy ============================ Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: NullProxy Category: Streams-Files I am a proxy that stores additional information to allow different versions of an object's representations to be handled by the program. VersionableObjectProxies are backwards compatible, that is you can support versioning even if you did not use a VersionableObjectProxy for that class when the object was originarily dumped. VersionableObjectProxy does not support classes that changed shape across different versions. See the method comments for more information. 1.207.1 VersionableObjectProxy class: saving and restoring ---------------------------------------------------------- loadFrom: anObjectDumper Retrieve the object. If the version number doesn't match the #binaryRepresentationVersion answered by the class, call the class' #convertFromVersion:withFixedVariables:instanceVariables:for: method. The stored version number will be the first parameter to that method (or nil if the stored object did not employ a VersionableObjectProxy), the remaining parameters will be respectively the fixed instance variables, the indexed instance variables (or nil if the class is fixed), and the ObjectDumper itself. If no VersionableObjectProxy, the class is sent #nonVersionedInstSize to retrieve the number of fixed instance variables stored for the non-versioned object. 1.207.2 VersionableObjectProxy: saving and restoring ---------------------------------------------------- dumpTo: anObjectDumper Save the object with extra versioning information. 1.208 VFS.ArchiveFile ===================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk.VFS Superclass: VFS.FileWrapper Category: Streams-Files ArchiveFile handles virtual filesystems that have a directory structure of their own. The directories and files in the archive are instances of ArchiveMember, but the functionality resides entirely in ArchiveFile because the members will still ask the archive to get directory information on them, to extract them to a real file, and so on. 1.208.1 VFS.ArchiveFile: ArchiveMember protocol ----------------------------------------------- fillMember: anArchiveMember Extract the information on anArchiveMember. Answer false if it actually does not exist in the archive; otherwise, answer true after having told anArchiveMember about them by sending #size:stCtime:stMtime:stAtime:isDirectory: to it. member: anArchiveMember do: aBlock Evaluate aBlock once for each file in the directory represented by anArchiveMember, passing its name. member: anArchiveMember mode: bits Set the permission bits for the file in anArchiveMember. refresh Extract the directory listing from the archive removeMember: anArchiveMember Remove the member represented by anArchiveMember. updateMember: anArchiveMember Update the member represented by anArchiveMember by copying the file into which it was extracted back to the archive. 1.208.2 VFS.ArchiveFile: directory operations --------------------------------------------- at: aName Answer a FilePath for a file named 'aName' residing in the directory represented by the receiver. nameAt: aString Answer a FilePath for a file named 'aName' residing in the directory represented by the receiver. namesDo: aBlock Evaluate aBlock once for each file in the directory represented by the receiver, passing its name. release Release the resources used by the receiver that don't survive when reloading a snapshot. 1.208.3 VFS.ArchiveFile: querying --------------------------------- isAccessible Answer whether a directory with the name contained in the receiver does exist and can be accessed isDirectory Answer true. The archive can always be considered as a directory. 1.208.4 VFS.ArchiveFile: still unclassified ------------------------------------------- displayOn: aStream Print a representation of the file identified by the receiver. 1.208.5 VFS.ArchiveFile: TmpFileArchiveMember protocol ------------------------------------------------------ extractMember: anArchiveMember Extract the contents of anArchiveMember into a file that resides on disk, and answer the name of the file. extractMember: anArchiveMember into: file Extract the contents of anArchiveMember into a file that resides on disk, and answer the name of the file. 1.209 VFS.ArchiveMember ======================= Defined in namespace Smalltalk.VFS Superclass: FilePath Category: Streams-Files TmpFileArchiveMember is a handler class for members of archive files that creates temporary files when extracting files from an archive. 1.209.1 VFS.ArchiveMember: accessing ------------------------------------ archive Answer the archive of which the receiver is a member. asString Answer the name of the file identified by the receiver as answered by File>>#name. creationTime Answer the creation time of the file identified by the receiver. On some operating systems, this could actually be the last change time (the 'last change time' has to do with permissions, ownership and the like). lastAccessTime Answer the last access time of the file identified by the receiver lastChangeTime Answer the last change time of the file identified by the receiver (the 'last change time' has to do with permissions, ownership and the like). On some operating systems, this could actually be the file creation time. lastModifyTime Answer the last modify time of the file identified by the receiver (the 'last modify time' has to do with the actual file contents). name Answer the receiver's file name. name: aName Set the receiver's file name to aName. refresh Refresh the statistics for the receiver size Answer the size of the file identified by the receiver 1.209.2 VFS.ArchiveMember: basic -------------------------------- = aFile Answer whether the receiver represents the same file as the receiver. hash Answer a hash value for the receiver. 1.209.3 VFS.ArchiveMember: delegation ------------------------------------- full Answer the size of the file identified by the receiver 1.209.4 VFS.ArchiveMember: directory operations ----------------------------------------------- at: aName Answer a FilePath for a file named 'aName' residing in the directory represented by the receiver. createDirectory: dirName Create a subdirectory of the receiver, naming it dirName. namesDo: aBlock Evaluate aBlock once for each file in the directory represented by the receiver, passing its name. 1.209.5 VFS.ArchiveMember: file operations ------------------------------------------ open: class mode: mode ifFail: aBlock Open the receiver in the given mode (as answered by FileStream's class constant methods) remove Remove the file with the given path name renameTo: newFileName Rename the file with the given path name oldFileName to newFileName update: aspect Private - Update the in-archive version of the file before closing. 1.209.6 VFS.ArchiveMember: initializing --------------------------------------- archive: anArchiveFile Set the archive of which the receiver is a member. fillFrom: data Called back by the receiver's archive when the ArchiveMember asks for file information. size: bytes stCtime: ctime stMtime: mtime stAtime: atime mode: modeBits Set the file information for the receiver. size: bytes stMtime: mtime mode: modeBits Set the file information for the receiver. 1.209.7 VFS.ArchiveMember: still unclassified --------------------------------------------- , aName Answer an object of the same kind as the receiver, whose name is suffixed with aName. displayOn: aStream Print a representation of the file identified by the receiver. isAbsolute Answer whether the receiver identifies an absolute path. 1.209.8 VFS.ArchiveMember: testing ---------------------------------- exists Answer whether a file with the name contained in the receiver does exist. isAccessible Answer whether a directory with the name contained in the receiver does exist and is accessible isDirectory Answer whether a file with the name contained in the receiver does exist and identifies a directory. isExecutable Answer whether a file with the name contained in the receiver does exist and is executable isReadable Answer whether a file with the name contained in the receiver does exist and is readable isSymbolicLink Answer whether a file with the name contained in the receiver does exist and identifies a symbolic link. isWriteable Answer whether a file with the name contained in the receiver does exist and is writeable mode Answer the octal permissions for the file. mode: mode Set the octal permissions for the file to be 'mode'. 1.210 VFS.FileWrapper ===================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk.VFS Superclass: FilePath Category: Streams-Files FileWrapper gives information for virtual files that refer to a real file on disk. 1.210.1 VFS.FileWrapper class: initializing ------------------------------------------- initialize Register the receiver with ObjectMemory update: aspect Private - Remove the files before quitting, and register the virtual filesystems specified by the subclasses upon image load. 1.210.2 VFS.FileWrapper class: instance creation ------------------------------------------------ on: file Create an instance of this class representing the contents of the given file, under the virtual filesystem fsName. 1.210.3 VFS.FileWrapper: accessing ---------------------------------- asString Answer the string representation of the receiver's path. at: aName Answer a File or Directory object as appropriate for a file named 'aName' in the directory represented by the receiver. lastAccessTime: accessDateTime lastModifyTime: modifyDateTime Update the timestamps of the file corresponding to the receiver, to be accessDateTime and modifyDateTime. name Answer the full path to the receiver. owner: ownerString group: groupString Set the receiver's owner and group to be ownerString and groupString. pathTo: destName Compute the relative path from the receiver to destName. 1.210.4 VFS.FileWrapper: basic ------------------------------ = aFile Answer whether the receiver represents the same file as the receiver. hash Answer a hash value for the receiver. 1.210.5 VFS.FileWrapper: delegation ----------------------------------- creationTime Answer the creation time of the file identified by the receiver. On some operating systems, this could actually be the last change time (the 'last change time' has to do with permissions, ownership and the like). full Answer the size of the file identified by the receiver isExecutable Answer whether a file with the name contained in the receiver does exist and is executable isReadable Answer whether a file with the name contained in the receiver does exist and is readable isWriteable Answer whether a file with the name contained in the receiver does exist and is writeable lastAccessTime Answer the last access time of the file identified by the receiver lastChangeTime Answer the last change time of the file identified by the receiver (the 'last change time' has to do with permissions, ownership and the like). On some operating systems, this could actually be the file creation time. lastModifyTime Answer the last modify time of the file identified by the receiver (the 'last modify time' has to do with the actual file contents). mode Answer the permission bits for the file identified by the receiver mode: anInteger Answer the permission bits for the file identified by the receiver open: class mode: mode ifFail: aBlock Open the receiver in the given mode (as answered by FileStream's class constant methods) remove Remove the file with the given path name size Answer the size of the file identified by the receiver 1.210.6 VFS.FileWrapper: enumerating ------------------------------------ namesDo: aBlock Evaluate aBlock once for each file in the directory represented by the receiver, passing its name. 1.210.7 VFS.FileWrapper: file operations ---------------------------------------- pathFrom: dirName Compute the relative path from the directory dirName to the receiver renameTo: newName Rename the file identified by the receiver to newName symlinkAs: destName Create destName as a symbolic link of the receiver. The appropriate relative path is computed automatically. symlinkFrom: srcName Create the receiver as a symbolic link from srcName (relative to the path of the receiver). 1.210.8 VFS.FileWrapper: testing -------------------------------- exists Answer whether a file with the name contained in the receiver does exist. isAbsolute Answer whether the receiver identifies an absolute path. isAccessible Answer whether a directory with the name contained in the receiver does exist and can be accessed isDirectory Answer whether a file with the name contained in the receiver does exist identifies a directory. isSymbolicLink Answer whether a file with the name contained in the receiver does exist and identifies a symbolic link. 1.211 VFS.StoredZipMember ========================= Defined in namespace Smalltalk.VFS Superclass: VFS.TmpFileArchiveMember Category: Streams-Files ArchiveMember is the handler class for stored ZIP archive members, which are optimized. 1.211.1 VFS.StoredZipMember: accessing -------------------------------------- offset Answer 'offset'. offset: anInteger Not commented. 1.211.2 VFS.StoredZipMember: opening ------------------------------------ open: class mode: mode ifFail: aBlock Not commented. 1.212 VFS.TmpFileArchiveMember ============================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk.VFS Superclass: VFS.ArchiveMember Category: Streams-Files 1.212.1 VFS.TmpFileArchiveMember: directory operations ------------------------------------------------------ file Answer the real file name which holds the file contents, or nil if it does not apply. open: class mode: mode ifFail: aBlock Open the receiver in the given mode (as answered by FileStream's class constant methods) 1.212.2 VFS.TmpFileArchiveMember: finalization ---------------------------------------------- release Release the resources used by the receiver that don't survive when reloading a snapshot. 1.212.3 VFS.TmpFileArchiveMember: still unclassified ---------------------------------------------------- extracted Answer whether the file has already been extracted to disk. 1.213 VFS.ZipFile ================= Defined in namespace Smalltalk.VFS Superclass: VFS.ArchiveFile Category: Streams-Files ZipFile transparently extracts files from a ZIP archive. 1.213.1 VFS.ZipFile: members ---------------------------- centralDirectoryRangeIn: f Not commented. createDirectory: dirName Create a subdirectory of the receiver, naming it dirName. extractMember: anArchiveMember into: temp Extract the contents of anArchiveMember into a file that resides on disk, and answer the name of the file. fileData Extract the directory listing from the archive member: anArchiveMember mode: bits Set the permission bits for the file in anArchiveMember. removeMember: anArchiveMember Remove the member represented by anArchiveMember. updateMember: anArchiveMember Update the member represented by anArchiveMember by copying the file into which it was extracted back to the archive. 1.214 Warning ============= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Notification Category: Language-Exceptions Warning represents an 'important' but resumable error. 1.214.1 Warning: exception description -------------------------------------- description Answer a textual description of the exception. 1.215 WeakArray =============== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Array Category: Collections-Weak I am similar to a plain array, but my items are stored in a weak object, so I track which of them are garbage collected. 1.215.1 WeakArray class: instance creation ------------------------------------------ new Create a new WeakArray of size 0. new: size Create a new WeakArray of the given size. 1.215.2 WeakArray: accessing ---------------------------- aliveObjectsDo: aBlock Evaluate aBlock for all the elements in the array, excluding the garbage collected ones. Note: a finalized object stays alive until the next collection (the collector has no means to see whether it was resuscitated by the finalizer), so an object being alive does not mean that it is usable. at: index Answer the index-th item of the receiver, or nil if it has been garbage collected. at: index put: object Store the value associated to the given index; plus, store in nilValues whether the object is nil. nil objects whose associated item of nilValues is 1 were touched by the garbage collector. atAll: indices put: object Put object at every index contained in the indices collection atAllPut: object Put object at every index in the receiver clearGCFlag: index Clear the 'object has been garbage collected' flag for the item at the given index do: aBlock Evaluate aBlock for all the elements in the array, including the garbage collected ones (pass nil for those). isAlive: index Answer whether the item at the given index is still alive or has been garbage collected. Note: a finalized object stays alive until the next collection (the collector has no means to see whether it was resuscitated by the finalizer), so an object being alive does not mean that it is usable. size Answer the number of items in the receiver 1.215.3 WeakArray: conversion ----------------------------- asArray Answer a non-weak version of the receiver deepCopy Returns a deep copy of the receiver (the instance variables are copies of the receiver's instance variables) shallowCopy Returns a shallow copy of the receiver (the instance variables are not copied) species Answer Array; this method is used in the #copyEmpty: message, which in turn is used by all collection-returning methods (collect:, select:, reject:, etc.). 1.215.4 WeakArray: loading -------------------------- postLoad Called after loading an object; must restore it to the state before 'preStore' was called. Make it weak again 1.216 WeakIdentitySet ===================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: WeakSet Category: Collections-Weak I am similar to a plain identity set, but my keys are stored in a weak array; I track which of them are garbage collected and, as soon as I encounter one of them, I swiftly remove all the garbage collected keys 1.216.1 WeakIdentitySet: accessing ---------------------------------- identityIncludes: anObject Answer whether I include anObject exactly. As I am an identity-set, this is the same as #includes:. 1.217 WeakKeyDictionary ======================= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Dictionary Category: Collections-Weak I am similar to a plain Dictionary, but my keys are stored in a weak array; I track which of them are garbage collected and, as soon as I encounter one of them, I swiftly remove all the associations for the garbage collected keys 1.217.1 WeakKeyDictionary class: hacks -------------------------------------- postLoad Called after loading an object; must restore it to the state before 'preStore' was called. Make it weak again 1.217.2 WeakKeyDictionary: accessing ------------------------------------ add: anAssociation Store value as associated to the given key. at: key put: value Store value as associated to the given key. 1.218 WeakKeyIdentityDictionary =============================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: WeakKeyDictionary Category: Collections-Weak I am similar to a plain identity dictionary, but my keys are stored in a weak array; I track which of them are garbage collected and, as soon as I encounter one of them, I swiftly remove all the associations for the garbage collected keys 1.219 WeakSet ============= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: Set Category: Collections-Weak I am similar to a plain set, but my items are stored in a weak array; I track which of them are garbage collected and, as soon as I encounter one of them, I swiftly remove all. 1.219.1 WeakSet: accessing -------------------------- add: newObject Add newObject to the set, if and only if the set doesn't already contain an occurrence of it. Don't fail if a duplicate is found. Answer newObject do: aBlock Enumerate all the non-nil members of the set 1.219.2 WeakSet: copying ------------------------ deepCopy Returns a deep copy of the receiver (the instance variables are copies of the receiver's instance variables) shallowCopy Returns a shallow copy of the receiver (the instance variables are not copied) 1.219.3 WeakSet: loading ------------------------ postLoad Called after loading an object; must restore it to the state before 'preStore' was called. Make it weak again 1.220 WeakValueIdentityDictionary ================================= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: WeakValueLookupTable Category: Collections-Weak I am similar to a plain identity dictionary, but my values are stored in a weak array; I track which of the values are garbage collected and, as soon as one of them is accessed, I swiftly remove the associations for the garbage collected values 1.221 WeakValueLookupTable ========================== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: LookupTable Category: Collections-Weak I am similar to a plain LookupTable, but my values are stored in a weak array; I track which of the values are garbage collected and, as soon as one of them is accessed, I swiftly remove the associations for the garbage collected values 1.221.1 WeakValueLookupTable class: hacks ----------------------------------------- primNew: realSize Answer a new, uninitialized instance of the receiver with the given size 1.221.2 WeakValueLookupTable: hacks ----------------------------------- at: key ifAbsent: aBlock Answer the value associated to the given key, or the result of evaluating aBlock if the key is not found at: key ifPresent: aBlock If aKey is absent, answer nil. Else, evaluate aBlock passing the associated value and answer the result of the invocation includesKey: key Answer whether the receiver contains the given key. 1.221.3 WeakValueLookupTable: rehashing --------------------------------------- rehash Rehash the receiver 1.222 WordArray =============== Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: ArrayedCollection Category: Collections-Sequenceable I am similar to a plain array, but my items are 32-bit integers. 1.222.1 WordArray: built ins ---------------------------- at: anIndex ifAbsent: aBlock Answer the index-th indexed instance variable of the receiver 1.223 WriteStream ================= Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: PositionableStream Category: Streams-Collections I am the class of writeable streams. I only allow write operations to my instances; reading is strictly forbidden. 1.223.1 WriteStream class: instance creation -------------------------------------------- on: aCollection Answer a new instance of the receiver which streams on aCollection. Every item of aCollection is discarded. with: aCollection Answer a new instance of the receiver which streams from the end of aCollection. with: aCollection from: firstIndex to: lastIndex Answer a new instance of the receiver which streams from the firstIndex-th item of aCollection to the lastIndex-th. The pointer is moved to the last item in that range. 1.223.2 WriteStream: accessing-writing -------------------------------------- contents Returns a collection of the same type that the stream accesses, up to and including the final element. next: n putAll: aCollection startingAt: pos Put n characters or bytes of aCollection, starting at the pos-th, in the collection buffer. nextPut: anObject Store anObject as the next item in the receiver. Grow the collection if necessary readStream Answer a ReadStream on the same contents as the receiver reverseContents Returns a collection of the same type that the stream accesses, up to and including the final element, but in reverse order. 1.223.3 WriteStream: positioning -------------------------------- emptyStream Extension - Reset the stream 1.224 ZeroDivide ================ Defined in namespace Smalltalk Superclass: ArithmeticError Category: Language-Exceptions A ZeroDivide exception is raised by numeric classes when a program tries to divide by zero. Information on the dividend is available to the handler. 1.224.1 ZeroDivide class: instance creation ------------------------------------------- dividend: aNumber Create a new ZeroDivide object remembering that the dividend was aNumber. new Create a new ZeroDivide object; the dividend is conventionally set to zero. 1.224.2 ZeroDivide: accessing ----------------------------- dividend Answer the number that was being divided by zero 1.224.3 ZeroDivide: description ------------------------------- description Answer a textual description of the exception. Class index *********** * Menu: * AbstractNamespace: AbstractNamespace. (line 19) * AlternativeObjectProxy: AlternativeObjectProxy. (line 214) * ArithmeticError: ArithmeticError. (line 259) * Array: Array. (line 278) * ArrayedCollection: ArrayedCollection. (line 336) * Association: Association. (line 513) * Autoload: Autoload. (line 580) * Bag: Bag. (line 625) * Behavior: Behavior. (line 711) * BindingDictionary: BindingDictionary. (line 1356) * BlockClosure: BlockClosure. (line 1468) * BlockContext: BlockContext. (line 1730) * Boolean: Boolean. (line 1797) * ByteArray: ByteArray. (line 1894) * CAggregate: CAggregate. (line 2155) * CallinProcess: CallinProcess. (line 2177) * CArray: CArray. (line 2196) * CArrayCType: CArrayCType. (line 2212) * CBoolean: CBoolean. (line 2262) * CByte: CByte. (line 2287) * CCallable: CCallable. (line 2318) * CCallbackDescriptor: CCallbackDescriptor. (line 2388) * CChar: CChar. (line 2419) * CCompound: CCompound. (line 2464) * CDouble: CDouble. (line 2534) * CFloat: CFloat. (line 2566) * CFunctionDescriptor: CFunctionDescriptor. (line 2598) * Character: Character. (line 2651) * CharacterArray: CharacterArray. (line 2888) * CInt: CInt. (line 3152) * Class: Class. (line 3184) * ClassDescription: ClassDescription. (line 3451) * CLong: CLong. (line 3616) * CLongDouble: CLongDouble. (line 3648) * CLongLong: CLongLong. (line 3680) * CObject: CObject. (line 3712) * Collection: Collection. (line 3917) * CompiledBlock: CompiledBlock. (line 4202) * CompiledCode: CompiledCode. (line 4306) * CompiledMethod: CompiledMethod. (line 4539) * ContextPart: ContextPart. (line 4803) * Continuation: Continuation. (line 5040) * CPtr: CPtr. (line 5102) * CPtrCType: CPtrCType. (line 5127) * CScalar: CScalar. (line 5165) * CScalarCType: CScalarCType. (line 5203) * CShort: CShort. (line 5224) * CSmalltalk: CSmalltalk. (line 5256) * CString: CString. (line 5288) * CStringCType: CStringCType. (line 5342) * CStruct: CStruct. (line 5355) * CType: CType. (line 5368) * CUChar: CUChar. (line 5483) * CUInt: CUInt. (line 5515) * CULong: CULong. (line 5547) * CULongLong: CULongLong. (line 5579) * CUnion: CUnion. (line 5611) * CUShort: CUShort. (line 5624) * Date: Date. (line 5656) * DateTime: DateTime. (line 5893) * DeferredVariableBinding: DeferredVariableBinding. (line 6077) * Delay: Delay. (line 6120) * DelayedAdaptor: DelayedAdaptor. (line 6259) * Dictionary: Dictionary. (line 6283) * DirectedMessage: DirectedMessage. (line 6547) * Directory: Directory. (line 6632) * DLD: DLD. (line 6721) * DumperProxy: DumperProxy. (line 6782) * Duration: Duration. (line 6821) * DynamicVariable: DynamicVariable. (line 6921) * Error: Error. (line 6947) * Exception: Exception. (line 6965) * ExceptionSet: ExceptionSet. (line 7151) * False: False. (line 7191) * File: File. (line 7252) * FileDescriptor: FileDescriptor. (line 7495) * FilePath: FilePath. (line 7933) * FileSegment: FileSegment. (line 8324) * FileStream: FileStream. (line 8401) * Float: Float. (line 8607) * FloatD: FloatD. (line 8873) * FloatE: FloatE. (line 9010) * FloatQ: FloatQ. (line 9162) * Fraction: Fraction. (line 9307) * Generator: Generator. (line 9475) * Getopt: Getopt. (line 9560) * Halt: Halt. (line 9617) * HashedCollection: HashedCollection. (line 9634) * HomedAssociation: HomedAssociation. (line 9763) * IdentityDictionary: IdentityDictionary. (line 9804) * IdentitySet: IdentitySet. (line 9813) * Integer: Integer. (line 9829) * Interval: Interval. (line 10057) * Iterable: Iterable. (line 10148) * LargeArray: LargeArray. (line 10263) * LargeArrayedCollection: LargeArrayedCollection. (line 10279) * LargeByteArray: LargeByteArray. (line 10320) * LargeInteger: LargeInteger. (line 10343) * LargeNegativeInteger: LargeNegativeInteger. (line 10522) * LargePositiveInteger: LargePositiveInteger. (line 10580) * LargeWordArray: LargeWordArray. (line 10698) * LargeZeroInteger: LargeZeroInteger. (line 10717) * Link: Link. (line 10790) * LinkedList: LinkedList. (line 10832) * LookupKey: LookupKey. (line 10912) * LookupTable: LookupTable. (line 10963) * Magnitude: Magnitude. (line 11050) * MappedCollection: MappedCollection. (line 11090) * Memory: Memory. (line 11186) * Message: Message. (line 11321) * MessageNotUnderstood: MessageNotUnderstood. (line 11379) * Metaclass: Metaclass. (line 11408) * MethodContext: MethodContext. (line 11559) * MethodDictionary: MethodDictionary. (line 11629) * MethodInfo: MethodInfo. (line 11661) * Namespace: Namespace. (line 11718) * NetClients.URIResolver: NetClients.URIResolver. (line 11832) * NetClients.URL: NetClients.URL. (line 11872) * Notification: Notification. (line 12098) * NullProxy: NullProxy. (line 12121) * NullValueHolder: NullValueHolder. (line 12145) * Number: Number. (line 12174) * Object: Object. (line 12608) * ObjectDumper: ObjectDumper. (line 13236) * ObjectMemory: ObjectMemory. (line 13340) * OrderedCollection: OrderedCollection. (line 13637) * Package: Package. (line 13774) * PackageLoader: PackageLoader. (line 13964) * Permission: Permission. (line 14065) * PluggableAdaptor: PluggableAdaptor. (line 14149) * PluggableProxy: PluggableProxy. (line 14195) * Point: Point. (line 14224) * PositionableStream: PositionableStream. (line 14385) * Process: Process. (line 14539) * ProcessEnvironment: ProcessEnvironment. (line 14673) * ProcessorScheduler: ProcessorScheduler. (line 14761) * ProcessVariable: ProcessVariable. (line 14932) * Promise: Promise. (line 14980) * Random: Random. (line 15034) * ReadStream: ReadStream. (line 15090) * ReadWriteStream: ReadWriteStream. (line 15109) * Rectangle: Rectangle. (line 15141) * RecursionLock: RecursionLock. (line 15387) * Regex: Regex. (line 15432) * RegexResults: RegexResults. (line 15501) * RootNamespace: RootNamespace. (line 15587) * RunArray: RunArray. (line 15639) * ScaledDecimal: ScaledDecimal. (line 15765) * SecurityPolicy: SecurityPolicy. (line 15903) * Semaphore: Semaphore. (line 15938) * SequenceableCollection: SequenceableCollection. (line 16023) * Set: Set. (line 16433) * SharedQueue: SharedQueue. (line 16476) * SingletonProxy: SingletonProxy. (line 16513) * SmallInteger: SmallInteger. (line 16547) * SortedCollection: SortedCollection. (line 16724) * Stream: Stream. (line 16853) * String: String. (line 17213) * Symbol: Symbol. (line 17558) * SymLink: SymLink. (line 17728) * SystemDictionary: SystemDictionary. (line 17766) * SystemExceptions.AlreadyDefined: SystemExceptions.AlreadyDefined. (line 17964) * SystemExceptions.ArgumentOutOfRange: SystemExceptions.ArgumentOutOfRange. (line 17979) * SystemExceptions.BadReturn: SystemExceptions.BadReturn. (line 18012) * SystemExceptions.CInterfaceError: SystemExceptions.CInterfaceError. (line 18027) * SystemExceptions.EmptyCollection: SystemExceptions.EmptyCollection. (line 18042) * SystemExceptions.EndOfStream: SystemExceptions.EndOfStream. (line 18056) * SystemExceptions.FileError: SystemExceptions.FileError. (line 18082) * SystemExceptions.IndexOutOfRange: SystemExceptions.IndexOutOfRange. (line 18097) * SystemExceptions.InvalidArgument: SystemExceptions.InvalidArgument. (line 18127) * SystemExceptions.InvalidProcessState: SystemExceptions.InvalidProcessState. (line 18141) * SystemExceptions.InvalidSize: SystemExceptions.InvalidSize. (line 18156) * SystemExceptions.InvalidState: SystemExceptions.InvalidState. (line 18170) * SystemExceptions.InvalidValue: SystemExceptions.InvalidValue. (line 18185) * SystemExceptions.MustBeBoolean: SystemExceptions.MustBeBoolean. (line 18219) * SystemExceptions.MutationError: SystemExceptions.MutationError. (line 18234) * SystemExceptions.NoRunnableProcess: SystemExceptions.NoRunnableProcess. (line 18255) * SystemExceptions.NotEnoughElements: SystemExceptions.NotEnoughElements. (line 18269) * SystemExceptions.NotFound: SystemExceptions.NotFound. (line 18299) * SystemExceptions.NotImplemented: SystemExceptions.NotImplemented. (line 18323) * SystemExceptions.NotIndexable: SystemExceptions.NotIndexable. (line 18337) * SystemExceptions.NotYetImplemented: SystemExceptions.NotYetImplemented. (line 18351) * SystemExceptions.PackageNotAvailable: SystemExceptions.PackageNotAvailable. (line 18366) * SystemExceptions.PrimitiveFailed: SystemExceptions.PrimitiveFailed. (line 18391) * SystemExceptions.ProcessBeingTerminated: SystemExceptions.ProcessBeingTerminated. (line 18405) * SystemExceptions.ProcessTerminated: SystemExceptions.ProcessTerminated. (line 18431) * SystemExceptions.ReadOnlyObject: SystemExceptions.ReadOnlyObject. (line 18446) * SystemExceptions.SecurityError: SystemExceptions.SecurityError. (line 18460) * SystemExceptions.ShouldNotImplement: SystemExceptions.ShouldNotImplement. (line 18488) * SystemExceptions.SubclassResponsibility: SystemExceptions.SubclassResponsibility. (line 18503) * SystemExceptions.UnhandledException: SystemExceptions.UnhandledException. (line 18518) * SystemExceptions.UserInterrupt: SystemExceptions.UserInterrupt. (line 18542) * SystemExceptions.VerificationError: SystemExceptions.VerificationError. (line 18556) * SystemExceptions.VMError: SystemExceptions.VMError. (line 18570) * SystemExceptions.WrongArgumentCount: SystemExceptions.WrongArgumentCount. (line 18584) * SystemExceptions.WrongClass: SystemExceptions.WrongClass. (line 18599) * SystemExceptions.WrongMessageSent: SystemExceptions.WrongMessageSent. (line 18639) * TextCollector: TextCollector. (line 18674) * Time: Time. (line 18759) * True: True. (line 18961) * UndefinedObject: UndefinedObject. (line 19022) * UnicodeCharacter: UnicodeCharacter. (line 19221) * UnicodeString: UnicodeString. (line 19252) * ValueAdaptor: ValueAdaptor. (line 19325) * ValueHolder: ValueHolder. (line 19358) * VariableBinding: VariableBinding. (line 19396) * VersionableObjectProxy: VersionableObjectProxy. (line 19451) * VFS.ArchiveFile: VFS.ArchiveFile. (line 19488) * VFS.ArchiveMember: VFS.ArchiveMember. (line 19573) * VFS.FileWrapper: VFS.FileWrapper. (line 19736) * VFS.StoredZipMember: VFS.StoredZipMember. (line 19896) * VFS.TmpFileArchiveMember: VFS.TmpFileArchiveMember. (line 19920) * VFS.ZipFile: VFS.ZipFile. (line 19951) * Warning: Warning. (line 19985) * WeakArray: WeakArray. (line 19999) * WeakIdentitySet: WeakIdentitySet. (line 20087) * WeakKeyDictionary: WeakKeyDictionary. (line 20106) * WeakKeyIdentityDictionary: WeakKeyIdentityDictionary. (line 20134) * WeakSet: WeakSet. (line 20146) * WeakValueIdentityDictionary: WeakValueIdentityDictionary. (line 20186) * WeakValueLookupTable: WeakValueLookupTable. (line 20198) * WordArray: WordArray. (line 20237) * WriteStream: WriteStream. (line 20252) * ZeroDivide: ZeroDivide. (line 20305) Method index ************ * Menu: * %: CharacterArray-string processing. (line 3060) * &: Boolean-basic. (line 1819) * & <1>: False-basic. (line 7200) * & <2>: Set-arithmetic. (line 16442) * & <3>: True-basic. (line 18970) * *: Character-coercion methods. (line 2772) * * <1>: Duration-arithmetics. (line 6863) * * <2>: FloatD-built ins. (line 8934) * * <3>: FloatE-built ins. (line 9086) * * <4>: FloatQ-built ins. (line 9231) * * <5>: Fraction-arithmetic. (line 9341) * * <6>: LargeInteger-arithmetic. (line 10362) * * <7>: LargeZeroInteger-arithmetic. (line 10743) * * <8>: Number-arithmetic. (line 12209) * * <9>: Point-arithmetic. (line 14261) * * <10>: ScaledDecimal-arithmetic. (line 15784) * * <11>: SmallInteger-built ins. (line 16587) * * <12>: UnicodeCharacter-coercion methods. (line 19246) * +: CObject-pointer-like behavior. (line 3848) * + <1>: Date-still unclassified. (line 5868) * + <2>: DateTime-basic. (line 5972) * + <3>: Duration-arithmetics. (line 6866) * + <4>: FloatD-built ins. (line 8937) * + <5>: FloatE-built ins. (line 9089) * + <6>: FloatQ-built ins. (line 9234) * + <7>: Fraction-arithmetic. (line 9344) * + <8>: LargeInteger-arithmetic. (line 10365) * + <9>: LargeNegativeInteger-reverting to LargePositiveInteger. (line 10564) * + <10>: LargePositiveInteger-arithmetic. (line 10593) * + <11>: LargeZeroInteger-arithmetic. (line 10746) * + <12>: Number-arithmetic. (line 12212) * + <13>: Point-arithmetic. (line 14264) * + <14>: ScaledDecimal-arithmetic. (line 15787) * + <15>: Set-arithmetic. (line 16445) * + <16>: SmallInteger-built ins. (line 16590) * ,: ArrayedCollection-basic. (line 390) * , <1>: Collection-copying SequenceableCollections. (line 4057) * , <2>: Exception class-creating ExceptionCollections. (line 6992) * , <3>: ExceptionSet-instance creation. (line 7184) * , <4>: File-still unclassified. (line 7459) * , <5>: Iterable-enumeration. (line 10165) * , <6>: Stream-filtering. (line 17074) * , <7>: String-basic. (line 17258) * , <8>: VFS.ArchiveMember-still unclassified. (line 19686) * -: CObject-pointer-like behavior. (line 3853) * - <1>: Date-basic. (line 5768) * - <2>: DateTime-basic. (line 5975) * - <3>: Duration-arithmetics. (line 6870) * - <4>: FloatD-built ins. (line 8940) * - <5>: FloatE-built ins. (line 9092) * - <6>: FloatQ-built ins. (line 9237) * - <7>: Fraction-arithmetic. (line 9347) * - <8>: LargeInteger-arithmetic. (line 10368) * - <9>: LargeNegativeInteger-reverting to LargePositiveInteger. (line 10567) * - <10>: LargePositiveInteger-arithmetic. (line 10596) * - <11>: LargeZeroInteger-arithmetic. (line 10749) * - <12>: Number-arithmetic. (line 12215) * - <13>: Point-arithmetic. (line 14267) * - <14>: ScaledDecimal-arithmetic. (line 15790) * - <15>: Set-arithmetic. (line 16448) * - <16>: SmallInteger-built ins. (line 16593) * ->: Object-syntax shortcuts. (line 13131) * /: Duration-arithmetics. (line 6874) * / <1>: FilePath-still unclassified. (line 8267) * / <2>: FloatD-built ins. (line 8943) * / <3>: FloatE-built ins. (line 9095) * / <4>: FloatQ-built ins. (line 9240) * / <5>: Fraction-arithmetic. (line 9350) * / <6>: LargeInteger-arithmetic. (line 10371) * / <7>: LargeZeroInteger-arithmetic. (line 10752) * / <8>: Number-arithmetic. (line 12218) * / <9>: Point-arithmetic. (line 14270) * / <10>: ScaledDecimal-arithmetic. (line 15793) * / <11>: SmallInteger-built ins. (line 16596) * / <12>: String-filesystem. (line 17348) * //: Fraction-arithmetic. (line 9353) * // <1>: LargeInteger-arithmetic. (line 10375) * // <2>: LargeZeroInteger-arithmetic. (line 10756) * // <3>: Number-arithmetic. (line 12223) * // <4>: Point-arithmetic. (line 14274) * // <5>: ScaledDecimal-arithmetic. (line 15796) * // <6>: SmallInteger-built ins. (line 16599) * <: Character-comparing. (line 2796) * < <1>: CharacterArray-comparing. (line 2934) * < <2>: Date-testing. (line 5881) * < <3>: DateTime-testing. (line 6036) * < <4>: FloatD-built ins. (line 8946) * < <5>: FloatE-built ins. (line 9098) * < <6>: FloatQ-built ins. (line 9243) * < <7>: Fraction-comparing. (line 9400) * < <8>: LargeInteger-testing. (line 10501) * < <9>: LookupKey-testing. (line 10949) * < <10>: Magnitude-basic. (line 11060) * < <11>: Point-comparing. (line 14285) * < <12>: ScaledDecimal-comparing. (line 15847) * < <13>: Set-comparing. (line 16461) * < <14>: SmallInteger-built ins. (line 16603) * < <15>: Time-comparing. (line 18949) * <<: Stream-printing. (line 17153) * <=: Character-comparing. (line 2800) * <= <1>: CharacterArray-comparing. (line 2938) * <= <2>: FloatD-built ins. (line 8949) * <= <3>: FloatE-built ins. (line 9101) * <= <4>: FloatQ-built ins. (line 9246) * <= <5>: Fraction-comparing. (line 9403) * <= <6>: LargeInteger-testing. (line 10504) * <= <7>: Magnitude-basic. (line 11063) * <= <8>: Point-comparing. (line 14288) * <= <9>: ScaledDecimal-comparing. (line 15850) * <= <10>: Set-comparing. (line 16464) * <= <11>: SmallInteger-built ins. (line 16606) * =: Association-testing. (line 568) * = <1>: Bag-testing collections. (line 693) * = <2>: BindingDictionary-basic & copying. (line 1412) * = <3>: ByteArray-basic. (line 1911) * = <4>: CArrayCType-basic. (line 2247) * = <5>: Character-built ins. (line 2750) * = <6>: CharacterArray-comparing. (line 2944) * = <7>: Class-testing. (line 3436) * = <8>: CObject-basic. (line 3798) * = <9>: CompiledBlock-basic. (line 4267) * = <10>: CompiledCode-basic. (line 4427) * = <11>: CompiledMethod-basic. (line 4679) * = <12>: CPtrCType-basic. (line 5150) * = <13>: CType-basic. (line 5444) * = <14>: Date-testing. (line 5884) * = <15>: DateTime-testing. (line 6039) * = <16>: Delay-comparing. (line 6203) * = <17>: Dictionary-testing. (line 6538) * = <18>: Exception-comparison. (line 7047) * = <19>: File-basic. (line 7399) * = <20>: FileSegment-equality. (line 8383) * = <21>: FloatD-built ins. (line 8952) * = <22>: FloatE-built ins. (line 9104) * = <23>: FloatQ-built ins. (line 9249) * = <24>: Fraction-comparing. (line 9406) * = <25>: HashedCollection-testing collections. (line 9734) * = <26>: Interval-testing. (line 10134) * = <27>: LargeArrayedCollection-basic. (line 10308) * = <28>: LargeInteger-testing. (line 10507) * = <29>: LookupKey-testing. (line 10952) * = <30>: Magnitude-basic. (line 11066) * = <31>: MethodInfo-equality. (line 11709) * = <32>: NetClients.URL-comparing. (line 12019) * = <33>: Object-built ins. (line 12637) * = <34>: Point-comparing. (line 14292) * = <35>: Rectangle-testing. (line 15338) * = <36>: RunArray-testing. (line 15756) * = <37>: ScaledDecimal-comparing. (line 15853) * = <38>: SequenceableCollection-testing. (line 16409) * = <39>: SmallInteger-built ins. (line 16609) * = <40>: String-basic. (line 17263) * = <41>: Symbol-built ins. (line 17661) * = <42>: Time-comparing. (line 18952) * = <43>: VFS.ArchiveMember-basic. (line 19624) * = <44>: VFS.FileWrapper-basic. (line 19786) * ==: Object-built ins. (line 12642) * == <1>: SmallInteger-built ins. (line 16612) * =~: String-regex. (line 17382) * >: Character-comparing. (line 2804) * > <1>: CharacterArray-comparing. (line 2947) * > <2>: FloatD-built ins. (line 8955) * > <3>: FloatE-built ins. (line 9107) * > <4>: FloatQ-built ins. (line 9252) * > <5>: Fraction-comparing. (line 9409) * > <6>: LargeInteger-testing. (line 10510) * > <7>: Magnitude-basic. (line 11069) * > <8>: Point-comparing. (line 14295) * > <9>: ScaledDecimal-comparing. (line 15856) * > <10>: Set-comparing. (line 16467) * > <11>: SmallInteger-built ins. (line 16615) * >=: Character-comparing. (line 2808) * >= <1>: CharacterArray-comparing. (line 2951) * >= <2>: FloatD-built ins. (line 8958) * >= <3>: FloatE-built ins. (line 9110) * >= <4>: FloatQ-built ins. (line 9255) * >= <5>: Fraction-comparing. (line 9412) * >= <6>: LargeInteger-testing. (line 10513) * >= <7>: Magnitude-basic. (line 11072) * >= <8>: Point-comparing. (line 14298) * >= <9>: ScaledDecimal-comparing. (line 15859) * >= <10>: Set-comparing. (line 16470) * >= <11>: SmallInteger-built ins. (line 16618) * >>: Behavior-accessing the method dictionary. (line 798) * @: Number-point creation. (line 12444) * \\: Fraction-arithmetic. (line 9357) * \\ <1>: LargeInteger-arithmetic. (line 10379) * \\ <2>: LargeZeroInteger-arithmetic. (line 10760) * \\ <3>: Number-arithmetic. (line 12228) * \\ <4>: ScaledDecimal-arithmetic. (line 15800) * \\ <5>: SmallInteger-built ins. (line 16621) * |: Boolean-basic. (line 1859) * | <1>: False-basic. (line 7233) * | <2>: True-basic. (line 19004) * ~: String-regex. (line 17538) * ~=: FloatD-built ins. (line 8980) * ~= <1>: FloatE-built ins. (line 9132) * ~= <2>: FloatQ-built ins. (line 9277) * ~= <3>: LargeInteger-testing. (line 10516) * ~= <4>: Object-relational operators. (line 13077) * ~= <5>: ScaledDecimal-comparing. (line 15865) * ~= <6>: SmallInteger-built ins. (line 16668) * ~~: Object-relational operators. (line 13080) * ~~ <1>: SmallInteger-built ins. (line 16671) * abbreviationOfDay:: Date class-basic. (line 5679) * abort: ObjectMemory class-builtins. (line 13363) * abs: Duration-arithmetics. (line 6880) * abs <1>: LargeNegativeInteger-numeric testing. (line 10546) * abs <2>: LargePositiveInteger-numeric testing. (line 10665) * abs <3>: Number-misc math. (line 12351) * abs <4>: Point-arithmetic. (line 14278) * acceptUsageForClass:: AlternativeObjectProxy class-instance creation. (line 227) * acceptUsageForClass: <1>: DumperProxy class-accessing. (line 6792) * acceptUsageForClass: <2>: SingletonProxy class-accessing. (line 16524) * accesses:: CompiledCode-testing accesses. (line 4497) * accesses: <1>: CompiledMethod-testing. (line 4781) * action:: Permission-accessing. (line 14101) * actions: Permission-accessing. (line 14104) * actions:: Permission-accessing. (line 14107) * activeDebugger: ProcessorScheduler-basic. (line 14775) * activeDelay: Delay class-timer process. (line 6158) * activePriority: ProcessorScheduler-basic. (line 14778) * activeProcess: ProcessorScheduler-basic. (line 14781) * add:: ArrayedCollection-basic. (line 395) * add: <1>: Bag-adding. (line 646) * add: <2>: Collection-adding. (line 3971) * add: <3>: Dictionary-accessing. (line 6310) * add: <4>: HashedCollection-accessing. (line 9655) * add: <5>: LinkedList-adding. (line 10852) * add: <6>: LookupTable-accessing. (line 10982) * add: <7>: MappedCollection-basic. (line 11126) * add: <8>: OrderedCollection-adding. (line 13676) * add: <9>: ProcessEnvironment-accessing. (line 14697) * add: <10>: WeakKeyDictionary-accessing. (line 20125) * add: <11>: WeakSet-accessing. (line 20157) * add:after:: OrderedCollection-adding. (line 13679) * add:afterIndex:: OrderedCollection-adding. (line 13683) * add:afterIndex: <1>: RunArray-adding. (line 15671) * add:afterIndex: <2>: SortedCollection-disabled. (line 16783) * add:before:: OrderedCollection-adding. (line 13687) * add:beforeIndex:: OrderedCollection-adding. (line 13691) * add:withOccurrences:: Bag-adding. (line 650) * addAll:: Collection-adding. (line 3974) * addAll: <1>: Dictionary-accessing. (line 6313) * addAll: <2>: OrderedCollection-adding. (line 13695) * addAll:after:: OrderedCollection-adding. (line 13698) * addAll:afterIndex:: OrderedCollection-adding. (line 13702) * addAll:afterIndex: <1>: RunArray-adding. (line 15674) * addAll:afterIndex: <2>: SortedCollection-disabled. (line 16786) * addAll:before:: OrderedCollection-adding. (line 13706) * addAll:beforeIndex:: OrderedCollection-adding. (line 13710) * addAllFirst:: OrderedCollection-adding. (line 13714) * addAllFirst: <1>: RunArray-adding. (line 15679) * addAllFirst: <2>: SortedCollection-disabled. (line 16789) * addAllLast:: OrderedCollection-adding. (line 13718) * addAllLast: <1>: RunArray-adding. (line 15684) * addAllLast: <2>: SortedCollection-disabled. (line 16792) * addBuiltFile:: Package-accessing. (line 13796) * addCallout:: Package-accessing. (line 13799) * addClassVarName:: Class-accessing instances and variables. (line 3202) * addClassVarName: <1>: Metaclass-delegation. (line 11468) * addClassVarName:value:: Class-accessing instances and variables. (line 3206) * addDays:: Date-basic. (line 5772) * addDependent:: Object-dependents access. (line 12964) * addDependent: <1>: UndefinedObject-dependents access. (line 19136) * addFeature:: Package-accessing. (line 13802) * addFeature: <1>: SystemDictionary-special accessing. (line 17938) * addFile:: Package-accessing. (line 13805) * addFileIn:: Package-accessing. (line 13808) * addFirst:: LinkedList-adding. (line 10855) * addFirst: <1>: OrderedCollection-adding. (line 13722) * addFirst: <2>: RunArray-adding. (line 15689) * addFirst: <3>: SortedCollection-disabled. (line 16795) * addInstVarName:: Behavior-instance variables. (line 1049) * addLast:: LinkedList-adding. (line 10858) * addLast: <1>: OrderedCollection-adding. (line 13726) * addLast: <2>: RunArray-adding. (line 15693) * addLast: <3>: SortedCollection-disabled. (line 16798) * addLibrary:: DLD class-dynamic linking. (line 6742) * addLibrary: <1>: Package-accessing. (line 13811) * addLibraryHandle:: DLD class-dynamic linking. (line 6745) * addModule:: DLD class-dynamic linking. (line 6749) * addModule: <1>: Package-accessing. (line 13814) * addPermission:: SecurityPolicy-modifying. (line 15914) * addPrerequisite:: Package-accessing. (line 13817) * address: CObject-accessing. (line 3769) * address:: CObject class-instance creation. (line 3732) * address: <1>: CObject-accessing. (line 3775) * address: <2>: CType-C instance creation. (line 5453) * addressAt:: CObject-pointer-like behavior. (line 3861) * addressOf:: CFunctionDescriptor class-testing. (line 2617) * addressOf: <1>: ObjectMemory class-builtins. (line 13366) * addressOfOOP:: ObjectMemory class-builtins. (line 13372) * addSeconds:: Time-arithmetic. (line 18932) * addSelector:withMethod:: Behavior-method dictionary. (line 1063) * addSharedPool:: AbstractNamespace-compiling. (line 68) * addSharedPool: <1>: Class-accessing instances and variables. (line 3210) * addSharedPool: <2>: ClassDescription-parsing class declarations. (line 3572) * addSharedPool: <3>: Metaclass-delegation. (line 11472) * addSubclass:: Behavior-creating a class hierarchy. (line 956) * addSubspace:: AbstractNamespace-namespace hierarchy. (line 95) * addSunitScript:: Package-accessing. (line 13820) * addTime:: Time-arithmetic. (line 18935) * addToBeFinalized: FileDescriptor-initialize-release. (line 7866) * addToBeFinalized <1>: Object-finalization. (line 12997) * after:: SequenceableCollection-basic. (line 16040) * alignof: CAggregate class-accessing. (line 2162) * alignof <1>: CArray-accessing. (line 2203) * alignof <2>: CArrayCType-accessing. (line 2235) * alignof <3>: CChar class-accessing. (line 2426) * alignof <4>: CChar-accessing. (line 2439) * alignof <5>: CCompound class-subclass creation. (line 2482) * alignof <6>: CDouble class-accessing. (line 2541) * alignof <7>: CDouble-accessing. (line 2554) * alignof <8>: CFloat class-accessing. (line 2573) * alignof <9>: CFloat-accessing. (line 2586) * alignof <10>: CInt class-accessing. (line 3159) * alignof <11>: CInt-accessing. (line 3172) * alignof <12>: CLong class-accessing. (line 3623) * alignof <13>: CLong-accessing. (line 3636) * alignof <14>: CLongDouble class-accessing. (line 3655) * alignof <15>: CLongDouble-accessing. (line 3668) * alignof <16>: CLongLong class-accessing. (line 3687) * alignof <17>: CLongLong-accessing. (line 3700) * alignof <18>: CPtr-accessing. (line 5109) * alignof <19>: CShort class-accessing. (line 5231) * alignof <20>: CShort-accessing. (line 5244) * alignof <21>: CSmalltalk class-accessing. (line 5263) * alignof <22>: CSmalltalk-accessing. (line 5276) * alignof <23>: CType-accessing. (line 5413) * alignof <24>: CUChar class-getting info. (line 5490) * alignof <25>: CUChar-accessing. (line 5503) * alignof <26>: CUInt class-accessing. (line 5522) * alignof <27>: CUInt-accessing. (line 5535) * alignof <28>: CULong class-accessing. (line 5554) * alignof <29>: CULong-accessing. (line 5567) * alignof <30>: CULongLong class-accessing. (line 5586) * alignof <31>: CULongLong-accessing. (line 5599) * alignof <32>: CUShort class-accessing. (line 5631) * alignof <33>: CUShort-accessing. (line 5644) * alignTo:: Integer-extension. (line 9936) * aliveObjectsDo:: WeakArray-accessing. (line 20018) * all: FilePath-decoration. (line 8067) * allAssociations: AbstractNamespace-accessing. (line 38) * allBehaviorsDo:: AbstractNamespace-accessing. (line 43) * allBlocksDo:: CompiledMethod-accessing. (line 4583) * allButFirst: SequenceableCollection-basic. (line 16044) * allButFirst:: SequenceableCollection-basic. (line 16047) * allButLast: SequenceableCollection-basic. (line 16050) * allButLast:: SequenceableCollection-basic. (line 16053) * allClassesDo:: AbstractNamespace-accessing. (line 49) * allClassObjectsDo:: AbstractNamespace-accessing. (line 46) * allClassVarNames: Behavior-accessing instances and variables. (line 747) * allClassVarNames <1>: Class-accessing instances and variables. (line 3214) * allClassVarNames <2>: Metaclass-delegation. (line 11476) * allExceptionsDo:: Exception class-interoperability with TrappableEvents. (line 7014) * allExceptionsDo: <1>: ExceptionSet-enumerating. (line 7169) * allFilesMatching:do:: Directory class-file operations. (line 6661) * allFilesMatching:do: <1>: FilePath-enumerating. (line 8090) * allInstances: Behavior-accessing instances and variables. (line 754) * allInstancesDo:: Behavior-enumerating. (line 968) * allInstVarNames: Behavior-accessing instances and variables. (line 750) * allLiterals: CompiledMethod-accessing. (line 4586) * allLiteralsDo:: CompiledCode-literals - iteration. (line 4480) * allLiteralSymbolsDo:: CompiledCode-literals - iteration. (line 4477) * allMask:: Integer-bit operators. (line 9861) * allMetaclassesDo:: AbstractNamespace-accessing. (line 52) * alloc:: CObject class-instance creation. (line 3735) * alloc:type:: CObject class-primitive allocation. (line 3753) * allOccurrencesOfRegex:: String-regex. (line 17386) * allOccurrencesOfRegex:do:: String-regex. (line 17390) * allOccurrencesOfRegex:from:to:: String-regex. (line 17394) * allOccurrencesOfRegex:from:to:do:: String-regex. (line 17399) * allocFailures: ObjectMemory-accessing. (line 13471) * allocMatches: ObjectMemory-accessing. (line 13476) * allocProbes: ObjectMemory-accessing. (line 13480) * allocSplits: ObjectMemory-accessing. (line 13484) * allow: Permission-accessing. (line 14110) * allowing: Permission-accessing. (line 14113) * allowing:target:action:: Permission class-testing. (line 14074) * allowing:target:actions:: Permission class-testing. (line 14077) * allOwners: Object-built ins. (line 12646) * allSatisfy:: Iterable-enumeration. (line 10169) * allSelectors: Behavior-accessing the method dictionary. (line 802) * allSharedPoolDictionaries: Behavior-accessing instances and variables. (line 757) * allSharedPoolDictionariesDo:: Behavior-still unclassified. (line 1209) * allSharedPoolDictionariesDo: <1>: Class-still unclassified. (line 3426) * allSharedPoolDictionariesDo: <2>: Metaclass-delegation. (line 11480) * allSharedPools: Behavior-accessing instances and variables. (line 761) * allSharedPools <1>: Metaclass-delegation. (line 11484) * allSubassociationsDo:: AbstractNamespace-namespace hierarchy. (line 99) * allSubclasses: Behavior-accessing class hierarchy. (line 725) * allSubclasses <1>: UndefinedObject-class polymorphism. (line 19070) * allSubclassesDo:: Behavior-enumerating. (line 971) * allSubinstancesDo:: Behavior-enumerating. (line 974) * allSubspaces: AbstractNamespace-namespace hierarchy. (line 103) * allSubspacesDo:: AbstractNamespace-namespace hierarchy. (line 106) * allSuperclasses: Behavior-accessing class hierarchy. (line 728) * allSuperclassesDo:: Behavior-enumerating. (line 978) * allSuperspaces: Dictionary-namespace protocol. (line 6456) * allSuperspacesDo:: AbstractNamespace-namespace hierarchy. (line 109) * allSuperspacesDo: <1>: Dictionary-namespace protocol. (line 6459) * amountToTranslateWithin:: Rectangle-rectangle functions. (line 15291) * and:: Boolean-basic. (line 1823) * and: <1>: False-basic. (line 7203) * and: <2>: True-basic. (line 18974) * anyMask:: Integer-bit operators. (line 9864) * anyOne: Collection-enumeration. (line 4064) * anyOne <1>: SequenceableCollection-enumerating. (line 16271) * anySatisfy:: Iterable-enumeration. (line 10173) * append: FileDescriptor class-instance creation. (line 7518) * append:to:: Directory class-file name management. (line 6647) * append:to: <1>: FilePath class-file name management. (line 7944) * arcCos: Float-built ins. (line 8678) * arcCos <1>: Number-misc math. (line 12354) * arcCosh: Number-misc math. (line 12357) * archive: VFS.ArchiveMember-accessing. (line 19583) * archive:: VFS.ArchiveMember-initializing. (line 19670) * arcSin: Float-built ins. (line 8681) * arcSin <1>: Number-misc math. (line 12360) * arcSinh: Number-misc math. (line 12363) * arcTan: Float-built ins. (line 8684) * arcTan <1>: Number-misc math. (line 12366) * arcTan <2>: Point-point functions. (line 14333) * arcTan:: Number-misc math. (line 12369) * arcTanh: Number-misc math. (line 12374) * area: Rectangle-rectangle functions. (line 15295) * areasOutside:: Rectangle-rectangle functions. (line 15300) * argument: Message-accessing. (line 11342) * argumentCount: BlockClosure-accessing. (line 1508) * arguments: Message-accessing. (line 11345) * arguments <1>: SystemDictionary-miscellaneous. (line 17906) * arguments:: Message-accessing. (line 11348) * arguments:do:: SystemDictionary-command-line. (line 17858) * arguments:do:ifError:: SystemDictionary-command-line. (line 17872) * arithmeticError:: Number-error raising. (line 12341) * arrayType:: CType-accessing. (line 5416) * article: Behavior-support for lightweight classes. (line 1225) * article <1>: Class-printing. (line 3378) * asAbsolute: Delay-accessing. (line 6184) * asArray: Collection-converting. (line 4004) * asArray <1>: RegexResults-accessing. (line 15514) * asArray <2>: WeakArray-conversion. (line 20061) * asBag: Collection-converting. (line 4007) * asByteArray: CharacterArray-converting. (line 2984) * asByteArray <1>: Collection-converting. (line 4010) * asByteArray <2>: String-converting. (line 17332) * asByteArray:: CChar-conversion. (line 2451) * asCBooleanValue: Boolean-C hacks. (line 1866) * asCBooleanValue <1>: False-C hacks. (line 7240) * asCBooleanValue <2>: True-C hacks. (line 19010) * asCData: ByteArray-CObject. (line 1955) * asCData <1>: String-CObject. (line 17325) * asCData:: ByteArray-built ins. (line 1925) * asCData: <1>: String-built ins. (line 17277) * asCharacter: Character-converting. (line 2815) * asCharacter <1>: Integer-converting. (line 9908) * asciiValue: Character-built ins. (line 2757) * asciiValue:: Character class-built ins. (line 2668) * asClass: Behavior-support for lightweight classes. (line 1228) * asClass <1>: Class-testing functionality. (line 3442) * asClass <2>: ClassDescription-conversion. (line 3478) * asClass <3>: Metaclass-testing functionality. (line 11550) * asClassPoolKey: CharacterArray-converting. (line 2987) * asCNumber: Float-coercion. (line 8738) * asCNumber <1>: Fraction-coercion. (line 9393) * asCNumber <2>: LargeInteger-coercion. (line 10459) * asCNumber <3>: Number-coercion. (line 12249) * asCNumber <4>: ScaledDecimal-coercion. (line 15807) * asCNumber <5>: SmallInteger-coercion. (line 16699) * asDate: DateTime-splitting in dates & times. (line 6015) * asExactFraction: Float-coercing. (line 8723) * asExactFraction <1>: Fraction-converting. (line 9421) * asExactFraction <2>: Number-converting. (line 12269) * asFile: FilePath-converting. (line 8061) * asFile <1>: String-filesystem. (line 17352) * asFloat: Float-transcendental operations. (line 8847) * asFloat <1>: Number-converting. (line 12273) * asFloatD: FloatD-coercing. (line 8986) * asFloatD <1>: FloatE-built ins. (line 9113) * asFloatD <2>: FloatQ-built ins. (line 9258) * asFloatD <3>: Fraction-converting. (line 9424) * asFloatD <4>: LargeNegativeInteger-converting. (line 10534) * asFloatD <5>: LargePositiveInteger-converting. (line 10608) * asFloatD <6>: Number-converting. (line 12276) * asFloatD <7>: ScaledDecimal-coercion. (line 15811) * asFloatD <8>: SmallInteger-built ins. (line 16625) * asFloatE: FloatD-built ins. (line 8961) * asFloatE <1>: FloatE-coercing. (line 9138) * asFloatE <2>: FloatQ-built ins. (line 9261) * asFloatE <3>: Fraction-converting. (line 9427) * asFloatE <4>: LargeNegativeInteger-converting. (line 10537) * asFloatE <5>: LargePositiveInteger-converting. (line 10611) * asFloatE <6>: Number-converting. (line 12280) * asFloatE <7>: ScaledDecimal-coercion. (line 15814) * asFloatE <8>: SmallInteger-built ins. (line 16628) * asFloatQ: FloatD-built ins. (line 8964) * asFloatQ <1>: FloatE-built ins. (line 9116) * asFloatQ <2>: FloatQ-coercing. (line 9283) * asFloatQ <3>: Fraction-converting. (line 9430) * asFloatQ <4>: LargeNegativeInteger-converting. (line 10540) * asFloatQ <5>: LargePositiveInteger-converting. (line 10614) * asFloatQ <6>: Number-converting. (line 12284) * asFloatQ <7>: ScaledDecimal-coercion. (line 15817) * asFloatQ <8>: SmallInteger-built ins. (line 16631) * asFraction: Float-coercing. (line 8727) * asFraction <1>: Fraction-converting. (line 9433) * asFraction <2>: Integer-converting. (line 9911) * asFraction <3>: Number-converting. (line 12288) * asFraction <4>: ScaledDecimal-coercion. (line 15820) * asGlobalKey: CharacterArray-converting. (line 2990) * asInteger: Character-built ins. (line 2753) * asInteger <1>: CharacterArray-converting. (line 2993) * asInteger <2>: Number-truncation and round off. (line 12579) * asLocal: DateTime-time zones. (line 6048) * asLowercase: Character-coercion methods. (line 2775) * asLowercase <1>: CharacterArray-converting. (line 2997) * asMetaclass: ClassDescription-conversion. (line 3482) * asMilliseconds: Time-accessing (non ANSI & for Durations). (line 18911) * asNanoseconds: Time-accessing (non ANSI & for Durations). (line 18914) * asNumber: CharacterArray-converting. (line 3000) * asNumber <1>: Number-converting. (line 12292) * asObject: LargeInteger-disabled. (line 10479) * asObject <1>: SmallInteger-built ins. (line 16634) * asObjectNoFail: LargeInteger-disabled. (line 10483) * asObjectNoFail <1>: SmallInteger-built ins. (line 16638) * asOop: Object-built ins. (line 12649) * asOrderedCollection: Collection-converting. (line 4013) * asPoint: Number-point creation. (line 12447) * asPoint <1>: Point-converting. (line 14313) * asPoolKey: CharacterArray-converting. (line 3004) * asRectangle: Number-converting. (line 12295) * asRectangle <1>: Point-converting. (line 14316) * asRegex: Regex-conversion. (line 15472) * asRegex <1>: String-regex. (line 17404) * asRunArray: Collection-converting. (line 4017) * asScaledDecimal:: Integer-converting. (line 9914) * asScaledDecimal: <1>: Number-converting. (line 12298) * asScaledDecimal:radix:scale:: Number-converting. (line 12301) * asSeconds: Date-date computations. (line 5798) * asSeconds <1>: DateTime-computations. (line 5981) * asSeconds <2>: Time-accessing (non ANSI & for Durations). (line 18917) * asSet: Bag-enumerating the elements of a collection. (line 658) * asSet <1>: Collection-converting. (line 4022) * assigns:: CompiledCode-testing accesses. (line 4501) * assigns: <1>: CompiledMethod-testing. (line 4785) * associationAt:: Dictionary-accessing. (line 6317) * associationAt: <1>: ProcessEnvironment-accessing. (line 14700) * associationAt:ifAbsent:: Dictionary-accessing. (line 6321) * associationAt:ifAbsent: <1>: LookupTable-accessing. (line 10985) * associationAt:ifAbsent: <2>: Namespace-overrides for superspaces. (line 11771) * associationAt:ifAbsent: <3>: ProcessEnvironment-accessing. (line 14704) * associations: Dictionary-accessing. (line 6325) * associationsDo:: Dictionary-dictionary enumerating. (line 6385) * associationsDo: <1>: LookupTable-enumerating. (line 11003) * associationsDo: <2>: Namespace-overrides for superspaces. (line 11777) * asSortedCollection: Collection-converting. (line 4026) * asSortedCollection:: Collection-converting. (line 4030) * asString: ByteArray-converting. (line 1965) * asString <1>: CChar-conversion. (line 2454) * asString <2>: Character-coercion methods. (line 2779) * asString <3>: CharacterArray-converting. (line 3007) * asString <4>: Collection-converting. (line 4034) * asString <5>: File-accessing. (line 7342) * asString <6>: FilePath-printing. (line 8251) * asString <7>: FileSegment-basic. (line 8352) * asString <8>: NetClients.URL-accessing. (line 11916) * asString <9>: Number-converting. (line 12305) * asString <10>: Regex-conversion. (line 15475) * asString <11>: String-converting. (line 17335) * asString <12>: Symbol-converting. (line 17671) * asString <13>: UnicodeString-converting. (line 19292) * asString <14>: VFS.ArchiveMember-accessing. (line 19586) * asString <15>: VFS.FileWrapper-accessing. (line 19762) * asString:: CChar-conversion. (line 2458) * asSymbol: Character-coercion methods. (line 2783) * asSymbol <1>: CharacterArray-converting. (line 3010) * asSymbol <2>: String-converting. (line 17338) * asSymbol <3>: Symbol-converting. (line 17674) * asSymbol <4>: UnicodeString-converting. (line 19298) * asTime: DateTime-splitting in dates & times. (line 6018) * asUnicodeString: ByteArray-converting. (line 1969) * asUnicodeString <1>: Character-coercion methods. (line 2786) * asUnicodeString <2>: CharacterArray-converting. (line 3013) * asUnicodeString <3>: Collection-converting. (line 4037) * asUnicodeString <4>: UnicodeString-converting. (line 19301) * asUppercase: Character-coercion methods. (line 2789) * asUppercase <1>: CharacterArray-converting. (line 3017) * asUTC: DateTime-time zones. (line 6052) * asValue: Object-conversion. (line 12925) * asyncCall: CCallable-calling. (line 2347) * asyncCallNoRetryFrom:: CCallable-calling. (line 2355) * asyncCCall:numArgs:attributes:: CompiledMethod class-c call-outs. (line 4550) * at:: CObject-pointer-like behavior. (line 3868) * at: <1>: ContextPart-accessing. (line 4832) * at: <2>: DateTime-splitting in dates & times. (line 6022) * at: <3>: Dictionary-accessing. (line 6328) * at: <4>: File-accessing. (line 7345) * at: <5>: FilePath-accessing. (line 7993) * at: <6>: HashedCollection-accessing. (line 9660) * at: <7>: Interval-basic. (line 10082) * at: <8>: LargeArrayedCollection-accessing. (line 10296) * at: <9>: LargeInteger-built-ins. (line 10428) * at: <10>: LargeZeroInteger-accessing. (line 10731) * at: <11>: Link-iteration. (line 10816) * at: <12>: LinkedList-accessing. (line 10843) * at: <13>: MappedCollection-basic. (line 11129) * at: <14>: Memory class-accessing. (line 11198) * at: <15>: Object-built ins. (line 12653) * at: <16>: OrderedCollection-accessing. (line 13657) * at: <17>: ProcessEnvironment-accessing. (line 14708) * at: <18>: RegexResults-accessing. (line 15518) * at: <19>: RunArray-accessing. (line 15661) * at: <20>: SmallInteger-builtins. (line 16677) * at: <21>: String-built ins. (line 17282) * at: <22>: VFS.ArchiveFile-directory operations. (line 19527) * at: <23>: VFS.ArchiveMember-directory operations. (line 19640) * at: <24>: VFS.FileWrapper-accessing. (line 19765) * at: <25>: WeakArray-accessing. (line 20025) * at:ifAbsent:: Array-built ins. (line 297) * at:ifAbsent: <1>: ByteArray-built ins. (line 1929) * at:ifAbsent: <2>: Dictionary-accessing. (line 6332) * at:ifAbsent: <3>: LookupTable-accessing. (line 10989) * at:ifAbsent: <4>: Namespace-overrides for superspaces. (line 11780) * at:ifAbsent: <5>: ProcessEnvironment-accessing. (line 14712) * at:ifAbsent: <6>: SequenceableCollection-basic. (line 16056) * at:ifAbsent: <7>: String-built ins. (line 17285) * at:ifAbsent: <8>: UnicodeString-built ins. (line 19280) * at:ifAbsent: <9>: WeakValueLookupTable-hacks. (line 20217) * at:ifAbsent: <10>: WordArray-built ins. (line 20246) * at:ifAbsentPut:: Dictionary-accessing. (line 6336) * at:ifAbsentPut: <1>: ProcessEnvironment-accessing. (line 14716) * at:ifPresent:: Dictionary-accessing. (line 6341) * at:ifPresent: <1>: LookupTable-accessing. (line 10993) * at:ifPresent: <2>: Namespace-overrides for superspaces. (line 11786) * at:ifPresent: <3>: ProcessEnvironment-accessing. (line 14720) * at:ifPresent: <4>: WeakValueLookupTable-hacks. (line 20221) * at:put:: BindingDictionary-forward declarations. (line 1447) * at:put: <1>: CObject-pointer-like behavior. (line 3874) * at:put: <2>: CompiledCode-accessing. (line 4360) * at:put: <3>: ContextPart-accessing. (line 4836) * at:put: <4>: Dictionary-accessing. (line 6345) * at:put: <5>: HashedCollection-accessing. (line 9663) * at:put: <6>: Interval-basic. (line 10085) * at:put: <7>: LargeArrayedCollection-accessing. (line 10299) * at:put: <8>: LargeInteger-built-ins. (line 10431) * at:put: <9>: Link-iteration. (line 10820) * at:put: <10>: LinkedList-accessing. (line 10846) * at:put: <11>: LookupTable-accessing. (line 10997) * at:put: <12>: MappedCollection-basic. (line 11132) * at:put: <13>: Memory class-accessing. (line 11201) * at:put: <14>: MethodDictionary-adding. (line 11639) * at:put: <15>: Object-built ins. (line 12656) * at:put: <16>: OrderedCollection-accessing. (line 13660) * at:put: <17>: ProcessEnvironment-accessing. (line 14724) * at:put: <18>: Regex-basic. (line 15461) * at:put: <19>: RunArray-accessing. (line 15664) * at:put: <20>: SmallInteger-builtins. (line 16681) * at:put: <21>: SortedCollection-disabled. (line 16801) * at:put: <22>: String-built ins. (line 17288) * at:put: <23>: WeakArray-accessing. (line 20029) * at:put: <24>: WeakKeyDictionary-accessing. (line 20128) * at:put:type:: CObject-C data access. (line 3807) * at:type:: CObject-C data access. (line 3811) * atAll:: ArrayedCollection-basic. (line 398) * atAll: <1>: Dictionary-accessing. (line 6348) * atAll: <2>: MappedCollection-basic. (line 11135) * atAll: <3>: SequenceableCollection-basic. (line 16060) * atAll:put:: SequenceableCollection-basic. (line 16065) * atAll:put: <1>: WeakArray-accessing. (line 20034) * atAllPut:: SequenceableCollection-basic. (line 16068) * atAllPut: <1>: WeakArray-accessing. (line 20037) * atEnd: FileDescriptor-testing. (line 7927) * atEnd <1>: FileStream-testing. (line 8601) * atEnd <2>: Generator-stream protocol. (line 9533) * atEnd <3>: ObjectDumper-stream interface. (line 13328) * atEnd <4>: PositionableStream-testing. (line 14519) * atEnd <5>: Random-basic. (line 15065) * atEnd <6>: Stream-testing. (line 17195) * atRandom: SequenceableCollection-basic. (line 16071) * attributeAt:: CompiledMethod-attributes. (line 4653) * attributeAt:ifAbsent:: CompiledMethod-attributes. (line 4657) * attributes: CompiledMethod-attributes. (line 4661) * attributesDo:: CompiledMethod-attributes. (line 4665) * backspace: Character class-constants. (line 2684) * backtrace: ContextPart class-exception handling. (line 4821) * backtrace <1>: ContextPart-printing. (line 5008) * backtrace <2>: SystemDictionary-miscellaneous. (line 17909) * backtraceOn:: ContextPart class-exception handling. (line 4825) * backtraceOn: <1>: ContextPart-printing. (line 5012) * badReturnError: Object-VM callbacks. (line 13220) * baseDirectories: Package-accessing. (line 13823) * baseDirectories:: Package-accessing. (line 13826) * basicAt:: Object-built ins. (line 12660) * basicAt: <1>: SmallInteger-builtins. (line 16685) * basicAt: <2>: String-built ins. (line 17292) * basicAt:put:: Object-built ins. (line 12664) * basicAt:put: <1>: SmallInteger-builtins. (line 16689) * basicAt:put: <2>: String-built ins. (line 17296) * basicAtEnd: PositionableStream-testing. (line 14522) * basicBacktrace: SystemDictionary-builtins. (line 17793) * basicLeftShift:: LargeInteger-primitive operations. (line 10489) * basicMessageText: Exception-accessing. (line 7020) * basicNew: Behavior-builtin. (line 889) * basicNew:: Behavior-builtin. (line 893) * basicNewInFixedSpace: Behavior-built ins. (line 847) * basicNewInFixedSpace:: Behavior-built ins. (line 852) * basicPosition:: PositionableStream-positioning. (line 14484) * basicPrint: Object-built ins. (line 12669) * basicPrintNl: Object-printing. (line 13029) * basicPrintOn:: Object-printing. (line 13033) * basicRightShift:: LargeInteger-primitive operations. (line 10492) * basicSize: Object-built ins. (line 12672) * become:: Object-built ins. (line 12675) * becomeForward:: Object-built ins. (line 12687) * beConsistent: Collection-enumeration. (line 4067) * beConsistent <1>: SortedCollection-enumerating. (line 16807) * before:: SequenceableCollection-basic. (line 16074) * bell: Character class-constants. (line 2687) * between:and:: Magnitude-misc methods. (line 11078) * between:and: <1>: Random class-shortcuts. (line 15053) * between:and: <2>: Random-basic. (line 15068) * bigEndian: Memory class-accessing. (line 11205) * bigObjectThreshold: ObjectMemory class-builtins. (line 13378) * bigObjectThreshold:: ObjectMemory class-builtins. (line 13383) * binaryRepresentationObject: CompiledBlock-saving and loading. (line 4298) * binaryRepresentationObject <1>: CompiledMethod-saving and loading. (line 4753) * binaryRepresentationObject <2>: Object-saving and loading. (line 13086) * binaryRepresentationObject <3>: VariableBinding-saving and loading. (line 19424) * binaryRepresentationVersion: Class-saving and loading. (line 3390) * binding: ClassDescription-conversion. (line 3485) * bindingFor:: Class-accessing instances and variables. (line 3218) * bindWith:: CharacterArray-string processing. (line 3072) * bindWith:with:: CharacterArray-string processing. (line 3076) * bindWith:with:with:: CharacterArray-string processing. (line 3081) * bindWith:with:with:with:: CharacterArray-string processing. (line 3086) * bindWithArguments:: CharacterArray-string processing. (line 3091) * binomial:: Integer-math methods. (line 9951) * bitAnd:: LargeInteger-bit operations. (line 10404) * bitAnd: <1>: SmallInteger-built ins. (line 16642) * bitAt:: Integer-bit operators. (line 9867) * bitAt: <1>: LargeInteger-bit operations. (line 10407) * bitAt:put:: Integer-bit operators. (line 9870) * bitClear:: Integer-bit operators. (line 9876) * bitInvert: Integer-bit operators. (line 9880) * bitInvert <1>: LargeInteger-bit operations. (line 10410) * bitOr:: LargeInteger-bit operations. (line 10413) * bitOr: <1>: SmallInteger-built ins. (line 16645) * bits: SmallInteger class-getting limits. (line 16557) * bitShift:: LargeInteger-bit operations. (line 10416) * bitShift: <1>: SmallInteger-built ins. (line 16648) * bitXor:: LargeInteger-bit operations. (line 10419) * bitXor: <1>: SmallInteger-built ins. (line 16652) * block: BlockClosure-accessing. (line 1511) * block <1>: CCallbackDescriptor-accessing. (line 2404) * block:: BlockClosure class-instance creation. (line 1483) * block: <1>: BlockClosure-accessing. (line 1514) * block: <2>: CCallbackDescriptor-accessing. (line 2407) * block:receiver:: BlockClosure class-instance creation. (line 1486) * block:receiver:outerContext:: BlockClosure class-instance creation. (line 1490) * blockAt:: CompiledCode-accessing. (line 4363) * bottom: Rectangle-accessing. (line 15170) * bottom:: Rectangle-accessing. (line 15173) * bottomCenter: Rectangle-accessing. (line 15176) * bottomLeft: Rectangle-accessing. (line 15179) * bottomLeft:: Rectangle-accessing. (line 15182) * bottomRight: Rectangle-accessing. (line 15185) * bottomRight:: Rectangle-accessing. (line 15188) * broadcast:: Object-change and update. (line 12864) * broadcast:with:: Object-change and update. (line 12867) * broadcast:with:with:: Object-change and update. (line 12871) * broadcast:withArguments:: Object-change and update. (line 12875) * broadcast:withBlock:: Object-change and update. (line 12879) * bufferSize: FileStream-buffering. (line 8531) * bufferSize:: FileStream-buffering. (line 8534) * bufferStart: FileStream-basic. (line 8499) * builtFiles: Package-accessing. (line 13840) * builtFilesFor:: PackageLoader class-accessing. (line 13974) * byteAt:: ByteArray-built ins. (line 1932) * byteAt: <1>: String-accessing. (line 17247) * byteAt:put:: ByteArray-built ins. (line 1935) * byteAt:put: <1>: String-accessing. (line 17251) * bytecodeAt:: CompiledCode-accessing. (line 4367) * bytecodeAt:put:: CompiledCode-accessing. (line 4370) * byteCodeCounter: SystemDictionary-builtins. (line 17797) * bytecodeInfoTable: CompiledCode class-tables. (line 4333) * bytes:from:compare:: LargePositiveInteger-helper byte-level methods. (line 10624) * bytes:from:subtract:: LargePositiveInteger-helper byte-level methods. (line 10629) * bytes:multiply:: LargePositiveInteger-helper byte-level methods. (line 10632) * bytesLeftShift:: LargePositiveInteger-helper byte-level methods. (line 10636) * bytesLeftShift:big:: LargePositiveInteger-helper byte-level methods. (line 10639) * bytesLeftShift:n:: LargePositiveInteger-helper byte-level methods. (line 10642) * bytesPerOOP: ObjectMemory-accessing. (line 13489) * bytesPerOTE: ObjectMemory-accessing. (line 13493) * bytesRightShift:big:: LargePositiveInteger-helper byte-level methods. (line 10646) * bytesRightShift:n:: LargePositiveInteger-helper byte-level methods. (line 10649) * bytesTrailingZeros:: LargePositiveInteger-helper byte-level methods. (line 10653) * callCC: Continuation-invocation. (line 5068) * caller: BlockContext-accessing. (line 1744) * callInto:: CCallable-calling. (line 2364) * callNoRetryFrom:into:: CCallable-calling. (line 2371) * callouts: Package-accessing. (line 13844) * calloutsFor:: PackageLoader class-accessing. (line 13979) * canCache: NetClients.URL-testing. (line 12069) * canLoad:: PackageLoader class-testing. (line 14058) * canRead: FileDescriptor-accessing. (line 7636) * canUnderstand:: Behavior-testing the method dictionary. (line 1317) * canWrite: FileDescriptor-accessing. (line 7639) * capacity: Collection-testing collections. (line 4167) * capacity <1>: HashedCollection-testing collections. (line 9737) * castTo:: ByteArray-CObject. (line 1959) * castTo: <1>: CObject-conversion. (line 3822) * categoriesFor:are:: Class-instance creation - alternative. (line 3336) * category: Class-accessing instances and variables. (line 3222) * category <1>: Metaclass-delegation. (line 11488) * category <2>: MethodInfo-accessing. (line 11671) * category:: Class-accessing instances and variables. (line 3225) * category: <1>: MethodInfo-accessing. (line 11674) * cCall:numArgs:attributes:: CompiledMethod class-c call-outs. (line 4554) * ceiling: Float-built ins. (line 8687) * ceiling <1>: Fraction-coercing. (line 9367) * ceiling <2>: Integer-converting. (line 9918) * ceiling <3>: ScaledDecimal-coercion. (line 15823) * ceilingLog:: Float-transcendental operations. (line 8850) * ceilingLog: <1>: Integer-math methods. (line 9955) * ceilingLog: <2>: Number-misc math. (line 12377) * center: Rectangle-accessing. (line 15191) * centralDirectoryRangeIn:: VFS.ZipFile-members. (line 19959) * changeClassTo:: Object-built ins. (line 12692) * changed: Object-change and update. (line 12884) * changed:: Object-change and update. (line 12888) * changed: <1>: ObjectMemory class-initialization. (line 13453) * charAt:: ByteArray-more advanced accessing. (line 1977) * charAt: <1>: Memory class-accessing. (line 11208) * charAt:put:: ByteArray-more advanced accessing. (line 1982) * charAt:put: <1>: Memory class-accessing. (line 11212) * check:: Class-security. (line 3414) * check: <1>: SecurityPolicy-querying. (line 15929) * check:for:: Permission-testing. (line 14140) * checkError: File class-file operations. (line 7269) * checkError <1>: FileDescriptor-basic. (line 7681) * checkError:: File class-file operations. (line 7273) * checkIndexableBounds:: Object-built ins. (line 12697) * checkIndexableBounds:ifAbsent:: Object-built ins. (line 12701) * checkIndexableBounds:put:: Object-built ins. (line 12705) * checkSecurityFor:: ContextPart-security checks. (line 5019) * checkTagIfInPath:: Package-still unclassified. (line 13937) * chiSquare: Random-testing. (line 15080) * chiSquare:range:: Random-testing. (line 15083) * class: Autoload-accessing. (line 615) * class <1>: Object-built ins. (line 12709) * class:from:: Autoload class-instance creation. (line 593) * class:in:from:: Autoload class-instance creation. (line 597) * class:in:loader:: Autoload class-instance creation. (line 601) * class:loader:: Autoload class-instance creation. (line 607) * classAt:: AbstractNamespace-accessing. (line 55) * classAt:ifAbsent:: AbstractNamespace-accessing. (line 60) * classify:under:: ClassDescription-organization of messages and classes. (line 3539) * classPool: Behavior-accessing instances and variables. (line 765) * classPool <1>: Class-accessing instances and variables. (line 3228) * classPool <2>: Metaclass-delegation. (line 11491) * classPragmas: CCompound class-subclass creation. (line 2485) * classPragmas <1>: Class-accessing instances and variables. (line 3231) * classVariableString: ClassDescription-printing. (line 3583) * classVarNames: Behavior-accessing instances and variables. (line 770) * classVarNames <1>: Class-accessing instances and variables. (line 3234) * classVarNames <2>: Metaclass-delegation. (line 11494) * clean: FileStream-buffering. (line 8537) * clearBit:: Integer-bit operators. (line 9883) * clearGCFlag:: WeakArray-accessing. (line 20040) * client: ContextPart-accessing. (line 4844) * clockPrecision: DateTime class-information. (line 5901) * close: FileDescriptor-basic. (line 7685) * close <1>: PositionableStream-accessing-reading. (line 14409) * close <2>: Stream-polymorphism. (line 17114) * closeTo:: Number-testing. (line 12526) * cObjectBinding:: CType class-C instance creation. (line 5389) * cObjectType: CType-accessing. (line 5420) * cObjectType:: CType class-C instance creation. (line 5392) * cObjStoredType: CByte class-conversion. (line 2295) * cObjStoredType <1>: CByte-accessing. (line 2305) * cObjStoredType <2>: CChar class-accessing. (line 2429) * cObjStoredType <3>: CChar-accessing. (line 2442) * cObjStoredType <4>: CDouble class-accessing. (line 2544) * cObjStoredType <5>: CDouble-accessing. (line 2557) * cObjStoredType <6>: CFloat class-accessing. (line 2576) * cObjStoredType <7>: CFloat-accessing. (line 2589) * cObjStoredType <8>: CInt class-accessing. (line 3162) * cObjStoredType <9>: CInt-accessing. (line 3175) * cObjStoredType <10>: CLong class-accessing. (line 3626) * cObjStoredType <11>: CLong-accessing. (line 3639) * cObjStoredType <12>: CLongDouble class-accessing. (line 3658) * cObjStoredType <13>: CLongDouble-accessing. (line 3671) * cObjStoredType <14>: CLongLong class-accessing. (line 3690) * cObjStoredType <15>: CLongLong-accessing. (line 3703) * cObjStoredType <16>: CScalar-accessing. (line 5188) * cObjStoredType <17>: CShort class-accessing. (line 5234) * cObjStoredType <18>: CShort-accessing. (line 5247) * cObjStoredType <19>: CSmalltalk class-accessing. (line 5266) * cObjStoredType <20>: CSmalltalk-accessing. (line 5279) * cObjStoredType <21>: CString class-accessing. (line 5308) * cObjStoredType <22>: CString-accessing. (line 5327) * cObjStoredType <23>: CUChar class-getting info. (line 5493) * cObjStoredType <24>: CUChar-accessing. (line 5506) * cObjStoredType <25>: CUInt class-accessing. (line 5525) * cObjStoredType <26>: CUInt-accessing. (line 5538) * cObjStoredType <27>: CULong class-accessing. (line 5557) * cObjStoredType <28>: CULong-accessing. (line 5570) * cObjStoredType <29>: CULongLong class-accessing. (line 5589) * cObjStoredType <30>: CULongLong-accessing. (line 5602) * cObjStoredType <31>: CUShort class-accessing. (line 5634) * cObjStoredType <32>: CUShort-accessing. (line 5647) * codePoint: Character-built ins. (line 2761) * codePoint:: Character class-built ins. (line 2672) * coerce:: FloatD class-converting. (line 8928) * coerce: <1>: FloatD-coercing. (line 8989) * coerce: <2>: FloatE class-converting. (line 9080) * coerce: <3>: FloatE-coercing. (line 9141) * coerce: <4>: FloatQ class-converting. (line 9225) * coerce: <5>: FloatQ-coercing. (line 9286) * coerce: <6>: Fraction class-converting. (line 9317) * coerce: <7>: Fraction-coercing. (line 9371) * coerce: <8>: Integer class-converting. (line 9840) * coerce: <9>: Integer-converting. (line 9921) * coerce: <10>: LargeInteger-coercion. (line 10463) * coerce: <11>: Number class-converting. (line 12184) * coerce: <12>: Number-converting. (line 12309) * coerce: <13>: ScaledDecimal-coercion. (line 15827) * collect:: ArrayedCollection-enumerating the elements of a collection. (line 466) * collect: <1>: Collection-enumeration. (line 4077) * collect: <2>: Dictionary-dictionary enumerating. (line 6388) * collect: <3>: Interval-basic. (line 10088) * collect: <4>: Iterable-enumeration. (line 10177) * collect: <5>: MappedCollection-basic. (line 11141) * collect: <6>: Stream-filtering. (line 17079) * collection: SystemExceptions.IndexOutOfRange-accessing. (line 18112) * collection:: SystemExceptions.IndexOutOfRange-accessing. (line 18115) * collection:map:: MappedCollection class-instance creation. (line 11115) * comment: Class-accessing instances and variables. (line 3237) * comment <1>: Metaclass-delegation. (line 11497) * comment:: Class-accessing instances and variables. (line 3240) * compact: ObjectMemory class-builtins. (line 13388) * compile:: Behavior-method dictionary. (line 1067) * compile:classified:: ClassDescription-compiling. (line 3461) * compile:classified:ifError:: ClassDescription-compiling. (line 3466) * compile:classified:notifying:: ClassDescription-compiling. (line 3471) * compile:ifError:: Behavior-method dictionary. (line 1071) * compile:notifying:: Behavior-method dictionary. (line 1076) * compileAll: Behavior-method dictionary. (line 1081) * compileAll:: Behavior-method dictionary. (line 1084) * compileAllSubclasses: Behavior-method dictionary. (line 1088) * compileAllSubclasses:: Behavior-method dictionary. (line 1092) * compiledMethodAt:: Behavior-accessing the method dictionary. (line 805) * compiledMethodAt:ifAbsent:: Behavior-accessing the method dictionary. (line 809) * compilerClass: Behavior-compiling. (line 937) * compileSize:align:: CCompound class-subclass creation. (line 2488) * compress: LargeArrayedCollection-accessing. (line 10302) * computeAggregateType:: CType class-C instance creation. (line 5395) * conform:: Iterable-enumeration. (line 10181) * construct:: NetClients.URL-utilities. (line 12091) * contains:: Iterable-enumeration. (line 10185) * contains: <1>: Rectangle-testing. (line 15341) * containsLiteral:: CompiledCode-testing accesses. (line 4505) * containsPoint:: Rectangle-testing. (line 15345) * contents: FileDescriptor-basic. (line 7688) * contents <1>: FilePath-file operations. (line 8186) * contents <2>: MappedCollection-basic. (line 11147) * contents <3>: NetClients.URL-still unclassified. (line 12057) * contents <4>: PositionableStream-accessing-reading. (line 14412) * contents <5>: ReadWriteStream-positioning. (line 15134) * contents <6>: Stream-accessing-reading. (line 16865) * contents <7>: WriteStream-accessing-writing. (line 20277) * context: Exception-exception handling. (line 7073) * context <1>: Process-basic. (line 14588) * continue:: ContextPart-built ins. (line 4947) * contractTo:: CharacterArray-string processing. (line 3103) * convertFromVersion:withFixedVariables:indexedVariables:for:: Class-saving and loading. (line 3394) * copy: BindingDictionary-copying. (line 1424) * copy <1>: BlockClosure-overriding. (line 1685) * copy <2>: Object-copying. (line 12931) * copy <3>: Rectangle-copying. (line 15276) * copy <4>: Regex-basic. (line 15464) * copy <5>: UndefinedObject-basic. (line 19031) * copy:from:: ClassDescription-copying. (line 3491) * copy:from:classified:: ClassDescription-copying. (line 3494) * copyAfter:: SequenceableCollection-copying SequenceableCollections. (line 16213) * copyAfterLast:: SequenceableCollection-copying SequenceableCollections. (line 16217) * copyAll:from:: ClassDescription-copying. (line 3498) * copyAll:from:classified:: ClassDescription-copying. (line 3502) * copyAllCategoriesFrom:: ClassDescription-copying. (line 3506) * copyCategory:from:: ClassDescription-copying. (line 3510) * copyCategory:from:classified:: ClassDescription-copying. (line 3514) * copyEmpty:: AbstractNamespace-copying. (line 85) * copyEmpty: <1>: BindingDictionary-copying. (line 1427) * copyEmpty: <2>: SortedCollection-copying. (line 16776) * copyEmptyForCollect: BindingDictionary-copying. (line 1430) * copyEmptyForCollect:: BindingDictionary-copying. (line 1434) * copyFrom:: SequenceableCollection-copying SequenceableCollections. (line 16221) * copyFrom:to:: ArrayedCollection-basic. (line 403) * copyFrom:to: <1>: FileDescriptor-basic. (line 7691) * copyFrom:to: <2>: FileSegment-basic. (line 8355) * copyFrom:to: <3>: FileStream-basic. (line 8503) * copyFrom:to: <4>: Interval-basic. (line 10092) * copyFrom:to: <5>: MappedCollection-basic. (line 11150) * copyFrom:to: <6>: PositionableStream-accessing-reading. (line 14416) * copyFrom:to: <7>: SequenceableCollection-copying SequenceableCollections. (line 16225) * copyFrom:to:replacingAllRegex:with:: String-regex. (line 17407) * copyFrom:to:replacingRegex:with:: String-regex. (line 17414) * copyReplaceAll:with:: ArrayedCollection-copying Collections. (line 433) * copyReplaceAll:with: <1>: SequenceableCollection-copying SequenceableCollections. (line 16229) * copyReplaceFrom:to:with:: ArrayedCollection-copying Collections. (line 437) * copyReplaceFrom:to:with: <1>: SequenceableCollection-copying SequenceableCollections. (line 16233) * copyReplaceFrom:to:withObject:: ArrayedCollection-copying Collections. (line 449) * copyReplaceFrom:to:withObject: <1>: SequenceableCollection-copying SequenceableCollections. (line 16245) * copyReplacing:withObject:: Collection-copying Collections. (line 4043) * copyReplacingAllRegex:with:: String-regex. (line 17422) * copyReplacingRegex:with:: String-regex. (line 17429) * copyStack: ContextPart-copying. (line 4959) * copyUpTo:: SequenceableCollection-copying SequenceableCollections. (line 16256) * copyUpToLast:: SequenceableCollection-copying SequenceableCollections. (line 16260) * copyWith:: ArrayedCollection-basic. (line 407) * copyWith: <1>: Collection-copying Collections. (line 4047) * copyWithFirst:: SequenceableCollection-copying SequenceableCollections. (line 16264) * copyWithout:: ArrayedCollection-basic. (line 411) * copyWithout: <1>: Collection-copying Collections. (line 4050) * copyWithoutAuxiliaryParts: NetClients.URL-copying. (line 12031) * copyWithoutFragment: NetClients.URL-copying. (line 12035) * corner: Rectangle-accessing. (line 15194) * corner:: Point-converting. (line 14319) * corner: <1>: Rectangle-accessing. (line 15197) * cos: Float-built ins. (line 8691) * cos <1>: Number-misc math. (line 12380) * cosh: Number-misc math. (line 12383) * costOfNewIndex: LargeByteArray-overridden. (line 10330) * count:: Iterable-enumeration. (line 10189) * cr: Character class-constants. (line 2690) * cr <1>: Stream-character writing. (line 16998) * cr <2>: TextCollector-accessing. (line 18697) * create: FileDescriptor class-instance creation. (line 7522) * create:: Directory class-file operations. (line 6664) * createDirectories: FilePath-directory operations. (line 8077) * createDirectory: File-directory operations. (line 7409) * createDirectory <1>: FilePath-directory operations. (line 8080) * createDirectory:: VFS.ArchiveMember-directory operations. (line 19644) * createDirectory: <1>: VFS.ZipFile-members. (line 19962) * createGetMethod:: Behavior-method dictionary. (line 1096) * createGetMethod: <1>: ClassDescription-organization of messages and classes. (line 3543) * createGetMethod:default:: Behavior-method dictionary. (line 1099) * createGetMethod:default: <1>: ClassDescription-organization of messages and classes. (line 3546) * createSetMethod:: Behavior-method dictionary. (line 1103) * createSetMethod: <1>: ClassDescription-organization of messages and classes. (line 3550) * createTemporary:: Directory class-file operations. (line 6667) * creationTime: File-accessing. (line 7349) * creationTime <1>: FilePath-accessing. (line 7997) * creationTime <2>: VFS.ArchiveMember-accessing. (line 19590) * creationTime <3>: VFS.FileWrapper-delegation. (line 19796) * critical:: RecursionLock-mutual exclusion. (line 15419) * critical: <1>: Semaphore-mutual exclusion. (line 16010) * critical: <2>: TextCollector-accessing. (line 18700) * crTab: Stream-character writing. (line 17001) * cull:: BlockClosure-built ins. (line 1560) * cull:cull:: BlockClosure-built ins. (line 1564) * cull:cull:cull:: BlockClosure-built ins. (line 1568) * current: Continuation class-instance creation. (line 5052) * current <1>: Namespace class-accessing. (line 11726) * current <2>: ObjectMemory class-accessing. (line 13357) * current:: Namespace class-accessing. (line 11729) * currentDo:: Continuation class-instance creation. (line 5055) * currentFileName: ContextPart-accessing. (line 4849) * currentLine: ContextPart-debugging. (line 4969) * currentLineInFile: ContextPart-debugging. (line 4974) * date:time:: DateTime class-instance creation (non-ANSI). (line 5943) * date:time:offset:: DateTime class-instance creation (non-ANSI). (line 5947) * dateAndTimeNow: Date class-instance creation (Blue Book). (line 5727) * day: Date-compatibility (non-ANSI). (line 5785) * dayName: Date-compatibility (non-ANSI). (line 5788) * dayOfMonth: Date-date computations. (line 5801) * dayOfWeek: Date-date computations. (line 5804) * dayOfWeek <1>: DateTime-computations. (line 5984) * dayOfWeek:: Date class-basic. (line 5683) * dayOfWeekAbbreviation: Date-date computations. (line 5807) * dayOfWeekName: Date-date computations. (line 5810) * dayOfYear: Date-date computations. (line 5813) * days: Duration-arithmetics. (line 6884) * days:: Duration class-instance creation. (line 6829) * days:hours:minutes:seconds:: Duration class-instance creation. (line 6832) * daysFromBaseDay: Date-date computations. (line 5817) * daysInMonth: Date-date computations. (line 5820) * daysInMonth:forYear:: Date class-basic. (line 5686) * daysInYear: Date-date computations. (line 5823) * daysInYear:: Date class-basic. (line 5690) * daysLeftInMonth: Date-date computations. (line 5826) * daysLeftInYear: Date-date computations. (line 5829) * debug: SystemDictionary-builtins. (line 17800) * debugger: ContextPart-debugging. (line 4979) * debugger <1>: Process-basic. (line 14591) * debuggerClass: Behavior-pluggable behavior (not yet implemented). (line 1168) * debuggerClass <1>: ContextPart-debugging. (line 4983) * debuggerClass <2>: Metaclass-delegation. (line 11500) * decimalDigits: FloatD class-characterization. (line 8892) * decimalDigits <1>: FloatE class-characterization. (line 9032) * decimalDigits <2>: FloatQ class-characterization. (line 9177) * declaration: CCompound class-subclass creation. (line 2491) * declaration:: CCompound class-subclass creation. (line 2494) * declaration: <1>: CStruct class-subclass creation. (line 5362) * declaration: <2>: CUnion class-subclass creation. (line 5618) * declaration:inject:into:: CCompound class-subclass creation. (line 2498) * declarationTrace: SystemDictionary-builtins. (line 17805) * declarationTrace:: SystemDictionary-builtins. (line 17808) * decode:: NetClients.URL class-encoding URLs. (line 11881) * decodedFields: NetClients.URL-accessing. (line 11922) * decodedFile: NetClients.URL-accessing. (line 11926) * decodedFragment: NetClients.URL-accessing. (line 11930) * decompile:: Behavior-method dictionary. (line 1106) * decompilerClass: Behavior-pluggable behavior (not yet implemented). (line 1174) * decr: CObject-pointer-like behavior. (line 3886) * decrBy:: CObject-pointer-like behavior. (line 3890) * deepCopy: BindingDictionary-copying. (line 1438) * deepCopy <1>: BlockClosure-overriding. (line 1688) * deepCopy <2>: Boolean-overriding. (line 1873) * deepCopy <3>: CompiledCode-copying. (line 4457) * deepCopy <4>: ContextPart-copying. (line 4962) * deepCopy <5>: HashedCollection-copying. (line 9687) * deepCopy <6>: Number-copying. (line 12332) * deepCopy <7>: Object-copying. (line 12936) * deepCopy <8>: RunArray-copying. (line 15711) * deepCopy <9>: Symbol-basic. (line 17640) * deepCopy <10>: UndefinedObject-basic. (line 19034) * deepCopy <11>: WeakArray-conversion. (line 20064) * deepCopy <12>: WeakSet-copying. (line 20168) * defaultAction: Exception-exception description. (line 7061) * defaultAction <1>: Notification-exception description. (line 12108) * defaultAction <2>: SystemExceptions.UnhandledException-accessing. (line 18527) * defaultElement: LargeByteArray-overridden. (line 10334) * defaultElement <1>: LargeWordArray-overridden. (line 10708) * defaultEncoding: UnicodeString class-multibyte encodings. (line 19269) * defaultSortBlock: SortedCollection class-hacking. (line 16739) * define:: BindingDictionary-accessing. (line 1370) * defineAsyncCFunc:withSelectorArgs:args:: Behavior-method dictionary. (line 1109) * defineAsyncCFunc:withSelectorArgs:args: <1>: ClassDescription-organization of messages and classes. (line 3553) * defineCFunc:as:: DLD class-C call-outs. (line 6736) * defineCFunc:withSelectorArgs:returning:args:: Behavior-method dictionary. (line 1114) * defineCFunc:withSelectorArgs:returning:args: <1>: ClassDescription-organization of messages and classes. (line 3557) * definedKeys: Dictionary-namespace protocol. (line 6463) * defineExternFunc:: DLD class-dynamic linking. (line 6755) * definesKey:: Dictionary-namespace protocol. (line 6466) * degreesToRadians: Number-converting. (line 12312) * delayDuration: Delay-accessing. (line 6190) * denominator: Fraction-accessing. (line 9332) * denominator <1>: Integer-accessing. (line 9846) * denormalized: Float class-characterization. (line 8624) * deny: Permission-accessing. (line 14116) * denying: Permission-accessing. (line 14119) * denying:target:action:: Permission class-testing. (line 14080) * denying:target:actions:: Permission class-testing. (line 14083) * dependencies: Object class-initialization. (line 12617) * dependencies:: Object class-initialization. (line 12620) * dependents: Object-dependents access. (line 12968) * deref:: Memory class-accessing. (line 11217) * description: ArithmeticError-description. (line 269) * description <1>: Error-exception description. (line 6955) * description <2>: Exception-exception description. (line 7064) * description <3>: Halt-description. (line 9625) * description <4>: MessageNotUnderstood-description. (line 11398) * description <5>: Notification-exception description. (line 12112) * description <6>: SystemExceptions.AlreadyDefined-accessing. (line 17973) * description <7>: SystemExceptions.ArgumentOutOfRange-accessing. (line 17994) * description <8>: SystemExceptions.BadReturn-accessing. (line 18021) * description <9>: SystemExceptions.CInterfaceError-accessing. (line 18036) * description <10>: SystemExceptions.EmptyCollection-accessing. (line 18050) * description <11>: SystemExceptions.EndOfStream-accessing. (line 18070) * description <12>: SystemExceptions.FileError-accessing. (line 18091) * description <13>: SystemExceptions.IndexOutOfRange-accessing. (line 18118) * description <14>: SystemExceptions.InvalidProcessState-accessing. (line 18150) * description <15>: SystemExceptions.InvalidSize-accessing. (line 18164) * description <16>: SystemExceptions.InvalidValue-accessing. (line 18204) * description <17>: SystemExceptions.MutationError-accessing. (line 18249) * description <18>: SystemExceptions.NoRunnableProcess-accessing. (line 18263) * description <19>: SystemExceptions.NotEnoughElements-accessing. (line 18284) * description <20>: SystemExceptions.NotFound-accessing. (line 18317) * description <21>: SystemExceptions.NotImplemented-accessing. (line 18331) * description <22>: SystemExceptions.NotIndexable-accessing. (line 18345) * description <23>: SystemExceptions.NotYetImplemented-accessing. (line 18360) * description <24>: SystemExceptions.PrimitiveFailed-accessing. (line 18399) * description <25>: SystemExceptions.ProcessBeingTerminated-accessing. (line 18419) * description <26>: SystemExceptions.ProcessTerminated-accessing. (line 18440) * description <27>: SystemExceptions.ReadOnlyObject-accessing. (line 18454) * description <28>: SystemExceptions.SecurityError-accessing. (line 18476) * description <29>: SystemExceptions.ShouldNotImplement-accessing. (line 18497) * description <30>: SystemExceptions.SubclassResponsibility-accessing. (line 18512) * description <31>: SystemExceptions.UnhandledException-accessing. (line 18530) * description <32>: SystemExceptions.UserInterrupt-accessing. (line 18550) * description <33>: SystemExceptions.VerificationError-accessing. (line 18564) * description <34>: SystemExceptions.VMError-accessing. (line 18578) * description <35>: SystemExceptions.WrongArgumentCount-accessing. (line 18593) * description <36>: SystemExceptions.WrongClass-accessing. (line 18620) * description <37>: Warning-exception description. (line 19993) * description <38>: ZeroDivide-description. (line 20332) * detach: CallinProcess-debugging. (line 2189) * detach <1>: Process-debugging. (line 14661) * detect:: Iterable-enumeration. (line 10193) * detect:ifNone:: Iterable-enumeration. (line 10197) * digitAt:: Integer-bit operators. (line 9886) * digitAt: <1>: LargeInteger-built-ins. (line 10434) * digitAt:put:: LargeInteger-built-ins. (line 10438) * digitLength: LargeInteger-built-ins. (line 10441) * digitValue: Character-converting. (line 2818) * digitValue:: Character class-instance creation. (line 2737) * dir:tag:: Package-still unclassified. (line 13940) * directories: FilePath-enumerating. (line 8095) * directory: FilePath-file name management. (line 8148) * directory <1>: Package-accessing. (line 13849) * directoryFor:: PackageLoader class-accessing. (line 13984) * disableInterrupts: ProcessorScheduler-built ins. (line 14819) * disableProxyFor:: ObjectDumper class-establishing proxy classes. (line 13254) * discardTranslation: CompiledCode-translation. (line 4533) * dispatchTo:with:: CompiledCode-decoding bytecodes. (line 4469) * display: Object-printing. (line 13036) * display:: Stream-printing. (line 17159) * displayLines: Collection-printing. (line 4108) * displayNl: Object-printing. (line 13042) * displayOn:: Character-printing. (line 2825) * displayOn: <1>: FilePath-printing. (line 8254) * displayOn: <2>: Integer-printing. (line 9983) * displayOn: <3>: Object-printing. (line 13049) * displayOn: <4>: Regex-printing. (line 15484) * displayOn: <5>: ScaledDecimal-printing. (line 15880) * displayOn: <6>: String-printing. (line 17358) * displayOn: <7>: Symbol-storing. (line 17687) * displayOn: <8>: UnicodeString-converting. (line 19304) * displayOn: <9>: VFS.ArchiveFile-still unclassified. (line 19556) * displayOn: <10>: VFS.ArchiveMember-still unclassified. (line 19690) * displayString: Integer-printing. (line 9986) * displayString <1>: Object-printing. (line 13055) * displayString <2>: Regex-printing. (line 15490) * displayString <3>: String-printing. (line 17362) * displayString <4>: Symbol-storing. (line 17693) * dist:: Point-point functions. (line 14338) * divExact:: LargeInteger-arithmetic. (line 10383) * divExact: <1>: SmallInteger-built ins. (line 16655) * divide:using:: LargePositiveInteger-primitive operations. (line 10683) * dividend: ZeroDivide-accessing. (line 20326) * dividend:: ZeroDivide class-instance creation. (line 20315) * do:: Bag-enumerating the elements of a collection. (line 661) * do: <1>: Dictionary-dictionary enumerating. (line 6393) * do: <2>: FilePath-enumerating. (line 8099) * do: <3>: HashedCollection-enumerating the elements of a collection. (line 9698) * do: <4>: Interval-basic. (line 10095) * do: <5>: Iterable-enumeration. (line 10202) * do: <6>: Link-iteration. (line 10823) * do: <7>: LinkedList-enumerating. (line 10876) * do: <8>: LookupTable-enumerating. (line 11006) * do: <9>: MappedCollection-basic. (line 11154) * do: <10>: Namespace-overrides for superspaces. (line 11791) * do: <11>: OrderedCollection-enumerating. (line 13741) * do: <12>: RunArray-enumerating. (line 15721) * do: <13>: SequenceableCollection-enumerating. (line 16274) * do: <14>: Stream-enumerating. (line 17056) * do: <15>: SymLink-iteration. (line 17754) * do: <16>: WeakArray-accessing. (line 20044) * do: <17>: WeakSet-accessing. (line 20162) * do:separatedBy:: Iterable-enumeration. (line 10205) * do:separatedBy: <1>: SequenceableCollection-enumerating. (line 16277) * doesNotUnderstand:: Autoload-accessing. (line 619) * doesNotUnderstand: <1>: BindingDictionary-accessing. (line 1374) * doesNotUnderstand: <2>: Object-error raising. (line 12982) * domain: MappedCollection-basic. (line 11157) * doSecurityCheckForName:actions:target:: ContextPart-security checks. (line 5022) * dotProduct:: Point-point functions. (line 14341) * doubleAt:: ByteArray-more advanced accessing. (line 1988) * doubleAt: <1>: Memory class-accessing. (line 11220) * doubleAt:put:: ByteArray-more advanced accessing. (line 1992) * doubleAt:put: <1>: Memory class-accessing. (line 11223) * doWithIndex:: SequenceableCollection-enumerating. (line 16282) * dump:: ObjectDumper-loading/dumping objects. (line 13317) * dump:to:: ObjectDumper class-shortcuts. (line 13285) * dumpTo:: DumperProxy-saving and restoring. (line 6811) * dumpTo: <1>: NullProxy-accessing. (line 12139) * dumpTo: <2>: VersionableObjectProxy-saving and restoring. (line 19482) * e: Float class-characterization. (line 8628) * e <1>: FloatE class-characterization. (line 9040) * e <2>: FloatQ class-characterization. (line 9185) * edenSize: ObjectMemory-accessing. (line 13498) * edenUsedBytes: ObjectMemory-accessing. (line 13503) * edit:: Behavior-method dictionary. (line 1119) * elementType: CAggregate-accessing. (line 2171) * elementType <1>: CPtrCType-accessing. (line 5144) * elementType <2>: CStringCType-accessing. (line 5349) * elementType:: CArrayCType class-instance creation. (line 2219) * elementType: <1>: CPtrCType class-instance creation. (line 5134) * elementType:numberOfElements:: CArrayCType class-instance creation. (line 2222) * emax: FloatD class-characterization. (line 8900) * emax <1>: FloatE class-characterization. (line 9043) * emax <2>: FloatQ class-characterization. (line 9188) * emin: FloatD class-characterization. (line 8903) * emin <1>: FloatE class-characterization. (line 9046) * emin <2>: FloatQ class-characterization. (line 9191) * emitFieldNameTo:for:: CCompound class-subclass creation. (line 2504) * empty: Collection-removing. (line 4121) * emptyStream: WriteStream-positioning. (line 20299) * enableInterrupts: ProcessorScheduler-built ins. (line 14826) * encode:: NetClients.URL class-encoding URLs. (line 11885) * encoding: CharacterArray-multibyte encodings. (line 3036) * encoding <1>: Stream-character writing. (line 17004) * encoding <2>: String-converting. (line 17341) * encoding <3>: UnicodeString-multibyte encodings. (line 19313) * endEntry: TextCollector-accessing. (line 18703) * endsWith:: SequenceableCollection-comparing. (line 16172) * ensure:: BlockClosure-unwind protection. (line 1700) * ensureReadable: FileDescriptor-accessing. (line 7642) * ensureWriteable: FileDescriptor-accessing. (line 7646) * entity: NetClients.URL-still unclassified. (line 12060) * entries: FilePath-enumerating. (line 8105) * entryNames: FilePath-enumerating. (line 8109) * environ: SystemDictionary-c call-outs. (line 17834) * environment: Association-accessing. (line 530) * environment <1>: Behavior-support for lightweight classes. (line 1231) * environment <2>: BindingDictionary-accessing. (line 1384) * environment <3>: Class-accessing instances and variables. (line 3243) * environment <4>: ContextPart-accessing. (line 4852) * environment <5>: HomedAssociation-accessing. (line 9778) * environment <6>: Metaclass-delegation. (line 11503) * environment <7>: ProcessVariable-accessing. (line 14959) * environment:: Association-accessing. (line 534) * environment: <1>: BindingDictionary-accessing. (line 1390) * environment: <2>: Class-accessing instances and variables. (line 3246) * environment: <3>: HomedAssociation-accessing. (line 9781) * eof: Character class-constants. (line 2693) * eot: Character class-constants. (line 2696) * epsilon: Float class-characterization. (line 8631) * eqv:: Boolean-basic. (line 1827) * eqv: <1>: False-basic. (line 7206) * eqv: <2>: True-basic. (line 18978) * errno: File class-C functions. (line 7260) * error:: Object-error raising. (line 12986) * errorValue:: Promise-still unclassified. (line 15028) * esc: Character class-constants. (line 2699) * escapeDo:: Continuation class-instance creation. (line 5059) * escapeRegex: String-still unclassified. (line 17545) * estimatedLog: Float-transcendental operations. (line 8854) * estimatedLog <1>: Fraction-arithmetic. (line 9361) * estimatedLog <2>: Integer-math methods. (line 9958) * estimatedLog <3>: LargeInteger-arithmetic. (line 10387) * estimatedLog <4>: Number-misc math. (line 12386) * evalString:to:: Behavior-evaluating. (line 1001) * evalString:to:ifError:: Behavior-evaluating. (line 1005) * evaluate:: Behavior-evaluating. (line 1010) * evaluate:ifError:: Behavior-evaluating. (line 1013) * evaluate:notifying:: Behavior-evaluating. (line 1016) * evaluate:to:: Behavior-evaluating. (line 1020) * evaluate:to:ifError:: Behavior-evaluating. (line 1024) * evaluatorClass: Behavior-pluggable behavior (not yet implemented). (line 1178) * even: Integer-math methods. (line 9961) * even <1>: Number-testing. (line 12531) * examine: Object-debugging. (line 12948) * examineOn:: CCompound-debugging. (line 2524) * examineOn: <1>: Collection-printing. (line 4111) * examineOn: <2>: CompiledCode-debugging. (line 4463) * examineOn: <3>: Dictionary-printing. (line 6510) * examineOn: <4>: Object-debugging. (line 12951) * examineOn: <5>: SequenceableCollection-testing. (line 16412) * example: ObjectDumper class-testing. (line 13294) * exceptionalCondition: FileDescriptor-accessing. (line 7650) * execPrefix: Directory class-reading system defaults. (line 6680) * executable: File class-reading system defaults. (line 7313) * executionTrace: SystemDictionary-builtins. (line 17811) * executionTrace:: SystemDictionary-builtins. (line 17814) * exists: File-testing. (line 7466) * exists <1>: FilePath-testing. (line 8274) * exists <2>: VFS.ArchiveMember-testing. (line 19699) * exists <3>: VFS.FileWrapper-testing. (line 19874) * exists:: File class-testing. (line 7322) * exp: Float-built ins. (line 8694) * exp <1>: Number-misc math. (line 12391) * expandBy:: Rectangle-rectangle functions. (line 15306) * exponent: FloatD-built ins. (line 8967) * exponent <1>: FloatE-built ins. (line 9119) * exponent <2>: FloatQ-built ins. (line 9264) * extend: Class-instance creation. (line 3286) * extension: FilePath-file name management. (line 8151) * extensionFor:: FilePath class-file name management. (line 7948) * extent: Rectangle-accessing. (line 15200) * extent:: Point-converting. (line 14323) * extent: <1>: Rectangle-accessing. (line 15203) * externalInterruptsEnabled: Process-accessing. (line 14550) * extracted: VFS.TmpFileArchiveMember-still unclassified. (line 19945) * extractMember:: VFS.ArchiveFile-TmpFileArchiveMember protocol. (line 19562) * extractMember:into:: VFS.ArchiveFile-TmpFileArchiveMember protocol. (line 19566) * extractMember:into: <1>: VFS.ZipFile-members. (line 19965) * factorial: Integer-math methods. (line 9964) * failedPermission: SystemExceptions.SecurityError-accessing. (line 18479) * failedPermission:: SystemExceptions.SecurityError-accessing. (line 18482) * fd: FileDescriptor-accessing. (line 7654) * features: Package-accessing. (line 13852) * featuresFor:: PackageLoader class-accessing. (line 13987) * ff: Character class-constants. (line 2702) * fieldSelectorList: CCompound-debugging. (line 2527) * file: FileDescriptor-accessing. (line 7657) * file <1>: FileSegment-basic. (line 8359) * file <2>: Stream-accessing-reading. (line 16869) * file <3>: VFS.TmpFileArchiveMember-directory operations. (line 19927) * fileData: VFS.ZipFile-members. (line 19969) * fileIn: FileDescriptor-built ins. (line 7801) * fileIn <1>: FilePath-file operations. (line 8190) * fileIn <2>: Stream-built ins. (line 16977) * fileIn:: FileStream class-file-in. (line 8411) * fileIn:ifMissing:: FileStream class-file-in. (line 8421) * fileIn:ifTrue:: FileStream class-file-in. (line 8433) * fileIn:line:from:at:: FileStream class-file-in. (line 8444) * fileInLine:file:at:: Stream-built ins. (line 16987) * fileInLine:fileName:at:: Stream-built ins. (line 16991) * fileInPackage:: PackageLoader class-loading. (line 14049) * fileInPackages:: PackageLoader class-loading. (line 14052) * fileIns: Package-accessing. (line 13855) * fileInsFor:: PackageLoader class-accessing. (line 13991) * fileName: CharacterArray-converting. (line 3020) * fileName <1>: FileSegment-basic. (line 8362) * fileOp:: FileDescriptor-built ins. (line 7811) * fileOp:ifFail:: FileDescriptor-built ins. (line 7815) * fileOp:with:: FileDescriptor-built ins. (line 7819) * fileOp:with:ifFail:: FileDescriptor-built ins. (line 7823) * fileOp:with:with:: FileDescriptor-built ins. (line 7827) * fileOp:with:with:ifFail:: FileDescriptor-built ins. (line 7831) * fileOp:with:with:with:: FileDescriptor-built ins. (line 7835) * fileOp:with:with:with:ifFail:: FileDescriptor-built ins. (line 7839) * fileOp:with:with:with:with:: FileDescriptor-built ins. (line 7843) * fileOp:with:with:with:with:ifFail:: FileDescriptor-built ins. (line 7847) * fileOut:: ClassDescription-filing. (line 3521) * fileOut: <1>: Stream-filing out. (line 17066) * fileOutCategory:to:: ClassDescription-filing. (line 3525) * fileOutCategory:toStream:: ClassDescription-still unclassified. (line 3605) * fileOutDeclarationOn:: Class-filing. (line 3276) * fileOutHeaderOn:: Class-still unclassified. (line 3430) * fileOutOn:: Class-filing. (line 3279) * fileOutOn: <1>: ClassDescription-filing. (line 3529) * fileOutOn: <2>: Metaclass-filing. (line 11527) * fileOutSelector:to:: ClassDescription-filing. (line 3533) * fileOutSelector:toStream:: ClassDescription-still unclassified. (line 3609) * filePos: CharacterArray-converting. (line 3023) * filePos <1>: FileSegment-basic. (line 8365) * files: FilePath-enumerating. (line 8113) * files <1>: Package-accessing. (line 13860) * filesFor:: PackageLoader class-accessing. (line 13996) * filesMatching:: FilePath-enumerating. (line 8117) * filesMatching:do:: FilePath-enumerating. (line 8122) * fill: FileStream-buffering. (line 8540) * fillFrom:: VFS.ArchiveMember-initializing. (line 19673) * fillMember:: VFS.ArchiveFile-ArchiveMember protocol. (line 19501) * finalIP: BlockClosure-accessing. (line 1517) * finalizableObjects: Object class-initialization. (line 12624) * finalize: CObject-finalization. (line 3839) * finalize <1>: FileDescriptor-basic. (line 7694) * finalize <2>: Object-finalization. (line 13001) * finalize <3>: Process-basic. (line 14595) * findFirst:: SequenceableCollection-enumerating. (line 16288) * findKeyIndex:: Dictionary-awful ST-80 compatibility hacks. (line 6370) * findLast:: SequenceableCollection-enumerating. (line 16292) * findObjectIndex:: Set-awful ST-80 compatibility hacks. (line 16454) * finishIncrementalGC: ObjectMemory class-builtins. (line 13391) * first: Interval-printing. (line 10113) * first <1>: LinkedList-iteration. (line 10889) * first <2>: OrderedCollection-accessing. (line 13664) * first <3>: RunArray-basic. (line 15699) * first <4>: SequenceableCollection-basic. (line 16078) * first:: SequenceableCollection-basic. (line 16081) * firstDayOfMonth: Date-date computations. (line 5832) * fixedSpaceSize: ObjectMemory-accessing. (line 13507) * fixedSpaceUsedBytes: ObjectMemory-accessing. (line 13511) * fixTemps: BlockClosure-accessing. (line 1520) * flags: CompiledBlock-accessing. (line 4224) * flags <1>: CompiledCode-accessing. (line 4373) * flags <2>: CompiledMethod-accessing. (line 4590) * floatAt:: ByteArray-more advanced accessing. (line 1997) * floatAt: <1>: Memory class-accessing. (line 11227) * floatAt:put:: ByteArray-more advanced accessing. (line 2001) * floatAt:put: <1>: Memory class-accessing. (line 11230) * floor: Float-built ins. (line 8697) * floor <1>: Fraction-coercing. (line 9374) * floor <2>: Integer-converting. (line 9924) * floor <3>: Number-truncation and round off. (line 12582) * floorLog:: Float-transcendental operations. (line 8857) * floorLog: <1>: Integer-math methods. (line 9967) * floorLog: <2>: Number-misc math. (line 12394) * flush: FileStream-buffering. (line 8543) * flush <1>: ObjectDumper-accessing. (line 13303) * flush <2>: PackageLoader class-accessing. (line 14001) * flush <3>: Stream-polymorphism. (line 17117) * flushCache: Behavior-built ins. (line 858) * flushTranslatorCache: CompiledCode class-cache flushing. (line 4315) * fmax: FloatD class-characterization. (line 8906) * fmax <1>: FloatE class-characterization. (line 9049) * fmax <2>: FloatQ class-characterization. (line 9194) * fmin: Float class-characterization. (line 8634) * fminDenormalized: Float class-characterization. (line 8637) * fminNormalized: FloatD class-characterization. (line 8909) * fminNormalized <1>: FloatE class-characterization. (line 9052) * fminNormalized <2>: FloatQ class-characterization. (line 9197) * fold:: Iterable-enumeration. (line 10209) * fold: <1>: SequenceableCollection-enumerating. (line 16296) * fopen:mode:: FileDescriptor class-instance creation. (line 7527) * fopen:mode:ifFail:: FileDescriptor class-instance creation. (line 7537) * for:: Promise class-creating instances. (line 14990) * for:returning:withArgs:: CCallable class-instance creation. (line 2330) * for:returning:withArgs: <1>: CCallbackDescriptor class-instance creation. (line 2397) * for:returning:withArgs: <2>: CFunctionDescriptor class-instance creation. (line 2610) * fork: BlockClosure-multiple process. (line 1651) * fork <1>: DirectedMessage-multiple process. (line 6609) * forkAt:: BlockClosure-multiple process. (line 1654) * forkAt: <1>: DirectedMessage-multiple process. (line 6612) * forkWithoutPreemption: BlockClosure-multiple process. (line 1658) * formattedSourceStringAt:: Behavior-accessing the method dictionary. (line 813) * formattedSourceStringAt:ifAbsent:: Behavior-source code. (line 1202) * forMilliseconds:: Delay class-instance creation. (line 6132) * forMutualExclusion: Semaphore class-instance creation. (line 15949) * forNanoseconds:: Delay class-instance creation. (line 6135) * forSeconds:: Delay class-instance creation. (line 6138) * fourth: SequenceableCollection-basic. (line 16084) * fractionPart: FloatD-built ins. (line 8971) * fractionPart <1>: FloatE-built ins. (line 9123) * fractionPart <2>: FloatQ-built ins. (line 9268) * fractionPart <3>: Number-truncation and round off. (line 12585) * fractionPart <4>: ScaledDecimal-coercion. (line 15831) * fragment: NetClients.URL-accessing. (line 11934) * fragment:: NetClients.URL-accessing. (line 11938) * free: CObject-C data access. (line 3815) * free <1>: UndefinedObject-CObject interoperability. (line 19126) * from: RegexResults-accessing. (line 15522) * from:: Array class-instance creation. (line 290) * from: <1>: CArrayCType class-instance creation. (line 2229) * from: <2>: Collection class-instance creation. (line 3929) * from: <3>: CPtrCType class-instance creation. (line 5138) * from: <4>: CType class-C instance creation. (line 5399) * from: <5>: Dictionary class-instance creation. (line 6299) * from:to:: Interval class-instance creation. (line 10067) * from:to:by:: Interval class-instance creation. (line 10071) * from:to:do:: SequenceableCollection-enumerating. (line 16303) * from:to:doWithIndex:: SequenceableCollection-enumerating. (line 16307) * from:to:keysAndValuesDo:: SequenceableCollection-enumerating. (line 16314) * fromAt:: RegexResults-accessing. (line 15526) * fromBytes:: FloatD class-byte-order dependencies. (line 8882) * fromBytes: <1>: FloatE class-byte-order dependencies. (line 9025) * fromCData:: String class-instance creation. (line 17229) * fromCData:size:: ByteArray class-instance creation. (line 1904) * fromCData:size: <1>: String class-instance creation. (line 17233) * fromDays:: Date class-instance creation (Blue Book). (line 5730) * fromDays:seconds:: DateTime class-instance creation (non-ANSI). (line 5951) * fromDays:seconds:offset:: DateTime class-instance creation (non-ANSI). (line 5955) * fromDays:seconds:offset: <1>: Duration class-instance creation (non ANSI). (line 6855) * fromJulian:: Date class-instance creation (Blue Book). (line 5733) * fromSeconds:: Date class-instance creation (Blue Book). (line 5737) * fromSeconds: <1>: DateTime class-instance creation (non-ANSI). (line 5960) * fromSeconds: <2>: Time class-instance creation. (line 18851) * fromSeconds:offset:: DateTime class-instance creation (non-ANSI). (line 5964) * fromString:: CharacterArray class-basic. (line 2897) * fromString: <1>: NetClients.URL class-instance creation. (line 11895) * fromString: <2>: Regex class-instance creation. (line 15452) * fromString: <3>: UnicodeString class-converting. (line 19261) * full: File-file name management. (line 7419) * full <1>: FilePath-file name management. (line 8154) * full <2>: VFS.ArchiveMember-delegation. (line 19634) * full <3>: VFS.FileWrapper-delegation. (line 19802) * fullName: FilePath-file name management. (line 8159) * fullNameFor:: FilePath class-file name management. (line 7952) * fullPathOf:: Package-accessing. (line 13864) * fullRequestString: NetClients.URL-accessing. (line 11942) * gather:: Collection-enumeration. (line 4081) * gcAlloc:: CObject class-instance creation. (line 3738) * gcAlloc:type:: CObject class-primitive allocation. (line 3756) * gcd:: Integer-math methods. (line 9970) * gcd: <1>: LargeNegativeInteger-reverting to LargePositiveInteger. (line 10570) * gcd: <2>: LargePositiveInteger-arithmetic. (line 10599) * gcMessage: ObjectMemory class-builtins. (line 13394) * gcMessage:: ObjectMemory class-builtins. (line 13398) * gcNew: CCompound class-instance creation. (line 2471) * gcNew <1>: CType-C instance creation. (line 5458) * gcNew:: CObject class-instance creation. (line 3741) * gcNew: <1>: CType-C instance creation. (line 5463) * gcValue:: CScalar class-instance creation. (line 5172) * generality: FloatD-coercing. (line 8992) * generality <1>: FloatE-coercing. (line 9144) * generality <2>: FloatQ-coercing. (line 9289) * generality <3>: Fraction-coercing. (line 9378) * generality <4>: LargeInteger-coercion. (line 10467) * generality <5>: Number-converting. (line 12315) * generality <6>: ScaledDecimal-coercion. (line 15834) * generality <7>: SmallInteger-coercion methods. (line 16706) * generateMakefileOnto:: FileStream class-file-in. (line 8449) * getArgc: SystemDictionary-c call-outs. (line 17837) * getArgv:: SystemDictionary-c call-outs. (line 17840) * getBlock:putBlock:: PluggableAdaptor class-creating instances. (line 14161) * getenv:: SystemDictionary-c call-outs. (line 17843) * getTraceFlag:: SystemDictionary-builtins. (line 17817) * globalGarbageCollect: ObjectMemory class-builtins. (line 13402) * goodness:: Exception class-comparison. (line 6981) * goodness: <1>: ExceptionSet-enumerating. (line 7173) * granting:target:action:: Permission class-testing. (line 14086) * granting:target:actions:: Permission class-testing. (line 14089) * grid:: Point-point functions. (line 14344) * group:: FilePath-accessing. (line 8003) * growThresholdPercent: ObjectMemory class-builtins. (line 13405) * growThresholdPercent:: ObjectMemory class-builtins. (line 13409) * growTo:: ObjectMemory class-builtins. (line 13413) * half: Float-converting. (line 8771) * half <1>: FloatD-converting. (line 9004) * half <2>: FloatE-converting. (line 9156) * half <3>: FloatQ-converting. (line 9301) * halt: Object-built ins. (line 12712) * halt <1>: SystemDictionary-basic. (line 17783) * halt:: Object-error raising. (line 12990) * handleDelayRequestor: Delay class-timer process. (line 6161) * handles:: Exception class-comparison. (line 6986) * handles: <1>: ExceptionSet-enumerating. (line 7178) * hasBytecode:between:and:: CompiledCode-testing accesses. (line 4509) * hasError: Promise-accessing. (line 15000) * hasFeatures:: SystemDictionary-special accessing. (line 17941) * hasFragment: NetClients.URL-testing. (line 12073) * hash: Association-testing. (line 574) * hash <1>: Bag-testing collections. (line 696) * hash <2>: BindingDictionary-basic & copying. (line 1417) * hash <3>: ByteArray-built ins. (line 1939) * hash <4>: CArrayCType-basic. (line 2250) * hash <5>: CObject-basic. (line 3801) * hash <6>: CompiledCode-basic. (line 4432) * hash <7>: CompiledMethod-basic. (line 4682) * hash <8>: CPtrCType-basic. (line 5153) * hash <9>: CType-basic. (line 5447) * hash <10>: Date-testing. (line 5887) * hash <11>: DateTime-testing. (line 6042) * hash <12>: Delay-comparing. (line 6206) * hash <13>: Dictionary-testing. (line 6541) * hash <14>: File-basic. (line 7403) * hash <15>: FileSegment-equality. (line 8386) * hash <16>: Float-basic. (line 8671) * hash <17>: Fraction-comparing. (line 9415) * hash <18>: HashedCollection-testing collections. (line 9741) * hash <19>: Integer-basic. (line 9855) * hash <20>: Interval-testing. (line 10137) * hash <21>: LargeArrayedCollection-basic. (line 10311) * hash <22>: LargeInteger-built-ins. (line 10444) * hash <23>: LargeZeroInteger-accessing. (line 10734) * hash <24>: LookupKey-testing. (line 10957) * hash <25>: LookupTable-hashing. (line 11019) * hash <26>: MethodInfo-equality. (line 11712) * hash <27>: NetClients.URL-comparing. (line 12025) * hash <28>: Object-built ins. (line 12715) * hash <29>: Point-converting. (line 14327) * hash <30>: Rectangle-testing. (line 15350) * hash <31>: RunArray-testing. (line 15759) * hash <32>: ScaledDecimal-comparing. (line 15862) * hash <33>: SequenceableCollection-testing. (line 16416) * hash <34>: String-built ins. (line 17301) * hash <35>: Symbol-built ins. (line 17664) * hash <36>: SystemDictionary-basic. (line 17786) * hash <37>: Time-comparing. (line 18955) * hash <38>: UnicodeString-built-ins. (line 19286) * hash <39>: VFS.ArchiveMember-basic. (line 19628) * hash <40>: VFS.FileWrapper-basic. (line 19790) * hasInterned:ifTrue:: Symbol class-symbol table. (line 17606) * hasMethodReturn: BlockClosure-testing. (line 1694) * hasMethods: Behavior-testing the method dictionary. (line 1321) * hasPostData: NetClients.URL-accessing. (line 11948) * hasPostData:: NetClients.URL-accessing. (line 11953) * hasProxyFor:: ObjectDumper class-establishing proxy classes. (line 13257) * hasQuery: NetClients.URL-testing. (line 12077) * hasValue: Promise-accessing. (line 15003) * height: Rectangle-accessing. (line 15206) * height:: Rectangle-accessing. (line 15209) * hereAssociationAt:: Dictionary-namespace protocol. (line 6470) * hereAssociationAt:ifAbsent:: Dictionary-namespace protocol. (line 6475) * hereAt:: Dictionary-namespace protocol. (line 6480) * hereAt:ifAbsent:: Dictionary-namespace protocol. (line 6485) * hierarchyIndent: Behavior-printing hierarchy. (line 1189) * high: SystemExceptions.ArgumentOutOfRange-accessing. (line 17997) * high:: SystemExceptions.ArgumentOutOfRange-accessing. (line 18000) * highBit: Integer-bit operators. (line 9890) * highBit <1>: LargeNegativeInteger-reverting to LargePositiveInteger. (line 10574) * highBit <2>: LargePositiveInteger-arithmetic. (line 10602) * highBit <3>: SmallInteger-bit arithmetic. (line 16578) * highestPriority: ProcessorScheduler-priorities. (line 14866) * highIOPriority: ProcessorScheduler-priorities. (line 14862) * home: BlockContext-accessing. (line 1747) * home <1>: ContextPart-accessing. (line 4859) * home <2>: Directory class-reading system defaults. (line 6683) * home <3>: MethodContext-accessing. (line 11569) * host: NetClients.URL-accessing. (line 11958) * host:: NetClients.URL-accessing. (line 11961) * hostSystem: SystemDictionary-miscellaneous. (line 17912) * hour: DateTime-computations. (line 5988) * hour <1>: Time-accessing (ANSI for DateAndTimes). (line 18893) * hour12: DateTime-computations. (line 5991) * hour12 <1>: Time-accessing (ANSI for DateAndTimes). (line 18896) * hour24: DateTime-computations. (line 5994) * hour24 <1>: Time-accessing (ANSI for DateAndTimes). (line 18899) * hour:: Time class-instance creation. (line 18854) * hour:minute:second:: Time class-instance creation. (line 18857) * hours: Time-accessing (non ANSI & for Durations). (line 18920) * hours:: Time class-instance creation. (line 18861) * hours:minutes:seconds:: Time class-instance creation. (line 18864) * identityHash: Object-built ins. (line 12719) * identityIncludes:: Collection-testing collections. (line 4171) * identityIncludes: <1>: IdentitySet-testing. (line 9822) * identityIncludes: <2>: LinkedList-enumerating. (line 10880) * identityIncludes: <3>: SequenceableCollection-basic. (line 16087) * identityIncludes: <4>: WeakIdentitySet-accessing. (line 20099) * identityIndexOf:: SequenceableCollection-basic. (line 16090) * identityIndexOf:ifAbsent:: SequenceableCollection-basic. (line 16094) * identityIndexOf:startingAt:: SequenceableCollection-basic. (line 16099) * identityIndexOf:startingAt:ifAbsent:: SequenceableCollection-basic. (line 16103) * identityIndexOfLast:ifAbsent:: SequenceableCollection-basic. (line 16108) * identityRemove:: OrderedCollection-removing. (line 13747) * identityRemove:ifAbsent:: OrderedCollection-removing. (line 13751) * idle: ProcessorScheduler-idle tasks. (line 14833) * idleAdd:: ProcessorScheduler-idle tasks. (line 14837) * idlePriority: ProcessorScheduler-priorities. (line 14869) * ifCurtailed:: BlockClosure-unwind protection. (line 1706) * ifError:: BlockClosure-exception handling. (line 1611) * ifFalse:: Boolean-basic. (line 1831) * ifFalse: <1>: False-basic. (line 7210) * ifFalse: <2>: True-basic. (line 18982) * ifFalse:ifTrue:: Boolean-basic. (line 1835) * ifFalse:ifTrue: <1>: False-basic. (line 7213) * ifFalse:ifTrue: <2>: True-basic. (line 18985) * ifMatched:: RegexResults-testing. (line 15563) * ifMatched:ifNotMatched:: RegexResults-testing. (line 15567) * ifNil:: Object-testing functionality. (line 13138) * ifNil: <1>: UndefinedObject-testing. (line 19191) * ifNil:ifNotNil:: Object-testing functionality. (line 13141) * ifNil:ifNotNil: <1>: UndefinedObject-testing. (line 19194) * ifNil:ifNotNilDo:: Iterable-iteration. (line 10237) * ifNil:ifNotNilDo: <1>: UndefinedObject-iteration. (line 19145) * ifNotMatched:: RegexResults-testing. (line 15572) * ifNotMatched:ifMatched:: RegexResults-testing. (line 15576) * ifNotNil:: Object-testing functionality. (line 13145) * ifNotNil: <1>: UndefinedObject-testing. (line 19198) * ifNotNil:ifNil:: Object-testing functionality. (line 13149) * ifNotNil:ifNil: <1>: UndefinedObject-testing. (line 19202) * ifNotNilDo:: Iterable-iteration. (line 10242) * ifNotNilDo: <1>: UndefinedObject-iteration. (line 19150) * ifNotNilDo:ifNil:: Iterable-iteration. (line 10246) * ifNotNilDo:ifNil: <1>: UndefinedObject-iteration. (line 19154) * ifTrue:: Boolean-basic. (line 1839) * ifTrue: <1>: False-basic. (line 7216) * ifTrue: <2>: True-basic. (line 18988) * ifTrue:ifFalse:: Boolean-basic. (line 1843) * ifTrue:ifFalse: <1>: False-basic. (line 7219) * ifTrue:ifFalse: <2>: True-basic. (line 18991) * ignoreCallouts: PackageLoader class-accessing. (line 14004) * ignoreCallouts:: PackageLoader class-accessing. (line 14007) * image: Directory class-reading system defaults. (line 6686) * image <1>: File class-reading system defaults. (line 7316) * imageLocal: SystemDictionary-testing. (line 17954) * implementors: Symbol-accessing the method dictionary. (line 17632) * implies:: Permission-testing. (line 14143) * implies: <1>: SecurityPolicy-querying. (line 15932) * import:: AbstractNamespace-compiling. (line 72) * import: <1>: ClassDescription-parsing class declarations. (line 3576) * import:from:: BindingDictionary-accessing. (line 1396) * includes:: Bag-testing collections. (line 699) * includes: <1>: Collection-testing collections. (line 4174) * includes: <2>: Dictionary-dictionary testing. (line 6439) * includes: <3>: FilePath-accessing. (line 8006) * includes: <4>: HashedCollection-testing collections. (line 9746) * includes: <5>: LinkedList-enumerating. (line 10883) * includes: <6>: SequenceableCollection-basic. (line 16113) * includes: <7>: SortedCollection-searching. (line 16823) * includesAllOf:: Collection-testing collections. (line 4177) * includesAnyOf:: Collection-testing collections. (line 4180) * includesAssociation:: Dictionary-dictionary testing. (line 6442) * includesBehavior:: Behavior-testing the class hierarchy. (line 1263) * includesClassNamed:: AbstractNamespace-namespace hierarchy. (line 112) * includesGlobalNamed:: AbstractNamespace-namespace hierarchy. (line 118) * includesKey:: Dictionary-dictionary testing. (line 6446) * includesKey: <1>: Namespace-overrides for superspaces. (line 11794) * includesKey: <2>: ProcessEnvironment-dictionary testing. (line 14755) * includesKey: <3>: WeakValueLookupTable-hacks. (line 20225) * includesSelector:: Behavior-testing the method dictionary. (line 1324) * incr: CObject-pointer-like behavior. (line 3894) * incrBy:: CObject-pointer-like behavior. (line 3898) * increment: Interval-printing. (line 10116) * incrementalGCStep: ObjectMemory class-builtins. (line 13416) * indexOf:: SequenceableCollection-basic. (line 16116) * indexOf:ifAbsent:: SequenceableCollection-basic. (line 16120) * indexOf:matchCase:startingAt:: CharacterArray-comparing. (line 2957) * indexOf:startingAt:: ByteArray-basic. (line 1914) * indexOf:startingAt: <1>: SequenceableCollection-basic. (line 16125) * indexOf:startingAt: <2>: String-basic. (line 17266) * indexOf:startingAt:ifAbsent:: ByteArray-basic. (line 1918) * indexOf:startingAt:ifAbsent: <1>: RunArray-searching. (line 15748) * indexOf:startingAt:ifAbsent: <2>: SequenceableCollection-basic. (line 16129) * indexOf:startingAt:ifAbsent: <3>: SortedCollection-searching. (line 16827) * indexOf:startingAt:ifAbsent: <4>: String-basic. (line 17270) * indexOfInstVar:: Behavior-accessing instances and variables. (line 773) * indexOfInstVar:ifAbsent:: Behavior-accessing instances and variables. (line 777) * indexOfLast:ifAbsent:: SequenceableCollection-basic. (line 16133) * indexOfMonth:: Date class-basic. (line 5693) * indexOfRegex:: String-regex. (line 17436) * indexOfRegex:from:to:: String-regex. (line 17441) * indexOfRegex:from:to:ifAbsent:: String-regex. (line 17446) * indexOfRegex:ifAbsent:: String-regex. (line 17452) * indexOfRegex:startingAt:: String-regex. (line 17457) * indexOfRegex:startingAt:ifAbsent:: String-regex. (line 17462) * indexOfSubCollection:: SequenceableCollection-basic. (line 16137) * indexOfSubCollection:ifAbsent:: SequenceableCollection-basic. (line 16142) * indexOfSubCollection:startingAt:: SequenceableCollection-basic. (line 16147) * indexOfSubCollection:startingAt:ifAbsent:: SequenceableCollection-basic. (line 16152) * infinity: FloatD class-characterization. (line 8912) * infinity <1>: FloatE class-characterization. (line 9055) * infinity <2>: FloatQ class-characterization. (line 9200) * inheritedKeys: AbstractNamespace-overrides for superspaces. (line 165) * inheritedKeys <1>: Namespace-accessing. (line 11753) * inheritedKeys <2>: RootNamespace-overrides for superspaces. (line 15613) * inheritsFrom:: Behavior-testing the class hierarchy. (line 1267) * inheritsFrom: <1>: Dictionary-namespace protocol. (line 6491) * inheritsFrom: <2>: UndefinedObject-still unclassified. (line 19173) * inheritShape: Class-instance creation. (line 3292) * inheritShape <1>: CObject class-subclass creation. (line 3762) * initDayNameDict: Date class-basic. (line 5696) * initForNanoseconds:: Delay-initialization. (line 6232) * initialIP: BlockClosure-accessing. (line 1526) * initialIP <1>: ContextPart-accessing. (line 4862) * initialize: Character class-initializing lookup tables. (line 2726) * initialize <1>: Class class-initialize. (line 3196) * initialize <2>: Class-accessing instances and variables. (line 3250) * initialize <3>: CType class-initialization. (line 5407) * initialize <4>: Date class-basic. (line 5702) * initialize <5>: DateTime class-information. (line 5904) * initialize <6>: DLD class-dynamic linking. (line 6761) * initialize <7>: Duration class-instance creation. (line 6836) * initialize <8>: File class-initialization. (line 7296) * initialize <9>: FileDescriptor class-initialization. (line 7509) * initialize <10>: FileDescriptor-initialize-release. (line 7869) * initialize <11>: FileStream class-file-in. (line 8453) * initialize <12>: FileStream-initialize-release. (line 8575) * initialize <13>: Fraction class-instance creation. (line 9323) * initialize <14>: Namespace class-initialization. (line 11745) * initialize <15>: NetClients.URL class-encoding URLs. (line 11889) * initialize <16>: NetClients.URL-initialize-release. (line 12045) * initialize <17>: Object class-initialization. (line 12627) * initialize <18>: ObjectMemory class-initialization. (line 13456) * initialize <19>: ProcessorScheduler-idle tasks. (line 14840) * initialize <20>: Promise-initializing. (line 15016) * initialize <21>: SystemDictionary class-initialization. (line 17777) * initialize <22>: SystemExceptions.ProcessBeingTerminated class-still unclassified. (line 18413) * initialize <23>: Time class-initialization. (line 18842) * initialize <24>: ValueHolder-initializing. (line 19390) * initialize <25>: VFS.FileWrapper class-initializing. (line 19745) * initializeAsRootClass: Class-accessing instances and variables. (line 3253) * initMonthNameDict: Date class-basic. (line 5699) * initUntilNanoseconds:: Delay-instance creation. (line 6238) * inject:into:: Generator class-instance creation. (line 9515) * inject:into: <1>: Iterable-enumeration. (line 10216) * insetBy:: Rectangle-rectangle functions. (line 15312) * insetOriginBy:corner:: Rectangle-rectangle functions. (line 15318) * inspect: Object-debugging. (line 12954) * instanceClass: Metaclass-accessing. (line 11428) * instanceCount: Behavior-accessing instances and variables. (line 785) * instanceVariableNames:: Behavior-instance variables. (line 1052) * instanceVariableString: ClassDescription-printing. (line 3587) * instSize: Behavior-testing the form of the instances. (line 1288) * instSize <1>: UndefinedObject-class polymorphism. (line 19073) * instVarAt:: Object-built ins. (line 12723) * instVarAt:put:: Object-built ins. (line 12727) * instVarNamed:: Object-introspection. (line 13020) * instVarNamed:put:: Object-introspection. (line 13023) * instVarNames: Behavior-accessing instances and variables. (line 781) * intAt:: ByteArray-more advanced accessing. (line 2006) * intAt: <1>: Memory class-accessing. (line 11234) * intAt:put:: ByteArray-more advanced accessing. (line 2010) * intAt:put: <1>: Memory class-accessing. (line 11237) * integerPart: Float-arithmetic. (line 8658) * integerPart <1>: Fraction-converting. (line 9436) * integerPart <2>: Number-truncation and round off. (line 12589) * integerPart <3>: ScaledDecimal-coercion. (line 15837) * intern:: Symbol class-built ins. (line 17569) * internCharacter:: Symbol class-instance creation. (line 17575) * intersect:: Rectangle-rectangle functions. (line 15323) * intersects:: Rectangle-testing. (line 15353) * intervalAt:: RegexResults-accessing. (line 15531) * invalidate: FileDescriptor-basic. (line 7698) * ip: ContextPart-accessing. (line 4866) * ip:: ContextPart-accessing. (line 4869) * isAbsolute: CObject-accessing. (line 3778) * isAbsolute <1>: Delay-accessing. (line 6193) * isAbsolute <2>: File-testing. (line 7470) * isAbsolute <3>: FilePath-testing. (line 8278) * isAbsolute <4>: VFS.ArchiveMember-still unclassified. (line 19693) * isAbsolute <5>: VFS.FileWrapper-testing. (line 19878) * isAbsolute:: FilePath class-still unclassified. (line 7987) * isAbstract: CompiledMethod-testing. (line 4789) * isAccessible: File-testing. (line 7473) * isAccessible <1>: FilePath-testing. (line 8281) * isAccessible <2>: VFS.ArchiveFile-querying. (line 19546) * isAccessible <3>: VFS.ArchiveMember-testing. (line 19703) * isAccessible <4>: VFS.FileWrapper-testing. (line 19881) * isAccessible:: File class-testing. (line 7325) * isActive: Delay-testing. (line 6245) * isAlive:: WeakArray-accessing. (line 20048) * isAllowing: Permission-accessing. (line 14122) * isAlphaNumeric: Character-testing. (line 2847) * isAnnotated: CompiledCode-accessing. (line 4376) * isAnnotated <1>: CompiledMethod-attributes. (line 4669) * isArray: Array-testing. (line 330) * isArray <1>: Object-testing functionality. (line 13153) * isBehavior: Behavior-testing functionality. (line 1257) * isBehavior <1>: Object-testing functionality. (line 13156) * isBinary: FileDescriptor-class type methods. (line 7854) * isBits: Behavior-testing the form of the instances. (line 1292) * isBitSet:: Integer-bit operators. (line 9893) * isBlock: BlockContext-accessing. (line 1751) * isBlock <1>: ContextPart-accessing. (line 4872) * isBlock <2>: MethodContext-accessing. (line 11573) * isCharacter: Character-testing functionality. (line 2882) * isCharacter <1>: Object-testing functionality. (line 13162) * isCharacterArray: CharacterArray-testing functionality. (line 3146) * isCharacterArray <1>: Object-testing functionality. (line 13165) * isClass: Class-testing functionality. (line 3445) * isClass <1>: Object-testing functionality. (line 13168) * isCObject: CObject-testing functionality. (line 3911) * isCObject <1>: Object-testing functionality. (line 13159) * isDefined: VariableBinding-testing. (line 19444) * isDigit: Character-testing. (line 2850) * isDigit:: Character-testing. (line 2853) * isDirectory: File-accessing. (line 7355) * isDirectory <1>: FilePath-testing. (line 8285) * isDirectory <2>: VFS.ArchiveFile-querying. (line 19550) * isDirectory <3>: VFS.ArchiveMember-testing. (line 19707) * isDirectory <4>: VFS.FileWrapper-testing. (line 19885) * isDisabled: BlockContext-accessing. (line 1754) * isDisabled <1>: ContextPart-accessing. (line 4875) * isDisabled <2>: MethodContext-accessing. (line 11576) * isEmpty: Collection-testing collections. (line 4183) * isEmpty <1>: FileDescriptor-overriding inherited methods. (line 7891) * isEmpty <2>: HashedCollection-testing collections. (line 9749) * isEmpty <3>: Interval-basic. (line 10098) * isEmpty <4>: LinkedList-testing. (line 10900) * isEmpty <5>: PositionableStream-testing. (line 14526) * isEmpty <6>: SharedQueue-accessing. (line 16497) * isEnvironment: BlockContext-accessing. (line 1761) * isEnvironment <1>: ContextPart-accessing. (line 4883) * isEnvironment <2>: MethodContext-accessing. (line 11583) * isExact: Float-testing. (line 8810) * isExact <1>: Interval-testing. (line 10140) * isExact <2>: Number-testing. (line 12534) * isExecutable: File-testing. (line 7477) * isExecutable <1>: FilePath-testing. (line 8289) * isExecutable <2>: VFS.ArchiveMember-testing. (line 19711) * isExecutable <3>: VFS.FileWrapper-delegation. (line 19805) * isExecutable:: File class-testing. (line 7329) * isExternalStream: FileDescriptor-class type methods. (line 7857) * isExternalStream <1>: PositionableStream-class type methods. (line 14463) * isExternalStream <2>: Stream-testing. (line 17198) * isFile: FilePath-testing. (line 8293) * isFileScheme: NetClients.URL-testing. (line 12081) * isFileSystemPath: File-testing. (line 7481) * isFileSystemPath <1>: FilePath-testing. (line 8297) * isFinite: Float-testing. (line 8814) * isFinite <1>: Number-testing. (line 12540) * isFixed: Behavior-testing the form of the instances. (line 1296) * isFloat: Float-testing functionality. (line 8841) * isFloat <1>: Object-testing functionality. (line 13171) * isFragmentOnly: NetClients.URL-testing. (line 12084) * isFunction:: CFunctionDescriptor class-testing. (line 2621) * isIdentity: Behavior-testing the form of the instances. (line 1300) * isIdentity <1>: Boolean class-testing. (line 1810) * isIdentity <2>: SmallInteger class-testing. (line 16572) * isImmediate: Behavior-testing the form of the instances. (line 1303) * isImmediate <1>: BlockClosure class-testing. (line 1502) * isImmediate <2>: Boolean class-testing. (line 1813) * isImmediate <3>: Character class-testing. (line 2744) * isImmediate <4>: Number class-testing. (line 12203) * isInfinite: Float-testing. (line 8817) * isInfinite <1>: Number-testing. (line 12545) * isInPath: Package-still unclassified. (line 13943) * isInteger: Integer-testing functionality. (line 10048) * isInteger <1>: Object-testing functionality. (line 13174) * isInternalExceptionHandlingContext: BlockContext-debugging. (line 1783) * isInternalExceptionHandlingContext <1>: ContextPart-debugging. (line 4988) * isInternalExceptionHandlingContext <2>: MethodContext-debugging. (line 11608) * isKindOf:: Object-testing functionality. (line 13177) * isLeapYear: Date-date computations. (line 5836) * isLetter: Character-testing. (line 2857) * isLiteralObject: Array-printing. (line 315) * isLiteralObject <1>: Boolean-storing. (line 1882) * isLiteralObject <2>: ByteArray-storing. (line 2143) * isLiteralObject <3>: Character-storing. (line 2838) * isLiteralObject <4>: Float-storing. (line 8798) * isLiteralObject <5>: Integer-printing. (line 9989) * isLiteralObject <6>: ScaledDecimal-storing. (line 15891) * isLiteralObject <7>: String-printing. (line 17367) * isLiteralObject <8>: UndefinedObject-storing. (line 19179) * isLiteralObject <9>: VariableBinding-storing. (line 19432) * isLowercase: Character-testing. (line 2860) * isMemberOf:: Object-testing functionality. (line 13181) * isMeta: Object-testing functionality. (line 13184) * isMetaclass: Metaclass-testing functionality. (line 11553) * isMetaClass: Object-testing functionality. (line 13187) * isMetaclass <1>: Object-testing functionality. (line 13190) * isNamespace: AbstractNamespace-testing. (line 205) * isNamespace <1>: Object-testing functionality. (line 13193) * isNaN: Float-testing. (line 8821) * isNaN <1>: Number-testing. (line 12550) * isNested: Exception-exception handling. (line 7076) * isNil: Object-testing functionality. (line 13196) * isNil <1>: UndefinedObject-testing. (line 19206) * isNull: CObject-testing. (line 3905) * isNull <1>: UndefinedObject-testing. (line 19210) * isNumber: Number-testing. (line 12555) * isNumber <1>: Object-testing functionality. (line 13199) * isNumeric: CharacterArray-converting. (line 3026) * isOldSyntax: CompiledMethod-accessing. (line 4593) * isOpen: FileDescriptor-accessing. (line 7660) * isOwnerProcess: RecursionLock-accessing. (line 15400) * isPathSeparator: Character-testing. (line 2863) * isPeerAlive: FileDescriptor-accessing. (line 7663) * isPipe: FileDescriptor-accessing. (line 7667) * isPointers: Behavior-testing the form of the instances. (line 1306) * isPositionable: FileDescriptor-positioning. (line 7915) * isPositionable <1>: PositionableStream-positioning. (line 14487) * isPositionable <2>: Stream-positioning. (line 17126) * isProcess: ContextPart-accessing. (line 4890) * isPunctuation: Character-testing. (line 2867) * isRational: Fraction-testing. (line 9469) * isRational <1>: Integer-testing functionality. (line 10051) * isRational <2>: Number-testing. (line 12558) * isReadable: File-testing. (line 7484) * isReadable <1>: FilePath-testing. (line 8300) * isReadable <2>: VFS.ArchiveMember-testing. (line 19715) * isReadable <3>: VFS.FileWrapper-delegation. (line 19809) * isReadable:: File class-testing. (line 7333) * isReadOnly: Object-built ins. (line 12731) * isRelative: FilePath-testing. (line 8304) * isResumable: ArithmeticError-description. (line 272) * isResumable <1>: Error-exception description. (line 6958) * isResumable <2>: Exception-exception description. (line 7067) * isResumable <3>: Halt-description. (line 9628) * isResumable <4>: MessageNotUnderstood-description. (line 11401) * isResumable <5>: Notification-exception description. (line 12115) * isResumable <6>: SystemExceptions.PackageNotAvailable-description. (line 18384) * isSeparator: Character-testing. (line 2870) * isSequenceable: Collection-testing collections. (line 4186) * isSequenceable <1>: SequenceableCollection-testing. (line 16419) * isSequenceable <2>: Stream-testing. (line 17202) * isSimpleSymbol: Symbol-testing. (line 17712) * isSmall: LargePositiveInteger-primitive operations. (line 10688) * isSmallInteger: Object-testing functionality. (line 13202) * isSmallInteger <1>: SmallInteger-testing functionality. (line 16718) * isSmalltalk: AbstractNamespace-testing. (line 208) * isSmalltalk <1>: SystemDictionary-testing. (line 17958) * isSocket: File-accessing. (line 7358) * isString: Object-testing functionality. (line 13205) * isString <1>: String-testing functionality. (line 17552) * isString <2>: Symbol-testing functionality. (line 17719) * isSymbol: Object-testing functionality. (line 13208) * isSymbol <1>: Symbol-testing functionality. (line 17722) * isSymbolicLink: File-accessing. (line 7361) * isSymbolicLink <1>: FilePath-testing. (line 8307) * isSymbolicLink <2>: VFS.ArchiveMember-testing. (line 19719) * isSymbolicLink <3>: VFS.FileWrapper-testing. (line 19889) * isSymbolString:: Symbol class-symbol table. (line 17613) * isText: FileDescriptor-class type methods. (line 7860) * isTimeoutProgrammed: ProcessorScheduler-timed invocation. (line 14918) * isUnicode: CharacterArray class-multibyte encodings. (line 2908) * isUnicode <1>: CharacterArray-multibyte encodings. (line 3039) * isUnicode <2>: Collection class-multibyte encodings. (line 3964) * isUnicode <3>: Iterable class-multibyte encodings. (line 10158) * isUnicode <4>: Stream-character writing. (line 17007) * isUnicode <5>: String class-multibyte encodings. (line 17240) * isUnicode <6>: UnicodeString class-multibyte encodings. (line 19274) * isUntrusted: Object-built ins. (line 12735) * isUnwind: BlockContext-accessing. (line 1768) * isUnwind <1>: ContextPart-accessing. (line 4897) * isUnwind <2>: MethodContext-accessing. (line 11590) * isUppercase: Character-testing. (line 2873) * isValid: CCallable-accessing. (line 2338) * isValidCCall: CompiledMethod-c call-outs. (line 4688) * isVariable: Behavior-testing the form of the instances. (line 1310) * isVowel: Character-testing. (line 2876) * isWriteable: File-testing. (line 7488) * isWriteable <1>: FilePath-testing. (line 8311) * isWriteable <2>: VFS.ArchiveMember-testing. (line 19723) * isWriteable <3>: VFS.FileWrapper-delegation. (line 19813) * isWriteable:: File class-testing. (line 7336) * isZero: Duration-arithmetics. (line 6887) * join: Collection-concatenating. (line 3990) * join:: ArrayedCollection class-instance creation. (line 347) * join: <1>: Collection class-instance creation. (line 3935) * join: <2>: SequenceableCollection-concatenating. (line 16183) * join:separatedBy:: ArrayedCollection class-instance creation. (line 351) * join:separatedBy: <1>: SequenceableCollection class-instance creation. (line 16032) * jumpDestinationAt:forward:: CompiledCode-testing accesses. (line 4513) * kernel: Directory class-reading system defaults. (line 6689) * key: LookupKey-accessing. (line 10928) * key:: LookupKey class-basic. (line 10922) * key: <1>: LookupKey-accessing. (line 10931) * key: <2>: ProcessVariable class-accessing. (line 14942) * key:class:defaultDictionary:: DeferredVariableBinding class-basic. (line 6087) * key:value:: Association class-basic. (line 524) * key:value: <1>: Association-accessing. (line 538) * key:value:environment:: HomedAssociation class-basic. (line 9772) * keyAtValue:: Dictionary-accessing. (line 6352) * keyAtValue:ifAbsent:: Dictionary-accessing. (line 6356) * keys: Dictionary-accessing. (line 6361) * keys <1>: MappedCollection-basic. (line 11160) * keys <2>: ProcessEnvironment-accessing. (line 14727) * keys <3>: SequenceableCollection-enumerating. (line 16320) * keysAndValuesDo:: Dictionary-dictionary enumerating. (line 6396) * keysAndValuesDo: <1>: LookupTable-enumerating. (line 11009) * keysAndValuesDo: <2>: MappedCollection-basic. (line 11163) * keysAndValuesDo: <3>: Namespace-overrides for superspaces. (line 11798) * keysAndValuesDo: <4>: SequenceableCollection-enumerating. (line 16324) * keysDo:: Dictionary-dictionary enumerating. (line 6400) * keysDo: <1>: LookupTable-enumerating. (line 11013) * keysDo: <2>: MappedCollection-basic. (line 11167) * keysDo: <3>: Namespace-overrides for superspaces. (line 11802) * keywords: Symbol-basic. (line 17644) * kindOfSubclass: Behavior-testing the class hierarchy. (line 1270) * largeNegated: LargeInteger-primitive operations. (line 10495) * largest: SmallInteger class-getting limits. (line 16561) * last: Interval-printing. (line 10119) * last <1>: LinkedList-iteration. (line 10893) * last <2>: OrderedCollection-accessing. (line 13667) * last <3>: RunArray-basic. (line 15702) * last <4>: SequenceableCollection-basic. (line 16157) * last <5>: SortedCollection-basic. (line 16759) * last:: SequenceableCollection-basic. (line 16160) * lastAccessTime: File-accessing. (line 7364) * lastAccessTime <1>: FilePath-accessing. (line 8010) * lastAccessTime <2>: VFS.ArchiveMember-accessing. (line 19596) * lastAccessTime <3>: VFS.FileWrapper-delegation. (line 19817) * lastAccessTime:: FilePath-accessing. (line 8013) * lastAccessTime:lastModifyTime:: File-file operations. (line 7427) * lastAccessTime:lastModifyTime: <1>: FilePath-accessing. (line 8017) * lastAccessTime:lastModifyTime: <2>: VFS.FileWrapper-accessing. (line 19769) * lastChangeTime: File-accessing. (line 7367) * lastChangeTime <1>: FilePath-accessing. (line 8021) * lastChangeTime <2>: VFS.ArchiveMember-accessing. (line 19599) * lastChangeTime <3>: VFS.FileWrapper-delegation. (line 19820) * lastDayOfMonth: Date-date computations. (line 5839) * lastModifyTime: File-accessing. (line 7373) * lastModifyTime <1>: FilePath-accessing. (line 8027) * lastModifyTime <2>: VFS.ArchiveMember-accessing. (line 19605) * lastModifyTime <3>: VFS.FileWrapper-delegation. (line 19826) * lastModifyTime:: FilePath-accessing. (line 8031) * lcm:: Integer-math methods. (line 9974) * left: Rectangle-accessing. (line 15212) * left:: Rectangle-accessing. (line 15215) * left:right:top:bottom:: Rectangle class-instance creation. (line 15152) * left:top:right:bottom:: Rectangle class-instance creation. (line 15155) * left:top:right:bottom: <1>: Rectangle-accessing. (line 15218) * leftCenter: Rectangle-accessing. (line 15221) * lf: Character class-constants. (line 2705) * libexec: Directory class-reading system defaults. (line 6694) * libraries: Package-accessing. (line 13870) * librariesFor:: PackageLoader class-accessing. (line 14010) * libraryList: DLD class-dynamic linking. (line 6764) * lineDelimiter: CharacterArray class-basic. (line 2901) * lines: CharacterArray-string processing. (line 3107) * lines <1>: Stream-filtering. (line 17085) * linesDo:: CharacterArray-string processing. (line 3111) * linesDo: <1>: Stream-enumerating. (line 17059) * link: CCallable-restoring. (line 2382) * link <1>: CCallbackDescriptor-restoring. (line 2413) * link <2>: CFunctionDescriptor-restoring. (line 2645) * literalAt:: CompiledCode-accessing. (line 4379) * literalAt:put:: CompiledCode-accessing. (line 4382) * literalEquals:: ArrayedCollection-compiler. (line 424) * literalEquals: <1>: Collection-compiler. (line 3981) * literalEquals: <2>: Float-compiler. (line 8762) * literalEquals: <3>: Object-compiler. (line 12916) * literalEquals: <4>: VariableBinding-compiler. (line 19406) * literalHash: ArrayedCollection-compiler. (line 427) * literalHash <1>: Collection-compiler. (line 3984) * literalHash <2>: Float-compiler. (line 8765) * literalHash <3>: Object-compiler. (line 12919) * literalHash <4>: VariableBinding-compiler. (line 19409) * literals: CompiledCode-accessing. (line 4385) * literals:numArgs:numTemps:attributes:bytecodes:depth:: CompiledMethod class-instance creation. (line 4561) * literalsDo:: CompiledCode-literals - iteration. (line 4484) * ln: Float-built ins. (line 8701) * ln <1>: Number-misc math. (line 12397) * ln10: Float class-characterization. (line 8641) * ln10 <1>: FloatE class-characterization. (line 9058) * ln10 <2>: FloatQ class-characterization. (line 9203) * load: ObjectDumper-loading/dumping objects. (line 13321) * loadFrom:: DumperProxy class-accessing. (line 6796) * loadFrom: <1>: NullProxy class-instance creation. (line 12133) * loadFrom: <2>: ObjectDumper class-shortcuts. (line 13288) * loadFrom: <3>: VersionableObjectProxy class-saving and restoring. (line 19466) * localKernel: Directory class-reading system defaults. (line 6697) * lock: Semaphore-builtins. (line 15975) * log: Float-transcendental operations. (line 8861) * log <1>: Number-misc math. (line 12400) * log10Base2: Float class-characterization. (line 8644) * log10Base2 <1>: FloatE class-characterization. (line 9061) * log10Base2 <2>: FloatQ class-characterization. (line 9206) * log:: Float-misc math. (line 8786) * log: <1>: Number-misc math. (line 12403) * longAt:: ByteArray-more advanced accessing. (line 2015) * longAt: <1>: Memory class-accessing. (line 11241) * longAt:put:: ByteArray-more advanced accessing. (line 2019) * longAt:put: <1>: Memory class-accessing. (line 11244) * longDoubleAt:: ByteArray-more advanced accessing. (line 2024) * longDoubleAt: <1>: Memory class-accessing. (line 11248) * longDoubleAt:put:: ByteArray-more advanced accessing. (line 2028) * longDoubleAt:put: <1>: Memory class-accessing. (line 11251) * lookupAllSelectors:: Behavior-accessing the method dictionary. (line 817) * lookupSelector:: Behavior-accessing the method dictionary. (line 821) * low: SystemExceptions.ArgumentOutOfRange-accessing. (line 18003) * low:: SystemExceptions.ArgumentOutOfRange-accessing. (line 18006) * lowBit: Integer-bit operators. (line 9896) * lowBit <1>: LargeInteger-bit operations. (line 10422) * lowBit <2>: SmallInteger-bit arithmetic. (line 16581) * lowerPriority: Process-basic. (line 14599) * lowestPriority: ProcessorScheduler-priorities. (line 14878) * lowIOPriority: ProcessorScheduler-priorities. (line 14872) * makeEphemeron: Object-built ins. (line 12738) * makeFixed: Object-built ins. (line 12743) * makeReadOnly:: Object-built ins. (line 12746) * makeUntrusted:: Object-built ins. (line 12749) * makeUntrusted: <1>: Process-basic. (line 14603) * makeWeak: Object-built ins. (line 12752) * map: MappedCollection-basic. (line 11171) * mark: MethodContext-accessing. (line 11596) * mark:: Object-built ins. (line 12758) * match: RegexResults-accessing. (line 15536) * match:: CharacterArray-comparing. (line 2966) * match:ignoreCase:: CharacterArray-comparing. (line 2971) * matched: RegexResults-testing. (line 15581) * matchInterval: RegexResults-accessing. (line 15540) * matchRegex:: String-regex. (line 17468) * matchRegex:from:to:: String-regex. (line 17473) * max:: Float-comparing. (line 8745) * max: <1>: Magnitude-misc methods. (line 11081) * max: <2>: Number-comparing. (line 12256) * max: <3>: Point-comparing. (line 14302) * member:do:: VFS.ArchiveFile-ArchiveMember protocol. (line 19507) * member:mode:: VFS.ArchiveFile-ArchiveMember protocol. (line 19511) * member:mode: <1>: VFS.ZipFile-members. (line 19972) * merge:: Rectangle-rectangle functions. (line 15327) * meridianAbbreviation: DateTime-computations. (line 5997) * message: MessageNotUnderstood-accessing. (line 11389) * message <1>: TextCollector-set up. (line 18737) * message:: TextCollector class-accessing. (line 18685) * message: <1>: TextCollector-set up. (line 18742) * messageText: Exception-accessing. (line 7023) * messageText <1>: SystemExceptions.IndexOutOfRange-accessing. (line 18121) * messageText <2>: SystemExceptions.InvalidArgument-accessing. (line 18135) * messageText <3>: SystemExceptions.InvalidState-accessing. (line 18179) * messageText <4>: SystemExceptions.InvalidValue-accessing. (line 18207) * messageText <5>: SystemExceptions.NotEnoughElements-accessing. (line 18287) * messageText <6>: SystemExceptions.WrongClass-accessing. (line 18623) * messageText <7>: SystemExceptions.WrongMessageSent-accessing. (line 18656) * messageText:: Exception-accessing. (line 7026) * metaclassFor:: UndefinedObject-class polymorphism. (line 19076) * method: BlockClosure-accessing. (line 1529) * method <1>: CompiledBlock-accessing. (line 4229) * method <2>: CompiledCode-accessing. (line 4389) * method <3>: CompiledMethod-accessing. (line 4597) * method <4>: ContextPart-accessing. (line 4903) * methodCategory: CompiledBlock-basic. (line 4270) * methodCategory <1>: CompiledCode-basic. (line 4435) * methodCategory <2>: CompiledMethod-accessing. (line 4600) * methodCategory:: CompiledBlock-basic. (line 4273) * methodCategory: <1>: CompiledCode-basic. (line 4438) * methodCategory: <2>: CompiledMethod-accessing. (line 4603) * methodClass: CompiledBlock-accessing. (line 4232) * methodClass <1>: CompiledCode-accessing. (line 4393) * methodClass <2>: CompiledMethod-accessing. (line 4606) * methodClass <3>: ContextPart-accessing. (line 4906) * methodClass <4>: MethodInfo-accessing. (line 11677) * methodClass:: CompiledBlock-accessing. (line 4235) * methodClass: <1>: CompiledCode-accessing. (line 4396) * methodClass: <2>: CompiledMethod-accessing. (line 4609) * methodClass: <3>: MethodInfo-accessing. (line 11680) * methodDictionary: Behavior-method dictionary. (line 1123) * methodDictionary <1>: UndefinedObject-class polymorphism. (line 19080) * methodDictionary:: Behavior-method dictionary. (line 1127) * methodFormattedSourceString: CompiledMethod-compiling. (line 4704) * methodParseNode: CompiledMethod-compiling. (line 4708) * methodRecompilationSourceString: CompiledMethod-source code. (line 4761) * methods: Behavior-compilation (alternative). (line 915) * methodsFor: Behavior-compilation (alternative). (line 918) * methodsFor:: Behavior-compiling methods. (line 944) * methodsFor:ifFeatures:: Behavior-compilation (alternative). (line 921) * methodsFor:ifTrue:: Behavior-built ins. (line 862) * methodsFor:stamp:: Behavior-compilation (alternative). (line 925) * methodSourceCode: CompiledBlock-basic. (line 4276) * methodSourceCode <1>: CompiledCode-basic. (line 4441) * methodSourceCode <2>: CompiledMethod-source code. (line 4765) * methodSourceFile: CompiledBlock-basic. (line 4279) * methodSourceFile <1>: CompiledCode-basic. (line 4444) * methodSourceFile <2>: CompiledMethod-source code. (line 4768) * methodSourcePos: CompiledBlock-basic. (line 4282) * methodSourcePos <1>: CompiledCode-basic. (line 4447) * methodSourcePos <2>: CompiledMethod-source code. (line 4771) * methodSourceString: CompiledBlock-basic. (line 4286) * methodSourceString <1>: CompiledCode-basic. (line 4451) * methodSourceString <2>: CompiledMethod-source code. (line 4775) * midnight: Time class-basic (UTC). (line 18770) * millisecondClock: Time class-clocks. (line 18818) * millisecondClockValue: Time class-clocks. (line 18821) * milliseconds:: Duration class-instance creation. (line 6839) * millisecondsPerDay: Time class-clocks. (line 18824) * millisecondsToRun:: Time class-clocks. (line 18827) * min:: Float-comparing. (line 8750) * min: <1>: Magnitude-misc methods. (line 11084) * min: <2>: Number-comparing. (line 12261) * min: <3>: Point-comparing. (line 14306) * minute: DateTime-computations. (line 6000) * minute <1>: Time-accessing (ANSI for DateAndTimes). (line 18902) * minute:: Time class-instance creation. (line 18868) * minutes: Time-accessing (non ANSI & for Durations). (line 18923) * minutes:: Time class-instance creation. (line 18871) * mode: File-accessing. (line 7377) * mode <1>: FilePath-accessing. (line 8035) * mode <2>: VFS.ArchiveMember-testing. (line 19727) * mode <3>: VFS.FileWrapper-delegation. (line 19830) * mode:: File-accessing. (line 7380) * mode: <1>: FilePath-accessing. (line 8038) * mode: <2>: VFS.ArchiveMember-testing. (line 19730) * mode: <3>: VFS.FileWrapper-delegation. (line 19833) * module: Directory class-reading system defaults. (line 6701) * moduleList: DLD class-dynamic linking. (line 6767) * modules: Package-accessing. (line 13874) * modulesFor:: PackageLoader class-accessing. (line 14015) * month: Date-date computations. (line 5843) * monthAbbreviation: Date-date computations. (line 5846) * monthIndex: Date-date computations. (line 5850) * monthName: Date-date computations. (line 5853) * mourn: Association-finalization. (line 550) * mourn <1>: HomedAssociation-finalization. (line 9787) * mourn <2>: Object-finalization. (line 13004) * mourn:: Collection-finalization. (line 4101) * moveBy:: Rectangle-transforming. (line 15361) * moveTo:: Rectangle-transforming. (line 15365) * multiBecome:: Array-mutating objects. (line 308) * multiply:: LargePositiveInteger-primitive operations. (line 10692) * mustBeBoolean: Object-VM callbacks. (line 13223) * name: AbstractNamespace-printing. (line 186) * name <1>: Behavior-support for lightweight classes. (line 1235) * name <2>: BindingDictionary-accessing. (line 1401) * name <3>: CFunctionDescriptor-accessing. (line 2628) * name <4>: Class-accessing instances and variables. (line 3256) * name <5>: File-accessing. (line 7384) * name <6>: FileDescriptor-accessing. (line 7670) * name <7>: FilePath-file name management. (line 8163) * name <8>: Metaclass-delegation. (line 11506) * name <9>: Permission-accessing. (line 14125) * name <10>: PositionableStream-compiling. (line 14474) * name <11>: Process-accessing. (line 14553) * name <12>: RecursionLock-accessing. (line 15403) * name <13>: Semaphore-accessing. (line 15959) * name <14>: Stream-accessing-reading. (line 16872) * name <15>: VFS.ArchiveMember-accessing. (line 19609) * name <16>: VFS.FileWrapper-accessing. (line 19773) * name:: AbstractNamespace-printing. (line 189) * name: <1>: CFunctionDescriptor-accessing. (line 2632) * name: <2>: File class-instance creation. (line 7302) * name: <3>: Permission-accessing. (line 14128) * name: <4>: Process-accessing. (line 14556) * name: <5>: RecursionLock-accessing. (line 15406) * name: <6>: Semaphore-accessing. (line 15962) * name: <7>: VFS.ArchiveMember-accessing. (line 19612) * name:environment:subclassOf:: Metaclass-basic. (line 11442) * name:environment:subclassOf:instanceVariableArray:shape:classPool:poolDictionaries:category:: Metaclass-basic. (line 11448) * name:environment:subclassOf:instanceVariableNames:shape:classVariableNames:poolDictionaries:category:: Metaclass-basic. (line 11452) * name:target:action:: Permission class-testing. (line 14092) * name:target:actions:: Permission class-testing. (line 14095) * nameAt:: FilePath-directory operations. (line 8083) * nameAt: <1>: VFS.ArchiveFile-directory operations. (line 19531) * nameIn:: AbstractNamespace-printing. (line 192) * nameIn: <1>: Behavior-support for lightweight classes. (line 1240) * nameIn: <2>: BindingDictionary-accessing. (line 1405) * nameIn: <3>: ClassDescription-printing. (line 3591) * nameIn: <4>: Metaclass-printing. (line 11534) * nameIn: <5>: Namespace-printing. (line 11818) * nameIn: <6>: RootNamespace-printing. (line 15625) * nameIn: <7>: SystemDictionary-printing. (line 17919) * nameOfDay:: Date class-basic. (line 5705) * nameOfMonth:: Date class-basic. (line 5708) * namesDo:: File-directory operations. (line 7412) * namesDo: <1>: FilePath-enumerating. (line 8126) * namesDo: <2>: VFS.ArchiveFile-directory operations. (line 19535) * namesDo: <3>: VFS.ArchiveMember-directory operations. (line 19647) * namesDo: <4>: VFS.FileWrapper-enumerating. (line 19849) * namesMatching:do:: FilePath-enumerating. (line 8131) * namespace: Package-accessing. (line 13878) * namespace:: Package-accessing. (line 13881) * nan: FloatD class-characterization. (line 8915) * nan <1>: FloatE class-characterization. (line 9064) * nan <2>: FloatQ class-characterization. (line 9209) * nanosecondClock: Time class-clocks. (line 18830) * nanosecondClockValue: Time class-clocks. (line 18833) * narrow: CObject-conversion. (line 3826) * narrow <1>: UndefinedObject-CObject interoperability. (line 19129) * negated: Duration-arithmetics. (line 6891) * negated <1>: Float-arithmetic. (line 8661) * negated <2>: Fraction-optimized cases. (line 9442) * negated <3>: LargeInteger-arithmetic. (line 10390) * negated <4>: Number-misc math. (line 12406) * negative: Duration-arithmetics. (line 6895) * negative <1>: Float-testing. (line 8824) * negative <2>: LargeNegativeInteger-numeric testing. (line 10549) * negative <3>: LargePositiveInteger-numeric testing. (line 10668) * negative <4>: Number-testing. (line 12561) * negativeInfinity: FloatD class-characterization. (line 8919) * negativeInfinity <1>: FloatE class-characterization. (line 9068) * negativeInfinity <2>: FloatQ class-characterization. (line 9213) * new: AbstractNamespace class-instance creation. (line 28) * new <1>: Bag class-basic. (line 636) * new <2>: Behavior-builtin. (line 898) * new <3>: CCompound class-instance creation. (line 2475) * new <4>: CObject class-instance creation. (line 3744) * new <5>: CType-C instance creation. (line 5469) * new <6>: Dictionary class-instance creation. (line 6304) * new <7>: Exception class-instance creation. (line 6999) * new <8>: ExceptionSet class-instance creation. (line 7163) * new <9>: HashedCollection class-instance creation. (line 9643) * new <10>: LookupTable class-instance creation. (line 10976) * new <11>: MappedCollection class-instance creation. (line 11119) * new <12>: Namespace class-disabling instance creation. (line 11736) * new <13>: NetClients.URL class-instance creation. (line 11898) * new <14>: NullValueHolder class-creating instances. (line 12156) * new <15>: ObjectDumper class-instance creation. (line 13276) * new <16>: OrderedCollection class-instance creation. (line 13648) * new <17>: Point class-instance creation. (line 14234) * new <18>: ProcessEnvironment class-disabled. (line 14685) * new <19>: ProcessorScheduler class-instance creation. (line 14769) * new <20>: ProcessVariable class-accessing. (line 14949) * new <21>: Random class-instance creation. (line 15043) * new <22>: Rectangle class-instance creation. (line 15158) * new <23>: RecursionLock class-instance creation. (line 15394) * new <24>: Regex class-instance creation. (line 15455) * new <25>: RunArray class-instance creation. (line 15652) * new <26>: Semaphore class-instance creation. (line 15953) * new <27>: SharedQueue class-instance creation. (line 16487) * new <28>: SortedCollection class-instance creation. (line 16745) * new <29>: Symbol class-instance creation. (line 17578) * new <30>: SystemExceptions.MutationError class-instance creation. (line 18242) * new <31>: TextCollector class-accessing. (line 18691) * new <32>: Time class-instance creation. (line 18874) * new <33>: ValueAdaptor class-creating instances. (line 19334) * new <34>: ValueHolder class-creating instances. (line 19369) * new <35>: WeakArray class-instance creation. (line 20009) * new <36>: ZeroDivide class-instance creation. (line 20319) * new:: Bag class-basic. (line 639) * new: <1>: Behavior-builtin. (line 901) * new: <2>: CObject class-instance creation. (line 3747) * new: <3>: CType-accessing. (line 5424) * new: <4>: HashedCollection class-instance creation. (line 9646) * new: <5>: LargeArrayedCollection class-instance creation. (line 10289) * new: <6>: Namespace class-disabling instance creation. (line 11739) * new: <7>: OrderedCollection class-instance creation. (line 13651) * new: <8>: RootNamespace class-instance creation. (line 15596) * new: <9>: RunArray class-instance creation. (line 15655) * new: <10>: SortedCollection class-instance creation. (line 16748) * new: <11>: Symbol class-instance creation. (line 17581) * new: <12>: WeakArray class-instance creation. (line 20012) * new:header:literals:: CompiledCode class-instance creation. (line 4322) * new:header:method:: CompiledBlock class-instance creation. (line 4210) * new:header:numLiterals:: CompiledCode class-instance creation. (line 4326) * new:withAll:: ArrayedCollection class-instance creation. (line 356) * newBuffer: FileStream-buffering. (line 8546) * newCollection:: LargeArray-overridden. (line 10273) * newCollection: <1>: LargeByteArray-overridden. (line 10337) * newCollection: <2>: LargeWordArray-overridden. (line 10711) * newDay:month:year:: Date class-instance creation (Blue Book). (line 5740) * newDay:monthIndex:year:: Date class-instance creation (Blue Book). (line 5744) * newDay:year:: Date class-instance creation (Blue Book). (line 5748) * newFromNumber:scale:: ScaledDecimal class-instance creation. (line 15776) * newInFixedSpace: Behavior-instance creation. (line 1033) * newInFixedSpace:: Behavior-instance creation. (line 1039) * newMeta:environment:subclassOf:instanceVariableArray:shape:classPool:poolDictionaries:category:: Metaclass-basic. (line 11456) * newPage: Character class-constants. (line 2708) * newProcess: BlockClosure-multiple process. (line 1662) * newProcess <1>: DirectedMessage-multiple process. (line 6616) * newProcessWith:: BlockClosure-multiple process. (line 1667) * newsGroup: NetClients.URL-accessing. (line 11964) * newStruct:declaration:: CCompound class-subclass creation. (line 2508) * next: FileDescriptor-basic. (line 7701) * next <1>: FileStream-basic. (line 8506) * next <2>: Generator-stream protocol. (line 9536) * next <3>: ObjectDumper-stream interface. (line 13331) * next <4>: PositionableStream-accessing-reading. (line 14422) * next <5>: Random class-shortcuts. (line 15056) * next <6>: Random-basic. (line 15071) * next <7>: SharedQueue-accessing. (line 16500) * next <8>: Stream-accessing-reading. (line 16875) * next:: Stream-accessing-reading. (line 16878) * next:bufferAll:startingAt:: FileStream-buffering. (line 8549) * next:into:startingAt:: Stream-buffering. (line 16964) * next:put:: Stream-accessing-writing. (line 16938) * next:put: <1>: TextCollector-accessing. (line 18707) * next:putAll:startingAt:: FileDescriptor-low-level access. (line 7881) * next:putAll:startingAt: <1>: FileStream-overriding inherited methods. (line 8581) * next:putAll:startingAt: <2>: Stream-accessing-writing. (line 16941) * next:putAll:startingAt: <3>: TextCollector-accessing. (line 18710) * next:putAll:startingAt: <4>: WriteStream-accessing-writing. (line 20281) * next:putAllOn:: Stream-buffering. (line 16969) * nextAvailable:: Stream-accessing-reading. (line 16881) * nextAvailable:into:startingAt:: FileDescriptor-low-level access. (line 7884) * nextAvailable:into:startingAt: <1>: FileStream-buffering. (line 8554) * nextAvailable:into:startingAt: <2>: PositionableStream-accessing-reading. (line 14426) * nextAvailable:into:startingAt: <3>: Stream-accessing-reading. (line 16888) * nextAvailable:putAllOn:: FileStream-buffering. (line 8558) * nextAvailable:putAllOn: <1>: PositionableStream-accessing-reading. (line 14431) * nextAvailable:putAllOn: <2>: Stream-accessing-reading. (line 16896) * nextAvailablePutAllOn:: Stream-streaming protocol. (line 17186) * nextByte: FileDescriptor-basic. (line 7704) * nextByteArray:: FileDescriptor-binary I/O. (line 7746) * nextDouble: FileDescriptor-binary I/O. (line 7749) * nextFloat: FileDescriptor-binary I/O. (line 7752) * nextInstance: Object-built ins. (line 12764) * nextLine: FileStream-overriding inherited methods. (line 8584) * nextLine <1>: Stream-accessing-reading. (line 16903) * nextLink: Link-basic. (line 10807) * nextLink:: Link class-instance creation. (line 10801) * nextLink: <1>: Link-basic. (line 10810) * nextLong: FileDescriptor-binary I/O. (line 7755) * nextLongLong: FileDescriptor-binary I/O. (line 7759) * nextMatchFor:: Stream-accessing-reading. (line 16909) * nextPut:: FileDescriptor-basic. (line 7707) * nextPut: <1>: FileStream-basic. (line 8509) * nextPut: <2>: ObjectDumper-stream interface. (line 13334) * nextPut: <3>: Random-basic. (line 15074) * nextPut: <4>: SharedQueue-accessing. (line 16503) * nextPut: <5>: Stream-accessing-writing. (line 16945) * nextPut: <6>: TextCollector-accessing. (line 18713) * nextPut: <7>: WriteStream-accessing-writing. (line 20285) * nextPutAll:: Stream-accessing-writing. (line 16948) * nextPutAllFlush:: Stream-accessing-writing. (line 16951) * nextPutAllOn:: FileDescriptor-overriding inherited methods. (line 7894) * nextPutAllOn: <1>: FileStream-overriding inherited methods. (line 8590) * nextPutAllOn: <2>: Iterable-streaming. (line 10254) * nextPutAllOn: <3>: PositionableStream-still unclassified. (line 14513) * nextPutAllOn: <4>: SequenceableCollection-still unclassified. (line 16403) * nextPutAllOn: <5>: Stream-still unclassified. (line 17172) * nextPutByte:: FileDescriptor-basic. (line 7710) * nextPutByteArray:: FileDescriptor-basic. (line 7713) * nextPutDouble:: FileDescriptor-binary I/O. (line 7763) * nextPutFloat:: FileDescriptor-binary I/O. (line 7766) * nextPutInt64:: FileDescriptor-binary I/O. (line 7769) * nextPutLong:: FileDescriptor-binary I/O. (line 7772) * nextPutShort:: FileDescriptor-binary I/O. (line 7775) * nextShort: FileDescriptor-binary I/O. (line 7778) * nextSignedByte: FileDescriptor-binary I/O. (line 7782) * nextUint64: FileDescriptor-binary I/O. (line 7786) * nextUlong: FileDescriptor-binary I/O. (line 7790) * nextUshort: FileDescriptor-binary I/O. (line 7794) * nextValidOop: SmallInteger-built ins. (line 16659) * nl: Character class-constants. (line 2711) * nl <1>: Stream-character writing. (line 17013) * nlTab: Stream-character writing. (line 17016) * noMask:: Integer-bit operators. (line 9899) * noneSatisfy:: Iterable-enumeration. (line 10222) * nonVersionedInstSize: Class-saving and loading. (line 3406) * normal: Point-point functions. (line 14348) * noRunnableProcess: Object-VM callbacks. (line 13227) * not: Boolean-basic. (line 1847) * not <1>: False-basic. (line 7222) * not <2>: True-basic. (line 18994) * notEmpty: Collection-testing collections. (line 4190) * notEmpty <1>: LinkedList-testing. (line 10903) * noteOldSyntax: CompiledMethod-accessing. (line 4612) * notify: Semaphore-builtins. (line 15980) * notifyAll: Semaphore-builtins. (line 15985) * notNil: Object-testing functionality. (line 13211) * notNil <1>: UndefinedObject-testing. (line 19214) * notYetImplemented: Object-built ins. (line 12768) * now: DateTime class-instance creation. (line 5910) * now <1>: Time class-instance creation. (line 18877) * nthOuterContext:: BlockContext-accessing. (line 1774) * nul: Character class-constants. (line 2714) * null: Promise class-creating instances. (line 14994) * null <1>: ValueHolder class-creating instances. (line 19372) * numArgs: BlockClosure-accessing. (line 1532) * numArgs <1>: CompiledBlock-accessing. (line 4238) * numArgs <2>: CompiledCode-accessing. (line 4399) * numArgs <3>: CompiledMethod-accessing. (line 4616) * numArgs <4>: ContextPart-accessing. (line 4910) * numArgs <5>: Symbol-basic. (line 17649) * numArgs:: CompiledMethod class-instance creation. (line 4568) * numArgs:numTemps:bytecodes:depth:literals:: BlockClosure class-instance creation. (line 1494) * numArgs:numTemps:bytecodes:depth:literals: <1>: CompiledBlock class-instance creation. (line 4214) * numberOfCharacters: CharacterArray-multibyte encodings. (line 3043) * numberOfCharacters <1>: UnicodeString-multibyte encodings. (line 19318) * numberOfElements: CArrayCType-accessing. (line 2238) * numCompactions: ObjectMemory-accessing. (line 13516) * numerator: Fraction-accessing. (line 9335) * numerator <1>: Integer-accessing. (line 9849) * numerator:denominator:: Fraction class-instance creation. (line 9326) * numFixedOOPs: ObjectMemory-accessing. (line 13520) * numFreeOTEs: ObjectMemory-accessing. (line 13524) * numGlobalGCs: ObjectMemory-accessing. (line 13528) * numGrowths: ObjectMemory-accessing. (line 13532) * numLiterals: CompiledBlock-accessing. (line 4241) * numLiterals <1>: CompiledCode-accessing. (line 4402) * numOldOOPs: ObjectMemory-accessing. (line 13540) * numOTEs: ObjectMemory-accessing. (line 13536) * numScavenges: ObjectMemory-accessing. (line 13543) * numTemps: BlockClosure-accessing. (line 1535) * numTemps <1>: CompiledBlock-accessing. (line 4244) * numTemps <2>: CompiledCode-accessing. (line 4405) * numTemps <3>: CompiledMethod-accessing. (line 4619) * numTemps <4>: ContextPart-accessing. (line 4913) * numWeakOOPs: ObjectMemory-accessing. (line 13547) * object: AlternativeObjectProxy-accessing. (line 244) * object <1>: DumperProxy-saving and restoring. (line 6815) * object <2>: PluggableProxy-saving and restoring. (line 14216) * object <3>: SingletonProxy-saving and restoring. (line 16539) * object:: AlternativeObjectProxy-accessing. (line 248) * objectAt:: ByteArray-more advanced accessing. (line 2033) * objectAt:put:: ByteArray-more advanced accessing. (line 2038) * objectsAndRunLengthsDo:: RunArray-enumerating. (line 15725) * occurrencesOf:: Bag-testing collections. (line 702) * occurrencesOf: <1>: Collection-testing collections. (line 4193) * occurrencesOf: <2>: Dictionary-dictionary testing. (line 6449) * occurrencesOf: <3>: HashedCollection-testing collections. (line 9752) * occurrencesOf: <4>: SortedCollection-searching. (line 16831) * occurrencesOfRegex:: String-regex. (line 17479) * occurrencesOfRegex:from:to:: String-regex. (line 17482) * occurrencesOfRegex:startingAt:: String-regex. (line 17486) * odd: Integer-math methods. (line 9977) * odd <1>: Number-testing. (line 12564) * offset: DateTime-time zones. (line 6055) * offset <1>: VFS.StoredZipMember-accessing. (line 19905) * offset:: DateTime-time zones. (line 6060) * offset: <1>: VFS.StoredZipMember-accessing. (line 19908) * oldSpaceSize: ObjectMemory-accessing. (line 13551) * oldSpaceUsedBytes: ObjectMemory-accessing. (line 13554) * on:: AlternativeObjectProxy class-instance creation. (line 232) * on: <1>: DumperProxy class-instance creation. (line 6802) * on: <2>: FileDescriptor class-instance creation. (line 7547) * on: <3>: Generator class-instance creation. (line 9520) * on: <4>: NetClients.URIResolver class-instance creation. (line 11865) * on: <5>: ObjectDumper class-instance creation. (line 13279) * on: <6>: PluggableProxy class-accessing. (line 14207) * on: <7>: PositionableStream class-instance creation. (line 14398) * on: <8>: ReadStream class-instance creation. (line 15099) * on: <9>: ReadWriteStream class-instance creation. (line 15119) * on: <10>: SingletonProxy class-instance creation. (line 16531) * on: <11>: VFS.FileWrapper class-instance creation. (line 19755) * on: <12>: WriteStream class-instance creation. (line 20261) * on:aspect:: PluggableAdaptor class-creating instances. (line 14165) * on:do:: BlockClosure-exception handling. (line 1618) * on:do: <1>: Generator class-instance creation. (line 9526) * on:do:on:do:: BlockClosure-exception handling. (line 1624) * on:do:on:do:on:do:: BlockClosure-exception handling. (line 1630) * on:do:on:do:on:do:on:do:: BlockClosure-exception handling. (line 1636) * on:do:on:do:on:do:on:do:on:do:: BlockClosure-exception handling. (line 1642) * on:from:to:: PositionableStream class-instance creation. (line 14402) * on:from:to: <1>: ReadStream class-instance creation. (line 15102) * on:from:to: <2>: ReadWriteStream class-instance creation. (line 15123) * on:getSelector:putSelector:: PluggableAdaptor class-creating instances. (line 14170) * on:index:: PluggableAdaptor class-creating instances. (line 14175) * on:key:: PluggableAdaptor class-creating instances. (line 14180) * on:startingAt:for:: FileSegment class-basic. (line 8335) * one: ScaledDecimal-constants. (line 15871) * oneShotValue: Continuation-invocation. (line 5076) * oneShotValue:: Continuation-invocation. (line 5081) * onOccurrencesOfRegex:do:: String-regex. (line 17490) * onOccurrencesOfRegex:from:to:do:: String-regex. (line 17494) * open:: FileDescriptor class-instance creation. (line 7551) * open: <1>: FilePath-file operations. (line 8193) * open:ifFail:: FilePath-file operations. (line 8197) * open:mode:: FileDescriptor class-still unclassified. (line 7619) * open:mode:ifFail:: File-file operations. (line 7431) * open:mode:ifFail: <1>: FileDescriptor class-instance creation. (line 7558) * open:mode:ifFail: <2>: FilePath-file operations. (line 8201) * open:mode:ifFail: <3>: VFS.ArchiveMember-file operations. (line 19654) * open:mode:ifFail: <4>: VFS.FileWrapper-delegation. (line 19836) * open:mode:ifFail: <5>: VFS.StoredZipMember-opening. (line 19914) * open:mode:ifFail: <6>: VFS.TmpFileArchiveMember-directory operations. (line 19931) * openDescriptor:: FilePath-file operations. (line 8205) * openDescriptor:ifFail:: FilePath-file operations. (line 8209) * openOn:: NetClients.URIResolver class-api. (line 11841) * openOn:ifFail:: NetClients.URIResolver class-api. (line 11845) * openStreamOn:: NetClients.URIResolver class-api. (line 11851) * openStreamOn:ifFail:: NetClients.URIResolver class-api. (line 11856) * openTemporaryFile:: FileDescriptor class-instance creation. (line 7573) * or:: Boolean-basic. (line 1851) * or: <1>: False-basic. (line 7225) * or: <2>: True-basic. (line 18997) * origin: Rectangle-accessing. (line 15224) * origin:: Rectangle-accessing. (line 15227) * origin:corner:: Rectangle class-instance creation. (line 15161) * origin:corner: <1>: Rectangle-accessing. (line 15230) * origin:extent:: Rectangle class-instance creation. (line 15164) * origin:extent: <1>: Rectangle-accessing. (line 15234) * originalException: SystemExceptions.UnhandledException-accessing. (line 18533) * originalException:: SystemExceptions.UnhandledException-accessing. (line 18536) * outer: Exception-exception handling. (line 7080) * outerContext: BlockClosure-accessing. (line 1538) * outerContext <1>: BlockContext-accessing. (line 1777) * outerContext:: BlockClosure-accessing. (line 1542) * owner:: FilePath-accessing. (line 8042) * owner: <1>: SecurityPolicy-modifying. (line 15917) * owner:group:: File-file operations. (line 7435) * owner:group: <1>: FilePath-accessing. (line 8045) * owner:group: <2>: VFS.FileWrapper-accessing. (line 19776) * packageAt:: PackageLoader class-accessing. (line 14020) * packageAt:ifAbsent:: PackageLoader class-accessing. (line 14023) * parent: FilePath-file name management. (line 8167) * parentContext: ContextPart-accessing. (line 4916) * parentContext:: ContextPart-accessing. (line 4919) * parse:: Package class-instance creation. (line 13790) * parse:with:do:: Getopt class-instance creation. (line 9569) * parse:with:do:ifError:: Getopt class-instance creation. (line 9583) * parseAttributes:: Package-still unclassified. (line 13946) * parseInstanceVariableString:: Behavior-parsing class declarations. (line 1155) * parseNodeAt:: Behavior-still unclassified. (line 1213) * parserClass: Behavior-pluggable behavior (not yet implemented). (line 1182) * parserClass <1>: CompiledMethod-compiling. (line 4712) * parseTreeFor:: Behavior-accessing the method dictionary. (line 825) * parseVariableString:: Behavior-parsing class declarations. (line 1159) * parseVersion:: Package-version parsing. (line 13958) * pass: Exception-exception handling. (line 7089) * password: NetClients.URL-accessing. (line 11967) * password:: NetClients.URL-accessing. (line 11970) * pastEnd: FileDescriptor-polymorphism. (line 7909) * pastEnd <1>: Stream-polymorphism. (line 17120) * path: DeferredVariableBinding-basic. (line 6099) * path <1>: FilePath-file name management. (line 8170) * path <2>: NetClients.URL-accessing. (line 11973) * path <3>: Package-still unclassified. (line 13949) * path <4>: VariableBinding-printing. (line 19415) * path:: File class-instance creation. (line 7306) * path: <1>: NetClients.URL-accessing. (line 11976) * path: <2>: Package-still unclassified. (line 13952) * path:class:defaultDictionary:: DeferredVariableBinding class-basic. (line 6092) * pathFor:: FilePath class-file name management. (line 7957) * pathFor:ifNone:: FilePath class-file name management. (line 7962) * pathFrom:: File-file operations. (line 7439) * pathFrom: <1>: FilePath-file operations. (line 8213) * pathFrom: <2>: VFS.FileWrapper-file operations. (line 19856) * pathFrom:to:: FilePath class-file name management. (line 7968) * pathSeparator: Directory class-file name management. (line 6651) * pathSeparatorString: Directory class-file name management. (line 6655) * pathTo:: File-accessing. (line 7387) * pathTo: <1>: FilePath-accessing. (line 8049) * pathTo: <2>: VFS.FileWrapper-accessing. (line 19780) * pause:: ProcessorScheduler-idle tasks. (line 14843) * peek: FileDescriptor-basic. (line 7716) * peek <1>: FileStream-basic. (line 8512) * peek <2>: Generator-stream protocol. (line 9540) * peek <3>: PositionableStream-accessing-reading. (line 14435) * peek <4>: SharedQueue-accessing. (line 16506) * peek <5>: Stream-filtering. (line 17088) * peekFor:: FileDescriptor-basic. (line 7720) * peekFor: <1>: Generator-stream protocol. (line 9545) * peekFor: <2>: PositionableStream-accessing-reading. (line 14439) * peekFor: <3>: Stream-filtering. (line 17094) * pendingWrite: FileStream-buffering. (line 8562) * perform:: Object-built ins. (line 12772) * perform:with:: Object-built ins. (line 12784) * perform:with:with:: Object-built ins. (line 12795) * perform:with:with:with:: Object-built ins. (line 12806) * perform:with:with:with:with:: Object-built ins. (line 12817) * perform:withArguments:: Object-built ins. (line 12828) * pi: Float class-characterization. (line 8647) * pi <1>: FloatE class-characterization. (line 9071) * pi <2>: FloatQ class-characterization. (line 9216) * poolResolution: Behavior-compiling methods. (line 949) * poolResolution <1>: Metaclass-compiling methods. (line 11462) * popen:dir:: FileDescriptor class-instance creation. (line 7582) * popen:dir:ifFail:: FileDescriptor class-instance creation. (line 7594) * port: NetClients.URL-accessing. (line 11979) * port:: NetClients.URL-accessing. (line 11982) * position: FileDescriptor-basic. (line 7724) * position <1>: FileStream-basic. (line 8516) * position <2>: PositionableStream-positioning. (line 14490) * position:: FileDescriptor-basic. (line 7727) * position: <1>: FileStream-basic. (line 8519) * position: <2>: PositionableStream-positioning. (line 14493) * positive: Duration-arithmetics. (line 6898) * positive <1>: Float-testing. (line 8827) * positive <2>: LargeNegativeInteger-numeric testing. (line 10552) * positive <3>: LargePositiveInteger-numeric testing. (line 10671) * positive <4>: Number-testing. (line 12567) * positiveDifference:: Number-misc math. (line 12409) * postCopy: Delay-copying. (line 6212) * postCopy <1>: Exception-copying. (line 7054) * postCopy <2>: NetClients.URL-copying. (line 12039) * postCopy <3>: Object-copying. (line 12940) * postData: NetClients.URL-accessing. (line 11985) * postData:: NetClients.URL-accessing. (line 11989) * postLoad: HashedCollection-saving and loading. (line 9717) * postLoad <1>: Object-saving and loading. (line 13091) * postLoad <2>: SortedCollection-saving and loading. (line 16814) * postLoad <3>: WeakArray-loading. (line 20080) * postLoad <4>: WeakKeyDictionary class-hacks. (line 20118) * postLoad <5>: WeakSet-loading. (line 20179) * postStore: HashedCollection-saving and loading. (line 9721) * postStore <1>: Object-saving and loading. (line 13095) * pragmaHandlerFor:: Class-pragmas. (line 3366) * pragmaHandlerFor: <1>: Metaclass-delegation. (line 11509) * precision: FloatD class-characterization. (line 8922) * precision <1>: FloatE class-characterization. (line 9074) * precision <2>: FloatQ class-characterization. (line 9219) * predecessor: Float-floating point. (line 8777) * prefix: Directory class-reading system defaults. (line 6704) * prerequisites: Package-accessing. (line 13884) * prerequisitesFor:: PackageLoader class-accessing. (line 14026) * preStore: Object-saving and loading. (line 13099) * preStore <1>: SortedCollection-saving and loading. (line 16817) * primaryInstance: Metaclass-accessing. (line 11431) * primAt:: HashedCollection-builtins. (line 9669) * primAt:put:: HashedCollection-builtins. (line 9674) * primCompile:: Behavior-built ins. (line 866) * primCompile:ifError:: Behavior-built ins. (line 874) * primDefineExternFunc:: DLD class-dynamic linking. (line 6770) * primDivide:: LargePositiveInteger-helper byte-level methods. (line 10656) * primFileIn: Package-accessing. (line 13887) * primHash: Float-built ins. (line 8705) * primitive: CompiledCode-accessing. (line 4408) * primitive <1>: CompiledMethod-accessing. (line 4622) * primitiveAttribute: CompiledMethod-attributes. (line 4672) * primitiveFailed: Object-built ins. (line 12840) * primNanosecondClock: Time class-builtins. (line 18786) * primNew:: WeakValueLookupTable class-hacks. (line 20210) * primNew:name:: AbstractNamespace class-instance creation. (line 31) * primObject: AlternativeObjectProxy-accessing. (line 252) * primReplaceFrom:to:with:startingAt:: LargeInteger-built-ins. (line 10447) * primReplaceFrom:to:with:startingAt: <1>: OrderedCollection-built ins. (line 13733) * primSecondClock: Time class-builtins. (line 18789) * primSize: HashedCollection-builtins. (line 9679) * primTerminate: Process-basic. (line 14606) * print: Object-printing. (line 13060) * print:: Stream-printing. (line 17164) * print: <1>: TextCollector-printing. (line 18728) * printAsAttributeOn:: Message-basic. (line 11360) * printedFileName: FileSegment-printing. (line 8392) * printFullHierarchy: Behavior-printing hierarchy. (line 1192) * printHierarchy: Behavior-printing hierarchy. (line 1196) * printNl: Object-printing. (line 13064) * printOn:: AbstractNamespace-printing. (line 196) * printOn: <1>: Array-printing. (line 318) * printOn: <2>: Association-printing. (line 556) * printOn: <3>: Bag-printing. (line 674) * printOn: <4>: BlockContext-printing. (line 1791) * printOn: <5>: CFunctionDescriptor-printing. (line 2639) * printOn: <6>: Character-printing. (line 2829) * printOn: <7>: Class-printing. (line 3381) * printOn: <8>: CObject-accessing. (line 3782) * printOn: <9>: Collection-printing. (line 4115) * printOn: <10>: CompiledBlock-printing. (line 4292) * printOn: <11>: CompiledMethod-printing. (line 4744) * printOn: <12>: Date-printing. (line 5862) * printOn: <13>: DateTime-printing. (line 6009) * printOn: <14>: DeferredVariableBinding-storing. (line 6111) * printOn: <15>: Dictionary-printing. (line 6514) * printOn: <16>: DirectedMessage-basic. (line 6583) * printOn: <17>: Duration-arithmetics. (line 6902) * printOn: <18>: False-printing. (line 7246) * printOn: <19>: FileDescriptor-printing. (line 7921) * printOn: <20>: FilePath-printing. (line 8257) * printOn: <21>: Float-printing. (line 8792) * printOn: <22>: Fraction-printing. (line 9460) * printOn: <23>: Integer-printing. (line 9992) * printOn: <24>: Interval-printing. (line 10122) * printOn: <25>: LookupKey-printing. (line 10937) * printOn: <26>: Message-printing. (line 11367) * printOn: <27>: Metaclass-printing. (line 11537) * printOn: <28>: MethodContext-printing. (line 11623) * printOn: <29>: NetClients.URL-printing. (line 12051) * printOn: <30>: Object-printing. (line 13068) * printOn: <31>: Point-printing. (line 14362) * printOn: <32>: Process-printing. (line 14667) * printOn: <33>: ProcessorScheduler-printing. (line 14856) * printOn: <34>: Promise-printing. (line 15022) * printOn: <35>: Rectangle-printing. (line 15282) * printOn: <36>: RecursionLock-printing. (line 15426) * printOn: <37>: Regex-printing. (line 15495) * printOn: <38>: ScaledDecimal-printing. (line 15885) * printOn: <39>: Semaphore-printing. (line 16017) * printOn: <40>: String-printing. (line 17370) * printOn: <41>: Symbol-storing. (line 17698) * printOn: <42>: SymLink-printing. (line 17760) * printOn: <43>: TextCollector-printing. (line 18731) * printOn: <44>: Time-arithmetic. (line 18939) * printOn: <45>: True-printing. (line 19016) * printOn: <46>: UndefinedObject-printing. (line 19162) * printOn: <47>: UnicodeString-converting. (line 19307) * printOn: <48>: ValueAdaptor-printing. (line 19352) * printOn: <49>: VariableBinding-printing. (line 19418) * printOn:base:: Integer-printing. (line 9995) * printOn:in:: Behavior-support for lightweight classes. (line 1244) * printOn:in: <1>: BindingDictionary-printing. (line 1455) * printOn:in: <2>: ClassDescription-printing. (line 3594) * printOn:in: <3>: Metaclass-printing. (line 11540) * printOn:in: <4>: Namespace-printing. (line 11822) * printOn:in: <5>: RootNamespace-printing. (line 15629) * printOn:in: <6>: SystemDictionary-printing. (line 17922) * printOn:in: <7>: UndefinedObject-printing. (line 19165) * printOn:paddedWith:to:: Integer-printing. (line 9998) * printOn:paddedWith:to:base:: Integer-printing. (line 10002) * printPaddedWith:to:: Integer-printing. (line 10006) * printPaddedWith:to:base:: Integer-printing. (line 10010) * printString: Integer-printing. (line 10014) * printString <1>: Object-printing. (line 13071) * printString:: Integer-printing. (line 10017) * printStringRadix:: Integer-printing. (line 10020) * priority: Process-accessing. (line 14559) * priority:: Process-accessing. (line 14562) * priorityName:: ProcessorScheduler-priorities. (line 14881) * privateMethods: Behavior-compilation (alternative). (line 928) * processEnvironment: ProcessorScheduler-basic. (line 14784) * processesAt:: ProcessorScheduler-basic. (line 14791) * proxyClassFor:: ObjectDumper class-establishing proxy classes. (line 13261) * proxyFor:: ObjectDumper class-establishing proxy classes. (line 13265) * ptrType: CType-accessing. (line 5429) * publicMethods: Behavior-compilation (alternative). (line 931) * push:: ContextPart-accessing. (line 4922) * putenv:: SystemDictionary-c call-outs. (line 17846) * query: NetClients.URL-accessing. (line 11993) * query:: NetClients.URL-accessing. (line 11996) * queueInterrupt:: Process-accessing. (line 14565) * quit: ObjectMemory class-builtins. (line 13419) * quit:: ObjectMemory class-builtins. (line 13423) * quo:: LargeInteger-arithmetic. (line 10393) * quo: <1>: LargeZeroInteger-arithmetic. (line 10764) * quo: <2>: Number-arithmetic. (line 12233) * quo: <3>: SmallInteger-built ins. (line 16664) * radiansToDegrees: Number-converting. (line 12318) * radix: Float class-characterization. (line 8650) * radix:: Integer-printing. (line 10024) * raisedTo:: Float-built ins. (line 8708) * raisedTo: <1>: Number-misc math. (line 12413) * raisedToInteger:: Float-arithmetic. (line 8665) * raisedToInteger: <1>: Fraction-optimized cases. (line 9445) * raisedToInteger: <2>: LargeInteger-accessing. (line 10356) * raisedToInteger: <3>: Number-misc math. (line 12416) * raisePriority: Process-basic. (line 14610) * rawProfile:: SystemDictionary-profiling. (line 17931) * read: FileDescriptor class-instance creation. (line 7604) * readFrom:: Date class-instance creation (Blue Book). (line 5751) * readFrom: <1>: DateTime class-instance creation. (line 5914) * readFrom: <2>: Duration class-instance creation. (line 6842) * readFrom: <3>: Number class-converting. (line 12187) * readFrom: <4>: Time class-instance creation. (line 18880) * readFrom:radix:: Number class-converting. (line 12192) * reads:: CompiledCode-testing accesses. (line 4516) * reads: <1>: CompiledMethod-testing. (line 4792) * readStream: Collection-enumeration. (line 4087) * readStream <1>: FileDescriptor-initialize-release. (line 7872) * readStream <2>: FilePath-file operations. (line 8217) * readStream <3>: Iterable-streaming. (line 10257) * readStream <4>: NetClients.URL-still unclassified. (line 12063) * readStream <5>: PositionableStream-accessing-reading. (line 14444) * readStream <6>: SequenceableCollection-enumerating. (line 16329) * readStream <7>: Stream-testing. (line 17206) * readStream <8>: WriteStream-accessing-writing. (line 20289) * readWrite: FileDescriptor class-instance creation. (line 7608) * readWriteStream: SequenceableCollection-enumerating. (line 16332) * rebuildTable: Symbol class-symbol table. (line 17620) * receiver: BlockClosure-accessing. (line 1546) * receiver <1>: ContextPart-accessing. (line 4925) * receiver <2>: DirectedMessage-accessing. (line 6574) * receiver <3>: MessageNotUnderstood-accessing. (line 11392) * receiver:: BlockClosure-accessing. (line 1551) * receiver: <1>: DirectedMessage-accessing. (line 6577) * receiver:selector:: DirectedMessage class-creating instances. (line 6556) * receiver:selector:argument:: DirectedMessage class-creating instances. (line 6559) * receiver:selector:arguments:: DirectedMessage class-creating instances. (line 6562) * reciprocal: Fraction-optimized cases. (line 9448) * reciprocal <1>: Number-arithmetic. (line 12238) * reclaimedBytesPerGlobalGC: ObjectMemory-accessing. (line 13558) * reclaimedBytesPerScavenge: ObjectMemory-accessing. (line 13562) * reclaimedPercentPerScavenge: ObjectMemory-accessing. (line 13566) * recompile: CompiledMethod-compiling. (line 4716) * recompile:: Behavior-method dictionary. (line 1130) * recompile:notifying:: Behavior-method dictionary. (line 1134) * recompileNotifying:: CompiledMethod-compiling. (line 4719) * reconstructOriginalObject: DirectedMessage-saving and loading. (line 6624) * reconstructOriginalObject <1>: Object-saving and loading. (line 13103) * record:: FileStream class-file-in. (line 8456) * refersTo:: CompiledCode-testing accesses. (line 4520) * refresh: File-accessing. (line 7390) * refresh <1>: FilePath-accessing. (line 8052) * refresh <2>: PackageLoader class-accessing. (line 14030) * refresh <3>: VFS.ArchiveFile-ArchiveMember protocol. (line 19514) * refresh <4>: VFS.ArchiveMember-accessing. (line 19615) * registerHandler:forPragma:: Class-pragmas. (line 3370) * registerProxyClass:for:: ObjectDumper class-establishing proxy classes. (line 13269) * rehash: Dictionary-rehashing. (line 6520) * rehash <1>: HashedCollection-rehashing. (line 9704) * rehash <2>: LookupTable-rehashing. (line 11025) * rehash <3>: MethodDictionary-rehashing. (line 11645) * rehash <4>: WeakValueLookupTable-rehashing. (line 20231) * reinvokeFor:: Message-printing. (line 11370) * reject:: ArrayedCollection-enumerating the elements of a collection. (line 471) * reject: <1>: Collection-enumeration. (line 4090) * reject: <2>: Dictionary-dictionary enumerating. (line 6403) * reject: <3>: FilePath-enumerating. (line 8135) * reject: <4>: Iterable-enumeration. (line 10226) * reject: <5>: MappedCollection-basic. (line 11174) * reject: <6>: Stream-filtering. (line 17101) * relativeDirectory: Package-accessing. (line 13891) * relativeDirectory:: Package-accessing. (line 13895) * release: Object-dependents access. (line 12971) * release <1>: UndefinedObject-dependents access. (line 19139) * release <2>: VFS.ArchiveFile-directory operations. (line 19539) * release <3>: VFS.TmpFileArchiveMember-finalization. (line 19938) * relocate: FileSegment class-installing. (line 8345) * relocateFrom:map:: FileSegment-basic. (line 8368) * rem:: LargeInteger-arithmetic. (line 10397) * rem: <1>: LargeZeroInteger-arithmetic. (line 10768) * rem: <2>: Number-arithmetic. (line 12241) * remainingCount: SystemExceptions.NotEnoughElements-accessing. (line 18290) * remainingCount:: SystemExceptions.NotEnoughElements-accessing. (line 18293) * remove: File-file operations. (line 7443) * remove <1>: FilePath-file operations. (line 8220) * remove <2>: VFS.ArchiveMember-file operations. (line 19658) * remove <3>: VFS.FileWrapper-delegation. (line 19840) * remove:: Collection-removing. (line 4124) * remove: <1>: Dictionary-dictionary removing. (line 6416) * remove: <2>: File class-file operations. (line 7277) * remove: <3>: LookupTable-removing. (line 11031) * remove: <4>: MethodDictionary-removing. (line 11651) * remove: <5>: ProcessEnvironment-dictionary removing. (line 14733) * remove:ifAbsent:: Bag-removing. (line 680) * remove:ifAbsent: <1>: Collection-removing. (line 4128) * remove:ifAbsent: <2>: Dictionary-dictionary removing. (line 6419) * remove:ifAbsent: <3>: HashedCollection-removing. (line 9710) * remove:ifAbsent: <4>: LinkedList-adding. (line 10861) * remove:ifAbsent: <5>: LookupTable-removing. (line 11034) * remove:ifAbsent: <6>: OrderedCollection-removing. (line 13755) * remove:ifAbsent: <7>: ProcessEnvironment-dictionary removing. (line 14736) * removeAll:: Collection-removing. (line 4132) * removeAll:ifAbsent:: Collection-removing. (line 4137) * removeAllKeys:: Dictionary-dictionary removing. (line 6422) * removeAllKeys: <1>: ProcessEnvironment-dictionary removing. (line 14739) * removeAllKeys:ifAbsent:: Dictionary-dictionary removing. (line 6425) * removeAllKeys:ifAbsent: <1>: ProcessEnvironment-dictionary removing. (line 14742) * removeAllKeysSuchThat:: Dictionary-removing. (line 6526) * removeAllSuchThat:: Collection-removing. (line 4141) * removeAtIndex:: OrderedCollection-removing. (line 13759) * removeAtIndex: <1>: RunArray-removing. (line 15733) * removeCategory:: ClassDescription-organization of messages and classes. (line 3561) * removeClassVarName:: Class-accessing instances and variables. (line 3259) * removeClassVarName: <1>: Metaclass-delegation. (line 11513) * removeDependent:: Object-dependents access. (line 12975) * removeFeature:: SystemDictionary-special accessing. (line 17945) * removeFirst: LinkedList-adding. (line 10865) * removeFirst <1>: OrderedCollection-removing. (line 13763) * removeFirst <2>: RunArray-removing. (line 15737) * removeInstVarName:: Behavior-instance variables. (line 1056) * removeKey:: Dictionary-dictionary removing. (line 6429) * removeKey: <1>: ProcessEnvironment-dictionary removing. (line 14746) * removeKey:ifAbsent:: Dictionary-dictionary removing. (line 6432) * removeKey:ifAbsent: <1>: LookupTable-removing. (line 11037) * removeKey:ifAbsent: <2>: MethodDictionary-removing. (line 11654) * removeKey:ifAbsent: <3>: ProcessEnvironment-dictionary removing. (line 14749) * removeLast: LinkedList-adding. (line 10869) * removeLast <1>: OrderedCollection-removing. (line 13767) * removeLast <2>: RunArray-removing. (line 15741) * removeLast <3>: SortedCollection-basic. (line 16762) * removeMember:: VFS.ArchiveFile-ArchiveMember protocol. (line 19517) * removeMember: <1>: VFS.ZipFile-members. (line 19975) * removePermission:: SecurityPolicy-modifying. (line 15920) * removeSelector:: Behavior-method dictionary. (line 1139) * removeSelector:ifAbsent:: Behavior-method dictionary. (line 1143) * removeSharedPool:: AbstractNamespace-compiling. (line 76) * removeSharedPool: <1>: Class-accessing instances and variables. (line 3263) * removeSharedPool: <2>: Metaclass-delegation. (line 11517) * removeSubclass:: Behavior-creating a class hierarchy. (line 959) * removeSubclass: <1>: UndefinedObject-class polymorphism. (line 19083) * removeSubspace:: AbstractNamespace-namespace hierarchy. (line 124) * removeToBeFinalized: FileDescriptor-initialize-release. (line 7875) * removeToBeFinalized <1>: Object-finalization. (line 13012) * rename:to:: File class-file operations. (line 7280) * renameTo:: File-file operations. (line 7446) * renameTo: <1>: FilePath-file operations. (line 8223) * renameTo: <2>: VFS.ArchiveMember-file operations. (line 19661) * renameTo: <3>: VFS.FileWrapper-file operations. (line 19860) * repeat: BlockClosure-control structures. (line 1590) * replace:withStringBase:: LargePositiveInteger-converting. (line 10617) * replace:withStringBase: <1>: LargeZeroInteger-printing. (line 10784) * replaceAll:with:: SequenceableCollection-replacing items. (line 16363) * replaceFrom:to:with:: SequenceableCollection-replacing items. (line 16367) * replaceFrom:to:with:startingAt:: Array-built ins. (line 300) * replaceFrom:to:with:startingAt: <1>: ByteArray-built ins. (line 1942) * replaceFrom:to:with:startingAt: <2>: SequenceableCollection-replacing items. (line 16372) * replaceFrom:to:with:startingAt: <3>: String-built ins. (line 17304) * replaceFrom:to:withByteArray:startingAt:: String-built ins. (line 17309) * replaceFrom:to:withObject:: SequenceableCollection-replacing items. (line 16376) * replaceFrom:to:withString:startingAt:: ByteArray-built ins. (line 1947) * replacingAllRegex:with:: String-regex. (line 17499) * replacingRegex:with:: String-regex. (line 17506) * requestString: NetClients.URL-accessing. (line 11999) * require:: FileStream class-file-in. (line 8462) * reset: FileDescriptor-basic. (line 7730) * reset <1>: PositionableStream-positioning. (line 14496) * resignalAs:: Exception-exception handling. (line 7094) * resignalAsUnhandled:: Exception-built ins. (line 7040) * respondsTo:: Object-testing functionality. (line 13214) * resume: Exception-exception handling. (line 7102) * resume <1>: Process-builtins. (line 14635) * resume:: Exception-exception handling. (line 7109) * resumptionTime: Delay-accessing. (line 6197) * retry: Exception-exception handling. (line 7116) * retry:coercing:: Number-retrying. (line 12453) * retryDifferenceCoercing:: Number-retrying. (line 12459) * retryDivisionCoercing:: Number-retrying. (line 12463) * retryEqualityCoercing:: Number-retrying. (line 12467) * retryError: Number-retrying. (line 12471) * retryInequalityCoercing:: Number-retrying. (line 12475) * retryMultiplicationCoercing:: Number-retrying. (line 12479) * retryRelationalOp:coercing:: Number-retrying. (line 12483) * retrySumCoercing:: Number-retrying. (line 12488) * retryUsing:: Exception-exception handling. (line 7120) * return: Exception-exception handling. (line 7124) * return:: Exception-exception handling. (line 7127) * returnType: CCallable-accessing. (line 2341) * reverse: ArrayedCollection-copying Collections. (line 460) * reverse <1>: Interval-basic. (line 10101) * reverse <2>: SequenceableCollection-enumerating. (line 16335) * reverseContents: FileDescriptor-overriding inherited methods. (line 7897) * reverseContents <1>: PositionableStream-accessing-reading. (line 14447) * reverseContents <2>: WriteStream-accessing-writing. (line 20292) * reverseDo:: SequenceableCollection-enumerating. (line 16338) * rewriteAsAsyncCCall:args:: CompiledMethod-c call-outs. (line 4692) * rewriteAsCCall:for:: CompiledMethod-c call-outs. (line 4695) * rewriteAsCCall:returning:args:: CompiledMethod-c call-outs. (line 4698) * right: Rectangle-accessing. (line 15237) * right:: Rectangle-accessing. (line 15240) * rightCenter: Rectangle-accessing. (line 15243) * rounded: Float-truncation and round off. (line 8867) * rounded <1>: Integer-converting. (line 9927) * rounded <2>: Number-truncation and round off. (line 12595) * rounded <3>: Point-truncation and round off. (line 14374) * rounded <4>: Rectangle-truncation and round off. (line 15380) * roundTo:: Number-truncation and round off. (line 12592) * runDelayProcess: Delay class-timer process. (line 6167) * sameAs:: CharacterArray-comparing. (line 2977) * scaleBy:: Rectangle-transforming. (line 15369) * scanBacktraceFor:do:: ContextPart-enumerating. (line 4995) * scanBacktraceForAttribute:do:: ContextPart-enumerating. (line 5000) * scavenge: ObjectMemory class-builtins. (line 13427) * scavengesBeforeTenuring: ObjectMemory-derived information. (line 13621) * scheduleDelay:: Delay class-timer process. (line 6170) * scheme: NetClients.URL-accessing. (line 12004) * scheme:: NetClients.URL-accessing. (line 12007) * scheme:host:path:: NetClients.URL class-instance creation. (line 11901) * scheme:host:port:path:: NetClients.URL class-instance creation. (line 11904) * scheme:path:: NetClients.URL class-instance creation. (line 11907) * scheme:username:password:host:port:path:: NetClients.URL class-instance creation. (line 11910) * scopeDictionary: Behavior-compilation. (line 908) * scopeDictionary <1>: Dictionary-compilation. (line 6378) * scopeHas:ifTrue:: Behavior-testing the method dictionary. (line 1328) * scramble: SmallInteger-builtins. (line 16693) * searchRegex:: String-regex. (line 17513) * searchRegex:from:to:: String-regex. (line 17517) * searchRegex:startingAt:: String-regex. (line 17522) * second: DateTime-computations. (line 6003) * second <1>: SequenceableCollection-basic. (line 16163) * second <2>: Time-accessing (ANSI for DateAndTimes). (line 18905) * second:: Time class-instance creation. (line 18884) * secondClock: Time class-clocks. (line 18836) * seconds: Time-accessing (non ANSI & for Durations). (line 18926) * seconds:: Time class-instance creation. (line 18887) * securityCheckForName:: ContextPart-security checks. (line 5025) * securityCheckForName:action:: ContextPart-security checks. (line 5028) * securityCheckForName:actions:target:: ContextPart-security checks. (line 5031) * securityCheckForName:target:: ContextPart-security checks. (line 5034) * securityPolicy: Behavior-support for lightweight classes. (line 1248) * securityPolicy <1>: Class-security. (line 3417) * securityPolicy:: Behavior-support for lightweight classes. (line 1251) * securityPolicy: <1>: Class-security. (line 3420) * seed:: Random class-instance creation. (line 15047) * segmentFrom:to:: FileStream-compiling. (line 8568) * segmentFrom:to: <1>: PositionableStream-compiling. (line 14477) * segmentFrom:to: <2>: Stream-compiling. (line 17034) * select:: ArrayedCollection-enumerating the elements of a collection. (line 475) * select: <1>: Collection-enumeration. (line 4094) * select: <2>: Dictionary-dictionary enumerating. (line 6408) * select: <3>: FilePath-enumerating. (line 8140) * select: <4>: Iterable-enumeration. (line 10230) * select: <5>: MappedCollection-basic. (line 11177) * select: <6>: Stream-filtering. (line 17106) * selector: CompiledBlock-accessing. (line 4247) * selector <1>: CompiledCode-accessing. (line 4411) * selector <2>: CompiledMethod-accessing. (line 4625) * selector <3>: ContextPart-accessing. (line 4928) * selector <4>: Message-accessing. (line 11351) * selector <5>: MethodInfo-accessing. (line 11683) * selector <6>: SystemExceptions.WrongMessageSent-accessing. (line 18659) * selector:: CompiledBlock-accessing. (line 4250) * selector: <1>: CompiledCode-accessing. (line 4414) * selector: <2>: CompiledMethod-accessing. (line 4628) * selector: <3>: Message-accessing. (line 11354) * selector: <4>: MethodInfo-accessing. (line 11686) * selector: <5>: SystemExceptions.WrongMessageSent-accessing. (line 18662) * selector:argument:: Message class-creating instances. (line 11333) * selector:arguments:: DirectedMessage class-creating instances. (line 6565) * selector:arguments: <1>: Message class-creating instances. (line 11336) * selector:arguments:receiver:: DirectedMessage class-creating instances. (line 6568) * selectorAt:: Behavior-accessing the method dictionary. (line 829) * selectors: Behavior-accessing the method dictionary. (line 832) * selectorsAndMethodsDo:: Behavior-method dictionary. (line 1148) * selectSubclasses:: Behavior-enumerating. (line 981) * selectSubspaces:: AbstractNamespace-namespace hierarchy. (line 127) * selectSuperclasses:: Behavior-enumerating. (line 984) * selectSuperspaces:: AbstractNamespace-namespace hierarchy. (line 130) * semaphore: SystemExceptions.ProcessBeingTerminated-accessing. (line 18422) * semaphore:: SystemExceptions.ProcessBeingTerminated-accessing. (line 18425) * send: DirectedMessage-basic. (line 6586) * sender: MethodContext-accessing. (line 11602) * sendsToSuper: CompiledCode-testing accesses. (line 4523) * sendsToSuper <1>: CompiledMethod-testing. (line 4796) * sendTo:: Message-printing. (line 11373) * set:to:: AbstractNamespace-overrides for superspaces. (line 168) * set:to:ifAbsent:: AbstractNamespace-overrides for superspaces. (line 174) * set:to:ifAbsent: <1>: Namespace-overrides for superspaces. (line 11805) * set:to:ifAbsent: <2>: RootNamespace-overrides for superspaces. (line 15616) * setBit:: Integer-bit operators. (line 9902) * setToEnd: FileDescriptor-overriding inherited methods. (line 7900) * setToEnd <1>: PositionableStream-positioning. (line 14500) * setTraceFlag:to:: SystemDictionary-builtins. (line 17821) * shallowCopy: BindingDictionary-copying. (line 1441) * shallowCopy <1>: Boolean-overriding. (line 1876) * shallowCopy <2>: HashedCollection-copying. (line 9691) * shallowCopy <3>: Number-copying. (line 12335) * shallowCopy <4>: Object-built ins. (line 12843) * shallowCopy <5>: RunArray-copying. (line 15715) * shallowCopy <6>: Symbol-basic. (line 17654) * shallowCopy <7>: UndefinedObject-basic. (line 19037) * shallowCopy <8>: