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1.6.3 BLOX.BCanvas: widget protocol

at: aPoint

Selects the topmost item in the canvas overlapping the point given by aPoint.

between: origin and: corner do: aBlock

Evaluate aBlock for each item whose bounding box intersects the rectangle between the two Points, origin and corner. Pass the item to the block.


Answer the bounding box of all the items in the canvas


The widget has been destroyed. Tell all of its items about this fact.

do: aBlock

Evaluate aBlock, passing each item to it.


Remove all the items from the canvas, leaving it empty


Answer the amount of space that is left as a border around the canvas items.

extraSpace: aPoint

Set the amount of space that is left as a border around the canvas items.


Answer an Array containing all the items in the canvas

mapPoint: aPoint

Given aPoint, a point expressed in window coordinates, answer the corresponding canvas coordinates that are displayed at that location.