Source-highlight Library
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Csrchilite::BufferedOutputThe main class for writing into the output
 Csrchilite::CTagsCollectorCollects the tags information generated by the ctags program for a given word
 Csrchilite::CTagsFormatterFormatter for information gathered from ctags
 Csrchilite::CTagsFormatterResultsStores the result of the CTagsFormatter
 Csrchilite::CTagsInfoInformation about a tag
 Csrchilite::CTagsManagerTakes care of running ctags and to generate a CTagsFormmatter
 Csrchilite::DocGeneratorGiven a DocTemplate it generates the start of the document and the end, using variables such as title, file_name, header, etc
 Csrchilite::EventGenerator< EventListener, EventType >A generic event generator, for listeners of type EventListener and events of type EventType
 Csrchilite::EventGenerator< HighlightEventListener, HighlightEvent >
 Csrchilite::SourceHighlighterThe main class performing the highlighting of a single line
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Csrchilite::IOExceptionException representing an error in an input/output operation
 Csrchilite::ParserExceptionRepresents an exception during parsing, for instance, syntax errors
 Csrchilite::FormatterThe base abstract class for formatting strings
 Csrchilite::TextStyleFormatterAn implementation of Formatter, based on source-highlight TextStyle
 Csrchilite::FormatterFactoryThe generic abstract factory to create Formatter objects, during the parsing of style files
 Csrchilite::TextStyleFormatterFactoryGenerates TextStyleFormatters based on TextStyles
 Csrchilite::FormatterManagerAssociates to an element name the corresponding formatter
 Csrchilite::HighlightEventEvent concerning an highlighting operation (e.g., formatting, entering a new state, exiting a state, etc.)
 Csrchilite::HighlightEventListenerBase class for listeners of HighlightEvent
 Csrchilite::DebugListenerImplementation of highlight events that prints debug information
 Csrchilite::HighlightRuleBase class for highlight rules
 Csrchilite::RegexHighlightRuleAn implementation of HighlightRule using Boost regex library
 Csrchilite::HighlightRuleFactoryAbstract factory for highlighting rules
 Csrchilite::RegexRuleFactoryImplementation of the abstract factory, creating highlighting rules based on boost::regex regular expressions
 Csrchilite::HighlightStateRepresents a state during the highlighting (e.g., comment state, string state, etc.)
 Csrchilite::srchilite::HighlightStateRepresents a state during the highlighting (e.g., comment state, string state, etc.)
 Csrchilite::HighlightStateBuilderBuilds an HighlightState from the language definition file collected structures
 Csrchilite::HighlightStatePrinterPrints an HighlightState (and all its rules)
 Csrchilite::HighlightTokenToken containing information for performing the highlight
 Csrchilite::InstancesThis class contains static and singleton instances for some utility classes for LangDefManagers, LangMap, etc
 Csrchilite::LangDefManagerHandles langdef language definition files
 Csrchilite::LangElemsPrinterPrints all the language elements
 Csrchilite::LangMapA map stored in a file with the format key = elem
 Csrchilite::LanguageInferTries to infer the language by inspecting the input file
 Csrchilite::LineBufferA buffer for a line to be generated
 Csrchilite::LineNumGeneratorGenerates line numbers in the output
 Csrchilite::LineRangesFunctionalities for detecting whether a line is in one of the stored line ranges (or in the context of a range)
 Cstd::list< T >STL class
 Csrchilite::LangElemsCollection of LangElem objects
 Csrchilite::srchilite::LangElemsCollection of LangElem objects
 Csrchilite::StringDefsA collection (list) of StringDef's
 Csrchilite::StringTableStores dynamically allocated strings (used by the scanners), so that, later on, we can easily free all the memory for these strings
 Cstd::list< std::string >
 Cstd::map< K, T >STL class
 Csrchilite::ColorMapSimple map for colors (maps a color constant string to the corresponding color of the output format)
 Csrchilite::VarDefinitionsStore definitions of strings and regular expressions representing language elements
 Csrchilite::MatchingParametersStructure for passing parameters to the matching algorithm, for instance, "not beginning of line", etc
 Csrchilite::srchilite::ParserInfoStores information about the file name and the line number of a generic element created during parsing
 Csrchilite::FileInfoInformation about the file we are processing
 Csrchilite::FormatterParamsAdditional parameters that can be passed to a formatter
 Csrchilite::srchilite::StateLangElemLanguage element that introduces a new state pattern Composite
 Csrchilite::srchilite::StateStartLangElemA language element that may start a new state/environment
 Csrchilite::StateLangElemLanguage element that introduces a new state pattern Composite
 Csrchilite::StateStartLangElemA language element that may start a new state/environment
 Csrchilite::ParserInfoStores information about the file name and the line number of a generic element created during parsing
 Csrchilite::PreFormatterPreformats text to be generated
 Csrchilite::CharTranslatorTranslates specific character sequences into corresponding ones; it can also use regular expression for the characters to be translated
 Csrchilite::UntabifierPerFormratter to convert tabs to spaces before generation
 Csrchilite::RefEntryInternal struct to store information about references
 Csrchilite::TextStyles::RefTextStyleThe TextStyle objects for reference formatting
 Csrchilite::RegexPreProcessorPreprocess a regular expression, e.g., transform "()" into "(?:)"
 Csrchilite::RegexRangesStores possible separators implemented as regular expressions and provides functionalities to search for such occurrences in lines
 Csrchilite::SettingsHandles the settings for source-highlight (and its library)
 Csrchilite::SourceFileHighlighterHighlights the contents of a file relying on a SourceHighlighter
 Csrchilite::SourceHighlightThe main class performing highlighting of an input file generating an output file
 Csrchilite::SourceHighlightUtilsClass with some utility static methods
 Csrchilite::StopWatchRecords elapsed time
 Csrchilite::StringDefRepresent a string for a language definition file's element
 Csrchilite::StyleFileParserA utility class with static methods to parse style files
 Csrchilite::TextStyleRepresents a formatting template where there can be some variables (starting with $, e.g., $style, $text, etc.) that will be replaced with specific elements, e.g., the actual style for the formatting, the text to format, etc
 Csrchilite::TextStyleBuilderGiven TextStyle objects build a new one, adding a starting part, and ending part, and separating them
 Csrchilite::TextStylesContains TextStyle objects for all formats (e.g., bold, italics, etc), and other templates (e.g., for the document header, etc.); it also contains the color map and the char translator
 Csrchilite::UtilsGeneric utils functions (e.g., string manipulation)
 Csrchilite::VerbosityUtility class to output messages in case of verbose option is requested
 Csrchilite::VersionsUtility functions for version numbers
 Csrchilite::WordTokenizerTokenizes a paragraph separating words from spaces