
We want to drive a car.

Ami hakarak atu kair kareta ida.

What time does the bus leave?

Bus ba tuku hira?

What time does the bus arrive?

Bus to'o tuku hira?

The bus arrives at one o'clock.

Bus mai tuku ida.

What is the name of this place?

Iha fatin ida ne'e naran sa?

We want to find a bed.

Ami hakarak atu hetan toba fatin.

We want one bed for tonight.

Kalan ne'e, ami hakarak atu hetan toba fatin ida de'it.

Where is the place for us to sleep?

Ami nia toba fatin, iha ne'e be?

We are looking for an inn (lodging house)

Ami buka pousada ida.

We go overseas at seven o'clock.

Ami ba tasi balu iha tuku hitu.

We will return at two o'clock.

Ami sei fila fali iha tuku rua.

You must take this with us.

O sei lori ida ne'e ho ami.

Can you show me the road to Dili?

Ita bele hatudu ba ha'u, dalan ba Dili iha ne'e be?

I want to talk on the telephone.

Ha'u hakarak atu ko'alia ba arame.

Can I go on the other side of the river?

Ha'u bele ba iha mota balu ba?

Can we travel this road?

Ami bele la'o dalan ne'e?

We want to trabel to the mountains near the Ainaro district.

Ami hakarak ba atu hare foho iha besik Ainaro.

I want to send a letter overseas.

Ha'u hakarak atu jaruka surat ba tasi balu.

Can we go to see Timor dancing?

Ai bele ba atu hare tebedai Timor?

Wait three hours. The we will come back.

Hein to'o oras tolu. Hafoin ami fila fali.