5.2.1 Element Direction Information Type

The element directions also have types of information associated, which are in general set dynamically depending on the current element unit, for instance on the element unit whose navigation panel is being formatted:


A string that can be used as an href attribute linking to the element unit corresponding to the direction.


A string representing the direction that can be used in context where only entities are available (attributes). See Init File Expansion Contexts: Normal, Preformatted, Code, String, Math.


A string representing the direction to be used in contexts with HTML elements (preformatted and normal contexts). See Init File Expansion Contexts: Normal, Preformatted, Code, String, Math.


A Texinfo tree element representing the direction.


A string representing the target of the direction, typically used as id attribute in the element unit corresponding to the direction, and in href attribute.


Same as text, but selecting the node associated with the element unit direction in priority.


Same as text, but selecting the sectioning command associated with the element unit direction in priority.

text, tree and string also have a variant with ‘_nonumber’ prepended, such as text_nonumber without sectioning command number in the representation.