6.2.2 Error Reporting in User Defined Functions

To report an error or a warning in a user defined function, use the methods of Texinfo::Report through a converter object (see Converter Object and Conversion Functions).

To report a warning or an error not specific of an element conversion, use document_warn or document_error:

Function: $converter->document_error ($text, $converter)
Function: $converter->document_warn ($text, $converter)

Register a document-wide error or warning. $text is the error or warning message. The $converter object should be given as the second argument.

To report a warning or an error in element conversion, use line_warn or line_error

Function: $converter->line_error ($text, $converter, $location_info, $continuation, $silent)
Function: $converter->line_warn ($text, $converter, $location_info, $continuation, $silent)

Register a warning or an error. $text is the text of the error or warning. The $converter object should be given as the second argument. The optional $location_info holds the information on the error or warning location. The $location_info reference on hash may be obtained from Texinfo elements source_info keys.

The optional $continuation argument, if set, conveys that the message is a continuation of the previous registered message. The optional $silent argument, if set, suppresses the immediate output of a message if the DEBUG customization variable is set.

In general, registering an error does not stop the processing, in particular it does not stop the main conversion of the Texinfo tree. Write initialization files as if the conversion always continued after registering the error.

See (texi2any_internals)Texinfo::Report for more on Texinfo::Report.