9.1.3 Type Tree Element Opening Functions

User defined functions called when an element without @-command with a container type is first encountered are registered with texinfo_register_type_opening:

Function: texinfo_register_type_opening ($type, \&handler)

$type is the element type. \&handler is the user defined function reference.

The call of the user defined functions is:

Function Reference: $text type_open ($converter, $type, \%element)

$converter is a converter object. $type is the element type. \%element is the Texinfo element.

The $text returned is prepended to the formatting of the type container.

It is possible to have access to the default opening function reference. The function used is:

Function: \&default_type_open = $converter->default_type_open ($type)

$command_name is the element type. Returns the default opening function reference for $type, or ‘undef’ if there is none.