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@digest: dbf9a794806485f14c7332876d841620
@id: 103236
@mdate: 2003-06-11T12:49:13Z
@size: 3156
@type: text/html
generator: Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.54
#keywords: soundlists (14426), expandir (9752), soundlist (7748), scriftor (7748), ilmumine (7748), gnomecc (7748), panneau (3641), panel (1757), desktop (1246), description (1129), descriptions (700), clicking (580), sounds (509), events (434), expansion (293), section (281), sound (228), gnome (202), corresponding (143), extension (142), translation (134), similar (116), environment (109), previous (99), application (97), info (95), contains (88), files (84), control (77), open (76), directory (64), like (57)
Translation of the GNOME desktop environment <<< Previous Next >>> soundlists In every application that has sounds for events there is a file with .soundlist as the extension. This file contains descriptions of sounds and their corresponding events. The file looks like this: [__section_info__] description=Panel description[ca]=Plafó description[es]=Panel description[et]=Paneel description[fr]=Panneau de GNOME description[gl]=Panel description[ko]=ÆгΠdescription[no]=Panel description[pl]=Panel description[pt]=Painel description[wa]=Scriftôr [open] file=panel/slide.wav description=Expand description[ca]=Expandir description[es]=Expandir description[et]=Ilmumine description[fr]=Expansion description[gl]=Expandir description[ko]=³ÐÈ÷±â description[no]=Utvid The format is very similar to the .desktop and .directory files. The descriptions are found in the control-center (gnomecc). The section: [__section_info__] tells us that the name of the program for which the sound events are used is next. The [open] section has the sound event for the [open] action on the panel (clicking the foot-menu), and the rest is just like the .desktop files. <<< Previous Home Next >>> Menus and .desktop files Mime-types ... - [detail] - [similar]
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