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ORACLEDatabase (SDX 2.4.1 API)
@digest: 4c11850797004471403f046216b1c3c4
@id: 156752
@mdate: 2010-05-24T07:56:26Z
@size: 48315
@type: text/html
date: 2010-05-24
#keywords: oracledatabase (35939), abstractjdbcdatabase (35475), getcreateindiciesquery (24510), createindicies (24099), gettablecreationquery (16802), jdbcdatabase (14495), sdxexception (14160), culture (12699), gouv (11985), datasourcecomponentbacked (11794), databaseentity (8781), rdbms (7324), jdbc (6226), avalon (6186), abstractsdxobject (5940), sdxobject (5817), getentities (5812), entrepot (5380), saveable (5365), encodable (5161), oracle (4492), xmlizable (4473), utils (4189), sdx (4025), describable (3583), serviceable (3401), inherited (3332), contextualizable (3323), localizable (3071), logenabled (2939), initialise (2875), excalibur (2592)
Overview Package Class Tree Deprecated Index Help PREV CLASS NEXT CLASS FRAMES NO FRAMES All Classes SUMMARY: NESTED | FIELD | CONSTR | METHOD DETAIL: FIELD | CONSTR | METHOD fr.gouv.culture.sdx.utils.database Class ORACLEDatabase java.lang.Object fr.gouv.culture.sdx.utils.AbstractSdxObject fr.gouv.culture.sdx.utils.rdbms.JDBC fr.gouv.culture.sdx.utils.rdbms.DataSourceComponentBacked fr.gouv.culture.sdx.utils.database.AbstractJDBCDatabase fr.gouv.culture.sdx.utils.database.JDBCDatabase fr.gouv.culture.sdx.utils.database.ORACLEDatabase All Implemented Interfaces: Database , Describable , Encodable , Identifiable , Localizable , Saveable , SdxObject , org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Configurable, org.apache.avalon.framework.context.Contextualizable, org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.LogEnabled, org.apache.avalon.framework.service.Serviceable, org.apache.excalibur.xml.sax.XMLizable public class ORACLEDatabase extends JDBCDatabase An Oracle implementation of the SDX Database interface. Tested with Oracle 10g under Windows. Should work with many Oracle versions. Nested Class Summary Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class fr.gouv.culture.sdx.utils.rdbms. JDBC JDBC.QueryExecutor , JDBC.Template Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface fr.gouv.culture.sdx.utils. SdxObject SdxObject.ConfigurationNode Field Summary Fields inherited from class fr.gouv.culture.sdx.utils.database. AbstractJDBCDatabase _searchModes , COLUMN_PARAM_INDEX_FIELD_ID , COLUMN_PARAM_INDEX_FIELD_PROPERTY_NAME , COLUMN_PARAM_INDEX_FIELD_PROPERTY_VALUE , FIELD_ID , FIELD_PROPERTY_NAME , FIELD_PROPERTY_VALUE Fields inherited from class fr.gouv.culture.sdx.utils.rdbms. DataSourceComponentBacked ATTRIBUTE_DSI , dbSelector , dsi Fields inherited from class fr.gouv.culture.sdx.utils.rdbms. JDBC tableName Fields inherited from class fr.gouv.culture.sdx.utils. AbstractSdxObject _configuration , _context , _description , _encoding , _id , _locale , _logger , _manager , _xmlizable_objects , _xmlLang , isToSaxInitialized Fields inherited from interface fr.gouv.culture.sdx.utils.database. Database CLASS_NAME_SUFFIX , DATABASE_DIR_PATH , PACKAGE_QUALNAME , SEARCH_MODE_AND , SEARCH_MODE_NOT , SEARCH_MODE_OR Fields inherited from interface fr.gouv.culture.sdx.utils. Encodable DEFAULT_ENCODING Fields inherited from interface Saveable ALL_SAVE_ATTRIB , PATH_ATTRIB , SAVE_DIRECTORY_PARAM Constructor Summary ORACLEDatabase () Method Summary protected void createIndicies (java.sql.Connection conn) Creates the index on the ID field. protected java.lang.String getCreateIndiciesQuery (java.lang.String fieldName) For performance reasons, we create an index on the ID field. protected java.lang.String getTableCreationQuery () Returns the CREATE TABLE statement. void init () Initialise l'entrepot. void save ( DatabaseEntity ent) We slightly modify the default behaviour to insert a dummy property when an entity has no property defined. Methods inherited from class fr.gouv.culture.sdx.utils.database. JDBCDatabase getDatabaseDirectoryName , getEntriesWithLimitQuery , initToSax , initVolatileObjectsToSax , optimize Methods inherited from class fr.gouv.culture.sdx.utils.database. AbstractJDBCDatabase addProperty , backup , configure , delete , delete , empty , entityExists , getAllEntitiesQuery , getClassNameSuffix , getConnection , getDeleteAllQuery , getEntities , getEntities , getEntity , getEntity , getEntityDeleteQuery , getEntityGetQuery , getEntityIds , getProperties , getPropertyAddQuery , getPropertyRemoveQueryWithId , getPropertyRemoveQueryWithoutId , getPropertyValue , getPropertyValues , getWildcardSearchToken , releaseConnection , removeProperty , removeProperty , restore , search , search , searchWithParams , size , update Methods inherited from class fr.gouv.culture.sdx.utils.rdbms. DataSourceComponentBacked finalize , getDataSourceComponent , releaseDataSourceComponent , service Methods inherited from class fr.gouv.culture.sdx.utils.rdbms. JDBC createTable , getTableName , handleUnsupportedTokens Methods inherited from class fr.gouv.culture.sdx.utils. AbstractSdxObject configureDescription , contextualize , enableLogging , getBaseAttributes , getConfiguration , getContext , getDescription , getEncoding , getId , getLocale , getLog , getServiceManager , getXmlLang , setDescription , setEncoding , setId , setLocale , setUpSdxObject , setUpSdxObject , setXmlLang , toSAX , verifyConfigurationResources Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait Methods inherited from interface fr.gouv.culture.sdx.utils. SdxObject getLog Methods inherited from interface org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.LogEnabled enableLogging Methods inherited from interface org.apache.avalon.framework.context.Contextualizable contextualize Methods inherited from interface org.apache.avalon.framework.service.Serviceable service Methods inherited from interface fr.gouv.culture.sdx.utils. Identifiable getId , setId Methods inherited from interface fr.gouv.culture.sdx.utils. Describable getDescription , setDescription Methods inherited from interface fr.gouv.culture.sdx.utils. Encodable getEncoding , setEncoding Methods inherited from interface fr.gouv.culture.sdx.utils. Localizable getLocale , getXmlLang , setLocale , setXmlLang Methods inherited from interface org.apache.excalibur.xml.sax.XMLizable toSAX Constructor Detail ORACLEDatabase public ORACLEDatabase () Method Detail getTableCreationQuery protected java.lang.String getTableCreationQuery () Returns the CREATE TABLE statement. For Oracle, we do not use a sequence, we define a PRIMARY KEY on the three fields (ID, NAME, VALUE). We force NOT NULL because the three fields are part of the PRIMARY KEY, and thus Oracle forces them to be not null anyway. Overrides: getTableCreationQuery in class AbstractJDBCDatabase Returns: The query. see subclasses for implementation getCreateIndiciesQuery protected java.lang.String getCreateIndiciesQuery (java.lang.String fieldName) For performance reasons, we create an index on the ID field. Overrides: getCreateIndiciesQuery in class AbstractJDBCDatabase init public void init () throws SDXException Initialise l'entrepot. Si la table n'existe pas, elle est creee. On surcharge cette methode car Oracle reagit bizarrement au DatabaseMetaData. On fait simplement une requete. Specified by: init in interface Database Overrides: init in class AbstractJDBCDatabase Throws: SDXException createIndicies protected void createIndicies (java.sql.Connection conn) throws SDXException Creates the index on the ID field. Overrides: createIndicies in class AbstractJDBCDatabase Throws: SDXException save public void save ( DatabaseEntity ent) throws SDXException We slightly modify the default behaviour to insert a dummy property when an entity has no property defined. In the normal code, an empty string is used, but the Oracle JDBC driver inserts null instead of empty spaces, thus violating the primary key constraints (no null) on the three fields. Specified by: save in interface Database Overrides: save in class AbstractJDBCDatabase Throws: SDXException Overview Package Class Tree Deprecated Index Help PREV CLASS NEXT CLASS FRAMES NO FRAMES All Classes SUMMARY: NESTED | FIELD | CONSTR | METHOD DETAIL: FIELD | CONSTR | METHOD Copyright © 2000-2010 Ministere de la culture et de la communication / AJLSM. All Rights Reserved. ... - [detail] - [similar]
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