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#keywords: arstechnica (49131), washingtonpost (48571), theguardian (42696), theregister (40930), https (25234), spyware (25171), vizio (24349), href (23514), icloud (21724), ldquo (20685), privacy (20198), rdquo (19064), apps (17946), facebook (17268), surveillance (16802), android (16302), apple (14446), windows (13842), spying (13702), unter (13648), phones (13513), iphone (13443), snoop (13123), nutzer (12644), technology (12593), mobile (12199), tracking (11947), com (11876), microsoft (11649), malware (10674), phone (10145), personal (10051) Mismatched links: 505. Mismatched ids: 1. # text 8 | {+</a>&nbsp;/+} <a [-href="/proprietary/proprietary.html">Other examples | of proprietary malware</a>-] | {+href="/proprietary/proprietary.html">Malware</a>&nbsp;/ By | type&nbsp;/+} </a>&nbsp;/ <a href=" /proprietary/proprietary.html ">Malware</a>&nbsp;/ By type&nbsp;/ <a href=" /proprietary/ ">Weitere Beispiele proprietärer Schadsoftware</a> 10 | Nonfree (proprietary) software is very often malware (designed to mistreat | the user). Nonfree software is controlled by its developers, which puts | them in a position of power over the users; <a | href="/philosophy/free-software-even-more-important.html">that is the | basic injustice</a>. The developers {+and manufacturers+} often exercise | that power to the detriment of the users they ought to serve. Nonfree (proprietary) software is very often malware (designed to mistreat the user). Nonfree software is controlled by its developers, which puts them in a position of power over the users; <a href=" /philosophy/free-software-even-more-important.html ">that is the basic injustice</a>. The developers and manufacturers often exercise that power to the detriment of the users they ought to serve. Unfreie (proprietäre) Software entspricht sehr häufig einem Schadprogramm (entworfen, um <ins>unerwünschte und gegebenenfalls schädliche Funktionen auszuführen,</ins> Nutzer also schlecht behandeln). Unfreie Software wird von seinen Entwicklern kontrolliert, welches sie in eine Position der Macht gegenüber Nutzer versetzt. Das ist die <a href=" /philosophy/free-software-even-more-important ">grundlegende Ungerechtigkeit</a>. Häufig üben Entwickler diese Macht zum Schaden derer aus, denen sie eigentlich dienen sollte. 15 A common malicious functionality is to snoop on the user. This page records <strong>clearly established cases of proprietary software that spies on or tracks users</strong>. Manufacturers even refuse to <a href=" ">say whether they snoop on users for the state</a>. 16 All appliances and applications that are tethered to a specific server are snoopers by nature. We do not list them here because they have their own page: <a href=" /proprietary/proprietary-tethers.html#about-page ">Proprietary Tethers</a>. 17 There is a similar site named <a href=" ">Spyware Watchdog</a> that classifies spyware programs, so that users can be more aware that they are installing spyware. 30 | <a [-href="#SpywareInMobileApps">Spyware-] | {+href="#SpywareInApplications">Spyware+} in [-Mobile-] Applications</a> <a href=" #SpywareInApplications ">Spyware in Applications</a> <a href=" #SpywareInMobileApps ">… in Anwendungssoftware</a> 31 | <a [-href="#SpywareInMobileApps">Spyware in Mobile Applications</a>-] | {+href="#SpywareInDesktopApps">Desktop Apps</a>+} <a href=" #SpywareInDesktopApps ">Desktop Apps</a> <a href=" #SpywareInMobileApps ">… in Anwendungssoftware</a> 35 | <a [-href="#SpywareInChrome">Spyware-] | {+href="#SpywareInEquipment">Spyware+} in [-Chrome</a>-] {+Connected | Equipment</a>+} <a href=" #SpywareInEquipment ">Spyware in Connected Equipment</a> <a href=" #SpywareInChrome ">… in Chrome</a> 41 | <a [-href="#SpywareOnMobiles">Spyware on Mobiles</a>-] | {+href="#SpywareOnWearables">Wearables</a>+} <a href=" #SpywareOnWearables ">Wearables</a> <a href=" #SpywareOnMobiles ">Spionageprogramme in Mobilgeräten</a> 47 | <a [-href="#SpywareInFlash">Spyware in JavaScript and Flash</a>-] | {+href="#SpywareInJavaScript">JavaScript</a>+} <a href=" #SpywareInJavaScript ">JavaScript</a> <a href=" #SpywareInFlash ">… in JavaScript und Flash</a> 49 | <a [-href="#SpywareInToys">Spyware-] | {+href="#SpywareInNetworks">Spyware+} in [-Toys</a>-] {+Networks</a>+} <a href=" #SpywareInNetworks ">Spyware in Networks</a> <a href=" #SpywareInToys ">… in Spielzeug</a> 51 For decades, the Free Software movement has been denouncing the abusive surveillance machine of <a href=" /proprietary/proprietary.html ">proprietary software</a> companies such as <a href=" /proprietary/malware-microsoft.html ">Microsoft</a> and <a href=" /proprietary/malware-apple.html ">Apple</a>. In the recent years, this tendency to watch people has spread across industries, not only in the software business, but also in the hardware. Moreover, it also spread dramatically away from the keyboard, in the mobile computing industry, in the office, at home, in transportation systems, and in the classroom. Seit Jahrzehnten prangert die Freie-Software-Bewegung die dreiste Überwachungsmaschinerie von Unternehmen wie <a href=" /proprietary/malware-microsoft ">Microsoft</a> und <a href=" /proprietary/malware-apple ">Apple</a> an, die <a href=" /proprietary/ ">proprietäre Software</a> entwickeln. In den letzten Jahren hat sich diese Tendenz der Beobachtung über Industrien ausgebreitet, nicht nur in der Softwarebranche, sondern auch in der Hardwarebranche. Darüber hinaus breitete es sich auch dramatisch weit entfernt der Tastatur aus, der <em>Mobile Computing</em><a href="#tn1" id="tn1-ref" class="transnote">[1]</a>-Industrie, im Büro, zu Hause, im Verkehrssysteme und im Klassenzimmer. 60 Entries in each category are in reverse chronological order, based on the dates of publication of linked articles. The latest additions are listed on the <a href=" /proprietary/proprietary.html#latest ">main page</a> of the Malware section. 62 <span class="anchor-reference-id">(<a href=" #OSSpyware ">#OSSpyware</a>)</span> 64 <span class="anchor-reference-id">(<a href=" #SpywareInWindows ">#SpywareInWindows</a>)</span> 65 As soon as it boots, and without asking any permission, <a href=" ">Windows 11 starts to send data to online servers</a>. The user's personal details, location or hardware information are reported to Microsoft and other companies to be used as telemetry data. All of this is done is the background, and users have no easy way to prevent it&mdash;unless they switch the computer offline. 66 Microsoft <a href=" "> released an &ldquo;update&rdquo; that installs a surveillance program</a> on users' computers to gather data on some installed programs for Microsoft's benefit. The update is rolling out automatically, and the program runs &ldquo;one time silently.&rdquo; 67 Microsoft is <a href=" ">tricking users to create an account on their network</a> to be able to install and use the Windows operating system, which is malware. The account can be used for surveillance and/or violating people's rights in many ways, such as turning their purchased software to a subscription product. 68 | HP's proprietary operating system <a | href="http{+s+}://">includes a | proprietary keyboard driver with a key logger in it</a>. HP's proprietary operating system <a href=" ">includes a proprietary keyboard driver with a key logger in it</a>. HPs proprietäres Betriebssystem <a href=" " title="HP laptops found to have hidden keylogger, unter: BBC 2017 (Internet Archive).">enthält proprietären Tastaturtreiber mit Keylogger</a>. 70 | Furthermore, for users who installed the fourth stable build of Windows | 10, called the &ldquo;Creators Update,&rdquo; Windows maximized the | surveillance <a | href="{+/+}"> | by force setting the telemetry mode to &ldquo;Full&rdquo;</a>. Furthermore, for users who installed the fourth stable build of Windows 10, called the &ldquo;Creators Update,&rdquo; Windows maximized the surveillance <a href=" "> by force setting the telemetry mode to &ldquo;Full&rdquo;</a>. Für Benutzer, die das 4. stabile Build von Windows 10 installierten, „Creators Update“, maximierte Windows die Überwachung darüber hinaus <a href=" ">durch zwangsweises einstellen des Telemetrie-Verfahrens auf <em>vollständig</em> [„<em>Full</em> Creators Update“, A. d. Ü.]</a>. 71 | The <a | href=""> | &ldquo;Full&rdquo; telemetry mode</a> allows Microsoft Windows engineers | to access, among other things, registry keys <a | [-href="">which-] | {+href=""> | which+} can contain sensitive information like administrator's login | password</a>. The <a href=" "> &ldquo;Full&rdquo; telemetry mode</a> allows Microsoft Windows engineers to access, among other things, registry keys <a href=" "> which can contain sensitive information like administrator's login password</a>. <a href="ändig ">Telemetrie-Stufe „Vollständig“</a> ermöglicht Microsoft Windows-Ingenieuren unter anderem Zugriff auf Registrierungsschlüssel, <a href=" ">die vertrauliche Informationen wie das Administrator-Anmeldekennwort enthalten können</a>. 73 | By default, Windows 10 <a | [-href="">sends-] | {+href="">sends+} | debugging information to Microsoft, including core dumps</a>. Microsoft | now distributes them to another company. By default, Windows 10 <a href=" ">sends debugging information to Microsoft, including core dumps</a>. Microsoft now distributes them to another company. Windows 10 sendet standardmäßig <a href=" // ">Debugging-Informationen an Microsoft, einschließlich Core Dumps</a>. Microsoft vermarktet diese nun an andere Unternehmen. 75 | <a | [-href="">-] | {+href="">+} | Windows 10 comes with 13 screens of snooping options</a>, all enabled by | default, and turning them off would be daunting to most users. <a href=" "> Windows 10 comes with 13 screens of snooping options</a>, all enabled by default, and turning them off would be daunting to most users. <a href=" " title="Bring Your Own Dilemma: OEM Laptops and Windows 10 Security, unter: Duo Security, 2016.">Windows 10 kommt mit 13 Seiten ausschnüffelnden Daten„schutz“einstellungen</a>, alles standardmäßig aktiviert, und deren Deaktivierung wäre für die meisten wohl beängstigend. 78 | A downgrade to Windows 10 deleted surveillance-detection applications. | Then another downgrade inserted a general spying program. Users noticed | this and complained, so Microsoft renamed it <a | [-href="">to-] | {+href=""> | to+} give users the impression it was gone</a>. A downgrade to Windows 10 deleted surveillance-detection applications. Then another downgrade inserted a general spying program. Users noticed this and complained, so Microsoft renamed it <a href=" "> to give users the impression it was gone</a>. Ein „Rückrüsten“ auf Windows 10 löschte die für Sicherheitsüberwachung zuständige Anwendungen. Daraufhin führte ein anderes Downgrade abermals ein allgemeines Spionageorogramm ein. Benutzer bemerkten dies jedoch und klagten, woraufhin Microsoft es umbenannte, <a href=" // " title="Andrew Orlowski, Sneaky Microsoft renamed its data slurper before sticking it back in Windows 10, The Register 2015.">um bei Benutzern den Eindruck zu erwecken, es sei weg</a>. 80 | <a | [-href="">-] | {+href="">+} | Intel devices will be able to listen for speech all the time, even when | &ldquo;off.&rdquo;</a> <a href=" "> Intel devices will be able to listen for speech all the time, even when &ldquo;off.&rdquo;</a> <a href=" // " title="Mike Lowe, Cortana is always listening with new Wake-On-Voice tech, even when Windows 10 is sleeping">Geräte von Intel werden selbst bei „ausgeschalteten“ Zustand in der Lage sein, die ganze Zeit der Sprache, sprich der Umgebung, zu lauschen</a>. 81 | <a | href="http{+s+}://"> | Windows 10 sends identifiable information to Microsoft</a>, even if a user | turns off its Bing search and Cortana features, and activates the | privacy-protection settings. <a href=" "> Windows 10 sends identifiable information to Microsoft</a>, even if a user turns off its Bing search and Cortana features, and activates the privacy-protection settings. <a href=" // " title="Even when told not to, Windows 10 just can't stop talking to Microsoft, unter: 2015.">Windows 10 sendet identifizierbare Daten an Microsoft</a>, selbst wenn seine Bing-Suche und besondere Cortana-Eigenschaften deaktiviert und „Schutz für die Privatsphäre“-Einstellungen aktiviert sind. 82 | Windows 10 <a | [-href="">-] | {+href="">+} | ships with default settings that show no regard for the privacy of its | users</a>, giving Microsoft the &ldquo;right&rdquo; to snoop on the users' | files, text input, voice input, location info, contacts, calendar records | and web browsing history, as well as automatically connecting the machines | to open hotspots and showing targeted ads. Windows 10 <a href=" "> ships with default settings that show no regard for the privacy of its users</a>, giving Microsoft the &ldquo;right&rdquo; to snoop on the users' files, text input, voice input, location info, contacts, calendar records and web browsing history, as well as automatically connecting the machines to open hotspots and showing targeted ads. Windows 10 wird <a href=" ">mit Standardeinstellungen ausgeliefert, die keinerlei Rücksicht auf die Privatsphäre seiner Nutzerinnen und Nutzer nimmt</a>, was Microsoft das „Recht“ gibt Nutzer-Dateien, Text- und Spracheingaben, Ortsangaben, Kontakte, Termine und den Internetverlauf auszuschnüffeln sowie Rechner automatisch mit offenen Hotspots zu verbinden und personenbezogene Werbung einzublenden. 84 | Microsoft uses Windows 10's &ldquo;privacy policy&rdquo; to overtly impose | a &ldquo;right&rdquo; to look at users' files at any time. Windows 10 full | disk encryption <a | [-href="">-] | {+href="">+} | gives Microsoft a key</a>. Microsoft uses Windows 10's &ldquo;privacy policy&rdquo; to overtly impose a &ldquo;right&rdquo; to look at users' files at any time. Windows 10 full disk encryption <a href=" "> gives Microsoft a key</a>. Microsoft verwendet Windows 10 „Datenschutzerklärung“ um unverhohlen ein „Recht“ aufzuerlegen, jederzeit Nutzerdaten ausspähen zu können. Die Windows-10-Festplattenverschlüsselung <a href=" " title="Microsoft's new small print – how your personal data is (ab)used, unter: 2015.">übergibt Microsoft dafür eigens einen Schlüssel</a>. 88 This is a preview version, no final: not suited for productive application | It only gets worse with time. <a | href="http{+s+}://"> | Windows 10 requires users to give permission for total snooping</a>, | including their files, their commands, their text input, and their voice | input. It only gets worse with time. <a href=" "> Windows 10 requires users to give permission for total snooping</a>, including their files, their commands, their text input, and their voice input. Es wird immer schlimmer: <a href=" // " title="Microsoft's Windows 10 has permission to spy on you, unter: 2014.">Windows 10 verlangt die Erlaubnis zum totalen Ausschnüffeln</a>, einschließlich sämtlicher Dateien, der Befehlssätze sowie der Text- und Spracheingaben. 89 | <a | [-href="">-] | {+href="">+} | Microsoft SkyDrive allows the NSA to directly examine users' data</a>. <a href=" "> Microsoft SkyDrive allows the NSA to directly examine users' data</a>. <a href=" // " title="Microsoft openly offered cloud data to support NSA PRISM programme, unter: 2014."><b>Microsoft SkyDrive</b> ermöglicht der NSA direkte Auswertung von Nutzerdaten</a>.<a href="#tn08" class="transnote">[8]</a><a href="#tn09" class="transnote">[9]</a> 90 | <a | [-href="">-] | {+href="">+} | Baidu's Japanese-input and Chinese-input apps spy on [-users.</a>-] | {+users</a>.+} <a href=" "> Baidu's Japanese-input and Chinese-input apps spy on users</a>. <a href=" " title="Japanese government warns Baidu IME is spying on users, CBS Interactive 2018."> Baidus Eingabemethode-App späht Nutzer aus.</a> 91 | Spyware in {+older versions of+} Windows: <a | [-href="">-] | {+href="">+} | Windows Update snoops on the [-user.</a>-] {+user</a>.+} <a | [-href="">-] | {+href="">+} | Windows 8.1 snoops on local searches[-.-]</a>. And there's a <a | href="">{+ +}secret NSA | key in Windows</a>, whose functions we don't know. Spyware in older versions of Windows: <a href=" "> Windows Update snoops on the user</a>. <a href=" "> Windows 8.1 snoops on local searches</a>. And there's a <a href=""> secret NSA key in Windows</a>, whose functions we don't know. Spionageprogramme in Windows: <a href=" " title="Windows Update keeps tabs on all system software, unter: 2003.">Windows Update spioniert Nutzer aus</a>; <a href=" " title="A look at the black underbelly of Windows 8.1 'Blue', unter: 2013.">Windows 8.1 schnüffelt in lokaler Suche herum</a>; und es gibt einen <a href="" title="NSA Built Back Door In All Microsoft Windows Software Since 1999, unter: 2013.">geheimen NSA-Schlüssel in Windows</a>, dessen Funktionen wir nicht kennen. 92 Microsoft's snooping on users did not start with Windows 10. There's a lot more <a href=" /proprietary/malware-microsoft.html "> Microsoft malware</a>. Microsofts ausspionieren von Nutzern fing nicht erst mit Windows 10 an. Es gibt noch eine Menge mehr <a href=" /proprietary/malware-microsoft " title="Microsofts Software ist Schadsoftware, unter: 2014 ff.">Schadprogramme von Microsoft</a>. 94 <span class="anchor-reference-id">(<a href=" #SpywareInMacOS ">#SpywareInMacOS</a>)</span> 95 Apple has <a href=" ">implemented a malware in its computers that imposes surveillance</a> on users and reports users' computing to Apple. 97 Adware Doctor, an ad blocker for MacOS, <a href=" ">reports the user's browsing history</a>. 98 (" ") unnecessary inconvenience!!!#. type: Content of: <ul><li><p> | Apple has made various <a | href="http{+s+}://"> | MacOS programs send files to Apple servers without asking permission</a>. | This exposes the files to Big Brother and perhaps to other snoops. Apple has made various <a href=" "> MacOS programs send files to Apple servers without asking permission</a>. This exposes the files to Big Brother and perhaps to other snoops. Apple hat verschiedenen <a href=" // " title="Apple users raise privacy concerns after hard-drive files uploaded to servers, unter: 2014.">Mac OS-Programmen Dateien an Apple-Server ohne vorherige Zustimmung senden lassen</a>. Das setzt die Dateien dem Großen Bruder und vielleicht anderen Schnüffeleien aus. 100 | [-<a | href="">-]MacOS | automatically {+<a | href="">+} | sends to Apple servers unsaved documents being edited</a>. The [-<a | href=";utm_medium=twitter/">-] | things you have not decided to save are {+<a | href=";utm_medium=twitter/">+} | even more [-sensitive-] {+sensitive</a>+} than the things you have stored | in [-files</a>.-] {+files.+} MacOS automatically <a href=" "> sends to Apple servers unsaved documents being edited</a>. The things you have not decided to save are <a href=";utm_medium=twitter/ "> even more sensitive</a> than the things you have stored in files. <a href=" // " title="How one man's private files ended up on Apple's iCloud without his consent, unter: 2014."> <em>Ungespeicherte</em> [iCloud-Apps-]Dokumente automatisch in iCloud gespeichert.</a> Die <a href=";utm_medium=twitter " title="Apple Copies Your Files Without Your Knowledge or Consent, unter: 2014.">Dinge, bei denen man sich entschieden hat sie nicht zu speichern, sind noch heikler als die Dinge, die man in Dateien gespeichert hat</a>. 101 | Apple admits the <a | href="http{+s+}://"> | spying in a search facility</a>, but there's a lot <a | href=""> more snooping | that Apple has not talked about</a>. Apple admits the <a href=" "> spying in a search facility</a>, but there's a lot <a href=""> more snooping that Apple has not talked about</a>. Apple räumt die <a href=" // " title="Spotlight Suggestions in OS X Yosemite and iOS: Are You Staying Private?, unter: 2014.">Bespitzelung von Suchmöglichkeiten</a> ein, aber es gibt noch viel <a href="" title="fix-macosx/yosemite-phone-home, unter: 2014.">mehr unerwähnte Schnüffelei</a>. 102 | Various operations in <a | href="http{+s+}://"> | the latest MacOS send reports to Apple</a> servers. Various operations in <a href=" "> the latest MacOS send reports to Apple</a> servers. Safari und Spotlight <a href=" // " title="Safari and Spotlight Can Send Data to Apple, Here's How to Turn it Off. unter: 2014.">senden Berichte an Apple</a>-Server. 103 | <a | href="http{+s+}://"> | Spotlight search</a> sends users' search terms to Apple. <a href=" "> Spotlight search</a> sends users' search terms to Apple. <a href=" // " title="Privacy advocates worry over new Apple iPhone tracking feature, unter: 2014.">Spotlight-Suche</a> sendet Suchbegriffe der Nutzer an Apple. 104 There's a lot more <a href="#SpywareIniThings">iThing spyware</a>, and <a href=" /proprietary/malware-apple.html ">Apple malware</a>. Es gibt noch viel mehr Beispiele für <a href="#SpywareIniThings">Spionagesoftware in iDingern</a> und <a href=" /proprietary/malware-apple ">Schadsoftware von Apple</a>. 105 | [-<a href="#SpywareAtLowLevel">Spyware at Low Level</a>-]{+<span | id="SpywareAtLowLevel"></span>+} <span id=" SpywareAtLowLevel "></span> <a href=" #SpywareAtLowLevel ">Spionageprogramme auf niedrigem Niveau</a> 107 <span class="anchor-reference-id">(<a href=" #SpywareInBIOS ">#SpywareInBIOS</a>)</span> 108 | <a | [-href="">-] | {+href="">+} | Lenovo stealthily installed crapware and spyware via BIOS</a> on Windows | installs. Note that the specific sabotage method Lenovo used did not | affect GNU/Linux; also, a &ldquo;clean&rdquo; Windows install is not | really clean since <a | href="/proprietary/malware-microsoft.html">Microsoft puts in its own | malware</a>. <a href=" "> Lenovo stealthily installed crapware and spyware via BIOS</a> on Windows installs. Note that the specific sabotage method Lenovo used did not affect GNU/Linux; also, a &ldquo;clean&rdquo; Windows install is not really clean since <a href=" /proprietary/malware-microsoft.html ">Microsoft puts in its own malware</a>. <a href=" " title="Lenovo collects usage data on ThinkPad, ThinkCentre and ThinkStation PCs, unter: 2015.">Lenovo installiert(e) heimlich <i>unerwünschte vorinstallierte Software</i> („Crapware“) via BIOS</a> auf Windows-Installationen. <em>Beachten Sie</em>, dass diese konkrete von Lenovo verwendete <strong>Sabotage-Methode keinerlei Einfluss auf GNU-Systeme</strong> (mit Linux-Kern) hatte; auch ist eine „saubere“ Windows-Installation nicht wirklich sauber, da <a href=" /proprietary/malware-microsoft ">Microsoft eigene Schadprogramme einbaut</a>. 110 <span class="anchor-reference-id">(<a href=" #SpywareOnMobiles ">#SpywareOnMobiles</a>)</span> 112 <span class="anchor-reference-id">(<a href=" #SpywareInTelephones ">#SpywareInTelephones</a>)</span> 113 <a href=" ">El Salvador Dictatorship's Chivo wallet is spyware</a>, it's a proprietary program that breaks users' freedom and spies on people; demands personal data such as the national ID number and does face recognition, and it is bad security for its data. It also asks for almost every malware permission in people's smartphones. 114 The article criticizes it for faults in &ldquo;data protection&rdquo;, though <a href=" /philosophy/surveillance-vs-democracy.html ">&ldquo;data protection&rdquo; is the wrong approach to privacy anyway</a>. 115 <a href=" ">Almost all proprietary health apps harvest users' data</a>, including sensitive health information, tracking identifiers, and cookies to track user activities. Some of these applications are tracking users across different platforms. 116 The proprietary program Clubhouse is malware and a privacy disaster. Clubhouse <a href=" ">collects people's personal data such as recordings of people's conversations</a>, and, as a secondary problem, does not encrypt them, which shows a bad security part of the issue. 119 As of 2021, WhatsApp (one of Facebook's subsidiaries) is <a href=" ">forcing its users to hand over sensitive personal data</a> to its parent company. This increases Facebook's power over users, and further jeopardizes people's privacy and security. 120 Instead of WhatsApp you can use <a href=" ">GNU Jami</a>, which is free software and will not collect your data. 121 Most apps are malware, but Trump's campaign app, like Modi's campaign app, is <a href=" "> especially nasty malware, helping companies snoop on users as well as snooping on them itself</a>. 123 Tiny Lab Productions, along with online ad businesses run by Google, Twitter and three other companies are facing a lawsuit <a href=" ">for violating people's privacy by collecting their data from mobile games and handing over these data to other companies/advertisers</a>. 124 | The natural extension of monitoring people through &ldquo;their&rdquo; | phones is <a | [-href="">-] | {+href="">+} | proprietary software to make sure they can't &ldquo;fool&rdquo; the | monitoring</a>. The natural extension of monitoring people through &ldquo;their&rdquo; phones is <a href=" "> proprietary software to make sure they can't &ldquo;fool&rdquo; the monitoring</a>. Der natürliche verlängerte Arm der Überwachung der Menschen mittels „ihrer” Smartphones ist <a href=" // " title="Marla Paul, You Can't Fool This Activity Tracker, Northwestern University 2016.">proprietäre Software, um sicherstellen zu können, dass sie die Überwachung nicht „austricksen“</a>. 125 | According to Edward Snowden, <a | href="http{+s+}://">agencies can take over | smartphones</a> by sending hidden text messages which enable them to turn | the phones on and off, listen to the microphone, retrieve geo-location | data from the GPS, take photographs, read text messages, read call, | location and web browsing history, and read the contact list. This malware | is designed to disguise itself from investigation. According to Edward Snowden, <a href=" ">agencies can take over smartphones</a> by sending hidden text messages which enable them to turn the phones on and off, listen to the microphone, retrieve geo-location data from the GPS, take photographs, read text messages, read call, location and web browsing history, and read the contact list. This malware is designed to disguise itself from investigation. <a href=" // ">Behörden können Smartphones per versteckter Textnachrichten übernehmen</a>, wodurch diese ein- bzw. ausgeschaltet, das Mikrofon abgehört, Geo-Positionsdaten via GPS abgerufen, fotografiert, SMS-Nachrichten, Telefonate, Positions- und Webbrowser-Verläufe und die Kontakte ausgelesen werden können, so Edward Snowden. Dieses Schadprogramm ist so entworfen, bei Untersuchungen etwas völlig anderes vorzugaukeln. 126 | <a | [-href="">-] | {+href="">+} | The NSA can tap data in smart phones, including iPhones, Android, and | BlackBerry</a>. While there is not much detail here, it seems that this | does not operate via the universal back door that we know nearly all | portable phones have. It may involve exploiting various bugs. There are | <a | [-href="">-] | {+href="">+} | lots of bugs in the phones' radio software</a>. <a href=" "> The NSA can tap data in smart phones, including iPhones, Android, and BlackBerry</a>. While there is not much detail here, it seems that this does not operate via the universal back door that we know nearly all portable phones have. It may involve exploiting various bugs. There are <a href=" "> lots of bugs in the phones' radio software</a>. <a href=" // ">Der US-Geheimdienst NSA kann sich Zugang zu iPhone- und BlackBerry-Geräten sowie zu Geräten mit Android-Betriebssystem verschaffen</a>. Es gibt zwar kaum Details, es scheint aber, dass dies nicht über die universelle Hintertür funktioniert, von der wir wissen, dass sie nahezu alle tragbaren Telefone haben. Dies kann verschiedene ausnutzbare Programmfehler einschließen. Es gibt viele <a href=" // ">Programmfehler in der Mobilfunksoftware von Mobiltelefonen</a>. 127 | Portable phones with GPS {+<a | href="">+} | will send their GPS location on remote command{+,+} and users cannot stop | [-them: <a | href=""> |</a>.-] | {+them</a>.+} (The US says it will eventually require all new portable | phones to have GPS.) Portable phones with GPS <a href=" "> will send their GPS location on remote command, and users cannot stop them</a>. (The US says it will eventually require all new portable phones to have GPS.) Smartphones mit GPS senden per Remotebefehl ihren GPS-Standort und Nutzer können dies nicht unterbinden: <a href=" // " title="How the Government Is Tracking Your Movements, unter: 2014.">Wie die Regierung Ihre Bewegungen verfolgt</a> (die USA sagen, sie würden letzten Endes verlangen, dass alle neuen mobilen Telefone GPS haben). 129 <span class="anchor-reference-id">(<a href=" #SpywareIniThings ">#SpywareIniThings</a>)</span> 130 <a href=" "> The iMonsters' app store client programs collect many kinds of data</a> about the user's actions and private communications. &ldquo;Do not track&rdquo; options are available, but tracking doesn't stop if the user activates them: Apple keeps on collecting data for itself, although it claims not to send it to third parties. 131 <a href=" "> Apple is being sued</a> for that. 132 <a href=" ">Apple is moving its Chinese customers' iCloud data to a datacenter controlled by the Chinese government</a>. Apple is already storing the encryption keys on these servers, obeying Chinese authority, making all Chinese user data available to the government. 133 Facebook <a href=" ">snoops on Instagram</a> users by surreptitously turning on the device's camera. 134 Apple whistleblower Thomas Le Bonniec reports that Apple made a practice of surreptitiously activating the Siri software to <a href=" "> record users' conversations when they had not activated Siri</a>. This was not just occasional, it was systematic practice. 137 Safari occasionally <a href=" "> sends browsing data from Apple devices in China to the Tencent Safe Browsing service</a>, to check URLs that possibly correspond to &ldquo;fraudulent&rdquo; websites. Since Tencent collaborates with the Chinese government, its Safe Browsing black list most certainly contains the websites of political opponents. By linking the requests originating from single IP addresses, the government can identify dissenters in China and Hong Kong, thus endangering their lives. 138 In spite of Apple's supposed commitment to privacy, iPhone apps contain trackers that are busy at night <a href=" "> sending users' personal information to third parties</a>. 147 | (From <a [-href="">Apple's-] | {+href="">Apple's+} | iCloud information</a> as accessed on 24 Sep 2015.) The iCloud feature is | <a href="">activated by the | startup of iOS</a>. The term &ldquo;cloud&rdquo; means &ldquo;please don't | ask where.&rdquo; (From <a href=" ">Apple's iCloud information</a> as accessed on 24 Sep 2015.) The iCloud feature is <a href="">activated by the startup of iOS</a>. The term &ldquo;cloud&rdquo; means &ldquo;please don't ask where.&rdquo; Quelle: <a href=" ">Apple – iCloud – Fotos:</a>, unter: (abgerufen: 2015-09-24)<br />Das iCloud-Feature wird <a href="">beim Startvorgang von iOS aktiviert</a>. Der Begriff <em>„Cloud“</em> bzw. <em>„Datenwolke“</em> bedeutet soviel wie <em>‚Bitte stell' keine Fragen wo <ins>(meine Daten gespeichert und verarbeitet werden)</ins>‘</em>. 148 There is a way to <a href=" "> deactivate iCloud</a>, but it's active by default so it still counts as a surveillance functionality. Es gibt eine Möglichkeit, <a href=" " title="Häufig gestellte Fragen zu iCloud Drive, unter:">iCloud deaktivieren</a> zu können, sie ist jedoch standardmäßig aktiviert, so dass sie noch immer als Überwachungsfunktion gewertet wird. 150 | Apple can, and regularly does, <a | [-href="">-] | {+href="">+} | remotely extract some data from iPhones for the state</a>. Apple can, and regularly does, <a href=" "> remotely extract some data from iPhones for the state</a>. Apple kann <a href=" // " title="New guidelines outline what iPhone data Apple can give to police, unter: 2014.">aus der Ferne irgendwelche Daten von iPhones für Vater Staat anzapfen</a>&#160;&#8209;&#160;und macht es regelmäßig. 151 | This may have improved with <a | [-href="">-] | {+href="">+} | iOS 8 security improvements</a>; but <a | [-href="">-] | {+href="">+} not as much | as Apple claims</a>. This may have improved with <a href=" "> iOS 8 security improvements</a>; but <a href=" "> not as much as Apple claims</a>. Dies mag sich mit den jüngsten <a href=" // " title="Apple will no longer unlock most iPhones, iPads for police, even with search warrants, unter: 2014.">iOS 8-Sicherheitsverbesserungen</a> gebessert haben, allerdings <a href=" " title="Apple Still Has Plenty of Your Data for the Feds, unter: 2014.">nicht so sehr wie es Apple behauptet</a>. 152 | <a | href="http{+s+}://"> | Several &ldquo;features&rdquo; of iOS seem to exist for no possible | purpose other than surveillance</a>. Here is the <a | href=""> | Technical presentation</a>. <a href=" "> Several &ldquo;features&rdquo; of iOS seem to exist for no possible purpose other than surveillance</a>. Here is the <a href=" "> Technical presentation</a>. <a href=" // " title="iPhone 'backdoors' can be used for surveillance, warns researcher, unter: 2014.">Einige „Merkmale“ von iOS scheinen aus keinem anderen Zweck außer der Überwachung vorhanden zu sein</a>. Hier eine technische <a href=" // " type="application/pdf" title="Jonathan Zdziarski, Identifying Back Doors, Attack Points, and Surveillance Mechanisms in iOS Devices, unter: 2014.">Präsentation</a>. 153 | The <a class="not-a-duplicate" | href="http{+s+}://"> | iBeacon</a> lets stores determine exactly where the iThing is, and get | other info too. The <a class="not-a-duplicate" href=" "> iBeacon</a> lets stores determine exactly where the iThing is, and get other info too. <a href=" // " title="Privacy advocates worry over new Apple iPhone tracking feature, unter: 2014." class="not-a-duplicate">iBeacon</a> lässt Filialen genau bestimmen, wo sich ein iDing befindet und holt sich natürlich auch andere Informationen. 154 | <a | [-href="">-] | {+href="">+} | Either Apple helps the NSA snoop on all the data in an iThing, or it is | totally [-incompetent.</a>-] {+incompetent</a>.+} <a href=" "> Either Apple helps the NSA snoop on all the data in an iThing, or it is totally incompetent</a>. <a href=" // " title="How The NSA Hacks Your iPhone (Presenting DROPOUT JEEP), unter: 2013.">Apple hilft der NSA entweder in all den Daten in einem iDing herumzuschnüffeln</a> oder ist völlig unfähig.<a href="#tn02" id="tn02-ref" class="transnote">[2]</a><a href="#tn03" id="tn03-ref" class="transnote">[3]</a><a href="#tn04" id="tn04-ref" class="transnote">[4]</a> 155 | The iThing also <a | [-href="">-] | {+href="">+} | tells Apple its geolocation</a> by default, though that can be turned off. The iThing also <a href=" "> tells Apple its geolocation</a> by default, though that can be turned off. Das iDing <ins>erhebt Bewegungsprofile und</ins> teilt Apple standardmäßig die <a href=" // " title="Apple: Of course we stalk your EVERY move. iOS 7 has a new map to prove it, unter: 2013.">genaue Ortung</a> mit&#160;&#8209;&#160;aber das kann abgeschaltet werden. 156 | There is also a feature for web sites to track users, which is <a | href="http{+s+}://"> | enabled by default</a>. (That article talks about iOS 6, but it is still | true in iOS 7.) There is also a feature for web sites to track users, which is <a href=" "> enabled by default</a>. (That article talks about iOS 6, but it is still true in iOS 7.) Ebenfalls ist eine Eigenschaft für Internetpräsenzen enthalten, die <a href=" // " title="Apple resumes User Tracking with iOS 6. Here's how to disable it, unter: 2012.">Nutzer standardmäßig aktiv verfolgt</a> (in dem Artikel geht es um iOS 6, er trifft aber auch auf iOS 7 zu). 159 <span class="anchor-reference-id">(<a href=" #SpywareInAndroid ">#SpywareInAndroid</a>)</span> 160 Baidu apps were <a href=" "> caught collecting sensitive personal data</a> that can be used for lifetime tracking of users, and putting them in danger. More than 1.4 billion people worldwide are affected by these proprietary apps, and users' privacy is jeopardized by this surveillance tool. Data collected by Baidu may be handed over to the Chinese government, possibly putting Chinese people in danger. 161 Samsung is forcing its smartphone users in Hong Kong (and Macau) <a href=" ">to use a public DNS in Mainland China</a>, using software update released in September 2020, which causes many unease and privacy concerns. 162 Xiaomi phones <a href=" ">report many actions the user takes</a>: starting an app, looking at a folder, visiting a website, listening to a song. They send device identifying information too. 163 Other nonfree programs snoop too. For instance, Spotify and other streaming dis-services make a dossier about each user, and <a href=" /malware/proprietary-surveillance.html#M201508210 "> they make users identify themselves to pay</a>. Out, out, damned Spotify! 165 Facebook's app got &ldquo;consent&rdquo; to <a href=" "> upload call logs automatically from Android phones</a> while disguising what the &ldquo;consent&rdquo; was for. 166 An Android phone was observed to track location even while in airplane mode. It didn't send the location data while in airplane mode. Instead, <a href=" "> it saved up the data, and sent them all later</a>. 167 | Android tracks location for Google <a | [-href="">-] | {+href="">+} | even when &ldquo;location services&rdquo; are turned off, even when the | phone has no SIM card</a>. Android tracks location for Google <a href=" "> even when &ldquo;location services&rdquo; are turned off, even when the phone has no SIM card</a>. Android verfolgt den Standort für Google <a href=" " title="Investigation Finds Google Collected Location Data Even With Location Services Turned Off, unter: Techdirt 2017.">auch dann, wenn „Standortdienste” deaktiviert sind, selbst wenn das Telefon keine SIM-Karte hat</a>. 168 | Some portable phones <a | href="http{+s+}://">are | sold with spyware sending lots of data to China</a>. Some portable phones <a href=" ">are sold with spyware sending lots of data to China</a>. Mehrere Mobilgeräte <a href=" " title="Kryptowire Discovered Mobile Phone Firmware That Transmitted Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Without User Consent Or Disclosure, 2016 (Internet Archive).">senden große Datenmengen nach China</a>. 171 | Samsung phones come with <a | href="http{+s+}://">apps | that users can't delete</a>, and they send so much data that their | transmission is a substantial expense for users. Said transmission, not | wanted or requested by the user, clearly must constitute spying of some | kind. Samsung phones come with <a href=" ">apps that users can't delete</a>, and they send so much data that their transmission is a substantial expense for users. Said transmission, not wanted or requested by the user, clearly must constitute spying of some kind. Samsung-Smartphones werden mit <a href=" // " title="Samsung sued for loading devices with unremovable crapware (in China), unter: 2015.">Applikationen, die Nutzer nicht entfernen können</a> vorinstalliert, und sie senden so viel Daten, deren Übermittlung erhebliche Kosten verursacht. Die besagte Übermittlung, nicht vom Nutzer gewollt oder abgefordert, stellt eindeutig eine Art von Ausspionieren dar. 173 | Spyware in Android phones (and Windows? laptops): The Wall Street Journal | (in an article blocked from us by a paywall) reports that <a | href="http{+s+}://"> | the FBI can remotely activate the GPS and microphone in Android phones and | [-laptops</a>. (I suspect this means-] {+laptops</a> (presumably+} | Windows [-laptops.)-] {+laptops).+} Here is <a | href="http{+s+}://">more info</a>. Spyware in Android phones (and Windows? laptops): The Wall Street Journal (in an article blocked from us by a paywall) reports that <a href=" "> the FBI can remotely activate the GPS and microphone in Android phones and laptops</a> (presumably Windows laptops). Here is <a href=" ">more info</a>. Spionageprogramme in Android-Telefonen (und Windows-Laptops?): Die amerikanische Tageszeitung <span xml:lang="en" lang="en">The Wall Street Journal</span> berichtet (in einem von uns durch eine Bezahlschranke blockierten Artikel), dass die <a href=" " title="FBI can remotely activate Android and laptop microphones, reports WSJ, unter: 2013.">amerikanische Bundespolizei FBI aus der Ferne GPS und Mikrofon in Android-Telefonen und Laptops aktivieren kann</a> (vermutlich bedeutet dies Windows-Laptops). Hier gibt es <a href=" " title=" FBI Taps Hacker Tactics to Spy on Suspects , unter: 2013.">weitere Informationen</a>. 174 | Spyware is present in some Android devices when they are sold. Some | Motorola [-phones modify-] {+phones, made when this company was owned by | Google, use a modified version of+} Android [-to-] {+that+} <a | href=""> | send{+s+} personal data to Motorola</a>. Spyware is present in some Android devices when they are sold. Some Motorola phones, made when this company was owned by Google, use a modified version of Android that <a href=" "> sends personal data to Motorola</a>. In einigen Android-Geräten ist bereits bei Verkauf Software zum Ausspähen vorhanden. In einigen Motorola-Telefonen wurde Android modifiziert um <a href=" // " title=" Motorola Is Listening, unter: 2013.">persönliche Daten an Motorola</a> zu senden. 175 | A Motorola phone <a | [-href="">-] | {+href="">+} | listens for voice all the time</a>. A Motorola phone <a href=" "> listens for voice all the time</a>. Ein Motorola-Telefon <a href=" // " title="Ryan Whitwam, Motorola's new X8 ARM chip: Underpinning the always-on future of Android, unter: ">lauscht die ganze Zeit der Stimme</a>. 176 | Google Play intentionally sends app developers <a | [-href="">-] | {+href="">+} | the personal details of users that install the app</a>. Google Play intentionally sends app developers <a href=" "> the personal details of users that install the app</a>. <b>Google Play</b> sendet App-Entwicklern vorsätzlich <a href=" // " title="Google Play Store policy raises privacy concerns, unter: 2013.">persönliche Details von Nutzern, die die App installieren</a>. 179 | Some manufacturers add a <a | href="http{+s+}://"> | hidden general surveillance package such as Carrier [-IQ.</a>-] {+IQ</a>.+} Some manufacturers add a <a href=" "> hidden general surveillance package such as Carrier IQ</a>. Einige Hersteller fügen ein <a href=" // " title="What is Carrier IQ?, unter: 2011.">verstecktes allgemeines Überwachungspaket wie Carrier IQ</a> hinzu. 181 <span class="anchor-reference-id">(<a href=" #SpywareInElectronicReaders ">#SpywareInElectronicReaders</a>)</span> 183 | Adobe made &ldquo;Digital Editions,&rdquo; the e-reader used by most US | libraries, <a | [-href="">-] | {+href="">+} | send lots of data to Adobe</a>. Adobe's &ldquo;excuse&rdquo;: it's needed | to check DRM! Adobe made &ldquo;Digital Editions,&rdquo; the e-reader used by most US libraries, <a href=" "> send lots of data to Adobe</a>. Adobe's &ldquo;excuse&rdquo;: it's needed to check DRM! <b>Adobe Digital Editions</b>, die von US-Biblioteken meist genutzte Software zum Betrachten von elektronischen Büchern, spitzelt Nutzer aus und <a href=" // " title="Adobe Digital Editions 4 Spies on Users - Because of DRM, unter: 2014.">sendet viele Daten an Adobe</a>. Adobes „Entschuldigtung“ dafür: es sei zur Überprüfung von DRM erforderlich! 186 | <span class="anchor-reference-id">(<a | [-href="#SpywareIniThings">#SpywareIniThings</a>)</span>-] | {+href="#SpywareInApplications">#SpywareInApplications</a>)</span>+} <span class="anchor-reference-id">(<a href=" #SpywareInApplications ">#SpywareInApplications</a>)</span> 187 Edge <a href=" ">sends the URLs of images the user views to Microsoft's servers</a> by default, supposedly to &ldquo;enhance&rdquo; them. And these images <a href=" /proprietary/proprietary-surveillance.html#M201405140 ">may end up on the NSA's servers</a>. 188 Microsoft claims its nonfree browser sends the URLs without identifying you, which cannot be true, since at least your IP address is known to the server if you don't take extra measures. Either way, such enhancer service is unjust because any image editing <a href=" /philosophy/who-does-that-server-really-serve.html ">should be done on your own computer using installed free software</a>. 189 The article describes how to disable sending the URLs. That makes a change for the better, but we suggest that you instead switch to a freedom-respecting browser with additional privacy features such as <a href=" /software/gnuzilla/ ">IceCat</a>. 190 Some employers are <a href=" "> forcing employees to run &ldquo;monitoring software&rdquo;</a> on their computers. These extremely intrusive proprietary programs can take screenshots at regular intervals, log keystrokes, record audio and video, etc. Such practices have been shown to <a href=" "> deteriorate employees' well-being</a>, and trade unions in the European union have voiced their concerns about them. The requirement for employee's consent, which exists in some countries, is a sham because most often the employee is not free to refuse. In short, these practices should be abolished. 191 A worldwide investigation found that most of the applications that school districts recommended for remote education during the COVID-19 pandemic <a href=" ">track and collect personal data from children as young as below the age of five</a>. These applications, and their websites, send the collected information to ad giants such as Facebook and Google, and they are still being used in the classrooms even after some of the schools reopened. 194 | <span class="anchor-reference-id">(<a | [-href="#SpywareInMobileApps">#SpywareInMobileApps</a>)</span>-] | {+href="#SpywareInDesktopApps">#SpywareInDesktopApps</a>)</span>+} <span class="anchor-reference-id">(<a href=" #SpywareInDesktopApps ">#SpywareInDesktopApps</a>)</span> 195 Microsoft's Office 365 suite enables employers <a href=" ">to snoop on each employee</a>. After a public outburst, Microsoft stated that <a href=" ">it would remove this capability</a>. Let's hope so. 196 Some Avast and AVG extensions for Firefox and Chrome were found to <a href=" "> snoop on users' detailed browsing habits</a>. Mozilla and Google removed the problematic extensions from their stores, but this shows once more how unsafe nonfree software can be. Tools that are supposed to protect a proprietary system are, instead, infecting it with additional malware (the system itself being the original malware). 197 As of April 2019, it is <a href=" ">no longer possible to disable an unscrupulous tracking anti-feature</a> that <a href=" ">reports users when they follow ping links</a> in Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Opera, Microsoft Edge and also in the upcoming Microsoft Edge that is going to be based on Chromium. 198 Foundry's graphics software <a href=" "> reports information to identify who is running it</a>. The result is often a legal threat demanding a lot of money. 202 <span class="anchor-reference-id">(<a href=" #SpywareInMobileApps ">#SpywareInMobileApps</a>)</span> 203 The Pinduoduo app <a href=" "> snoops on other apps, and takes control of them</a>. It also installs additional malware that is hard to remove. 204 Canada has fined the company Tim Hortons for making <a href=" "> an app that tracks people's movements</a> to learn things such as where they live, where they work, and when they visit competitors' stores. 205 New Amazon worker chat app <a href=" ">would ban specific words Amazon doesn't like</a>, such as &ldquo;union&rdquo;, &ldquo;restrooms&rdquo;, and &ldquo;pay raise&rdquo;. If the app was free, workers could modify the program so it acts as they wish, not how Amazon wants it. 206 The nonfree app &ldquo;Along,&rdquo; developed by a company controlled by Zuckerberg, <a href=" "> leads students to reveal to their teacher personal information</a> about themselves and their families. Conversations are recorded and the collected data sent to the company, which grants itself the right to sell it. See also <a href=" /education/educational-malware-app-along.html#content ">Educational Malware App &ldquo;Along&rdquo;</a>. 207 The data broker X-Mode <a href=" ">bought location data about 20,000 people collected by around 100 different malicious apps</a>. 208 A building in LA, with a supermarket in it, <a href=" ">demands customers load a particular app to pay for parking in the parking lot</a>, and accept pervasive surveillance. They also have the option of entering their license plate numbers in a kiosk. That is an injustice, too. 209 <a href=" ">TikTok apps collect biometric identifiers and biometric information from users' smartphones</a>. The company behind it does whatever it wants and collects whatever data it can. 210 The <a href=" ">WeddingWire app saves people's wedding photos forever and hands over data to others</a>, giving users no control over their personal information/data. The app also sometimes shows old photos and memories to users, without giving them any control over this either. 211 Many cr&hellip;apps, developed by various companies for various organizations, do <a href=" "> location tracking unknown to those companies and those organizations</a>. It's actually some widely used libraries that do the tracking. 213 The Apple iOS version of Zoom <a href=" ">is sending users' data to Facebook</a> even if the user doesn't have a Facebook account. According to the article, Zoom and Facebook don't even mention this surveillance on their privacy policy page, making this an obvious violation of people's privacy even in their own terms. 214 The Alipay Health Code app estimates whether the user has Covid-19 and <a href=" "> tells the cops directly</a>. 215 | The Amazon [-&ldquo;Smart&rdquo; TV-] {+Ring app does+} <a | [-href="">is | snooping all the time</a>.-] | {+href=""> | surveillance for other companies as well as for Amazon</a>.+} The Amazon Ring app does <a href=" "> surveillance for other companies as well as for Amazon</a>. Amazons „intelligentes“ Fernsehen <a href=" // " title="Amazon's Echo and the smart TVs that are listening to and watching everything you do, unter: 2014.">schnüffelt immer aus</a>. 216 The ToToc messaging app seems to be a <a href=" "> spying tool for the government of the United Arab Emirates</a>. Any nonfree program could be doing this, and that is a good reason to use free software instead. 218 iMonsters and Android phones, when used for work, give employers powerful <a href=" "> snooping and sabotage capabilities</a> if they install their own software on the device. Many employers demand to do this. For the employee, this is simply nonfree software, as fundamentally unjust and as dangerous as any other nonfree software. 219 The Chinese Communist Party's &ldquo;Study the Great Nation&rdquo; app requires users to grant it <a href=" "> access to the phone's microphone, photos, text messages, contacts, and internet history</a>, and the Android version was found to contain a back-door allowing developers to run any code they wish in the users' phone, as &ldquo;superusers.&rdquo; Downloading and using this app is mandatory at some workplaces. 220 Note: The <a href=" "> Washington Post version of the article</a> (partly obfuscated, but readable after copy-pasting in a text editor) includes a clarification saying that the tests were only performed on the Android version of the app, and that, according to Apple, &ldquo;this kind of &lsquo;superuser&rsquo; surveillance could not be conducted on Apple's operating system.&rdquo; 221 The Facebook app <a href=" "> tracks users even when it is turned off</a>, after tricking them into giving the app broad permissions in order to use one of its functionalities. 222 Some nonfree period-tracking apps including MIA Fem and Maya <a href=" "> send intimate details of users' lives to Facebook</a>. 223 Keeping track of who downloads a proprietary program is a form of surveillance. There is a proprietary program for adjusting a certain telescopic rifle sight. <a href=" "> A US prosecutor has demanded the list of all the 10,000 or more people who have installed it</a>. 225 Many unscrupulous mobile-app developers keep finding ways to <a href=" "> bypass user's settings</a>, regulations, and privacy-enhancing features of the operating system, in order to gather as much private data as they possibly can. 227 Many Android apps can track users' movements even when the user says <a href=" "> not to allow them access to locations</a>. 229 The Femm &ldquo;fertility&rdquo; app is secretly a <a href=" "> tool for propaganda</a> by natalist Christians. It spreads distrust for contraception. 231 BlizzCon 2019 imposed a <a href=" "> requirement to run a proprietary phone app</a> to be allowed into the event. 232 This app is a spyware that can snoop on a lot of sensitive data, including user's location and contact list, and has <a href=" "> near-complete control</a> over the phone. 233 Data collected by menstrual and pregnancy monitoring apps is often <a href=" "> available to employers and insurance companies</a>. Even though the data is &ldquo;anonymized and aggregated,&rdquo; it can easily be traced back to the woman who uses the app. 234 This has harmful implications for women's rights to equal employment and freedom to make their own pregnancy choices. Don't use these apps, even if someone offers you a reward to do so. A free-software app that does more or less the same thing without spying on you is available from <a href=" ">F-Droid</a>, and <a href=" "> a new one is being developed</a>. 235 Google tracks the movements of Android phones and iPhones running Google apps, and sometimes <a href=" "> saves the data for years</a>. 237 Many Android phones come with a huge number of <a href=" "> preinstalled nonfree apps that have access to sensitive data without users' knowledge</a>. These hidden apps may either call home with the data, or pass it on to user-installed apps that have access to the network but no direct access to the data. This results in massive surveillance on which the user has absolutely no control. 238 The MoviePass dis-service <a href=" "> is planning to use face recognition to track people's eyes</a> to make sure they won't put their phones down or look away during ads&mdash;and trackers. 239 A study of 24 &ldquo;health&rdquo; apps found that 19 of them <a href=" "> send sensitive personal data to third parties</a>, which can use it for invasive advertising or discriminating against people in poor medical condition. 241 Facebook offered a convenient proprietary library for building mobile apps, which also <a href=" "> sent personal data to Facebook</a>. Lots of companies built apps that way and released them, apparently not realizing that all the personal data they collected would go to Facebook as well. 243 The AppCensus database gives information on <a href=" "> how Android apps use and misuse users' personal data</a>. As of March 2019, nearly 78,000 have been analyzed, of which 24,000 (31%) transmit the <a href=" /proprietary/proprietary-surveillance.html#M201812290 "> Advertising ID</a> to other companies, and <a href=" "> 18,000 (23% of the total) link this ID to hardware identifiers</a>, so that users cannot escape tracking by resetting it. 245 Many nonfree apps have a surveillance feature for <a href=" "> recording all the users' actions</a> in interacting with the app. 246 Twenty nine &ldquo;beauty camera&rdquo; apps that used to be on Google Play had one or more malicious functionalities, such as <a href=" "> stealing users' photos instead of &ldquo;beautifying&rdquo; them</a>, pushing unwanted and often malicious ads on users, and redirecting them to phishing sites that stole their credentials. Furthermore, the user interface of most of them was designed to make uninstallation difficult. 248 An investigation of the 150 most popular gratis VPN apps in Google Play found that <a href=" "> 25% fail to protect their users' privacy</a> due to DNS leaks. In addition, 85% feature intrusive permissions or functions in their source code&mdash;often used for invasive advertising&mdash;that could potentially also be used to spy on users. Other technical flaws were found as well. 249 Moreover, a previous investigation had found that <a href=" ">half of the top 10 gratis VPN apps have lousy privacy policies</a>. 250 <small>(It is unfortunate that these articles talk about &ldquo;free apps.&rdquo; These apps are gratis, but they are <em>not</em> <a href=" /philosophy/free-sw.html ">free software</a>.)</small> 251 The Weather Channel app <a href=" "> stored users' locations to the company's server</a>. The company is being sued, demanding that it notify the users of what it will do with the data. 253 <a href=" "> Other weather apps</a>, including Accuweather and WeatherBug, are tracking people's locations. 254 Around 40% of gratis Android apps <a href=" "> report on the user's actions to Facebook</a>. 257 Some Android apps <a href=" "> track the phones of users that have deleted them</a>. 258 Some Google apps on Android <a href=" "> record the user's location even when users disable &ldquo;location tracking&rdquo;</a>. 265 | This is evidence that proprietary apps generally work against their users. | To protect their privacy and freedom, Android users need to get rid of | the proprietary software&mdash;both proprietary Android by <a | href="">switching to Replicant</a>, and the | proprietary apps by getting apps from the free software only <a | href="">F-Droid store</a> that <a | [-href="">-] | {+href="">+} prominently warns | the user if an app contains anti-features</a>. This is evidence that proprietary apps generally work against their users. To protect their privacy and freedom, Android users need to get rid of the proprietary software&mdash;both proprietary Android by <a href="">switching to Replicant</a>, and the proprietary apps by getting apps from the free software only <a href="">F-Droid store</a> that <a href=" "> prominently warns the user if an app contains anti-features</a>. Dies ist Beweis dafür, dass proprietäre Anwendungen in der Regel gegen ihre Nutzer arbeiten. Um Privatsphäre und Freiheit zu schützen, müssen Android-Nutzer die proprietäre Software loswerden&#160;&#8209;&#160;sowohl proprietäres Android durch <a href="">Umstieg auf Replicant</a> und proprietäre Apps durch Apps aus dem Nur-Freie-Software-Angebot des <a href="">F-Droid Store</a>, der <a href=" ">deutlich darauf hinweist, wenn eine App Anti-Features enthält</a>. 270 Spotify app <a href=" ">harvests users' data to personally identify and know people</a> through music, their mood, mindset, activities, and tastes. There are over 150 billion events logged daily on the program which contains users' data and personal information. 272 <a href=" ">Instagram is forcing users to give away their phone numbers</a> and won't let people continue using the app if they refuse. 273 | The Sarahah app <a | href=""> | uploads all phone numbers and email addresses</a> in user's address book | to developer's server. [-Note that this article misuses the words | &ldquo;<a href="/philosophy/free-sw.html">free software</a>&rdquo; | referring to zero price.-] The Sarahah app <a href=""> uploads all phone numbers and email addresses</a> in user's address book to developer's server. Die App <b>Sarahah</b> <a href="">lädt alle Telefonnummern und E-Mail-Adressen</a> aus Adressbuch des Nutzers an Server des Entwicklers hoch.<br />Hinweis: Dieser Artikel bezieht sich mit Worten „<a href=" /philosophy/free-sw.html " xml:lang="en" lang="en">Free Software</a>“ missbräuchlich auf Null-Preis. 274 <small>(Note that this article misuses the words &ldquo;<a href=" /philosophy/free-sw.html ">free software</a>&rdquo; referring to zero price.)</small> 275 | 20 dishonest Android apps recorded <a | href="{+/+}">phone | calls and sent them and text messages and emails to snoopers</a>. 20 dishonest Android apps recorded <a href=" ">phone calls and sent them and text messages and emails to snoopers</a>. 20 unredliche Android-Apps nahmen <a href=" " title="Stealthy Google Play apps recorded calls and stole e-mails and texts, Ars Technica 2017.">Telefonanrufe auf und sendeten diese sowie Textnachrichten und E-Mails an Schnüffler</a>. 281 | Apps for BART <a | [-href="">snoop-] | {+href=""> | snoop+} on users</a>. Apps for BART <a href=" "> snoop on users</a>. Apps für <i>Bay Area Rapid Transit</i> (BART), <ins>ein öffentliches Nahverkehrsunternehmen im Gebiet um die Bucht von San Francisco, </ins><a href=" " title="Passengers Say Commuter Rail App Illegally Collects Personal User Data, unter: 2017.">beschnüffeln Nutzer</a>. 285 | Faceapp appears to do lots of surveillance, judging by <a | [-href="">-] | {+href="">+} | how much access it demands to personal data in the device</a>. Faceapp appears to do lots of surveillance, judging by <a href=" "> how much access it demands to personal data in the device</a>. <b>Faceapp</b> scheint eine Menge zu überwachen und zu beurteilen, <a href=" " title="Everything that's wrong with FaceApp, the latest creepy photo app for your face, unter: 2017.">wie viel Zugang es auf persönliche Daten im Gerät einfordert</a>. 286 | Users are suing Bose for <a | [-href="">-] | {+href="">+} | distributing a spyware app for its headphones</a>. Specifically, the app | would record the names of the audio files users listen to along with the | headphone's unique serial number. Users are suing Bose for <a href=" "> distributing a spyware app for its headphones</a>. Specifically, the app would record the names of the audio files users listen to along with the headphone's unique serial number. US-Nutzer verklagt Bose:-<a href=" " title="Bose headphones have been spying on customers, lawsuit claims, unter: 2017.">App späht offenbar über Kopfhörer aus</a>, welche Musik gerade läuft, welche Hörbücher und Radiosender der Nutzer sich anhört u. a., und leitet die Informationen an Drittanbieter weiter. 294 | A <a | [-href="">-] | {+href="">+} | research paper</a> that investigated the privacy and security of 283 | Android VPN apps concluded that &ldquo;in spite of the promises for | privacy, security, and anonymity given by the majority of VPN | apps&mdash;millions of users may be unawarely subject to poor security | guarantees and abusive practices inflicted by VPN apps.&rdquo; A <a href=" "> research paper</a> that investigated the privacy and security of 283 Android VPN apps concluded that &ldquo;in spite of the promises for privacy, security, and anonymity given by the majority of VPN apps&mdash;millions of users may be unawarely subject to poor security guarantees and abusive practices inflicted by VPN apps.&rdquo; Eine <a href=" ">Studie</a>, in der Privatsphäre und Sicherheit von 283 Android-VPN-Apps untersucht wurden, kam zu dem Schluss, dass trotz der von den meisten VPN-Apps gegebenen Versprechen für Privatsphäre, Sicherheit und Anonymität <cite title="">„Millionen Nutzer unbewusst schlechten Sicherheitsgarantien und missbräuchlichen Praktiken, die von VPN-Apps verursacht werden, unterliegen könnten.“</cite> 308 | Google's new voice messaging app <a | href="http{+s+}://">logs | all conversations</a>. Google's new voice messaging app <a href=" ">logs all conversations</a>. Googles neue Messaging-App <b>Allo</b> <a href=" // " title=", unter: 2016.">protokolliert sämtliche Kommunikation</a>. 309 | Facebook's new Magic Photo app <a | [-href="">scans-] | {+href=""> | scans+} your mobile phone's photo collections for known faces</a>, and | suggests you [-to share-] {+circulate+} the picture you take according to | who is in the frame. Facebook's new Magic Photo app <a href=" "> scans your mobile phone's photo collections for known faces</a>, and suggests you circulate the picture you take according to who is in the frame. Facebooks neue Magic Photo-App <a href=" // ">untersucht die Foto-Sammlungen <em>Ihres</em> Mobiltelefons nach bekannten Gesichtern</a> und schlägt das gewählte Bild zu teilen vor, je nach dem wer sich in dem Ausschnitt befindet. 312 | Facebook's app listens all the time, <a | [-href="">to-] | {+href="">to+} | snoop on what people are listening to or watching</a>. In addition, it may | be analyzing people's conversations to serve them with targeted | advertisements. Facebook's app listens all the time, <a href=" ">to snoop on what people are listening to or watching</a>. In addition, it may be analyzing people's conversations to serve them with targeted advertisements. Facebooks App lauscht die ganze Zeit um <a href=" ">auszuschnüffeln, was man anhört oder -guckt</a>. Darüber hinaus können Konversationen analysiert werden, um gezielte Werbung zu kredenzen. 313 | A pregnancy test controller application not only can <a | href="http{+s+}://"> | spy on many sorts of data in the phone, and in server accounts, it can | alter them too</a>. A pregnancy test controller application not only can <a href=" "> spy on many sorts of data in the phone, and in server accounts, it can alter them too</a>. Ein Bluetooth-Schwangerschaftstest- App kann nicht nur viele <a href=" // " title="First Response's Bluetooth pregnancy test is intriguing — and a privacy nightmare, unter: 2016.">Daten im Smartphone und in Server-Konten ausschnüffeln, sondern auch ändern</a>. 314 | Apps that include <a | [-href="">-] | {+href="">+} | Symphony surveillance software snoop on what radio and TV programs are | playing nearby</a>. Also on what users post on various sites such as | Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. Apps that include <a href=" "> Symphony surveillance software snoop on what radio and TV programs are playing nearby</a>. Also on what users post on various sites such as Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. Apps <ins>mit enthaltener <a href=" // " title=" Alex Hernandez, Symphony Advanced Media Software Tracks Your Digital Life Through Your Smartphone Mic, Techaeris 2016.">Symphony-Überwachungssoftware schnüffeln in Echtzeit aus</a>, Radio- und Fernsehsendungen oder was auch immer ausgeschnüffelt werden soll</ins>. Auch auf was die Nutzer auf verschiedenen Internetpräsenzen wie Facebook, Google+ und Twitter schreiben. 315 | &ldquo;Cryptic communication,&rdquo; unrelated to the app's functionality, | was <a | href="http{+s+}://"> | found in the 500 most popular gratis Android apps</a>. &ldquo;Cryptic communication,&rdquo; unrelated to the app's functionality, was <a href=" "> found in the 500 most popular gratis Android apps</a>. „Kryptische Kommunikation“ ohne Bezug auf die Funktionalität der App <a href=" // " title="Larry Hardesty, What are your apps hiding?, MIT News Office 2015.">in 500 der populärsten kostenlosen Android-Apps gefunden</a>. 318 | More than 73% {+and 47%+} of [-the most popular-] {+mobile applications, | for+} Android [-apps-] {+and iOS respectively+} <a | [-href="">share-] | {+href="">hand over+} personal, | behavioral and location information</a> of their users [-with-] {+to+} | third parties. More than 73% and 47% of mobile applications, for Android and iOS respectively <a href=" ">hand over personal, behavioral and location information</a> of their users to third parties. Mehr als 73 % und 47 % der populärsten Android- und iOS-Apps <a href=" // ">teilen persönliche sowie Verhaltens- und Positionsinformationem</a> mit Dritten. 319 | Like most &ldquo;music screaming&rdquo; disservices, Spotify is based on | proprietary malware (DRM and snooping). In August 2015 it <a | href="http{+s+}://"> | demanded users submit to increased snooping</a>, and some are starting to | realize that it is nasty. Like most &ldquo;music screaming&rdquo; disservices, Spotify is based on proprietary malware (DRM and snooping). In August 2015 it <a href=" "> demanded users submit to increased snooping</a>, and some are starting to realize that it is nasty. Wie die meisten „Musik schreienden“ Bärendienste basiert <b>Spotify</b> auf proprietärer Schadsoftware: DRM und Schnüffeln. Im August 2015 wurden <a href=" // " title="Spotify's chief executive apologises after user backlash over new privacy policy, unter: 2015.">Nutzer aufgefordert einem Blanko-Brief zum Datenzugriff zuzustimmen</a>, und so manche beginnen zu begreifen, dass es Übel ist. 320 | This article shows the <a | [-href="">-] | {+href="">+} | twisted ways that they present snooping as a way to &ldquo;serve&rdquo; | users better</a>&mdash;never mind whether they want that. This is a | typical example of the attitude of the proprietary software industry | towards those they have subjugated. This article shows the <a href=" "> twisted ways that they present snooping as a way to &ldquo;serve&rdquo; users better</a>&mdash;never mind whether they want that. This is a typical example of the attitude of the proprietary software industry towards those they have subjugated. Dieser Artikel erläutert die <a href=" // " title="Spotify now officially even worse than the NSA, unter: 2015.">verworrenen Richtungen das Ausspionieren als eine Möglichkeit zu präsentieren, Nutzer besser zu „dienen“</a>&#160;&#8209;&#160;egal, ob sie das wollen. Dies ist ein typisches Beispiel für die Haltung der proprietären Softwareindustrie gegenüber denjenigen, die sie unterjocht haben. 322 Many retail businesses publish cr&hellip;apps that ask to <a href=" "> spy on the user's own data</a>&mdash;often many kinds. 324 | <a | [-href="">A-] | {+href=""> | A+} study in 2015</a> found that 90% of the top-ranked gratis proprietary | Android apps contained recognizable tracking libraries. For the paid | proprietary apps, it was only 60%. <a href=" "> A study in 2015</a> found that 90% of the top-ranked gratis proprietary Android apps contained recognizable tracking libraries. For the paid proprietary apps, it was only 60%. Eine <a href=" " title="Short: A Measurement Study of Tracking in Paid Mobile Applications, unter: 2015." type="application/pdf">Studie aus 2015</a> ergab, dass 90 % der Top-Rankings kostenloser proprietärer Android-Apps erkennbare Tracking-Bibliotheken enthielten. Für die nicht kostenlosen proprietären Apps waren es nur 60 %. 326 | Gratis Android apps (but not <a href="/philosophy/free-sw.html">free | software</a>) connect to 100 <a | href="http{+s+}://">tracking | and advertising</a> URLs, on the average. Gratis Android apps (but not <a href=" /philosophy/free-sw.html ">free software</a>) connect to 100 <a href=" ">tracking and advertising</a> URLs, on the average. Gratis Android-Anwendungen (die jedoch keine <a href=" /philosophy/free-sw ">Freie Software</a> darstellen), stellen für <a href=" // " title=" Free Android apps connect to thousands of tracking and ad URLs, research shows, unter: 2015.">Verfolgungs- und Werbezwecke</a> durchschnittlich zu mehr als 100 Internetadressen eine Verbindung her. 327 | Widely used <a | [-href="">proprietary-] | {+href="">proprietary+} | QR-code scanner apps snoop on the user</a>. This is in addition to the | snooping done by the phone company, and perhaps by the OS in the phone. Widely used <a href=" ">proprietary QR-code scanner apps snoop on the user</a>. This is in addition to the snooping done by the phone company, and perhaps by the OS in the phone. Weit verbreitete <a href=" " title="Scan This or Scan Me? User Privacy &amp; Barcode-Scanning Applications, unter: 2015.">proprietäre QR-Code-Scanner schnüffeln den Nutzer aus</a>. Und dies zusätzlich zur Schnüffelei durch die Mobilfunkgesellschaft und möglicherweise durch das Betriebssystem des Smartphones. 329 | Many proprietary apps for mobile devices report which other apps the user | has installed. <a | href="http{+s+}://">Twitter | is doing this in a way that at least is visible and optional</a>. Not as | bad as what the others do. Many proprietary apps for mobile devices report which other apps the user has installed. <a href=" ">Twitter is doing this in a way that at least is visible and optional</a>. Not as bad as what the others do. Viele proprietäre Applikationen für Mobilgeräte melden, welche anderen Apps vom Nutzer installiert wurden. <a href=" // " title="Twitter's New App Tracking Capabilities To Help Personalize User Experience, Benefit Advertisers, unter: 2014.">Twitter macht dies auf eine Weise, die zumindest sichtbar und optional ist</a>. Nicht so schlimm wie das, was andere tun. 330 The Simeji keyboard is a smartphone version of Baidu's <a href=" /proprietary/proprietary-surveillance.html#baidu-ime ">spying <abbr title="Input Method Editor">IME</abbr></a>. 331 | The nonfree Snapchat app's principal purpose is to restrict the use of | data on the user's computer, but it does surveillance too: <a | href="http{+s+}://"> | it tries to get the user's list of other people's phone [-numbers.</a>-] | {+numbers</a>.+} The nonfree Snapchat app's principal purpose is to restrict the use of data on the user's computer, but it does surveillance too: <a href=" "> it tries to get the user's list of other people's phone numbers</a>. Hauptzweck der unfreien <ins>Instant-Messaging</ins>-App <em>Snapchat</em> ist die Datennutzung auf dem Rechner des Nutzers zu beschränken, aber gleichzeitig überwacht sie auch: <a href=" // " title="Snapchat users' phone numbers may be exposed to hackers, unter: 2013.">sie versucht an die Telefonnummern anderer Kontakte zu gelangen</a>. 332 | The Brightest Flashlight app <a | href="http{+s+}://"> | sends user data, including geolocation, for use by [-companies.</a>-] | {+companies</a>.+} The Brightest Flashlight app <a href=" "> sends user data, including geolocation, for use by companies</a>. Die Taschenlampen-App <b>Brightest Flashlight Free</b> hat <a href=" // " title="Android torch app with over 50m downloads silently sent user location and device data to advertisers, unter: 2013.">unerlaubt Nutzerdaten sowie Aufenthaltsort gespeichert und an Werbenetzwerke gesendet</a>.<a href="#tn07" id="tn07-ref" class="transnote">[7]</a> 334 | FTC says most mobile apps for children don't respect privacy: <a | [-href=""> |</a>.-] | {+href=""> | | rely-lacking-in-kids-mobile-appsand-its-getting-worse/</a>.+} FTC says most mobile apps for children don't respect privacy: <a href=" "></a>. Laut US-Wettbewerbsaufsichtsbehörde FTC respektieren die meisten mobilen Applikationen für Kinder nicht die Privatsphäre: <a href=" // " title="FTC: disclosures severely lacking in kids' mobile apps—and it's getting worse, unter: 2012.">Mobile Apps für Kinder: immer noch nicht die Qualität</a>. 336 <span class="anchor-reference-id">(<a href=" #SpywareInSkype ">#SpywareInSkype</a>)</span> 337 Skype refuses to say whether it can <a href=" ">eavesdrop on calls</a>. 339 | [-Spyware in Skype:-]{+Skype contains+} <a | [-href=""> |</a>.-] | {+href="">spyware</a>.+} | Microsoft changed Skype <a | [-href="">-] | {+href="">+} | specifically for spying</a>. Skype contains <a href=" ">spyware</a>. Microsoft changed Skype <a href=" "> specifically for spying</a>. <a href=" // " title="Project Chess: How U.S. Snoops On Your Skype, unter: 2013.">Die USA schnüffelt in Ihrem Skype herum</a>. Microsoft änderte Skype <a href=" // " title="Microsoft handed the NSA access to encrypted messages, unter: 2013.">eigens für die Bespitzelung</a>. 341 <span class="anchor-reference-id">(<a href=" #SpywareInGames ">#SpywareInGames</a>)</span> 342 Microsoft is imposing its surveillance on the game of Minecraft by <a href=" ">requiring every player to open an account on Microsoft's network</a>. Microsoft has bought the game and will merge all accounts into its network, which will give them access to people's data. 343 Minecraft players <a href=" ">can play Minetest</a> instead. The essential advantage of Minetest is that it is free software, meaning it respects the user's computer freedom. As a bonus, it offers more options. 344 Microsoft recorded users of Xboxes and had <a href=" "> human workers listen to the recordings</a>. 346 Red Shell is a spyware that is found in many proprietary games. It <a href=" "> tracks data on users' computers and sends it to third parties</a>. 347 | ArenaNet surreptitiously installed a spyware program along with an update | to the massive multiplayer game Guild War{+s+} 2. The spyware allowed | ArenaNet <a | [-href="">-] | {+href="">+} | to snoop on all open processes running on its user's computer</a>. ArenaNet surreptitiously installed a spyware program along with an update to the massive multiplayer game Guild Wars 2. The spyware allowed ArenaNet <a href=" "> to snoop on all open processes running on its user's computer</a>. <em>ArenaNet</em> installierte zusammen mit einem Update für das Online-Rollenspiel <b>Guild Wars 2</b> heimlich ein Spährogramm. Das ermöglichte, <a href=" " title="ArenaNet Used Spyware Anti-Cheat For Guild Wars 2 Banwave, TechRapto 2018.">alle offenen Prozesse auf dem Rechner auszumachen</a>. 349 | Many <a | [-href="">-] | {+href="">+} | video game consoles snoop on their users and report to the | internet</a>&mdash;[- -]even what their users weigh. Many <a href=" "> video game consoles snoop on their users and report to the internet</a>&mdash;even what their users weigh. Viele <a href=" // ">Videospielkonsolen schnüffeln Nutzer hinterher und Senden alles ins Internet</a>&#160;&#8209;&#160;sogar, was man wiegt. 351 | Modern gratis game cr&hellip;apps <a | href="http{+s+}://"> | collect a wide range of data about their users and their users' friends | and associates</a>. Modern gratis game cr&hellip;apps <a href=" "> collect a wide range of data about their users and their users' friends and associates</a>. Moderne, kostenlose Spiel-Sch…-Apps <a href=" // " title="Eli Hodapp, ‚We Own You“ - Confessions of an Anonymous Free to Play Producer, 2015.">sammeln eine Vielzahl von Daten über ihre Nutzer und deren Freunde und Partner</a>. 355 | Angry Birds <a | href="http{+s+}://"> | spies for companies, and the NSA takes advantage to spy through it | too</a>. Here's information on <a | href=""> | more spyware apps</a>. Angry Birds <a href=" "> spies for companies, and the NSA takes advantage to spy through it too</a>. Here's information on <a href=" "> more spyware apps</a>. <b>Angry Birds</b> <a href=" // " title="Spy Agencies Tap Data Streaming From Phone Apps, unter: 2014.">spitzelt für Unternehmen, und die NSA profitiert durch deren Bespitzelung ebenfalls</a><a href="#tn2" id="tn2-ref" title="Cookies erforderlich" class="transnote noteClass">[**]</a>. Weitere Informationen zu <a href=" // " title="Analysis of What Information Angry Birds Collects, unter: 2012.">Spyware-Anwendungen</a>.<a href="#tn05" id="tn05-ref" class="transnote">[5]</a> 356 | <a | href="http{+s+}://"> | More about NSA app spying</a>. <a href=" "> More about NSA app spying</a>. <a href=" // ">Mehr zur NSA-App-Spionage</a>. 357 Blizzard Warden is a hidden &ldquo;cheating-prevention&rdquo; program that <a href=" "> spies on every process running on a gamer's computer and sniffs a good deal of personal data</a>, including lots of activities which have nothing to do with cheating. 359 | <span class="anchor-reference-id">(<a | [-href="#SpywareInSkype">#SpywareInSkype</a>)</span>-] | {+href="#SpywareInEquipment">#SpywareInEquipment</a>)</span>+} <span class="anchor-reference-id">(<a href=" #SpywareInEquipment ">#SpywareInEquipment</a>)</span> 360 Most Internet connected devices in Mozilla's <a href=" ">&ldquo;Privacy Not Included&rdquo;</a> list <a href=" ">are designed to snoop on users</a> even if they meet Mozilla's &ldquo;Minimum Security Standards.&rdquo; Insecure design of the program running on some of these devices <a href=" ">makes the user susceptible to be snooped on and exploited by crackers as well</a>. 361 | The bad security in many Internet of Stings devices allows <a | [-href="">ISPs-] | {+href="">ISPs+} | to snoop on the people that use them</a>. The bad security in many Internet of Stings devices allows <a href=" ">ISPs to snoop on the people that use them</a>. Die schlechte Sicherheit vieler Internet-der-Dinge-Geräte ermöglicht <a href=" " title="IOT Devices Provide Comcast A Wonderful New Opportunity To Spy On You. unter: 2017.">Internetdienstanbietern (IDA) diejenigen auszuschnüffeln, die diese benutzen</a>. 363 | [-It-]{+<small>(It+} is unfortunate that the article uses the term <a | [-href="/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Monetize">&ldquo;monetize&rdquo;</a>.-] | {+href="/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Monetize">&ldquo;monetize&rdquo;< | /a>.)</small>+} <small>(It is unfortunate that the article uses the term <a href=" /philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Monetize ">&ldquo;monetize&rdquo;</a>.)</small> Es ist bedauerlich, dass der Artikel den Begriff <a href=" /philosophy/words-to-avoid#Monetize ">„monetarisieren“</a> verwendet. 365 <span class="anchor-reference-id">(<a href=" #SpywareInTVSets ">#SpywareInTVSets</a>)</span> 367 Today's &ldquo;smart&rdquo; TVs <a href=" "> push people to surrender to tracking via internet</a>. Some won't work unless they have a chance to download nonfree software. And they are designed for programmed obsolescence. 368 &ldquo;Smart&rdquo; TV manufacturers <a href=" "> spy on people using various methods</a>, and harvest their data. They are collecting audio, video, and TV usage data to profile people. 369 TV manufacturers are turning to produce only &ldquo;Smart&rdquo; TV sets (which include spyware) that <a href=" ">it's now very hard to find a TV that doesn't spy on you</a>. 371 TV manufacturers are able to <a href=" ">snoop every second of what the user is watching</a>. This is illegal due to the Video Privacy Protection Act of 1988, but they're circumventing it through EULAs. 372 Vizio TVs <a href=" "> collect &ldquo;whatever the TV sees,&rdquo;</a> in the own words of the company's CTO, and this data is sold to third parties. This is in return for &ldquo;better service&rdquo; (meaning more intrusive ads?) and slightly lower retail prices. 375 | Some &ldquo;Smart&rdquo; TVs automatically <a | [-href="">load-] | {+href=""> | load+} downgrades that install a surveillance app</a>. Some &ldquo;Smart&rdquo; TVs automatically <a href=" "> load downgrades that install a surveillance app</a>. Einige „kluge“ TV-Geräte <a href=" " title="My Sony “smart” TV has updated itself and tried to force me to use a new app, Guidelines 2018.">laden automatisch Downgrades herunter, die eine Überwachungs-App installieren</a>. 377 | Vizio &ldquo;smart&rdquo; <a | [-href="">TVs-] | {+href="">TVs+} | report everything that is viewed on them, and not just broadcasts and | cable</a>. Even if the image is coming from the user's own computer, the | TV reports what it is. The existence of a way to disable the surveillance, | even if it were not hidden as it was in these TVs, does not legitimize the | surveillance. Vizio &ldquo;smart&rdquo; <a href=" ">TVs report everything that is viewed on them, and not just broadcasts and cable</a>. Even if the image is coming from the user's own computer, the TV reports what it is. The existence of a way to disable the surveillance, even if it were not hidden as it was in these TVs, does not legitimize the surveillance. Vizio „Smart“ <a href=" " title="What Vizio was doing behind the TV screen, unter: 2017.">Fernseher erstatten Bericht über alles was angesehen wird, nicht nur Breitband- und Kabel-Dienstanbieter</a>. Selbst wenn das Bild aus dem eigenen Rechner des Nutzers kommt, berichtet dies der Fernseher. Die Existenz der Möglichkeit, die Überwachung zu deaktivieren, selbst wenn es nicht verborgen war, wie es bei diesen Geräten war, legitimiert dies nicht Überwachung. 378 | Some web and TV advertisements play inaudible sounds to be picked up by | proprietary malware running on other devices in range so as to determine | that they are nearby. Once your Internet devices are paired with your TV, | advertisers can correlate ads with Web activity, and other <a | href="http{+s+}://"> | cross-device tracking</a>. Some web and TV advertisements play inaudible sounds to be picked up by proprietary malware running on other devices in range so as to determine that they are nearby. Once your Internet devices are paired with your TV, advertisers can correlate ads with Web activity, and other <a href=" "> cross-device tracking</a>. Einige Internet- und TV-Spots spielen von auf in Reichweite befindlichen anderen Geräten laufender proprietärer Schadsoftware aufgreifbare unhörbare Töne ab, um bestimmen zu können, dass sie sich in der Nähe befinden. Sobald Ihre internetfähigen Geräte mit Ihrem Fernsehgerät] verbunden sind, können Werbetreibende Anzeigen mit Netzaktivität und anderen <a href=" // " title="Dan Goodin, Beware of ads that use inaudible sound to link your phone, TV, tablet, and PC, Ars Technica 2015.">geräteübergreifenden Verfolgen korrelieren</a>. 379 | Vizio goes a step further than other TV manufacturers in spying on their | users: their <a | href="http{+s+}://"> | &ldquo;smart&rdquo; TVs analyze your viewing habits in detail and link | them your IP address</a> so that advertisers can track you across devices. Vizio goes a step further than other TV manufacturers in spying on their users: their <a href=" "> &ldquo;smart&rdquo; TVs analyze your viewing habits in detail and link them your IP address</a> so that advertisers can track you across devices. Vizio geht in puncto Spionage seiner Nutzer sogar noch einen Schritt weiter als andere Fernsehhersteller: ihre <a href=" // ">„smart“ TVs analysieren detailliert Sehgewohnheiten und verknüpfen diese mit der IP-Adresse</a>, damit Werbetreibende einen über die Geräte verfolgen können. 381 | Tivo's alliance with Viacom adds 2.3 million households to the 600 | millions social media profiles the company already monitors. Tivo | customers are unaware they're being watched by advertisers. By combining | TV viewing information with online social media participation, Tivo can | now <a | [-href="">correlate-] | {+href=""> | correlate+} TV advertisement with online purchases</a>, exposing all users | to new combined surveillance by default. Tivo's alliance with Viacom adds 2.3 million households to the 600 millions social media profiles the company already monitors. Tivo customers are unaware they're being watched by advertisers. By combining TV viewing information with online social media participation, Tivo can now <a href=" "> correlate TV advertisement with online purchases</a>, exposing all users to new combined surveillance by default. Das Bündnis des <ins>US-Herstellers von digitalen Videorekordern</ins> Tivo mit dem US-Medienkonzern Viacom führt 2,3 Millionen Haushalte zu den 600 Millionen sozialen Medien-Profilen, die das Unternehmen bereits überwacht, hinzu. TiVo-Kunden sind sich dessen nicht bewusst, dass sie von Werbetreibenden beobachtet werden. Durch Verbinden von Informationen über das Fernsehverhalten mit Online-Social-Media-Beteiligung kann Tivo jetzt <a href=" // " title="Lisa Richwine, Viacom, TiVo partner to give TV advertisers more data, Thomson Reuters 2015.">TV-Werbung mit Online-Käufen korrelieren</a> und standardmäßig alle Nutzer neuer gemeinsamer Überwachung aussetzen. 382 | Vizio &ldquo;smart&rdquo; TVs recognize and <a | [-href="">track-] | {+href="">track+} | what people are watching</a>, even if it isn't a TV channel. Vizio &ldquo;smart&rdquo; TVs recognize and <a href=" ">track what people are watching</a>, even if it isn't a TV channel. Vizio<ins>, ein amerikanisches, nicht börsennotiertes Unternehmen im Bereich Unterhaltungselektronik,</ins> „smarte“ Fernsehgeräte identifizieren und <a href=" // " title="Richard Lawler, Vizio IPO plan shows how its TVs track what you're watching, unter: 2015.">zeichnen alles auf was man anguckt</a>, selbst wenn es sich nicht um ein Fernsehprogramm handelt. 383 | [-<a | href="">Verizon-]{+Verizon+} | cable TV {+<a | href="">+} | snoops on what programs people watch, and even what they wanted to | [-record.</a>-] {+record</a>.+} Verizon cable TV <a href=" "> snoops on what programs people watch, and even what they wanted to record</a>. Das Glasfaser-Internet-TV-Angebot von <a href=" // " title="Verizon FiOS reps know what TV channels you watch, unter: 2015.">Verizon FiOS TV schnüffelt welche Programme man guckt, sogar was man plant aufzunehmen</a>. 384 | Vizio <a | href="http{+s+}://"> | used a firmware &ldquo;upgrade&rdquo; to make its TVs snoop on what users | watch</a>. The TVs did not do that when first sold. Vizio <a href=" "> used a firmware &ldquo;upgrade&rdquo; to make its TVs snoop on what users watch</a>. The TVs did not do that when first sold. Vizio<ins>, ein nicht börsennotiertes US-Unternehmen im Bereich Unterhaltungselektronik,</ins> <a href=" // " title="Telescreen watch: Vizio adds spyware to its TVs, unter: 2015.">verwendete eine Firmware-„Verbesserung“, um ihre Fernsehgeräte u. a. zu veranlassen, herumzuschnüffeln, was Zuschauer sich angucken</a>. Die Fernseher taten dies zuvor nicht. 385 | The Samsung &ldquo;Smart&rdquo; TV <a | [-href="">transmits-] ... - [detail] - [similar]
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