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Packages — GNU Guix
#score: 5139
@digest: abc7677fa98a04a65ab9a9822b5e96ed
@id: 75091
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@mdate: 2019-07-12T17:02:06Z
@size: 54936
@type: text/html
description: List of packages available through GNU Guix.
keywords: GNU, Linux, Unix, Free software, Libre software, Operating system, GNU Hurd, GNU Guix package manager, GNU Guile, Guile Scheme, Transactional upgrades, Functional package management, Reproducibility
viewport: width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0
#keywords: armhf (29887), adapterremoval (24651), 4store (21173), abootimg (19644), abduco (18382), acpi (13961), abiword (12578), lint (11660), aegis (9526), i686 (9433), patches (8908), fiasco (7824), website (7134), builds (6559), linux (4019), x86 (3778), issues (3545), snippet (3366), ancient (3084), patch (2889), flashing (2621), adapter (2488), package (2420), scm (2395), a2ps (2283), https (1852), github (1826), manipulating (1821), sourceforge (1771), android (1426), license (1256), asynchronous (1228)
Guix Website menu: Overview Download Packages Blog Help Donate About Contact Contribute Security Graphics Your location: Home → Packages Packages GNU Guix provides 10,026 packages transparently available as pre-built binaries . These pages provide a complete list of the packages. Our continuous integration system shows their current build status (updated July 12, 2019). Packages menu: Browse alphabetically 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0ad 0.0.23b-alpha — 3D real-time strategy game of ancient warfare 0 A.D. is a real-time strategy (RTS) game of ancient warfare. It's a historically-based war/economy game that allows players to relive or rewrite the history of twelve ancient civilizations, each depicted at their peak of economic growth and military prowess. 0ad needs a window manager that supports 'Extended Window Manager Hints'. License: FreeBSD , Modified BSD , Expat , GPL 2+ , IBMPL 1.0 , ISC , LGPL 2.1 , LGPL 3 , MPL 2.0 , Zlib . Website: . Package source: games.scm . Patches: None. Lint issues: No. Builds: x86_64-linux , i686-linux , armhf-linux . 0ad-data 0.0.23b-alpha — Data files for 0ad 0ad-data provides the data files required by the game 0ad. License: FSDG-compatible , FSDG-compatible , CC-BY-SA 3.0 , Expat , GUST font license 1.0 , GPL 2+ , GPL 3+ . Website: . Package source: games.scm . Patches: snippet . Lint issues: No. Builds: x86_64-linux , i686-linux , armhf-linux . 0xffff 0.8 — Flash FIASCO images on Maemo devices The Open Free Fiasco Firmware Flasher (0xFFFF) is a flashing tool for FIASCO images. It supports generating, unpacking, editing and flashing of FIASCO images for Maemo devices. Use it with care. It can brick your device. License: GPL 3+ . Website: . Package source: flashing-tools.scm . Patches: None. Lint issues: No. Builds: x86_64-linux , i686-linux , armhf-linux . 389-ds-base — Enterprise-class LDAP server 389ds is an enterprise-class LDAP server. It is hardened by real-world use, is full-featured, and supports multi-master replication. Other features include: Online, zero downtime, LDAP-based update of schema, configuration, and management including Access Control Information (ACIs); Asynchronous Multi-Master Replication, to provide fault tolerance and high write performance; Extensive documentation; Secure authentication and transport (TLS, and SASL); LDAPv3 compliant server. License: GPL 3+ . Website: . Package source: openldap.scm . Patches: None. Lint issues: No. Builds: x86_64-linux , i686-linux , armhf-linux . 4dtris 0.4.3 — 4D Tetris 4D-TRIS is an alteration of the well-known Tetris game. The game field is extended to 4D space, which has to filled up by the gamer with 4D hyper cubes. License: GPL 3 . Website: . Package source: games.scm . Patches: None. Lint issues: No. Builds: x86_64-linux , i686-linux , armhf-linux . 4store 1.1.6 — Clustered RDF storage and query engine 4store is a RDF/SPARQL store written in C, supporting either single machines or networked clusters. License: GPL 3+ . Website: . Package source: databases.scm . Patches: 4store-unset-preprocessor-directive.patch , 4store-fix-buildsystem.patch . Lint issues: No. Builds: x86_64-linux , i686-linux , armhf-linux . 4ti2 1.6.9 — Mathematical tool suite for problems on linear spaces 4ti2 implements algorithms for solving algebraic, geometric and combinatorial problems on linear spaces. Among others, it solves systems of linear equations, computes extreme rays of polyhedral cones, solves integer programming problems and computes Markov bases for statistics. License: GPL 2+ . Website: . Package source: maths.scm . Patches: None. Lint issues: No. Builds: x86_64-linux , i686-linux , armhf-linux . a2ps 4.14 — Any file to PostScript, including pretty-printing This is a GNU package. GNU a2ps converts almost anything to a PostScript file, ready for printing. It accomplishes this by being able to delegate files to external handlers, such as Groff and Gzip. It handles as many steps as is necessary to produce a pretty-printed file. It also includes some extra abilities for special cases, such as pretty-printing "--help" output. License: GPL 3+ . Website: . Package source: pretty-print.scm . Patches: snippet , a2ps-CVE-2001-1593.patch , a2ps-CVE-2014-0466.patch , a2ps-CVE-2015-8107.patch . Lint issues: No. Builds: x86_64-linux , i686-linux , armhf-linux . aalib 1.4rc5 — ASCII-art library AA-lib is a low level gfx library which does not require graphics device. In fact, there is no graphical output possible. AA-lib replaces those old-fashioned output methods with powerful ascii-art renderer. License: LGPL 2.0+ . Website: . Package source: video.scm . Patches: None. Lint issues: No. Builds: x86_64-linux , i686-linux , armhf-linux . abbaye 2.0.1 — GNU/Linux port of the indie game "l'Abbaye des Morts" L'Abbaye des Morts is a 2D platform game set in 13th century France. The Cathars, who preach about good Christian beliefs, were being expelled by the Catholic Church out of the Languedoc region in France. One of them, called Jean Raymond, found an old church in which to hide, not knowing that beneath its ruins lay buried an ancient evil. License: GPL 3 . Website: . Package source: games.scm . Patches: snippet . Lint issues: No. Builds: x86_64-linux , i686-linux , armhf-linux . abc 0.0-1-5ae4b975c — Sequential logic synthesis and formal verification ABC is a program for sequential logic synthesis and formal verification. License: non-copyleft . Website: . Package source: fpga.scm . Patches: None. Lint issues: No. Builds: x86_64-linux , i686-linux , armhf-linux . abcde 2.9.3 — Command-line audio CD ripper abcde is a front-end command-line utility (actually, a shell script) that grabs tracks off a CD, encodes them to Ogg/Vorbis, MP3, FLAC, Ogg/Speex and/or MPP/MP+ (Musepack) format, and tags them, all in one go. License: GPL 2+ . Website: . Package source: cdrom.scm . Patches: snippet . Lint issues: No. Builds: x86_64-linux , i686-linux , armhf-linux . abduco 0.6 — Session management in a clean and simple way abduco provides session management i.e. it allows programs to be run independently from their controlling terminal. That is, programs can be detached---run in the background---and then later reattached. License: ISC . Website: . Package source: abduco.scm . Patches: None. Lint issues: No. Builds: x86_64-linux , i686-linux , armhf-linux . abiword 3.0.2 — Word processing program AbiWord is a word processing program. It is rapidly becoming a state of the art word processor, with lots of features useful for your daily work, personal needs, or for just some good old typing fun. License: GPL 2+ . Website: . Package source: abiword.scm . Patches: abiword-explictly-cast-bools.patch , abiword-black-drawing-with-gtk322.patch . Lint issues: No. Builds: x86_64-linux , i686-linux , armhf-linux . abootimg 0.6 — Tool for manipulating Android Boot Images This package provides a tool for manipulating old Android Boot Images. abootimg can work directly on block devices, or, the safest way, on a file image. License: GPL 2+ . Website: . Package source: android.scm . Patches: None. Lint issues: No. Builds: x86_64-linux , i686-linux , armhf-linux . accountsservice 0.6.50 — D-Bus interface for user account query and manipulation The AccountService project provides a set of D-Bus interfaces for querying and manipulating user account information and an implementation of these interfaces, based on the useradd, usermod and userdel commands. License: GPL 3+ . Website: . Package source: freedesktop.scm . Patches: None. Lint issues: No. Builds: x86_64-linux , i686-linux , armhf-linux . acct 6.6.4 — Standard login and process accounting utilities This is a GNU package. GNU acct provides a means for system administrators to determine system usage patterns. It provides information on, for example, connections, programs executed, and system resources used. License: GPL 3+ . Website: . Package source: acct.scm . Patches: None. Lint issues: No. Builds: x86_64-linux , i686-linux , armhf-linux . acl 2.2.52 — Library and tools for manipulating access control lists Library and tools for manipulating access control lists. License: GPL 2+ , LGPL 2.1+ . Website: . Package source: acl.scm . Patches: acl-fix-perl-regex.patch , acl-hurd-path-max.patch . Lint issues: No. Builds: x86_64-linux , i686-linux , armhf-linux . acme-client 0.1.16 — Let's Encrypt client by the OpenBSD project acme-client is a Let's Encrypt client implemented in C. It uses a modular design, and attempts to secure itself by dropping privileges and operating in a chroot where possible. acme-client is developed on OpenBSD and then ported to the GNU / Linux environment. License: ISC , Expat . Website: . Package source: tls.scm . Patches: None. Lint issues: No. Builds: x86_64-linux , i686-linux , armhf-linux . acpi 1.7 — Display information on ACPI devices acpi attempts to replicate the functionality of the "old" apm command on ACPI systems, including battery and thermal information. It does not support ACPI suspending, only displays information about ACPI devices. License: GPL 2+ . Website: . Package source: linux.scm . Patches: None. Lint issues: No. Builds: x86_64-linux , i686-linux , armhf-linux . acpi-call-linux-module 3.17 — Linux kernel module to perform ACPI method calls This simple Linux kernel module allows calls from user space to any ACPI method provided by your computer's firmware, by writing to /proc/acpi/call . You can pass any number of parameters of types ACPI_INTEGER , ACPI_STRING , and ACPI_BUFFER . It grants direct and undocumented access to your hardware that may cause damage and should be used with caution, especially on untested models. License: GPL 3+ . Website: . Package source: linux.scm . Patches: None. Lint issues: No. Builds: x86_64-linux , i686-linux , armhf-linux . acpica 20190703 — Tools for the development and debug of ACPI tables The ACPI Component Architecture ( ACPICA ) project provides an OS-independent reference implementation of the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface Specification ( ACPI ). ACPICA code contains those portions of ACPI meant to be directly integrated into the host OS as a kernel-resident subsystem, and a small set of tools to assist in developing and debugging ACPI tables. This package contains only the user-space tools needed for ACPI table development, not the kernel implementation of ACPI. License: GPL 2 . Website: . Package source: admin.scm . Patches: None. Lint issues: No. Builds: x86_64-linux , i686-linux , armhf-linux . acpid 2.0.31 — Daemon for delivering ACPI events to user-space programs acpid is designed to notify user-space programs of Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) events. acpid should be started during the system boot, and will run as a background process. When an ACPI event is received from the kernel, acpid will examine the list of rules specified in /etc/acpi/events and execute the rules that match the event. License: GPL 2+ . Website: . Package source: linux.scm . Patches: None. Lint issues: No. Builds: x86_64-linux , i686-linux , armhf-linux . adanaxisgpl 1.2.5 — Action game in four spatial dimensions Adanaxis is a fast-moving first person shooter set in deep space, where the fundamentals of space itself are changed. By adding another dimension to space this game provides an environment with movement in four directions and six planes of rotation. Initially the game explains the 4D control system via a graphical sequence, before moving on to 30 levels of gameplay with numerous enemy, ally, weapon and mission types. Features include simulated 4D texturing, mouse and joystick control, and original music. License: GPL 2 . Website: . Package source: games.scm . Patches: snippet . Lint issues: No. Builds: x86_64-linux , i686-linux , armhf-linux . adapterremoval 2.3.0 — Rapid sequence adapter trimming, identification, and read merging This program searches for and removes remnant adapter sequences from High-Throughput Sequencing (HTS) data and (optionally) trims low quality bases from the 3' end of reads following adapter removal. AdapterRemoval can analyze both single end and paired end data, and can be used to merge overlapping paired-ended reads into (longer) consensus sequences. Additionally, the AdapterRemoval may be used to recover a consensus adapter sequence for paired-ended data, for which this information is not available. License: GPL 3+ . Website: . Package source: bioinformatics.scm . Patches: None. Lint issues: No. Builds: x86_64-linux , i686-linux , armhf-linux . adb 7.1.2_r36 — Android Debug Bridge adb is a versatile command line tool that lets you communicate with an emulator instance or connected Android device. It facilitates a variety of device actions, such as installing and debugging apps, and it provides access to a Unix shell that can run commands on the connected device or emulator. License: ASL 2.0 . Website: . Package source: android.scm . Patches: libbase-use-own-logging.patch , libbase-fix-includes.patch , libutils-remove-damaging-includes.patch , libutils-add-includes.patch , adb-add-libraries.patch , libziparchive-add-includes.patch . Lint issues: No. Builds: x86_64-linux , i686-linux , armhf-linux . adms 2.3.6 — Automatic device model synthesizer ADMS is a code generator that converts electrical compact device models specified in high-level description language into ready-to-compile C code for the API of spice simulators. Based on transformations specified in XML language, ADMS transforms Verilog-AMS code into other target languages. License: GPL 3 . Website: . Package source: engineering.scm . Patches: None. Lint issues: No. Builds: x86_64-linux , i686-linux , armhf-linux . adns 1.5.1 — Asynchronous DNS client library and utilities This is a GNU package. GNU adns is a C library that provides easy-to-use DNS resolution functionality. The library is asynchronous, allowing several concurrent calls. The package also includes several command-line utilities for use in scripts. License: GPL 3+ . Website: . Package source: adns.scm . Patches: None. Lint issues: No. Builds: x86_64-linux , i686-linux , armhf-linux . adwaita-icon-theme 3.28.0 — GNOME icon theme This is a GNU package. Icons for the GNOME desktop. License: LGPL 3 . Website: . Package source: gnome.scm . Patches: None. Lint issues: No. Builds: x86_64-linux , i686-linux , armhf-linux . aegis 4.24 — Project change supervisor Aegis is a project change supervisor, and performs some of the Software Configuration Management needed in a CASE environment. Aegis provides a framework within which a team of developers may work on many changes to a program independently, and Aegis coordinates integrating these changes back into the master source of the program, with as little disruption as possible. Resolution of contention for source files, a major headache for any project with more than one developer, is one of Aegis's major functions. License: GPL 3+ . Website: . Package source: version-control.scm . Patches: aegis-perl-tempdir1.patch , aegis-perl-tempdir2.patch , aegis-test-fixup-1.patch , aegis-test-fixup-2.patch , aegis-constness-error.patch . Lint issues: No. Builds: x86_64-linux , i686-linux , armhf-linux . Packages menu: Browse alphabetically 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Made with ♥ by humans and powered by GNU Guile . Source code under the GNU AGPL . ... - [detail] - [similar]
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