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nl_langinfo (GNU Gnulib)
#score: 5143
@digest: 28e26c1b761670ca8d5fb82900425f00
@id: 311334
@mdate: 2024-01-18T11:52:18Z
@size: 4886
@type: text/html
content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8
description: nl_langinfo (GNU Gnulib)
distribution: global
generator: makeinfo
keywords: nl_langinfo (GNU Gnulib)
resource-type: document
viewport: width=device-width,initial-scale=1
#keywords: langinfo (11567), crncystr (3169), yesexpr (2655), designation (1834), altmon (1778), codeset (1709), abmon (1500), multithread (1489), localeconv (1249), currency (1101), openbsd (1098), platforms (1064), locales (900), constants (841), honored (828), abbreviated (732), netbsd (693), cygwin (659), solaris (584), 9699919799 (514), onlinepubs (504), opengroup (497), fmt (451), irix (422), gnulib (418), era (401), charset (392), nl (376), substitutes (346), portability (345), portion (343), month (293)
Next: nl_langinfo_l , Previous: nice , Up: ISO C and POSIX Function Substitutes [ Contents ][ Index ] 10.670 nl_langinfo POSIX specification: Gnulib module: nl_langinfo Portability problems fixed by Gnulib: This function is missing on some platforms: Minix 3.1.8, mingw, MSVC 14, Android 7.1. The constant CODESET is not supported on some platforms: OpenBSD 3.8. The constants ALTMON_1 to ALTMON_12 are not defined on some platforms: glibc 2.26, musl libc, macOS 11.1, NetBSD 8.0, OpenBSD 6.7, AIX 7.2, HP-UX 11.31, IRIX 6.5, Solaris 11.4, Haiku, Cygwin 2.9. The constants ERA , ERA_D_FMT , ERA_D_T_FMT , ERA_T_FMT , ALT_DIGITS are not supported on some platforms: OpenBSD 6.7. The constants YESEXPR and NOEXPR do not return a valid string on some platforms: IRIX 6.5. This function is not multithread-safe on some platforms: Solaris 11.3. Portability problems not fixed by Gnulib: On Cygwin 1.5.x, which doesn't have locales, nl_langinfo(CODESET) always returns "US-ASCII" . On Cygwin 1.7.0, only the charset portion of a locale designation is honored. On NetBSD 5.0, in some locales, nl_langinfo(CRNCYSTR) returns the empty string, although the local currency symbol, as returned by localeconv()->currency_symbol , is non-empty. On NetBSD 5.1, in the "C" locale, the results of nl_langinfo(ABMON_1) ... nl_langinfo(ABMON_12) are full month names, not abbreviated month names. ... - [detail] - [similar]
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