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#keywords: https (15773), tesla (11199), ldquo (11045), tethered (10293), rdquo (10179), theguardian (9932), href (9562), cameras (7307), mozilla (7033), usuarios (6927), microsoft (6553), google (6453), printers (5517), privacy (5351), subscription (5232), com (4964), malware (4815), apple (4561), surveillance (4198), company (3838), android (3674), usuario (3604), proprietary (3431), tracking (3318), security (3174), www (2822), apps (2760), sites (2536), servers (2487), archive (2375), government (2360), para (2296) Mismatched links: 190. Mismatched ids: 0. # text 14 <strong><a href=" /proprietary/articles/uhd-bluray-denies-your-freedom.html "> UHD Blu-ray denies your freedom</a> &mdash; The anatomy of an Authoritarian Subjugation System</strong> 15 <strong><a href=" /proprietary/proprietary-insecurity.html#uefi-rootkit "> UEFI makes computers vulnerable to advanced persistent threats that are almost impossible to detect once installed...</a></strong> 16 <a href=" "> GM is spying on drivers</a> who own or rent their cars, and give away detailed driving data to insurance companies through data brokers. These companies then analyze the data, and hike up insurance prices if they think the data denotes &ldquo;risky driving.&rdquo; For the car to make this data available to anyone but the owner or renter of the car should be a crime. If the car is owned by a rental company, that company should not have access to it either. 17 Surveillance cameras put in by government A to surveil for it may be surveilling for government B as well. That's because A put in a product <a href=" "> made by B with nonfree software</a>. 19 Microsoft has been annoying people who wanted to close the proprietary program OneDrive on their computers, <a href=" "> forcing them to give the reason why they were closing it</a>. This prompt was removed after public pressure. 21 <a href=" ">Newag, a Polish railway manufacturer, puts DRM inside trains to prevent third-party repairs</a>. 25 <a href=" ">x86 and ARM based computers shipped with UEFI are potentially vulnerable to a design omission called LogoFAIL</a>. A cracker can replace the BIOS logo with a fake one that contains malicious code. Users can't fix this omission because it is in the nonfree UEFI firmware that users can't replace. 26 Recent autos offer a feature by which the drivers can connect their snoop-phones to the car. That feature <a href=" "> snoops on the calls and texts</a> and gives the data to the car manufacturer, and to the state. 28 Clash Royale is an online game with an &ldquo;optimized&rdquo; <a href=" /proprietary/proprietary-addictions.html#gacha "> <i>gacha</i></a> system that makes it <a href=" "> very addictive for players</a>, and very profitable for its developers. 29 Google Nest snooper/surveillance cameras are always tethered to Google servers, record videos 24/7, and are <a href=" "> subscription-based, which is an injustice to people who use them</a>. The article discusses the rise in prices for &ldquo;plans&rdquo; you can buy from Google, which include storing videos in the &ldquo;cloud&rdquo;&mdash;another word for someone else's computer. 30 <a href=" ">To block non-Apple repairs, Apple encodes the iMonster serial number in the original parts</a>. This is called &ldquo;parts pairing&rdquo;. Swapping parts between working iMonsters of the same model causes malfunction or disabling of some functionalities. Part replacement may also trigger persistent alerts, unless it is done by an Apple store. 31 <a href=" ">Samsung's Push Service proprietary app</a> sends notifications to the user's phone about &ldquo;updates&rdquo; in Samsung apps, including the Gaming Hub, but these updates only sometimes have to do with a new version of the apps. Many times, the notifications from Gaming Hub are simply ads for games that they think the user should install based on the data collected from the user. Most importantly, <a href=" ">it cannot be permanently disabled.</a> 32 Chamberlain Group <a href=" ">blocks users from using third-party software</a> with its garage openers. This is an intentional attack on using free software. The official garage opener proprietary mobile app is now also <a href=" ">infested with ads, including up-selling its other services and devices.</a> 33 In Australia, people assume that &ldquo;smart&rdquo; means &ldquo;tethered.&rdquo; When people's ISP goes down, <a href=" "> all the tethered devices become useless</a>. 36 Some Bambu Lab 3D printers were reported to <a href=" "> start printing without user's consent</a>, as a result of a malfunction of the servers to which they were tethered. This caused significant damage. 37 The Yandex company has started to <a href=" "> give away Yango taxi ride data to Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB)</a>. The Russian government (and whoever else receives the the data) thus has access to a wealth of personal information, including who traveled where, when, and with which driver. Yandex <a href=" "> claims that it complies with European regulations</a> for data collected in the European Economic Area, Switzerland or Israel. But what about the rest of the world? 38 In an article from Mozilla, every car brand they researched <a href=" "> has failed their privacy tests</a>. Some car manufacturers explicitly mention that they collect data which includes &ldquo;sexual activities&rdquo; and &ldquo;genetic information&rdquo;. Not only collecting any of such data is a huge privacy violation in the first place, some companies assume drivers and passengers' consent before they get in the car. Notably, Tesla threatens that the car may be &ldquo;inoperable&rdquo; if the user opts out of data collection. 39 Windows 11 Home and Pro now <a href=" "> require internet connection and a Microsoft account</a> to complete the installation. Windows 11 Pro had an option to create a local account instead, but the option has been removed. This account can (and most certainly will) be used for surveillance and privacy violations. Thankfully, a free software tool named <a href=" ">Rufus</a> can bypass those requirements, or help users install a <a href=" /distros/distros.html "> free operating system</a> instead. 40 As tech companies add microphones to a wide range of products, including refrigerators and motor vehicles, they also set up transcription farms where human employees <a href=" "> listen to what people say</a> and tweak the recognition algorithms. 41 Philips Hue, the most ubiquitous home automation product in the US, is planning to soon <a href=" "> force users to log in to the app server</a> in order to be able to adjust a lightbulb, or use other functionalities, in what amounts to a massive user-tracking data grab. 42 <a href=" "> Driverless cars in San Francisco collect videos constantly</a>, using cameras inside and outside, and governments have already collected those videos secretly. 43 As the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project says, they are &ldquo;driving us straight into authoritarianism.&rdquo; We must <a href=" /philosophy/surveillance-vs-democracy.html ">regulate <em>all</em> cameras that collect images that can be used to track people</a>, to make sure they are not used for that. 44 Some employers are <a href=" "> forcing employees to run &ldquo;monitoring software&rdquo;</a> on their computers. These extremely intrusive proprietary programs can take screenshots at regular intervals, log keystrokes, record audio and video, etc. Such practices have been shown to <a href=" "> deteriorate employees' well-being</a>, and trade unions in the European union have voiced their concerns about them. The requirement for employee's consent, which exists in some countries, is a sham because most often the employee is not free to refuse. In short, these practices should be abolished. 45 Edge <a href=" ">sends the URLs of images the user views to Microsoft's servers</a> by default, supposedly to &ldquo;enhance&rdquo; them. And these images <a href=" /proprietary/proprietary-surveillance.html#M201405140 ">may end up on the NSA's servers</a>. 46 Microsoft claims its nonfree browser sends the URLs without identifying you, which cannot be true, since at least your IP address is known to the server if you don't take extra measures. Either way, such enhancer service is unjust because any image editing <a href=" /philosophy/who-does-that-server-really-serve.html ">should be done on your own computer using installed free software</a>. 47 The article describes how to disable sending the URLs. That makes a change for the better, but we suggest that you instead switch to a freedom-respecting browser with additional privacy features such as <a href=" /software/gnuzilla/ ">IceCat</a>. 48 Controlling Honeywell internet thermostats with the dedicated app has proven unreliable, due to <a href=" "> recurrent connection issues with the server these thermostats are tethered to</a>. 49 HP delivers printers with a universal back door, and recently used it to <a href=" "> sabotage them by remotely installing malware</a>. The malware makes the printer refuse to function with non-HP ink cartrides, and even with old HP cartridges which HP now declares to have &ldquo;expired.&rdquo; HP calls the back door &ldquo;dynamic security,&rdquo; and has the gall to claim that this &ldquo;security&rdquo; protects users from malware. 52 Microsoft is <a href=" "> remotely disabling Internet Explorer, forcibly redirecting users to Microsoft Edge</a>. 54 Microsoft <a href=" "> released an &ldquo;update&rdquo; that installs a surveillance program</a> on users' computers to gather data on some installed programs for Microsoft's benefit. The update is rolling out automatically, and the program runs &ldquo;one time silently.&rdquo; 55 Volkswagen <a href=" "> tracks the location of every driver, and sells that data to third-parties</a>. However, it refuses to use the data to implement a feature for the benefit of its customers unless they pay extra money for it. 57 BMW is now luring British customers into <a href=" "> paying for the built-in heated-seat feature of their new cars on a subscription basis</a>. People also have the option to buy the feature when they are paying for the car, but those who bought a used car have to pay BMW extra money to remotely enable the heated seats. This is probably done by BMW accessing a back door in the car software. 58 A bug in Tesla cars software <a href=" "> lets crackers install new car keys</a>, unlock cars, start engines, and even prevent real owners from accessing their cars. 59 A cracker even reported that he was able to <a href=" "> disable security systems and take control of 25 cars</a>. 61 Tesla cars record videos of activity inside the car, and <a href=" "> company staff can watch those recordings and copy them</a>. Or at least they were able to do so until last year. 63 The Pinduoduo app <a href=" "> snoops on other apps, and takes control of them</a>. It also installs additional malware that is hard to remove. 64 GM is switching to a new audio/video system in its cars in order to <a href=" "> collect complete information about what people in the car watch or listen to, and also how they drive</a>. 66 As soon as it boots, and without asking any permission, <a href=" ">Windows 11 starts to send data to online servers</a>. The user's personal details, location or hardware information are reported to Microsoft and other companies to be used as telemetry data. All of this is done is the background, and users have no easy way to prevent it&mdash;unless they switch the computer offline. 67 A dispute between Blizzard and one of its partners caused <a href=" "> World of Warcraft to go offline in China</a>. The shutdown may not be permanent, but even if it is not, the fact that a business disagreement can stop all users in China from playing the game illustrates the injustice of requiring the use of a specific server. 69 Let's hope game fans in China learn the importance of <a href=" ">rejecting nonfree games</a>. 70 Hackers discovered <a href=" "> dozens of flaws in the security (in the usual narrow sense) of many brands of automobiles</a>. 72 <a href=" "> The iMonster app store client programs collect many kinds of data</a> about the user's actions and private communications. &ldquo;Do not track&rdquo; options are available, but tracking doesn't stop if the user activates them: Apple keeps on collecting data for itself, although it claims not to send it to third parties. 73 <a href=" "> Apple is being sued</a> for that. 74 <a href=" "> The Microsoft Office encryption is weak</a>, and susceptible to attack. 76 <a href=" "> Obeying a demand by the Chinese government, Apple restricted the use of AirDrop in China</a>. It imposed a ten-minute time limit during which users can receive files from non contacts. This makes it nearly impossible to use AirDrop for its intended purpose, which is to exchange files with strangers between iMonsters in physical proximity. This happened after it became known that dissenters were using the app to distribute digital anti-government fliers anonymously. 77 Xiaomi provides a tool to <a href=" "> unlock the bootloader of Xiaomi smartphones and tablets</a>, but this requires creating an account on the company's servers, i.e. providing your phone number. This is the price you have to pay for &ldquo;legally&rdquo; running a free software operating system on Xiaomi devices. But the manufacturer retains control of the unlocked device through a backdoor in the bootloader&mdash;the same backdoor that was remotely used to unlock it. 78 <a hreflang="ja" href=" ">B-CAS</a> <a href=" #m1 ">[1]</a> is the digital restrictions management (DRM) system used by Japanese TV broadcasters, including NHK (public-service TV). It is sold by the B-CAS company, which has a de-facto monopoly on it. Initially intended for pay-TV, its use was extended to digital free-to-air broadcasting as a means to enforce restrictions on copyrighted works. The system encrypts works that permit free redistribution just like other works, thus denying users their nominal rights. 88 A security researcher found that the iOS in-app browser of TikTok <a href=" "> injects keylogger-like JavaScript code into outside web pages</a>. This code has the ability to track all users' activities, and to retrieve any personal data that is entered on the pages. We have no way of verifying TikTok's claim that the keylogger-like code only serves purely technical functions. Some of the accessed data could well be saved to the company's servers, and even sent to third parties. This would open the door to extensive surveillance, including by the Chinese government (to which TikTok has indirect ties). There is also a risk that the data would be stolen by crackers, and used to launch malware attacks. 89 The iOS in-app browsers of Instagram and Facebook behave essentially the same way as TikTok's. The main difference is that Instagram and Facebook allow users to access third-party sites with their default browser, whereas <a href=" "> TikTok makes it nearly impossible</a>. 91 <small>Please note that the article wrongly refers to crackers as &ldquo;hackers.&rdquo;</small> <small>(Note que o artigo, de forma incorreta, refere-se a <em>crackers</em> como “<a href=" /philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Hacker ">hackers</a>”.)</small> 92 Some Epson printers are programmed to <a href=" "> stop working after they have printed a predetermined number of pages</a>, on the pretext that ink pads become saturated with ink. This constitutes an unacceptable infringement on users' freedom to use their printers as they wish, and on their <a href=" "> right to repair them</a>. 93 Today's &ldquo;smart&rdquo; TVs <a href=" "> push people to surrender to tracking via internet</a>. Some won't work unless they have a chance to download nonfree software. And they are designed for programmed obsolescence. 94 US states that ban abortion talk about making it a crime to go to another state to get an abortion. They could <a href=" "> use various forms of location tracking, including the network, to prosecute abortion-seekers</a>. The state could subpoena the data, so that the network's &ldquo;privacy&rdquo; policy would be irrelevant. 97 Many retail businesses publish cr&hellip;apps that ask to <a href=" "> spy on the user's own data</a>&mdash;often many kinds. 99 Network location tracking is used, among other techniques, for <a href=" "> targeted advertising</a>. 100 Tesla <a href=" "> sells an add-on software feature that drivers are not allowed to use</a>. 102 Shortcuts, a built-in scripting app on Apple devices, <a href=" "> doesn't give you complete freedom to share scripts</a> (a.k.a. &ldquo;shortcuts&rdquo;). Exporting a script as a file <a href=" "> requires an Apple ID</a>, and may be subjected to censorship by Apple. 104 The nonfree software in a Tesla artificially <a href=" "> limits the car's driving range</a>, demanding ransom to unlock the battery's full charge. 106 ATMs and vending machines in Russia run nonfree software&mdash;The machines' owners <a href=" "> cannot fix them</a>. 107 The Markup investigated 80,000 popular web sites and <a href=" "> reports on how much they snoop on users</a>. Almost 70,000 had third-party trackers. 5,000 fingerprinted the browser to identify users. 12,000 recorded the user's mouse clicks and movements. 108 Adobe <a href=" "> revoked the license of some older versions</a> of its applications, and warned customers that they can get sued for using them. 110 Canada has fined the company Tim Hortons for making <a href=" "> an app that tracks people's movements</a> to learn things such as where they live, where they work, and when they visit competitors' stores. 111 A worldwide investigation found that most of the applications that school districts recommended for remote education during the COVID-19 pandemic <a href=" ">track and collect personal data from children as young as below the age of five</a>. These applications, and their websites, send the collected information to ad giants such as Facebook and Google, and they are still being used in the classrooms even after some of the schools reopened. 112 The US government <a href=" ">sent personal data to Facebook</a> for every college student that applied for US government student aid. It justified this as being for a &ldquo;campaign.&rdquo; 114 Electronic Arts <a href=" ">made one of its games permanently unplayable</a> by shutting down its servers. This game was heavily reliant on the company's servers, and because the software is proprietary, users can't modify it to make it connect to some other server. If the game were free, people could still play what they purchased. 115 New Amazon worker chat app <a href=" ">would ban specific words Amazon doesn't like</a>, such as &ldquo;union&rdquo;, &ldquo;restrooms&rdquo;, and &ldquo;pay raise&rdquo;. If the app was free, workers could modify the program so it acts as they wish, not how Amazon wants it. 116 The nonfree app &ldquo;Along,&rdquo; developed by a company controlled by Zuckerberg, <a href=" "> leads students to reveal to their teacher personal information</a> about themselves and their families. Conversations are recorded and the collected data sent to the company, which grants itself the right to sell it. See also <a href=" /education/educational-malware-app-along.html#content ">Educational Malware App &ldquo;Along&rdquo;</a>. 117 Apple prevents people from upgrading their Mac hardware <a href=" ">by imposing DRM on its removable SSD storage</a>. 118 Honorlock set a network of fake test answer honeypot sites, tempting people to get exam answers, but <a href=" ">that is a way to entrap students, so as to identify them and punish them</a>, using nonfree JS code to identify them. 119 &ldquo;Smart&rdquo; TV manufacturers <a href=" "> spy on people using various methods</a>, and harvest their data. They are collecting audio, video, and TV usage data to profile people. 120 Hewlett-Packard is <a href=" "> implementing DRM in its printers</a> so they refuse to print with ink cartridges from another supplier. 121 <a href=" "> Dymo is now embedding DRM in the paper rolls for its label printers</a> to make those printers reject equivalent paper rolls made by other companies. This is implemented by an RFID tag, which keeps track of how many labels remain on the roll, and blocks further printing when the roll is empty&mdash;an efficient way to prevent reusing the same RFID with a third-party roll. 122 A security failure in Microsoft's Windows is <a href=" ">infecting people's computers with RedLine stealer malware</a> using a fake Windows 11 upgrade installer. 123 The data broker X-Mode <a href=" ">bought location data about 20,000 people collected by around 100 different malicious apps</a>. 124 The MoviePass dis-service <a href=" "> is planning to use face recognition to track people's eyes</a> to make sure they won't put their phones down or look away during ads&mdash;and trackers. 125 A critical bug in Apple's iOS makes it possible for attackers to alter a shutdown event, <a href=" ">tricking the user into thinking that the phone has been powered off</a>. But in fact, it's still running, and the user can't feel any difference between a real shutdown and the fake shutdown. 126 <a href=" ">Instagram is forcing users to give away their phone numbers</a> and won't let people continue using the app if they refuse. 127 The Norton 360 antivirus <a href=" ">updated its program to install a cryptocurrency miner on users' computers</a> without people's permission. The miner is not turned on by default but there is no way to completely uninstall the crypto mining software, which has upset some users. 128 The legacy company that made Blackberry phones is about to kill them off <a href=" ">by shutting down the server they are tethered to</a>. 130 Sony restricted access to the PlayStation 3 GPU, so people who installed a GNU/Linux operating system on the console couldn't use it at full capacity. When some of them broke the restriction, <a href=" ">Sony removed the ability to install other operating systems</a>. Then users broke that restriction too, but <a href=" ">got sued by Sony</a>. 131 To install and use third-party operating systems and programs on the Xbox console, <a href=" ">people had to break the restrictions imposed by Microsoft</a>. 172 Since the beginning of 2017, <a href=" ">Android phones have been collecting the addresses of nearby cellular towers</a>, even when location services are disabled, and sending that data back to Google. Desde o início de 2017, <a href=" ">telefones Android têm coletado os endereços de torres de celular próximas</a>, mesmo quando os serviços de localização estão desativados, e o envio desses dados de volta ao Google. 194 Proprietary programs Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and WebEx <a href=" ">are collecting user's personal and identifiable data</a> including how long a call lasts, who's participating in the call, and the IP addresses of everyone taking part. From experience, this can even harm users physically if those companies hand over data to governments. Os programas privativos Google Meet, Microsoft Teams e WebEx <a href=" ">estão coletando dados pessoais e dados identificáveis</a>, incluindo a duração de uma chamada, quem está participando da chamada e os endereços IP de todos os participantes. Por experiência, isso pode até prejudicar fisicamente os usuários, se essas empresas entregarem os dados aos governos. 195 The proprietary program Microsoft Teams' insecurity <a href=" ">could have let a malicious GIF steal user data from Microsoft Teams accounts</a>, possibly across an entire company, and taken control of &ldquo;an organization's entire roster of Teams accounts.&rdquo; A insegurança do programa privativo Microsoft Teams <a href=" ">pode ter permitido que um GIF malicioso roubasse dados de usuários de contas do Microsoft Teams</a>, possivelmente de uma empresa inteira, e assumisse o controle de “toda a lista de contas do Teams de uma organização”. 214 Many popular mobile games include a random-reward system called <a href=" /proprietary/proprietary-addictions.html#gacha "> <i>gacha</i></a> which is especially effective on children. One variant of gacha was declared illegal in Japan in 2012, but the other variants are still <a href=""> luring players into compulsively spending</a> inordinate amounts of money on virtual toys. Muitos jogos populares para celular incluem um sistema de recompensa aleatório chamado <a href=" #gacha "><i>gacha</i></a>, que é especialmente eficaz para crianças. Uma variante do gacha foi declarada ilegal no Japão em 2012, mas as outras variantes ainda estão <a href=""> atraindo jogadores para compulsivamente gastar</a> quantias excessivas de dinheiro em brinquedos virtuais. 215 Most Internet connected devices in Mozilla's <a href=" ">&ldquo;Privacy Not Included&rdquo;</a> list <a href="">are designed to snoop on users</a> even if they meet Mozilla's &ldquo;Minimum Security Standards.&rdquo; Insecure design of the program running on some of these devices <a href="">makes the user susceptible to be snooped on and exploited by crackers as well</a>. A maioria dos dispositivos conectados à Internet na lista de <a href=" ">“Privacidade não incluída”</a> da Mozilla <a href="">é projetada para bisbilhotar usuários</a> mesmo se o dispositivo atender os “Padrões Mínimos de Segurança” (<i lang="en">Minimum Security Standards</i>) da Mozilla. O design inseguro do programa em execução em alguns destes dispositivos <a href="">torna o usuário suscetível a ser bisbilhotado por <em>crackers</em> também</a>. 221 While the world is still struggling with COVID-19 coronavirus, many <a href=" ">people are in danger of surveillance</a> and their computers are infected with malware as a result of installing proprietary software. Enquanto o mundo ainda luta contra o coronavírus do COVID-19, muitas <a href=" ">pessoas estão em perigo de vigilância</a> e seus computadores estão infectados com <em>malware</em> como resultado da instalação de software privativo. 232 Apple has <a href=" ">implemented a malware in its computers that imposes surveillance</a> on users and reports users' computing to Apple. A Apple <a href=" ">implementou um <em>malware</em> em seus computadores que impõe vigilância</a> aos usuários e relata a computação dos usuários à Apple. 239 Microsoft <a href=" ">forces people to give their phone number</a> in order to be able to create an account on the company's network. On top of mistreating their users by providing nonfree software, Microsoft is tracking their lives outside the computer and violates their privacy. A Microsoft <a href=" ">força as pessoas a fornecerem seu número de telefone</a> para poder criar uma conta na rede da empresa. Além de maltratar seus usuários fornecendo software não livre, a Microsoft está rastreando suas vidas fora do computador e viola sua privacidade. 250 The Mellow sous-vide cooker is tethered to a server. The company suddenly <a href=" "> turned this tethering into a subscription</a>, forbidding users from taking advantage of the &ldquo;advanced features&rdquo; of the cooker unless they pay a monthly fee. O fogão <i lang="fr">sous-vide</i> Mellow está amarrado a um servidor. A empresa repentinamente <a href=" "> transformou essa amarração em uma assinatura</a>, proibindo os usuários aproveitem os “recursos avançados” do fogão, a menos que pagassem uma taxa mensal. 264 Google Nest <a href=""> is taking over ADT</a>. Google sent out a software update to its speaker devices using their back door <a href=" "> that listens for things like smoke alarms</a> and then notifies your phone that an alarm is happening. This means the devices now listen for more than just their wake words. Google says the software update was sent out prematurely and on accident and Google was planning on disclosing this new feature and offering it to customers who pay for it. O Google Nest <a href=""> está assumindo o ADT</a>. O Google enviou uma atualização de software para seus alto-falantes usando seu <em>backdoor</em> <a href=" "> que escuta coisas como alarmes de fumaça</a> e notifica seu telefone de que um alarme está acontecendo. Isso significa que os dispositivos agora ouvem mais do que apenas as palavras de ativação. O Google diz que a atualização do software foi enviada prematuramente e por acidente e que estava planejando divulgar esse novo recurso e oferecê-lo aos clientes que pagam por ele. 270 Runescape is a popular online game with some <a href=" "> addictive features</a> derived from <a href="/proprietary/proprietary-addictions.html#addictiveness"> behavioral manipulation techniques</a>. Certain repetitive aspects of the game, like <a href=""> grinding</a>, can be minimised by becoming a paying member, and can thus encourage children and impressionable people to spend money on the game. Runescape é um jogo online popular com alguns <a href=" "> recursos viciantes</a> derivados de <a href="/proprietary/proprietary-addictions.html#addictiveness"> técnicas de manipulação comportamental</a>. Certos aspectos repetitivos do jogo, como <a href=""><i lang="en">grinding</i></a>, podem ser minimizados ao se tornar um membro pagante e, assim, incentivar crianças e pessoas impressionáveis para gastar dinheiro no jogo. 274 <a href=" "> A disasterous security bug</a> touches millions of products in the Internet of Stings. <a href=";cndid=9608804&amp;esrc=Wired_etl_load&amp;source=EDT_WIR_NEWSLETTER_0_DAILY_ZZ&amp;utm_bran%5C "> Um erro de segurança desastroso</a> afeta milhões de produtos conectados. 278 Wink sells a &ldquo;smart&rdquo; home hub that is tethered to a server. In May 2020, it ordered the purchasers to start <a href=" "> paying a monthly fee for the use of that server</a>. Because of the tethering, the hub is useless without that. A Wink vende um hub doméstico “inteligente” que é amarrado a um servidor. Em maio de 2020, ordenou que os compradores começassem a <a href=" "> pagar uma taxa mensal pelo uso desse servidor</a>. Por causa da amarração, o hub é inútil sem isso. 284 The <a href=" "> Google Play Terms of Service</a> insist that the user of Android accept the presence of universal back doors in apps released by Google. Os <a href=" "> Termos de Serviço do Google Play</a> insistem em que o usuário do Android aceite a presença de <em>backdoors</em> universais em aplicativos lançados pelo Google. 286 The CIA exploited existing vulnerabilities in &ldquo;smart&rdquo; TVs and phones to design a malware that <a href=" "> spies through their microphones and cameras while making them appear to be turned off</a>. Since the spyware sniffs signals, it bypasses encryption. A CIA explorou as vulnerabilidades existentes em TVs e telefones “inteligentes” para projetar um <em>malware</em> que <a href=" "> espia através de seus microfones e câmeras enquanto os faz parecer desligados</a>. Como o <i lang="en">spyware</i> detecta sinais, ignora a criptografia. 315 The recent versions of Microsoft Office require the user to <a href=";CorrelationId=c9c5b549-11ad-4f71-bf81-b7e069fdb372 "> connect to Microsoft servers at least every thirty-one days</a>. Otherwise, the software will refuse to edit any documents or create new ones. It will be restricted to viewing and printing. As versões recentes do Microsoft Office exigem que o usuário <a href=";CorrelationId=c9c5b549-11ad-4f71-bf81-b7e069fdb372 "> se conecte aos servidores da Microsoft pelo menos a cada trinta e um dias</a>. Caso contrário, o software recusará a editar quaisquer documentos ou criar novos. Será restrito à visualização e impressão. 317 Tesla users claim Tesla <a href=" ">force-installed software to cut down on battery range</a>, rather than replace the defective batteries. Tesla did this to avoid having to run their warranty. Os usuários da Tesla alegam que a Tesla <a href=" ">instalou à força o software para reduzir a duração da bateria</a>, em vez de substituir as baterias com defeito. Tesla fez isso para evitar ter que atender a sua garantia. 319 ChromeBooks are programmed for obsolescence: ChromeOS has a universal back door that is used for updates and <a href=" "> ceases to operate at a predefined date</a>. From then on, there appears to be no support whatsoever for the computer. O ChromeBooks está programado para obsolescência: o ChromeOS possui um <em>backdoor</em> universal usado para atualizações e <a href=" "> deixa de funcionar em uma data predefinida</a>. A partir de então, parece não haver suporte para o computador. 327 A game published on Facebook <a href=" ">aimed at leading children to spend</a> large amounts of their parents' money without explaining it to them. Um jogo publicado no Facebook <a href=" ">visava levar as crianças a gastar</a> grandes quantias do dinheiro de seus pais sem explicá-lo para elas. 328 When Apple suspects a user of fraud, it judges the case secretly and presents the verdict as a fait accompli. The punishment to a user found guilty <a href=" ">is being cut off for life, which more-or-less cripples the user's Apple devices forever</a>. There is no appeal. Quando a Apple suspeita de um usuário de fraude, ela julga o caso secretamente e apresenta o veredicto como um fato consumado. A punição para um usuário considerado culpado <a href=" ">é ser cortado para sempre, o que prejudica mais ou menos os dispositivos Apple do usuário para sempre</a>. Não há recurso. 331 Apple is putting DRM on iPhone batteries, and the system proprietary software <a href=" ">turns off certain features when batteries are replaced other than by Apple.</a> A Apple está inserindo DRM em baterias do iPhone e o software de sistema privativo <a href=" ">desliga certos recursos quando as baterias são substituídas por outra além da Apple.</a> 340 The random element of these packs (also called &ldquo;loot boxes&rdquo;) makes the game <a href="/proprietary/proprietary-addictions#addictiveness"> strongly addictive</a>, but the fact that players are pressured to spend more in order to get ahead of their competitors further qualifies it as <em>predatory</em>. Note that Belgium <a href=" "> made these loot boxes illegal</a> in 2018. O elemento aleatório desses pacotes (também chamados de “caixas de pilhagem”) torna o jogo <a href="/proprietary/proprietary-addictions#addictiveness"> fortemente viciante</a>, mas o fato de que os jogadores são pressionados a gastar mais para chegar à frente de seus concorrentes qualifica-o como <em>predatório</em>. Observe que a Bélgica <a href=" "> tornou essas caixas de pilhagem</a> ilegais em 2018. 359 This app is a spyware that can snoop on a lot of sensitive data, including user's location and contact list, and has <a href=" "> near-complete control</a> over the phone. Esse aplicativo é um <i lang="en">spyware</i> que consegue bisbilhotar vários dados sensíveis, incluindo a localização e a lista de contato do usuário, e tem <a href=" "> controle quase completo</a> sobre seu telefone. 360 The Jibo robot toys were tethered to the manufacturer's server, and <a href=" "> the company made them all cease to work</a> by shutting down that server. Os robôs de brinquedo Jibo foram amarrados ao servidor do fabricante, e <a href=" "> a empresa fez com que todos parassem de funcionar</a> desligando o servidor. 362 The FordPass Connect feature of some Ford vehicles has <a href=" "> near-complete access to the internal car network</a>. It is constantly connected to the cellular phone network and sends Ford a lot of data, including car location. This feature operates even when the ignition key is removed, and users report that they can't disable it. O recurso FordPass Connect de alguns veículos da Ford tem <a href=" "> acesso quase completo à rede interna dos carros</a>. Ele está constantemente conectado à rede de telefonia celular e envia à Ford uma grande quantidade de dados, incluindo a localização do carro. Esse recurso funciona mesmo quando a chave de ignição é removida e os usuários relatam que não podem desativá-lo. 367 As of April 2019, it is <a href=" ">no longer possible to disable an unscrupulous tracking anti-feature</a> that <a href="">reports users when they follow ping links</a> in Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Opera, Microsoft Edge and also in the upcoming Microsoft Edge that is going to be based on Chromium. A partir de abril de 2019, <a href=" ">não é mais possível desativar uma característica indesejável de rastreamento sem escrúpulos</a> que <a href="">denuncia usuários quando eles seguem links de ping</a> no Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Opera, Microsoft Edge e também no Microsoft Edge que será baseado no Chromium. 370 Microsoft has been <a href=""> force-installing a &ldquo;remediation&rdquo; program</a> on computers running certain versions of Windows 10. Remediation, in Microsoft's view, means <a href=" "> tampering with users' settings and files</a>, notably to &ldquo;repair&rdquo; any components of the updating system that users may have intentionally disabled, and thus regain full power over them. Microsoft repeatedly pushed faulty versions of this program to users' machines, causing numerous problems, some of which <a href=" "> critical</a>. A Microsoft tem <a href="">instalado forçadamente um programa de “remediação”</a> em computadores com determinadas versões do Windows 10. Remediação, na visão da Microsoft, significa <a href=" "> adulteração de configurações e arquivos dos usuários</a>, notadamente para “consertar” quaisquer componentes do sistema de atualização que os usuários possam ter desativado intencionalmente e, assim, recuperar o poder total sobre eles. A Microsoft repetidamente pressionou as versões defeituosas desse programa para as máquinas dos usuários, causando inúmeros problemas, alguns dos quais foram <a href=" ">críticos</a>. 373 Volkswagen programmed its car engine computers to <a href=" "> detect the Environmental Protection Agency's emission tests</a>, and run dirty the rest of the time. In real driving, the cars exceeded emissions standards by a factor of up to 35. A Volkswagen programou seus computadores com motor de carro para <a href=" "> detectar os testes de emissões da Agência de Proteção Ambiental</a>, e funcionar incorretamente o resto do tempo. Na condução real, os carros superaram os padrões de emissão em um fator de até 35. 382 The Medtronics Conexus Telemetry Protocol has <a href=" "> two vulnerabilities that affect several models of implantable defibrillators</a> and the devices they connect to. O Protocolo de Telemetria da Medtronics Conexus tem <a href=" "> duas vulnerabilidades que afetam vários modelos de desfibriladores implantáveis</a> e os dispositivos aos quais eles se conectam. 397 In China, it is mandatory for electric cars to be equipped with a terminal that <a href=" "> transfers technical data, including car location, to a government-run platform</a>. In practice, <a href="/proprietary/proprietary-surveillance.html#car-spying"> manufacturers collect this data</a> as part of their own spying, then forward it to the government-run platform. Na China, é obrigatório que os carros elétricos sejam equipados com um terminal que <a href=" "> transfira dados técnicos, incluindo localização de carros, para uma plataforma administrada pelo governo</a>. Na prática, os <a href="/proprietary/proprietary-surveillance.html#car-spying"> fabricantes coletam esses dados</a> como parte de sua própria espionagem e os encaminham para a plataforma administrada pelo governo. 403 The AppCensus database gives information on <a href=" "> how Android apps use and misuse users' personal data</a>. As of March 2019, nearly 78,000 have been analyzed, of which 24,000 (31%) transmit the <a href="/proprietary/proprietary-surveillance.html#M201812290"> Advertising ID</a> to other companies, and <a href=" "> 18,000 (23% of the total) link this ID to hardware identifiers</a>, so that users cannot escape tracking by resetting it. O banco de dados do AppCensus fornece informações sobre <a href=" "> como os aplicativos de Android usam e fazem mau uso dos dados pessoais dos usuários</a>. Até março de 2019, quase 78.000 foram analisados, dos quais 24.000 (31%) transmitem o <a href="/proprietary/proprietary-surveillance.html#M201812290"> ID de publicidade</a> para outras empresas e <a href=" "> 18.000 (23% do total) vinculam esse ID a identificadores de hardware</a>, para que os usuários não possam escapar do rastreamento redefinindo-o. 413 Twenty nine &ldquo;beauty camera&rdquo; apps that used to be on Google Play had one or more malicious functionalities, such as stealing users' photos instead of &ldquo;beautifying&rdquo; them, <a href=" "> pushing unwanted and often malicious ads on users, and redirecting them to phishing sites</a> that stole their credentials. Furthermore, the user interface of most of them was designed to make uninstallation difficult. Vinte e nove aplicativos de “câmera de beleza” que costumavam estar no Google Play tinham uma ou mais funcionalidades maliciosas, como roubar fotos dos usuários em vez de “embelezá-las”, <a href=" "> empurrando anúncios indesejados e muitas vezes maliciosos para os usuários, e redirecionando-os para sites de <em>phishing</em></a> que roubaram suas credenciais. Além disso, a interface do usuário da maioria deles foi projetada para dificultar a desinstalação. 416 An investigation of the 150 most popular gratis VPN apps in Google Play found that <a href=" "> 25% fail to protect their users' privacy</a> due to DNS leaks. In addition, 85% feature intrusive permissions or functions in their source code&mdash;often used for invasive advertising&mdash;that could potentially also be used to spy on users. Other technical flaws were found as well. Uma investigação sobre os 150 aplicativos VPN mais populares do Google Play descobriu que <a href=" "> 25% deles não protegem a privacidade de seus usuários</a> devido a vazamentos de DNS. Além disso, 85% apresentam permissões intrusivas ou funções em seu código-fonte – muitas vezes usadas para publicidade invasiva – que também poderiam ser usadas para espionar usuários. Outras falhas técnicas foram encontradas também. 417 Moreover, a previous investigation had found that <a href=" ">half of the top 10 gratis VPN apps have lousy privacy policies</a>. Além disso, uma investigação anterior descobrira que <a href=" ">metade dos 10 aplicativos grátis e mais populares de VPN tinham péssimas políticas de privacidade</a>. 432 Getting a higher score once leads the player to desire higher score again later. But the higher score resulting from the boost <a href=" ">does not give the player more coins, and does not help the player get a higher score in subsequent games</a>. To get that, the player will need a boost frequently, and usually has to pay real money for that. Since boosts are exciting and entertaining, the player is subtly pushed to purchase more coins with real money to get boosts, and it can develop into a costly habit. Obter uma pontuação mais alta uma vez leva o jogador a desejar maior pontuação novamente mais tarde. Mas uma pontuação maior resultante do impulsionador <a href=" "> não dá ao jogador mais moedas, e não ajuda o jogador a obter uma pontuação mais alta nos jogos subsequentes</a>. Para conseguir isso, o jogador precisará de um impulsionador com frequência e, geralmente, terá que pagar em dinheiro real por isso. Como os impulsionadores são empolgantes e divertidos, o jogador é sutilmente empurrado para comprar mais moedas com dinheiro real para obter reforços, e isso pode se transformar em um hábito caro. 434 Amazon Ring &ldquo;security&rdquo; devices <a href=" "> send the video they capture to Amazon servers</a>, which save it long-term. Os dispositivos de “segurança” Amazon Ring <a href=" "> enviam o vídeo que eles capturam para os servidores da Amazon</a>, os quais armazenam-o a longo prazo. 439 <a href=" "> Other weather apps</a>, including Accuweather and WeatherBug, are tracking people's locations. <a href=" "> Outros aplicativos de meteorologia</a>, incluindo Accuweather e WeatherBug, estão rastreando as localizações das pessoas. 443 Many web sites use JavaScript code <a href=" "> to snoop on information that users have typed into a form but not sent</a>, in order to learn their identity. Some are <a href=""> getting sued</a> for this. Muitos sites usam código JavaScript <a href=" "> para bisbilhotar informações que usuários digitaram em um formulário, mas não enviaram</a>, para aprender sua identidade. Alguns estão <a href=""> sendo processados</a> por isso. 452 Nearly all &ldquo;home security cameras&rdquo; <a href=" "> give the manufacturer an unencrypted copy of everything they see</a>. &ldquo;Home insecurity camera&rdquo; would be a better name! Quase todas as “câmeras de segurança residencial” <a href=" "> fornecem ao fabricante uma cópia não criptografada de tudo que elas veem</a>. “Câmeras de insegurança residencial” seria um nome melhor! 454 Some Android apps <a href=" "> track the phones of users that have deleted them</a>. Alguns aplicativos de Android <a href=" "> rastreiam os telefones de usuários que os excluíram</a>. 461 A nonfree video game, available through the nonfree Steam client, <a href=" "> included a &ldquo;miner&rdquo;</a>, i.e. an executable that hijacks the CPU in users' computers to mine a cryptocurrency. Um videogame não livre, disponível através do cliente não livre Steam, <a href=" "> incluiu um “minerador”</a>, ou seja, um executável que sequestra a CPU nos computadores dos usuários para minerar uma criptomoeda. 462 A cracker used an exploit in outdated software to <a href=" "> inject a &ldquo;miner&rdquo; in web pages</a> served to visitors. This type of malware hijacks the computer's processor to mine a cryptocurrency. Um <em>cracker</em> explorou uma vulnerabilidade em software desatualizado para <a href=" "> injetar um “minerador” em páginas da web</a> servidas aos visitantes. Esse tipo de <em>malware</em> sequestra o processador do computador para minerar uma criptomoeda. 467 Researchers have discovered how to <a href=" "> hide voice commands in other audio</a>, so that people cannot hear them, but Alexa and Siri can. Pesquisadores descobriram como <a href=" "> ocultar comandos de voz em outro áudio</a>, para que as pessoas não possam ouvi-los, mas Alexa e Siri podem. 468 Android has a <a href=" "> back door for remotely changing &ldquo;user&rdquo; settings</a>. Android tem um <a href=" "> <em>backdoor</em> para alterar remotamente as configurações do “usuário”</a>. 471 Learn how <a href=" "> gratis-to-play-and-not-win-much games manipulate their useds psychologically</a>. Saiba como <a href=" "> jogos grátis-para-jogar-e-sem-ganhar-muito manipulam seus “usados” psicologicamente</a>. 475 The game Metal Gear Rising for MacOS was tethered to a server. The company <a href=" "> shut down the server, and all copies stopped working</a>. O jogo Metal Gear Rising para MacOS foi amarrado a um servidor. A empresa <a href=" "> desligou o servidor e todas as cópias pararam de funcionar</a>. 479 Please see the <a href="/server/standards/README.translations.html">Translations README</a> for information on coordinating and contributing translations of this article. A equipe de traduções para o português brasileiro se esforça para oferecer traduções precisas e de boa qualidade, mas não estamos isentos de erros. Por favor, envie seus comentários e sugestões em geral sobre as traduções para <a href=" ">&lt;;</a>. </p><p>Consulte o <a href="/server/standards/README.translations.html">Guia para as traduções</a> para mais informações sobre a coordenação e a contribuição com traduções das páginas deste site. ... - [detail] - [similar]
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