.. index:: special functions ***************** Special Functions ***************** This chapter describes the GSL special function library. The library includes routines for calculating the values of Airy functions, Bessel functions, Clausen functions, Coulomb wave functions, Coupling coefficients, the Dawson function, Debye functions, Dilogarithms, Elliptic integrals, Jacobi elliptic functions, Error functions, Exponential integrals, Fermi-Dirac functions, Gamma functions, Gegenbauer functions, Hermite polynomials and functions, Hypergeometric functions, Laguerre functions, Legendre functions and Spherical Harmonics, the Psi (Digamma) Function, Synchrotron functions, Transport functions, Trigonometric functions and Zeta functions. Each routine also computes an estimate of the numerical error in the calculated value of the function. The functions in this chapter are declared in individual header files, such as :file:`gsl_sf_airy.h`, :file:`gsl_sf_bessel.h`, etc. The complete set of header files can be included using the file :file:`gsl_sf.h`. Usage ===== The special functions are available in two calling conventions, a *natural form* which returns the numerical value of the function and an *error-handling form* which returns an error code. The two types of function provide alternative ways of accessing the same underlying code. The *natural form* returns only the value of the function and can be used directly in mathematical expressions. For example, the following function call will compute the value of the Bessel function :math:`J_0(x)`:: double y = gsl_sf_bessel_J0 (x); There is no way to access an error code or to estimate the error using this method. To allow access to this information the alternative error-handling form stores the value and error in a modifiable argument:: gsl_sf_result result; int status = gsl_sf_bessel_J0_e (x, &result); The error-handling functions have the suffix :code:`_e`. The returned status value indicates error conditions such as overflow, underflow or loss of precision. If there are no errors the error-handling functions return :code:`GSL_SUCCESS`. The gsl_sf_result struct ======================== The error handling form of the special functions always calculate an error estimate along with the value of the result. Therefore, structures are provided for amalgamating a value and error estimate. These structures are declared in the header file :file:`gsl_sf_result.h`. The following struct contains value and error fields. .. type:: gsl_sf_result :: typedef struct { double val; double err; } gsl_sf_result; The field :data:`val` contains the value and the field :data:`err` contains an estimate of the absolute error in the value. In some cases, an overflow or underflow can be detected and handled by a function. In this case, it may be possible to return a scaling exponent as well as an error/value pair in order to save the result from exceeding the dynamic range of the built-in types. The following struct contains value and error fields as well as an exponent field such that the actual result is obtained as :code:`result * 10^(e10)`. .. type:: gsl_sf_result_e10 :: typedef struct { double val; double err; int e10; } gsl_sf_result_e10; Modes ===== The goal of the library is to achieve double precision accuracy wherever possible. However the cost of evaluating some special functions to double precision can be significant, particularly where very high order terms are required. In these cases a :code:`mode` argument, of type :type:`gsl_mode_t` allows the accuracy of the function to be reduced in order to improve performance. The following precision levels are available for the mode argument, .. type:: gsl_mode_t .. macro:: GSL_PREC_DOUBLE Double-precision, a relative accuracy of approximately :math:`2 * 10^{-16}`. .. macro:: GSL_PREC_SINGLE Single-precision, a relative accuracy of approximately :math:`10^{-7}`. .. macro:: GSL_PREC_APPROX Approximate values, a relative accuracy of approximately :math:`5 * 10^{-4}`. The approximate mode provides the fastest evaluation at the lowest accuracy. Airy Functions and Derivatives ============================== .. include:: specfunc-airy.rst Bessel Functions ================ .. include:: specfunc-bessel.rst Clausen Functions ================= .. include:: specfunc-clausen.rst Coulomb Functions ================= .. include:: specfunc-coulomb.rst Coupling Coefficients ===================== .. include:: specfunc-coupling.rst Dawson Function =============== .. include:: specfunc-dawson.rst Debye Functions =============== .. include:: specfunc-debye.rst .. _dilog-function: Dilogarithm =========== .. include:: specfunc-dilog.rst Elementary Operations ===================== .. include:: specfunc-elementary.rst Elliptic Integrals ================== .. include:: specfunc-ellint.rst Elliptic Functions (Jacobi) =========================== .. include:: specfunc-elljac.rst Error Functions =============== .. include:: specfunc-erf.rst Exponential Functions ===================== .. include:: specfunc-exp.rst Exponential Integrals ===================== .. include:: specfunc-expint.rst Fermi-Dirac Function ==================== .. include:: specfunc-fermi-dirac.rst Gamma and Beta Functions ======================== .. include:: specfunc-gamma.rst Gegenbauer Functions ==================== .. include:: specfunc-gegenbauer.rst Hermite Polynomials and Functions ================================= .. include:: specfunc-hermite.rst Hypergeometric Functions ======================== .. include:: specfunc-hyperg.rst .. _laguerre-functions: Laguerre Functions ================== .. include:: specfunc-laguerre.rst Lambert W Functions =================== .. include:: specfunc-lambert.rst Legendre Functions and Spherical Harmonics ========================================== .. include:: specfunc-legendre.rst .. Associated Legendre Functions and Spherical Harmonics .. ===================================================== .. .. include:: specfunc-alf.rst Logarithm and Related Functions =============================== .. include:: specfunc-log.rst Mathieu Functions ================= .. include:: specfunc-mathieu.rst Power Function ============== .. include:: specfunc-pow-int.rst Psi (Digamma) Function ====================== .. include:: specfunc-psi.rst Synchrotron Functions ===================== .. include:: specfunc-synchrotron.rst Transport Functions =================== .. include:: specfunc-transport.rst Trigonometric Functions ======================= .. include:: specfunc-trig.rst Zeta Functions ============== .. include:: specfunc-zeta.rst Examples ======== Example 1: Bessel function :math:`J_0` -------------------------------------- The following example demonstrates the use of the error handling form of the special functions, in this case to compute the Bessel function :math:`J_0(5.0)`, .. include:: examples/specfun_e.c :code: Here are the results of running the program, .. include:: examples/specfun_e.txt :code: The next program computes the same quantity using the natural form of the function. In this case the error term :data:`result.err` and return status are not accessible. .. include:: examples/specfun.c :code: The results of the function are the same, .. include:: examples/specfun.txt :code: Example 2: Associated Legendre Functions ---------------------------------------- The following example program outputs the spherical harmonic normalized ALF :math:`Y_2^1(\cos{\theta})` and its first and second derivatives with respect to :math:`\theta`. The analytic expressions are, .. math:: Y_2^1(\cos{\theta}) &= -\frac{1}{2} \sqrt{\frac{15}{2 \pi}} \sin{\theta} \cos{\theta} \\ \frac{d}{d\theta} Y_2^1(\cos{\theta}) &= -\frac{1}{2} \sqrt{\frac{15}{2 \pi}} \left( \cos^2{\theta} - \sin^2{\theta} \right) \\ \frac{d^2}{d\theta^2} Y_2^1(\cos{\theta}) &= 2 \sqrt{\frac{15}{2 \pi}} \sin{\theta} \cos{\theta} .. _fig_specfun2: .. figure:: /images/specfun2.png Spherical harmonic normalized ALF :math:`Y_2^1` and its first and second derivatives with respect to :math:`\theta`. The source code is given below. .. include:: examples/specfun2.c :code: References and Further Reading ============================== The library follows the conventions of the following book where possible, * Handbook of Mathematical Functions, edited by Abramowitz & Stegun, Dover, ISBN 0486612724. The following papers contain information on the algorithms used to compute the special functions, .. index:: MISCFUN * Allan J. MacLeod, MISCFUN: A software package to compute uncommon special functions. ACM Trans. Math. Soft., vol.: 22, 1996, 288--301 * Bosch, W., On the computation of derivatives of Legendre functions, Phys. Chem. Earth, 25 (9-11), pg. 655--659, 2000. * Bunck, B. F., A fast algorithm for evaluation of normalized Hermite functions, BIT Numer. Math, 49: 281-295, 2009. * B. Hofmann-Wellenhof and H. Moritz, Physical Geodesy, Springer, 2006. * G.N. Watson, A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions, 2nd Edition (Cambridge University Press, 1944). * G. Nemeth, Mathematical Approximations of Special Functions, Nova Science Publishers, ISBN 1-56072-052-2 * B.C. Carlson, Special Functions of Applied Mathematics (1977) * N. M. Temme, Special Functions: An Introduction to the Classical Functions of Mathematical Physics (1996), ISBN 978-0471113133. * W.J. Thompson, Atlas for Computing Mathematical Functions, John Wiley & Sons, New York (1997). * Y.Y. Luke, Algorithms for the Computation of Mathematical Functions, Academic Press, New York (1977). * S. A. Holmes and W. E. Featherstone, A unified approach to the Clenshaw summation and the recursive computation of very high degree and order normalised associated Legendre functions, Journal of Geodesy, 76, pg. 279-299, 2002. * D. E. Winch, D. J. Ivers, J. P. R. Turner and R. J. Stening, Geomagnetism and Schmidt quasi-normalization, Geophys. J. Int., 160, 487-504, 2005.