%% radius_templates.txt %% Created by Laurence D. Finston (LDF) Sat 02 Jul 2022 06:38:26 AM CEST %% * (1) Copyright and License. %%%% This file is part of GNU 3DLDF, a package for three-dimensional drawing. %%%% Copyright (C) 2022, 2023 The Free Software Foundation, Inc. %%%% GNU 3DLDF is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify %%%% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by %%%% the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or %%%% (at your option) any later version. %%%% GNU 3DLDF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the %%%% GNU General Public License for more details. %%%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License %%%% along with GNU 3DLDF; if not, write to the Free Software %%%% Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA %%%% GNU 3DLDF is a GNU package. %%%% It is part of the GNU Project of the %%%% Free Software Foundation %%%% and is published under the GNU General Public License. %%%% See the website http://www.gnu.org %%%% for more information. %%%% GNU 3DLDF is available for downloading from %%%% http://www.gnu.org/software/3dldf/LDF.html. %%%% Please send bug reports to Laurence.Finston@gmx.de. %%%% The mailing list help-3dldf@gnu.org is available for people to %%%% ask other users for help. %%%% The mailing list info-3dldf@gnu.org is for the maintainer of %%%% GNU 3DLDF to send announcements to users. %%%% To subscribe to these mailing lists, send an %%%% email with ``subscribe '' as the subject. %%%% The author can be contacted at: %%%% Laurence D. Finston %%%% c/o Free Software Foundation, Inc. %%%% 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor %%%% Boston, MA 02110-1301 %%%% USA %%%% Laurence.Finston@gmx.de %% * (1) \input eplain \input epsf \input colordvi \enablehyperlinks[dvipdfm] \nopagenumbers \font\small=cmr8 \font\smalltt=cmtt8 \font\normalbsy=cmbsy10 %% normal bold math symbols (10pt) \font\medium=cmr10 scaled \magstephalf \font\mediumbx=cmbx10 scaled \magstephalf \font\mediumit=cmti10 scaled \magstephalf \font\mediumtt=cmtt10 scaled \magstephalf \font\mediumbsy=cmbsy10 scaled \magstephalf %% medium bold math symbols \font\large=cmr12 \font\largebx=cmbx12 \font\largebx=cmbx12 \font\largebsy=cmbsy12 %% large bold math symbols \font\largeit=cmti12 \font\largett=cmtt12 \font\Largebx=cmbx12 scaled \magstephalf \font\huge=cmr12 scaled \magstep2 \font\hugebx=cmbx12 scaled \magstep2 \font\mediumsy=cmsy10 scaled \magstephalf \font\mediumcy=cmcyr10 scaled \magstephalf %% * (1) \footline={\hfil \folio\hfil} %% Uncomment for A4 portrait \iftrue % \iffalse \special{papersize=210mm, 297mm} \hsize=210mm \vsize=297mm \fi \advance\vsize by -2.5cm \advance\voffset by -1in \advance\voffset by 1.25cm \advance\hoffset by -1in \advance\hoffset by .5cm \parindent=0pt \newdimen\twozerosdimen \setbox0=\hbox{{\medium 00}} \twozerosdimen=\wd0 \newcount\chapctr \chapctr=0 \newcount\temppagecnt \temppagecnt=0 \newcount\sectionctr \sectionctr=0 \def\tocchapterentry#1#2#3{\line{\hbox to \twozerosdimen{\hss #2}. {\medium #1 \dotfill\ #3}}} \def\tocsectionentry#1#2#3{\setbox0=\hbox{#2}\line{\hskip3em\ifdim\wd0>0pt{#2}. \fi{\medium #1 \dotfill\ #3}}} \def\Chapter#1#2{\global\advance\chapctr by 1\sectionctr=0% \writenumberedtocentry{chapter}{\hlstart{}{bwidth=0}{#1}\Blue{#2}\hlend}{\the\chapctr}} \def\Section#1#2{\global\advance\sectionctr by 1\edef\A{\the\chapctr .\the\sectionctr}% \writenumberedtocentry{section}{\hlstart{}{bwidth=0}{#1}\Blue{#2}\hlend}{\A}} %% *** (3) \def\epsfsize#1#2{#1} %% *** (3) \headline={\hfil {\tt \timestamp}\hskip2cm} \pageno=-1 \begingroup \advance\hsize by -2.5cm \parskip=.5\baselineskip \centerline{{\largebx Radius Templates 2}} \vskip\baselineskip \small This document is part of GNU 3DLDF, a package for three-dimensional drawing. !Copyright (C) 2022, 2023 The Free Software Foundation \setbox0=\hbox{Last updated:\quad} \leavevmode\hbox to \wd0{Created:\hfil}July 2, 2022 \leavevmode\box0 July 3, 2022 GNU 3DLDF is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GNU 3DLDF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Publibfgfor more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU 3DLDF; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA See the GNU Free Documentation License for the copying conditions that apply to this document. You should have received a copy of the GNU Free Documentation License along with GNU 3DLDF; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA See the end of this document for the GNU General Public License and the GNU Free Documentation License. The mailing list {\smalltt info-3dldf@gnu.org} is for sending announcements to users. To subscribe to this mailing list, send an email with ``subscribe $\langle$email-address$\rangle$'' as the subject. The author can be contacted at: Laurence D. Finston\hfil\break c/o Free Software Foundation, Inc.\hfil\break 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor \hfil\break Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA\hfil\break {\smalltt Laurence.Finston@gmx.de} \vskip\baselineskip \centerline{{\largebx Table of Contents}} \advance\baselineskip by 2pt %\advance\parskip by 2pt \readtocfile \vskip1.5\baselineskip \endgroup \vfil\eject %% * (1) \headline={\hfil{Radius Templates}\hfil\llap{{\tt \timestamp}\hskip2cm}} \pageno=1 %% ** (2) Concave %% *** (3) Section 1 \vbox to \vsize{\hldest{xyz}{}{concave}\vskip.125cm \Chapter{concave}{Concave} \centerline{{\largebx Concave}} \vskip.25cm \hldest{xyz}{}{concavesectionone}\vskip.125cm \Section{concavesectionone}{Section 1} \centerline{{\largebx Section 1}} \vskip.75cm \hbox{\epsffile{radius_templates001.eps}\hskip.333cm\epsffile{radius_templates002.eps}\hss}\vss} \vfil\eject \vbox to \vsize{\vskip.125cm \vskip.75cm \hbox{\epsffile{radius_templates003.eps}\hskip.333cm\epsffile{radius_templates004.eps}\hss}\vss} \vfil\eject \vbox to \vsize{\vskip.125cm \vskip.75cm \hbox{\epsffile{radius_templates005.eps}\hskip.333cm\epsffile{radius_templates006.eps}\hss}\vss} \vfil\eject \vbox to \vsize{\vskip.125cm \vskip.75cm \hbox{\epsffile{radius_templates007.eps}\hskip.333cm\epsffile{radius_templates008.eps}\hss}\vss} \vfil\eject %% *** (3) Section 2 \vbox to \vsize{\hldest{xyz}{}{concavesectiontwo}\vskip.125cm \Section{concavesectiontwo}{Section 2} \centerline{{\largebx Section 2}} \vskip.75cm \hbox{\epsffile{radius_templates101.eps}\hskip2cm\epsffile{radius_templates102.eps}\hss}\vss} \vfil\eject \vbox to \vsize{\vskip.125cm \vskip.75cm \hbox{\epsffile{radius_templates103.eps}\hskip2cm\epsffile{radius_templates104.eps}\hss}\vss} \vfil\eject \vbox to \vsize{\vskip.125cm \vskip.75cm \hbox{\epsffile{radius_templates105.eps}\hskip1.5cm\epsffile{radius_templates106.eps}\hss}\vss} \vfil\eject \vbox to \vsize{\vskip.125cm \vskip.75cm \hbox{\epsffile{radius_templates107.eps}\hskip.5cm\epsffile{radius_templates108.eps}\hss}\vss} \vfil\eject %% ** (2) Convex %% *** (3) Section 1 \newskip\convexskip \convexskip=0pt \vbox to \vsize{\hldest{xyz}{}{convex}\vskip\convexskip \Chapter{convex}{Convex} \centerline{{\largebx Convex}} \vskip.25cm \hldest{xyz}{}{convexsectionone}\vskip\convexskip \Section{convexsectionone}{Section 1} \centerline{{\largebx Section 1}} \vskip.75cm \hbox{\epsffile{radius_templates201.eps}\hskip.333cm\epsffile{radius_templates202.eps}\hss}\vss} \vfil\eject \vbox to \vsize{\vskip\convexskip \vskip.75cm \hbox{\epsffile{radius_templates203.eps}\hskip.333cm\epsffile{radius_templates204.eps}\hss}\vss} \vfil\eject \vbox to \vsize{\vskip\convexskip \vskip.75cm \hbox{\epsffile{radius_templates205.eps}\hskip.333cm\epsffile{radius_templates206.eps}\hss}\vss} \vfil\eject \vbox to \vsize{\vskip\convexskip \vskip.75cm \hbox{\epsffile{radius_templates207.eps}\hskip.333cm\epsffile{radius_templates208.eps}\hss}\vss} \vfil\eject %% *** (3) Section 2 \vbox to \vsize{\hldest{xyz}{}{convexsectiontwo}\vskip\convexskip \Section{convexsectiontwo}{Section 2} \centerline{{\largebx Section 2}} \vskip.75cm \hbox{\epsffile{radius_templates301.eps}\hskip2cm\epsffile{radius_templates302.eps}\hss}\vss} \vfil\eject \vbox to \vsize{\vskip\convexskip \vskip.75cm \hbox{\epsffile{radius_templates303.eps}\hskip2cm\epsffile{radius_templates304.eps}\hss}\vss} \vfil\eject \vbox to \vsize{\vskip\convexskip \vskip.75cm \hbox{\epsffile{radius_templates305.eps}\hskip1.5cm\epsffile{radius_templates306.eps}\hss}\vss} \vfil\eject \vbox to \vsize{\vskip\convexskip \vskip.75cm \hbox{\epsffile{radius_templates307.eps}\hskip.5cm\epsffile{radius_templates308.eps}\hss}\vss} \vfil\eject %% *** (3) End here \bye %% ** (2) %% * (1) Local variables for Emacs. %% Local Variables: %% mode:TeX %% eval:(outline-minor-mode t) %% eval:(read-abbrev-file abbrev-file-name) %% abbrev-mode:t %% outline-regexp:"%% [*\f]+" %% auto-fill-function:nil %% End: