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3.2 Latest unreleased development changes

Choose the development version if you want to live on the bleeding edge of Muse development or try out new features before release.

The git version control system allows you to keep up-to-date with the latest changes to the development version of Muse. It also allows you to contribute changes (via commits, if you are have developer access to the repository, or via patches, otherwise). If you would like to contribute to Muse development, it is highly recommended that you use git.

If you are new to git, you might find this tutorial helpful:

Downloading the Muse module with git and staying up-to-date involves the following steps.

  1. Install git.
  2. Download the Muse development branch.

    If you have developer access to Muse, do:

              git clone ssh:// muse

    otherwise, do:

              git clone git:// muse

    If you are behind a restrictive firewall, and do not have developer access, then do the following instead:

              git clone muse
  3. List upstream changes that are missing from your local copy. Do this whenever you want to see whether new changes have been committed to Muse. If you wish, you may skip this step and proceed directly to the “update” step.
              # Change to the source directory you are interested in.
              cd muse
              # Fetch new changes from the repository, but don't apply them yet
              git fetch origin
              # Display log messages for the new changes
              git log HEAD..origin

    “origin” is git's name for the location where you originally got Muse from. You can change this location at any time by editing the .git/config file in the directory where the Muse source was placed.

  4. Update to the latest version by pulling in any missing changes.
              cd muse
              git pull origin

    git will show how many files changed, and will provide a visual display for how many lines were changed in each file.

There are other ways to interact with the Muse repository.

The latest development snapshot can lag behind the git repo by as much as 20 minutes, but never more than that.

Becoming a Muse developer

If you want commit access to the shared Muse repository, then register an account at (be sure to add an SSH key), and contact the current maintainer at It would be best to send some patches to the mailing list first, so that he knows that you know what you are doing. See Getting Help and Reporting Bugs, for instructions on subscribing to the mailing list.

You must also be willing to sign a copyright assignment for your changes to Muse, since Muse is a GNU project. The current maintainer will assist you in this process if you contact him.

For information on committing changes to Muse and performing development, please consult