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It is possible to emit GDB/MI notifications from Python. Use the gdb.notify_mi function to do that.

Function: gdb.notify_mi (name [, data])

Emit a GDB/MI asynchronous notification. name is the name of the notification, consisting of alphanumeric characters and a hyphen (-). data is any additional data to be emitted with the notification, passed as a Python dictionary. This argument is optional. The dictionary is converted to a GDB/MI result records (see GDB/MI Output Syntax) the same way as result of Python MI command (see GDB/MI Commands In Python).

If data is None then no additional values are emitted.

While using existing notification names (see GDB/MI Async Records) with gdb.notify_mi is allowed, users are encouraged to prefix user-defined notification with a hyphen (-) to avoid possible conflict. GDB will never introduce notification starting with hyphen.

Here is how to emit =-connection-removed whenever a connection to remote GDB server is closed (see Connections In Python):

def notify_connection_removed(event):
    data = {"id": event.connection.num, "type": event.connection.type}
    gdb.notify_mi("-connection-removed", data)

Then, each time a connection is closed, there will be a notification on MI channel:
