5.24 Diffs with only the foreground

Buffers that show differences between versions of a file or buffer, such as in diff-mode and ediff always use color-coded background and foreground combinations.

Option for diff buffer looks.

User may, however, prefer a style that removes the color-coded backgrounds from regular changes while keeping them for word-wise (aka “refined”) changes—backgrounds for word-wise diffs are helpful in context. To make this happen, one can use the modus-themes-with-colors macro (Face specs at scale using the themes’ palette):

(defun my-modus-themes-custom-faces ()
     `(modus-themes-diff-added ((,class :background unspecified :foreground ,green))) ; OR ,blue for deuteranopia
     `(modus-themes-diff-changed ((,class :background unspecified :foreground ,yellow)))
     `(modus-themes-diff-removed ((,class :background unspecified :foreground ,red)))

     `(modus-themes-diff-refine-added ((,class :background ,bg-diff-added :foreground ,fg-diff-added)))
     ;; `(modus-themes-diff-refine-added ((,class :background ,bg-diff-added-deuteran :foreground ,fg-diff-added-deuteran)))
     `(modus-themes-diff-refine-changed ((,class :background ,bg-diff-changed :foreground ,fg-diff-changed)))
     `(modus-themes-diff-refine-removed ((,class :background ,bg-diff-removed :foreground ,fg-diff-removed)))

     `(modus-themes-diff-focus-added ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,green))) ; OR ,blue for deuteranopia
     `(modus-themes-diff-focus-changed ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,yellow)))
     `(modus-themes-diff-focus-removed ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,red)))

     `(modus-themes-diff-heading ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-main)))

     `(diff-indicator-added ((,class :foreground ,green))) ; OR ,blue for deuteranopia
     `(diff-indicator-changed ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
     `(diff-indicator-removed ((,class :foreground ,red)))

     `(magit-diff-added ((,class :background unspecified :foreground ,green-faint)))
     `(magit-diff-changed ((,class :background unspecified :foreground ,yellow-faint)))
     `(magit-diff-removed ((,class :background unspecified :foreground ,red-faint)))
     `(magit-diff-context-highlight ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-dim))))))

;; This is so that the changes persist when switching between
;; `modus-operandi' and `modus-vivendi'.
(add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-modus-themes-custom-faces)

This used to be an optional style of modus-themes-diffs, but has been removed since version ‘2.0.0’ to ensure that the accessibility standard and aesthetic quality of the themes is not compromised.