4.15 Option for language checkers

Brief: Control the style of in-buffer warnings and errors produced by spell checkers, code linters, and the like.

Symbol: modus-themes-lang-checkers (‘choice’ type, list of properties)

Possible values are expressed as a list of properties (default is nil or an empty list). The list can include any of the following symbols:

The default (a nil value or an empty list) applies a color-coded underline to the affected text, while it leaves the original foreground intact. If the display spec of Emacs has support for it, the underline’s style is that of a wave, otherwise it is a straight line.

The property straight-underline ensures that the underline under the affected text is always drawn as a straight line.

The property text-also applies the same color of the underline to the affected text.

The property background adds a color-coded background.

The property intense amplifies the applicable colors if background and/or text-also are set. If intense is set on its own, then it implies text-also.

The property faint uses nuanced colors for the underline and for the foreground when text-also is included. If both faint and intense are specified, the former takes precedence.

Combinations of any of those properties can be expressed in a list, as in those examples:

(straight-underline intense)
(background text-also straight-underline)

The order in which the properties are set is not significant.

In user configuration files the form may look like this:

(setq modus-themes-lang-checkers '(text-also background))

NOTE: The placement of the straight underline, though not the wave style, is controlled by the built-in variables underline-minimum-offset, x-underline-at-descent-line, x-use-underline-position-properties.

To disable fringe indicators for Flymake or Flycheck, refer to variables flymake-fringe-indicator-position and flycheck-indication-mode, respectively.