8 Default Key Bindings

Here is a summary of the available key bindings.

C-c =      reftex-toc
C-c -      reftex-toc-recenter
C-c (      reftex-label
C-c )      reftex-reference
C-c [      reftex-citation
C-c &      reftex-view-crossref
S-mouse-2  reftex-mouse-view-crossref
C-c /      reftex-index-selection-or-word
C-c \      reftex-index-phrase-selection-or-word
C-c |      reftex-index-visit-phrases-buffer
C-c <      reftex-index
C-c >      reftex-display-index

Note that the S-mouse-2 binding is only provided if this key is not already used by some other package. RefTeX will not override an existing binding to S-mouse-2.

Personally, I also bind some functions in the users C-c map for easier access.

C-c t    reftex-toc
C-c l    reftex-label
C-c r    reftex-reference
C-c c    reftex-citation
C-c v    reftex-view-crossref
C-c s    reftex-search-document
C-c g    reftex-grep-document

These keys are reserved for the user, so I cannot bind them by default. If you want to have these key bindings available, set in your .emacs file:

(setq reftex-extra-bindings t)

Note that this variable has to be set before RefTeX is loaded to have an effect.

Changing and adding to RefTeX’s key bindings is best done using with-eval-after-load. For information on the keymaps which should be used to add keys, see Keymaps and Hooks.