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4.3.1 Overall database configuration

The overall database options are controlled by settings in the database-info section of the ‘dbconfig’ file. The following is the general format of this section:

database-info {

The following options and values may be used in the database-info section:

debug-mode  true | false

If set to true, the database is placed into debug mode. This causes all outgoing email to be sent to the gnats-admin user listed in the ‘responsible’ file of the database. The default value is false.

keep-all-received-headers  true | false

If set to true, all of the Received: headers for PRs submitted via email are kept in the PR. Otherwise, only the first one is kept. The default value is false.

notify-about-expired-prs  true | false

If set to true, notification email about expired PRs is sent via the at-pr command. Otherwise, required times for PR fixes are not used. The default value is false.

send-submitter-ack  true | false

When new PRs are submitted to the database, an acknowledgment email will be sent to the submitter of send-submitter-ack is set to true. This is in addition to the normal notification mail to the person(s) responsible for the new PR. The default value is false.

libexecdir  "directory"

Specifies the directory where the GNATS administrative executables are located. In particular, at-pr and mail-pr are invoked from this directory. The default value is the empty string, which is unlikely to be useful.

business-day-hours  day-start - day-end

Used to specify the hours that define a business day. The values are inclusive and should be given in 24-hour format, with a dash separating them. GNATS uses these values to determine whether the required completion time for a PR has passed. The default values are 8 for day-start and 17 for day-end.

business-week-days  week-start - week-end

Specifies the start and ending days of the business week, where 0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday, etc. The days are inclusive, and the values should be given with a dash separating them. GNATS uses these values to determine whether the required completion time for a PR has passed. The default values are 1 for week-start and 5 for week-end.

create-category-dirs  true | false

If set to true, database directories for categories are automatically created as needed. Otherwise, they must be created manually (usually with the mkcat script). It is recommended that the default value of true be kept.

category-dir-perms  mode

Standard octal mode-specification specifying the permissions to be set on auto-created category directories. Default is 0750, yielding user read, write and execute, and group read and execute. Note that if you have local users on the GNATS server itself, running for instance query-pr, you may need to change the permissions to 0755.

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This document was generated by Chad Walstrom on March 3, 2015 using texi2html 1.82.